1 ';'-. llWif;: V.V y.i?t;. rt" ' ' MIT Mill I H . . " . I ' I - 1 I ,i . y'.. I ft. v Z) E NTO N PxrNTii) j v Vdt. XIII. v it vr v. .i. T H;,U ,R S D AffcfM a;r cjlii.'u?!; ft -5'"V.f'-a CONGRESS.- fijijUF RlPRBSENTJkTiy Hj) . tcoruxrj 6. . . IN committet of the whole, Mr Dent ia the chair on, the fiibjcft of the contention between, Mr. Crifwoldahd Mr.l.yon., i; K . . , Mr. HqfnerVyidcncet ,. During the balloting the Speaker left his chsir tnd took a feat by me. I hw4 ft ftopverfation carried on with conlidcrable ' wartfith between MeflW. Dana and' Lyon. The Speaker checked them and they feparared. Soon after a copverjation begao between Mr. Lyon and the Speaker, It commenced, as well as I recoi led; onthe fubjeit of the damp act : all that was faid I do pot recollftt ; but Mr. Ljon laid he had been through part of Coque&kut and be found that the fentinurnts of the people of that date dif fered from thofepf tlwir R.eprelentatiei. here. Some general converfation then took place of Utile copfequence and which has left but little imprcllion on my iind. Mr..Ljon iowever addrelfing the Speaker, remarked, that the Connecticut mem that Uey were not guided by the opinions ot their conflitueati ; that he believed nine tentlis of the peaple of that' (late differed inicntinent from the repreftntatifo on their floor, that die Keprefenta tivei from Conpeftkut were influenced by a dcfire to obtain offices, and that it waa immaterial how little lucrative tltofe offices were at they would be iqfluenced by a falary of 4000 dollar, as well a one of 9000 ; that the Keprefcntativci blinded the eyei of their conftituents, and that it was on ly ncceflary for the people to be iuformed of it to induce them to oppofe them ; that if he were to remove into Connecticut and fet up a preGt he bad no doubt but that he would bring about a revolu tion in the fentimenta of tlic people ; that l.e wa well acquainted with the people of Connecticut as be had (pent the firft nrt of hi: life in thli country in that ilate that fevcral pcrfoua from Connccii tut bad been In the date ot Vermont to vifit thair friend ; that be had attacked them in that quarter and had couviaced them, that their opinion! e re erroneeos.- At cbUtimc Mr. U. waa fitting in the feat usually occupied by Mr. Harper, and id JrriTrre himfrlf to Mr. L. alked whether he made , ..ufef hla wooieif ordo" thatoenfton. !t'r. Lyon apjvared ,tppay no attention to thik remark, und " ltbught at the tirned'd uotbearit. Immeiltatrly after ttila Mr. G. quitted Ini feat and went behind the bar t I left mine and dk) not fee the infult which i faid to have Keen oiTerri. 1 waa prtftnt tily at the beginning of the difjHite. I aiteuurtl particularly to the trillion of the Speaker ) tiler jay and found I could afire inbta relation of the (ircuniQancel, only he baibcenableto relate ihem more partkulaHy at thedifcourfc waa addreiTcdto Lim. Mr. Vitrrravri. IJurmi trip converimon and before Mr. Ljon fixk on ibe fubjtlt of Cour.ca titut t did you bear aoy tiling faid difrefjeiftful to Mr. I.yaa. A. No, I did io. Mr. Nicholas. Did the cooverfit'ton refptct lag CnnedUttt come ia Conoc6in frain Mr, Lyon. A. Tbecoaretfatloa wn din.oanrdrd and inter f per fed with queries and remarks by the Spokrr rhapa tbeCr emarka had a tendency to dm raore from him than he orhioilly inirnJtrl. Mr.Goodrkh'l teftiitotiy. The only trnimotiy I have to give la alio a torn option of Mr. Lyon rtlitive Ufcllhavifit been cadiierrd m the army I rM t th'aUeina HfrtiV. by Mr.t harpp )m, anmUc fraAMaltthuietta (Mr. Otis) aod lr. Lyon. Wi were the ly petfcms In iTrf fllgt for a cooMerahW rrt of the way. I ha J fe little txrtcEul atqaaioume h Mr. l.m'Ufir this time. ,Kr. Lyon oa the way freiMd u hdif tmfrd fo tie to ut the hi.liry of tn fife. It wi hlled ito nsay Crruhr and MUroa ptntUtti. TV ladkroo saxrdotr be told of himfrlf la a rlsyfal reioncT lotltt from iWf fo were with h'.fnaViadof Hajfalfttf if fmelbinf ar toward Mr. Ly. IMattMi tkrfe drcumfli&trt t Uu(Lk projMtly tbt account be gsv mute KUWin ea(WrrJ. ifowH wssintraJtKed. wh. ihrr trtily Kb part ot todverd by tV re wttiaaaa y (am vf cpmpaay, Idatwurrr iedly retIlrfl. I tkifk, aowtttr, that fotnetliag w (aU shat Mr. Ljaa'a hu Wea t the at any, I tau t bery niiialhtavtU t,ive. I rto!lG Via (pi that that allvjin t bit U iegcafkimd hd Wfn mi the fVTk ppet that U waa a mutt of Wp erti&otM4 ta hh 1 that ittoaid ewtbeu tattar a Uj flat tlrui hen be was younir. Be aid that he waa a fobal tern officer of a corps fittidued oa the frontier at a grcat- oitiancp iron? laevnain mripy jia wjiftojui. fupport ; that the officer r3 the pien,were.un.ea; and difconteutedr with thew Atuation i tbry con lidered tliemfelvt. as being too cxpofed' j tljat he, at a certam tim waa out with a party of thenciy that when he re'tnrned he found a corp'i. of men either had abandoned or were .abAndoijing Uieir pod : that they Went to foine diftance, "when they ade & halt ; that he endeatoured to perfuade tbemto return ; they refufed.. . 1 he ofjjcers inlilt- ed, that he fliould go t the head-quarters and inaKe a rt'preientaiiou ot uietr muanoii. us weni, Upon being introduced to general bates nedamo: ed him for a coward, and rdered tijat he Hionld , go into the cultody of a guard ;, that he,;Mr. Ly on, infidel on hw right as ah effictr'Siot to be put i nnder guard ; that an aid 'of general Gates faid fometliing on tlie fubject and Mr. Lyon waS gnalJy. rt 1 . 1 i t ft A a . it l ' arrcuca ; tneq wutr iiictciu orpine omccrs py a court tnarlial, fentenced to be cailiiered from the army. He faid the cluirge Waa, .that .the oificcrs, as they themfelvea could not abandon tbe.poft uuu cs.ilcu 111c men to rwo ay. rreiurrner uia, as it rufpcclrd himfrlf, the charge in nuediou waa unjud. i think Mr. Chaniplin, one ofthe gentle men, perhaps Mr. Otil, alked him if he had worn a.woodcn fword. He Mid not. Mr. C hamplin, it I am riot iiiiduken, made this remark : that if he faw itin poetry that li had worn a wooi'n fword he ftiould only conlider jt as being fijurarke for being couriered for cowardice. Mr. Ljui told him lit hud wiped utftais ibin ; that he had held an office in ihe army-ot a pay mailer, l-f.hink he mentioned, that he did not continue long as pay matter owing to fontc other having hecnap- poiuicu wiui wnomnenaoa 11 route noouru t mat in thatdiipnte, while in the anny', the circniudance tuents. 1 beliere I flxewed a-deieree of irritation. but on the iatimation from the Speaker J tetoliefl ed where I wasaud f arted front thffyennoat foeto bcr. Kcflection old me to have no i taorft conter fation with htra, Vod to 'thia day I.bave oat Jbad any; ' ':-:.-:! ',n .; : ' took no parttn the after converfation ' AVhen -I paffid by the member frotri Vermont, afterward he waa leaning ; on the bar, and I heard faim fay that the Reprefehtatiyes from Connatet .tared nothing about their conditueats, and then he fpoke about the miffioti he had defigned for one of the mcmbert from Connedlieur. i do not remember, the reply. Before Mr. Grifwold received; the, in dignity I was walking outfide" the bar the? Spea ' iter occupied my leat. v I did notheardifbnclJy th' renlv 1 i5t-aa i .a . . 1 . urjiwoia waa mat ne couki not eten it ,ne wars to go into Connecticut with hh'wooden fword, iBdJ -two whet wef da were here jtfed which irela-' ted to another dorv.', ' 'i';.t r-?V-; 'f'l;'; " : Mr. Dana aaprelTcd tomentmntbetwo'wbTdaf They we'rr and catide; ' With hia' Wdodcti fwori -and candle; ' ' , ! ' ,. Thefe words I did not hear diftinclly, and fliould have fome doubts whether tbefe two worde had been added, if 1 bad not been informed by any col jesgue fince that he did ofe them.' In judice to the member from Vermont, I fhould mention, that' J have but ao iinperfed recolleclioo of the con- . verfatinn. I felt irritated at it, though afterwards I felt afhamed that 1 fliould be irritated -by what he had faid. Mr. Dana mentioned fome converfa tion he had had with his colleague and Mr. Brooks on tue lubject ol the previews coo vcrutiodbetwetB. them and Mr-Lyon. " ; Mr. Dana in reply to a qneftion from Mr, Ilar- of his being cafiiieied, hau not been mentioned to J per gave the ' following account of the manner ia ins uiiiionuur, uiai 11c ii;ui een appuintru ana tar vrmcn nc inaiguuy was ouereo uu colleague, many years commanded as Colonel a regiment of ' I witnelTed it. 1 was looking hi my eolleague'a militia in Vermont. I recalled nothing further face and marked him particularly, tor I felt par- of importance to the prcfent circumflince. ' ticularly intereQed. He turned Ms"iye towards Mr. Uaua tie atkuowjedgrd his leelmjs much I the member trom Vermont : drew back his righc interrd'ed in the bufineft 1 and wihedto be exen-1 arm 'j his countenance changed, apd now expTef fed from giving tediniony if the committee would jjfrd to my fatitfacVion, that lie recollected wbero indulge hint, bon e rriuirkl had been made npon I fie was ; bia liau then came ap with hi bandker hit rellin.nnv before the t((niiiuttte, a repetition of v lika lie r.) (Led to. avoid. Mr Hrwiiks hoped th mmiher Would be excu fed. He ha1 heard hli trfiimony before the com mittee ami did not think it cry material. Mr. Harper hoped he would not be exrnfrd. Mr. I. I'arkar was for rxculing the member. He rtnatked there was an iuluiution before tlieconi- mittre, from the member from Vrmo it, tliit the pc ntlctnan'a leflimory wa rather partial or car ped by hi fcelinc. This waa wlut the member alluded to. Mr. Sitgrraves conceived the teflimnny of the member lio n Conue.'tK'it matcrul ut to the be- alanine 01 tbe tranuaion, be w.ihrd i.ti-i nut to be cacufei. Mr. NUIiolat alfo wi&rd the member not to be eacufed. The queSion was putai.d tU nota car ried it. Mr. Uaaf before he eitierrd pn hit evUlenee rr- marked, tint fame perfot belonging to the houfe had, ot of doors, marie Torre uawrrnte.I re- chief and wiped bia face. 1 dept uo- tp hire, and li'nl my hand on his arm, faying, this mud becoa- tiucrril oi ; the member from New-lork threw ia his cautionary hint. I propofed that owe fliould leve the houfe, I believe at faid yet, asd wa went out. Mr. Coit'a tedimony. I was aot pet fent when the act took pLce. Before it took place 1 waa par ting from toy feat oot of the bar where Mr. Lyan was ItinJing. He was adJtefliog a kind of rant ing, briarl tooverdtioa refpediog the date of Connecticut towards I he Speaker. V hethrr I had noticed the cooverlation befere 1 left nrv rati do not recollect. My recollcclioa it probably tha more iipperfert on this fuhjeft, from the cirrtim (lance. tlt t had heard a fimilir cauvcrfiuon from Mr. Lyon a little while before at 00c of the fire nitre,, hcl'ore the houfe formed. All was pif- Hug, ot before I Irft my feat, fomt ebfervstioa wi f'dretTed rtirtkulirlv to int. with 1 lotion t the fuljitt of the toevttalian, cither by the Spea ker or Mr. Lyott. Mr. L) oa at U time was fin mark upnn hi t(limony before tl Cotrmtittrr, I igg f.t cnmparatle view af tbe autaber of toit nd m St t not very maier'ul to the pit feat c(e be hd eipreiTrd hit with to i n.ufrd. liut tlx houfe had denied hi.n. lte AmhiU iherrfofT rro cced. On Tatfdty cf l!t week, while thr tellti were cot n'.irg the bilUt, IlleplfrMnwy frjtand flood al the f-re behhul me. While there hr i I'umtof Next- Ycrkcat'c up tonve an l meatiwned tint the memVt fron VetanoiK fi! frfJthatth ( onnedicat rrpre Ccntstioo would br turned oot if they otel tgiinlt Mr. nebou mendertl. some time alter the irembet Irow rrmnt tmr toward me, and I fted him, before Mr. W illi m, whether h' bad f'4 whit Mr William in finned me he had. He (aid he did nt fy thit, hH tlat we sll mow! J V turned ovt if we rrted the poiat we wlhd iotrry. 1 aded wbst ,He poict wt. He Hid It ti that lb I'rtft.lf 6t fhaJd a ' m " a " Mm fort to aftcea.wMft iKi ati.cr wrre tf owidVd by I told h5flht w'i nM the aaedioo upoo Mf. Skhlit amfniTwrf. He aafwf fd ia w wofJ, if i. 1 replied ia Ihre, itiintf. There wat trra a titMty af iBr? tlaa. I beiWe I fd fomeihiff of U mp 4Tbi 1K f IS kaawlg the pp1e of Cpt.lit bet lir tfcta tbtir rt ttfffltt'ta.4" I felt fn irrit I'kmi t hi mwtt, ! f-ne Indiattioa at bit fjien lor member inConneOWut and tle number giita (ur hlmiclf in tke flit of Vermont. Ibi led me to p'tt fTeqeliioolo Mr. Lyon, rtfpcA. ing hi knollr f the mode of voiiog n Con- netici.r. The ariwer not leading to any thirg in-lerrflm- I fwd on to the fjuthptrt of ll ISoufe. I rro'Ut I pfJ, my ccueagne Mr. CrifwolJ wMf.uinla the fe cxtspied Sy Mr. Harpfr or daidin behiod it. ! rrtgUfkt oo'.ht? fr- Hwr. ?-'r.I tniCnl wjthrr wen 1 wi mik-re a com(utit rtteTctf;t f the vHi y;;.en for mem Hen nf frtij.fff In Cfflne '1ki and Vermont h did r. jnify it by wKerving 1 tat abwi tifjir nflTiiet M totri wrre pven 10 the Fetmet !!lr feren aettWft, as weregiftn iwbU owgdalrW! a lot U Virmoat. A. Itteoot rt tolled tbe prtkalara. Mr. Htrpff ad what n the trnot of th wift fiihi to by the wltsefi, at Uavkg A.I frt'ood ibefe it rmr nd btfrn tMJt hb a Ww to fijr ny thiwj WWCWw'fatlsbTt li the member frcai Vetwt 1 I dKpofrd tw df trdtl hwalJeotdoUher : Pt loMthw rw alt in my n 1 iSctiK-i my fejftiKSti(M In Idta of beitg able to bStar tay af my ta jli-1 aaitrtatwiSfr'ieg nt tf the caavttfitioa tliar vvrw-j 1 4 r V