j l. 4 uvi3 . .11 n PtiNTEP by H,E(H R.Y W TUL $;:juitT'juhtii to itl ttttl WIT A'.Hodoe. - . . i.J.v nj.4 v-j x SrT- ' . . T H U R I D A Y, F e b H;u. a a,r 9, 1797. ' Num. $74 It "n o N, Nwrmhcr rt'N lw JATVtf vih 'in Council. ' ttrflEKt .titers 'urjuft If :2Ufti fti.litv aud unprdvokedWeffl ci.ed.by rtheftipi of hn, Kid bii fibjeai i-H'8 AMy ,hcfe atw K f- ..:vt;rafirxr the honour ci "V and for prccarjng. reparation and . ton tor ' imj" r; . - SLhthe advice of his Pr.vyCounciJ Vdihe,eby ordcred hat geniful? SVfc-ranted agajnlt the fhipa, goods, of th' King of -Spain, lo that as rttft.'s fleets and (hips, as a!fo all (l',Ddc(leli that, (hill be coin (Ti- ( cutins the orBce of Lord H)gh Admil al , CUBritsin, (ball and may ftixfill (h pa, Stitdgoodi., btlongin to the King of : l,V to '(VSjcftf.V.qr. olhsrs ir.habjunp iiothe KiP4on of Sain, and bring the Jgiiitnt ininy ofjbe Courts of Ad ' Ci.iihin hii MaieftvV 'dowiniont t and diil, to Majeily Adfocate General, ' iicAtlTocateef he A'ttniraltj&ie T01 th. . 'JiMfparc tbei draught of a comm-flian, 'MBt.tJie,faaje.t6 hr Majdty at ihto lotborifingtbt Cooiniilllbneri for ex.-1 'jtUufficeef Lord Hifgh 'AdmirBJ, of jfoi( or.ptrloot by tberh empbwcrtd and- rra, lo.iuui roria ana grant jcucr 01 pwJ.ifV'ifU toany of. hia Maj;ily 'fiu or otberi whoauhe (aid CommiiVior ' Ultra fitly qoiiifiii in thit bebilf; for uj,i!ittidinfi fcix'mg,-. and taking,' tht, fttltlf) led good!. Pclongirg to sparrr,, ' A tdfcll' ltd f tKjih-ut ttvet. King, qf . lTa(kiayiiiabitingnitbiii.hii.cviiDiiiei, '-'! or diwBicnt . aqd it foch , pp tiifoifil beanfrrted ia th; fa id toonmifr Wf bctaulual, and; are according u taGutiil, ub the Adiocate of ; the, .Jlf, are- alfo fofthtttlh to ptejace(a (jf 4cfflmflbp, ard-pfilVnt ike fame lljr at;. Uia Joird,') MUhoillirt tbr Creai firon m qV t a 1 c tu i n g (t h e . c fB 4 e s o f iH'A Admiial, lu will, atd rcnme, the Jwt ef Adairaliy of G;tt Britain, ia U'tiUftani aad ' JwJge'V ."'d .Ki Sauogiii or Suircgatt i, 'iii,a!fo: c CcwUiI Admiratty'bin hWMJd.' ilbi'Dpoa, all, , arid all warmer of, fcunai, pn'2i, lad. repnalamf,all !"fIoJi4hita4eU,n,Au be, laittn, and jwddmimioe thi famt j aod according. ifecf AJmiralty. nd the !a ol , ta aod condemn all (hivi r- "ppdi at mall belong to Spam, or fan4Jobj.ttitf tht Kinj cf Spnn, (JJ)Wu latab.iicg w.thin any t i.n (-JJi rttntenta r.d dorDin;c,n asd Q1 a4 clavfet be mfined ti th.e ( Mt,ftan aih,rehteoouialaodaftod. ad Ly before hia M-jelly at rj-iiagbi cf (uch inllructiont at Ami"! im 10 ,he CgU,tl r Ad T ''Cjjftedlir the pot Liiiirt.ut. V. Htt. 9 I tal7ikOA. ik. c.-.rt. u.. terie s, con.fi fling Jot 350 pieces of heavy anil ; lery were expecled to commence pUyu g -gamft the fortrtl, which, botvcr, waa in. otx cellent a ttate of defence.. that rot th taiUt.i ppprehenfitn a ei tcrtamtd for 11a Jafety. Lettetk frcmCblegiie cf OcVaS, ftate, that Gen-Hocbe vfili probably obtain. tht. cornr mand ot. ihem)y of the-Noith. mrtQmLvhixnQ&. 14, w iearn, " the re. pott of a Ipedy ,p;act ; between the Empcrot and the French Ft public, becomes daily more prevalent; and there ig a good reifen tafop poie that the Prufiun Cabinet will take an adivt flyare in- thole 'important regociatU oca. , Letters froftTyroU of 08t. 27, fjy. " the ituch-.ace.ttiU. matter of the South parts ,o; tins country, , The trcops . who ar fhut p in "Mantua with Field Marfhal Wurmer, amount, to 25,000 men. . The fottrefa begin to loffer ti om vaot of nerceflarie!. Thr befitger vtt in' want of heavy attilltty. Gen. Alvinais iiGng.his beft effort i.io .collect an army io ratfe ttie liege of Mantua. t Th next objtcl ef the Aarcbduke, if is faid, will txj. the i3pture of. Kchl,- in which he will, probably toccted.,. The Dutch conftitution is finiflied aod, laid (bcfr;ciihe,peoplec . ; -' Ah army of 1 j8,Ood 'Spaniard will 'it it -faidf'Cocperaieiih Jiuonajiaite in Italy,. ' Ipev'.opaitiUiudeclarauoo. or war ngainn Great' Biittain, , ai; lecciicd by th: Dutch .CoediK.no.thtt.iiltiof Oobr.. It ia fajd Lord (Vlairi fbuiy Jiias ient tocou rieis'r'with'impcrtsnt ditpatches f.'om the Em' pior. . j-.The Utefl letters fran Italy fpeak uf a. frcUHortWifftttird by the garnlwi ot Mantua, ith the gicatclt fucccii. Ths enrny ctt pVfufd witlnh a- flivrt if rlancc of VrraM '.Nov. 15. It a let er from AufWurf.T.Sa'ed 04t. 27, h?s this paflaga A' ; letter fni. B-ifeh,, Oit, 4i,.tcu tot ih,' ihai Gcoc'rab VVurniier atucked the Frrr.'h the f:hf, at nine: jri the oioininp, halt a league fiop MiVitia that atter tcoi.lUt of 36 loor, the French v ere compelled to h j that, inucli hlod was.ipilt in the tctrihle iclicn 00 both fidta-thc Fisncb, atit Ji la;J, leafing 70 .oien on tltt nel J of battle,, alter hatu g cat nd off with them about woo wounded, the, antmolity w io" great on both tidts, 'that thcts was not ioie thonoa priloner ta ken. Fie piece of artlilei), a bay m.ga. stc, .'150 waggons laden with win, 3:0 faiks of oat tell into the hands of the Atbuis. Trie 'garrifon t 0,'biHiJr, accidir.gjo tht cVpurt laiely made, cocftAi of near ;4oo efec lif t men. . Ths cpfpj; ad;coinmipdt are si follows j OarriJoo b'aiialion, coomand:d by Col. Frafer 1 aSth, iip'M foot Col. Paget, 371b; Ci.UBochanenJ.4t I Col. D,ot j 70 h, Cel. Moocnef i .and. ipa.h fLjr N ipier; CoU Alarquit HuotJty bing ati:nt with the artillery boT.bjeri. ... -Some difrcffcarul paragraphs having antaredm. st Parli paper, relative to chemiifioa of Lord iaiuilbary, his Lord fltip compUidcd.o thii to the Dircaory an ail inniir.nna hfaid, Ihit,- that Body lacld no authori. ty to controul the r'rnicb pipen. Kr.,m everv thitift hive heen able to collca, it h. not thought that .the KrcfiQb Directory wui unco to iuwu m ai Gr:at.UntJUO, may coiulcftend to rraot ; in fhort, that tlxre is, ou the whole, ihilcprofpeft of ancarly peace. tttaJ'Qitarttn RjaMt'tthnt I have the honour to inform your T ordfhip, that in tlie c oarfc of the lift niAht General Morcaus army.rctmud; axofs the Khuir U ilnwflfiW. The aft of his rear guard was this morning Hill on the heights ofW eiller, on which he had conftructed a large and folid work ; but after a little iVirmiftiing with, the Fuflars, they evacuated the height and redoubt before any infantry could come up ; and nothing now re- ; mained on this fide of the river, but a few troops in a fmall Tete de onte be hind which is a kind rf ITorn Work lately conftru&ed on the Ifland called Shueter infel . I have the honour to be &c. (Signed) . ' ROBERT CRAUFUIUX, ALBANY January 9 - BY a letter la'ely rece.ved Item Mr Tal bot, Agent for the United - States, f of -the jnu pofe of effeft ng the retearcmeht bFAV merican feamen in the Weft Indie,, to hit friend in this Date j we learn, that be had vi fited Baibadoes and Martioico,. andhad ron Terence w itlr four BjitiHt Admirals,! via. Hyvle Parker, Henry . Harvey, H. Caibntry Chnihan, and Charles Mnice Polr, L qiuies, and conefponrience wuh the to furiDer j .tin rtliilt of which terminated more favoorahly than w et fiift ear pelted, Admiral. fhtvey, commanding all the Onps ot war IfaiioneAa. oiot.g the ivindwtrd iflands, bad given ibemoft fofitivt- aducancei, that he would caule an to qoiry to lr mule, 00 boatd all the flups of ar, as they iriumcdinio port, and that all .An rucnns found 00 board mould bt dilchsr ged, and that he would give pofitive orders a gli It all lattber. in)rUimeits of Americaa tiamcn, and to pay dot rclpccla,,to thcrouc rioi.s witli which they may b: tLrthrtud. Mr. 'Talbot fat. her. iniormf, that thele otdtts eie putting in earcution, and that more than luiy had leco dikharged. lie, likcwile meoti ortthegteat mortality of the BruiQ) futce both. by je ai)d Jandf in d..crs paiu of the Welt Indies and thst order liaj sm.mcJ to '(Up all Spaoilh property j but, rot, 19 , prpc.e'-tl to cvisdenatiwii. until ltihcr order. , If; cxielfes ccure coi.hJcnce, in ibe future con duit of the BrHh ggfernmtnt (awards A1 rica, adhat no tar iher injuries w iH.bc cou mnted on tot tisdr. or inhabitants NEW- Y 0 RK, Jan. 13. THE capture of tlie Spanifh Ifland cf . Minorca, by Admiral jervis, if true, n'.uft prove a valuable accjuifitiphjtn the Mediterranean, after, tfye, cxaQvaUvpf . Corficu, - The porr of ..Malum affords a,fine..har bour and that Ifland produces a, coofy derablc quantity of ntxtkTary articles of fupply. This capture is rendered more nrobable hv a circumftance which had Uccn.mciJtioncdto.u from, good, autho i rity, that the works o( th,e Csjilje, of i t. Philtpi, the itrongctt.lortieAsmiie u land, have been moftly,' deroolifltcd, fmcc the conqucft of it by the Jipanifh in 17S2 ; and that a greater body of troopi wss reqnifrte for its defence than was, nm'rt-.t.li) ftsiintid rl-.rrc atihe time. I'UWWI l.lH-l"- r77AKKN..by execution, ancj will he A Sold, ou'Wedncfday, the. ijth ol March next, on I he prcmifei, for.rcacly money, one half the WJIAKtT, WAR HOUSES, nd.VATKU LOTS; belong ing thereonto, now. ocenptediby Atr, Thnjt II. LiUltjthn, to fat'nfy a judg ment .otU'mcd hy the executors; of U' inft NjhiO' Mailer' 'fl miuKlrator to.tbe cftate cf JUtthnSi.O i)4ic;,Jeeafird. 1 H V ') 1

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