, ; SAVANNAH, Jatiuaty ii. Extract of a Jitter from Benjamin Hawkilis, Efq. -'- Superin'tendant of Indian affairs, outh of the Ohh$ ; to a public officer in this city, dated Cnu.-ts7', TaU Iahafee, Dec, 23, -1 7 8. . " I have lately returned by the Upper Creeks, from a vifit through the Cherokees, to the (late of Ten- Y t . 1 rr I . 1 1 . . f .J neilce. I nna me ner.oi.ccs arc matin;; -tmiuu tre ble prdzrcf They are fettling out of their towns,- fencing tKeir fields, and attending to tffe railing of ltock, prticularlyrcat tlc and hogs: They have. confidence in the juftice of government, and, are -worthy of its continued atten tion. , I have at length brought the Creeks to reflet, feriouflv on their iituationfcand on the meafures nsr ceiTarvio their profperity". They begin to be alarm ed at their poverty, and nakednefs of their land.! They have Jmade repeated efforts to indtice me to nhtaln nrefents for them as heretofore, hut without cffedl : their annuity is paid them regularly, and'no more, lhave had application for a hundred ploughs for the enfuing fcafon. I have the loom and wheel in operation, and have obtained a promife that this fpring they will begin to fence their fields. Thoft who have fettled in villages, have, been fencing for fome time pall. I have Tent all the hunters into the woods,' well tlifpofed-towards their neighbours, and have-taken the precaution to have fuitabicperfons appointed to ac company them, and watch ovci their eo:idut. - Mr. Panton writes me of the 15 th that the line of divilion comes on fad, and the cominifiioner3 are expected tube at Tombigby, by the middle of next inonth at fartheft." t,t WIL-MINGTQNrNT-Hsrntiary-f On the Qth initant, -arrived-in thr? portYthe folion tier AHams of Newburv-Port. Nicholas Pierce, maf- ter, in 28 days from Cayenne, having on board CTT tizen Rouftagnefiq, .chief adminillrator of the Navy, and Citizen Paupe, as prifoners.. . Capt. Pierce relates that he was captured on his palTage from Newbury-Port to Surinam, ,bj a French privateer, and carried into Cayenne, where his veflVl and cargo were condemued ; that he afterwards pin ch a fed this vclTel, and received thofe two French Ci tizens on board as paiTengcrs, to be linded at St. Bar tholomews ; but apprehenfive. or aain, becoming a prifce to a French pirate mould he touch at that ifl and," he concluded to tonfult his own fitfety iti th. beft manner he'could, and to proceed (traight for this continent. He reprcfents the conduct of the French .. s r TAX E NO TIC E. " ' . AM ACT v'. Limiting the time within which claims a'gainfl the U nited States ftr credits In the booh. of the treafury may beprefented for allowance. BE it cnaded by the Senate and Houft of Reprefenta lives of the United Stales of America in Covgrefsaf: femlled. That all credits on the books uY the treafury of 1 he' United States -for tranfadioii8rduring the late war,- which accordingu " the- towfc of the treafuryr have hitherto been discharged by 'iffuing Certificates of RegiftereH Debt, (hall be forever barred and pre. eluded from fettlcment or allowance, unle'fs chimed by the proper; Creditors, or their legal reprefentntiyeSj on or before the firtl day of March, in the year one thoufand (e-venT hundred and -ninety. nine- And the Secretary of the Treafury is hereby Teqnired to eaufe this aft to be publifhed in one or more of the public papers of each Itutc. JONATHAN DAYTON, '" " --'- -g-pya teT7rfth r HmiffAf"K"'"'t irrr? nratmrs' THEODORE' SEDGWICK, . Prefident of the. Senate, pro. "tern.. '.Approved, July 9, i 79- JOHN ADAMS, Prefident of the United States TREASURY DEPARTMENT,'.. , 7fiV 2 7. I 70S. N OTICE IS HEREBY Gl VEN.That by vi"r tue of an aft,. nafLd.-duriuir the nrefent .fcffica of "ongicfs io much of the aft cntitiilt" An . Act- making further pro vi (ion f 1 the fupport trf public " cicdit, and for the-redemption 'ofr' the pnbhVdcbt" -paiVcd t!ic third day of March, one thoufand '.even hum! red and ninety-five, as bars from fettlenient o Jllojratice.Cewiikai.fs, cofnmoaly gallrid-IoimJQillcL the chief of the wearing apparel of his fellow paflyh per: ana lniteaa or roucnui at 01. wmiuuiumcwv -that tie was the chief officer of the Adrcve'ty Ad riiini'ttatioti,' but ays his ronduft was conformable -'to, the orders of his government, and that he (hould not be perfnnally amenable in this country for it. and final lettlement Cert.ificjitcs, and Indents of Inter elts, is fufpended until the twelfth day of June, which : w iilie--i n4he- y ear-.xiuc.-ahaufiadcYj:rJiui.id ninety-nine.. .... . That on the liquidation and fettlcrr.cnt of the faid Certificates, and Indents of Intereil, at the Treafury, tlic Creditors will be entitled to receive Certificates of tundei Three Per.Cent Stock ' equal to the amount of the- faid'rndenTs, and the ars eaiages of intereft due on their faid Certificates;-prior to : the firit lay of January one thoufand feven hundred and ninety one That the principal funis of the faid Loan Office andindLfettlement Certificates, with the interefl thereon, fincc tlie firfl day of, "Jami.-iry one thoufand feven .hundred and ninetyone, vi'ill be dil'charged after liquidation at the Treafury, by the payment of inter- C 1 1 aind reimbu.rfeinciit of, principal, equal to the fums WANTED S a .pt i t". ci p:'.l Tw cr iu the. St. David's A ca- deihy near Cheraw coin t-lioiile . for ' the enfu- i ng - year , a pedon " well 1 fonuii ended, capable ot" . t.'.'iicliing' the- Rudiments of 'the E'lgtifh, Latin rn'd .Greek bnguajes, and the u'Jitr ufual branches of li-tcratui-'.. .Such a oerfyn -a ;!i ineet with a generous foctety. ' SAMUEL WILDS, Secretary, 'December .20, 179. 4,5 2m tf verc," and fitch as could not be juflified even if Ame rica was at open war with their nation ; and dates that this Citizen vRou(tagnenq "had in his official cap.i- oit v . Kotn flit iiiftrnmpiif nf ..pnnclpmniiitr his .VffflVl and many others, and that thejnoft frivolous pretexts were made ufe of to Juftify fuch proceedings. . The relation of Citizen Rouftagnerq diiTers mate rially from that of Cept. Pierce. He fays that after condemnation of the lchooner, he himltlf purchafed Ker for 300 dollars, and agreed with the captain, that he thould command her and land him in St. Bartholo mews, and on their arrival there, have the veficl for two thirds faid purchafe money ; and that in cohfc qu.ence thereof, lie empowered capt. Pierce to take on board all the American prifoner3 in Cayenne, and proVided the '''ve'fFdif)f he"Toyagc-rtnaftetley-had-Fotto-fea, the captain took from him the bill, of fa!e of the veltel, one hundred guineas in cafh, great part de()t credited in the books of the Treafurv, of his own wearing ippa; el,' his gold watch, Sec. and'utt.' That on the. application of the creditors re-- ItlrtctrwrrnM-h'h tifictes had - been Tubfcnbed, . purfuant to the Aft making provrfion for the debt3 of the United States, contracted din ing the late war, snd by the payment of other fums, equal to the market value of the remnin i'lStock, which wouM have been created by. fuch fubferiptions as aforefaid, which market value. will be determined-by the Comptroller of the Treafury. OLIVER WOLCO I T, . Cm . Secretary of the Treafury. . ' ;' Philadelphia June $Oth, 179S. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, "PURSUANT to the act of Congrcfs, paffed on JL the ,11th day. ot June 1 79s,-entitled, " an act retpftiiig Intlents of intereil, and the unfunded or regiftered .fpeftivtly, or their legal atfornies at any time aftre the lail, day of December in the prefent rear, the brin- accordirig to hiV engagement, and landitig them tpeUtbaifmsfithinfunded or regiilered debt 01 the bVoiight them here as prifoiierj. He does not df ;:iitd:Sfhf credited" On the books of the treafury, The brigTnduftry. Capt! Lombard, 20 days from Jamaica, bound to this port, was blown afliore n Saturday cvening la(l, on Willoughby beach." ' Bv fome trentlesieii paflWers in the above vefil-I,'' we are informed, that about ''the 1 3th Dec.,;a..bri? A arrived at Kingfton after a flibrt paffne rrom Ireland, and brought accounts of Admiral Duncan iiaving -. ir . .t. n. 'f . I. . Tr, ........ CaptUtCU 11 JLHCtU Ul lilt Jim- i-itay v. v.i u -.i.. tempting to get out oF the Texel. Kingfton was il- January 15. . Qn Sunday arrived , in "Hampton Roads, the fliip Leo capt. Dale, frdtn Uatayia, bound, to paltirriore,- - Same day arrivedt've . fhip Stafford,.! oz days frora StTry bei, u nder thenand of lVlftVinntTie mate",, the captain as w"c are told, abandoned bcr Tea, and got on board a Danifli .barque from this plaee, bound to Oporto. Mrk W- 'fays,' that. Jifpoke a (hip from the Ifle of France bound for Baltimore, thj captain ot whjicu intormea mm, tnat; ine ujanu nau declared ttlelf independent, Vaptha'r'Bi " tl;Fr'ncS' trodps wcte lent out of the iflind. (Capt.:0stkc&n firms -this'acco'Jtltt t ' .' "or commiffioners of the; Loani will be feimburfed at thetreafury'oT the UiiitedStates.7 -':-.';fZ ' 'id. That intcreft upon the unfunded or reeiftered 'debts aforefaid will.ceafe ftom and after thelalt day of December in the prefent year. drTl.-harthe-crtfxiitors- TcfpectiTely-will -be; entitled AT CnripiJloh-(S.:C.) will commence on Wed. nefday, 1 3th 'f -.February-. 1 799, free .for:any horfc, mare, or gelding, cart j ing the following weights : ' V ' . Firjl clay's purfe cf at Ie,ff one thoufand dollars- four mile heats, Aged to carry Six years old I?: lb. 's purfe of at lea It .fifty dollars three iuile heats Five years old To"ur years dd 120 1U 7 .i fevefTliUndred and 129 1 20 lb. Four years old Three years old Y0.6 lb. 92 1 12 9 lb. lvo vcars old a feather. Aged to cany Six years old " Five years old Third days purfe of at lead five himdred dollars for colts or hllie"s two nynd lieats. Four years old . Three years old Mires weight in an the pu ;jf tlie ages jf the .. hoifes to be produced to the fU waids at the time of entering them, or they will not be allowed to dart. OBRlEN SMITH, JAMES . . A LL Ocloler 2. 3lb. A 11 1 he n f icat ed c e r 1 1 h ca t ea fillies and sicklings to be allowed UhN SMITH,) 1ESBURN, S :x. NiSBE rr. j Stewards. FOR SALE 0 K LlvASE, Viiluiible Saw-Mill, Grift-MjH, k Plantation. THE -fubferiber offers for fAc or will leafe, h:8 Plantation and buildings thereon, with a valu able -Saw-Mill ard Grid-Mill,, in Complete order fituatioii is clioible on Cane Ftar river, twenfr tl: miles below Fa,yettevil!eaiid feventy above Wifming- ton. .1 he dwelling 'ho ufe and other buildings are in good order; .there-is an excellent .Orchard of apple and peach trees 0:1 the plantation ; and a great fupply of timbtr for the Saw-Mill For terms apply to the fubferiber on the premifes. ... F. MILLER. Bladen county ', January .17, S 3 And ftr Ctk nt the frintmi Offices at Fuyeitcvillc v and Halifax '' ' ' ijqI5qE8 KQ-ifH:CAioX4NA """" : ALMANAC f ' . . K-Fo'r the Tear- of our Lad IjCji) ; Being the-thircR'Fter- 'Biilextilc,' or Lep Yearrand the 23d ,2li th of Anu'i icau Independence. 7 Calculated for the drae of Nortii-Carohia, bt ing pre . cilery adapted to thr meredian andlatitiKlc of tlic city of Raleigh, but will frrve vithoat fenfibfe cr-' rot for any of f he 11 ;t ".n: j,,c lit. " CO NT A INI NG -The-tn.Hat-.wiM-u?Uni. an.1 (rf of the" Tun. rnnnn. .and.fevi n. dais, folar -and lunar cclipfes," remarkable days, feilivals, &c. - ALS O, on requifition4o receive from the proper officers of the treafury., certificates offunded three per cent, dock, equal to the arrearages" of Intcreft due on the debts aforefaid prior to the ff ft. day of January, one thouf and feven hundred and ninety one. ; 1 '. t By order of ihc board of Comm'ifioners, - of the Sinking Fund, 22 6m ; EDWARD JONES, Secretary." FOR SALE. StX-likely family NEGROES, cam or -country-produce-will be received in. payment. Fflr t'erms apply to , DAVID ANDERSON. ""Fetttville, Dec. 22 JOHN BECK GREAT B A R G A IN. OWING., to an unhappy circuni dance,-1 ' fcriKer will difpofe of at private-fale, hii the fuo- 'fc ' i 1 .13 valua ble proper ty,"fiKher in the limits of th? town ofFay- etteville or joining totit : Alfo, with or without, a fmall gang of NEGROES ; Horfes, Cows, a large Still, Waggofi, Cart Plough,. and otlicr implements too tedious to mention. . . Julyl r .;' at, ttm h T J AMES GROSS. . - ' " "": '; - ' ' ; - ' -. A variety of ufeful nnd a nitTfing articles'; - -AMONrt which" a re r . : ' - DVERTlSEMExMl extraordinary. A new - jf. year's gift. Tlie Pigeon's choice. On the virtues oFllilJiard-Tablc. The ' auftior'eer: The progrefsof vice a moral tale. The country fchooL Indolence. Dick 'd'plea for beating his wife. ' Fai-led beauty. DilIreTes of a modelt'ir.-an. A wifh. On thjdLfer'cn t effediof .too much and.nothjing. :; Mas- ... 4imrYrte--Mi-i4eno A choice' and e'afy ' Recipe for makiug a profound Law yer ancr fag- Politician-- The. Worth of Man ; or Ma:i of. Wojrj;h..- . Copy 'of a Love letter from r.rr of-" fleer in the army, to a Widow whom' he had never f.-en, Phiiofaphic.il Hiflory of the Canine Genus. Rules to make a good tradefmarr. Every man to his own trade. Motiitor. j Wonderful.' Modern deffrii- -tions. - One thoufand : dollars reward. ". Signs ;arid tokens. Ancdotes.H-l)Jrections for grafting. Cure for the .ringworm. Mode' for preventing horfes be- ' i ag tea d-ltTiIlTe weight of coins. Federal Courts. State Courts of North Carolina. 1 - ' V '"'. - '. -1 PRICE Forty 'dollar? per thoufand, or four C e n 1 9 e ac h ; t went y-4h't W ! a n per fi ve h u n d t ed or p fiye ;nH-each: jifi ye,a n d a . ajyal fclo liars per hundred, ' or five and an half e'en 1 3. each: 'thre or fix cents each ; and fevcuty-five cents per dozen K. L A N K V acco mam reus. -- -. .'-. .... -. . . Tor (ale at ihis 'TQfU&; ,v A . ,1 w.- :.-i-.-' . -' - tv. ) -V f

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