f THE NORTH CAtiQLINA MINERVA, AND FAY E T TVE VIL LE A DYEKTJSER, Vol; in. S A TURD AY, January 26,1 799. .Numb. 149 .A CONGRESS, HOUSE 01- REPPstiiENTATIVES, Monday, December 3 iY Mr. Otis fa.ij he wa directed by the Committee of Defence 'to propofc a refolution to the Houfe., on a fubjedt highly interclling to the United States. He luppofed that it was known to every gentleman prc fent, that a report had prevailed for many d;iys paft, flHf44tampl:e.itpevt nf 3 number of American feiim.cn from a veffcj oT"war of the Ignited Suites, into an armed hip of Great Britain. The committe are for.)' to confefs, that after making fome ' enquiry in-: to the fubject, there is too much reafon to beiieve the report to be founded, though they have no official in formation on the fubject. It is- conceived by ths. committee,. therefore, that nn act of this forrcalls for the attention of every branch of Government; and though they hcjve full confidence that the Execu tive will inilitute an immediate, enquiry into the bufi nef6, and take meafurcs to prcyent fimilar abufes tak ing place in future, they think it neceffary that the .Legifl iture of the Union Zhou Id fliew to Great Bri tain, and to the world, that ihifLinces of abufcof this kind excite a lively fenfibility, and that they arc .de termined to protect their flA-agairi3aiiyaiiTitry Nvhlttevec. ' Trts-ttot-' ltnprotK&ky-iaid Mri;,.;h!& '" tTiis'ctfcamtla "fiari, and that it Th ayr"ne'crfftit(riewttid;.4 mend the act for th relief and protection or American feamen ; for, unlcfs thefe injuries can be removed and prevented, little fuccefd can be expected to attend our infant Navy, which has been con-iidcred. both in and out of this Houfe, of the greatell confequence to this - country. From thefe contlderations, he was induced to offer the following refolution for the adoption of the Houfe": 7" "' ". -.. " Refolved, that the Prefidcnt.of the U. States be requefled to by !cfure this Houfe, fuch informa tion as he maypeffefs relative to the imprefTment of feamen belonging to the United States (loop of war Baltimore, into any (hip or veffel belonging to the King of Great Britain."- : On the motion of Mr. Harper that this refolution. might lie till to-morrow it 'was ordeted to lie upon the table. 'V TuffJay, January f... . 1 '.. Mr. 0;h called for the refolution. which he vefter day laid upon, the table, relative to the imprefTment of American feamen by a Britiih vcflefof y?ar. r Mr. Dent thought, as fo little attention had bfen paid to the fubject which tad juft been difpofed of, it might be . prcforned as little would Ik paid to any other, and this 'being the fir ft day of the year,' he wcmld move that the houfe adjourn. ".. Adjouned. , IVednefdnv, fji'iuary 2... "; Mr. Otis called up the resolution wbirh he laid. c'n The bfmcfo, laid lie, comes properly .within the jnrifdictiofi of the executive, and I am fo fully im prefTed with a conviction that every nccefTary ftcp will be1 taken,' without ' our interfere ricei that T wifh leave the mattef to that department of the government. iven had he any di'ttui't that proper ineafures would not be taken, he would wait to fee whether they were taken or not, belore he would recommend any f.lep to be taken by the Icgifbture. ' He knew the ge-tie- man t mm J-ldiierhuU-tts is as tar f i"oJ.'.V "TtTmanurf; any; doubt on this fubject, as he hirhfelf. Then why point out. tue mode which it will be proper for the executive to purfue ? He faw no reafon lor it ; and bclieviog no legifiatiyc ftep iieeeiTary, he'would vote agaiiiiLiliert Lint ton. ' Mr. J. Williantis tiiotighftKc riT6lrilipirdii ;not-go far enough ; that it outfit not to be confined to a fin gle veifel. i 1 ' believed it proper that the houfe.ought to exprefs thiir ifi'eiUment at .m act of this fort,' let it be committed by wh'a t" nation foeverr ' Too -mariy infults of this kind had been fuffered,. and it is' tim, faid he, for this country to fet their force pgciinfl their commiifion. National h-MUmr rrav be infringed by one nat ion ''as well ajanother, and if the ?sz had rk- .SjLplace,as JiaiLbecijjirelt-iucd, this was a moll to be v'ihTciTvenqurred violent outrage, and ought He fhonld vote for- the reloliHion, Cut would' 1UI(V, 4iave,beenwglad.tJ3.ulivig Mr- Otis wilhed the gentleman from Kew-Hamp-" fhire to recollect that this is no uncommon prccecd- . : ' . '; .' Mt. Jofiah Parkir moved to amend the fefolutlo"n by afldi "g ::ftcr the word " Baltimore,"' or . any other pnhnc avrtifi vij?l ff the Untied States . Mr.. P. was de f irons that the people of the United States fhould be-infot-med-of this t imp faction ; for, ..as it l'.d been Hat ed to h i in'"ifa7rd he Inid his information' from an au thentic iVurce) the -oWftsge was the mod flagrant and violent rhat could have'been offered to the American' 'flag. He had no doubt that the Prefulent of ihe U. States would feel this indignity as fevcrtly nSiiny one : birthe ncvertiielefj tho't .it proper to pafs this refolu tion. "The Baltimore, .he undei flood, Was convoy ing a number of our . veC'els to the Havannah, when 'three () the fqundron vOe.cut off by Bi!tiflvforc. Captain Phillips, the commarder of the Baltimore, enquireci the rta.fon " For thb ? Captain ' Laring, the 4 Lritilli Lonunander,. lent an officer on board our. ill t p, who fjid,." that Capt.. L would take out every man from liis ihip, who was a Britffh j ftrf;;cft, and coulJ not 'produce his protectimi ?" capt P. very proper ir anfweral, that- the American flag was a fufiicient protedVion."" This, however, was nut., deemed fuf iicient, and this dnier- took fiftyfive merr from the Bait iii "ofer a n tl detain ed -1 h c rn tm-b oa rd the Britifli (h'xn for fome time. Snntiofinrf. however, fit is nre- the table on Monday, relative to the imreffment f j ,nicc3 th.it he had done wronr. Captain Loring . r , 1 . 1 tl . r . ' . .. ... ... . '. . . ..Atnrncan teamen oy tne nntjin. . ... . - J informed C?pt. i'lulinn, Tterlie might conic on - lt..wa tatai : up accoi-dingly ; when V -- j bord his fliip; and take back fuch of Us men as were V- Mr. Gordon faid not having been .this motion was laid-tpon the table, he was njacv:., ,js j)0svcr and he might " do with them what he qnninted with the reafons which lnd induced the cor;- j. :ca'fe(' Captain I, afterwards fet two of the veL nuttec-crL: detence to lay it before, tne nouie. - wiflie!. the gentleman who moved it, would H'atc the -bb''e'il of the refolution, without this "informat;c.n, he was not prepared to giv; his.yo.te .for. it.. . r , Mr. Otis repHedj'.rhatrthongh.'it vyas. not luifautt - that the .gentleman - from Nc.v liamp'friire was not preferk". when the. moticJa was propofed .; though "hfe explicitly -1latcd,at.lh3t;tim?.the -reafons which iuduc- t44tywittiai fiibjcd'oeOre the h"."fc. ; - and though thefe reafons havebeenpublillied with to Arable acciircyn'n ficattoji of his friend, he'would ;rept?aU them. Mr. O. then;repeated what he-before dated were the.rea- ' 'fo'ris of-. theTomm.it tee for propoitng this refolt:fio!, adding that t'lio corr-iuittce had no doubt of, the fact, as thyjbad tlie information from .our confal at the Ilavannahv ;t ' ' - " -. "iltTor.iori a'ffiircd the gentlenan from MafTadhu s. and the houfe.uh.it ht: h'.id not feen any thing -s relative to .tuts motion, p.nr nao he utiu fr" of veflerd'av. He faid he otild in the p at liberty which . lie had cut oit, laying; " ;i k.fxp the other bccimfc the Captain has been infofent," '.and returned fifty of the frcn keeping five. Mr. P. liLaiight.Gaptain Philips iHght-not tohave.fufTered a .treatment, fo: flarnnf,' witliout firing upon tlie Bri tiiK fliip,, and tiothing, except, perhaps, bis-inferior rty of force, co'.ud plead his apology for not having donej'ji. 'it is ufelefs,- faid iylr. P the injiiry and .i.nfult.of one : nation. every amendroent that was offered," the bill would not be gone through in lix years. He did not himfeif perfedtly undtrftand he amendment, bait he. under fhtod enough of it 10 vote againll jt. Thejirovifion', as it (lands, is copied from the Englifh law ; the "corn--mittee (amongll whom was the mover of the amcud rrenr'i was )..t;s!ied with it and he hoped it would be 1 et .'.''".eJ. '. . t -.- -.- - i- .- , . Ir. . Smitli h.oped the gentleman's anxiety to ,fT-H lr- Irii wiinhV nut, inrpf .geptlernen to vote upoa propd'ii'.'ot;-, which they do not underLfand. rl lie ge;ulu.v..n himfeif confeifes he docs not underlland' tfie- ame'n'd riiettr ; a nd yet his fondnefs for the bill as reported, will lead' him to vote egaimt it. If he chHfc-. to act thus, Mr. S. hoped other gentlemen mifd'ic4e-ptuiitted ,to attjriore delib:ri;teTy. " The quell iim foe riling was put and carried 44. to 21, 8i leave vns given to the committee to fit again. Mr. J. Parker faid, he was dc fired, by the c;m mittc appornted Ji "tK;e tttbje'ft of the Navy, t afk -leivc nt t ne it )gfe . tojfr printed for their "ofef a " report fom the Sec'retirfr' the Navy. Agreed. , , Or. mo.tiwaf Mr. .Qbjsjf the Houfe went icto a commit'.cfi)!" tevhole on the bill, to alter the (lamp duties impWWpori foreign. bills' of exchange and billrof -ladingrran-acV entitled .! .A n.aft laying diities--Rn-ft.ini prd vtjWn-paixlment , 2u'd.-V2$iZL, -aodiar.tlier.to amcndjhe fame. . . . Tfi is iif prr p w?es t KFw" a ft e aziccx taia t m.C -iJb. duties paid upon foreign bill of exchange and lulls of lading fliall ceafe, and that all foreign bills of ex change," whether for a fmall or large furi, hall then pay a duty of 20 cents; on"anf 'n'ofi?!J?,0'a'nS for goods to be exported from cutediftrictfo another in the United Stittte, not being in the fame-State, 4 cents ; if to any foreign port, 10 cents ; any policy of infuran-cc, 01 inittument 'in nature thfcre(f.. other than thofe fpecified in the former act, notifejdme 500 dollarr, 29 cents; aonvc that turn, oitf.tyltyPf and the faid c'uties.flibll be chargeable upon, ch and "e.very bill of exchange and bill of lading, without ref pect to the niimber contained in a fet. 'And every draft, or orderVfor the payment of money within the United SttttesT.fiaU be cb Kgeable with tlie fame rates of dntietj ashy the former act arc chargcablellpon inland bills of exchange, cxcepf'ng only orders for the-paymntd.m6.n(ey.pndniandt drawn upon the Prciident and Direaors, or CafhTeFof 'any Bank." A debate tookpUce ou fcveral p'opofitions whicli we're made t amtnA various provifions of this bill, which continued till i o'clock, when "a" motion wa made to adjourn,- cndthe Houfe adjourned accord ingly ' From the AURORA. ... . .... , Tc the Citizens cfhe United Stales. WHILST ifnuations' Wtrious to' my character, were confined to a few ptVbric prints, 'which difgracc our cour.try by the too general abufe of Republican, citizens, and virt-.vous fiu-angi'n ; I confidered them as unworthy of notice ; 'cor,fi!ert that none but minds totally devoid of every principle of honour and truth would credit or propagate themV Bnt as perfons high in office, have becomethe ajrenrs of private flandcr, it becomes mv duty to vindicate my ft If, by a fliort ftatement of facts,-leaving to myflajiderers the full benefit of- invent ionfarmi ;2faKehood. To defend r.nd fupport the lights, of pur coat) toy -as an indeuendcht commonvvcalth is certairly the . to guard againiV J fii.lt duty of ifvery good "citiren. Bit a ftate of war n, if we arrVo re-j'is inevitably attended with fo marjAalawiities, that ct i v ? them witli 1 m punity" firrSnMlrcT ffc'SikdWinaitjkW-em?tU jiatmn-.. riU ..feek... evety .oononrable douhtrhwwe'S'liatt CtfTity of flrongly remouft rating with the Britifli go Vtrnmcct 2gain.fl this conduct," and of demanding re p.trition"frr the i: jury fu'.laj'ned ; .nor" ought, iH-u9 opinion, a fmall reparation to be accepted., '- rtht -eiolnt toti .wa put and carried without a di ;vifTn ; "arid. MeCVsi Otis and jofiah Parker ere ap pointed a conitnit'tee to wait upoH the Prcfidcnt theic- with The Hon le.tli cn , accord ingto t'iebruer of the day,' means to avoid it. Witli iiance, tne tituation 01 the United States -appears to me" peculiarly delicate, having received from that nation the niofl -efiential feryices during outrduou& ftrugglc againfl the wan. ton injuries and opprefiions cf the BritiiTi .govern ment. . v ';. i , : .. ..', Under thefe Impreaions, Iemjarked for Europe ; oa my.; arrival at Hamburg, 1-met' with that diflin gnifhed frie.id to our country. General La" Fayette. . He procured me the mems of purfuin my jotjrnev to t 1 1! L tlhai- v f n 1 n not fee'tlJe piopli)icty of pafitpg this rtjoTutioprTroriii gt;n?r ftH-- ,ini'fol7rT fyfrgrr yie'wa wit n particular wtiat hrKl nf)allch from the mover .of .it,-.as he (av tnrpjTRro-'t n-c United Sttftes ; when, after agreeing, t anxietv, "the exiting difTiCulties between the twef ox:6jine'aion'. iietuisit " ft ndany IcgiOative actof f0-rac- aT,entirtScits,-'onc of cohfiderablejength and Repumics and has written to Gen. AYahington-oa Congrefhefhould -therefore wtaSai Jttiwnrta;)Cc propolcd bv Mr. -Sewall, providing, that i thirvlmportant: fuMea, ' - - ;- '-;.' - : ttrtivui lucre was no iratuu'v n'i :'"''"' t :..n.-.i r.,t,i .('nmrnii mnm noin I kind, to fhew to the people of the United States that a '.ran fact ion", like the one referred td. meets vlth lhe TU;iitment of every branch of government - Every oneTn hcKring an ad of this kind will feelTor the digTiity ard honour of his country ; and there can be .ncf dotfbt that the";Eiteeutive -of. the Unhed States; will t;:ke every lUp nectfLry to vindicate to at hcttpur nVf dimity -' "M :.'':'""'. ' .' ' . g power fuch order as they fiiali deem expedient with the bo dy of a bankrupt, . .a more lenient ptovifion. '. At. X. .SmiattL nioyed the committee to rife, tiat tyn tright be fTordtd tp , have the amendment print ed and confidered. '--- ., : . . ' ; j . .-Mr. Harper' faw nonecenityfbr. this, if the reentry laid .oihjv.i'ttte were :tq rife) fur the ptp'ofe of printing an that tr.n! received the firft certain intelligence, that our comrr'f.. fionihadkfLthaX th ed the oblVit pf thir rnifiton ; and that all nrvociati- trt-lvas a! nn-enc. . Ine Coniul uer.erai or the Unit ed States,, informed me, th.t a- embargo had been recQivtly laid tn nviriipping-in. thLpprti of France' trtiny ot eur ltamen veTe conhrjea apnlup.crj