., . . ........ . - -' . - . . . ; . W IT, T. TT? r yy r t: tj c trv th" 5 -r i T-'t? Ktr 'iirlirrn SnVifci'In- f J tlQtIS WhtK'tnu s, ui'Viiy unit aitcr wayus 5, zargcr unca 111 prupuriiun. 1 1 ' 1 i'u 11 ' "ti. ' . ' r . 1 , , , , ;, ,y ;;; ",-. , r- ; .,?,.;, -, ' , , . ... .,- r. ...rV ' ' ., " r ,,;. t M O N D A Y, S'e ?,t e m b e r 15, 1788. ; NTMT Vol. 111. ?f$&Alt!&ify. 1 ww inn ' . '. 1 '---. . . . .'. t. 1. ; ' - L O N D O N, June a;. Tetitim and remonjlranct of -'the. Clergy frejht S annouricjng tb.e. rnaniir the' nine wheij, the federal ovmriTicnt is to be put info I glory, with whom but very lately you refolved' 0 U afk 80 mUlions of mo- ncy us : and, not ei(aftin-- V w 'ng at preient wueuicr i:u3- HV for us to bearj'or not, we '(ball M only reprefent to your Majdty that we hve not So mil lions in our cdffers.-Thc clergy "are not accvrcnied to lave money. To graifr, thtretore, luth a i'im to the crown, we muft borrow it j An H that we cannot hope to do but when public cretSit it good. The public triift cannot be acquired by a legal manner of tt;i(tering the j.;ng s etlicts. 1 he nation is accvltomtd to look upon i as the Itkal mariner of recifttrin'sr. ikLo nrm 0 nly; cannot htlp'remai king, that in the iiefent en lis there are no Pat'lia men t : The C lergy v t ha t lore, cn'n'notYety on having any "-legal Viiter ing jn the preieht alarming circuinita'rrcc$'. -A'nd if. a loan cannot t'al;e place, there, is an. impajlibirity of our paying the u que ft go mii lioiif. Iri this, alarming cxifif you Clergy 'can- not hd'p entreating otir Maictiy to iufpe'd fdl cperationt relaiive to the. magtftrates, till the convention of t!:e Geneial Aifcn.bly oT rtre ilaties; wVich yc,tiiay 'anucij,aTe if you piealj an J during thc'iefiion s of jhe 'Gpind Airvmbly the sfi'aifs of the rnagrflracy rjn ayjbe pi c per l'y del-ibem T :lAll political tneaiui es in France are for: the preient ibfpcndcc!, His Majeli v will not alrow mucc uiicuinon in anyone-court, tin men time ks the new edifts .-can be put in .fds;c, and this ccounts tor the torpid ttate ot -afraws n gee al.T he following is an extiail of his Maie- Ry 's orders for tharifiurpofe - "W mail proceed without dehiy totheallot-. nent ot thole powers intended to be given the Jiifferent tribunals we have thought proper to ppomt in our new plan '-: ot.. Govern men ti' and z f.illy rely. on. the loyalty. of oyr fubjects to ive iVetled: .,t as' Ibrnetirne will be riect iTiiry P. give 'them o p rati on w ch a v e 1 vidged i c nef-' ry to fufpend -the activity of all our 'ccvu ts iroughout the kincdurn, ia order to avoldre, LuV confulion : ' . ' ' '"-- ;' 4 It is tlicrtfore ou; royal will nnd "nieafure. bat our - Parliament of Pai is ft;uKT adfourn hy b:e Jcjjtil Ir thcieis ti rc.-r'an-a n ijiTicn t 'pf -' iu f " Vw ordinances. is completed : We further for- . jid it, anieach of, its meFn"bersv either to; a mble or delujerate on private or public affairs, i."c.r aeijot rations uemg UecUred ! Yf ej!WnaQ.'! ourwei i - be o v t d -and r air h -; hneuvbers of the court of Parliament tfriaiy I conform ta thele ' preibnts, Tor Aieh is our ;'laftJfret - ; ' : "' V, II I 1. A D E- L P H I A, Friday ..operatbh. Bi it-nf it imtel y-t h i -i m por--.Mt arrangenn nt is nut. yet deckk-d on, 'though oii gieiV was recomniendld to determine it, as icon as mnc fta'tej hadVatitied the-new Gouitilutioiu The 'p'ei iiicioirs till-cls ariling frdrii this-ikj'ay , mull be felt moi fenfibiy .tn u!i parts of the union j .and - all cur advices from the fouth-v.-ard deplore the nnfortunnfe circ'mnilance. , It is devoutly to be wished, lhar aM the le gHlatuves of the ftafts who have ratified the federal conftltution, wlil at thf ir firtt 'meeting, -call their Delegates i:v Cngiefr; fa a itricT ac count, with iefpe& to their particular-cunduc in pi'loirging tllejWrti porta'nt biiimefs, which has'cieated fuch lei i- iHiHtTr'"3rl'a f the'tendency -of any ct their votes - wa 'Jtb defer tbr drcjont by; iiavinv a view to tain a AjafHal ndvamatrefW Tfe-he ait of the utuon at the epe ncc:ot th.e other," and 111 which 'the fcth--r ftntts, in jultice . . 1 1 . ' , . - 1"'. - i; - 10 u:tir cor.ititucnt, coiKa not V"iuiy-concur, that thty will w.'t-t with thi? fevoeil ctuiure of their rclpttfive ftates ; a tins co..duV is.dia metiicaliy oppofrd to that fpirit of perfect equa lity Vn point of 1 ihisadvantnges and conve- ni.er.ee, which toui't-d the new gnverrn-tent, a in I wh i'c h a! 0 n 'Po upi t : toe en ti true to regtii ate its Uvlmimftraticn,. '" ; - , J : ' The luiptnflon of- the federal conftiiution by North Carolina, if it mould be followttr lij artiecnon wovd .btTan alatmirg circunu ? itasict tp :tiie iltntes of , South.CaiT;liiiaand Ge(;igia, -who wcuhl ;then " be'clt ofTfi'om '-aT conreMion with the other pairs of the union,; by the intervention of - axlifafttcled ltate ; marc " tipcci'ujly,' asrthy are in the heiglvbourhocd of the Brjnm-apd4iu3Utfii:4et thf he ft i Is-tribes of Indians, whoe tnmity, to oi.e ot thele ft-ates feeni8,to be ifnpincabie. ' In r:ile of any dituii)ajnces; '"-yitern.al; or external in .that uuatter of the union, it is forne.what douhaui m ; what -manner iv.i ! itary - a Ifi It an ce - could bvr alionkd, us NdiiJi- C vridina might probably eppofe the. paHiig of iro'.ip, from apprtshtniiot: that ilie will ivvtnrallv enter- tain, of an .acttinh' to compel her to enter m . toiitc luuon T-V 'rd-n va f yHtH-lvH!rCOfl-rrder '&iitii$j-f2iUly-:c;tt- Jo;- a Ipecdy meeting of thtr" 'ntvvgovc-i-nment .' "--J;- -'; VVi hear, tfiar thv legifoture of Vermontl'h-f tndjemltn"t)cleffte to a fuquelt . cf 'th at il oik Body Thty.al 1 o ' prupoie calling iGonveptitfcliin"edia.fe the purpoie of confukringlhe nt-W conftit'utioh. it) cuiiriifr nr in niy we-WftSlt-t-' 6-a irreherltkdrtlwt fcts rh pence, a peace acquired by your -and their joint efforts, and. which to the aftonimment o.f a il ma b kind gave glory as well as fecuiity to the w caic t r pa 1 ty y t hofe (fates who h ad been the Willing arid the generous fliarers of a 'cuni mon danger, Ihould have beccme feEaratei weakened thfe common caufe, ftill in full force, 5 though not in equal apparent danger fublifting 1 : and thus afforded .a triumph to our cominon enemies, who" ai:e'wati;hing, if "not. planning for C our deltniftion !": Heaven' forbid that this disu nion mould lail long ! Happy would it have beejuTf it had notfoi a moment elided I But egret, with whatever poignancy it may be felt, Is now iiff lefs. The danger isineur- reJ7Eleven other Ira tesave'a cotnmon lini trd govti;nVntnt;i Ve "have 110 fijareinjr.lf. 4t4le-wit4-feePur ... "we can dewve prfde from the coiifiderationv cur independence is ircrctifed. We arc now v nut only independent" of all other nations in the world, but' entiixly independentbf the of ther irates, except tor our. ihaic ot the debt hr-. . thcrto incurred, which we are now utterly un able to pay. We mav ibvm alliances atur;'5:vk :urktv7--thel)ey "of:gief andv We-inv;teakwtat;j&WMA we pleafe concerning war, peace,' ncgociatiouvC f commerce cr ttn3nde, .While the eleven United ,: S tales are fettei'td by the necefnty : of purluing a coinmoh intcrelt, there is' no check upon pur, d Ttp ii afe : wifloin , or tlie free coui fe of our own ' r noble ekertionK ; -' . ', " .: r -Thei-e ate fomc irten poffibly, Inflated with ridiculous, ideas of our own importance, to" ' . - . 'I- L4 whom this profpecT my be pltaflngV There ar$ many weak, men- perhaps who t h ihk danger r ngver exifh but vvhen evils ar's actual Jy and im-. ; r.; 'mediately tvlt. . There may be a few (I truft in " -Cuni they :ue a very few) 10 whetn confufioh . ; and "dilbrdvr may be the molt acceptable bb- -'""J itcls. Hut amon the great majority, including ?-. Ixsth pajtiesV" thcie who" ai;c af Cr!e" to theT f NiftitutjBnTas w'ell 'as thofe who are frTemh; to " itul believe the idea of an entire difunioiv is ie- iil. prcdaatelviTlv lieu rorTihae-M ' H It. ' Jrriicrl nr.. 7i-lt.r ht hukon ;: 6i.: he naval armies of - - htrMblt! iriitianaiefty, undeFthe command the I f tancois the lecod; A ti ir u ft . an d c 6 n fi ft n f n (ail. sI ItUm be, of go n (the'A dmrral ilu'oTTAthTU 1 of 74 .ns commanded by the CheValitr hearty d: ij-lartegne,-four "latesf (rem i: -jo vii rua ir.iD. j HeVeralbf the llgiilatureTvIrntln aiho e expwtn.lo rrccive the a of Ctmgrefs-. lure to hear that was the cafe with by faf the gt eattft part of the' majority in -.otljr; iate;C6nw ventiori; who unfortunately did net Ictirle jtb V l.uiln.tQ.:a,iem uolfaf y : ontr:-----i ' Taking it for gvanttd therefore, that ill ha tional friend sot thctr cou n 1 1 y confKtcv.a.tiniari ' with the" other (hites as indhf ehJttble; tb; theiri libeity and fafety I (half beg learet' to make a bjoyighXtlsJntOjpuiipre(ej KSfoIIoing is 71 cpty qf a Public' tion, wiiica we, are inionrieu, nas lately bc:en ..tiifperfed in . ifiiTeretit pa'rts;of the Ibit-c, and is riov init:rt- td in this paper bt-partitular.;dcur'e. J" f iif-rt tiitv nr n (rpntrj oii'iolition N O R: 1 H - UA iv U Li WV. felt by ' cvei-y ijttieiws mi.ijiim. one end ot ' 'J..-.-.. .i'-.-;-- -'- ' ;:' I thtvcoiitvn-nf foannuftr.": A xrojnntdanger" -.r--1. ' - : -' x, pointed out tlie probtol common eltnidfiO? . ... .;. . ' . l. fet tKd in. fhirBoUntry hij your cohdi ifoneen ! Tt.ibn..' It is a tituation fo new, as well as im- " p or. r a rt, that no painl necci7:ii;y to its irv elt i - ! gation can be deemed illbe(bwed; ,T (liklt, ; Hope therefore for tKe.iibpqur .of'.yb'u'wtenti--. .': on, .wlnie wc examine it'tpgethcr. r : ' The oh articles of C0nfeiiern.tiolv;er: el-an4 tit ecu ted 'In the. very midll of the war. rr, .-!-.- - -r-- y c. '. : . T" j.i. e xnecctiity 01 a entriu .05 TCrrfeilbur .-wiiclVkv'41-e .cnfrultcd -' with" th&':;-,;s-- fity of a general ; Co-pperation,ia meaAii'es of ; more' awful and 'a3eiing:;Vi3drii .are for, the 1 derncftitf whicli vvc; ai'ealf inerefred, in 'the ::; ni uHtme Tepnratcct trom yciRir inrcr nares, xnc urutijr vj a xnrn wbi,cD noneauia aawn occa- carlvdleIeoiphi ;iics dnd dapf;erV..'v;ith whotn you have hyhenov tioninadct by. (Hat repreenttive-bpdy ajsdi " ; cn..all ; cc cafipni-nmhea?. their ictontmen"dt all the . ' ' 3 - '- t - VJ,. t lit k

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