?,: - -, V . " 7; ';.; TV'-" v- ;:p'v:. : V .. . -. -.r . , ,-, - V'-' :, ' . '. '",.;; : --';';... ... ', '.." y ' '. - , ' - . v' ' .- . V - - ' ' " ' - V.' C i.: Tfr. A,..rr-.,....r.. . .. .r :.;.7::-;T... ..... . . . . ,x. .... ......... - - .:-: t " -Li- , -; -; . . . v , . . j,- - , N O R T H - C A R O L I N Af ILLS, Pri k Tins - rb t ii e St A t 4;V:;I;vli iSj' t7.jTJ e r m, 1792, . . .' .Numb. 348. JlMtt Rll G A R 0 Lt H A fjr r Excelltmy Alex as bee. Martiw, 7ir, Governor Cp&in Gtrtsral and Cm mander in Ch'uf in and wer tht faid Stati, ' ' A PROCLAMATION, XT THERE AS the Secretly of State fr the VV United Stares hath Jranftr.it ted to me .an authenticated Copy f an ACi i.f Cengrefs, . pafltftj at their lift SeHntntitied, ' An A3 relative to the Eleflion of a Prejidcnt tftke United States ; - and dt curing the Officers wha hall Jd AtVrefidmt andVici? taaciesin the Q$:e cf Prejidenl . and Vice - Preji dent.'t Axd WjlERlAs it is neceitaryjha t faid Al TiiouU be coinrnuniwtcd to tlieJLcgif iMurcat an ear Her Day than that to hich thsy inch MeaAircs as to them niall feem proper in c;wyin; faid Ail into EfFe& fo far as it refpe&a tate.fiV GaroGaa ir'-Por- bichT-rPti pof I have thou'gkt "proper- by Virtue of the Powers in me verted by Aft of Aflembly in -fuch Cafe made, and by and with tie Advice of the Council of State, to iiTue this Procla. matian, hereby notifying the Mem.bsrs of the, Generr l Affembly of the Purport of faid Aft as aforefa'd, and requiring their Attendance on the tijUsntk Day f November next, at Neivbertt, fame, &nd on all fuch ther Maiterf and Things zs they will judge necefary and expedient on this OccaCan. . . VllfZU MidetviyU arid and the Great Seahf the faid Staff, wbich I heive cauftd to be mJmtfw-Jixfnonh as an tiwatevffhXJnUed: State f,fr(im tZefiiirlk da$ March$hlibpufand feven iundrU. and Kinety tvoo aid ending the fifth iavtj t' Seftan&vr, one tboujaH ft ven fftiri. dred endnir.siy Hv. ' . ; , ; ' SigfriU and iealed Wtt prcknot ' . AcknowledgccI' befor me, . 'Applications of executors, and admipiftra t'ors muft be accompatiied with Njal evidence ef their jefpeSl tire office s ,71 nt a ifcti f the time the iiiys.'iUs died, - tvhofe ' pcnfiqR thty may claim. , ' 1 f Byomn.and of the s 7 Picnuent of the Unitid States, . THOMAS PITT IR R1 Of Chatham, ESPECTFULLY Linfifina th 1rf rnnnfiao Cl- 'wit UUiil'! V ft lately o - OUL, in. ar c young d m the tizsns of BertiCj and tlist he l pencd a GRAMMAR SCI the- town of Wind for, wi- prluHpica 6t the Grecian ana Itbmah - -m Languages, upon as reafonabie terms as in anypart of the union. He deems it unncceiTarj, if not repvgnant to the character cj modefly,- ina public ad vertifement, to inferta pompous detail N-0 T ICE. "if.- ON the i ft day of next October, the Shares of fuch members of th Difnial Svramp Canal Company as mail not have made their firft and fe cond payments required, will be fold, , at -pub!ie uuclion,.jefcrel theEagl Tarern, in the borough of Norfolk. By order of the Prefidcnt . aiid Directors, ': DAVID MILLAR, Clerk. Deep-creek, July 25, 1 792. . bereuntrmjfixtd.' mi DabzsibI:$ixftMt V hat end Seven Hundred and ti)neh twt I of his OWhualificationi, ' but hopes it win lumce to lay, tnat ne nas cpmo lary recommendations from Tome of the moft celebrated literary characters in the United States. S u cfrgen tfemerra s m a y t h i n kfproper and in the Seventeenth Yezf ofthe lndtfe : dtnee of laid St ate f GOU 3AVI THE STATE ! A L E X. M A K TIN. By His Excellency's Command; . . J .,ul.asg oVj Secretary i W A K D P A R T M E N T. to favour him with the tutorage cf their fons, may rely upon his uniform and undifcrimihating attention to their mtcMeclual improvBbvent. " Windcr, Sep. 8, 1 79. ; 7 . :V- 7" - Auguit 6 1792. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the Military invalids cf th Uniuil States, that . the Aids t'Owh'ictf th?y..are...init!ed for fix niOBtias of taeir annual pen Han, from the .ftji ffay of Mjft'h 170.1, arid whi&h will become due n . the 5th day-'Of September 177., will b? paid n the laid day by the Coraniifliimers of the loans within the States refpe&ively, under the ulual regulations, viz. t Every application panied by the fcliowing-vcuchcrs. : ,u ft. iThe eerttrlcate gtven-hy thejfite, fjeci that the perfonpoffefH isijt fs5t an in t 1 1 1 id , and ateeitai pi it ; t he - A3 n to - l .i r.. l . . ti .-. 1 1 - , " -bi ... """; t William Little ! oh a. wiiait :authoiiteJ A . B ejtme before we, one eft is JuJIices of the -tsunty of . in the flute . and r.:ade m'.hjb he title fans Al B. to ivbsr 'hi original cei(fi- tati h bii ptjtffwi wmsgifVcfty ofivbicb ikefol- hiving ha cpy (the eth'feait given ly the fate tile recited) Tnai he fervid '. (regiment, 'psr vejjelfat the time beuui: difabkd, m.d tli he nozv rffieiii Ijand fiat tif Jed there JlrlheiaJri idrt frS' vkw wivvup ne reji-j.ua it lOMowinz rorm t l A. B. of ; county ef jlaU-'tffr: -' do hereby cwfitutiand apptintC, D. ofj'Tny. "jjujl imported in the Vrtg CareHna, Caj)t.v Stephen Carpiliry from Madeira A FEW pipes ar.d qiiarterrcafks ; of Xow JjA nartrctritr f IenafTrnd 5 New-York Quality MADEIRA WINES j wh i clvw til be lo J cf xm-vtqrts Terfh s PTor je ady; 'CaTcPrHuccFpayableWrJ ffff.J.an"a ry next, :r: .',v:x - . The" wies are of an exceeding good quality, to treat; with any psffca v?ho. tay incline to purchefe. ; " f j : ' r SAMUEL JACKSOM. :, Edehiinf Autuji 291792." . 46 4 ' ":7 TOTICE is hereby given, that the. Jjfwbfcribis by J. t lieExed 11 1 0 f s: of the e Ua t c dt7Erfmuiid Blount, deceafed to 'fettle all the con cerns of the faid eftate,-whorequeft$ ; that.' all perfons having demands againft the fame, as well as thofi indebted In cafe an invalid (hould apply for oavmcnt by an attoiney.Jhe Yafd- atibrney b'efides the certificate and oath before recited, muft pro- .pafpicjailejietttaua toUiinO for fcttlement. JAMES SUTTON. r - 1 A Quantity of GOOD L A THE R; For which cafli or raw hides will be . taken in payment. ; Jamts Cunningham, ' &3 Afej) cd JO URNETMEN- SHOE makers wanted. . f A R I S. June 8. - 1 liings i n t Aemtclf est he motOn vTaffbMtime' of irapcrtancs in fuch a fituation as ours. Th Municipality came to' a I'efolution that no per fbn ihoukl be obliged to take any notice of the picceffion cf the Hoft, and that no public fofce fliould becalled out to attend it. Thisrefolu tion, which left every man to do as he peafed, was ifprefsnted as an intentional infult to the Cathahc wdiflvip ; and notwith (landing a lvta- vy ram, t he Ceremony was yelisrday more pom pcufly celebrated, great numbers of the troops of the line apd national guards attending, than) if no fuch tefojjution had been paffed. Th e.ai iival of Mi d'On'eaas at Vaienciennes having beefr report amon; the troops, that the greater part et thejr orhcers meaat; to quit the femce, Matfhal Luckner gate out in general orders, that he mould coniider all reports fending to produce jealoufy and difuhion in the army as a ptrfcnal injury to himfelf and that te kiw f but one party theglory of France, and the ma.irUena.n..eof her .conftitutiou. ' :' The Secietary for ''foreign affairg, named Dumouiierbreatened the world" with a refijs- nation, when it was in agitation to bring him jiacgount forjKefix, mdlions paid ieto -hit. hands for fecret furpofes, fuch as fomenting., difcord andTevull in the " neighbouring coun tries! . But wkep,' through the intertcrence o his gocd fritnds, it was decreed that-he might do wbat he pkafed with the inconftderable fum, he cendefcended to remain in ofice for ihegood of bit country. "' ' - . Every time M. Chabot comes about with hit impiaching budget,' the ears of the auditory are wounded Jbyjndeccnt imprefTions, fltnde rous reports aad, criminal . defamation, which, in the reign f the law, would havebrought dewncor.dign pnnifiment on the head of hinv who would have dared to ufe them.' On Mon day he accufed almo.tt all iiiei3f "onc"ri in "the" kidom his proofs, as hrv'modeftly called th infigni6cant (iring of evidence he adduced, were chiefly colltcled from anonymous letter, the information of Servants difcharged fiom re fpeclable families, for various mifdemeanors j drunken coachmen, and hiv footmen he dew rjounced 7 he GazttteUniverfelle zs t dangerous libel j (becaufe it never Simulates to murfher or infutrefliou) ' e accoUdla Fayette, Ro chnibeau, and the deceafed General. Dillon at friend 1 t C9untcr-KcT9lulio9; fck- - : -, - J i