L Mi! v.. '.I I'. mi 1: I Jirftr iv i . - f' 7- i mm a If .ri mw . - - . r -- -- - - - - - The royal 'yatch is m dock, repairing and ornamenting fur his Majelty reccptfon. Sir Hyde ranter, iappvyin;i iw .'they3quadrori ordered fer the convoy. 1 LVrd Camden agrees to hofd the prcfidency f-thertmnia'tiltheregency.TjCronfequence thi' Criminal Conversation. Th."r was -if. action lately tried in the Court 11 I of King's Bench, .takeover in .damages a la i ! '' tistHfUoii for cri mtnafconverfation-. T;he plain-. jv0 V tjtf was a : gent fern in orionfidtfrable-fOrtunei Mi (3-MS ft-' itf.i it f i If I V If Tf- J former! v his tfeward.. : Several witrfes were examined oiOhe parr X.-. of t he- plairtiihy by whole tdtwnony it appeal - .lied, thai he intermarried with his wife about ' fwo years ago, a Ihbi t time after wihch, the - defendant camp into hi fervice in the capacity of a lleward, and hoarded and lodged in me houfc, -That about May hit, feveral fumiii-. antics were, obferveii to pafs between the de V fendantand his miltrds, which gave birth to fufpicions that an illicit mtercouie had fubh.t V eJ between them ; two of the ferv ants accord ' . lnly formed a vekluticri to Conceal theni. m tii-nwhr. tor the purpo.fe of making. I, fehdant was obfeived to enter hismiitrels s loom while (he was in bed, and continued there ' .for feveral hours. when he foftly returned to his own apartment. This was Communicated Irittthfjlainlifflt;-;bQ: ttirwejfoem-'both out. of the houfe. Upon crofs'-examination it appear, ed,. that" the plaintiff vn-Jixtj feven years of a sje atvd his .v;e v natHwww-t-v, fcidoin flept at home, and when he did, was aorrartttv Jntovirated bv liauof r That he had fvprnltimes faid to his wife, lie had nodmUjt Knt hn l made him a cuckold, and that it gave him no conct-nij for he never thought there was a modclt woman to ds xounu in iuc Vbole-wofid :r-':.- !:.:r:-r:-. -..'; r" - Vice in their power. F owe thsm a thoufartd obligations . I'had faults the corrected them , -I wanted knowledge! "they- informed' me I was rough,, they fofte?d meI wasjfick, they vjfited me I was vain, they flattered, me I had need of counfel, they gave me the beft ad .vice ; everyr man has need of agreeable com 'pany iani. eVerjf maa na,y ,bc' ifure to fijjdjt n France. i- ' ' . Op the LA D I E;S op" F RA N CEt ' By tbe fame. VV HEN-. a-French" .lady comes n to a room, the fit ft thing tliaj ilri ices you is,thathe walks better, hcldv bci lei i better, lutsjiitf head and feet better d reflVd, oaths; bet ter. fan c led and better put on, than any woman jou have everfeen. . . . When (hp talks, (he has the art 1 pleafing perfomficd Her . eyes, her lips, her words, Kpr rrpfturpi. ate sir nreoolfellinc. Her lan- guage is the language of amixblenefs.- hcr aC cents are the -icccnts of grace. She embeljilhes a.triile--me inteiefts upon a nothing flielft ens a cohtradiaion me lakesroff the infipid-. nefs of a compliment by turning it :. elegandy y afid, when (he has a mfnd, ihe &arueand polifties the point of an epigram better than all tiie won;en in the world, r 7" : ;'-rV Htr- eyes7ipai kle-Awuh fpirUtheynolLcle Jepending for their fortuitous meal on the ae. cidental difcovery of wild roots, rriuffr ftrike a dagger to the Jrea(i of benevolence ! Should the produft of the er.fuing, fcafon riot prove very bountiful, feveral people of good informavon pred icl, that'riext fpring will . be extremely diftrefling:. , - ; : .Th? rHnnril for the defendant addieflTed the' jury in a fpeech dHtingtiifhed'for its "elegance ligh tf u 1 fallies flfh f rom her fan cy in tt H i ng a ftory (he is inimitable the motions of her H body, and the accents of her tongue, are equal ly genteel and eafy an equable flow of loften- ei)pr,ightlmef&keepstcfonftantly-gp moured ai.A cheerful and the only objecls of hr Uff aiv to nleafe and be Dleafed; ' HerlMvacify mf'.firtiiunir approSchio fotr ly, out pernaps it is not ;n iuunin folly ihe is-leatt interefting and agreeable. Englilh women have many points of fuperiority over the, French the French are; fuperjor to tlrein in many others, I have mentioned fome nf thole noints in other places. Here I fliall ly-faybere4Fpartieular idea iff;wiiklrmtti woman in the world can compare; with arFfench wonianj it is in rhe power or intellectual ir- mm xhfthe -from the DlaintitF's own- evidence, this was a cafe: which gave him any claim to damaged " " 1 1 a ppeired, he faid, pretty evident , that the plaintiff, an aged man, married to a beautiful young lady, was fenfible of an in , difpoutiun,,or incapacity to comply with the ternuupon which a lady always contra6s ma- rrimony" times a very unwelcome companion,;, but a tended ha'LihefindakLfi.LJM plamtitt a- :;::.'-':'"A;'L;;B:".;:A The principal reafon for calling. together the Legilhture early in July, is faid to be for the appointment of gentkmen oh the part of this - itate. Jo . theSenaie. of the United States; in which honourable body we are at prefent with- out any ieprelentation. As this was tne omy "The friends lo jhfcAoS! States may rejoice in evtry circumftance that has attended its progref from the beginnings . The, oppoliti n to it called forth in its defoqeer and fupport t:e . nobitft facultiei of- th hur man rnMl'"be:fultfreei"and unoounded dif-r cuflion of its merits and defers, has ferrcd to emblazon its preponderating excellencies in fuch manner, that its foundation is extended,; and made more firm and durable than its inoft fanguine friends could have. anticipated. - June 2. " proportion as knowledge dif fnfes itfelf, libeity fpreads its genial rays. The French now make themfcives happy in th idea of a free pic is: Thofe generous fpirits, who aie burning" with the flame of liberty, are : now engaged rn forming a fcheme'forjthe more equal reprefent'ition of the people in the Etati Geer4ux, Which they juf'tly conlidcr- as the firft gleam of liberty An' enlightened people,-, 1 fecled intonixiremblymi-Teprefenta tion," will foon acquire, throtigh their means, every right that naturally belongs to man. His Excellency the Prefulent has been yndif- pofed, as mentioned j n durlaflr ; but the jpub lie anxiety may be abated, by the aflurance that he is now much better. . v. . PHI L A D E L P H I A, July I. Extra3 of a letter from NewTork, June 45. Laft evenine Maior Butler, of the Senate, and Mr. Huger, pf the Houfe of Reprefenta tives, rode out in a chair. The horfe took fri&ht-and ran orT with them.7 Major Butler is much hurt, and poor Huger had" his leg ihrpkeniirrfnch- anrnannetthat-hisife-tsefV paired of .V--V V V - . I .... . .mounted to a derikelion of his wife, and was an imp'ied confent to an adulterous connection. - , The learned judge, in pathetic language lamented the depravity of the times, which gave birth to foiriiny caufesTor criminal con verfation. . His Lordlhip faid it was the pro vince of the juiy' to confider the conduct of --'the' piajntitti6-Mi.w1feiC.weUs-. te-beha viu c-4-ttvaLot4er panic? t inriiir minMmu, J ...... -,m.W micrht be fuch in thefe actions as fome- time to cut them up by tne, rootsy ana at , , ; - . . , TotherV to diminiih the damages to a mere no- rriinal fum. It appeared in this cafe, that much btanie belonged to thpla ant was not judified By his mifconducl. The jury, threfote, would cgive -Aich-a verdiiV as they conceived juftice demanded; The juryfound a verdiclLfQrjhe iplaintiff, FORTY-SHILLINGS damages. 9 -rr tr CHARACTER or the FRENeii From ShrlocFi Letters. . bufinefs of any importanceTeltu at tlye c lofeof the lalt feflion, and nothing-of con frquence, as far as we can learn, has fince oc curred to occafion the prefent call, it is reafon-' . able to conclude that the next will -be a fliort ftfliop. ' ' ' ' The diftrefs of the inhabitants in the upper paris of the cpuritryJn conftquen.ee of un- TpA fmrrltv of fri-jin.. is trulv (iei)lorable. "Ivlany-; "of: thoV bordenng n Lake Chainplain, we are aflured by a gentleman ot veracity who; relides in that country, ha vc no other depend ence for fupport than the wild roots of theearth,. and the fifh which they catch in the Lake, The country bordering "on the Mohawk is not in a much better fifuation : The Alluny marker, however, affbrdine srefent fuccour, I - - - j . - 0 "... . they are much relieved by the fupplies of gram they daily tranlport from hence iut now tne lower cl afsaf e : fi timed hofeTpoy erty probhr hbTts- tKelrceisidbisTifloe gination may readily picture. ' , i vLait wtefc poof;m together the 'price of two buftiels of corn, and ' IN England. the French have few friends V. to pay for horfe hire, travslled upwards of UV I'.VJ f ytmv ,; - . ' - J I ' ? , - I A'w.tl t JAaATTt4rvvtteeV2L wtlfVfafm -thm-orAin wt-Kl t-Ml Vi which HWiii" aUIBer rous, ne- taiu naq mtie or noining w uiion tnem tin nis return. but whileil have a tongue to fpeak, towrite, wherever I go -IJll do them vocate but px a pen juftice.-; -.. '. ' . . ;',A 7; .-'..;....; . ' :Let every man who kndxvf that nation Jpeak , cf it as he found it j it he lived in their inti- tarV fnr vears fas -I didV and if he-found tberaaU-natured, f ill1- mannered, t treacjverousi At fome of theVmills in the country, where flour or Indian meal can be procured, many have offered, produce of the feafon, fuch. as butter, &c r .n excjiaige foT thofeind amlowardlyf iethim " who Ipeaks' thettruM article! of family confumption ; but nothing old-becied-ofa They.have therefore been obligated to the kind- nefs of neighbours; fomewhat better circutn- Itanced than- themfcives, tor a Ihort loan ot a I erant, ne granted to me again , auuvici mc uur.ucu nuw iucimn, vt .v-- f ; r.C,. 4je permitted to. .jtell.the wor1j,ahat,lbQweer: 'ejiim'te other men. may have found ? them, T found from Albany .market,: when,; having recti ved : rrrrrrjr tr.-.':.'.i .'XSifwS Url 7 Km J'" rihT--fXihAir ''ti;nrtnr:cthie-we.nabled'-tbF' 'Sthem: coo4 huhloured, good S poiiineu, Iran, ."iuit'cuj . ..v. . ..... . r r;ifH; ftheir produce, thev weielf nabled to pVrchafe at the mills, discharge their debtsr ll They r? "my friend s,faithful and juft tome, . and relieve their families. - , B ru.tufay ithe'S -T-fi'Sbij'ye" t rilbrnia tibn. ptefc ttt s. a; rri eTapnoT';' a 1 q,)mc :B h nnmiraKJ(;m4tt-.ii -mfturft to-thefeeltneartiiiMle-catftwUy if ..-. A rtrl R rutus. is ai jianour able mau - Ineak ttbtro difap But here r am fo ipeax wpai a ua asiv I fpuhdltbtS;al arffinatccj withra deme to iefgnlvvayj niam-A io-tkleeIt;hearti'iH)e-catf'try altert it is only tne limpie itatement or racis, "without the imalleA iekaggerati fprm fffrrh u lilludes of"o u r fel lovv c reat ures r expofeiLlotljiir.easifwl profpet of finunei and Late London, Liverpool, and Briftol newf paper&TadyifeJlbatai'thougi the Courts of Madrid and Vcrfailks feem to be really In " esrnelt in their pacific endeavours to put a flop to a general war, yet the hopes of peace be tween the three great empires of R uffia, Ger- many, and Turkey, grow daily lefs and lefs y t! at Vf Peterft of- thejyigourjand actiyitywimnney.inieria to prolecute the warthat the Emperor's pre paratToris for ; war ' werim great forwardnels . that every, thing was preparing-at Copenhagen (Denmark) for a vigorous and early campaign ' in aid of .Ruflia.. again ll the -Swedes, both by fea aifd land fhat- thelecret foinmittee at,. St(;ckhoim ( Sweden V had granted to the Kin? Itvery thing' he cotild wiili Tor profecuting the war with vigour that on tne tltotivjurcn tne bank-ofthatapi rnhfidv rt three milhons of dollars that the: Kin$y had' ordered the nobility to (iiicontinue their affembl ies 5 and had alfo, of hisown ac cord, reduced the..umber ot the Jecret com mitiee from forty to ten members that- tW happy recovery of the King of Great-Britain, was not confined in its influence, to his own dominions that it operated varioufly on the various powers of Europe that a generous fyrnpathyat' lcHft a gallantprotefTion-arii flTew-fympatheticoyrtat therefarrwjfLhii. vMajefty's health, had been difplayed by the poi ite and accomplifhed Court of Fran ce that 'MiSnihYj ppofed- that there arc '""J ? - i 7 - t .1 , other nations more deeply concerned in tne f Ivntlon of s the Britifh foverei en than France ; sFulbfioiJaa,&axctyr" roland, oaroima j pernaps mc a iu. Spaniards j and the Venetians and other Itaiiaa ftates for certain that thefe powers feem all of thtm'toliave an intereft in bppbfing the an biitfbut combinations of the RufTians, the An -ftrians,..and he, French-that a chains" or in military phraseology; a cordon; for the pro teflion of the pdrrfical independence" ofEurope, awas-drawn fjomllie extreuity o7re,aitani acr6sHdlland, the Prufhan ftatesand otn of inferior note in alliance wit h the Pru flianJ, ajid Poland, in which tbc ruTiantereftio nrevails. "even : to the! mores - of the Hellefporf 1 Wat the noliticaV balance, in the moft ltn r V W -v-it - ". " r J. ifli ta III i portant circumltances was in tne lame im vk;vk it iti n tt en that if ever duratiorLfli filPwayn -it mult ftave-been-y-wleajtne Dei.ana io urT f W rthe Oiieen : of Great-BritaiP) n-n'trot. "at it wpre imetlv. into the heart 1 1 r iti - - J ; .i:r... .--a1; U tint a IPS Of - lUC pCUJ'IC;, BUU v.llViS-vtvv .---' V, .' 1 LbuVunboued-loyaItY-ann -;.;.L.:;..: ! . J

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