O R T -CAR L IN, A. H 0 M D E N T O N: Printed by H O D G E vfcf W I L L S, ParNtERs ';, "the' firft- week and .s. To-every tTitifterwafds-j largejiones' in proportion. - yv'; L i Vol. IV. J U L Y IOj I Numb, 184. Proceedings oCongrefs. .7 Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United ' otaics, "... . - 2i M O N D A Y. lutfs Tfl HE Tcipive " whi.e h came ; donr tram the X Senate, reipecliny: the appropriation of Jibe con- rooms in the Feocralliall, wus rea The order of the nday bri ng cajli .for, the lii II for jlfal)lithincr tlie tienartment tor fdrtiefi affairs, as repei ltd h-'oinihijojmmejthe - wholer " w if h " the le v eFaT" amend men ts . were . . T. ' read, and the amendments agreetl to by the was prefumed to bethefenfe of the committee, that the. power was velted in the Prefident by the conftitution. v A recapitulationcarga inents upon this point cnfiTeil, and the queltion was finally determined by ayes and ji ay s. Some gentlemen voted in the negative, fup pofing that retaining the wdrds would be an additional evidence , of the fenfe of the Houfe. rthat he povvenwas yeftednhe Prtftdehty"-: MeilVs' Ames, Baldwin, Benfon, Brown, Burke, Clymer, Coles," Gerfy, Good hue, Griffin, Grout, -Hathorn. Himtineton, Leonard, Livermore, M.idifon, Matthews, flr!ifp7 Mr. Carroll Drooofed a claufe to limit the duration for the motion Mr. Cai ioli.-eblcrved, that he con- upA th nfr"fHiftr tl ' Kr an tiAii'tT wolllH , '- , J, J. r - withdrawing of our intercoiufe wuu European countries 2 and' in the comic 01 a vbiv rew 9 s ,- O ; . . O- loa.. Beriod-bevoiKlHhe tinrhefrtheiiirancr 4 -- - . . -- - defigrn of fuch laws flrould exilt. and thus Der- petuatejhe power and-influefiCjofr the Houlei t j . , . . 'm. ' 1 1Mr Amts oonoied the addition of tfTeclaule. as it would be unfavourable to the liability of gvernmentrandwirtttt c tteF Than i nr unng a premature principle of inoi tality into the ex ecutive department; was in favour of a limitation : He fupppfed, that it the expiration of the bill . was not provided" for at the prefent ,time, it would be extremely difficult ta erTedl its reduc-. uon when tlieoth. ers ot this department mail l9uWineol-''tuiiiiexioii't wiib foreifirn ouits.: ana by means ot thole connections, an exien five fphere of bufinefs, uninteretting to the United States, mail be created. The vote being taken, it'paffed iiKthe'nc- Mr. propofed.an amendment, which he -concei veii would -raoreH'uUytxprefsthe fenfe of the committee, as it refoefted the con ilitutionaiityi place t The amendment was, to ftrlke out in the Hrcdnd elaule of -the-bilfr twsiM the:: I TttttnA L .Cy - Cn -A--t.i, 'nfr4nrfhi off am -y and to lnlert in lieu, thereot the roi lowiner. Whenever thefaid orinciDal officer any UlUCI WJiy-IIiiiJl UUppCIj. - . .. - This ; produced fome debate, and the ayes And hays beiiie called for.-it was. determined ' in the affirmative, as follows, ''vra. t ' .Menrs. jAme Brown. BureCaircill. Clvmer. Contee Fitr nonsl GilmSffii fTffinariTevr Heifter. La w r fen efr- T. TmVri i Madilon .1. MooreTP. Aluhlehrg, Jcott, SegyyjckJSe eyr-S-ilfnlcKToBmitln- vcr,Tlutchcr, Truinbull , Vining, VYadf prth;irvV; T: , IS'1011 Wathqrn Iinungt91ijwrmore: ..MatthewsCPaeFarfccrarTFi fnllaerShermaniSmlth jCTieri:ckrf-Wftife 1, , . - r r cj ' o - . trtdge".. Van Kanfleiaer, Scott, Sherman, Sin nickfon, Sjnith (S. C.) S t u rgi s' Sum pter, Vining, White. thirty-one - NaysMefixs. Boudmot, Cadwallader,Car- QU,inteer Hcilter, Lawrence Lee,. Shermani Sedgwick, Seney, Smith (Maryland) Sylvefterj Thatcher, Trumbull, TuckiVWorthi;; 'Ntrrrtnjrr Thefe additional ajTiendments being com pteteu, the bill palfed t6 be engrofTed for a third reading to-moriow. . . . L- And then the jrloufe adjourned. w w hich gives a ftriking proof of the detellation herein the late tribunal faoDointed on the 8th ,MiU.OAL,4J.Ayy -W ilCIU'-uy -tilt iuiuuiw- '- About nine at night vaft quantities of faggots were piled tip at the palace de Sabn, in that city, oh which a fcaffold of twenty' feet iqu'are was ereled. On this nineteen puppets, re plefenting the nineteen officers compofing the . tribiitialT'WIa.' Tjie figures were inadt by the ingenuity of the artift, to refemble the. originals both f in i features and coifs j-aiid each, -cloathed in a robe, was feated agreeable, to his rank . tfy means ot tour large globes, ana joorej P. Muhlenberg. Page, Parker, Par- - an amazing number of torches, "the tribunal yearslibaccmrreipTT will be at, an end, which would render' the eltabliflinient a- fuperftuous expence. Mr., Page feconded the motion and added, luaine couiu not conceive uic uiuunciy ui 1 ... .l..ii.i-- ii..r' 'I- U iV SUA 1 UN 2?4 k.CllLlCIIlCIl WHO were ClCCICU Ollly. IUI Lwyy wu, I mi - . ; . . v . , ' wlfoingito extend the laws inventors the" benefits of their refpeclive pub-" J i cation i and i n v en t ions which - was read and . laid on the table, The order of the dav was then called fnrw and the engrolTed bill for errabiifhing an ex ecutive department, to be denominated the de partment of foreign affairs, was' read a third time.: .;."--"; Mr. Sumpter moved, that the final confider ation of the bill ffiould be poftponed. Mr. White propoled that the bill fhould be j - - g - m. fame order was obferved in the difpofition of the puppets as when, on the id of June,- the proioiype meeii n g nsia. xneur-nrwTUiem Drvj-ana ' . . 7,. . " V ' abandoned their feats by the hiffes of-the peo-- - - pie. In this fituation and arrangement a mock trial was commenced, when a irforiJiabited - - fa r-nmmii- a r u -i-" i -i. ? a na perjons-auemDied on thL&zJ rerfmmtted Jo:a commtttee rdertrh he firft claufe," removable by the Prefident v ie united states.;' ;...,;:..:..:v;,;v: he prinaple reafon affignedf thefe Words." wae; - thaf 9 tlA JILl.Mrtrt -fl-r,-- wrg to be a grant ot power j ; whcrea$ it ordei-that the otheFdepartments migh t be ad d - cu, anu on lyiiem rormea wnicn-inouid em brace "thewhole Thismptioh difcuflion, was negatived. Mr. Sumpter then renewed his motion for. poftppTrtemehfr the'table till to morrow.5-.The vote upon this .motion pafledin : the affirmatiye.g,, tajntcconnderatio many new oblervatTons occurred: anrl thofi :;wftici;hadb-een. adduced m 'the'Tormerilifcuf tflpatejd iPafTed in the negative- twenty-five being in 1ayour;OT-acced it4Sotheifcrimmation rma BglLLapqfeJidjdte scoTulerh lupeTBly mounted,' macfe his appearance, holding in his hand the Kings de- ciaration or ine 23d ot aeptember,; by which. , the ti ue magiltrates of the nation were reftored, 1 and the bailliages again funk into infignificance. " At this moment, by an irrefiftable impulfe, the torches. intended to cive ligrht to 'the were applied "to the pilei"and the fie reacbin? .K.-C-.!.. - 11 '.I . .L ' 1 - . . O uic iiguic, iijitu wun powaer, theyjvercLdri -ven into the air, and fell a?airi in (hr,enn ur -lcaffold."11ic rabble", looking on every thi ng contamina which had been dem'ned to the fervice of this courtf would not even fave fome valuable, pieces of timber forming a barrier round the pile, but1 with a fort of fury preci pitated them into the firej gathering up the fcattered remains of the members of the tribu nal, by way of rendering them executioners as well as viftims. Upwards of twenty thou.. --fand perfons-aiTembled -oiEijiz The laft advices from Stockholm C v. th " the fecret committee grant to his Majefty every thing he can wiffi, for profecuting the war with ' vigour. ; ; l;. On ' the ift iriftajftrthe bank nairi -him h -firft monthly lubfidy of three millions of dol lars, aoout ioo,oool. lterling." r . It is faid that the King has ordered the no- alfo, of; his own authorityireduced the meiti--bers of the iecret conirhittee from-iorrv t n -Apfit i i. y Xne only ccounts from Sweden arei thatlarminfir in everv duartpifVKArtrin,T-:- taken up on account of refufitig'to fikhtiA-- v luu5-!luu toiiitxieracy witti Ruffiarare tvow: on: their -triaTitTStoekKoInu and feverai others at tottenbiirg;; for -jjoi re pelling. thentryfeJJines iomeoohetoFmer will fnfTer .leath: ample,4lipushahe ringleaders 'Kav eicaMd to- impoft bill, which were vet to be decided : this jTiotion was! adopted-and the ;ehalog; claule swientledpbiy IK'cBel'being read, which is in .thefe-.wb'rd s ;Be i t ena.ed4)y theSmatei and Reprelentativesil&c. Mr. Thatcher pro poled, that " Houfe' of "? mould infem tidhas--agfeed;io;,v ; ; r: ' -A :"- :.. The next amendment which the Senate had rbeded fro.m, - watoftrjlce which makes a di frrimiriatroh in th e d uty im pofed oh diftilled fmrits imooried from conn: tries with , womtheiUn'ited.i$tateS-were'mr Tfi?SSSr mmmmmm wte notrearies thewlfl had been formed.It was mo and ft that the Houfe fliould accede to th a rfiend menrr i nis produced an animated debate, m which Iff oftfc ' lis . l--,l. J-s' ! t '- '.i 11 uiutiiu lu.uem nrpn nmr hM a Ka ational:.iaws. The Diet ma body, remain' nearly inaiv . tK rl K.",vC s . vi wiuequence . , tea -10,- is a rree gj tt of 60 , coo L' O N D O " N. ' MjrrK i ETTER from Paris haf the Jfbllowniz .axcounta3rari tto thepppulaceatTboulouJctheiithul ;:thalerSiin Iptcito theDuke of as a lemrrronyDi gratitude tor the Tervices he has done the cduriiryxi- : yerianonnionsisrpreienBdete briiuites -anDoiniedn VMng Jf?rwd. S It is laici it Will be mib- ? hcly attnbunced to' Parliamenti in the cmirV jiex-weeK- Meckienburea Strelrtz receives a rl v! inthe courfirf jb German lour, ; - : ; 4 f i! -r rj'?',-,:.:.-,.- W7

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