"yOJf PINTD bv'h'e n.'r y "w i t , v t V S, Joint ?rimteh.to th Stati with A;Hodoh. 6 S-t T7"" " T a V R $ D A Y, F t t it u a " fii. : . ' . ' . . '- ' ' I m D u c ;Lt ho meflkee of the : January 9 lj9';n n . . tfjfatftt Vnit StAtti to thf French ftrued or operate? contrary to former and ex irtiog public treaties with other fovereigns or Rates." ' ' s I The govern menf gave a further proof of its canandirierlkjjjjb French Minifter the treaty "tifitfy prwr to it ratification " in order to tnaftie bun to make t&ntinutd. mm . :.-. & " nt Mr. jay a ;RiLStotii-i Wld from its ori j V Tl Acrv And to whom to unvc.l it r to H"? ruined. And was it . S ouFtlHaticft W toned? Did; Sl iibmreie of our l; iBwioty l,r 11 " . v"": r ; unite treaty ittcii iornm i ?'in,i Arf end of the prefant ftftfive alliance is to . qinoraw effectual y . mtiunMittd, of the bid United states, y .til in matters f jMwt F Soltkevile the tieatf of Auty !jComfBcrce in i 'preamble, dcciaics itut ii mod Chtiftiao Majeay and -.the Unued tmiH t0 fiik h levhtch ought to . in i.j n ih rirrnuftceucc Abu Btoncc which they defire to ellabUQi between, i . ..rn: munfrtMl have taken " tot the b&Ct of their joVerhmenl, the moR perfect JntiBlfo Wi -f; tne liberty of admitting tiintkajurttbtr tatians to paiucipatton fcrf'wa tame advantages." Cottefpooding'. , tttishH declaration in our treaty ot Amur, r4Cnnrcvith f ranee, is the declaration ' tf ihsMi'ui de oailles, .her Aiiiballador VtUcouacf Loodon, on fte i3h of March i'ml, fiie vtctki af Kr the treaty 'wis figr.td. Mttnaagn in thisxiccuration ?rr io vc,w tttWtnfobjea is Alilcofliou, 1 Mlootc' fefalthngth. .' ' -VTat-uodertiKaed Ambaffador ef his C(tUitM4jcfty, hi receiTed eapreU Qt Bike the following declaration to the jctVruf Loaeoniv ' The United IStaiei of North America, lb m infuti "fiftHik if Iniifcndmt, a s .44fabiDCtdby ffatuiobthe Hthol Jo1y 77 pwpottd to the iCiiuj to confaUtUtt "byiforsssl coftfefltion,the conncioii bV fan krtM;(Virl htem the tu Uitl stt, ;tfcl refpfdivi Plenipotsotisries; bac Jjtti lecatv of fritudffiip and cj6inrBerctt' . itf gr.cd to teive at a fooodati&n, for their fcaioil jtwd cxirrtfpwodence. V- " m (f .a .. l.: j : - ..I I riitt!i iod ladeiQiniflg' tuHCttiog between fiicct and Great. Britain, by eveiyumeaca twpstibli 'uh hildienity, and the good of M4Bni, t&itki it r.ectuity iorociHi ftJ ag knon to tbt coott of LoodoD and Win, it the fame time, that the contract kl puftifai't paid ;teal attention' tf U ft : fate tyixiUjive sdvericgti i favour tf til tHmwt 6nJiki.tkt. Unit Slum bsvi .f t -i ti , . ' f i it. riu nt Ubirij tj Ir taling vu evtrj muium fv,r tftnttt erne Jocung cf tpatit; tnA ftnftuujr Why after all ibis, Co w her ' Mr. Adet tha complaiot, that the nrgo ttn-f the Beit fh treaty ierefecrctly con .121 lo other words, that in cietCiGrig MtfcJite icd unlimited rights of ' go t sad commercV the United States , utliy cftato tbe French Mirtiflcr or his . l-sortttbe iBflrofiioni to $ur entoy Jwf run difputis and njulaJiwi car ofiwrii with Great-Btitam f required, a conrnunica ! mi4 i ihe French Mioiflrr. il ?itEdUyiefofta Thal Mr. Jay JVtUotla weskta our eftgigmtnts to '""r..TNlaaiyO;oisii obeyed, W. J'J.tUtiSWy this iipHcit Aipvlstios, ht J!giaiVis treaty contained (hail bi C30 V wife t nanifeftinr a watchful fo'icitode for u the welfare of the nation, and calculated t 'TheAddreft of theHaufeof RfDrefentativeft was wtanimoujl? agreed to. We read in it thit . t ri T"k " i "Cnti slat Ti k-A- Vnrh nVtfprvifinnx tlicrpnn a& lie micht 1i)dSfe rirnncr Thefe ohfi?rwalion vou will let 10 Mr. Adets letter to tne Secretary of $ate, of imp 70c t ruling reiutanun oi nis ou- jcflionk in ins Secretary's anUer, dated tbe tith of July following. With thefe fa6is in view, fas of which the chief are drawn ftom our treaties with Fiance, and from her own aft s and law?, whatopir-iow ia to be formed of Mr. Adet'a declaration, T hat ttiexccutife Directory regaids the treaty of cciomerce concluded i'th Great Bri tain as 'a' violation otjht -treaty made with France in 177S, and tquiinlera to a treaty of Illiance'witfi'etar-Britain; ?" I will now advert to the charge, " That, far from tttering the Krench tne luccours wcit.i frieridlhip might 'have given without compro rnitting it, the American1 government in this ...in.A untfA th iptfer ot treaties. I vi vvi "y"vM ------ . As far as I can dil'cover, the; latter part of. this chnige ts relteii nony on itic 17m of thecommrfcial treaty i which,' theiefore, ; ttl hfe fkeec(Tarv to examine. v "The" ttipula- tiona art mutual but the examinattoo : will be Gmplified by :coifidtrihg their-application to -1 . TV'V tH him of war and Dnvsttcrs of (r.U- farrv the M1D8 anil ooos liktitrm'thir intndtt into the ports ot tne ii.w. .1 ..it ,'nUniit htinf obliged to piV aiy iees to abe cfll:ets of the Admiralty or any other juJes. paragraph, " The UniteTSt atea havtrlg taMd " 14 no pan in the war which bad embraced, ia Europe, the powers witn wnem tncy navo 51 " peace was joftly to be regarded as one of thai i ir.ft imnnrtini H utifi of. the tnapiftritfl chaf4 M vr Q . u"ged with the faithful extcutioa of the lows, ' " We accordingly witnefs, with approbation and pleaitne, the tigtlanco with which yott " have guarded agaiiilt an interruption of that .' bleiT.iig, by your proclamation, admoniCw Mngourcitiaerts ol theccnfeiactices of illitit "or hodile afts towards the belligerent par " ties and promotiag, by a declaration af ibt exifting legal rtate of things, an eafier ad " milfian bf oar tight to the immunities be ,tf loiiging to owx fituatiotn t. vi .Hit i ,h ihHrumtnti thtJS aDOfOTtd bVn r- c. ,t -.4,r kUA wa In ran JT ' ' tioa oar citucns to aoia ciriiio u wpnw 1 uld violate the laws ot nations, wmcn sur, v ; At iMrc tocall 11 an iAndioaa otoi kUmarlAi. ot neutralitv 1M 4 f M filJ The next executive a noticed by Mr. nar ;;n J is the lettef f the4 h of; Auguft t7ni(i -i . -. ... 1 J ki. Ih. Itakail:' '-''"II 51, Jtn. io v,57 "' - ' - -i,.-,it ind carrv their prises to the places txi'rdfed in tbnYr comm iUmi.," c h. That, ,oa ;ne conuaiy, ..k ... ruH h tfiven in ihe toils of 'be Uni. tedStates, t? lucb as Hull rbav made pnxe II I D..r..l.i. .Anim.n1. Kit thA HprAl tary of the Treafury, to the dolUftorf ofthtX vy cuftoms, and accompanied by the rales 'whichl ' ihe PreGdeot hacl Idoptedi jfor breventing - all ; armaments in favour f aoy of lh I belligei rent pbiers; Thele ruls were coftfidered; t K juft and oeceffarv deduaions from tho Jai ok : : neutrality eftsblimed and received among natU-Vj Treafury is'explaosiory of Ihefe rales, and a- J mofiz other inttiuction, parucuii7 vmim . 1erjuJes. m fviuA,. . th i7th and Tld articles ol id. That sack prize. ,re nottoDe arreu ea ; ;; itteoti.a'of or ted when they enter the Vor ce'm; the might be injorrd ' nited States. f - v nd her themies txneftted. The letter con- -jd. Tratthe cffitol of jhe Ua.t?d Swfti ( Collca0rto extcota (h,l bot make any enmuuttun concerning cl des ; the lawM net. of foch or e, bu 4 fitf and impartiality"-" becauf. om.lfioM . f h. i nat - y-. - -v - u Iend to expofe the got ernment to. .ot;; !..'.... kiiI.maiii sail IOI.1I.IUIIII rnuxs w .m.im!i tK jjd I ait ra ata l Veace of the coMatry' Jlo could fudV .r jj . ... iiuLAmritA. ta.intorce inera, oot de pnxe fftmr, and ieQOu - - w r. i mi r i na rpiuu c i a --w - v . of the lofciaM, peopll or prooetty ot rr.a -r- . flf)ft imniUity , arid i hot if loch fhU tome in, .being torceu ny . . Fleochmcn contli ftrtfs af W Ot. danger, of ths , woUqa n J(jaoof fomeigotyan4 ) all r,opT testis (hall be foully .ufed ths undrt j: the? Joat and retire Iroa, ihtnce as .fee j3e,.. arJ wh-eh aereealc.laiei ' ; pcfiiwU. . i ... t0 iovotae as in war with Britaia, Spaio ana : h Uipulanoos cooiameu m - i 0J ,-1, FfaBce. rrtnenmeo wire i "hatforebn not Wlongin U to Fiench foveas or ca.arnl, h'PCcom,n.i. - ." ' ; . out Itl) 4bor (ions fr.ra,ai othet Prince or ... llfld froan catnitUn, - w:th Fiance, fhtur.wm i .-r beftd.tiesooJer thlbaaoeti ot fraoce.aa wua ports tf 'the United Staiei. . 11 thofe ot othrr powf ' nindir oat anil u l: : v u.i(Mm. .j . r ,,ur, r- coramuuwt. j:.K.e0fifrol oifioni. , - . .A -rn ' 5i The csks trial nave our, cer0ftJs M Itipeus tr. 1 1 ' lAitir lieatV With I pe Tici.vir r Mf... j France, .u.licol.rly the i ' J Ll,, of certain cr.a. ....! tU i.rt mnrioned. have led to oooicw-. . :.:frnl naiots hkrerveen dtnoe. k. .mli 4 bv the PrtiiJfarft V rately fettlrJ etttierof irg.M...- K Mr. Adet aiKf, " -7 n. orbyiudicUl detifions. r and gives hiwiKlf the fallowioj sak "A! A-VamMtUBt eaecutiff aft ' I f o! lbll irvat . t tv . f r m a ii 1 www - a . as a am mm tuns anit rtr Ar,l l?9l. ' . , .! uafiaa dtiMo4t net wfoafn.r.u. ;!!' r f'-rfiMrii. wi 1- 1 -r - T..- Vwt rf i , At the Mat r"""& -7 . . Ud iQ satav, aJ i-f j Hhon biMs bothlloaftt. ThJ i Lafa af oov of iheaow.rttt wM witbtk- 0 their adit.f.. in anf.tr to y ' FfmlKlt ff,veatl, apca thatof 1.0- , t,ih. that if arl.1 tbtir op v. . trxv V dirjt9lwoi4erf si w f )h j ' j clsmttiam , . . -..U.tliarJ, aad We dtscata n a - v s -;ii 5 s 1 . 1 i 1 1 " . !'f i vjh Alliance, Att. a.