5 Wv ) :r ,.,,rj.,?:r.:. feftation and contempt by the Hate at Urge. Let this be proved 'frolk the! knfimenti and language of the State fpeaLin through it couftltutlonal organ, 'the legiflature. How have the Hdufe of Reprefinta . tivnexprcfled themfclves of Logan's embaJTy " We deplore' fay they ial tbeir addreft to the Prefident, J-P that there are thofe,.whd call thcmfele8 by the American name who have -3arh(gff infulttJ our com try fy an uurpation of pnvert not delegated to tbemi hf on mlcure teerfereMttU-oitieriid tomeJThn dreft containing thit.fentimeat paffed by a majority of v to one. Th majority would hare been greater, bat feveral members not, being qualified to take their feats, Were deprivedthe opportunity of voting but rofe and expreffed theV warm aDorobatioiiT J-llai lhc Senate aq adjrjlGLljLlfc JVcfidcnt pafTed, with but fivt diffenting voices, which took this notice xf Logan 't patriotism " We; rejoice to find that our conftltuenu are.fully aware of the pernicious tea denc of foreign influence, and imprejt with the deepejl Jeitfiation of the condutfof thofe mibo) hf art ojfic'mi inter ference in our fortirn relatione have tkait onou t tV at teipvmtamiflrim of our pubRc affaire from thetb)o.'iirwbUhioUifion'ofwr county and theufrajee of a free and enlightened people) governed in their choice fy a knowledge of tried virtue and eminent ta lentil tovej!lj placed ilj ..' ' , '. ' SuKly"ljb"Df ,Logai,ha8Tiof "mucTSo1rag' of on the fcore of public approbation j and if he expect ed hit qutxotte expedition would extort the love and gntijay high time he hanged ..himfelf for difappointnient. ' As he feems refoived to defeivc well of his Country by extravagant projects, I would recommend this to him as the moll probable I know of. ; ' The obfervations I have made are fo familiar to eve ry man reiiding in or near Philadelphia, that jt is not expected theyvwiJl haye muclt ufc hercr&ut they may give fome information in diltant places, where the cleft ion of a man in Logan's fit uation will doubllefs -fcem.an:xtraordinarypccurren'ce.- . , . ! A PiNNSYLVANIAK. v Capt. Odlin. of the brig Sea : Nymph j fro,tn Gib- raltar, in fixty fix days, brings intelligence, that the day before he failed..his Britannic Majefty's fcip Col loffus had arrived there from Naples with the informa tion of a vety levere engagement having taken place at Alexandria, in Egypt, between the Turks and the French, in which the former were victorious, though , LONDON November 17,., - - " Grand Scheme -of Commercial Finance s tj: TTjofcwho affcd topnetrate into the' Secret! oC the Cabinet, furnilh tea erials for political fpec Na tion, of a weight and futlanee, which, ai the firii giance, .are altoniihmg! V ,The character and ertJnk of the leatruV whichis. forming againft France, certaliily develope tWmfetvet moie. : England is knowii to be the foul of it.. ,W are aflared, -thartlte furei li'hiclrour rnTnifttrihav thrown out for ncw commercial treaties are-likely to open channels of trade, feitht-tto u'n'attemrjted even bv the entcrpriae of individnil advetitureis and the ad- vantage toM. derived likom which, it is highly proba ble, we-fliall obUin at the Wioe of the cctitinuace of war, - A commercial treaty wtfcjhe itffipcroV of Ruffia a com mercia 1 1 r ej ty wi tli tic. E m peror of G er ni a n y - a commercial treaty with the King of Pri-Cla--Vcf;tli mercial treaty with .thje .Ottoman For': e--a.c'rm ii'.' r cial treaty with the-King of 'Spain ! arfuii n iV moment on the anvil rlhefides fcveral hiferioe Wci kit. fuch as ore with the King 'of WapV.,' which we a."; told are adluallv., 'Concluded liv tficu: treaiits we expect toliavc the navigation of e,vcry iea opened to our trade j. and what the Freneh are endeavoMrirg to 5&UioViy-xpmprcjm . On Friday , lalt, a committee f Mercharits were cohfulted ou various point of thefe projefted conven tioris,; and itjs expeded that the wide extendtd plait will be made knowp foon ift'er the meeting ; of Patlja jnentr 4 By the Treaty Willi the.Tutks triexpeflktron is formed for fecunng U the ' advantages of that jfiiqVt communication with India.' yhich BuonapSftVy ex peditfuns wain.ten Jcdjto open, to France by forcc of armsTJftiLevant trade, will be ievTvedr-'and bye freejiavigatiirof the : !Ek fpliorus -1miti;e'-lBIat'scii vv expect to penetrate by the Danube into the heart bfjGermanT'.- .''rTf4v d-:-'-;-''' " ie treaty with bpai-r no mean chimeiical.-. rving" that ther ground ALEXANCtR January, z&i'-h . Extra, of 4 letter from V- entlcmaH of rtJpeCr.bitttf' in XRudtmond, to hie friend in-4h'u tcm,' daled'a iit). f -i Every day gives more convincing proofs of the' fuccefs of MARSH ALL'llEltaioni and itis fakT. that' MrH ENRY- wI ctHiie.t into lb Legiflature but I -mock.i8jubiintip ? 'Thy .Legiflature are; about 'pafling an appeal to th(t';Paop!heihef.jn' addrefsy frajight with thrmyirdir Uiij'ted . States.'" Times ar ;alarriiiig-civil diffenti ons, if not actual-cittl war, mayvbc f xpciled.No hiidy. can millake.J)eineanrg r, Taylor 'of.'Cafoline,. He is the prime -inovcr, and is jfurrouuded by thofe ..q move pretty much as he direfts.Dn weklc more" and all thei proietls will be out: A bill is ordered hhhkhfriif fevcWa i and" that But? napafie and his army were entirely deflroyed. On the lift of October: four fail of the line, and TfetmcennfMrtsy-with8it T ' r - - r m I winraitar, on a tecrei expeaition, it was mppoica iviw an intention of taking Malta. Since writing the above, the Editor of the Mer - - c'antile Advertifcr made confide rable exertions to fine out Captain OdlSn, that he might learn from "hirr., if - noffible. the earticulars of an event fo imDortant in ; the politics off Huropcj and fo materially interefting - 'to all civilized fociety. " In Capt. Odlini the.Editot recognized an old and elteemed Friend,ywho favoured , him with the following ilatemeut, for publication, "with an .alTurance that .it might be depended ob'a ; ; authentic iC:3, v v - On Sunday, the I ith f November, (japt. Od ' Jin dined at the houfe of Meflrs. Robert Anderfon and Co. of Gibraltar, in company with Jndge Morrifo'n, of the Courfof J. Admiralty ...of-Gihraltar, who in T " formed the company that Earl St. Vincent liad.jin- formed hint that the Bi itifli (hip of war the Colloflus, which arrived the day preceding from Naples, brought - chTpatches from Admiraj ISfelfon, at Naples,' to Earl St. Vincents, which contained information of . the -. Turks having attacked the army of Buonaparte with 0 a fgrf&i Juble. force, confilling of 209,606 men. ; ' A t the commencement of the adlion, the French 3dcmaflded c;uarter!iL": Tliis being efuleJ them IjyJthT i Tutks, thtFi-'ench had no alternative, and they fought ' like -rtiadmcri. The - carnage was dieadful on both ;.;;; $osl-:-.TheiiTorki lott 1 7,03o; rnen arid of the - Ftench,- only 400 efcaped by flight. .'-, -What was the fate of The. Hero of Italy" ,' himfelf 1 whether he was amongft the fallen or -the fugitives, had not tranfptrfcd." , X ;-?f" 'j:':.-'': ;;t. .'V'; ''' .?Ex.trac of. a letter' from a gentleman in Londoa- to ' , his friend in this city, dated Nbvenaberis, '9S. . The huff mailt, hate brought ' me a letter from "Tlractrnr.'aiiiotherlfrommfterdaBi. Bolb men tloa diffurbances in Brabant, owing td the requintions. -..The yotoTrg men revolt at the idea of being; fent to thYfield. . Should thefe difcontents once gain head, the- probability is that' It "will fptdad. The papers - talk of a new war with the, mpebr-Al doubt it - iiiaefs; PriilBa 'joint him, iawhicli. cafe , France will certainly be done ocrf as thcijr finances are eihaufted, and the peopVe rUnTerfally tired of the wir if enier- d "upon, ICXpecl to fee another revolution foonw t ' Oor laft FVetich pipers fpeak of ridthmg but war . idthe ifiteViori they are every where railing recruits, - -.while the Rhiae Is all in mdtitinj Italy it feemi u id P beHhtheaf the firll dreadfuFetplonon,' ' - , The Idle' W nf Negdcialidii is piobably by this time broken ad t md ihe gauntlet pf defiance thtown : once 01 nd finally. "' . We have wxid reafd'n & 18 ODcntdi Offers have been .itiYdc too tenVtitiB be refifleJ, and. the only SiiSculry is, bw to protect bpain from the Vco'geance.of the French C-n,.the Py-. renaian frontiers'. )t hot irnpoffible thai a RufTisn army may be deftincd to this fcrvice, while the col. Iecled wealth of fcveraryearsVwhu:h has been obtain- .edinScuthAmexicaifijfearfit hands of tlie E'ndifh on its ptfiage. and of the French of the Britilh Marine. Tt; '17 . ' . " I eard our foreitn relations.- . Ve forbear to enter further into the details. As I .At the commencemtnt and during the progrefs r.f the pretent war in Liu ope, a war unparalleled almolt t"be broUtfhit into the houfe, arrayura tlie State's judges .againft thofe of i,tliUnttedxStates,;-r.Vafet -t Rat. 'sjiay. obctirj-ttndeir the feditionacl,' the avowed ob of which is td fct at liberty any perfon wlio (hall -t:e p;ofeciit'edynder that aft, ",,- " V "'k " 7 '5 Taylor's refolutions,, which you have feen-Ni choUs rubflituted in place of thofe propoted by G. iv i ayior-p-uie appeai or auureis to me people and the bill ordered to. be. brough in, will fill up the meafure of hoftility, !ort;.thc part of . this ftate. againft the, JiniUd iJutesLt-Tiie govJerament of iheU-nited-.i-tates mu(V prtedt itfelf Or icld to the force of Vir-, ginia. Vtich open hoflility.feannot and mud not be. pafied byerJTn filerce. .Anothe pWijctl fs before the houfe, Tor arming en maffe all the militia , of the Coni monwtalth thia is alfo.the (cHemroF, Taylor and hit party and who tan doubt the objtci ? f It is not to prepare 'to fTcfiid the nation agatnit .a foreign foe, for ; this party" boldly afiert, that there is no fuch' danger to be apprehended.. SM liaVtlien is the objedt ''he rcfolutiont mentioned i-Wcts contc,mpated.aji3 tlie ;:: n'aniffto tSthe people, ave,thc beft elucidations. ''-.'.''": Z'V-.v - '" ' . ' -v'V..-- The following addreft-wafrTfajif mi'tted 'by'Tiiis"Excel i leVcy the Coverg. to the fttrfcdent. of. tl.t United , -States fcgreeably to the refoltition of the General Aflembly of tlit 34th of December laft. ' " "' 'V, To the Pass ids St, of the Unueu Statis, the ad i !',. drefs if the l.egiflatiirtf.of North-Carolina. . ' '"!. AT ibi irterefting ptriod of the itffairiof-the tlnU on, we fecl it a jduty which we owe to oiiiffUcs and to our country to make to youias the Chief Magif-li trate-afrte and-explieit-deeliiiatk) of our fentimentt ' : upon the meaiures wtlch lately have been taken by thefe proiccls, however vivc os the certainty of coft twucd wr, ue are. makiuir preparatiouj accordingly I be Navy Board, we are afiiredrcOTtraaedVoW day lalt, for the uuprcccdented quantity of ijO.OCO pair of lliccs.-and immenre Contracts are to be made for other arttelesr Why is jhirf .BecaU fe the Subfr 7 uy (the intended, price of fume of the treaties,) is to be paid in Briti!h manufaciures-not in money .:.:..;f f - ----'-, ' ' ' .jy, v. The rernittahectf to this country from the continent have of late been fb; great, that there is at prefent more tafh Jnlihe Bank, jhan there TiaS been at any period fin.ee the commencement of the War. ! "'"" Letters froth Hamburgh fay, that Dumouricr, with feveral oiEccrs who have ferved under him, (have been induced, by advantageous "offersp to enter " into the" fervice of the Ottoman Porte. ..It.it ;added, that Dumourier'in'd fuite are -upon the eve of theix d'epar ture for ConiUntinople. : PHILADELPHIA; Januarr 21. ' : The HouJe ofA(ft;nih!y of New-Jerfey, this day difmilfcd the Virginia and Kentuckey refolutions, cn the fuhjccl of the fcditTon and alien bills, paffed by mongrel latt lummcr. , ipcy woum not permit mem lb lie on the table s but on a motion for a fecond read ing,- it Was' refuted. Some gentlemen wiflied toKave mem reaa a iccona lime aiinc jainc nmc uccianug they would vote again ll them fbut they were defirous. to givti an ahfwcr, which miehc 'fatisfy thofe ftatc? that ihe legiflature confidered both the mode and prin- cipies ot tneir conauct as noituc to me union. How ever, "the greateft, part of the members conceived that the bell way was, to difmifs luch factious refolutioos without debate, left it might be fuppbfed that rtpre fentatives of New.jerfey were willing to' hold a cor refpoadence fo infulttng to the, federal goveriimenf. It is to be jiopljteJegiflatures-f-4itherftate wiltfoirov tlie example of New-lerfcy, and not per mit fuch tieafonable correfpondcn.ee to- pollute' their. filet. - ,' , y - : fiALTlMOREi January ' 1 7'&j The brie Betfer,' Van Beuren, etime up yefterday ,ftom Anapolit. 4 A. ihe palled the Fort, (he gave a falute of J 5 guns. . .- A gentleman who came paucflger in the net ley fays, he was informed the day. before he failed,; by a gentleman of information; that the court df. Spain had Tent a fpecial eij ivoj ta-GreaVBritaiti tV hegocte ate a treaty offenfive and deft nfire between hc two powers, and to obtain a convoy forithtircraXtuJS fleetjWvth tnohey from S'.- America, which witipu jated ffiquid be 'appropriated to the; payment of the combined Auftriaa an Ruffian armies, acting again! France. , f inthannals bfLlsationsjLiaiiobe; expefltd thftt . many difiictihtes iwould joeeur from cur connection with the Tjdligercnf naition, in eltablilhing and ob- fervmg thtt ncutralay which both jufl ice and policy the fatif- pointcd our If'pfoper toyiiiftie, We have faction to dcclaie, that we' believe a correct outline of our duties and rights in a neutral flatipn was formed ' by the Federal Executive at' 'cailyrpertod,'' in the proclamation of neutrality ; and th.it finde that peri- -od no meafures have been taken at tor foreign powers not confident with thofe duties, and conformable to . the indifpehfible rights of foverr ignty." We lament however that difference ahd of a fcriotis nature too the caufts of which it is tinncrr (Tary to retrace,' have arifrn between the United "States and the Republic of France. . .- - - - . To adjufl tbrfe by fiiir aid amicable negbciatiori,' the tneafures" taken fince your admioiftratio :wrth . pleafure we exptefs it, hsV" in c'ui opinion been wifely calculated.".- !,., . 'A: . The iuflrudtii'n9 to our Envoys to France appear ' eminently to be founded in iirpartiality, .finccrity and ; cahdonr. in them it if declared if wrong has bctri ' done to France and her cit.ijtens..it was as well the ' object of he ;o.v'ernmehVt 0 do jyijic o them as to .obtain it for the ir.j'iTfies' which had been fuilained by. -the peptic tiicfc fia'is. ' " t 'T ItTvas .n6t7y. itSbut rlip utmoft aflonifhrnent there fore, after thc'ex!enfivedeprtclatiopsoii our commerce -Committed-'by the--citizens of France, and aftey the repeated overtures for cch'cilia"tion made by Our go-" vernmcnt, that e heard, 'noi only that redrefs was' " denied to our wmngs, but by aTproceduie as undefeiy. ed as unwarranted by the praflice of'civiliitd nations,, even a hearing to our MeflengfrV 6f peace was alfo rcfufed, except n. erms totally Incompatible with fiaTiofial dTgntryarTcThbnour. . : ' V . Be allured, tint cohduct like tbitj in the French government, has flroigly excited in tis. thofe fceKngt which naturally crifc'iii the minds of merf cotifc'tous . of -the" rectirtideof '7 thur wnivtYntidnsnd'Tcnfjbly-'. alive to injuries tOfrnnitfed"by tltofe with whom we. had indulged the1 hope of maintaining' a long and fin-; cere friendihip. -.. . , -. ; ". Notwithftanding the ftrong defirc of peace we have', .' hitherto entertained,, and ltill doentertain, we ate at the fame, time profoundly J.mpreired with the fiilleft conviction, that national honour and national fafety are efleatiallyT'if not inftparably connected t that th former cannot, be in any degree impaired without im minent danget to thclatteL--, If, after. the mdderatioti r al.nbfr unexampled which ptir coiihfcls have difplayedi after the defenfive meafures whicri have tcenplirluedj ' (ItJl not be done to uy but furthef aggnffiona lhall be attempted, w hopelinder God, that again it will be .-'--'-- --' p