r 4 ltltl,0H, Prt- 1 HENRY WHl(, i tO TBI ST4TI WITH A. HO.CI. rJ - 17 Nuub.6. ORACLE. A late London paptr fllffJCAL. OBSERVATIONS. L.fire n enicr.ng wpuu a negotiation llV with ibe enemy, under aolpicti tar f,Wtt(1ie man we tuuiu wu naive nupcu vfle ur A1 ,he EPw . ilficnio acondnion that made ua tieiablc, iiglfcaold not be a le either to make a iuc jjftft-iKFi e bc br- in- del encc- .t or, ought,. be llwd, J n nd fettle.,!, ..j m , ,, ffl) conduel would oe T ! , 'U" . ....... .w a ucci.rauoi. III rv in.lts.il ' . - r"Hr . b ii link J;, o. n "v . -iterr r:;;.: .'J''r r Ltlrda9 in a Mate, to the lalt degree a containing a lar?e bodv of men who ..i..t nnrhinr but a feoaratian from P.n. smum i ' Q and waited only for the appearance ot Lb auxiliaries to declare themleives openly, vliiin then intention to the world, and iei yugoiouJjy accompiuning their dehgn. I .. r - . ... - 1 I ' La llttoitooiiciy, mc conuiuou oi our navy, ttich alone he had to depend for prevent the landing or at (each force in Ireland ifucb it to be to (he lalt degree encouraztnv - v a o Jteremy, ana favourable m hn deugni j :tbillifr government appealed to be daly uajllreogth, and advancing to complete jftidaiioo, tun fetm ai if wt going to jbletopiecea-sjur old conn cliom eatr tok off from 01 and our fetmcu puriu fiufsrtMbat tcoded directly to the ruin of ikt, ind the aggrandizement of .Frnce. Wrihc Ft nub Directory remained io iu jttdinaclife, beait would Item thai it kiTMClodwilh U brofrxil oi the man Kucded foccefi, we cannot pretend to ia ; i(iugot CU from their itfadttTity j for n ikm been occafiuiicd only by a pacific u.bJtut.DcMi of the rulen of France, lotol rneaoiio avail thcmfelvea o fcJibfiopportuaitiei to annoy ut. In ei oJt achate cauleto rejoice. If Fiance i cr tan not carry on ihe war aiiy lun ,mI cuif will ntinfft upon unrceiou Jictmiof pecce. At all events wetland atitabtgtitr rouod tbau we did looiw dififfcfled party in Ireland, if not ea I Ji u it Icatt biekeo for the prefect j -ti Ivflg befoie the dnjuintcd pru can M connected, md lorm one great wbolc. kaitt, oiy itJt Iie ICCufoed lt r7 mole mtp dill hold out, mu.i r-ifiocea, tntlurther rihliioce will JJ mih ruia to thcmfelvdi and the 1 ... I jj inwijn" w- i ' uu iu ocgi Ujn jii.I i tilt I b. ( A. anJ ..Li. I fn f-i t Ii 1 it.nK , IU"' "I JdlO'Bs uwuic i m..., wwuijiiui uc- I - . "7 ....o.whuiic jui tucie l niithing lo to, rrsh-rrthau r-oi hive .i He.,Ce. We cannot bnnjj u.irielves to believe that trance, ,th -11 her M.ioloce m.lldaie o th.nk lo deluding!, oi us, Saouldlhe be f m as to imagu.e ,hat t pln, for ,)e-CC jej.ardld of the the let mi, itg.rdlefi of out uuuert and regardleifcut cu. nur.o.r, (hen mult ee' giouliy inutaken.- bhuuld he iHejd lotJan idea tj the und, v, Ul.Jy iouic our peo uie to ait;oo, and, hy inf'pim.g us vtmh lnc Q thu.iafmof indignation, rendci iun.mcly moie f.j,;u Jabis t.uo tvci wc wuc at i.ny fui er period. She fees the fpitit difpbyed, alrnoll withou. adilltnticat voi.c, hy our mactunu, 5bc lec the people eveiy htrc uu..g t0 uccUie ili.ir detei Hiuddoo to m. tot detcuce ot iho date nd to lind oi I til itii ttie conitiiui.ou, (tt hich, oudtr tiedven, they c loeirlibcuyj their li ipiiiels, .md then iyulei.ee (h iCel the aiui) of thcE.npi'C piocijunuig to ail the orlJ i n loyalty iu in; K ng, nd i itacn. inent lo the p till ainmiific itek, thit auiie naiciaeot inecounti) Ociog in danger, uitu oegm to torget ibc u rteieut piities to wh:cii ihcy beiung-rd iu p .i tics, lo ic4,e,nbcr thai fey are Eiililhiiicn -nd ahve il, ilx i'ee, upon tier cj.K the eai Wcttcru Iquiuron ol Engliii.l, in mhicli the hJ iwndly itocd, ttm ncr eai.trnc haJ lon .he ecj ol anarchy i.d revoiu in -ihc fee tiut iqu'jdiuii del) tin a vl uoei, dihpoint ti uer ntyei, aiu Lioia up her gteat (.on vi B eit, htic n.r lb pa .t Jltoitl..,,, v ihvut Iptiil io pi' tj lei, 4(i j leant . -e inluti ctf : cl l lUcn Oy ilia dilUy ut Hie Qiuiih H; ng uucui.t oultj .long iuc Uioi e o r J.niiii). F.incc net il ih't, nd cannot helj bearing it in "i nd iiieu in i M iiulcr Cu.nci iu an cx piaaaii r. nn uur stui.iahtdor. l'ece e may icuk ioi, lt d an itonwuiable vne j I. r i the late cie:t .ni in ht o ffeicm depjit nvi.ii ol ihe K'pBtiltC, ,r.0l;lU0i afil KtltCliu j,r:j ded, aii'l ilitn tU'C been chuicn to lit in iiw (c pifltite jlftail.lv. iio nave ijre uu(.ill -nd. ini aod eniiiufiMm, man men uredcttfois u-t ho (eel thai uitif counuy, an tut u.dil ofkall fiei (uctcti, Hid gicaily tn teed l P'JCe. nJ'lto not icluie ii la her suJ to Lorupe 0" ii'gnt giounjt. ii.iintto.i., mine U.iedor, u deetdediy tor pe.ic i Iptetn pdc oy him i i.u in ttiilatoit ii a Uung pito ot it. We-n.1i that thi ar.l-tr mJe lo tno by ihe i'cdl, bi, had b4U4ihC-lJ-nc.pC'ti "t!.l, ai,J aic Joily tfjt it fell t? ihn ot t iu that itipci, IIacer we tonliHC oniC)V:i u,l ii.i rt diofi, Mat ai illimtltmy ii by rautri ht ab'C.1 mn m h U.ieCJuiy, tht lie ' la in i ic J itn ii.t ivi i eat na'e o t c 4 1 iui'lcal a iJ di.i'o they m:w ihat tkt ram,n;t,oni o ihe T,. fc"y. t,,,nSu,ftcd ny ihe ntmy f tj. nited Ir nen, are in real.iy jpatniteJ, mor 'itenuve ihao ete the rrporu ortbe two boufef ' ?iwitobcliee. 1 Q From .hele leports we were induced to think u. tneconipu-cy wai couhmd. or neirUfo oine protmcc ot U.Aei w i'vw UliWC Jj i?,o ibn occafun by the Kwp nd e the hauu ftrrt. f7J bunging back (be mutineers to a ftoifwi), but alto of invi-oriting the L'ir. ,u "fF 0'CM it was at one rotd, and tad treeted a o..i.l . , Ail; tbi Efflpr9f has been able to make,' r00' IB6iiao a peace tar more ad. tit lata m m .iA h.. i. fHrsy .,gul0f ijy lh4, j,f-(J,J'm- tithnlofl found id one 17' b,ll odit in aaoiher l for in I r KUtl m. i i -"'wwcoTiTj;raiJiiofl for whir it raaiinth: Nethirlands. ... w,i,acu ,01ll peace be'-en r iacla'..4 - . . .'j . - vvcu iuvii agiccao.y fis , r Pc,hcten, we m.y no L J L(t,Frwr nrgocuied fcf a an.cif "'UfJ M.!-V . tu - "'iHrtury wii in rani, 'Hai " '"'""'i ui tor 'Pil.id 8an ,,tf KtfWIP-,, (ht 'it..; r m " wiefleU liwm 'm;;''. b, ba,ur. J cf iftan fa iOfife the t! ?' 0lt, 'h the t.npfior has i'4'1" tu4 Kmco,utaiiy Frax v. ,w r n for nBotaiian Sbi! f10 U' Any laogoift MiatiCivpH, b tUti mad l-ik, ijt h m 4it J mat lit (HidiiUa iht CjHfiitruc v nj( ihly o4 cfj ul m lilfiiti b I ( t .ril It ll(f . In txiMj oi"y 'twni.ill I ill JPf ot l'..f . . . . k . . . i . . ii fnll ml n anaiea run.i, i n -in 0 bll 10 g" ' SkM K,Kf ,u J'iJ t'1i i I Or 1 1 ,g hit ta die.t 1 !h ' " ooiamg til "t t,rf,t ! wl frantt an 1 of fijf,. '" ' ,a.ti ui a, I 1 1: tiiei4Mwrii,.ii, !! CifC-ui 7 II- I 'f ig.t6 liti. " " L o i o , 7. j. I K lb I! .t'f aiuS, K'i riyicR DbU) 10 Ihe loulh md th ta I no diicoveiy made in the camp at JJiodoo o thecojutt ot Coik, haa but too clearly tt Habl.thed ihe melancholy truth, and opened a gloomy peilpta.ye io iholc who contetnulitethaj pol.uc.,1 litua.Kin ot airairi in I.eJanH. The plan hid by the confp.raioi ufVirds tht greatelt ground foraLim, ai 11 w.i nwt a fu(J. dcntsbutlmon of dilcootcnt or ill w,f but , cool, deliberate defign, evey,it of which lyltc.n, reflect .on, combination and talemia In a wurd eveiy thiog was coodufled w.fb (o much lecrecy, and eveiy precaution riccelfar totnciucceli of a great and dangrroua cter pt'ae, waalowellukeo, that bad not an ac complice, either f.o.n remoife of conic.ence. or hope of reward, betiaytd ly4 afluciaies anj feic-icd theplwt, the con!cquence mutt have ecn loch at ould have made humanity thud dir, and perhaps hate in a high degree eodin geud the mtetitt ot the Brnith Empire. lo the camp at Bandon weia ttationed hi Mj.iiy 30 h rtgt. of foot, a baitaliaaajf uiuia, ainMcd 10 it, and the count f i-eitmu regt. of militia, making 10 Ue whalt ioo cotru. At no ery great diDance from W caoa are iao otbeii in the tame coouty, (Coil) onf ot whuh.s atKiWoaimutk, commuoica. lion was opened btiwceti the pr.vaiei f ,h n.Ji.i ttaiio.ied in all thiee, and a tegular plan -t operations wasd-gtOed by iham, tor Coua. er.ctug tho'.e punued by government io tl,f Nitu, lor thctanipitioii or tbepriaciplei ih.t ouod i.geiiiei the mimbeil 0 u faim ef U.i.1 0 Iiiiheo. ' 1 iu uuly pan vf tbeir plan which bat yil tianiptnd, ia tbt, that on the ifi day cf thti itinm, at tn tiuui agreed upar the men wtrt .0 nit in ait the tbrae ca-os, au tbt,r jfi;eii 10 death toimer, with me tni regolanwhaj Utwuid oppoie iiit.u, md rtnkc tfitm'elvei maf. ui ot all ibe tioits, amtituiitiVyv arml tuj n.ilei). This bf.ug ti j. ik. - ra.ia ibe rt.i.wa.d wt Ur.iud Iruh.ntn, and .nc a.l the iiitudabt ih.r cauft in evtrr piitwl mi kmgd.m unpaif io 11. Tot Oitl itKimoi in pniitwiu, 11 ulaiJ, ai eo4.fc,4 oot lot dtniwction, vn a;(wu( uf the deajf uyaliy it luJ diipiayeJ iu lecofldifig the mi. ("aitsvf gofemmeot for diliran-ng d appie beajpg United lr.bmi. W. have heaii, necci, ibi tat mud.cie ss not 10 have bei aitwdril beyonJ the coiucnifliincd aod nn. co'iiiMiIuneJ wth.tiSt Oiiiia oiirr ba.e been, aaJ aefr will be, is binding u.ori the tnnnuJe as .if iit'J. -M.4 a Jbei.i Kltot men J0.bifrdiu yoa, mJ you need nal thiol, w ct .Umg aO OJttl of AiltHly t.aii tht n. lnit ly itt it inui if h:t be purfuc l with re fpM 10 I'tlind. Tfte giifnment f iiiaf v.iiy rn.! u, o.g . tfiy Cr.&ffriblecllin otlrc ay Kilt aa.'l b . of I U.ng UaP. hiy inert cti i:mriint I. N.nhtr Cogund no 1 1 I u J v.i iT rJ to ap a large aimy Cwii.ti4 ly on f jjt 10 ih Unu k."g.'oni if it Ot ih p fii-. ol i.ii!iry lr lSt alirr cvs wvtn t. ii-.i at ivoMtrtif wy Miot.l 7 t, 1 tut it will fdc wtscn ihn preu iii ai niji,.. A thi'i w 5r, 1 I iHe govtrii'nfNt ( e l - b.i'.i'J M it fcnai 1 dan 0 iq ! n 1 irf vf l it ,p t ad J9t4 w m jnt ir,. tej iiras , irnt stiH ol J 'aO Ihe lrU.thl") f i;c C4. u 1, I ai ot hit nt'tl af w jil J at f t ,tof trrg h ikoJ jq pf) f n , FVktll-s 'tlM It k f F tMi if a 1 . a a S4afC44 ib If (.IcW. ai fcf. kii a 111 fl . Kill iiaii'i lttl.nl i at. a I iiafl r Mlb I'M nvin ' 1 f I it ol as naiiiri .nif id Is aoa;k aj I tr g if M iskva u, u ieaa, ft 'ft ;lif 4i .v 4! If 1 I 1 II t , 1 i '.I V I t't """ KVl Wiin I

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