' Q ut puiNTBD by H E N R Y W I L L S, Joint Printer to the State with A.Hodce. ' T II U R S D A Y, A v g u s t 6, .17 - , -Numb. 499 a M - M JCV VIA A.-v for WW ?r' MS bradLEY: TTTi" Ve n t e d, 1 VlAHijtinn" fo vboU or in part, -- JOHN HAMILTON. VwESrV DOLLARS KEWAKU. 1 ...in CI fifefccifiior iVwn inches high, , hi f ' L left arm gecafiohed by f.e ft .b of ke is by trade a tooptr, and being a Lwb(noUiio'ny aiicmprto pafs hi r i..f lohtiffan, blq. in ral- WfI 1IIVII V. - - r . I L.niv hn luother and ' ielatiwns be- The above reward and all realona- RUNT away ft onv the fuhferiber, liviabn Tar-riverr Pitt county, a Ne gro iiA n- by the name of HuoCK, a bouriiycars oldf- 1eet-7' or finches 'nl h"' ... mad, about twenty four Wflct'H be given 10 ?ny perlon la tali!)? nd fftcOnng.hijp ; in gaol, or de- ij. ilium nbui &fttilirtu$b, ii'b fyrrt, 1795- V. AW, y 7, 1795. jlicM Monday in Scpieinher at being the day 'appointed by law for ijEKril meeting of the Lifmal Swamp w Company, it is therefore hoped pi the members will be pointed in their. Vtendance. at the Rorouph''! aveni. in WU, where the faid meeting is pro. id to be held. All thole iharcs on Lidthe pavments heretofore required yinbthavc been made, ' will then be before the door of the tavern id. V . Thmai Newton " 0 Daniel Bediriger, Directors.. Thomas Wiiiock, S ' 4 " '.' state of north Carolina. tifiublank couniv lulx 10. i7oC. AGRHABLE to an act of Aflrmbly of wis uate, paliedtXamtejiLLsLTeJV Jm?9, erititTcdTTAn act to amend fntitled, an aft concerning i:ro- i'ls and uraninglttiers 01 admi ion, and 10 prevent frauds in the mcut of in'itftaies e-flates," hereby givmagreeable w direcVions of the faid ac?r 10 all ltorspWlLLiAM LOW RY, of i v -viau, luaxtneiaia tv imanr :Jcd jnd that the f..blcritcr u adminrator to bis eftate in a! ! t' Wh afneft,y rtque-fts all Uuinea born, fpeaks tiic "AnLliih tongue fp that he may be underftoou very wtli , lie lias been branded w 'itiv.: .u.tjtibtiiii cheeks, but part , of Tome of the letters fcarcely can be feen Any pcrfon that will take up the faid negro, and put him in any gaol in this (late, lb that 1 get him, or will fetch hini to me, ihallhuve 'Fen Dollars reward. As he has attempt ed o get aboard of a velicl, 1 am indu ced to forewarn all mailers of velleis from carrying lrnnourof the Hate, or any other perlbu irom employing him,' under the penalty of the law. . . 1 - WILLIAM GRIMES. Pit eruntv. Tar rivrr. June 24 1795 . N. B. lie generally goes about in the day time, and depends upon his ingenu ity to frame an artful tale, when fulpect ed and queltioned. 99 5 - -to 1 A CHARGE delivered to the GraiJ Jury or the DtfiriQ of Connecticut,, in the Circuit Court 0 tie United States, held at M.av Uwvtn, i it 25, 1795 ; and aljo delivered to the Grand Juryjor the Dijlr'Ut oj Vermont, in the tr iuit Court of the Untied St&Us held at IVuiJjor, May i 1795. By Jambs Irldell, one of the Aflociate Juitktft ot ihe buiemc Court of die Uoaed States. . (Pubiifhed at the rt quell of the Grand Juries to hom it v as r (ifl velv .addrfled.) Gentlemtn oj th Grand Juty, YOU btin'g no" ilitii t)aii 10 difcharge one ot the molt atul and important tt iits which can be executed in any country; puttcuhily in one which ejoj8 the htghtlt Qhik of tattonal liberty of which eihtpa hu man nature is crpable, I doubt not you ai furticieniJy impittfcd with a lenle of the gie-i mterr 11 which your country hi in a due per toMiianceof it. In vam aie las uidi'e it an obedience-to thtur iV not enforced. In vn, have the proplechufen their on .con(tituuon ot government (h tll general as particular) if the goveinmirt.ts eOabhlhcd under them a e not f u bin it ed to. In v.in don governnicnt at one way, if the individual by whole iuhoii-. ty cd.lecV Vtrly that govtrnmtnt was mltiiuittl, or a coiiCdttabl poition of ihem another. 'Common lenle, as well as comiium j'llti.e, and the lo wtli notions of icpui'iican gov rinntnt, revolt agatnlt the ablutd t ide 'that hen oner a majority conttKiitionally auihorilcd has polled 9 law, w hich . all ire bound o obry, any nuy difobey onth uni uinty. .Courts i of joit.ct, theielore, aietHbMhtd tppumlh a dilobcdittce to ail luch law s as aieobl gtor y oh ail rhci t zens, in order that the common will of the whole community, when cotkeltd in coi tutiorlal manhtr, may be tiuly arid r ot luuni n a il y ca riicd into exec oil onrwhattVerop pi, li . i on it mnr meet with from welt or uked kno n to every man, indUpe ntably iriuiie, in a land of liberty, iht pio.'ccutiont IhouM ot be too rafhly undertaken, .that, thty Ih uld fe unpen a ken -wi 1. tlelibtial un and lolcnnityr- hu th O.otiM t undertaken imp'aiitiUy he - C7t:?rco intake known their de- ji "v,, ... uinc 'imitcd-by law. B'JAM1NL0VKY, Kt. J'Wnab Caw. : 'hifc ,h x h goodie. . vivci. 11 r i? i n if r'tr k . . V l Lftlsi on CZ m Edenton, itotrn,,,n Virgmri road. r'njrr --7 - - membeis of the community who may diltegtrd the will of the whele when it comes into com petition with their partial or indiltu cl views, their imereltsj their pi Hi n, or niilchicvou v defigns of any full, if luch (huuid be tnieruin ed by any. . ' ';: ' ' "'-. .' . But; gentlemen, though it be, thus obviouf y necetiary that an obedience to the la ws of our country be enforced, ytt ihe manr.er in which it is to be done :s a conlidtranon or ex treme moment to the happinels, the lecunty, the peace of mind or evey C t aen. Th, f '7 picons whirh are btten urtjultiy calt uoo'ihe heft men, the jelouly with which a geat par! ot mankind view the conduct of each vtber, the envy of fome, the malice of others, the too gftai teadtrel's ic all to iriJulge then paiTioni, hen not checked by a poweifuLenle cf doty opeiating Itiongly on their conlcinces, all thefe cucuraUAucti, the cahv of which 11 mil itg ' no le'ncitts of peittns, and that theje lole e b j ti Ih on J be ihc itcnnty and inured of Jhe Con mutiny at laigt, d.iiUirunj; t 'ft v con udciauon -t piivaie favour er ill wilt", as alika nctmp.tt ble with the etd nal piincipUs ot jnf. tree, and ihe iuhliunty 6 thole pnnctplts of fuedom which ngidwtihA an tqiul rryV iho itched and the poorr It, the mult poeif I an J the molt weak, the b.it hefrundtd m tnhcrsof tnr crmntuiiityr a tut thofe whyie joleproieilion, undei lioJ, is ihe jo It ice and humanity otiho community tfclf. -Toi"ainin impsitialiiy fo jnlt arid lo d tiiablc no inll-tuiitn ran be better calculated than that ot a Gtatd Jury, compo. Mtd, as it uluallyrit (and always ought to be) or a itiect number ot ttlptctable and dthnter tliid pember$ of the community,- lelecled for. lingle time only, and who may jultly be pre . lumtd to luye no ytews but to promote the io teiclt and lia;'pn.els of ihcir common countiy. From luch ?tn innocence Ins evety thing io) ho(e, and guilt ever y thing to feai, and 1 fit if Couiiity at hige cvei y blelhng to expeel that can rio from a Itrady, upught, ad diiccmmg aomttiiltiat on of criminal jultice This duty, gtfiu te.nen, 1 am pcrfuaded you en fii ni with ihe g'caicr cheer! ulntls 'tvuij' a itcoll.cUon of the prolperiiy your country has attained in conleqtifpce of the faired ey "r J which it has paid to (he pnnc pits of juttice both puhhc and piivate, and which hath af fouled hi iliuihious proof of the value ot ge nume I berry, which ii foundecT'on the b.ili t law and t rder and cmnot txilt without them. Its true mean is undoubtedly fixed between anarchy and lyianny, the two ettreints wh eh all rational goveriiniems have lo guard againlt, ai.d hich 1 trull, are efficiently ( guatdrd agamft by ours, if ihe people (as I doubt not they will) cordially luppoit the gu vernments ol iheir own formation, A eJoru - - -- . , . -v ous erxlence ol th s has indeed lately tttn giv en winch will aiton.fiinnoit other nations in th V'efent age, and perhs he felt in its eff(cls a wtII as adm red in us example by geneutu oris yet to come. k H aving no reafon to Sclievrthit any impor tant buiiiteU ik liktiy lo come before you upon wh.ch it may be material for in? to make any , prni. ular oblervations, 1 fl.all thereloie only c blVtve genetally, that your dwty is to prelect fiences ctiinuntied againlt the United States, not aiiy ihM xare comitimed againlt this Stata I v I c I v . I hr i fftnets againlt ihe United btaiei conlilt m viylariiins ot t e 'i ot n,lum, or v olations ot ft me du.'y to the Umtvd. State t ; p rtcolar. Of the foimer ihe courts of 1I19 United States have cog z.nce bccaule ihe U i fd Stattk have the lole management of rh ineiells of all as they concti n foreign nations 1 Thty ihtietuie ate to take care that all tfTcncei -of that lor t when Jinon meet with a proper pfikcuiiin, it beingadoty necefliiily incident to tbcir loveiegn lupertniendency ovek- all ca lt s of 1 1 a t nature, . a nd alfu bee a u ft in cae of a n yyr I p b I et n j tt r y t o a f oreg n nasron , : or a 11 y - individual beK ngmg to it, ' the Umfed Sia.ei as. a nation are accountable tor'u'pf' redreff being given. Tire courts of the U'mted Stales llo nave nattitzlly authority to enforce tht laws of the Untied S'ates,"as it of courfe de volves oh every government jo enforce obedi ence tu. its own regulations. But in order that f'tich obedience he pioperiy enforced, without h uofhip. or up( refhon, the cunitiiution haili provided impoiiaAt checks even upon I the Le yifl.tive power Mlelf (a thing without ciample until happily in'roducf d in the Amenean go vernments,) and the Lrg flatnie haih made ma ny txcelleiVt provifioiis ofjns on calculijed for the fair and impartial trial of eveiy peilon under profecution.MTheyrf ; well, Worthy of your (tudy and attention as in'mvfdoaU, whe ther you have occalion at pr.cfenu.o chfull any of ihem in your capacity as Grand jurors or nor.' If ther fhould be any piofecutions, )oj aayj I am confident, Lildy icJy on ihc-biii -.1 'I 1 1 1

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