t ' -" . y - " " H- - - - ... . ' - : . . . - . . . . - . v - - - ' ".'if-- - r --. 4. 4- M7 TXT i kit. - . . . .i-.'fr,j 'Sls.b c:p iil ft,.? "a i, ' ,-m i..i i j1- 3 '; BRITISH PARUAMENT.; - Vt! v . Jiv:. v- -housed lords, a j ' i ;T.SI?yi November 30,.l79?ti 311 Maj eftjr ent witi hh.ufutl Hate. ojtbcJ?ayf ' k: KVds "4 "S ftatt pn tlwTbrooe, Jam r, foncd tbi; Hoor,of vmmea$tQ ttbcl thft Roy- rclcttce7A,foia as thtj jvrc vthfiJjiU libs gret QBteft in- vljtj Wc" ar ,CBgsgea, t . Wt? juvc fflrmoontfdl pjanyand gvrtdif5culuei, reiir jwerfcveraacp ia a juft cauCe nas been rewar : iTetl vjitl lifting ullh pd cefe, and . our phfent ,fi- tuation, compared wit !j that . of ther . tountrica, fiilTiclitutly proves Jiowrmiub in a.fetioil of gene ral H a tiger; and ca'lainjry, he fe curicy and b ,ppi;. ncti of tlUritifli atipn bave depended (uirder th bifTijf Prov'-dstKe) t x own tonltancy', it enei'-i'v.- anl iti ?rtu.:ir-4-tr 1. . W' Thciponaitfor the idireis f f. thanks-wai Vpajf rp!pmcM debate, aid w.s'feconVed by Lo-Craven hi ' PLWIj w4 tlcfig9J focU vrojeh. maiehumaidcttlWechA$' 'ov.'.Xi .?P8t?Me0" lotbc Houfcof CWoiiM c adfreft 'ws' jnoi . ffl';!1?!!: tnprpduiiUvf ot,t)Jipptft ved by Lord GraflvUleJUGiiwcr, Ko' accompa! I . ..,tTbe.anmnplcd feriea x( our- nita.rrtfajpbit- Atn Sneakers ; -r V-r J' i "w S : 1)M received fr'Sth fPlendvor 'ffW the "lifvAl.' -;';LL JL f" ' " 1 ! ts- tH uuj-j vijrain"noicu nciivuniciii.i'i mr i - I. fi V k 4 4 I r M 1) ft M A,W":-....t CU0,Dr ffld alraoit . totally i roje ,a- uthlnlt. Wniion, iKatNKrcncbeadqaarfe lupenor lorct ot.ui;eQCiay,UtrengtUenftt y-- Jere W'itto be traced t.i .WUbadtn. ' Andv of .the world, and which wai"necuHrlyrdieeitfd fgibMbme ojT the Bioft ?aluaWujdtn"c.f BritIliempire7baiin"t6efirft ioUancttljttl r-ifneJ between them would foon find a pretext, Y, ' "'Dec. I. There is'aa article" in ilieTfencli papers' ,cf the 4tb,'rec'ved':yefterdfty','wHch ;fJwtll fojindedafccrtainslhat .the-forcelDoder General . Stewart, which lately Tailed from Llfbo,''ha '$r rived. at Waha;i and 'comateDtedMts 6eralons'-a- v ginft that :plre.:fs The ljttlo:Hland of GoKc id Joiniog1to,.Milia;,.Jiaf8 been takVos-ItToYrndlned to the EngViiJiiv and the Nesponfetffld way iiriWe diately hoUMd'iUimbevWQeiicgiil'ftatcd . tc bex four.tlmufaodj'whlt'h enfwrs 'W thif iwihVer " embarked with Gen'etSttil'n'd'wetteit,. tnere cou id be. no other fcwelifn troonfl in that qnsfr- tttit -It appeara" evident froihHbeVeWlhfcorirtr, if: well fouodedyhm jogf.rce haVeiliUhertwiproliefticceft if the blckadi of . th UUnd is kept up, and ln the prefcntiifpUi6n tf.Vhtf1nha:bltanti,eVha'pt the fuccefs of the exped ition may Yoori'b. ea n f icipa tl At all eveBia lt Vampoffililothatlthe trench irf ifec ; brtiTcni ilatip of theiit Aa'vat pwer art Ions retain poacluaivffiiiaandhey'reettllyut'a from all means lof. fending fuccoili and? ef 'covirfo t h4rpHe6crtftnrr t" rohfiour iff ttvenrtcaa papers,' trisb'fort , fliould tufn put to be onfooBdci3, it,nay st be i tonfidertd'as a pretg.'1:rhc coileJIiciT f 4bii llland Woifid be of imflicdiate itn-' i - . . ------ - i ' . i . npjta.nce, tndm tbeprcfent laVovrable'inoment to the confufion of hi author a j and thftbipr. thn fiuen to the powcf and influence of lahc-hs J nWir Joardin is w'pc'tled tn forded to oncnlnz, lkh. if improved ly faitable I -n.- fnWffeiiti'inltoViiiin- excrtionaoii the part of other poweri, may jeid:w vrhH :noft bleody febuke, ifcdot jet lobe ' hc fcr0er1 H?erence of.Eorope.- - ,' ;:. b -frptini-nibt which tb(y now impell s The wifdon & TnagnaoWity difplyei-ia 9n' rthe fap-.e that'hcJ cVs'aWd tb"'a i t - y . -rinne inuutna ieen nunurcu anu vjuci.uir w ougbi tLcyt jueet, j,ftMeW WUlrf Uniltj sJu. Viutbirlfed bor. ityetlabduea. ibc I iw.mtr'. J it.iiJ-ii. r.'-M tt'-.V . peJlC4laCU-j f . intl,J-vt,M-0i'ifrtim,aaT OtlicrTiodVor obon.- i rnade .reimborf- ahr ie olfbcU rid .a. coniuDaure or ire t-mperor oi uauu. ni w-r I rinruinarv cc.te hIt i lauit ciiau. V ciGonindi.ar of the Ottoman Porte..b.;rrao frnwihiiVA ,1, .i rriM...,h rAl' "P01! ucn r.,n,.f ?f CW ,0' i,.KUr:' irii':..:. ;: ' iHalljaamoafcdvapt.grouirortUnneU J:r(t.ik ;r-rt ...uw.r.iW t . . i'.a .oh a-'1. .1 . - ' -t, I that po contract or : engagement. b ftefthVriMftn,.!;ro0d-VihftkeflfrViH. .r.Lt .Ai i;. v.i ,.,'AJ;,r,l ,1.. )uc b preclod the Uted Sa m from K. f rT- . - , .t . r.i I nr anv.fuw or fumi. borrowed at ant ti wa oc m pwcni:ucpjTscnicDivui9ii .xtri.! utun. : oi in ine rcuiit irjiance, inert, m i .;. f rr.-. r,u,. : A... Li .... i-.1 j--k:u-.. 1 L ' l1 . .1.-:: .1. .. ..-UttJcaiiurAttoo IiltMO f ear from tbtflai r.r.V..;J-5. k. r,A. -itHfrcutii I j v il. r ,r . Vt l n LY.A;li wan. w'wi t declared byibe orhoaaur. . , it.. , ' i. i ? " I tlon tbey have faltcrcdi at t!ie iripptni of their f .-.' ,Y ..The .alent'ftr .nrtrenarationa at home, f nJVae ii:u.h.U ,lr ktV Jf theif,.onka. . jQU,,en Tcn!S ' aemdnnraiiam f iel nd Writ .ta4r.K all rank, .e decision of hia MajeiW rerFcV,ng S'iVnSV of y (bjeai, bare deterreJ tU eoemiom'at. prlfoVcrHf war, ttetncD important of'tbelrffcnt tht' k JK't? P ' PI in umptgMeaacou their taia threat riimatag frentfnl periaJ, VasirwedUVeU tr.nftVd bya VriVlf the ioalUof tb Kiagdon ;..f, i - ; - fl,3cf truwe from Uorcr to faLgne; ktf ' i''' Tl.' Ireland, the iSeUioo which they tad L-.fii. ?6. Wejcacrd.y receded ue V.rit Jour- 7TVVrt dr"2 t r iattd, bVakee curbed and reprrfiWtM troor. naU to e 2-d incUQie ' "l Vt 7! lmci they 1,'aded for lu fuppcrtare Ira. The Bedacteur ecnVm. a 'nimWjcf cffcUl pro- ffi.LK wUedtourre.der .amanictta (Saciftinrd tor chm.tWi. tc. wf iie an. y 1,, Fgjpt. butrolct Si'tM the fame ourrKjfe. hive, by thet'ttU tVofwi fnuaironi, VeeftCaptortJ ar difpcrWd. tVeuVtrn'nrnt at hone arte tie wa ana ynotpieitH imir, rj vita v iBfiiftatwcn tba fubvetftea of our cocftirut l thnfr, who, io tea-1 portant eer,-?o they tw? down- liter than the itroy.boe kngplarncd j. 3a Srpfffiberl .Jb'ey rtUtr !iefi to thepisice twtion, hire Uen fly I t.f the arm). and3 3gr.li:uj ifiiww.atUa r.pit Tltefe are nn very un- I"''" ' " ? "' p.qti; liter tnjn me i ... . . V . i , . T detccled and eapofed, aid their treafor.i nude ia I r j Blfca to the world. Thafc wVooi tKty had taif. ,f,f Ud ffedoced,tauft oow be awakened to tWrua' hgweter, toniaio tome partKwur, wbih,tho . if and ja&fe&fc tftbtlt mifttlee d Sorrjr ,.et !5cUt. are faU tole .tVi.iic. I ia there vkUk. tiWfoidngnilae pto4iicec!, crfl ,lte4 I hat buoaaparta, en ftn5mgt..at ih-te were liaaffb eatbemiedt oi all tt fa;tUi!lHttKJ, fo ttlfdi it Sbntt. .J wtird hit a:tLti"t (!rlj J rr'iwrl f h ir ii-ifr mt tAn fi rn tw f!ainniorfl.s 1 till if il !J I wvint t-VSila. Jnn tinrf pfi'i K .fftViVi Vlliatle?'' 1.;n'rnritmV;a. WYr-hi.f .-SnU M npht:ar.d! .. . , ;J 1 , ' V ".- I 7 F J ".r-: r : If r a J 1 r - v ATvHtUEAS.by'an aft otCongrtlp.i Jcd.onibt . LefevVe the tansoaiNl .aul M Jlana the rcarCe-.l VV .r-. ..i:.'. i.'i -i '' t'i'j : . nnavc toStraiburu.il. hi tJ- ,..' i l? j Aj Ll. P -J-;iTZ . i. j- .r.!..- -.r .t.. r, .w-f Z ll C UJ I l.tlWII V IW HIMUfin-K .1. J I " I Hare oimu.iary operaiion.. .r .n.r , f . . - . . - ' . , r ' '"i1" J w y ..Wj-vv vaiBW weiB f v 4 bjrdtcJ end niaety liineaUtl orifc and empower, the Sacretiry of the Ttffnry,.tt ?ortort onheLait ofte United Statc, any Tutn rot ea reding T a VL whlf . 6e niiinoniofcSolliri acd to make futh cu trad or toatracli ai Ciould be oecrOary, acd (of the iotaeft of the t'ced Suit, Sa parfuiace of . the Ml of Congrefi eboye f r dud. A fMtra, tU bad(flrqtd,SrcritiryoJ!Ut Treifur fj la purfuAMt of tl Ati of Cotj-tfi,nl -ike aotliorhy frotn the rfefideet f Le I'nired Statea,abare f ntbned, doth hereby fca behitf.of of the United Mate of Aottrict, toattirt ltd ea, gae ia tnaoeer fallowing, fo wit.' ' lit, A book for recektisgfuituTptiaaiteaLelji ef 6e vtilUaniof dollar! for the ci of (be Cedud itafffi (laii be rpttrd in the city of fbilidHUa, f Bark af tl Vmtet y:?ei, ecTUtWaj tie iy tifth day af February enf.ib2,wt;:Kb(4k ..j .r-Jt,t..C..r.J tli;tf;.WijKb I Tie wUI fiow tw fir lit and biiftw!'.M fliJl eom?-f e eren uf ikf rtJtf of rerun??. aT'fa , .. ..ii 1 1 . i ft.r.! Ir. . .1... .f I c.-r ..'.l ik .v.. ,r .1 r.'.J M iktMH ttt ! IPT a lfr'wn niii( I f .rqtlir if 1 null mih-t-v 11 11 i Hiri- ri .v..-, hmi -. w . b imii rTff III ill rtlj', "'..' - , .. 1 . . 1 . . r r t ...I ... " Iti f J.ll... fl.HL.f If. -It. . a . ..wJI. .AvrcUtxe to ra mi(, ad I ?ir.ili f It fa'a of tb hni I the Araki arj Ma. I ire miilirt datliti Rail be fubfalked tit 'MI'VUI IIIIUI" - . , .. . . . t t.. l. iWoecety of cenUaaitg 10 repel wiili feriantf, 0 tftalliCi and iMrcd Mnll id ifc 1-otH cVery attack Mtbe la wiaodeSabliO.edgoverr.rutt from Ue climate and temper rf the Inba'oitanta be fLhe'ir ctflntry.r . . , had grtet oVP.aclei to fgrnoynt. lit wa ptoteed. CtniUmt tfilt Ktft f dmmi, ' if g to a!pt ttery military pre ctotioa pIMI the VUnlertbBOaToidablepfen1ireofpiolfa3edarf (Urfileatd lnar.ona by ra, i;i cri1ruaiog frt It la gTt fatiafanko t to twft t e, thi iU- an! j4aea ef ftrr n-n aft-- trr fVorr, ind ini pradecc (V the pobUc revcaoe baa proved a Io frearei to rrptl tet aituk thata-ijiit he itaitctotiitiiKrtaCcofoyrpermaacAteatetHltturt 1 wdiby 1rd. lie ff.Jeat onitrgio Uotfrate that ibe taliona) credit l"atbfe tr'r.thd aad the oaUtt with Vn artrtf, to cJ;at bydfgteea infrotedi a ad that t!e coauorrce and UUkfJ t (ht mirrtfaf tbeitbbkiati,ai.dtotwi!i.im tut hbjfla beat cworteoed to tmth e'egrta hH ile amy by iaTetoitriaget. la the eaeen Utbertooakfiewf. 1 J tion ftht fe plan be truA baa iaaT.erVI dl?i rt.. ...'. -!- Urkatt lirtd.Vri'i f calilf 1 iA f R.eiii!r. bat t trenM U Cv.vJrtd rVolert tbc cretiaoationof Uay;eaiteit. n dl- j tube only meana left of prtferaifs t!i army fm I at the Bark af tlx United :?ei, ofitbutjJattV twaf.hle to the inbl faletf I UtlUIWI l r 1 ,unrninfl, arnJol UtUt4ta m nveimrpti7r- j fiy etgnoay vi 1 vr viry crti leg, w . . t4 ..L f.i.U itla aa r!ffile ttl l"tri-" rnrdeniVtbeQate. ?b ftagteft rtViaatdi fm fj!wa by the freefartl adaped tt ta IlU U?l aad te aU g.att ta ptbltrl by L. (.r lb redrtja V liul tax. Ue Uea itteadtd Ub'av4b.ie Wei tffeliUcb) tttlkitif the ftajrhtoUe arptrbcadtd ftm f.tfl dayH opfaiattbe faidltHa. tbe fjtphu fi.JI tbpt?eelngtef.Mftftf tb I'-. be drd1td H propf tlWa to th Otri ubCriVci t,j ioita fio trdeU, ita; peira .tiat tW by MitWeiH, teeediajfeaf tbtvfind dc'lafi, ' Jrrarjftitarrwrtyctfrpareltd. 'lK'y batafougU it. for ttery hundred detlan wfkb r y,it' Inapy fetff t 3Ui, bae fu7tc4 gftat dt. jfwWitied U,ert Chill be fartbwtth depofffJ af! feati, VsUy ate nodrraKd, aawbt tea raid tle km of twdte d-i'lari ird f fty eertf, ihi lra at tef'ect ftoaaff if ia rtftfirtaat if ether. I Jike piiaatt.fi kftweieeeaUiritrdrftycf nil, Call, i Tba t'lffir tVe trm Her-.ahc l a?e feat a I be tatde wkt.il the i H tie dati af t.e a.o-!! i Vtl wymJiwprtfjadeJ.es-U boif rtnaUjf tecriP I lea ei M tftett at I acr j.e ine , p- m 11 in rrtnn 1 jr.rHT eaiwag. 1 re Trtmiry n taa 1 treaty it tltiasairla la iiiiiLl Ymtr'u fti rofrrf eirUV ;;! taft I ertftff frftmt.thf lt 01 Iridrglbf iV'f ' 1 nit eHih eeaW'Mt ymtt eieftiasa, ft rstkU tnt I t