X 4 r- 5 f4 9 v- k . . . ''j-yto.- irrers fitd Bocfewfll forefc xKer . . . Jf he'sdeprir'd of jkfr .SfZSC tTv'i.vj.:Sili-!i--JiJ:v-. f-A .."'.:..:.'i.-.:. :V The tedious winter cinie (o hille "A trobd fire Kara charm ; ; : ; Bat It the fire no wood can 'fide, How wa we keep us arro ? .. v ' 'tritabng' terms We ' would latter l", f w ; : 4 yAnd pounbf pork jtnd butter.,-; '' :.' FwVive .credit, creditors ;V'; " tVe certainly muflt foye'V . - 'J ' ' 'Bat give oaf credltora" no pay, , -Our credit finds aave. f '&0 'Jet otifronYtaVethe hlntV -; ; . Nor thialcjour rhyming trafli " ; "for we atteft f (there ft Uuth in't.) ii'-'V- ivi air iut tjci ir. ' ' ' '' ,7 1 1 'p,iL-i"-'-'r1 Vy-J-'yy-fcaTJB'K'Ty TEH Tjhf brick houlels has received a genera! ffort.eBt;o(,PRY .Gt)OI?3 fialtfrlto- Steel, Casings Lyifeed andaindi: Molafles by the hoghead otfmall, quanuiy,;$ugarby the -barrel Cyder Branny, .Sherry,; and ,-Jort--Wiaer I in 84 gallon Stilh ,aifo a large ind general affortwient' of "Leather, Morocco, and Staff Shoes, for Ladies, Miffei, ; Gentlemen and Children . . iif - THE - THOROUGH BRED. HO Ml TXT ILL ftand the enfunw fpring- feafoa to bej WW'KW'the 10th of Maich and end thflOth of- tlUi' Kat rhniThAdioilfl Te- nemtnt, now occupied bjr: "vffTrt;! f kttU, c-: filling of a convenient , Store, with fever,aji Ware- r -J .R -lt.- !..1t ..U..1 , laiea lor wMoic-taiCjDr Tctau-jmcrtnaiiy . ; . Alfo a lot now occupied by Mr. Robert Clyde', Carpenter; on Barfon Strett-and that lot tin1 Lower jFayettevilie, on which ii jtiej Toba.cctV Wf5ll,, Vddec the, inlpciqn oftMcBV !ccl 'C'njti.' IThe fuhtcriberwnt with any perTon defiroys to beconic purchaser of any or tne aiorciaia icnemcms from: the JtoiutiaftHHHSI Cititeni and Citiffe of .Ame'rtc. Friendi to good Gojeranicht and thi RightlfManEnemieaXd ;;tj tyrInts7Goard.ah8 of the lacrea flame or Libernr, L " li Jacobini,' I)ejnocant,; Demagogue, and Republi- , .. cani, Whifky Boyiii Frenchmen Dutchmen! IrifiS, jnVSc6UhmA,W iwfkrioiM attempt ataft ur facrtd liehtt have ibeen- brojight to light 4Tbfc' enemie of genuine . ?i bertyi-workgi' fe'tWe;beiW "tnine the great puura pi repoDHcanum. 1 ney uavc - already forged-one link Jt the chain which -waa-to bind nam eternal bondage, he conllitotioB nf the - United Statet'thi fafeguaVd oT6ur j)recioui priilcgea, fays, that, Copgrefs fliall pafa nq law abridging the - freedom orfpeech'; indyet the;Iiflatre -bfhe liTJUte 'of :iNew-)erfey).oj;. inioding their oath to Tup port the coaftitutiont but intending to OverthroW if and 6 foafy tia under its ruini, afld daring ahd affum V inir to theimfelvel dowers not ipoffeflecl by Cortgrefs, have pilted a W for the punimmcnt of trirnes, in, which, among other things, they fay. that " no man v. "ball curie or t wear, or rcwic tpe goipeii, unocr yc t nalty of ' fine and Imprifortment.'' . So daring ah out ragcon y6ur prvilegegy ought nit tbpaf,unregarded. Is not one ot yoir inMc7TpnbIelrihtrt DUKCAN MACLERAN. WevilterMribi.V:-- 54 XJf;;"r uv "'' - i t r - o "yTiTlfnotTBirfedoW5ftp ny 'fellow-citizen's ! thU 1 aft Js tinconftitotlo&al and Void ) aroufe ind do- not let It be carried into effect. 3TuV tniernal gag altt, is one ftrp. WaWs dtfpo tifm. Bye aod bye they will fay you (hall not peak Stall. iHaveithey rflo fbeak 'as-they blealc ? - Arpufc thea V Call upon the magnauimou Tcpuoiit, ., . muuuu. jjiALOoyi?;- ;.i r: Should the Emftrar reject ftill a peace, i' Cries Pitt, I muft grant him a Loan ;'t . " ' SlrrJr But, ; cunning Ddndai, cries ceafj Willy, eealei y v .:; i " Ypu'll do wifer to let him alone."- ,. .j.' - - t FOR SALE, :' Jri ..-n fViianwaf Wrrfif'Iane'R Creek and !tMe trro-Head. on the road leading from , WadelbOtough f tO- UuarloUe inn iraci a gwiiKu iu.i r:Brownin threari788r and is welldapud for the tultjlife of .corni wheat and tobacc0.f:.'?':;: ' V ' Tjfo 2000, acres in Robcfon count ori both fides ILi pf Drowning Creeki about lixtcen mtles above Lum-befton-a crofs the trUk is.an ex?cllept bridge lately - rebuilt, ovct; which a road has been laid off, leading from FayettevilL: to Long Bluff: "On the premifes are . -i dwelling houfe ind kitchen nearly ''-finilhed and the. . tfreek running ner thenji 'jrehders the fituatian very beautiful. The navigation of Drowning Creek, which ' nay be opened at a fniall expenfe tip to the bridge, will make this Bad a Com Kn4 To a perfon in t thriefcaniiWlinrf'T-',rhe land is goodrand te range -X for cattle, fiogs &Ci Is inferior lo none in the county; ' Likewifc iuridry other, trafts lying In different parts tof faid county, (amounting in all to JOO,O0Q.acre). -The landi are , generally fertile, convertient to fange and water, arid including many valuable mill-feats :-( All or a part of which Will be fold low,'f6r ca(h or ;' toroducifir delivered in FayctteVilie or Lumbertbn; i - J March y.I f : A, GILCHRIST. " j s v;Vanted;lmmediatelr A N CFVERSEER'who dnderftandi minaging " Xju Negroes, and can be well Com mended for ho-. fiefty, 'fobriety and induftrJ--One of this defcrtpt ion tnay receive geaercras wages by applying to the fob : r icribet at Fayettevtlle. ; Wm, Watts Jo as. 9- i tp- KTSfieft-nrice iii : CaflrwiU be eiVen forNEW FEATHERS. Enquire.at Frank-) !, tin's, Ueaa, fayettcviuc X? ' CommffiionTbufine jfervices in either of the above branches ,he wifl-id-' ince X?ob on Merchaniiizeor Produce left with him' for fait -All orders Ifhall be punctually attended toy and"c'arcfulexecutcd- :? rj,J-A:ir-f- t-- :M ' He -has for, falerynchTdfiifbf, Weft jmfia" RtJM,' and SUGAR ioiarrels iAlfo aoi-tmen olJDry Gd.lHard.W of School Books', commonly ufed in the Atademiea and Schoohi in this 'date. J'-yrr0-K; ) Wanted Tobacco and Floury for which a generous rjee will.be given. V ; 4 GEORGE FLETCHER; 'Fsyetteville, JlfarJ i. , . . v' 54. tf ". t;; "', ; . Cumberland 'Countyy JairtrarV ii, '99. THE lalt Will and Teltament of Colonel Robert 'JL'i '.Rowan, ' lately 'deceafed, having at the laillerm of this county court, been duly admitted to probate, and the fubfcViber having bVen duly qualfficd as E cutrix of faid ; Will, and taken da -lerfelf ; Tolely-the .execution theteof . , -- 4. ' ? SEe-hereby requires . 11, perfons who have any de mands againft the elrite of the ftid Robert,' to make known the fame wtthiiUthe times firrTiTed bv law -tt , ShTaTfoTOtoto f rfy--the one half - of his t uns lb. Piy fl able at Biflu poekourn, in Chatham county, bdoui two muciuun Pittlborough, N. Carolina ; the other half of hit tin :' at Samuel M'Danicti -on Roeke y River, ia faid COtta -j tyxthe terms when at Rbckey River, to be knowA ot Samuel M'DaineUtand jrhia 1 at ,Bannpckburt tw be kiiown-of the fubfcribri'. f " " iisiDOLOf is A beautiful ch'eTnut wfrtel, nfinjc ikTct arsofaffe, fifteen-and in half Us hiehVb p6int ; of figure, itatorf ftrength and beauty, judges tHo him to be equalled by cw ana excciiec py none m deed the tnoft capital judges, who have feen him, proV nnunce him to be the handfomeft large, bodied horft they ever faw in North Carolina, or rven on the contj pent ofAAmerica i hi colt are much admired, pa'rtJ-ii ciilarlv fori their fizeTome of '..'them cot wheir owned j by Colonel B. Wniiams in 1797, mcafured 3 feet 6 y . inches as fooo as they Rood up j and it is reduced t i a cerfainty7from undbObtcd auIhorityihat;DolOT,i cblts are how irt .ii'si?gheftimation as any ftud'seolts thatlrver Hood in the itate of - Virgiaisi-fome of whick are now held at the price of.oO guineas, a33J do DOLON was gat by 1 ippoolaib. who wa yot by jP)elMcy'ainrted"Itn out af theBrandum inirt dam of Pilgrim Clodiu8, "Bucklkio, and. Colonel Of ' gelby's CellaV who Was the fire of Mr '.lirmaduktt Johnffdn'f celebrated jrunning gelding that wis lately ' fold for : ! 500 dollars to Colonel Hampton V Ddlon'i dam was fot bf Did f artner, her grand dam by.th$ Tfiip5rTed Januser gfeat gr8hd !im by the (mpo7ffrT" Valiinf. licr erreat creat 'jrrind dam by the Imported Tolly Roger; out of -the imported-mare the property? 01 ina lata non,. 1 ever iiuuijj alfo dam to the late Andrew Mead's running thare!- Sila, a nd grand da ra to .Oracfer that ; di ftanced the - field at Newmarket Races in JMay 17930; ' -r ; Extenfive PafluraVe, arid all Boflible care and at tention gi ven to the mares, but will not be aaf werabl . for tfcapes or acctdentsof any kind. r -:V ; ..' March 8. " 1 55.7.. . teftator. to difcharge their obligations: , , -: ,8g .-. . -SUSANNA ROWAN. , ,v;. FOR, SALE ;;V- BY the fubferiber, at the Poll OfSce in this town, riiponjrery-jnoderate termV'wcll flavoured third proof it. Croix Rum, by the puncheon or barrel ex cellent Sugar by the barrel, ind fome other articles in the Grocery iine He has alfo a fniall iAortment' of Dry G'od,'among:;which are:-fuperfine black and blue "calTimtreV fupferfine black and. mixed broad, cloths ; Jwanfdowti, filk, cotton, afed woi fted hofc black lutell ring and fattin,, changeable Manttia, ; pt int ed, jaconet, and, book muihs, a few. pieces falhioria ble prints and, ginghans, and feveral Other in icles, iny of which he will difpofeof low, for Cafli w'Couh.' W R-r"j-A-irEr : f : r Acres of fwamp land ori both fides of V "ShbcHeel aod Juniper creek, in Richmond cuunty . 660 acres of 4excelh)nt low 1a1adjinR6berobcdiflrity, "on Drowning creek. ' --'Jii': VI':.:, -.'. I50acrc 'land dnJth'-we(l Cape Fear,; 1 6 miles befow FayetrJcvillc, whereon James dimt'now kves 2 eood Vivei lamd;.':'' ': ';' : ' " i! " - One-fourth of 1 1 acres of land in the town of -Fay Tettevllle, on both- fides of- the creek' near the Cool loo atret'in .Sambfon county, .on the fouth fi?e of Little Coheryrlal'e the property" of D. Camcron'.T I-gO. acre Oi lanum -uuiucriauu iwmjj -jwiwihjj vus ' jauds of Taply Johntton. 1 apoo "acres of land on RkTlli, Du'plircbohTyT 32b acres of land in Duplin county, oh Mill-branch creek.:;''" Vv' . - ; '; .;' ' ''.. ' 450 acres of land in New-HanoVer county, on Top T fail Sqund. ; ' ;'i7?7Jf.-.':' ,!V-'.;..:,L-. 100 acres ofland on Rich Inlet j New-Hanover county. ; Alfo ; a general iiflbrtment of . , ; Eaftiiaricl rWcftjndia Goods, ' '.. : i. a.. . . " .' . -: Either' bv whole fale or retail, low for Calh or coun ( 'Fayetttyintt Dec. id.' ;D. ANDERSON. 1 C3- A LL-perfons indebted to the fubferiber; .will pleafe -make:' Immediate payment "as no iddulgence wUl be kiVca after the firft of February next. ' v ' ,v " : , ; , DAVID ANDERSON. , :r.".-.-:"?r-i''-." t "-.v '" -.'.i..'.i.-'.--'- ,'':--'-:.;" :-'.'r rv?'';';'.''-::'-.-'v:t-v v-;:;'- lr-':-''l:l ILL ftand it the liable of the fubferiber, the 'enfuincr feafon, an cleeant, full bred and well formed STUD HORS.E j his firs is the old imported Fli-nnap, and his dam a full blooded jrtiported mare be is a beautiful bay i eight years old, of a good cofl- luiUiion ana iii ingii cTic(.iiour aiiu wui i- w Mares it four dollars the fingc1eap,efght' .doBara . thefeafoir quartet 6f i-dollar Jtd the Groom. . 'Ty- " ; ; Good Pafture for jnires' fent from a Hlllance fratu' and all reafonablc care (hall be taken of them but not anfwerable for accidents , . V , JOHN SIBLEY. . fayehmtie,ZAfartbffi ISim DOLl-AkS REWARD. B AN-A WAY from the-fubfcriber,-twoNegr-' men named PHILIP & SHADE Philip is fomewhat of i yellowUromplexion, and has' a fesrosj his forehead near the edge of bis hair, "about it years of age : Shade is of a more black, comphxion, fparfe made and tail, about 2 $ or 26 yeats of age. s Any perfon that will deliver the aforefaid Negroes to the -iubferiber in Geoigiai Hancock coUntyj, (hall rective the above reward if not convenient to deliver as a. - forefaid, have thtrrrfecirreoSn feme gaolrAhatahCT fubferiber gtTUhem-o fo oe i word, by( line or bthetwtfe;AalVi!f one half of the above reward and . in . proportion for cither of ' them. The fubferiber will pay all piilon tees. .-.FebUT: 10 tt TYSON. TusV Opened and or saLe by At lit Stm t on Mr. John B'urioin't vharft 7 LARGE ifid general afnrtmeptjdLEnrope-; XX in 1 aind India Good?J? fuited to the fcafon'which ' will be difpoled of oh ver low terms for FUxleed b other produce, ? . k- kotice; inpHE death of Jam es Tisdalb, Efqtilre, obliges ; ' j the fubferiber to bring to immediate clofe all the bufineft tranfacted under firm' of Whtattm fcf ' dakol Fayetteville, and that under firm of Wbea-) j ton ifJaie& &. at Wilmlpiitori' therefore all per- w " Tons having any demand againll .'jithet of tliefTaM.' houfes, are requefted to prefent therrifmm adjullmentrt and thofe Who ir' Indebted ' tc cither of; the before-rnentronid . hoirfegr"are defired for the lad tiroe.itomake payment to me br in myblence tprnf. lawful attorney "TtVthntngtoflTWithin one ihrrtwhro- fu.it on every bond bot: or account will . be ! iiiftl-fe- tuted. tirjmediately .after by ..S tiyaktuiry'to DANIEL; WH EATON r't .Tobacco manifefts, ': ' For fale at this Office. : s . .. I -.., -t ... - -j-..-' .. .. v.