."' '.. . -4 ; ir- t -,lJ :..tlifh'iUs-H lir - .: V v F-AYET t-E VFLKE AD V ER r;I'S7E:R''-fetfi ;:?:V,;V;: " i i i i 1 1 i ' . ii ::' v. t 7 Voi; lv. M rV.7 7 j the Hoo. Wm. Bahry Gaovi. efq It. fifou we careful perulat and in the words of Mr. G. hope the found argument and teafon it contains -' will fatjsfy rattShalntn of all partiei, that the laws : rV neceffary,-' eoaftitutipnal and wifei wd that much of the which has been made about them, : has fprun'g from a falfe jcaloufy of the federal go vernment,, or fomcflu'ng worfe."J - : ..." The Committee, to whom were referred the M "" merials of fundry inhabitants of the counties ofSuf- tmiihfevTh' Wr ". fitt etunty m-HkJerfey0duntia''ifPb' Jelpbia, TltiP , Wajbingtonond Gumhtlann Pemtfjhaniajatid - "1 of the count j of 'Amelia inVirgimdcmplaii(ipgof the ail i intituled An at! concerning aliens and . ether late oils of Congrefffubrnit the following REPORT, pf Congreti the one a eouccrHHig uucub, ,he otlir i Ararft additienvtor An aafor'theptf .. J nilhmcnt of certair7criine$again(l tt Uuitetl Statts, ; on the ground 1 theft bemg'uncoiittitattotial, opprefi- - fife, and impolfticT7 i' C . " ' 7" The Committee cannot, hof ever, forbear to notice, Jthat tbi principal .-neafurci i huherto adopted for repeT- ling tlie-aggreffiona and 'nlulta of France hae not cf - caped animadvciGon.t.- '. . - - Complaintl are particularly' direfted againft the ... bwa providing a pa? y--for augmnling the army au r . thorizing a provihonal army, and corp of volunUers j .for laying; duty on flamped yelluin, parchment, ' ' and paperaffeffinjgand colIefting direA taxe$i-and j JuthoriiSng Ipan fF the public fervicc, ,, With thefe topics of complaint," la fome of the pe titions, are. intermingled inveftives againft the policy of the government trom an early period, and iiirinna: "tidns"detpgat6ryoihV of the i-egiflaturc, anj of the Adminiftration. i . -, while the Committee legret'thaOhe public cotln--Vdi (hould ever be invited to liiren to other than ex- e e l A. .1 Iim Itnii d itnnar. preuions oi reipccx, tucy uuu - i off,v alter theVVrrivalfuch roigrahis'as might abufi the. indulgence', by' rendering cmfelre dangerous to Itie peace or faUt ot the country, and tiiat u trie Conftitution, in this particular (lio'uld be fo conftrued, it would prevent Congrefs from driving a body of arm- ea men trora the country, wno migni jana witn views evidently tortile, ' ' -' - TlhiidlyjTlhiit vie (JonlTitution has gwen to t?le Mates no power;"toe)n4vejalirns, during the period of the limitatiiifier confider4tion, in the mean time on the conltruAibn aifumcd, there would be do authority in- ther sliurtryixmpoered to fend away dangerous alienjf'iivhicljt cannot be admitted; and that on a Tuppofition the ifirefaid reftriAjve'claufe include ed every defcriptibn of emieranisi Tilie different Ttftiohs nu!l receive; fich :a cotfjuction as (halhreconciletrieiD: wun eacn ptner ; fnq. accorainy xor rair inicrprcra tiori of , the different parts of tlie-Co.nftitulion the fee- tian cannot be comulcreJ areftiiclivc'on the power of Congrefs to fend a way dangerous foreigners in times of 4Vr'aten1 nr nAiiiT.fjnft'iliftr-.i .'And 'thoilfrh: thife cit a repeat of t wo stts paflcd during the laft feffiot i in a ftate ot Relayed warf ky ,wtt$xtt::x ftfite of pari tial holtiJity, and. had the power,, by lawj-to proviacj as by tlutEiyav041(0'' remliug'dangerous iiien. 'rothitid i 2 tli feci of acccfTcii'its id ptracyi' and of perfops whu fluff con- federate.to" beebm'e'-iratef ihtmlcIvcV' dr..'tS Iniluee ot h ers to ' bccoineifo j--llr 1 1 1 ft - ft A ion which fni ! "X&, nidf ,a endltyjJBLthpfe falfity tbe record of a'nV court of the Udiwd tktei i tfie, i 8t b snd 3 i 11 lections, wnicn provrae tor tue punitnment or penons omrjittting perjury in any cobrt of the .pm(ed States, f or"attemptinff to bribe any of ttiitr iudffei Vihe'2ad r L fection, which pnnihes . thofeLtwho obfttuft.'pt Itfift. the proceuCPf any court Pt the United State and ,;fltl confidered the oueftions referred to their exam ination, and Tormed theur opinions on a jutl apprecia tion of their merits,: with a due regard to the autho rity of govCTpmeot, and the difpaflionate judgment of "the Amer,icao''neoplcr-v;.-;.-; The act concerning aliens" amd the aft in addition to the aft, H'tituled an Aft for. the punimment of "certain cnmeSfjfhall be firftitifidered-,.5;...lr Thijir ctnJUuliokaVtty is impea'ched.- U h contended, (bat Congrefs have up power to.pf.a law for. remov- ing aliens. . ' , ' .To this it is anfwered, thaj the afylum given by parton to Forelgncri is mete matter of favor, tf'a. ble .it the public-will. U Oa-ikis point, abundant au. -tho,;;, M -addocecr, but the common praaice 1 t mmIIb tit nrtnrmle. ' The right of removing aliens," as" stn incident to in turner of war and pUe, according to the theory of the Conftitution, belong to the government of the if rVnllirntlnii. I mutlA ilt . It rt'QUltrG 0 proictl each Mate from ihvafion, and is vt: lied by the bth fee - tfon of the 5th artUfle, with pt5r cr to make all las, " ' whrch feiilt be proper to .cariy info -tffeft all powciS Vtftcd by thq CouttiUHWn in the government, of the United States, or in any department, or officer there i -f . nA tn rtn.ovc froratlic coiintrv, in times of bof- X tility, dangerous aliens, ho msy be employctl in pi.e barinc the way fV invafion, is a meafure nccclTaiy fcr ruroole-! prcvrgnnu jiivainui, uuu w ifure that Congiefs is empow This law is laid tC'Violate ihat part of the Conrlitui tion which provides that .the trial if all crimcB, exeept in cafes of impeacWnent hall b by yJ;i whereas this . ad in veils the Piefidtnt with power-to fend away alieniS on his own fufpicion, and thus to inflift punilhment without trial by Jury. 't'fv"".!'?; .It is aufwered iu'tde!rft"1a'c,' iW'tht ConftittiT tion was made for cit'iz sns not for a LI bms, who of confequencefiave no rights: nder iti but remain in the country, and enjoy the b&iejlt f the laws, - not as matter of right, but -merely t matter of favour and permtilioD, which' favour antfpermiulori may be with drawn, .whenever' the government charged .with the general welfare Hull judge their further continuance dangerous!.' ..' .'-"-';'.''' """It is anfyvered in the fecondpJacJf,'that." the'provi Cobj a the Confiytuilon 'relative -to presentment and TrtaToroffences byjuftea, dcrnorapphjr to-the ievoca tion -of an afy lum given to aliens. T hofe provifions foltly refpeji ciimcs, and the alien may be removed without havingcomrnitted anyjoJfence, merely fronj motives hi poUcy, 01 fecurity, Tlhi tittMU,- being a member , of therfocictyiias a n"tbt 'jlo reoiaiu in the country, of which he cannot be disfiancluTcd, except for offences firif afcertancd, pn prefentmcut and trial fayjurr v, - : V h;;Itj anfwered thirdly, that tbe removal" of, aliens, though, it may be inconvenient to them, canrtot be con (id tied as 4 puniftmeut. infiided. for an offenx-e, but, as before remarked, merely the rempvj Jrom mo tives of general fafety,' of an indulgence .fhicb there is danger of their abufing,' and which we arc in no xhau-; ner bound, to grant or ceiitinue. . ;;V .'i V v The " "for the puniftTfteiitTof wTO ted jb tales, commoUly called the iedition, -aftcon-. tains provifions of a twofold nature t rli it againft fcdi tiaus.aa8, and, fcc)uu, againlt Llxliotis anditditious atiohy for! punilhirif feditio'us" combinations he 'a'ct v ' ; paffed dung the prtTent fefGon for puniih ing pcrions who. witbdUl 4uth6ritr"rfahTtnrff6Tr7n7 carry 4pn"any corrfcfponderice relative tJ foreign affair with any foreign: government j the aft i for the p'u-. niflinsenvof certairi crimes againft the United Stattt, ; which, de.fi rrcs d punifhes 'mtfprifiotf'of treafbdi t the ,i ; icclionsj whick declare the bifhimment ' n irhent.'ftlall po mot tJfif y ft', !' '" II iHj i t i the 2 3d againft refcuing offenderlf whb'bave beth 'con; viftcd of any capital offence before thofe courts ' pro vifionsl hone of which aie cxDrefslT authoHfedi but" they arc neceffary; and proper for carry ing into fFek certain powers exbreuly given to Longrefs. Tit fs'pbjecVed to tfiis;'aft;fn'lKe fecond placed that 5L;.1. -tt .'. r' 5-f ins expreisiy -contrary 1,0 inai part or ine.c.onnitutiL; on whicbhdeclart8,;that ; Congrefs,' fhall make " ho law refpeftiog an eftablifhrtent f religidribr brbbib i iting the-free exercife Ifierebf or abridging the libe'r- ty .of tht prefs.": iThe act in qucttion ii faid to be an i-...-jir'-.-'4 r t I I 1 t.-:.-:-S-:.s,'. h rjtdrt ihHy f.-pttiui- ir. v, a mitt. " U i'rtwt. 1 I A 1 fervid UM ibiu ' iien her ctthe't'M'to'i abridgement of the liberty of lhe pref,'"nd (here Iffl 1 -L V- fore unconftitdtionaL ; To this it is arifweredin 'the firft place, that the liberty of the prefs confifls not in a licenfe for every man to publilh what he pleafts, without beinj?" liable to punifhment if he fhould abufe this" licenfe to the in- jury 01 omcrs, 0111 id a pcrmiymn 10 puDiun, wii nout t-- previous reftraiuti hatevr W may think prope'ri be-" t ing anfwerable to' the public and individualsj fbr any "i abufe of .this permiflion Uo;.'therr:rrji)drcUilinLe ,y ' : j manner'as the liberty ;pf fpecch ' does ijot authorize s (i 'V man to fra)eilhpQaiar1iciuift' lhlinS'P nor the liberty bf acjion juftify hinv- ki going' by vio. Jcn.cc into another man's h"tfe,orin affauhiug any perfon whom i be .niay meet in tbe flreets.SIfl the fe ve'ral ftates the liberty of the prefs has always- been underftood in this- manner, and no other ; and the oiJk$eS'ti V" s fihrih dtt hea toat tse tt hid til: T- puUtun is A r or .fff'p , i utidtdjtdi, xr it trt.fi ure it Hijjp.'i f ihrr rjttti 1TJntd 4 "UtU. P . thr itfe writingg. Tbe ifl lLaveeyer the me oweieu to aoopt. rrv iii faid to be unconttitutional. becauie tu ' remove aliens, is a dircA breach of the Conftitution, hich provide, " by the htction of the I ft arti ' "fie, "that the' migration,' or importation of fuch per ' fons as any" of the dates (lull think-, proper to sdmi.v 1 fhall not be prohibited by the Coi'grcfs; prior to the "year 1 808," - ' To this, it is anfwered, firft, tbat this, fsction in the Conftitution was enaclcd folcly iu.ordvr to prevent Congrefs from prohibiting, until after a fit period, the importation of sLAvtSvhrh appesrsTrom two con iideratio9 . Firil, that, the reltridtion is confined to the ftates whicli were inexiftence a the time of eftab liiliing the Conftitution ; arid fecondly, that it is to continue only twenty years for nenher of which mo dificaiions could there havfc been the lcaft reafon, had 'ihercllticlion been intended to apply, not'to flaves 'particularly," but. to'ali fimig rants in grneial.. . Secohdly, lt -is aafercd, that to prevent emigra-" ' tion in general, is a very different thing fionr (eliding nor has anyxobjec'tion beeo mde to its validity : The objeflioii applies folely to the feCond i and on the griJutid, in tlvk fiift place, that Congrefs have po pow er by the CotiHitutiou 'to pafs any adt for pumlhing likii, do fuch power being txprefsly given, and all powers. not xiveii to Coogicfs, being refervtd to the dat'vs refpe'clively,' or.the people-theieof. ; - ( To ' this objection, it is atilweied, that a law, to puhiiii falfti lcandalous and malicious writings againft the government, with intent '.to II ir up fedition, is a lawTreceflaryrf or canying into eflecVthe powe-JeiU. cd by the Conllltiiiiun in the govetnrient of the Uni ted States, and in the departments and officers there of, and confequently fuch a law as Congrefs may pafs s becaufe the dircA tendency of fuch. writings is to ob- , Itract the afts of thejovernment W exciting oppbfitioii to them, to endanger its exiftetic by rendering it odi 6os and contemptible in the eyes of the people, and to produce feditious combinations againft the laws, the power to punim which has never been qudtioncd : be caufe it would be nlanifcrtly -abfuid to fuppofe that a government might puhiih feditiori,' and yet be void of power-;ttf-pteventfti'by-puni(hing-throfe.-ada.vyhicli. plainly and neceffarily lead to it J And becaufe Under the general power to make all, laws proper and necef fary for darry ing into effed the powers vefted by the, Conftitution in the government of the United States, Congreft his paffed ir.any laws for wnTch no exprefs provifion can be found in the conftitution, and the conltiiuiionality of-whicUh8Tiever been queftioned"; fuch as th fit ft feftion of the ait new; under confider- conftitution 0 every ftafer" which has been , hamed and adopted fince the declaration of independence, af- ierts the JiberVyijof thtprefii while iri; feveral if V riot all, their laws provide for the punifhment pf libeW ; loua pubiicatioiis which woyld be a manifeft akwrdity T and cootradidior), if the liberty of the prefs meant to . ' f; publim ahy and every thing, : without being amenable to the laws for ibe abufe of this licenfe, r According - ; to ibis juft, legal,; and u'niveifally admitted defini tion pf the. liberty of the prefs," a law to reftrain Vr its licentioufntfs, in publilliinir "falfe, fctindalous, and - maliciouslibek airainft the.governmenti cannot be con- .; fidcrcd a3 " an abridgemeui" of its " liberty." - ; It is aufvVered, m the fecorid pj ty"pf tTit'pletsTcitcteer aucot ding nr, the 4 it or. fore 11 -b RrpukicJ ir'srfl Aiiif of "the 4 )iut mt U- tifJm Us thtre:n A - K las 6f ny ftate, or of thef;United State , or of Eag land, from whence our laws are 'derived, ' to' tjjie .pub--" . lication of falfe, fcandalous and tnalicio us 1 writinea '. TipraffltilrfolltWmcni-writtcn or"plTtvTrtnT tent tp do mif. hief, fuch publications:beiii g uulawfnl, ; v - . j ' 'I'm ". ' . n... ."; .'!. ana puniinaDie tn every Hate ; rrom wnenciru toiipws, ; undehiiblyi jharaawo pim kditio us and ma ' licipus ruUications,' is- W Hoerty ot,. me- preis-:':4. t wpuw be' a m-aoitelt a,b-; furdity tp fay, that a man's liberty Was abridged by v Cunifhing him for doing that which he never had a liP" erty ta do. ' , ' 1 ' ' It is anfwertd thirdlyj thaf tbeac in queRfon can. bQtbe unnftitutional, becaufe it makes nottmirj'pe. ; nal that was not penal before, and gTves- ne 'po wi ers to the court, but is merely declaratory of the common law, and ufeful for rendering that lav more generally known, and 'more eafily uhderRood. This . cannot be denied, if it be admitted, aa it mull be, that falfe, fcandalous,. and malicious libels againft the go verntoent of the cpuntry. rjubliflied with ietcnt to do mifcfiTtf, are punifhable by the common law 4 for by " Xhe.ad Teftion of the 5 d article of thc-confl itution, the T; judicial power of the United States is exprefsly extend ed to all offences ariGgg. under the conftitution. By the conftitution, the government of the United States is eftabhlhed, for many important Pbjt&sTas the go- ixrnment of the country ; arid.libtls againft that govern ment, therefore, are offences aiifing under the 'con ftitutionj' and confequently are puniftable at;common law by the coUtts of the United States.' 1 Tbt act, in deed, is fo far from baring txlendtd the lawjmd the power of the conrt, that it has abi idgfcd both, and haa'" enlarged inflcad of abtidgio the1 liberty 'of the e re Jmcrit Ifurt'ijbcJ ) 'u ith the m i JrtfCrutinJ rt tihich t rlniniih ( c 'f&itlHS-fy -i I any neg'i 1 j vith nit." vA I ptof tfyeVni i, ctal rtmmu H-emi tut.ii .it tZeinfir lujt invent jnttt ro tkemvmpot r ctrn.mu.ni 1 UMd. - at our emu I tinged vit't. : is toe j tier attogei '"'Eler.ee on, 'ijer time fit ot V, in.-. i sir, rial 9 i.ue tLfitil tfureyul 4 that negpeiate States, I vpfoed) 1)1 aiy -rHiir trj. - mAAc f happy iffue of the negocia .ons v lU su. j -iv, ana fill ii -1 - . , , $ the gevernmel fry government f ete " ninirrd. I W?f nrtaetets. yo' - - - -1 1 1 'i