"The Merchant's Soliloquy nv i MFOrtliVT. d ENTEEL w ungentccl that ia the aueliori: Whetcr tit more polite to buy and fell '"v. -j .mi .1. !- attirtJ " Uauae. "- "rTTT- clu ' I Or, witu Irock ana trowicrs, iaoour m i vf t :ir. tVrlr-wll.fed indeoendent clowns.-' - 1. To wwk to drudge fa bread40 want o more And thus elcape we auna or oae twv- : The (heriiT. warrants, tnd.ftfccrprifo.'a bin : ;.. inMLTcTOTk to toil Perchance be thought a clownaye, there's the rbb t For being thought a clown, what mam nay com TtTVata taw AXtwWklf ihVflntial marks of Gentlemen. . VT U.H w V -- , . and-tswdty anhft Thil feaagllt v r T T A T. V - . 2 too Acres of fwamp land on both ildes of I CI..Uul anil Tiininpr i-rrck. in Richmond county v 6oo acres of excellent low laod in Rukfon ccunty, -on Drowning creek. l co acres of land on North, well Cape Fear, 1 6 miles 2. w it.' ...I. M'mt nniv Ilti!l below ray eiicviuc, wnercuu -r . - One-fourth oh r actti of land in the town of Uy ettenie, on both fides of the cm near ik wu ..... :- 3,mnrnn rnrnitv. on the fouth Little Cohery, late the property of D. Cameron.: i0 acres of land in Cumberland county; joining the . aw -a t A-t' . . ,?' lands ot lapiy jonniioa.' . . -2000 acres of land on Rok6lT.. in DupEo county. i of fond in Duplin county, on wm-i'ranvu e-oJ . Jul iHnrnLI ,a mh Strike! oswith dread, nor I WW courfe to take. For . Of homely drefs, the farmer The fcbrchlng fua, the rain i A,t what Is more the oaass .Tan nften aimed at honed ind 1W Km. Fools and Knaves And all to be bat hoaeft iadependent cneil Wbo would not rsmer otu ow run iw : Shine ia Clks and lact, the goods of othe Qnat Sowing bowls with men of taSe a Thunder o'er pawnenis in Dorrowca w Or fttut the hrects With Fafliiooable cue Kay, would not rather cheat a little. And then he honourably lypntoneJ, U'han not be thought genteel f - .-7.- - iis thus. ' Cnftom. Fafliion, makes us both poor I frM.Mn. via .r. nifir inp ninmrii i l r lira a J -J I I 3 To be what nature new made os toty Tr..rnrrrinihoi idiT. ana Jk.niTes I em i : lhacric tea. auk; i&bs - Or' fn t-io aero 4 jo. acres of land in NewHanoter county, on Top fail Sound. -w, ,v - 1 6o acres of land on Rich Inlet, New-Banorer county. :ALro a feeneta aflbrtmcnt oT t. j . DRY G O U I) Eaft and Weft-India . Goodsr- MEDI CI N E, I Either by whole fate or retail, low for Csfii or coun try noauce ay. . .a D, ANDERSON. The beautiful, high bred, importeC" 1-a - . - . Much celebrated forhis running in England, 1te the piopertr of Lord Sackvillc, and whole racing per. lorniance at itw-iiar.ri, v month ot woveroocr, 7y7 WJ J ' y The pegree of SiWer wi neai tne itncre imnmy, ana lor ine ioiurm" ....... ... - . t mares, the following it extracted from the Racing Ca Jendar. fof iht Vt$7i4 T$U: may be feen ea appHcatin to the fubfciibcr. t;: : SljIvERitnllecond Oitc weetg, 79J, : it A. Ka the Dcke ot Bedfard's Cuid- eu Rod, 8!t, lib. one mil.' for JO guinea-. . ' n ! proud' s oots r ALL prions indebted to the fubfcriSef; will nlcafe make immediate payment, at no inauigence will be fcen cr tne nrn pi reoruary ."v . for life. RHFRIFF's SALE. r I Win be fold on Wednefday the 6;h of March r, Hit oc ioiu on iiwiiiw.; iv"" ..... , st the court-houfe in layettryille, the follow , LANDS, (not grven in) or fo much thereof-af mar be necel Urv to lately me taxes cue I ..for the year. I7Q7, TToudon. a French Sculptor of enf rce, has late i m'Ail of Cener? WASHING TON. To be enabled to eaeente Wis likcncf. the A ri,.1i4Mnlna and livfd ill months in k i . i ..vh - - t w. oloicrea-'-flear- the- Ian3 of ISbjah.-i tiher, on tne -atiooal weal&re happily laugmedand as hap. H ' " ' .. f - Fear rfverov,ned by Mifi M'Ni pnr eiecuted, jn his performance.' It was particu- eaft U !e ot Wpe tear river, j lany inn ian mcnuoocu .uivi.i, , the acTicuItor. The fimnle coftome of the figure, exprtfljy chofen with that iewt la Decn much criticiftd in America, where talU is yet iu it infancy. The Americans wimed to contemplate a p... ) toinr9ti) citb all the attributes of a conouerort whereas Houdoa, onhecontrary aimed . - --J- rrj- to reprelent the pioteetor ot tnc rw, pc, , of liberty" It was the interpofitiort of Wafhington - if .t.:.U ram1 aflViinfttv th PI. IllUllCII W111CU UIUUCU M Kj""" - . n - ?. -1 . :. CCUtlOO OI tuc ania, iuw JjLihCJ n. lll,nlu'".irT : .i, r m I T, , ; 1 hf beat W. T St. Georjje. S ilone, ylb. two mile", far JOO guiruaa. ' Inthc'feroiij " spiir.jg meet ing. 1,794 88: jib. , Wat Mr, HoWcriV Anthony, 8U.hJf ciOc f-r li , , . 'inlhe july mtmg, t794-hJS" i 5P "t bchwu ; the Duke of G iJlon GroufcLwd Otfoid'a IX..,!Ar:nr.-firsiinr47rFteitcma8iHird CV- mount's Paynator, and Lord EKr-mM, Jf - - In the firft Odow Tieiting, 1794, a.U wei. ed aogs. from Lor l EgremountV StagA tHrA. One ana an nan nnic, u w "-x - , In ihe fcond OiWher meeting, t7S4 R hp a dead heat with Lord E;remouota Scagnll, a. lib. and one and ah half mv-. . . .1 L 1 r r r railjiid, Lord Egumort'i Cinrabar RltCha iirr i kr 1 ... ILT?rTjl.'f tlclrnci. Dult I r t IWV' V'''r T - - , - . - r - . -aa4-jt : handicap piste, two mil? ton's Gi I III II l U I T . IVI"" -- - I W - . LQnceBrry'sTIUyUjrr Tichbeld's QoIaaca. v . . . In the Crsten meeting, 1795, b.t. U tt a-ca ,Dai Hd.", ton's St. Gsorge. tUfc four m2, for jt guuiea,. - , In thefirtt l.nng meeting 179$ of the O ulinda il.krs, cp. ac4wnMh MV Teg MrrViirfii Penf'fRton, ttt. DJrm'a Gbikl, and the Duke iiCViM-nfjerry't reckee. , In the HuKi tv ri.e et'me, 1 79? 4 o ieC4 iorfeiTlinIr lOKTyi; for 100 guineas. ' .,.....' ' - I au,'c 0. su, , IvJnffin different part of the coiitiT, i . i ,ii. Pt,f, fuppolcd to be the properly 01 jaun y.aj January 26. 9 V ENTERTAINMENT.. I 'T H E-fubfmbeTTerpeafnlly- infcmVhe-uhlief Id The fieore- is arrayed inthe htnpu ana nooie.tircia r-""- ,r , , . ; :. : . . -r ?I : r.,rtl lift. . lirfit cUited ft half but- f he kind enough to favour him with their compa of a man to rurd hfc .. r,.1. nn hia fret-: with a cloak fattened on hit moulders and . back. fuited to protcA an agricultor from the inclemency of the weatner. unc unu j - ; other reus on ine icpuonwny" v' , " Cap ot UDeriy. n ., ew c y ari rr1 ' r. v Cumberland County, January 22, 99. r -ui? lA ani TQjinent of Colonel Robeit . Mil -. ' I t crrtired. having at thelau term Of this county court; been daly admitted to piobate, and the fubferiber having been duly qualified as Exe- cutriiof faid Will, ana taKCn.on ucneii .uic.r -eacecution thcieof. , . ; n . .11 nrrfori alio bave anv oe wands- aftainft the eltate of the Caul Robert, to ir.ake ; v r... .Mi!!! timfi liitated by law. Known ic o."v -....... .- - -- -- ; . - She alio tea n cits thoie matoveu 10 mc cuc i deflator, to dilcharge. their orniruons. 80 - - SUSANN.V ROWAN, ny.-AUO a tew Sienteei Doaraers may ."""""- dated. : NOAH PlTTMAN.' . Lumlrrlbtiy January 22. - 9 3 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, , ' " TWi. n. t-7 08. !':;.. ' 1'.','.... T OTICE W HERE3Y GIVEN. Thatbyvir, J A tile ot an act, pitted auring tne prcicni icuir-n of Coflcrefsfo much of the entitulcd " An A in mi , . f.irtiiHr nmviiion rnriae luuuun oi diidiic r vii.ii "V- II I . 1 .. ? . i .. - t .U. i.l.t:- J-I...H 11 ri.iir. and tor me reaemDi on v ic uuunv ucoiv rr-,1 ihWiliIrd dav of Match, one thimfand feven hundred and ninety-five, bars from, fettlemcnt of ailowancc, Lettihcatcf, commcniy cauca ,oaihwf and final fettlement Certificates, and Indents of Inter cft3, is fufpended until the twelfth day of June, w hich will be in Uie year one thoulana uven nunotca no imiciy-iiuit. . . v j, . r c TUt n the.- Knuidation and fettlement-of the faid r..;rin-.f.. aiift Indents of Tntereftr at theTrtafurv, tliSL Creditors will be entitled 10 receive v,enun.dic 01 funded Three Per Cent. Stock equal o tne amount r ' ' -r . ns t- -t tt -nr ? l,if r9; Tnr1inM ' and the arrearacres of tntereu TWENTY 13ULi.A : r Kid Certificates, pnVlo the nrft day. TTI AN-AWMirn, . Ta,;a0nethoufand feven hundred and ninety one XX tj. out thj hrtro 1- - " S That t'h orincipal fan,, of the fai Loan Offlce rro man ui' J " 7 : i n. .- . fii rr.tti.n,.nt.r.i:rtihram.-7with- tneoateren y - r . v u h.a a irar on inc.jLciijirner.r4iiM"-r----- ' . . i..iiir...iKr.i....i.Kt.-..- -r---T.i r . - 1 . . . . .t,i rt - r t. M .kAii.Mr muuwa: .. : -n... e v k; f.,t. k.-.i l thereon, lince tne on, oay or lanurr, vm. and iei tewra 11 u , , . ' , 1 n, .jj.. on at . ,e Treafurv. by the payment of tnter- th'e Turns : frfid Cer: ..fiitiri r tVii AAa The 'ho-e o ... , h!m to me. on Browri J makiim pro-ifidn for the debts of the Ignited btes. to any perw.7.' , ufk,.,A..u . ii MLinA,A durintt thel-tt war. and br theTayment of ' 1. aSoiit UK miles iroui. j-w'-""gii w . n j .w," . ,'; creek, aaoui u. ( r.. t x.i..i,iimi. m tn the market value of the remain. V . . .a tar .iecuriiiK HU M7 6"': ,v way 1 ..-- t-, ,r . - ., : r-. DttAaa tor.iecu B t j 1 wouJd haye be.n.Cfeated by fiich ges iu. , LAWRENCE MOORE. fubferiptions as aforefaid, in polk OIr . : .v,i,: ..li Uii rA r. mhur&mcnt of or nciDal. equal to i, ietifibfe at -1 Rr tul-l r.r?,r; f,. .Ufch would have been oafab e threon, if the vrnnnofi will enaeavouvivK" ;:.-" "i?"?- r-j v . . 1-r . 1 . .1 - r ..v.1.1 n .viAa .... 11 1 Silfr liaTirnproved lifr.&Ft$flZt aad leaav ty fince he was impoiled l t: the Uf f.afu t.UU not ffcnerally knowu, coverea a-vaTn t a. mar e 3, an J has lipnaHtei mmutrjM "ettinff foals.' The wt Baucis nmuti nai colts will enf Hte Uie ci run . ume ui t.uf t.nr He will Rand tin enlwu g U8.oi at ; gi.hiau -.it u nt;fi Tw. N.Cvat ww st.. a a alb. IKIIIkS VS v w a.-.w - - w .-.i. . r , half guineas the leap, fie f tineas the kaloo. a4 eight guineas to t niure, n umtn u not to be parted with until It 5, rf.ert4u.vl wftttLcr jhe be with foal or not' and batfs dollar tofhf grow. , : The mone-firl the. ftafuri of inforaoif to fee jditV chargedlin ', or an kid f rory produce at ca(h price,1 cithit at Halifai "or Scotland Nrrl, the .! of Janusry, tlioot atid ti c mt Wl for the kap, loge. the.r with that for the grocm, to be faid at the tn" of cov'tiiog. - ..: - ' . . . - SILVER, i a l-JHtiM t'rrphrcrey, j ket g t ches high, b:ed hy Itc Ije nf GififH. lie was got by .Mercury, .rrai got ly -dU O'Ktllj's E clipft out of a TattJt Mart ';"',!. i ilam was iht Looot 1-1 ,,,! M.ir. ,, fcr l itTi air i:nrtOl I MJ wtait ,v Crah. llistrrta't fMe;-t v Utiu V .m 'EWwf 1 "Mlor- r . . hi great gieat gtet granu- UiK jliiohv uy !., fink, his great reat y&xM rta; gt graod dn : LeedsVrtiabian 'V"T'V' "rT:: . C : : ;' '-"'.::..; Gciod arid ejtwsftsjeLr well fecurcd. xr,:':,-; and theff. rfste .1 a e nt iw p 4 to Mires,' but will not be liable f y'n,j,.ftr pes.of . anylina.ntlejaea, fed or to tun on ibttitld wiU have it nj o U mod teafonsiblc terms. . - ; ;; sl tf ! JOIIH DRVV, Jo. Scotlauil Neck, Halifax Coiiuty, January 14. LAWRENCE MOORE. -Anfon ounty,-January 24, ' 2 NEGROES TO BE HIRED. 0N Tuelday the 1 2th initv will be hired until the laft r'ay of December next, a number of Ne rroer confillihg of Men, Women and Children, fee' Win? W the Heir of Thomas England, dec. jS. I- ROBERT COCHRAN, Guar.iaa. r..Lr..:n;nn, a. enrCa'iA. which market value will be determined by the Comptroller of the TreaTury. 6m 1 " Secretary of tie Treafurj. , v B L A N K , Tobacco, manifefts, .For ialeatthis Officsr T H E Hoifcl, Cattle, Sheep, Ernhhr, Corn; and Moufrhold Furniture; late the prep, tty -of Colonel Robert Rwan. defeafed, will bcJ-M according-tolaw, at the Plantation, on Saturday the 16th inilant At'the fane timet wo valuable 'Negto Fellows wilt be hired out. -. StJSANNA ROWAN, Exeadrm. -' Fttruari I. ."': ;.''.' ' ' .1, 1 i ' ' -V ANTED r . " , -'S a principal Teacher in the St. David's Aca-jfY- demy near Cheraw-court boufe for the-enf" iDg year, a perfon well recommended, capable of teaching the : Rudiments cf the Englifli, ltin an4 Greek languages, and the other ufual brairchet Of li terature. Such a perron will mett Vith a gtroua eneoura:en,Cll by applying to the committee of faid fociety J 3AMUELWII.DS. Sccreury. Tjavcember 23, M29?-'"t 4i lf - , f . f

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