-.-"- - - V iBifRKLT. on Craven Street, I . TiVJur " Uephen d. pool, Editor .an r reprice. VKRM8 OK SUBSCRIPT IO ye... : . - months. ""i" , . . . 8 on 4 OO TO OO. 35 OO a so 1 SO SO OO 10 OO ton one year ..w.... - . mnt1ll.... ttaba 01 wu . - . i7, vear.. ..--","f .""""" 17 months... .....- Lb of tn. weekly, one yew....... ab of ten. weeny. six ui-" Bo'fS.ir o. n ' and all points t.rth Ua ----- , .5 211P.M. fr"8'. Wilmineton nd all pointa - - w fi.Doru . vr'-v .... .....- J. asu .4aTSt - A P. f- fcMonaay. Wednesday TrMy at . 90 P. M. FI5AXCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. UoS W A Y , G UiO N & CO., i . - . n TYfrii&nfire. etc. ..... '.f-iira snu ... - - - ' ' . , x. 1. i ' Middle St, bewe-n poiiok ana buuui X ...... 130 1..- 1) 45 ...... 6 '. 451 TT. R. 7-30,B,. ..r.. 104 0. 8. 5-20's, '62 ...19 (Co'ipon. TT. 8. 5-20 8, '4 If" TT. S. 5-20'8,fi5... 106 Exchange selling at X& , Bixes IS xea.... BAKK NOTE. ot f orOi Carolina. 34 22 18 7 17 25 18 2S 16 IB 6 ' Ban - or Tancerrllle..... 6 rvimmumMsL Wuimno'ton 16 Cape rear...... Charlotte..- : lyoninirfon Graham .... Rnxboro'. ...... . Wadesboro Thomasviile.... Wilmington.... Cnmnaerce Wa hlngton.... Fayette villa.. . Clarendon.... . Greensboro Mutual . . ... 4 Miner' & Plntrs B k. 22 Farmers' B'k (i nboro'. 20 Werchantg B'k Newb'n. 4 Virginia Bank notes. 3 to 7 a n TtanV nntM. 3 to BO Georgia Bank notes, 3 to 75 AJaDama B'K notes, i" w io Iji RatiIi notes 25 WIO Tenn. Bank notes.. 10 to 75 PROVISION MARKET. .HOLESALE PRICES CUBRENT. BEPORTED DAILY BY , :.l , , V (BEDMOND CO.. VHSUIULl AND RETAIL X ,-, ttOCERIBS PROVISIONS jHKXED 8TOBX, aOSKXt WBAKF. ; r , . r v GROCERIES. FFEE 1 . Java.... . .......... Bin, ordinary, fair to prime,.... IjAfraayra .................... Maraeaibo 6t Domingo... ,35 1 00 ' 2 2fl 29 40 J4 30 81 32 .... 23 ,25 1 00 1 90 ... 30 1 70 ... 90 2 00 1 00 1 90 ... 1 10 1 75 .... 1 26 2 25 ..i ft 17i .... 00 17fJ .,ooa ... oo'a ' ... 00 165 ... 00 163 ... 00 16 ... 00 -S) 15 ... 00 14 .... ' 00 13 80 1 05 ... 1 6 70 ... 1 00 1 25 ... x 6o es ..' 1 2S 1 60 ... 60. 60 ... 25 85 ... j 5 40 ... ; 35 40 S0-9 35 15 20 ... i- o nj. P3- TonnK Hyson.......... P.y&on..... r Gunpowder and Imperial.... Oclong. .v....... tncol. Japan V English Breakfast.... ...... 3AKS . Kenned, Crosnea,.... ......... Powdered. .........s Coffee. A. ........ D s Pxtra c i....:...:. "', C Cnba Pert- no,o Havana,Erown........... xsKa - - . New Orleans, per gal . . . .'. ...... P ; -a Good to Fair, . . . . ...... ..'. . I . Golden j Common... Xntmee..... Clovea ...... . Ginger j... ............ Pepper .... 'EK .. .- , Orange County. N. Y. ...I V. Y State, firkins............. EESE,good toprinie...... v family.............. T-r Syracnse. ground......... ..... Liverpool . 0 00" 2 50 . 2 60 6 50 .11 0011 50 .13 Kk&13 50 .15 OOfdllS fO .17 0020 50 ISKEY " tru Fine...... Snperflne. $ barrel.... Ohio, round hoop St Louis Extra fair to choice.. ' - PBOV1SIOJ4S. Prime Mess..... Sew Mess.. .......... ......... Thin Mask ...2 00 26 00 ...26 00 27 00 ....24 0025 00 .... 17 14 15 .... 16 18 HtO S. fl : . JCOX Nonh Carolina, M.3 North Carolina, ft....... ' - . PRODUCE. RS Tn pood demand. Pr bushel. j frroN Tax unpaid............ 00 1 00 . 00 18 NAVAL STORES. New Dip,.... OldDip, ........ 3 50 &3 25 2 25 50 200 300 J0iftKrak"E-ltai" paiK. I , Common, J i. . Btrained,...i... So. 2, No. 1, '.I Pale Shipping. iDsPEED'S WEKKLT STEAXIIP Mil - Qamina the U. S. Mail Itween New Yorb and Newbem x 0 Hi H CAROLINA. The A So. Stm.hlp HLLEN S. TERR V C II A PIN, Master, I! I i?.8 t to my care will l kr tTriotr-".' Z o tsnclc 8 torn C. P. OOOD8PED7Cnt iROn BALTIMORE FOR NEW BEUilK. The Schooner ROBEBTS.'Master, SaKed loay for BaHimors and w haye quick dispatch on h- nt nra ..- the Place. rhA fxv,n..t . . between R JtimL'-Z-l'" OI foKl. ihpp...ar riTw niei causea the Cua1 wul be avoided, as she sail out- - .' ' " i ,- ,- , June 19-tf . BOARDING HOUSE. "remi 7 west or the li&il Koad. lw ,pr!'pir'd sccomruodate faruilips or sin- laodi ay- Wt": or month. The hoaee is ciiy vt , i.01Viet to the business portion of isTh, , ,-"' " iuae io niease tnose who 'UhiT. 0XE ATE. . . - Jim. ..r "oraea and an eiP -rienced host'er. v"a. , - . PUBLISHED DAILY BY VOL II.--N0. 44. L00 AL DEPART ME NT. HEKBY C POJL, Eorron. Beading Matter on every page. Index to New AdTertUemtsU . . ; i MrrCHSLL. aujix & Co., Ncu222 Pollok SL Patent jPTells. . ' . b MrrcHELL, At.t.kw - & Co. Agents Under writer's Agency. , - Amyett. Groceries. - John IIutchinson Agent Connecticat Mata al" Life Insnrance Company. i .Mabt S. Shepaed. Administratrix Notice.' John Htjghes. Dwelling Houses for Bent. " "Whitfoi-d, DiiiA Cab Sailing of the Madison Holmek : . WHitFOBD, Drue & Co. Sailing of the Louisa Moore.! -'. , ..." ' 'u . : ; ' ' V Page & Dibble Atlantic Honse. T. AJ Granges Macon House. . : ... I , .... . . ; j - . j; , 4i , ' Seats in Christ's Chubcb. We are requested to state that one of the Vestry of Christ's Chnrch (Episcopal), will always be in attendance to con duct stranges to a seat None need to stay away for fear of not being comfortably seated, or of ap propriating the seats of another. ' ' ' WospiKFTJL. We examined the Newbern Republican of Jane 22d, and the name of Henry XL Bryan Esq., does not appear in its Column?-. We shall have to resume oar pledge in our next issus, and give our neighbor another hard job. . Sailed. Schooner M. A. McCahan, for Bos. ton. Mass. - This vessel was- driven irom her course! by a storm, and pnt into this port for freight; of which we believe she secured a fair load. The Mabkets. The grain and cotton markets are dull. Corn can scarcely be had at at any price. Naval stores but little doing ; Domestic markets tolerably supplied with vegetables Lob sters and fish plentiful. 1 We saw a number cf bundles of green rnbbarb yesterday. , - ?, . Leaves New Yobs ' To-Dax. The , Steamer Louisa Moore, Murray's Line leaves New York for,- Newbern to-day; She will be due here the latter part of this week. She will? sail from Newbern on her return trip to New York, Wed nesday July 3d. See advertisement. . We eall attention toadvertisement in another eolnnm. of John Hatchinson. gfiut of the Coc rieciieut MatuarLlfelnsuranceSjompany OflSce East side of Middle street opposite the Baptist Churcli. ..: '-if h, -... .... ' r.v Life Insurance substitutes the certainty for the uncertain continuance of Life, in which to acquire it. ! it secures independence and domestic comfort to the ) Widow or Orphan, . when deprived of a husband's or a father's efforts for their support It is the exercise of prudence and benevolence. It secures to one's family the financial value of an average duration of life, in ;he event of an early death. ' ' j We cheerfully commond Mr. II .cbinson to the people of the counties iu which bo will labor as a gentleman, in all respec ts, worthy of tiiier confi dence. That Dialogue. Oar neighbor admits, im pliedly at least, ' that the dialogue between a white republican and a colored citizen had no foundation in truth; and wonders that we were so obtuse as not to see what everybody else, (the colored citizens included,) perceived, that it was never intended for the truth or to be believed by any, but that it was put out by the "Republican Congressional Executive Committee " to catch votes.' ''!'"- ; " - -' : -.".-v; We scarcely lcoVed for such an admission from onr neighbor, and we thank him for his candor, as it saves us from the trouble of dissecting a mass of falsehoods, in detail, and enables us au thoritively to declare the whole production fabu lous, and totally unworthy of confidence. Ma com House, Beatjfokt Harbor. We wish special attention to the advert s -ment of T. A. Granger Proprietor of the Macon House. More head City. Mr. Granger is too well known to the traveling pnblic to require commendation at our hands, assures us that every thing shall be done to make the guests at the Macon House spend their time agreeably, an qet more than the wprth of the money they si t II expend. We are sure none will regret ha' :n given friend Granger a call. , We shall alluao to the Hotel on Beaufort Harbor frequently. In this connection we refer to the Card of Messrs Page and Dibble in another column of this issue. ! f Railbcad - Accidekt. On Sunday morning Wt, as the mail train on the A. & N. C. S. R.j was going west, the large brick culvert at South West bridge gave way and caused the wreck of the train. ... , ' - It seems Jackson's mill dam, some distance above, had been cut, to save the milL and the refuse flood had so widened the current, tha when the engine struck the eastern abutment it gave waj, and precipitated the engine and ten der from the track; though doing but little dam age to them. -'."The baggage car, alsq, got over with but little damage. The mail car still stands on the culvert, with one end knocked in and trucks out of place. The passenger coach stands on the track and received no Injury. : The water was within a few inches of the top of the embankment, thirty feet of which has beenj washed away. No such flood has been known since the track was constructed, and it is fortunate the damage was : no greater, owing to the cautious running of the train. '.i As the cars are surrounded by water, very lit tle can be done towards clearing the track until tie flood falls, which it will probably do to-day . Every effort has been made to push the mai Is and passebsers through to Goldaboro the for mer bavinc; been sent ut) yesterday on a h and- car ; and, -it is to be hooed. that the regular train STEPHEN D. POOL, IN THE NEWBERN, N. C, Now Item Now Shaky. -The ;; editor of. the Rtpabliean, as councilman, is said to - have been particularly severe upon General Order No. 32, or at least upon that part of it which relates to licensed retailers, and we, tri-weekly, have ex amined the Republican to read the fierce denun ciations hurled at the commanding General for issuine any such order: bat bur neiehbor "coo's gently. " We have not seen in print an announcj ment of what he would have done had he been Mayor; nor have we Been in print anything of those wonderful instruments of writing he would as Mayor, have given to the reta 1 srs aforesaid. instructing them to keep open shop in defiance of order No 32, and throw all the responsibility nnnn riia clinnlPN " A a .nnnfMlniATi firm. rS editor shaky; " '.' ' " (frr the Line, Tejipoeaeilt. The steamer El Cid; of Goodspeed's line, will be thoroughly overhauled in New York before her return. New boilers will be put in, and g in all parts the steamer will undergo a como1ete refitting. As soon as her repairs are completed she will again be placed upon the line. ' , -: ' Quick Passage.- The steamer Ellen S. -Terry, Goodspeed's line, arrived at the blockade below the City Saturday evening at 9 o'clock, having made the run from New Yrrk in fifty-two? hours. She had a full freight and passenger list, con signed to C. P. Goodspeed, agent The ' Terry will sail for New York Wednesday, the 26th inst., at her usual hour. See advertisement - DEATH OS1 HOS. U.. 8. DOXSELU proceedings of the Beaafort Covntf Co art. Cocbt op Pleas 4s Quabttb Sessions, 3 ' Beaupobt County, June Tebm, 18b7. , 1 During the sitting of the Court on .Tuesday, the following proceedings were had in reference to the death of Hon. Bichard .S. DonnelL . . , Th following named Justices on the beach to wit: Jos. B. Stickny, Chairman; J. R. Grist.i Thomas B. Smaw, Edmund , S. Hoyt, Wm, 'II. Patric"c, Noah W. Guilford, John H. Small, It L. Myers, ,H. Hodges, L Kespass,; and O. W. Telfair.,; " , , . - . , Thomas Sparrow, Esq., representing the Bar. introduced the following resolution: ; ; ( iuloriiiation having been received by the Justices of the Court now in session, and by the members of the Bar in attendance uron aid Court, of the decease in the town of Newbern, on Monday, the 3rd day of Jane, inst., of the Honorable Richard S. Donnell, long a citizen of this town, a representative of the people of this county a member of this bar, , and a justice, of this court; it is thrtf ore '.. , r lies ?lved, By the Justices of the Court,' and the members of tbe Bar of Beaufort county, that they.bTe b-rrd of tfcet unend decease pf the Hou.;K.S. Donnell with the sincerest sorrow, ; . Resolved, That in his death, the State has sustained the loss of one of her noblest and most disinterested patriots the Bar one of its most brilliant ornaments society of its great est charms this community one of its best cit izens this Court one of its chief attractions the poor a steadfast friend. HesoLved, That in ail the relations cf life, as friend, as companion, at the Bar, on the bench, and in our hails ot legislation, the deceased was well entitled to receive, as he did receive, the love and affection of all who came within the magic circle of his society; the spontaneous ef fect of his warm-hearted hospitality, his bsnev olence, his unselfisn friendship, bis integrity and his love of truth. . -. . ; Resolved, That this Court and Bar tender to the surviving relatives of their deceased friend, their sincerest condolence with them in this great affliction. ; . J( Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of the Court, that a copy there of be published in the Washington Index, and that the Newbern and Raleigh papers be request ed to copy." J - : , ... .:, ' :t .: Thr resolutions were seconded by Wm. B. Rodman, Esq , in a few touching ie marks. He was followed by Fenner B. Satterthwaite, Esq., in a feeling tribute to the memory of the de ceafeed. and he in turn by Hiram E. Stilley, in remarks appropriate to the occasion. . . --. The resolutions were unanimously adopted end on motion of Mr. Satterthwaite, the Court iu iurther testimony of their respect, adjourned for the day. " i; - - i Thepioeeerting have been signed by Matthew, Shaw, Esq., H ju. E. J. Warren, Hon., Jesse R. Sfubbs and David M. Carter, E.q., who were present in Court - Hard Staelts. '. ' e ' Several cases of importance were tried in the Person county Superior court in North Carolina, last week, one of which was "a fight" between two preachers in the pulpit over the Bible they didn't exactly fight but bad a scuffle over the book. They were both 'hard shells" one, a . a .L . , .tL - Tl - i X - iUakiey) aoou. Oi, ana me oiuer jawj.suaj about 37. ; Brother Oakly, from some cause, j stopped preaching to a cor gregation he had j served seven years, and positively refused to play "upon a harp of a thousand strings" again lor the comfort of that church, whereupon it called brother Ragland. . Ragland preached tnere several times and it seems, as soon as he finished his discourse, the spirit as often moved brother Oakley to rise and preach also; but the congregation invariably left him to preach to the walls and three excommunicated brethren. , Fnally, on one occasion, when Ragland was fulfilling an appointment, Oakley ascended the pulpit and seized tbe church. Bible, which be a as allowed peaceable possession of until the time arrived for Ragland to preach, when he wrestled it from the former's grsp. Oakley re tired immediately from the church, and subse nn(.ntlv RaeLind was nrosecuted for the offenea. The S:ate Attorney (Settle), Hon. John Kerr and U. 8. w instead, Jsq., appearea ror uaKtey, and Hon. Wm. A. Graham and T. B. Yenable. Esq.. for the defendant. The State Attorney thoogbt it a most dr-gus ting case, and so disgraceful on both sides that he declined to argue it; he had no idea of settling such a difficulty for the church; the court house was cot, the place to settle church squabbles, and he was not the man to undertake tt. He administered a wholesome rebuke to both parties. Mr. Graham defended nis client .handsomely, and contended that his conduct had not been unbecoming a gentle man." Judge Kerr replied, and the - case was given to the jury, which returned a verdict in Ragland s favor. Danville,! imes. -f ' J - Active measures are in progress for repairing the broken Atlantic cable. A steamer arrived at Heart's Content on Sunday morning last, to be employed in the work as soon as the weather will permit tbe officers in charge of tbe expedit on being the telegiaphic ei gineer and the election who superintedent operations on the Great Eist em last year. . Meanwhile, a surveying steamer is about to take soundings, under orders of the BntA-h admiralty, for the new cable to be laid this summer, lor the New York and London tele- BRICK BL0CK7EAST SIDE TUESDAY, JUNE 25; 1867. Aot?1,r from Mr. Stevens, j . Hon. Thad Stevens has ' addressed the follow. ing letter to the Editor of the Washington Qroi - i - - Lancaster. Pa,. Jane 131867. -1 think it proper? to suggest the-- propriety of uo uig quorum iq tjongress on me xst proxi mo. ; The opinons of the Attorney General seem to require some explanatory or- suDolemental acts. I need not point out the errors in favor of the rebels, as there are many of them easily seen. For instance, it is provided that to entitle to be registered requires one year'a residence in the State, Every man can see that this means con- tinuous residence immediately before the eleo- iion. Ane Attorney General holds that the party may take nine months wbstn he was a boy, and three months now. Andw Johnson by going a month before the election to .North - Carolina where he lived thirty years ag could vote.:. So with regard to clerks, military and oitU ofBcers, and the holding of Confederate officers, while in rebellion. But I Jill not take time., to criticise now. A mistake more objectionable than dither is the fact of usurpation by the Attorney -General in acting at all in the question, and treating his directions as binding officially. The Attor ney General has no more right to interferejthan the President had to reconstruct, which preten sion Congress has settled, since it has been ad jadged that the conquered States are to be! trea ted as subdued tinitory, at d nb lilt wi h ttt ref erenoa to the r former condition by tne legisu- Uve power alone. It is to be supposed that,Con- gress is to be appealed to in case of diffieulty. it is true that the. Attorney. General is too good a lawyer to pretend to act nnder the constitutioo as it is well decided that, admitting' new States, and, of course, rebuilding conquered teiritorj, does not come within the provuion of tbbt in strument His opinion is just as good as any good lawyers, and bo better. (, It is - the attempt to retreat its official that is objectionable. When he rules what shall be evidence, if obeyed he does great wrong.' He has a lair excuse, how ever, nnder the invitation of the commanding generals. I have said this much with great re luctance ; .but finding my colleagues indiffered to the question, I have not been able to refrain. I feel painful fear least it should be thought that I obtrude my opinions too often in public matters, but any anxiety, possibly, my over ex cited anxiety, relative to reconstruction, i morn be my excuse. With great respect, your obedient sivant . : THADDEUS STEVEN S. It is currently reportu in London that Son. Jefferson Davis is about to yh.it Eugland as the guett of the Duke of Soutberland, and tbe tact that the Duke is the intimote friend of the Prince of Wales is supposed to lend to the story po litical complexion.! Very little confidence, how ever, in such an interpretation of the rumor will be felt by any one who recalls the traditional hostility of the house of Soutberland to negro slavery, and - remembers that the doWager Duchess, the motLer of the present Duke, is the friend of, Hairiet Beecher . Stowe, . : and: was throughout the - war the warm . friend of the American Union. ; . - -.-'-,r- -"!Jj W dvartissc::its.i "r:x COIi N EtTi CU T i.lU TUAL "UF E I H S U R- - , MICE COMPANY, ' 'i . - OF" HAKTFO rtJ3 CJOPfN. LNCOEPOEATED, MAY 18461 r ASSETS OVEB - .- - : . $ I 5,0 00,000.00. INCOME OVEB $ 6, 5 O 6 , O 6 O . O O rhe Largest life Insurance Company in the World! TTHA8NO STOCK CAPITAL; THE FIFTEEN MTL- now exceed 44,01 0, and otwithatandlnB tbe payment o; a 4xtv ner cent dividend last year, thera is now sur- pins or . ; Oyer $6,000,000.00. it has had. thronah its entire history, the smallest average expense, and therefore, it is the safest and CHEAPEST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY INEXISJEKCK Thia Comnanv sivea the Policy bolder a credit !or for. baarance of one half hia preu ian, and la case Of early eeoth, tbe number of dividends will always equU the number of outstanding credits. All policies nob-forfeit-able by their terms, or may be made so at th option of the bxsured. ror iurther information apply to t ' - JOHN HOTCHIHi'O". . . . i General Ax a . For the Counties of Craven, Wayne, Lenoir, .fitt, Oreere, Jones. Carteret. Onslow, Beaufort sod Hyde. - Office, Avast Side of Middle Street, opposite ) naptiat CLnrcb. ! Jnne23-tf n vt E W Y O U. K Dispatch Line THE FAST SAILING 8CHOONEB MA D I S ON HO LME S , Capt. 1AVID IUELANDj .r. unii Vloltt mt mit Artfli fnnt at xg nuw ."o " CrsTe Street, anl haruwf most of her cargo ore i ' '-- ' : !i . For balance of freigbtoi V?1?' t 'L j, Tf AAA A M SV a AM SB V.f June 25 tf ' ! y Craven street NEW KO 11 It, ?j Murray's North Carolina Steamship, Line, THK FIBST CLASS STEAMSHIP j Gi W.WALLACE, Command a r, eWui sail for Kew York direct, oi "WED- tffaKESDAT. July Sd, 1867. For Freight or Passage, ha Ting superior ! accem- modations. Apply to . Si , . ... . WHirrOBO, DILL t CO.," No. s Craven Street. STi LOITtSA MOOBE ISSarJBE3 AT LOWEST BATES. u-.w - Notice, -r-i- Staxx c Nobih Casoxxwa, Caayxw Cotnrrr. rIE STTESCBIBEB HATTSO QUALIFIED i AS AD ministratrix oti the estate of Bir.brd S. Donnell. de-e-ased at the June Term, A. D. 1867, of the Court of T,i .a onarter Ueasions of Craven County, hereby notaries all persons baring ciaims against eaid E' ate, to or?sen( them for payment within the time prescribed by Law or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov rV ' All Demons indebted to said Estate, wfll make im- to diate pay rent -u.. Jnns25, 1 867-1 m -;- ,..L:A- . , r ... l.;f FOit KEST. TWO DEflBABLE DWEIXIKG1 HOUSES WITH OUT booses complete, Q&org ZltlLS1 JUH2T HUOHX7, - iaa2-tf Bro4SttseU OF CRAVEN' STREET ft. Pkicb Five Cents. li lew Advertisements. HACOm 'HOUSE, BEAUFORT HARBOR, ' JSl. -: o:- THE U'aEKSIG"?ET, CATT90 SEOUBED THE ABOVE A'';' WELL-CTOWK HOTJSK, AT t : If MOREnEAD:ai N, c. wm open for the reception of Guests, for the STJMMXB The Rrst Day of July.! 1." MOBEHEAD CTTT. the terminus of tbs Atlantic and Korth Oarobna Bailroad, is besurtfnlly situated upon Beautort Harbor, and it r-nowned for Its lavigorarin breezes, its surf .bathing, its sdmirable fishing grounds and its, ttosar. asssd healthful nesii ; OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE. 4 -v f f ST?; I - No pains shall be -pared to render the Guests of tbe Hous. oomfor abie; and their wants shall be supplied whenever p-autioable; atteadv servants are swgig d to wait upon tasns; courtly and pollU boss shall mark the 4erxrtnent of all the emDloyees. very Jan cans of com niaint shall be avoided or remedid and none ahall leave tha .L1AC0II HOUSE ; (Ji--aiaflM,"ir it is possible far the propristorto give satisl action. THE TABLE t Every delicacy of the season shall be placed upon the table. ; ! BEAUFORT. HARBOR, i r And its trtbuta-v wafers are celebrated for tbe variety and excellence of tbs Fsl. ty era, bcoUops, Clams, Ao t Ukrn from them, which will be served np in tbs best style expe-aeaor4 ouoks, in addition to all the luxuries to bs found at nrsvctaa tioteis in ins interior. , r ; SEEKERS' Win find two number one Billiard Tables, e Bar asm sua oh vanoru - wiuulIi tobacco; .aatt Atvsvts with xpeiisnced boatmen for Kxearsmns a sil parts the Harborr Battelc lisnstis. wasrs aii way wnaM miu- -u nr.. u.,k -.,A tmsii 1 1 m tear m. tnlnnira In the Saif. " . . . LI.1IPH W." m. - m W tf that mode of bSj;faioal4 bs prcrrs. w . .. . j- - MUSIC AIIO DAI1C1NG. r"" r i -i m ,ti Mm mm Ksa In fklJjrnf-la.riM ta tsmlivm XlUsUUsVaJABB Vf AAA sws aM was lfaa hour with tLuir soul tin trig Attrtvln. and tha TOteriw or tn gay ana ut wmi dm whenever it is desired. OUR TERMS. -l: tt nf mMim has indneed the Proprietor to make his terms within tbe reach of alii: Board per DAT a .m - -. WEJEa. ......... ........ ...... v ' HOSTS.. .........,....,... 00 D.mw this iiaiitfbtfnl snmmer resort, on of he tnot tlesant in tbs whole eoantry. will be opened - Bemembor also,' that tbe opening Ball win be given Thursday evt-ntn-, Jnly 4'J.-3 . c-rr-ittjjr. ix TTfsTlrTH will be fnrnished bv the "Bailroad Company to and from, AT ONE FAUC T. A. ABAFGEB Jane 35-tf , . .. - Proprietor. . T3t wn jrMmMf. n'ilalnorn Jformint Star and Wilsnn Carolinian. Dkefon squares of above, copy UU Iprma wa wua dui w i. a. unuigu, 1 J . ('.t.sy.A 1 j i i M ITCUKbb, AXO.KS & CO AOESTS FOB THE UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, ' , AMHETS $3,000,000, ,, r Offer Safe insurance at moderate rates. $ 10 to $M wil ensure $1,000 for one year. April 11 Pattest Ins proved Metbod of Slmavlxts; Wells. THE HEW LABOB-SAYI5G ECONOMICAL PUMP. Pries rer If o. 1. 995. No. , tSSO , , , . THIS Pump will furnish from 3.000 to 3.000 gallons o enn water per day. and can be sank wbenevs needed. See sample in front of onr store. Bnd in you order. MJTC1LBU ALLJt WJ. ATLAIiTIC HOUSE, BEAUFORT, fl. C. OWTSO TO THE POLITICAL ABD FECUBuai condition of tbe country .the understmed hae d tmnined not to ot-n tbo ATLANTIC HOTJ8K this sum mer. They cbe f My comtnend tha MAOO.N HOCSE. wv... t a nnor rorltor. to tbe favors. bl cbnaWeraUon of tbe travelling publlo , f A GRAND Concert and Festival ;J ..... . - . - : FOB THE BE5EFTT OF CHRIST CHURCH, HEWBERN,. WrLLBKGIVXS AT THE COTJBT BOOM. OK Wednesday and Thursday. 26 and 27. DOOBS OPES AT f O'CLOCK. ! ' ADMISSION FEE 50 CEHTS. Jone23f LOOK IN AT MCLEAN & COS i 25 Cent Dress Goods. ; - Co at once before they are gone. it i" ' i ; ' t ..... v 1867.'Rates of AdvertUln? Revisd.: 1C:7. I tw.l Iw.lln.l a m. I 3 aa. I an. 1 11 as. fcQ"a. 3 's c vol s oo 11 001 IS 001 St m 44 d 00 8 00 1100 8 00 11 00 is no 90 00 11 00 IS 00, 35 00 M CO M 001 M Mills M so roi m oo 140 r W4 M 00 at oo 45 on 60 Of. its oo 00 3W 460 .ooo 0 00, 40 OOf M 00 M 00 ISO Oft loo MthA rol 900 on! Contrmcta will U JUhd mtfmmat tim.'M ' r New bnsiness must be based oa U above rates. BiHs are due and ooUectabls as soon as advertiseroest anei anless -pedal agreexoeut to the 'contrary M fnada. CSr-xxAX,Coir-mAcxsfor adverUslnc to Weekly will ka made upon equitable terrc-. ; , , fGO TO . I'OLLOK m. i - - t I;?'-- STREET Whsrs yon can sare is FEB CEJfT.. by rurchasing sack goods ss the jollow.ng or say thing la tasir ttoet 4 i 5 ?: MUSLINS.. v . f LAWNS, l DELAINES, r - POPLINS, ; ,? ,r t pia allj rignrad.) i . '" '''"i "T ' ALPACAS. ... j r - ': : Tf v f CALICOES, BLEACHED AND , QaENADlNES.' aU ? GINQHAMS, i I i UKBLEACH D TX)MZSTIC3, ; ? i BED TICK NO, r- 8HIHTINO.' N ; - STRIPES, " . FLAWNELSL , ;. MOSQUITO NETS ! j AUC0L0KS, TOWELLING, ' t : DIAPER, J v 4 , TABLECLOTHS, LINEN. SWISS AND ; 1 jf- uusLina. -- - NAINSOOK, .-. ; BJSLT1NO, 8HAWLS And t (Of the latest styles.) a a -v r si 1 A BALM0BA1 HOOP 8KIRT3,' LADIES' HOSE, (Of all qualities,) - - EDQLNG, r&ENCH AJNL JSMlinUl- j DERED CORSET?, - f CORSET STATS; (Of all kinds.) ; FANS. LACE ' COLLARS. 1 RIBBONS, RUFFLINCr, ' HAIR NETS, WATERFALLS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, fin en Hess varieties.) ,1 . - - SILK AND WORSTED EMBR0ID ifKLNO BRAIDS, . V - - ? STAR BRAID, ALPACA BRAID, SERPENTINE BRAID, a s-a WSM SB a aav rV Ttf A rwwS LINEN A D COTTON i ;! . TAPES, TAPE ,t TRIMUIX0S. t.rV BUTTONS, OP ALL KINDS, Ad4 a Great Many Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention. - " - CLOTHING, -fcwrv AT.T. OTIALITTW.M.l BUSINESS FUITS, , ! DR.ER3 RDITS. - SACKS, SACKTEES, I .; : . I , LLS KN SUITS. -; r WHITE ds BROWN. ALSO. FINE FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOftKAND -j CASSIMERES, SATINETS, - JEANS, SPANISH LINENS, .f- ; bC 4po., &C. jr i; A COMPLETE STOCK OP ; BOOTS AND BHOBS :' " ' PEGGED A3Tp SEWED,' ! FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE FINEST- i A!8TOC3t or " I Ui '".'II. Furiiicliingr ; Goods, f-!'- 'Taeauotlwwsafey'nsehM v ;- ,VJ wHii'gsmttTg. ! i' ; ft BBOW LIVES 8HTBTSL FASCT KHIBTK. I BILJf. AHD MTBTHO 1 CADJCBSHI BTS q XSD DMA WEBS, COLLABS, TIES, HASDIZBCHIEFS, j, W I S0,' - HTfiAW, WOOL St FtTB HATS, I ; Of Every Grade, , . And la fact, evsvyUdng belonging to a mSTClAASS DBt GX)DS HOUSE We would also Invite special attention from the trade, as oar facilities for jOBHIfO belnr now complete ' on of the firm being eontinnUJy in Mew ork b)ing for this market. i AO we ask U a trial onr motto being, HJDICE 8AIX3 ASD SMALL PBOFITS." ! ' Remember that we have removed to onr new building, 30 folio k Street, where we will bs pleased to see yon r.T tvm vm i , ' ) I ' . 8UCH AS ' " "1" msst - i f .' i. t ' 'i i will tot be interrupted many hour greph company , MMza-tf- . . . -V' '.. - ,. j., ..,.,.11 , . ' I : !"'!'! ! .i . av. . . i

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