J HE; ' ST AT E . - G A,Z ET TE O F NOR T H - C A R L I N A. ,4 1 0 Bp EnO Otif$K & J. L L S,: Printers to the State, by whom Subfcrip- iiwiis iui uii& paper arc tacn in at 25s1per annum, . ana aqvertuements ot no more length man breadth inierted for 8a. the fir ft week and 4s. for every time afterwards ; larger ones in proportion. R S- :P,:E4M 1 789. NEW- L Printer O N D O N, Nov. it . of -the Conn Eicf i c u t Ga zette. KaUIci?tf&iiiJptpjr'yA8l ten hard dollars per fiiinrired "for" mir tobacco S I R. jff tbe following JboHdtfcription of fye. county J- ffo jv Jive may best benefit to many of my friends and acquaintance y lam induced be .... ing an old cuftomer, to requejl a publication of tnyuur paper I am yours. &c. '.. E. Bushnell. W E: are in the ftate of North Carolina, on the weft fide of the Apalachian mountains which are impaflabie excepting in a few places. Between thefe mountains and the river Miffifippi, a ipace of 250 miles, it is a moft beautiful country. confiftine of trentle down the river: which muft be a reat. advan tage, as our neighbours the Spaniards have of iare given us very great induigencies paid us and appeared sleafed with trading with us ; thev proffer to pav for a confidcrable nart of the property which th ey ha ve con h lea ted .From cvcij & iiiuiN lucic is very great encouragement here for emigrants fiom your country. Une day s labour in a week here, is as profitable as the labour of a week with you, in raifing provifions j and vi-e have fuch fine, moderate weather during winter is fcarce a day but w e may be plowing up our land, while you are beating the fnbw, feeding your cattle, making fires, and burning on one fide while freezing on the other. all the country ; indeed, with alittle-land car riage, there are but few places where produce cannot be tranfported by water to any part of the worlds during the fpring and winterTby; the afiidance of great numbers of creeks and finall rivers which run into the TennefTee and. f.,-l. .1 fPL . t ' -1 - 1 v-uuiucuiiiiu. . a ne vumoenana is a frentle L Q N , D O N, . November 14. A conefpondentrernarks, that the circum ftance which happened at Cavent-Garden thea tre, 011 Wednesday evening, does honour to the feelings and gvatitudcof an Englifh audi ence, and proves thev are not Co whnllv Hlvpf. '.i ' " ' . -: ' - ted of either loyalty orrefDefl forVoodnefs as from; the Icurrility and low abufe which daily flqws.from the venal pens iof hiielingfcribblers, foreigners might be led to imagine j for on that evening, they liberally and voUintafily paid iu( ft and pleahng tiibute to worth and goodnefs i n the-peilbn of our gracious" Monarch. " In the tavern fcene in the Farmer, Edwin propo fed a health, in which he faid he had no doubt the Whole nation would heartilv inin him . Ka . m. 9 m j iva. SAatJA ft IIW ftream about the fize of Conneclicut river: it is navigable for large boats 500 miles at fome feafons it has water fufHcient for a 40 gun fliip. v . The Ten hefTee-is a large deep over; run ning parallel to Cumberland aconfiderabledif, ta n ce, and xontin u i ng q u i te through? tfie5ftate empties into the Ohio, about twelve miles from, the mouth of the Cumber and . Even lumber may be exported from this with ereat advart. tageand vcfTeJs ..ot any fize may here be built drank to The Reftoration of health and long and launched for any port in the univerfe. lit to the King." The. audience, felt it with The foil exceeds my higheft expeftations. warmth, and received it with fhotits of ap .yheat "d ryeare littlr boaitedfsuiiabtr laufelotBfied, they called upon it to be to this foil, yet I am certain twenty -five bufh- repaated " ditto" cried Edwin, in the cha ds an acre may always be raifed after the; land racier of Jumps j and with z naiyette peculi has been feveral years planted with corn, and ar to himl'elf, ohferved they might have " God it may be conftantly fown and hold Its own. fave the Kin?" if-the band wpi(- th, th lli a ififi . f-.. Z. . : 1 1 1 l 11 l.l . - 1 .- 1 .... - . . . . I .... . ' . f w-wtir4t.wllt-ytc,are-ioa war- panoflo-naxt7utrmnheirfeats7TmnTecnn Hav v' j""jr'-vf v iui ,ainiuu mc uuui ."ij'iiuiig g'gamii, rrui tCHCl Ulire girl. 1119) in :-j ; : (J r r inn Tnn rrrn a K . . n i . . - . i yhi uf f o i j - . t Rome Amfterdam Venice Jourdeaux T)ublih-r " Rouen iBriftol Cork Liverpool 200,000 N .187,000 i34ooo. '69,000 48,000 40,000 '0,000 15,000 100,0,00 200,00d 170000 100,000 ' 50,1300 x 90,000 ' ' 60,000 BjLwhiclviuppeani-that thecities of Lon don, Paris, . Naples, Bourdeaux, Dublin, Rou en, Briftol, Cork, and the town of Liverpool have inrieafed, and . that Marfeilles, - Lyons, Jome , Art fterdam and Venice," have decayed in their population ; from which circurnftance Naples frpm the fifth has become the third Bourdejuxromth : thani- Dublin from the tenth the feventh in rank a .utc-ti ttrrrucrTO rTrnna crrra ivrsr The followin2 is the conclufion of th a.' claration prefented bv the Courts nf T and Berlin, to the Danifh Minifter at Copenha- ThaUl though it wasva matterdrd ifpu f e between' the Pelligerent powers, of Ruffia and Sweden which Had been the attackjtio- orf - and although the Court of Copenhagen miVht ' ii. auiuuiiitu w uciciimiic tinai point, yet thf treaty with Ruffia could not iultifv TVnrv,i,L- in lending troops into the Swedifh territor'v. vyiiuujii uciug gumy or noiruities agamlt tlie crown of Sweden ; that their Majefties of Eng land and Prulfiatrufted that the King of Den- mark would withdraw his troops from Swe---den ; and that if his Danifli Majefty thinkj hirafelf obliged to aiTift Riiflra with auxilfary troops, he muft find means of doirte j?more comment witn tne cuitom of nation; that in known to need a defcription. Oats and barlv louhfh exceedinglv thirty-fix bufhelsof bar- of aftbaion, and gratitude of the people: t ly has been raifed from a half bufiiel of feed. the lax, hemp, cotton and tobacco grow luxu- upon whichlihe elder Bannifter, who was acci- riintly, and no part of Vermont can exceed dentally behind the fcenes, ftepped forward in this country for grafs ? vegetables of every his tifual apparel, a volunteer to join his voice kiful whiclrare the product ot theUnited States, to the general one of God.fave the Kingi" CTOW herein OTMt nbnndifir ' , 11 L C. . . . . P. . o . ------ &" . uic maie lingers in tne piece, roj lowed nis- irature-ot-thecl tmate is fuch, exit mule, and never was a moi-p atWVmc rn . beheld on he ftage, than this general and heart reu prayer for tne prelervation or our virtuous : .Sovercign, the father of his people," the friend that our ftock xf hoffcsrBttleT alS IhlepV" urFU11 uitmicives in tne woods, during thjr winter months, and keep in fine order. I have. laken oofLthe. :weigh a thoufand weight. V Jhc water i good . i M A. A . I I ' , . I ..... .. o mj-Mc -BtreiypeaHii-y-r- This country-was fettled In h war nV TO tmu mHtlx.nnt.. 1 . ' J ' V ft - ful event haDDen when it wiMlrYtwhirH WmvpA .orlnt .n.. K f .. TC I. - ' t ! (I'll . -.1 ' I - . . f r .t t I nwiP'j-mrwuwfrfrtovwt cne-nome department ine nem or buttaloes, cooped up in forts, and tor leveral years inKfted by the" Indians; .'As they had not a direct road, from the fettlemsnt to this ; place j they were obliged to travel through Kentucke, which makes it near LJwb hundred miles further. Under thefe (jifadvantao- t!,. wer? very few new fettlers ; burtiappiiyfor usi we have a new road open to Holfton river, jvnicnwiu nea very good waggon roadf . v 1- naKraveJleda vonfiderabie part of 5L?"ern country from, fort Pitt the Mif. fifippiand I havefeen none which -I thinW elr quaO) this, . The. foil is as good-as anyapd; lhe tJimateaTprtTerable--lf youVo further nmhwardTtnr? T(-c66Tr iMs certainly toojiot thi then muft be the temperate zone. Asto the country further northward, we far excee"d thenr in "mkny ufe lul crops, we are at no ex pence to winter our Ktheyare We are much nigher trade, tnan Mulkmgum.- beink goo miles' further hearts of his fubiefts, as long as . the love of tiiL'w counii, 01 ievt!JencefcTruihalTd"virtuej continuts to warm the breaftof Engliftimen. As the. Revolution that took place in Great Brnain andircland by the-acceflion of King William the Third, is" an eventful period in I . i-. r tr ' n 1 - " wic t-iiciai annais or- vnrmepaom, , naving wrought fo great a change in its eommercial and political fyftemv it may not be unfatisfadW A?JkglLQf QrTeadcrs as arc not in the habicr .opportunifYQ we lay before them the ftate of population thaV exmea at tratpenocfi-contratted with what it jthisTdVyctakenirom theinoft anmo- iiwiu icipcttrng me undermentioned sreat cr ties, &c. viz. ' . : Prufiia will be obliged to aflift Sweden in way. they think proper." " . 1 ' Laft Tuefday evening died, fuddenly, at an inn in the city of Y01 k, vwhere fhe, had been child was only five; years old in June laft 5 wai very pcautii uinandiomejy made, She was and quite rour. Teet. in active and agreeable. height, four feet two inches .round the breaft, four feet-fix inches round jhehips,ndigh teen jnt hea round each Icfifi She weiVhed nea 1 2oowt. and was, in every refpeft,- well .UOIICU ' The ofHcers :of the army have cife. nW th an all others, to deprecate the Ki n P8 dpatlv. - This event, whenever it hannens. mfC thm : niruiii and hunaJdndAnd puts near xo,ooot. into the pockets of the Se ; No. of fouls in 1688. Lpnd.c6htained 9000 Paris , ' . 488,000 Klaffeilles aoo.oocT J-yons 250,000 Naples -In 178 A 1, j 00,000 800,006 - ; l8o,000 ,I50,OO. at pre lent etween Denmark. S we I nrrl nla m hunt is ployed in negotiatme den and Ruflia. On the 1 2th of Ocloher Lordmip arrived at Liegfrom the Hague. It was thought he was going to Paris; but after havingftaid "two days TaT Liege;iie Tet"out for "7 Aixla-Chapelle," on his way to Frankfort, where an Envoy from'Berlin was to meet him," " The bufinefs on which thev were to trpar. muft necefTartly be of importance, feeifr it could ' nut uc HHiuucu 10 any perion or leis rank than -thatsof an Ambaffadir Extraordinarv and P!f-.7: ': nipptti)tiary,ndwhxrirfor. the porpofe-fif f rahiirz deling h,2waa commanded by his Sovereign to 7- -quit, fpr fomc timer the country to which he " "- was nru icnc. v - , nuiiiv em , " Some recent accounts received in Ireland, from Lord DorchefterJr Quebec, by" his rela tions in that kingdom, mention, that his Lord flvip was in good health; as well as the garrifon r and 'that he had 'conciliated th'af feciions of the Indians fo much, that largo 't t I 4i If. ZJ1 I hi "'J : 'f, .. 1.

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