; GAZETTE OF NORTH-eMdONii? 1 flJf, n,m. it HENRY WI HI, Jot Pm.t to thi tt w.t- A. T H O R $ D A Y, J v h t 2,, ,,. Numb. 59 ... HI. , iff 0- pOCUMENTS fflpnusES Congress, iv " 2iib riieieot the m.y concluded 1 hi. Maicflr and ihe United ?tate, Lted'eubj a. of the King, "1 miii mviaale i<'t iiji.4ifiiri:ao cnic, -5 fretlvtoall the pom a'th aie declared blockaded, making tfr . ... 1 h eoodt hich the v itrai tag o uttta1 be feixed - .t m .L m m m rt " u.. flifluld belone to an enemy nllBW " 7 " . CMaiitty battened with pJeature to adopt a Llttooftfoi to humanity, although for Lfoibintedaboee, it was to operate more iniiftjcoikfly w tbe American anient than ft'iK Anwtca ge?f ft me'lit , di I poll r ton Lit. friend! vl and it their adaption would " . . ' . . .L.. n i.-j 1 . . 1 jdltMiiengagern;nitor a 1 k.c nature linlortonately, tht 17 h article of the En. jtldHty bat dimpatta mis agreeaoie nope, jiiiotoaly peifliitt EngliOi velfeli to take flBlfjWHO pott tro e of America, upon the mn eiound of luiptcor, hut alio to take dtas cnemr'a property or merchand.ae ysoArtae American tig. In fhorr, the Uylr, Ikai viahefriigoode, was flkiioytflj acu oik majeny it rtcocea 10 iWiifltagcowt iituauon ot feeing toe pro ntf bi iut jrtts it std with impunity, oo niH Meiuard of ntuuality, whilft a (late ifi(itquiiM tbat bit iquadroot aod dipt Wnla p ngl Oi prcpeity, on board of kikib ? tlTdi. Can it then be foppofed, tijowJ ljtL that the King intended volun U) 10 10 a stipulation, the obfervance Mtitl (houlJ require from hit (ub')tEt no- vpstdeiri mdi aod injury f An adherence iki iplt fopted by the King implicit ivtaioa rccrocuy complete in all its mimed. iii be irjoriei to Spain, ittfing oot of Mltiucicot tht treaty ith Qeat Bri. SlwjAlpible. From it, like the preccd Mpt leucito the Acntican navigt IMiiM damtzci which the iobicttof Uiiodbitieval Utt ict (XLfr.cncp. tic !iih ifiter coofiderttioi). By that Jl b gland ai.d tbc United Statet agree, w&itxf tor Ch p building, tar, rofm, cop Mwtii, llt, bifip, cordage, and gene. cau'o uitii, Oiill be decUrtd cootrabtnd. ia MticJe ol tbc treaty ith Span, perit.rig thole amclct bicb Ihould be it UipuU ed, tb.tah kindi of oaa, ur, pnch, ropei, c.blti, Jh4o'b. anchor., WJ ol all kmdi, w r r v vn 11 1 u vi vii iftii be looked upon at 'itf Cwn.n.oce . Wnt tbto it the Heo tMtion radiclo naming 10 tnfclaoci the tacloiite ftate to yotj a point in which her rights are ef lentilly conceincd j 1 mean the .nav gation of tbe-Miffifippt. The iutt groand apon which Spain refofrd tc acknowledge the mo'ual and illegal rcifion'' hich England made to the United Statet, in the Stb article of the treaty ot 3d Sptf mber, 17-3, of the fiec navigation ot the .M.ffifipp. to the ocean the necelfity in tAhich Amenc. hat found hfilell of recuinng to a fpecultrea ty lor obtaining it, and above all the tenor ot the 4th article of the laid treaty, in hich it is agreed that the free navigation of the laid ri ver to tbe ocran bflongt exdufively to th fb jeclt of the King and to thecitnent of the U nited States, bad given hit Mijdty teafon to believe th.t the federal goTeinment, by this llipulation, annulled, as illecal, the claim The only right which the Jailed Statet had n tbe navigation.of that tint wat founded oa the H puUtiona derived from XogUnd. Kut having changed their political emnence bf 1 he decbrtion of their independence, and ha? ng by thit acl feparated their intereH frcf hole of Great Britain, the libett.y of nifigt nng the M'tTifippi did not folio to the United S aies, but by a Ipecial treaty which haijr ten concluded between Spain and thit coua fry. So far good How can the United Statet with the conltnt of Spain, cede to'Snglaod tht right of navigating the MiiKCppi which granted only to themlelvet I and in virtue of what privilege can the federal government give the navigation ot thit river to a nation who has renounced all her. rights through tbt which it hid maJe with England, at to thit I medium of lolemn ticatiet and who not only pomr, in the Sth 'article of the treaty of 18$. does not hold a (ingle port but alfo does not But hit M.jrtiv has feen with equal furnle, polTels a fingle inth of land on its bank 1 . that th Unned States not only pretend tO'Con "",Th'ii umple cxpbfuion in conjuncl on wit) Arm that right to England by the 3d article of the opinion of alljunfti, that the navigation) their commercial treaty, but that they havcfiace of men naturally belor gtto him who polTcflct the coricJufion of thai with Spain, in which the two bankt, evidently manilettt the iijut the navigation of the MidVippi it confined tx done to tbc rights of Spain, in the jd article of clujivelj to the Spaniards and Americans, a the Englilh treaty ar.d the explanatory aiucjt greed 10 tbe explanatory article figned here by ligned on tht 4th of May 1796. yivrfelf and the Engiilh Charge des Affaire The King of Spain deluous of prefcrYing Mr. Bund, on the 4m ot My, 1796, in Uicb the be ft harruOQy and (iiend(hip with tbit cotin it 11 declared, That no Jlipulation or treaty con try, as pro ettor of the interest of hit (ubjtcttj (Udtd fines hy either 0 tie contracting fr tut I hat ordered me to reprcient to thit government wttif any ither power cr natitn is underjtsod tn j what 1 have jult mentioned, and hit Xvltttf y manner to Jtrogati jrm the rtyht to tbe free I relying or the equity of bit demandt hopef communieation anJecmmerct guarv.iteed by tb that the United Statet, animated by the fa 01 1 id article oj the treuh to tbe jubjitti ti C4 in lentimtois, wtllcometoi compoUnon, which tannic Mm ah, I without loiurtog tbt American ciiisenl, utli Tl.. n.,A.r fine?. Iq murh xh, mnre iUorC in "PP' ul nitjunjeat, Wfl gUtl. theriebtt of hit loveieigniya 1 wttb pleafuie embrace thit opportunity of rccing my wilhct telctve yon, AdlhilQt& may prclerve your life mtny yean Your moft oxdien fetvant, ' , t . not toe or. ..! right 'i W -t ,. f p. fw fi . foood to ex it, and the Umtsd bittctalonel -rJ c f I c.... a.a I SttreUntf State. J tbitadetfbta, itb May, 1797. KauhUiiy tranflttid from the rginal, bf GEORGE TAXLQtiL, juau difScoliy in ttcoQCiling thu ilipulattou concern ing the iuv gallon ot the M ll&ppi in article jd of the Enghlh treaty, con turned by (be ex plaratory article of the 41b of My, with tbe 4th article of that with Spain, on examint bold that bich Snn ceded 111 i!ie laid article of tbe treaty with them In order to convince you cf thit, let us examine the Adulations l th: former treatioa Iruin which I give the fol lowicg extract. k By she 6 h article of the preliminary treaty made on the j I Njvenber, 1762, beiwrm France and Guar foritnn, and by the d finnit tteaty fig'.ed on the loth of Febroaiy, 1 76 j( it is Itipula'ed that all that part ct LnuUma fituatd on the efl oflhe M tT.fipp, t icrpimg Nt O. leant and its dcpcbUtiitut, 11 wld be log 1st Gieai U.itam. Moics r n-a it it not g ving J till .n' Ue"- Pf,l'n". I-0' ir!-,i wlbe ,rJu,yf bp,"'i H, f .7' Kte 10 rier abiwluicly nc ,olo ,hi)f rt.fulsiior,i-bwt i.a.t turn tUUm thai Amtnct ' Ml . ' 'eHieui cii h.; ......1,.. -itr'lb5 10 4? ttesty, tftob 'f t wiw: .tantae and )m"HU b",n ntrut j 1 leave A-, fc,Mhai Hitmuit ruber art,n , '.',l,,,,''"'ih( island i6h t ,t,",,' h,,U ,t,v,t ' ,he 't-gl.ih .ita y utotitt in f wit j IW4,W" 1 h, r'Ptfef.Md -iirif y the ije. ,lUtwl ltia-botllbjlUow Nj. xvh.j Lett frtm tht Seeetxy e Statt t9 tht of bit Laibotic Majiftj. dated NJ 17, tjYjS Department of State, ftiiadelfbiS, aMy7 Wf lu, 1 have tbe honour to acknowledge tbt rrrvTpi of your letter, of the 6ih inS. whicb hat axis! laid before the Prefident of tbc United S'atis. By the tth article of the prottfionO treaty I x contains thite (ubjedl of cemplt tt tt trU coricluc'rd between the Uriud States of Ami- (ing out of the treaty of Amity, Commerct and rica and Giea( Britain, vn the jOth Novciatr, Nsv g.tion between tbc United Btttct tod tyjl, and lite definitive ireaiy Ugmd on the jd O cat Britain. ot brpieniber, lylj, it is ilaied that the rtvi . f That the principle, T)aJ frti Aty ttdli gstion ot the M (Oiippi frm its (ojrec to the feegoodi, it thereby dcrtroytd tbe lymarncU ocean fhall forsvrr remam and be free to the no vuiy permitting Exgl'Ot vcrtelt to take aod faajrlls of Great Britam and tin citiicoa of cairy into port thole of America, opon the sr the United Stales " biliary g'oond of fufpicion, but alfo it fakt By the prelimintrr if ilflei of the fusty coo- and fent enemy's prep rty or rocfchJfld-ie -oocf eluded between Spun aaJ England, aod, the nJir the American flg. denn.t.rc uetry f.gotd on the jd of September, ?. That by the t b tfilcle of (bit t ntf t7lj, Great-Untaio ceded to Spun all E.tt ior fo fh'p buildipg, tar, rofm, ceppef it tr,d Welt FloriJs, Inch two pravincst wcie Cbettt, fsils, hemp tad cordage, sad gceiral. the oly 'ierr.iory that that nation baj rcoaoist ly Uiever may lervedireilly totbe tqaipmtfit . .r .i..,..!,...! uf wtnrli. tie declared centrabsnd. re in 1r.1t pan oi ms v'Mni 1 - . . in the Jh t.t.cle, in wbitb ibis crflian if fli- 3- bt ile f 1 tt ttclei -f that treaty, , ind oulfed. nt a tingle wra is iait teiaine ib 1 iu I'l"'"""'? ! . - the ntvigai-n vl the n mupp', oo t m. - other art cle. fay ay lrv she MjeH. Un;am the nghl ot ntvg f.rg h;f M Wheo Enthnd f.gned .hefe p.el.m.nary tr. f.ppi 1 r-gbt waich yoo liy the U.ntJ ilatif tides -tinhe Un.nd S.s es ol America, .n iht.ielvs .eqe red oaly by viil-t-fcl ibeaj II 1 .1 J .11 . 1 - i;lt, Great Uriii'O fiiu r' "l"l'VU fcift Vrrt Klandi, beci-le tten flie bad 001 ceded ytey ibfe pet-net to bitm, et rs ireted .lufwsrds by 'tc treat j of if i iitibwi the leart erento taertm bf the Mi&- f rTMfore Ergland, bavifg ceded Es3 lrd Will FietiJi, ;!. ird tol h-f.ng referv. d the ngi t to the ov gstio M d'tf of cevrie lafl it en rely whti It ade Jat mUUeit ol U)i low bar.k, r ireay in aam. Yvr I ever alio contamt vifiovf lniieastont huS, in connccl cn with tbt It tbiet topics of corlait, it will be pepper fef me to toice. It 11 very tree ihit oof trttiy wrh Spain wet icccivcd throo(bout ibe Uaited tu'es nh fa nifaclron tnd gtectal appeftbstioat Wecivfe if doled t differs which had beta ptedlg catty Mii bfiaeew Ihe two CCte'trwi, by b l Calho In M')dyi McefH-g to tbt clliai of ine U cud bititi (wUiCU lU; (tnt4 iowwdwd it