; .. f- . ' : 'r- ' ' ., ;- ' -rz:Li i Y; n if r ; ;' mm wherethey We Airt&ei to fenl4l!prBMoIaf3.not being worth fending to France, artdJipe&iihg to get much more valuable veffels, he difmiffed Capt. Bulkly." In addition to the above, feveral privateers from Guadaloupe, Porto Rico and St.- Domingo, are known to be now upon the coaft, one of, which has Kid the audacity to make a plundering dtfeent upon Edido Ifland, another to capture veffels off Sandy Hook, Sud a third to purfue her piracies ten mile within the C ipes of D. la vare. It they have hither to fuffered -Ou.Lf.?!?-Ln-K.Tart.0''P'a''s without an em brace, 4t-nvu It-have been" bccafelieptlvTiSTits. fallen within ..thejraw'srwaootJl:.wprth.ie-fKling.io' French ports " Our citizens will therefore do well to attend- to the danger, in which they are in this" re fpedl really expofvd. They will call to mind that the unreftratned rapacity pf .jthefc1 modern bucaneers is en couraged and prote&ed by a fct of decrees, calculated for ad circumftances and fituations in which our pro perty cahbefoiind at fea, and a- effectual to enfui'e its condemnation a3 if general letters of uiaique and le prifal wer& in a&uai-epet-atteitr- - . 'June 12, NO QTJAK I'ERS ! "ExiraBTf a Liter from a gentleman inTNew Tori , to the editor, dated June 9. t nir. irrii tile rAti-kFi n if qMfii ii?sit t KM vuvi'm. j 'u i iiiis w 01 liuiVf Will. i m uari days 1 fa her Mr. NfirfhaD would take his' p'flage if he ould get there in time, he having Jn ie Mi. Fciiwick to know if he could get a paffaeto mtrica. . Tt.e fhip Nelly arid Kitty . of -this port, is carried into a (mall port near Bayonne, fid to be fent iu for having fome papers thrown ovefbiard. -''"' . CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Ihvrfday, June 7. .. " !!i?a'y tne Houfe of Rtpreferitatives was chiefly to the bill making appioprtif ions for the military tf ublifliount r-the-yrar-iyaS; -Thcfcendmems" went to reduce a numk r ot fptcific appropriations to one general appropriation, and to ncteafe the appro priation fu the quarter-malUr department 74,000 dollars. They were agreed to. The quellion was taken by yeas and nays on both propoiitions toge ihtr, and carried 46 to 34. The bill tor regulating the coitipenfation r of ' officei'splontTTicTlrg t the internal revenues of the United Startv. The.trotidn for a referercrt the crirrritfre for the pronation of cttrirtue ti d tie titlti ct rf the ci-ui.hy. being iitfcatiut, Mr. &itjirvti n. d to pollpi t-e tht Uithtr cFi firfrati n t i YikyiTtiiin n$ fur one week Mi . J. hh P...Jft. niov.d two w ti Ls. The mQtioMH-tJb(eJUUtL4t,.i fu ion 4 this moment rrct ived." " Capt.. Qviinton of the brig Prudent, from t. John's New lie umfvick, was taken and his Vtflki burnt in the afternoon of the flh inltant, abJut t tn leagues to the S..- S. E. ot the Honk. Cait, Qjm "ton "Tutor msTlhVt a"t"3clncTc" tht- fame day, the liii tiflt brig Eail M ira, was engaged with a Fiench pi i" vateei', and tiicil twenty guns, when the privat'er Itocw off to the fonthward and the brigl puifued. The. cap tain of the Fiench privateer informed Capt. Qjjiutojr: tiiat hrs Lliri?cIlJ3I?!I.ci?i,jy. America:! ari.ed.Vcf- fel made rt fi'.lance', to give them no quarters V - ' I am of opinion that the priv ;.teer has not efcap,. ed. from the 1 ircu nltance of the Earl Moiru being t faft fuilar." dppointmsrJslyl'thorUy. Chriopber Raymond' Ptny. f- Rliode-IflAnd, and Richard Valentine Morris, of New-Yoik," to 'bi captains in. the navy. William Put tic, -of Virp-inia ftcond Surgcons matt of the United States frigate." -(;xage A-n-)j ht, of-New Tef fy-rwg&fr-MTHtte--ef- th e fii pD el r w a re . Some gtntltmen wlio c.jrre pbfiengcrs In, the mai" flage. repoit hat a .vellel arriveo at New-York fron Ek! land, "after the doling of the mail, withaccounis to May I. , , . At a rcfptSitih meeting of merchants at the City Tavern, - on -Monday - June I I , I 798 . -- " . -George Liitimer ifrttrrCliair. . Jfcfoltcd,, That .'a com mittee.be appoited to rcceivr fub.fcriptior.s.. for the purpofe or buildinir ,ind ,i quip puigrt tt I'.ips, not exceed ttv five hunired t on s eat h, to he. I.iantd t the g ivernmert nf the United Sta'e. - Rcfo!ved Thar Jofcph ntl ony, DjVid C ryngi'am, Uaniil Smith, -James Crawfoid, J fepl bmilh, :t - - .. - ... . Feua7m5v!tte - Refolded t '"."FTiat as foon sts 40 coo dnlldrs are-fno" ftr'.hcd. the it mmittee fh dl cdll. thcfuTy'ciihers togc-: thir for the ptr pole of tidu'i'jp the nettffny m afurcb f Jr cotiipltaiiog the olijtcl of the f.ih'Vripii p. ...... . - JOHN' DO NN A LD.iON. vVe are happy to accq raititour readers tlint upw ards cf 2 7. cod dollars have been already iubfcribtd for the above purpofe. ' " xtrafi of a letter from Rufus 'inj. F.fq MimHsrs cf tie Jin UeaStatexxn -London to T Puktrwg, 'secretary oroe n a t erwrt hr-f ubject 1 wane'roft tora trnverefol 11 1 ionf counts, was read the thirdjimeand paffed by the yeas "'d "a8 bc!"g 'aken. 49 to 32. The hillh.r makin .wtetauoos in tfie i'ldlcial iiijrtmfnt ; ,. end ciiiuit conns to the flates ot 'ICeiiiutk v and Trri neffee, was pollponed till mXt leilion. Mr "St well t.o.n the committee for the protection ot co;r,me.ci and . the defence of the country, reports a Mli tojtc ify two errors which had e leaped in the la i fefped .1 reveii lexuttjri, wliich are by th ,t i'.W confined to tinny nun, though fome of them rtqi.i.'e 1 1 verity ; .;,.'J,li t,,e i)t P'OM'ding a aumbcr uf-fmall vtffcls. to be ulcd asgrtniesor c therwife, it is faid thut tlu: fiiou-s (hall hat the fame rank, pay "aiid fubhittnte, the 'Officers on the uaval cllahlifliment, vhith. Ir. 6,'ltatcd, woui-J be very improptr, and fliew a "tat Main of economy. .viiicn way ordered to Jie on the table till to-morrow. - Refoived, That the Prcfuletit of the U. State bt quert ctrio cau fe foBeCTT)t fore th u ho ui , Tik h i.ourmation as he -poffeires refpeding tire conduct .vi.ich.Jias been obltived by the B'ritilh governinent, ot b) pcitons acting or ptettndiffg to aft hy or under J.e auihoi'ity thereof, to'vaidu the neutral rights, ol i-o.mmice of .the Unntd 'States, fince the ratihcation I tae lublilliiig tTcaty of amity, coutu erce and navi- to 40. . Saturday, Jure 9. The houfe fptnt thiMiaj .pi iLt'pally in goirg thro' a -very lo.rg bill to provice for ihc.vdiuEtioh if lards aim dAKtlhug tatdtFrancht w 1 1 5 1 n lAittL i U jl pi'I jt Ail t o t Ke I;. yi rK cf -a ffiuft ux in thtmV The bit. wa fiit tjr. Uh in tf e comn.stttv of the ulu le, cxtipt 28 to v 1 at ttl.it td to Idling the hlat.ks tUt .iicitcT.ro 1 tm il f an t i t to be .i-ppr. priated f r lanjirg the la into .xttuti on, the laLiy of tht Ccn n.iflioi.tr-, A ff-.5t &c. The too.n.ittf IncT leave to fit again No othei biih ntls ot importance kjs" cone this tlay. . - . , : . tune 1 1 The houfe took tip usKev&LPv to tlic ETill tor fufpeiidiiig the Commercial Irteicetnfe i-eteeii this country -r.d I raine ;- the moll nMterial ot which Vas one which t aie ptvet fo'tl e Pfd.pt 'at ion. -M-r . G ! I a tfr-ffdr-it-was: -enhrjL l il (h j uta h e rinowii at what ti-i e the prefent ' feffion o'f Coniiief ou!d probably cl fe. He found by converting with .ifltrtnt member on this fubject, that theie txilled 4 vai-itty-Jif opinion upon it. Many gentlemen think t would be propei to adjourn within a fliort period, .puin.ing an ea Jitr. day than the conljitiitional lUy lot the ntxt fUlion, other gtulU men lay ibis is no Lune.o talk -of-atfrnu iiin. nt, l,.,t tl, 1-Ill rrV- ougTit to be permantnt. . Whatever rr )Vht bt t!tt.cr. ;ni,.ed by a majority, he luppufed.wo'uld 'be ceueralK u:,iMited to ; but bom the friqueiit ..application fOI - ------ . ..u.. liuuii inai iiimij nuiniKrs J,c iipatiei;t to bring the Itflion to a ciolr. (1 it was .eteni,ined to make the feiTton permanent it would 11. t tioiuemplatecTariy lucfi thing; to otitam leave f ret UMuiuuiifcua aa r .raget4u--4 'F'ffjir:-.'HelUMitght: .licielott, it they met the eailier,- it would be be!t to livc a Ihoi t recefs... In order W taken he Te'nfe-of the ooute, he propofed two refoJut'ions for their conlide iation, to the following tllccl, which weie ordered to Jie till to-morro'.v. " . . ' r Rejlvcd, That a rorr.mitteelie appointed, to en-' q ure wlitthtr, and wjpfe'n..,. it may be proptr to clofe the prcLiit felTion of Coiig efs, and alfo to appoint a J time for their-next meetincr." - i Rtjoived, That a confer cricc'be reqiiefted with the Slate, dated . trU-d, 1 7 98. " TheC iiirt of ppe-N hive revcrfed the decree of rKt--1 HyivOwnT 'if ' A d' iraliv "wbh'h "C indniierj "tti'g' 3iid that the fame committee becpnferees on the part 01 iuis noiue .or tne ptirnole. .- -' 1 ft m - f . . . . j.. . ; s?laimtf(t by-GwwAHe;h ha.vt de-crged4hat-.-&rK?4-rrtneoocafion. declined conferring witfr the-hottfeNra' be dtliveWd t' the-Grncr g-ttd-tba farther proof icfpecting the purchafe of 'them particu- ' larjy re Ipe.t ing t he Too Q0O-4ivreS which tde con t aSk lla'cs if hve been paid by him to the French ; govcriiirfeiit.'' ' - 'A '' . AT. E X A NDRI A, June ic. r The Eha, .liurro.vdde "6? . this pon,".was taken 01 Iier inward hound .p.dTnie, by a French privalftr, in to It. rhpTThzynmigtrTnnoT Fnaav, Tune P. IITrt Gnatin cal app liniment of a ommitteeto confider Upon "an .ad j nrn ncut, whicj'after fojme few observations, were aijred to, and a com nitfee of five appointed; accor- d,"giyi MiDiwfon alf called Hp hip.rcfolution re- jiUct'ing Jlc Prthdciit. to lay before the houfe fuch f uin-iin .t. i'llt T.ff rhe Gipcs. The crew were put on r -information as he pofftiTt's refpeftiner the conduct board a pdot boat bound tp JSaitimoTe. Part of them 'which has been obftived by the", britifh governrritnt, art ive here" "veil J-fda v7 " - By.rfiiiji? aciing, or' pretending to aft by or nn- The S lUthern M iil due on Wednefdav evening didi der tlie authority thereof, t'rvwards the neutral rightR rot arrive till ydlerday morning. - The Stage in f .n'jnc!TCf 'jhv Un ite1 States, fince the ratiiicaL TvTiiclrlt ti;mof-ouT fi-eam neo Fce-'h n' kfb.irg. o oneof flitliorfts drown- ; ti'ved, without debate, 47 to ?8. Mr. li.Foltetr tlien caUcd up his , refoltjtions authorizing the Prefi drut. to giant- letters of marque and general rtprifar,. Sec. whicli he moved to refer to : the committee for the' 'protection of commerce and the defence of the country with ' inftruftions to report" by Vn'll or ofhtr- wife. After fome debate on this motiou, Mr Coit moved to poitpoue the confideration of thefe refoliiti oiis for oiie week.l,hSTtiotr)n was negat i ved, t h eFe being only 2 S votes for itTTThe orieinat motion then j reutrned, a nd fter fime debate, it wa 9 taken b y ea nays yeas 4:, naysz. ed. O. ie of the naffeu jers it is faid loll near two thou- .fatid.d lUars ,Qa'h. ..,.....r...'.:: .T.l...- . B A L T I M 3 t E, Jan2r4. i- "Tw-i V.'X'I.- hike a rived fr-nir i nf lei nr. one at PhiUdelphta. the other at Vnv. Y nk, by which ic-; c "nti'irt receive-i r vth "t'tri 'Vu'-il "ne o' 'he o-, -.thr-- vhi':,i it-is p refa '-'n tbkf.U'rr'ed the-gentlemin nt M ir'iVu 1 . . V k-.-er if r'jit d - t- mehiit -. of-tJw at f f 4 ly A a;rie4ii. ilri tor tuii cja.itry, wii to fail ia fjar 10 except uch vtffels from the prohibition as he fl.tnld UiiiiK proper. 1 his arr-ttuimetit was rrcifnd hy .li'iking out the words u in all cafes" and inftitirtg, "111 luch cafes as he rriny deem titc J..ry to aid the departure. f French petiojisjwitltheiLgoods-aijd tihets, who fhu'l hii.t't 1 elided in this country." This amviidmcnttohe amtiidment; the houfe was after Arar is informed the Smate concurred in. The Senate -aavc a.fu agreed to deonfereirceo'inl.e ftilje& "of ad' j mi nme.it. The houfe went again" 'into a commit- ' tee of the whole -on the hill to provide for the valua tion of lands and dw'dfing'hcuifs, and the enumera tion ot fluves with -11 the United States, which being, k-oitc through, the commitice roft, and the houfe hav' iUg,co''tiiued iiLheme'udiiK-iits tJf-tlle -ltmmttee - oi the whole, .-nd introduced a ftw othti, the hill T.ga. Jo,".bc eng.r.ofrd-.'for a third-Tending on " ' VVetiiitlday. """. " , ' Tuefa'ay, jure is. . The houfe werengag.d ia difcufSng the bill to authorize the defence of the mew.han vclTJs 0 rlie United States again!! Frercli dtpredations. jMj-Siti; greaves 'oVed to amend the bill, by ifr iking out the' following W Trdr irrTliird fedtion, or any property of a belligerent vation, cr of the citizens or ful jrclg TDTitcf -but atier a leuf t h y till cufon, it-was linal ly agiccd to llnke out the following words alfo, p.re ceciug the abovt. viz' " g:id th.it during her irterd vox age ad until her return u ithir. t' e United States, while arrmri as afoiefa'd, theie fiiall not he carried in ftith veffvlpto aiiy helhgeitnt nation, . 11 y goods or tritichniid ?.e c.ontranartd .-f war, or any pr'ovifibns or othtr articles toany'prcq . ctn.illy hfeged or invefled, . or-aiy r-Ste- -A fter-vt h rchM r'-Harper. ' movedJff "" amend the l-r(f Tecliou of. the bill by adding the fol lowing words a iy vt . ... j niuin IMC 111- i words, " and . iy alfo attack, tak or deftroy, ffcl failing under French ' coloM..jbLtaclinir---- prt'tcnding to act, by or under the authority aF the, French Republic, which may iwfQ made, or mav b found .ittemptiny to make any lith capture x and may alfa-retoke any...jfel-twn'ed-xss'--afwefaHlj--ntiitch rrny-have been captured by any nvfil falling or acTmg as afoi efaid.'' 'Ilasju. itiou Avasjirgi.iivtd 38 to34:iJMtJ.,. Smith- aKerwardrmove'J rhe latter pait;"whith is printed in hcranHtrary to 2V. Tlu committee . role, and the Houfe ji-ving agreed to the teporr of the co-n -nitfee; Mt. H;)rer -renewed' his motion contain iirg the former p.n t of the ame'nd'"'tht, which he pro poied in. the-committee of the whole, and tht yeas aad njyi' iverc'tT.ken -v'ras .28, navs 47: ' - . ' T .' "... H'ednefdiy,jfuhe 13. - Th e H o uf.' of 11 ;;)-; ' e u t a : i v t". of the United States after fome debate,, paffed he bill for the valuation of . hotifes and hinds and the rniimeration of -fl tvtr withiqp" the U nt edj States. The -yeas and nays were taken yeaff 70- my si 9.; iflie bill toaut ho- tfiTtTte defence of merchants vef- fagatttllTei -riurra :tlfvfnVrT: Tf'ir' amenctm-cpf s of thTlnate ttHTie" kill f.i..!... . . .1.1 JC1. .11. tL-m.r . wt. .ppiKinciii-iry ro me ci euaDiuin ng an uniform jul?. l)(;.na,rhiit ion.tverajkciiOlp .ajid agreed to, .'il1.y.,.wh'';'to. exchide.- from tjie operatioiuof foreign miniiltrs nd on'u'sand their fervants.' nd to Itrike but'the proviliofl which ma le an Alien liable tor be a'rrefted as a fufpeded .petfn 'felidrpayiri-g-j fineif hc neglected to enreglier liirhfclf as an alien in due time. The words " fufpected perfon'' were alfo flruek put in two or threw other places 1 . . . . . '. . . . I Thurfday r June 14.-- "-" The Houfe of Representatives of the United States went into a committee of the whole on the bill pro viding arms .. fort-the: militia throughout the United Matej ; which, after fomedifciilli'Vii, and tne Tnt'rtidlic5 ion of feveral amend rrenrfiAvagagrt ed "to,", ard order- ed tobe read the third time to- morrow. The.proviGoQ itt'the hilt whiclrd tributerl in dtie proportion among the feveral (rates and within each div f:nn of t)ic inili a of the ftate, was 11 ruck out they are nov di- efted to be dfpofiu. ed at fiiitable places and n prov:Gon was moved by the fpeaker and agretd to. that jn cafe the-armg Tioidrl ipf all of them hetir rdtaft d, & anyjemergency T flioul.l a' '-. which fhall occafion a call of the nilitia, that they Jhal) bg loaned to r.ich "f the militia aR ffiall ftdfld in need of them. The blnk - for contaituPffl "'rr!:;3"-sili.,iw .,jj,:;..xyi,yl;rr;..

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