AETT s. Jii 'jEDETONr Pointed by H (5 D G E '.far W I L L Printers: to the State, by whom Subfcnp tions for this paper arc taken in At 25s. per annum, and idyertiferrients'of fno more length than breadth inferred for 8$. the firft week'and 4s.' for every - time afterwards; larger ories iri propdrtiori . - v," ' ; -v 7-' -...M:-.: . ,v .:,.. - 7 ' -; " , 7. - "v. 7, ., ., 7, v . ', . . . ' ,.3. .; v. . 7 .- ,. 7 ..-... ........ . 5.;,; ; .7 ..... ;. V , ;:,7 , ': .,7' J .; ...'.' .7 -,: .v., -. ' - . : , ..'.. v. .... ; .. W , 7- .-.7-.--rl-V"- : ----- -V' ..A- .4 -. ,-; "V-7:,-.-:--.-"- ' ;-;;C-;"- -"V''-'Tv V-Va"'.;-:;-.,-'-V:-'-! - - ' - - - ' 7';" ' t ;' ' .r'. . ; r- - NO R T 1 H - C A R O L I N A. 1 -7 . 7 .1 ,' " ' . J- 7... '. 7 T-T' i. 'v'-- ,., ,1 V7-' . -.. . - " ...'-. r- " "" . - -. , ?- L ' '" ' . ' ' ' ; . : . . . ' 1 1 1 11 1 1 ' " .'. . 1 '. - ; V .. , ... ' ". Vol'. 411. M O N D A Y, IS'f.'p t E M B e rT22, T788.', Numb. 142. (90S9P9 S T o c;k;h O L M, ; XX'XX?4 WEDENAafter fo'fbng in "WJi enjoyment of .the bleffings of ice. nas a proipcci nuw ui being vei"y foon : interrupt peace, us $ "X ed. The :'Kine could not be VtXXX-5 otherwlfe than jealous of: the proceedings , 01 ins . jcmpic of Ruflia'j and has, within thefe few ilays, difpatched a me linger,' whofe return will pro bably decide whether -we are to have war or peice." . The S we'd 1 fh troops arei in general, in motion, and many, .regiments have already 'conVrhenced their march.' Thq goverrtrntTnt kas iued orders for arming all the gallics and. other fmall veflels, that are fit to fcrve upon the 'low cailts oT Sweden ind Pjnland. This tieet will foon be ready to faijand will be accom,. nan'ied bv a few frigates, -'A'full Senate .yd--; terday approved all -the difpolitionjndJ -nrs m.iicitv in rezaiiiau4vuiii--i-wc'-Av--trtc-' M jf- " f O 1 , meafui es, which he has taken 'for th$ TecUrity of the "kingdom 'V-''''' -v..v '. , .. - ... ;v mto,;3'wio.-rOn , Sunday fe'h night'the wood of Glentinner was discovered to be on fire, fuppofed to have' been wilfblly done. The-Xdry. weather, andra briflc breeze" of wind, favored the ravage of the flames j and though all the neighbouring country ufe'd eve ry "effort ? to cheek the . progrefs.of the fire it was not flopped till about five hundred acres. were confumed; -Dr. JdHNSOli faid there were no trees if Scotland! ' TR N S.' LOND O N, June i-July n. , Awafrant 'paffed the Royal iignature laft week for granting Sir Frederick Haldimand, late Governor of Quebec, the'.fum'ot 350,!. 16s. iod.or lawexpences Incurred during the tinie he filled that polt. At the fame time a warrant alfo pafled -the ;Royal fignatufe, for granting to Evan Nepean, Efq. one of "die , Under-Secretaries -of-State, the Aim of 1 5,007 h rs. d. expended in pre lerits to'the Indian Chiefs; in Canadar Accounts are juft received, that aia'rgV de 'tacbmeht of lnperiattro6ps have had a rencon tre with tlic advanced fbrces of the Republic of. Venice. The object in cemteft vvas the paf. fige of "thfe imperial tioops through.the terri ory of the Republic. Thislhe Venetians re filled, and "the refiftance was Yellowed by an immediate action. r-- 1 f' Friday in orning failed Rear Admiral Elliot, in his Majefty's Ihip Saiifbury,-for Newfound-, land. , , The country which' the King of Sweden is attempting to recover, was takeny the whole of it by Peter the zar of Mufcovy j but by the treaty of peace concluded at Nyflot foon af ter the death of Charles "XII: of Sweden, Ft -was reftored to the Swedes. The Cz3r kept jonly part cf Carelia and ICexholm r but in the late war "the "Ruffians having again .enlarged' .theiridornmiojoi Jidefi la thac--r&y4 h $ treaty of Abo, in 1743, Sweden agreed to yield," for ever, to . RulTia, part of Savolaxia, and all Kexhoh "Ua7"as allonTlown and fortrefs of Nyflot, with a frontier on the ndrth and weft' fides. i3IBy an olrdeVdred 24th ulu the King of S,we iden has been pleafed to'grant a general patdon o all cavaliers, dragoons, foldiers, regiftercd pilots,'rnavine foldiers, volunteers, -failop and pilots of merchant ihips who have defer, ted their corps and entered into foreign7 fervice,;ori condition of their- returning to vthe kingdom within fix months. " , The Danes are arming apace, for what pur pofe" we"do notpretend to fay' but extraordina ry means are made ufe of. W have the befi mfoa ta,believetliy -will. join-Sweden againft the R u ITi ans . " - i rcrtay jpofning gcjjds to .thie -amount f-J jipwvids-tcpl'-w're entered at the Cuu: tom-hou(er Tor Virginia and Marlaj-d lu. rfSffte Eaft-IndiS"trompany,; now and jKen, entertain theiipfrrends at three guineasa head I Harry the.threturning after the: ; battle of Agincourtf dined? at Sittingbur with his whole fuite, for 9s. 3d.- - " ; .' I A L of H A S T I - Thirty-fifth day. Mr.hexdan(toiicluded on ? the evidence in fupport of the, 'fecond charge, with a fpcerh that might b- confidered 'as a per Te6t model of eloquence'!- It was fublimey pa thetic, brilliant light and aiiy? "by tui-ns, as the fubjeft requfi ed ; argumentative atid con- -l-vincing thrmighout-Hoiade SiEnjalirim-- pcy, jvir. muiaieion, anu xue piuuncr in turn, the fubjecls of it; Sir Elijah, he faid, . had acled in the hufinefs of the affidavits in a moft remarkable manner ; the rapidity and velocity of his" motions, from 'town to town, and from -province to "province! could be equalled only1 by the gravity with : which he took depofitionsy t which,he never read, and received proofs of" a rebellion that never;exifted. Mr. Sheh'clan eti-v livened thrs fcene by a quotation from Ham let, remarking how quickly 'Tryheno tripped it along ; and rendered it ferious by "quoting another paffage, in which"he fajd,"".that when Sir Elijah went toXucknow for the purppfe of. making a'fon turn his facrilcgious arin againft his mother, he remembered not the warning in Hamlet, Nor let thy foul contrive againlt thy mother aughn" ' Speaking of the rep.ea--ted demands brought again ft the Eunuchs - w h i 1 ft i n c u ftodVi , -' f 0 r add i t io n z 1 f Otn s f"ino-"-neyV he faidthat their guilt was not eftimated by any relation to hc crimes fuppofed,k from day to dayi to bs poffeffed of to make atone ment in money "Thefize of their fortune was the ftandard of their guilt j -the Prefident kept a kind of cafli account of crinles,and tried the Refident by the multiplication table j J:e difcovered his guilt by the- tule of ' three; and foiTned the fentence, not upon the principles oj the Julltinian Codef the Inlhtutes ot:r 1 imurf or the- Livof, the Koran or the, Gofpel, but from that fource of legal informations-Cock-';: -.ej'sr Arithtnetic." ' "r" " - T Or the duties of children"tor their' parents, :he:idrew-"a Woft beautiful defcriptiotrf' ihe'lan gu3ge and fentiments.were adapted to. each, the former foft and delicate as the latter were , turr, ,to contemplate the 'figure of s Juftice, . where flie fits in her more dignified form," and her., more augufttribunal, herej Jo a juftice -c6mmahdfng,Tyetjriot rigorous j 'efHcient, yet not "fangu in ary j to a juftice, aftiye ' and re- . ; gardful, yet without rcftleffnds or fufpicicus. to a juftice, whbfe lovelieftattributeappearslri looping to raife the opprdTed, and to bind'tip the wounds of the afflicled. To that" juftice I now make my confident appeal, un a caufe thoV moft important to - the interefts of humanity r that has beeh ever brcXight to, a dtcifion j in a caufe, where, though the injuries were widely extended, the joyous and reverberent murmurs of' redrefs would reach to acircfe ftill more en larged. T will not therefore adjure your Lord ftips to difmift every thing like party motiyel on this I well know that fo per- verfe a bias, cannot poflibly intrude on your ) decifion. But I wilj copjurey6uJjy -thetlig- liltyjot-you 1 ""coTjore you by the auguft lble'mnity of 'this- high trf- bunal j Lwjii conjure you oy tne lacrea tie or hpnour, to whicb you will appeal, when lay ing your hands on 'your bofams you, give the important judgment, to weigh well the evi dence which we have fubmitted joyou. ; Let . not quibbles on words do away the force of faft let b ut the 'truth appear, and our caiifc-' ' is gained;! v My Lords, I have done." B 6' S . T O N, ' 'Augufl '20; j) : Britain'has in America a military Torce of u 13 battalliohs which is a mUch greater num ber than it has either in the Eaft or Wcft-Jn dies--and what is a little-extraordrnary, a greaC part of this force is ftationed within jthe terrii. tories of the fouereign and independent States of -America. - -- : :"l tendefyot'drytyewaTToeiee in the hall j the Ladies in particular, vereobliged tox have rec wrfe to.itheir handkerchiefs, tq wipe away the trickling tears-. Mr. Sheridafi then lafhed, in the roo!. cutting terms, thofe aliens ko reafon and apoftates from' nature, who had forced a fon to violate the duties to. parents, which he had juft defcribed. , . He barely'ftated the fufferings of the women and children in the Khord Mahal, but did not attempt to defcribe them pathetically, left the prifoner hould have reafon to complain that he fpoke more to the hearts 'than heads of "their Xordfliips ; he contented himfelf "with faying,. that thepnloner was as rtrponliUIe tor tnoie rurTerTnesr as if he himfelf; and not his agent, -hailgi?enthrT3rders-thatproductd them. . .J. lie tnen conciuqea in tne rouowing man nerji-teTsrjsrti:lJiear you already call on -me tc turn from the il-fliaped pngod, from the mon ftrdus idol, whjch this boid nian at your bar .feas thus' fet upi and to which he has dared to.- give the apptllation ot jqltice.j linear, vou command m to turnfroixie : N.E WTOR K, Auguft 45. Extraft of ia letter front a gentleman in London'ti ' ' Us friend in this City,, d'ahiulju ' : " In the Houfe "of Commons on the thu of June, Mr. Gilbert took, the chair,-" vyherk the order of- the day beng read, Mr. fcitt :Jrole i and after a pretty long exordium, in which, he paid fome compliments to the integrity of the : loynliftsi he began, and making an apology for procraftinating the fettlement of their claims . to this period, propofed the fqm of izit.V, to be paid to fuch lyalifts(who have been ex amined .and proved theirclaims to. 5th April, I7i8 by debenture bearing intereft and iii-' the following manner All fums not exceed- ingett'th5Ufand-pondrt3-brrdhrfuirf-"" mountx when the amountls above ten tHbti- fand and not above thirtvr.fiyejhmumlpaund;- : ? i ' Tj- jv. a. c. h.-i; at the rate of ninety pounds pver cent, for fuca part as exceeds ten thouTand ; from thirtyfiye loufand to fifty, - to receive eightyfive pouhdi: per cent and all above fifty-thoufand poilnds to i cceive eighty pound iier cent, for all above j ten tboufand poundsf . , . -( immediately mr. r ox roie, ana aicera very beautiful fpeectj of, confiderable. length; Tin which he enlarged much on the merit and fuf-;' ferinp-s of the lovalifts. and proved with what cheerfulnefs they joined theBritifh caufe; and . ' particularising the cafe ofMr'. Harford whofe property in- Maryland was eftimated $t jeve?t 7r hundred ihoiifand pounds. which was fifftcurtaili ed 1 by" the:; - Commiflioncrs fe'nt to - examine v claims' in America, -and reduceil to? three -hun- "AftA 9ti'tfn thrnfand. finceivlu&'th. -stitt a na V ..!.?.-5 -- ,. v-.. -- o ,- 4. . ther pruning, and was reduced, by the Com- - fniffjaniers at Lincoln-s-Innrand the difcounr extorted iy the Chancellor of. the Exchequer, to the fmifl fum of feventy thqufarid Moved,: Uhat they; mould;b they were found : 1 fiis . required vn , anl we$ ; -J homplr. Pittwho acknowledged the Aiiitr - tl nilgai