'A. S :. -F 3?. ; G. ' 'Z-$ O F N O R TP H - C A R 6 L I N A . ED EN TO N: Printed by HOD GE (r WIL L S, Printers to the State, by whom Subfcrip tions for this paper are taken in at 25s. per annum, and advertifementsbf no more leng than trdth inferted fo? 8s. the fir ft week and 4s. fbr.every;tlrrieaft Vol. V. F RID A Y, July 2, 1790. Numb. 234. Proceedings of Cotigrrfs. House of Representatives of the United States. -. Wednesday, June 9. li Hrbirrfor JettTTng the : accoTTiTtsTiltw J. the United States and individual dates; was brought in" engrofled for a third reading. - A motion was then made to recommit the bill 'to a, committee of the whole Houfe this mo tion was negatived. Another motioti was then roade,Ato recommit the bill to a Xdecl commits 4ee this was agreed to. Mr. Barker moved the Houfe to tfike into 'Xonlideraltion his motion for a refolution" that .:iCpngrels-.w hen they adjourn, (hall adjourn to meet at Ph'iladelphh. . V ; It was objected to the taking of the propofed refolution this day, becauit Mr. Parker had liot. reduced his motion to writing yetterdayj -antf h atHhrfatnriread --crmjr-the riiles for doing butinefCTeqWirrg; ibis previous arrangement. Confiderable de bate arole on this oint, whether it was in or der to take up the motion this day. Titer Speak ... ,er being at length culled on to decide, declared ' the motion not in order for this day -The mo . .tion. was then read from-tb chair, -and notice given that it would -be brought forward ' pi . morrow.. -..-.:....:.i,j;.i.LT.ir. e jMr. Gerry read a refolution, whichjsllitc eritajietm& . termini ng on a-perm anent rcfidence for Con grefs, fomewbere on" -the banks of the river Delaware, not more than miles from Phi ladelphia, nor miles from the' falls of ;Tienton. : 7fT,'-. . ':' :"' ; ; ' -- Mr. Sherman from the joiri.txemmitlee ap-i pointed for that pmpofe, reported additional rules for tranfalirtg buiinefs between the two Jloufes of .Congrefs. "The Houfe" then went into committee, and ' made fome progrefs in the bill for laying addi tional duties on wines, rum, &c. , . Adjourned. .. -..-.. 1 H URS DAY," June 10. the higheft regard for their wifdom and propri- committee of - the whole, for the benefit of 3 ery oi conduct. In anfwer to fome reflections more free and liberal difcufiion. which he laid appeared to have been call upon one of the Senators who was carried to the Se- harlhly fpoken of, he ought to be regarded as ine peit ot patriots, whole conduct reiembled that of the virtuous Romans, ai.d was- the proper conduct ?which ftiouid be adopted by an American patriot. ..: ., J:J Mr. Gerry then moved for taking up the motion of Mr. Parker, with the amendment he ad propofed of fixing on a permanent refi- Mr. Jackfon was againft taking up the fub je6, either of a temporary or permanent refi dence at the prefent time, when fo many other jubjecls of much greater coiicern to the w?jiar,e and happinefs of the union were under confi dera tion . Nei t her did he approve. b the. idea rloufeattemDtin? to drivcthe Senate in- tp any meafure which they bad already rejefted. TMr. Burke fpoke ttrongly againft taking up the bulinefs of & -temporary relidence, at the the fame time that he wiOied.as much as any other member to have the permanent reOdehce eftablilhed. He thought -art adjournment to Philadelphia anina would therefore vote againft it, beCaufcthat was a powerful and influential city, r from wjiencfe themfclves after they mould once get entangled theieV Mt bad his" private reafons for believing Philadelphia an improper place j and, added fe I veral other very-judicious obfervationfcwlu'clr ' tne piev,ty or, pur lKetcn wUI not alowof par ticularizing. ., Z:-Vv-.:: . ."' Mi .-Blood worth feemed de.lrous of brini ing me quenjon to a decijion,, and. - m w:--jk - "' " . Mr. Parker and Mr. Vining moved to take up the refolution which had been offered ye He r day, refpecling the temporary feat of govern ment, or adjournment to Philadelphia. . A debate, enfued, . whether this qoeftion ..-ihould he taken up, . which "was oppofed by fe- v yeral members. - 1 - - - - Mr. Smith (S.C.) after ftating his objec-" tions, gave notice that he would call the yeas and nays. ' IVIr. Sedgwick obferved,' that the people of America were difgufted with this fubjedl,' which leemed of no confequ'ence when compared with --ether m oivetci s bafinds c c f o re Th" H oQ l"e-"'il" .- was in. fadl aclingjik.. children , fop the Re 7 prefentatives of America to fuffer themfelves to be enlifted, in a manner, under the banners of two.rival cities. r .2 .Mr. Boudtnot repl ied to fome of the argav - ments that had been ufed by Mr. Parker and Mr. Vinmg, which he laid were intonclufive; Mr. Lawrancewas forr taking upjhe jnqtion j wbieh had been oftereefby Mr, Gerry yelterday. i . Mr.. Parker faid jthere would be petitions fent from the fouthern Mates, in favour of a . removal of Congrefs to feme-more central fta -tion. . ' ; 1( Mr, Ames expatiated on the inconiKtenty of introducing this,, fubjeft fo often, and at the moft improper times. Ie obl'erved,that the re port of the Secretary, for the fupport of'pub: lie credits-was taken up by the Houfe on the o th, of ebrua ryialt lhatit-hati been inter Mr. Gerry thought it would be trme enough - .to determine on a terapqrai y reddence, after a permanent one mould be fixed upon.- He fur ther obfetved, that the conduct of the Houfe, I-nate i-fothcy -hadL already rejectd -the-mea-"furerand uhoiiFd rhetfbe-"Tn a manher oTcecf to ecedesjtJnufLhaYaecuoIi'nder-4hemr contemptible to th world. He bad, however, rupted by the memorial of (the Quakers j tkat the funding lyffem had been abetted before by this temporary refidence, and now the ways and means weft ,fet afide to anfwrlocal views, which were dilgy lting to the people of the uni on at large. v- ' i - " " Mr. Lawranee fpoke -in general terms upon this queftion, ;andXas fo. extremely candid at;d. generous in his obfervatjons, that it wou)dhave been difficult for aYpeclator, unacquainted with the perfons of the, menberf to have judged wheihex hetvas a Keprefentative. from -the city of New-Yoik. - v , jyirJGejry jwaextremeU miutef-5md -adr-"drefled .hirrifelf to. thcuMeTrtandlngs of the ad vocates for an adjournment, with al mo ft every argument that could be imagined, both with regard to the impolicy of the . prpceed ing, and the Unparliamentary jnanherTt had been intro duced. , ' - . . - " Mr. Sherman and Mrj, Smitrr(S. C.) alfo fpoke'largely, oh the fubjeel but it feemed iVrange' that the oppofitionfTer ed norguemT in favour of their meafuresy but merely con fined themfelves to the quedion of order, relyi ingon a feeminglijrfilent majority for taking up Mr. Parker's motion, which, whenit wai -knownreonhlted-itt the numbenhfee. Yeas 32 Nays29. This motion was well fuoDorted bv fevira1 members, and oppofed by others the debate. xta-which4alledunti paA he-ufual hour of d jotirnment, and a motion was made to adjourn, which was negatived. " Ayes 23 -r Noes 29. Xhe queftion for commitment was then put, and negatived. Yas 28 Nay 33. , It was thenmoved to adjourn ; but the ad vocates "forv Philadelphia feemed determined iq lit it out, 30 riling for a'djourning, and 31 a' gainft.it. The motion of Mr. Parker was now again taken under confideration, when Mr. Blood worth moved an amendment, viz. to ltrikeout the word Philadelphia, and infert Baltimore. " This motion, however,, was not debated, a Mr. Gerrv -aeain -moved for the Houfe m artr Ljoj Fi)ijlMLLi9 rmorrQwwhich. wasagreed to; py 4 large majority. Friday. June 11. A motion was made to proceed to a decifion pnMr. Parker's motionTor adjourning to Phi . ladelphla. " The queftion on Mr. Ltwrance's motion wag dpcided in T'the negative. Ayes 26 Noes ?i. PL 11 r '.i ' ... . . ..-.S-l -f j nc rtoute cnen proceeded to tne conhdei a tion bf the propofed refolution for removing Congrefs from New-York. to Phi ladtlphia. W motion maqe yelterday by Mr. Blpod worth for linking oiit Philadelphia to infert 3altimore, was irfl: in ord;er to be decided, : After fome , debate the queftion was taken, and carried in jhe anrroative,-- Ayes 31- JJ0Ci ' ,..." ;"?;. ':., The queflion was then taken on jhe refolu tion, that when Congrefs adjourn the prefent feflion, they adjourn to meet at B dtimore, and agreed to. Yeas 53 Nays 6. y rxMe(T; Arpes, Ame, Baldwin, Benfon, B lood wor t h , B row n, B ur k e Ca d wa I : ader , C 1 y . mer, Coles, Cont.ee, Floyd, ofter Qale, Ger ry, Goodhue, Grrffin , Grout, Hartley, Hathorn, Hei lh r,Huger, HiintingtonVjckfonI.a. w ranee, Leonard, Livermore, Madilbn,Mathewst Moore, Muhlenpeig, Page, Parker, Paitridge, RenfTelaer,Scott, Seney, Sherman, Sylvelter, Sinnicklon, Smith, M. Smith, (S C.); Steele, Stone, Sturges, Sumpter Thatcher, Trumbull, - Vining, Wadfwotth, White. 53. . jtfays Meflf. Fi t z fi oum s, G 1 1 m a n , 7 S ph 11 re man, Tucker; Wtlliaml'on, Wynkoop. 6; Mr Lawrance njored that the Jfoufp, fhould go into a committee oh the bill providing ways and means for the fupport of the public, credit Qa this motion. thdayes and nays were call. eu, wnen mere appeared ziyes 20 fsoes 31, l.S.O th&anotonwafc,r-l-w. --r xtrat$from a bill to cftablifri the Poft Office and PoflRoads withirr the JJnited States," now under "the conUdcrationoft Congrefs. Scft.l. TE it enacled by 'the Senate and XJ The motion now being before- the Houfe, Mr. Sedgwick, after a fhort introduction,' 'in theprefent inftancr wasnnfultm ah 1 . - r t I 1 adjournment ta r hiiadeJpnia would be maujpi "cious to . tFe harmony-oFThe union,-moved, -That-both'-the-refolut)ons propofed by-Mr; Parker and Mr Gerry fliouid be icfcued to a Baltimore, Bladefllburg, George-Town, AIcx- -Houfe-of-Reprefentativesf-the- TJnited States of 'America; in Congrefs aUem-. bled,, That from and after the palling of this a 1, the following roads be elUbliftied as poft-" roads, namely, From WifcafTet, in the diltrift fitainejajcaaftjJt4jeorgtpoy-4n toi lowing rout, to wit, Portland, Portfmoutb, Ncwburyport, Ipfwich, Salem." Bofton, Wor- cefter. SpringfielJ, Hartford. Middletown. New-Haven, Stratford, Fairfield, Norwalk- atamiora, u-ancw -1 oric, iewai k, -fcjizaoeth- - towni BmnfwickPrinceton, Trentonf Brif- - toCPhiladelphia, Chefter, Wilmington.; EIfc -ton,CharleftoripHaVe-dtTGrace,Hartiof 'IH 1

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