) i cpatt, and to the aftoniihment of the'carrier, feemed to know the roads better than him though he had li ved in the country many years. The party entered Margate on Tuefday afternoon foon after day light had expired. They defired to be conduced not to QJie.ifebcftJnB8buttu. fome. fmall public houfe. They were accordingly taken to the King's Head, clofe to the water 'fide, kept by a Mrs. Crickets. Here ey took up their abode on Tuefday night, and made fome enqnirie about a tithing boat going to lTancc, - but the refolt not being try favourable to their views, they rcfolvcd to go to Deal next day, -where there was a friend upon whom they could rely for providing them with. a conveyance to Franee.--Of this Binns' allured them, and be feemed to be the guide in all r- refpe&i. 0;i TiicfJay nigbtrthy flept pt Margate, with the detertninatiou of letting off for Deal next .'morning, . '-. . - - -,-, Rever and Fiigiom, two' of the Bbw-ftrect officers, were the pevfons appointed by government to appre hend them. It is pretended that' thefe officers went down in Kent, at G.rivefend on "other bufmtft : but H'C believe they were feu t from Loudon efpeeially on this buinieffi, an(f tKat . government had gowl'wricHf , fcence of the proceedings of the parties now in cuftody When the Bw Mreet ofiLers found their men hal piffed Grave fend, they Followed them, delirous that ....they fhould nrlt.cOmmit thcmfelves with regard to their defign of going to France before they were ap "prehende I, and at the fame tt-me? the officers-were pre pared with a vctfel to follow and feize them had they rmbarked. It w.as tt.o't that the parties had fuffi: with re gard to their 'place of .detlination, and it was feared they would take a veffct under pretence of going to 443cal, Dover, or fome other part of the coattj and ,whcn tlKv had it at. fea, compel -the '..crew to tarry t'i;mxto France; Tltffe reafons made the officers rc f live tiKcize them at Margate; they faw that they" Might efcarpe to the continent without embarking for that country ,arid they faw no profpecl: of having bet ,tta-jija6fgaitiJl.-crn than they mere tictualfy podel-. terous correfpondence between Ireland and France, and England and France, fuch' bs afforances and de clarations of-the various focictiei and4ndividuakwiL would be. improper to relate here all we have heard refpeftine the papers. They at reprefented as of the utmoft importance, and likely .to difclofe the moil intercflingfa&s. In the pockefof" a"grcarcoar harrg ing in the room where Fevey was taken, a declaration or addiefs to the directory was found. This paper it is faid proves the correfpoadeuc.. of the patties ith the D.ircclory.ri. l. - ,; Fevey difowns yie pdpef, itii denies that the coal belongs to him: but the officers fay, the coat muftbir his a3 it Is powdered on the necki and he is the dnly pei fon of the 5 who wore powder; It feems he did not wear powder -till he fet off dn his journey. . The paper; It is faid, purports Uy bh additfs, frOtri the Executive Directory of Britain ( constituted of mem -bers of the London cofrefpbnding focicty) to the Ex ecutive Dlrecioiy of France; Hating that a delegate, from each divifiou were, then fitting, and that the bearer was the worthy citizen who had the honor or waiting oh them oiice before. . ... ... ... -mm. led ot wit rr-Inef.tHo tlitir obtcct or eoinir to I ranee. The officer,' therefore, refolved to feize them next mo:. ii ing."'- On Tuefdaynght they got hold ot . the carte: and drew from him nrery information poflible. , At firft he waif -not at all cotrWu.ticative, the parties having, 'cautioned It tin to be rilentrefpecling whatever he ni'ihf .obfeivf ; but ueiiiir Urtreuhy the officers, he told all he knew. On Vedneldav mnrninabout k o'chvek," the Bow ft tet officers proceeded to the KitigVheaat Mar gate, to art eft tite parties. . . Thfc officer hachoi evi oullv coululted lome tultom home orhcer?, wtioa mey jngag'ed in their CauXe, . together with .a party of ttas --tflitary. FeveV was in -the dai lo'jr at brcakfait, They hov n ced in imn h i m by fm pn'e li in u s'" ffCy".i ppre -' ended coming down flair?, and O'Connor and Ltaiy they took-in their '.bedroom?. On 1)1 '" were found a pair of pit'. els, und all the others were provided with arms-- -r .. ----- ,, .., . . lV6mTevcyVprt) fer'pentinc fliaprd dagger. As the parties, were, taktn feparately, they ',-wcre . cafily fecured. ' -l'evey -l'uhinit-ted quietly, but O Conner ttorirttd much, iieforc i he proper meafures were taken at Marpate, -for fecur ing their luggage, papers, the wifneif:"S,&Ci it waa ju'ne oi'clpck on Weduefday, wh;rt all the parties de parted under a-military cfcnrt for Canterbury. As they, travelled (lowly, it was too late when they arri vtd in Canterburyto hope to re;ith London tht fame ( day in any feafonable time fur bufmeli?." ' - 1 hey thercfarsj-eiolved to retn;Ma all night at the- lied Lion, Several military officers, amons; others l ord Paget, came tr fe the pTifojiers. Fevcy was lhouir.h Ttfervcd. bat O'l onrtor and Iinn4 were, 5erv -.-warm andindignant, fpeaking in language de ''iirnedly' offenSve tolhcir vihtoVs.. . Tfiey. remained 'Oft r .un and a military guard in the inn. Early -yefter- day :.rnL,rJ1,no they de pafted from Cantertni'-y, and ar- snrxrrhcrpB:.wi Rrc'rt,"' tutder a, g'Jj of . light horfe, about half pa!t 3 o'clock. They came in three poll chaifcs, lie fides a puff concTi with the Jiif;ff.agjtJiiLiQiTifi:of ,t h-e ' wit rx-fleik andjihe efcort con fl .led of 12 horfemen." 'It .was . nt-.ihe-iiours- of boll-" jjjefaat the public office, I3oWl feet, when they arrived; lut'Mr King, fecretary to tha T.)uk of Portland, -fir. Fjrd;, and other .maglltratCs, were irritant"!)' -af- 1 .1 - t- nr c.l, octyjre whom they uiiuerwcnt a liiglit exaint- in.-;--r' - -.' - .. ...... . '. From the firfl of their nrtrf, Feycy- faid he went , 1.- v 1 it r 1 ' r 1 . t. - 1 r 1- r ii )wn TOtrie coan-ror itf neaitn, ana was oenrons or F A Y E T T E V I L L L. Ma V 42; : The following motion has beta made in the Senate of the Un.itedjStates ' RelOlved that a cominittte bt appointed to conftdtt whethet any ahd what provt lion ought to he made by law, for removing from the country tf the .United States, filch Alieni Sara,, not e.ntit ed h the con:iKution ami laws thcreoT, to ine-H rights ot.citt.eiifhip, as' nwy,' H'e 'danger dus to its peace atl'df'lafcty'-ahd .pr6ytabg---for.-Jrtturn-to be made o-r :11 aliens that iha!l be landed fron arly veffel that Hull rrrivc in any ot the ports of the United States and tfiat'peTrrvits be giantcd" to iuch as; hall be fufl'ercd to reiide therein-i-and to report by bill or othcrvvife.J, STATE of N. CAROLINA, 1 " ; Fayetteville Diltrid,J- -- .----w : . ., Supakr Court y 4p6l Term, 179. TH E G rarid J ttry torlTtelDallrlcJ IfoTHaTdTleTiI . oufly and i'enfibly fetlitig the ptefent alarming fituatmii of the United States, conceive themfelves impelled to declare thus publicly and oh this i octafiort ithaMhey ?u!iy approve of the energetic ineafiires pur . Jued by U nended to C it) g re fs to : be ad S p t td i""a t this imput tan t and perilous period ; tlpedally when the people of the United States are openly menaced with the -diitful ef ie'ts and calamities of war--tt war in their opinion tully uncJt'pcC:t!'d, be:aufe unprovoked and Unjultiti !.le on any rational atjjtwAlltt gt-ourtd; V They farther ilffitk pPripet LQ .dccl.ire their entire pprobation of "the eonJud ;f -WitL.i-.tM ,B. (iaoVt, isjTnTT rt tTctr-Rrf turexpf A "rn"cHcar"jnilic'ui'tTy for his pcrtevcring, fleaclj-Xand ."un iform fuppprt to the F.xtcutive for hm tirmn.-is cHid moderation in affording that frlpport, and -for his independent and coiiilarit -detention to til- in-- trersfatety J hey alio om ehalt ot iheniJeh'co (and they have rcafon to believe tKto be the gen)iiJ aud tittdilguifed CcKtifrientS cf the inhabitants oLtluV diiiricV from whenjEC they arc drawn together) think it their duty to fay," .that aJtivii'lv.thrjVrprecatc the confeqiteuccs inevitably ori'nating from yar ; that although they conceive, it to be ""the. univerfalvi!iand ardent defire of the people of America to be at peace with all the world- and. to rcmai! perftufily iietitral dtning ihe .Tjrefcntexifting wars anUdiflenttot s nv Europe- Yet implicitly rely ing on the wifdom virtueV moieration and fortitude, and having Entire t'ontidencXin the" fi delity, pattiVrifm and independent fpirit of the differ- cut otnxers employed in the aaininutratiou or inc te veral hrarches of the federal gov e r f i m e t t heyw-ilT Wt ail tirtieS be-ready to fuppprt ay tietiensin teltalf fhwii-aU-.niiTKt'.M prtfoncn 'a,n.i.rfUItr4;i.in f lif fame. Yit that fitrr nnrl hpp'y-' fovernrntiif . titlder wofe mtKK laws and bene fuch ample and ACKSON, SAMUEL MUKL-EY, R, L STEELE, Win. MARflNr ..For and with the unanimous con fent of the rejl of the Grand jury. J13tW. - ... . agoing to Ireland in a ywlel. ' O Con.nor.and. rmins re- never be countenanceu "r,...,,:,"r:,.-.:r rf.)Teij'. to"anCpany"''b;tt1llitt' and' in the crtnduci i niay loufc to jealoufy, iihi-y reippcvHJrlillcit'fcfotV'ihe aHifafe M r-i-part iesJ-oa'-thc.. otlisr. MeiTrs Printers, J ' POLrriCA Lias well as religious opjnionsr (hoirld bv as free as the air-we breathe, and private friendOiip, with liberal nttdsy will rem be dellroj'ed by a ditierencij of opinion, tuber on political or religi ous fentiments. Attempts to ftifle, by undue influei)c, the "important right of difcuffing thofefubjecls, Ihould i tor while oriithe one harrd it and be the means of creeling hand it fcldom is the caufe of i ) 'Connor avowed who he was, .and Binns was ealily ; much real good, however -meritorioiis the tnotrves may 5 .'.dentilied,. On.Ueing takeNi tjiey owned fuch trunki f be, and to which the objefts may tend. : " bi contained cloaths, and, fuch packages' as contained. , I wasTeci to the abave remark's," upon obferving in : jvcO v iifiutLsv J).u th. .nail mahogany boxes, faiiV.to Iwvtf been W'thar .-gof. - .or trie jifl6'f Fay et'teviJ'ie, had bees received, ap-" XffiiMts. . . : V j probating the mcafures of thft Executive of the Unit- rKefc bo5?cs were uncommonly heavy ; made fo, it f ed States and pf our Reprefehtativc in Congtefs.- I jwi) tuppoleil," tor the purpote ot tinktng, itad-tuc -'-vuvTel in' whjcl'i they were been feized. bj any Engliih . : fhip of war; Thefe boxes had not bc,eu7opeis.atx o'clock larVnicht, the. contents of thetrKare firll to be t vaiiiintd by the ' Pi ivy Council. It is reported hut tiiey cciiraiit .many important papers refptainga trai- am an approver of the pacific meftfurcs of the Execu tive, and aUt ot. yie conauit ot our Keprelentative ; but at the fame ttme I cannot admit, that the objects ot a Grand Jurywere ever .intended for the purpote of ;expreffi ig Apolitical opinionsefpecially-that1 they the people within the diftri& wfthout a.delegation' of thi3 power from the people for the purpofc aiforc--faid, the aft iult be a nuUity, andjs in fact au ufur pation. ' f .,'.:.'"''..".:. . While -I -would pay great defctence to the private opinion iof gtntlemen who cornpofe" Grand Juijtes I ulHii-tWs4rance-bcl4vchat-thcyJiaeiJinai ently exceeded the bounds for which they wtrt ap pointed. 1 can fafely-iay that I have never delegated any of thofe gentlemen to'exprefa my political lenti rhents r although 'W happ "yet jf hiay be p Where power is not delegated, it Ihould not be aifutn- ed. . "'T"" ; civ i s.- ' . . ' V. . 'I ' (J-The Inhabitaitts of Fayetteville, Hre ; requeued to meet at the Town . Houfe this afternoon, at four clock, to receive the report of the School Committee :' F. R A BINE A U, L I AI N E R, LAST I'ROM WILMINGTON, RESPECTFULLY informs the. Ladies and Gen ifllemejijof the town of Fayetteville and its vici nity, that he hanTa7n7oriAfift vvhodelireto employ him.He paints in Miniature, Cnyon, &c 'Sec. Haif work with natnral or dilTolv ed hair ; Mohrnihg pieeeis for Bracelets ; Bteaft Pihsi or Ring?, emblematical to the with and deliie of thofc Ladia and Gentlemen who will plcafc to en ploy him. They will be. waited upon punaually oh application. Mr. Rabineau ViH take a Young Gehtleaianor tht purpofc of teaching him in the above, art, during his (lay, "providtd he is of a natural genms. " i ; . p R i Tat T s Z"le; T -riE tubfertber bffers tor fale, a certain Plantati-' " X tiou or Tract of Land fitua'te in Chatham coun ty, of) MeadowXreck, the waters o Rockey River, eontdiuwgafipp.acfesj..be the' ft trie" more oTlefsimo: of it good tobacco land. On the prcmifes are a good fquarc log dwelling houfe with a (hed; a good ki'tcheti, wt-lWtinim bvuidingsz" garden paled ; two'thTiving young app! ' and peach orchards, befides a variety of other fruit trees Jabout too acres' of cleared land all Under good fence, -c,o acres of it lately cleared ; it lies on the public road that leads from Hillfcorough to An fon court houfe ? -it is a good place for a tlore orta.; vent j about two miles from Wilcock's iron wmjis -.. Cafh and likely young Negrbes will be taken irrpny mcnt, and a reafonable credit will be given for'part. Tor'furthcr information, apply to the fu'ufcriber,- &c." HENRY BAG LEY. ' u t- . it Chathatrt coCrty, April 30. . t F 01; S A L E," Sj.vVvERA.t..Tiar?t8"of-Land-in Mc-re ctiur'ty, DeepRivera;id its ware one of the above trads has a plantation with .fuJSueiit "cleared land,, to work to advantage fix or eight hands. Any pcrfon Aflljng to purchafe. may know, the terms by applying .Vo-nie in Fayettevtirej or to. Captain M4 Reynolds near the premifes, who will how the lands. '. ' . : rnoM s qverton. . - UNI V E R ST T Y. N U 1 iCil, 1 will siva a generous price iu cafh, for hauling S H E LLS from'Tayetfe'vTlie to this place. Apply to Mr. Robert Donaldfon, mer chant, or Mr Charles Carrol, both of FavettcvilltV or to the fubferiber on the premifes. May 7. SAMUEL H0PK1MS. Metfrs. Hodge & Boy lan Kti requeltcd to inform- the public, that fome" " t i m e i n A ugu ft -170 6, I fent fofward to Geo. Ogg, Efquire, of Fayettcyille, five Land Warrants in the name of-Robert "Cochran, numbered and located as follows-, (viz. ) Robert ' Cochran, 640 acres,. No, IXK. ioininp" Ifaac lonp l.inrt nn W.A -'-,rA, ir; .. v. j j 1 j 1 uuunaio o AOlVy ISo. J ..unifold blcffinn.- ' J"y.l IbrmCT entrjr r the wit m&nt ba ( juiintig ins iormer entry ; and io. 1502, joimirjT hla totttat ettjT. anA No. 1 503 , "joining laid vvarraTir his former entry, anJwhicl cd no land to be found the abovemcntioned war rants havecen loft or miflaid fo as not. to get to Mr. OggrandTdiold myfclf accountablcTor. the. fame- ; The fccretaryXis therefore directed, not to iflue grants for any lands Vatever on faid warrants; mould therv be brought forward for that purpofe' without legal au thority ; alfo the treafurer is direfted riot to receive faid warrants in lien of the purchafe monty, - fl.oi j d : they beprefented for" that, pufpofg withont legal at-- t h 0 ri ty . S h ouW fa idTwar ran t-s come to t he kiiowled' .c of eithcrepartmcnt,irftalleftc vour tobc intormed of it hv the firlt opporti);iit7 QWPEN;SINGLETAin ni.ADP.v, March 31 '', D. SarvryotBt C, ' R A N -AW A Y . . "'' 0N:lbo.jdApal,"sfi,o;m.e (ubferiber, -Hv'uig on ' Rockfifh, Cumbirrland emmty, a i)ert) gh' named LUCY, between- 19 and 20 years of age--of a middling dark complexion and (lender b'uilt. -the wore a whit,e hat with green underneath. It in ex pected flie is either lurking about the town of Fayette,, or aiming for Wilmington. -A gctierOUsrtvaroT will be giyin to any pcrfort apprehending faid g"id, fo tliat the owner may get Ther-agam7 -t --;-! . - 1 r : , . 1 1. ihould .be lfidered as fcutuncftts of all- j .'Cumberland May 12. ' DANJE .'NEILL a XV - - '"tjr . . f a. -t':", ' ' : ';'. ';-' ,'-; : .. :": " J- V-r"''' r!::-f . -.. , - , r l . -,; - :- :t.l. "-Ii.f"-T rt LM-I "ITl'' JjjLjWWT"TWlxWnTrTtlllMarirTMM-BMMMJJMMIfc fin11TrillnMWWMWirJ' i