- C KOLA N A. ,T"--'f- "-' ' mom H A MP E dns.fof this'paper rc-Ukcn in ata.'rjet ah'nu'm,:nd'.advcrtifemcnt3 of hp moreiength than trcadtliinftrtcP v - the fifft Week and 4s. for every time afterwards!; larger ones irt proportion. , (! ;aA.,v;.va v V A Vol. IV. T H U R $- DA Y A J" i-Y 9, 1789. Numb, 183. C "A" honour to reprefenf, Had ratified the cortftitution ; without - fpecifying any .amendments'; they are fatlsfied with it' in its prefent form, tiU ex perience fhall point out its 'defect. s. He there fore Tnoved that the eonfideration of the fubjefc of amendments be poftponed -till the firftday of . Mr. Goodhue and Mr. Burket thought it rather premature to take up the fnbje&butTould not .. jft? 5h? .prpprictyof .poftponing it -to fo long a- period They obferved, the lubjecl of revenue 1 was of greater' im pot ranee at prefent, and ouht A. to be immediately attended to, :---: . Mr. Madifon obferved Uiatlthc.,)rcp:Qitipnv-i for amend dfehts "to the "conftitution came from various quarters, and thofe the molt refpeel able j " and therefore to give feme degree of fatisfacli on, it fecmed neceflar.y that Congrefs fliould, as foon as poffible, attend, to the wifties oXtheir --- con Iti tuent sta f ql I i n venue and judiciary fyftems 5 thefe, he iirgtdy ought to be finifhed previous to adifcuflion of amendments ? The judiciary fvftem may pro- Proceedings of Congrefs. Houfe. of Reprefentatives of the United . : plates, - ---- . a M O N D A Y, June 8. M R. Madifon agreeably to notice, moved that the Houfe now form itfelf into a committee. or the whole, r-iiDon thentfiror tne -.union, to take into confiderat io n the f n bjeel f the amendments, agreeably to the 5th article -1 of the conftitution"A-""'"':T:H Mr. Smith (of South. Carolina) fuggefted the inexpediency of taking'.-up; the Jfobje&at' A. the prefent moment, irt a committee of the v whole, while matters of the greateft importance, and of immediate confequence,' were lying un- . finifhed. . A -;.s.j, I L -;:A Mc. Jackon was oppo fed to taking tip the :TfubjeeWfcam we have fome experience of its good or bad ialities . Hi h eiivl i ue ti t s . ubfeireitrttoniieaV u fe't , a vide a remedy for fome of he detects complain r ed of-and without giving the conftitution any Operation, it was impolTible to determine what ' were defeats or not, and whaY alterations were TiieceirafyHefuhherTcbfervedhaV ceiled jt neccuary, previous to any dilculiion. of the fybje.6t,. .thatit mould ,bt ascertained whether two-thirds' of tle Houfe and Senate were in favour of entering upon the bqfi- 'neft : He ftfppofed that the voice of two-thirds were recjuifite to fanction the expediency of the meafure, ,as they were to the adoption of amendments. - ' A, . ..Mr. Madifon conceded to the motion ..for choofing a ielecl committee ajidftJon Hjou.jtyvcipap andSBJeefhAwlu hfe Afepblitdries oflhet A .7 priety of.entermgv at an eafly period, into the were not the proper fources . j the refolve is now veftigation mould immediately be gone into, put.tpjjuiet 'ejapprehenfions bf::a:ffleat3i3any: peflbns,. refpecling .the fecuring certain rights, "which it was fuppofed were not . fuflkif mly, - guarded is he thought : ."nceflai litaECongrefs--fliould commence the enquiry, -and place the matter In fuch a train, as to inlpire a reafonable hope and expeftation, that full juftiee would eventually be done to fp important a lubief; fore, renewed his motion for the Houfe" to go intoa committee of the whole, that the . inveftigationr of the bufinefs might at leaft com mence. . Mr. Sherman fuppofed,vihat.takirirp-the- iuujecr or amendments at this time would alarm were perfons than would have their apprehen--Jions quieted thereby: - " r" r A menage ivas received froin ther Annate, uif ,-.--.,v..,c iiuuic,, umi mcy nau concurreuin m. vocates tor amrndments Aere numerous and fefpeitable and urged the expediency of the meafuie j from the fituaticn of Rhodfe-Ifland and North Carolinl,. as it might conciliate them towards the uhionf "and induce them to unite -He. was, he faid, in favour of fyndry alterations or amendments to the conllitatioii. A R ij 11 of jKights .he. laid;: had been contended fcr,b iit this was one of thofe amendments which he di4 not-conceive-eflential.- He, howeverjTf ItateaHhe propriety of the meafure, for altho' Bills of RigHts might not be altogether necef laryr he faid it J id liot follbwrthat they dFnof produce falutary erfers- he Twas therefore of opinion that a Peclaration of Rights ought to oe incorporated in the conftitution. , T w Mr. Madifon, further obferved, That the proportion of Reprefentatives had been objeft- )t referred to a committee of the whole, and , that an .early day be afligned to go into a full - inveftgion1ofthWfljcl nd prdpofedithel fiift Monday in July. ;i J A Mr. Madtfon withdrew his laft motion for a feleft committee, and then fubmitted to the Hbufe a refolve comprizing a' ;nu mber . of; av meiidmemvtcrbe interporateel la ; the cfiftftitu-rr tion. ' . : ' .Aa Mr..Mvermr'wz oppofedto the refolve" Mr. Pae and Mf7itfally rofe'to juf tify Mr. Madifon. : , A""' . A Mr. Madifon .obferved that it was necefTary the fubjeft mould be brought forward in feme forft) or otheri . After waiting a cojifiderabltf time for others to do it, he had -thought pro per ro.propofe the form how fubmitted to thf Mr. Lawrence moved, That the' refolve in troduced by Mr. Madifon, mould be fubmit ted toa the eonfideration of a, committee of the whole, on the ftate of-the union. 1 Mr . Boudiriot propofed a felecT: committee to confift of member from each ftate. A T ' A After a few more obfervations, the motion"' of Mr Lawrence Seingput, wasjcayrried in the- fErmativerThe Houfe then adjourned ' ; M O N D AY, June x5. " Mr.wMemberfxotriA Mi Sedgwick, Member from Maifachufetts appeared in the Houfe, had theVath prefcribed i(i the conftitution, admiriiftcred to them, and took their feats, riV AAlA :..A-IA-AiJ-AA--- v'i Upon motion of Mr. Goodhue, it was vofedi that fwo Members he add'pd tn the rrmrUta . - . , ., . ...... MimiOt&ingheTOnber their vote of the 2.8th nf Mw kyirlili v-ir ""ftjember is to be furnifhed with a compleat fet f the journals of the late Congrefs'. ' Mr. White obferved. that' the fubiecY of a- rnendments-was of very extenfive importance : piopueiy in ine i-eguiature s determining their States -Mr. Sm th. of Marvlan.. A ivr owiLCQiiiptioniapo amount. The rights oT confcienceriiberty of pointed. ' " " ' MrrScott, from the committee to confider the ftate of the unappropriated lands in the -VVeltem- l erntory; reported;HThis- report contained a very particular geographical ae-. count ot that country L i ' . yoted,zThat this report be refVrretc et mittee of the. whole upon the ftate of the union. The. Houfe then proceeded to the eonfidera tion of the amendments which had been pro- are nofA.with refneVJ f the Hntv nn AiMA A -. : . ; 1 i 4iciujpoied that the houfe couldjioVwth any - Deroie me cqnititution was tried, fpirits, the Senate propofed fliould be ftruck" - - f Propriety defer their cohfideiation any longer J woulf b.c entirely lmproperthaMheymtift be; -odtj-recapitulatiorofargu tor although the conftitution had been fo gene-. f?.ec?!ative and theoretical in the very nature the formerogrefs of the billWb rally ratified, yet it was evident, that' alterati- JimSs and 'nay n18 -betnejula; nsand amendments were exnefted fw nrhmt ot future amendments and that we ough't not place--the rrfnlt Wag non.con!nrrenre wUh tk ; yorijyofLtlie-pe&pIe-at-larg Jflrv&(s.CO then introduced a pro-' pflitionfor the appointment of a feleft com. the bufmefs.inta eonfideration. , th V -wa-?i1? avojjrof:a committee of tne wli and urjred th JlJ?4ryithout ;t aTOealurhaJwould produaivcof very - vrr .eonfeq frLF)yg 5as oppofed"to. the. rhea Aire iewrl rcafonsAthe incompletencfs of the for- the re- tne nrell. and trial bv turv. fliould be To fer. cured as to put it out of the power of the Lc .gillature to infringe them. Fears refptcling thr judiciary fyfteinV Ihould be entirely done awayj and an exprefs declaration niade, that all rights not exprefii vely given up, are retained He-viihed-thar adeelar atiiv"on"thofe' points" might be attended to and'f the conftitution could be made better in the View of its moft" languine Importers, by making fome altera." toofed bvhe Senateo'tnltlttffiyc I tionftl--in .ifIiA..Kail--KB-sisr'..rri-f 1 ' 7" 1 AA. ...5L L Jen notaiioJtrehereforermoved-for 'thrrnorted rnVo the ITnltTd Rtr-LA appointment of a committee td pfopofc amend- --The enatog flili'ofthe Slif W. 'The ments, which ilieu d be laid before the Le- Cnricrrf.'hf h.-TTn;tPrl .,,0.-4 gillatures of the diiferent ftates agreeably to the. Lby the Senate, by prpofingtd.mfem -Mn-7rrre"df tTiaTlTvvou Id fa ke " up" fo m.u ch Ji me, i n d ifcu ITmg thati mportant fub jel.as to produce too much delay in others bufinefs of much7greater moment-he urp-ed th3tnttempranKi$limd'm? ,..:), ;AAspi iaiaaa' ,,a. A:'::A',:;i -.y'. A" 1 1 hAr:AA.) jterrd RfJrelehtanves oftho United States"As; This amendment was non-concurred. I A That claufe of the Jill which made a dis crimination between ftates" and kingdoms in ; laajnceitnihjhrimted States-and thofe whiefr 1 Senate. . The following amendment $ p ropofedby theT, oueKt- towalteour time-jTr iifelefsyfpecuIatidns--He ftronglv opppofed a Bill of Rights, asvlead-: ing orterrto dangerous conlequences. Sehatepwere f alfbliononcurred by the Houfe, Mr. Gerry thought it unneceftary to golnto "yX?&& commit tee-of-the .whol'e.-uporrhis fuble6tf 'Aidnfl nf the nrelenf mnmt h ....Karl U. I . ? : . r .v . J - -. w-: .thatMjearidiysrpoiijbre mrghtbea11ign - fpirits from i z to 8 cents. - A : f A ed, on-accountot North-CarolinaandRhode v The. amendment which provides for the rt Ifl3ndrs thecceffion of t1io(ffS3fatetszfK5zt unipnysfaoerydenrable-ajovedthat the ywiout propofttioni for amendments' (hould oUiTcifroin to a centi : v-; :;. A- . v . , . .s . - :""-A"A'' '"" ' , ' . 5 A h ' ... ' . j. i ; - AT'!At, ; . . .... AX ;A-...:AY: tl:. t-..."- ; .: f : i. -- lASfa-' S". i. r''v A ' : ' A v ' Ay A...

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