9 W iJMi . t 2- Hill V0J , ,iAif.t and WKBKW.ob Craven Strsc-t, JB' vtirrn. North Ctolii.tyT f STEPHEN D. POOL, Editor and FrDpfktor. . 867. Rates of Advertising Revised. 1867. I 1 w. I St. 1 m. t to. 8 n. I 6 m. 1 13 jn. 2 Kj'a. a oo ! 11 oo 15 00 o on i on 40 CO K oni a no . ll OT 15 on) ) to V6 Of I 00 48 fa I Q0 CO i m co 1 no 25 00 S6 W 8ft 00 TBK SUBSCRIPT IOJV I 11 on 181 20 Ot 80P ws or 18" (0 ' 25 0 400 ( $ 8 on 4 00 7; 0 3 ' a so 'ISO 30 OO iiV-oo 27 Wl 40 w 45 f HO f US Of 60 Of PUBLISHED DAILY BY STEPHEN D. POOL. IN THE ..BRICK BLOCK, EAST SIDE OF CSAVEN: STREET. i'-i'j ; ton f0 OP as on 3 00 ,; giX uiomus T0Clnb8 of ten, one ear i0 cl-tw of ten six months utiW 006 reaT" " Fix months.... .... 60 O 100 tu 60 io SCO 00 MOUi Ctntractt wUi u jUUd atn ; -. : ; . " muHU baaed ca ibe above rat. a, Eilln re das atid collectable aa aonn aa adveruei&e&t app ars nntBswtjfi rlij avireuicnt ta the contrary is made. ' 8riciAi OmrtSACTB f a sdvernslng ta Weekly will be esade npw jnltable teics.! ; VOL. II.-X0. 65. NEW BERN, N. 0 SATURDAY, JULY" 2Q, 1867,: ; , g : Price JEite Cents. A c'm rii of t"ii, wecKiy, )" pf weekly, six months. club OFFltFDiaECIORV. Ft Masch 31, I, 10ui. I win .lose Daiit as follows: T"5""; I', v" .-York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, no-AJnBl0B. D. C and all points ' . S -o."- , : ir 6 "i . sj. JT Biver; ;i MUctsvillo, every Tuesday an.-' ..9.00 P. W. A;, letter ,' vwf r.naid, or they will be sent io be de 0, ,1' ui" ......... irl'lrHteft to Hil9 f Hnrf f ?C K V 1 A RK E T crrJ "i 'fr! carge "flke market 6 DISOSXVAY, GUIOW-.-& CO., ! Dialer In Exrhanjre,"et. V'dd'-e t , Uawn iviiok and Sonb F.-vi;. ! r. 7 'rrr? 125 U. . '2 1 l ,.. 4.', H. S. 1.W 8. . 107 ... 5' n. . J-JtCs. ',; ;. U;6 . .. 4 pi Fxchane Belling at iiTc. BANK KOTE . goM tsi'ver 0W 42Ptan o Y-.-;c-yvia,'f.t. I 6 : 'A M'nniin ss, v iuuington 18 1 S ,rcei).lnr- .'l.ltui ;...( 5 1 . Miners' & Mi'rtiw W S: Gr.ihsni. ... ... U'.sboio' V.'afts-TO'... Tnom :iviile. Wil ..lU'.'xon.. Oommrrpp . . , Wa hi '.'"ton.. VaypiU" ille. . Clnrendon'. . . JO Parai-"-s B'V ft 'nboro'. 4" Merobaiita B'k ib'n. 45 vti V'Tizriia Bank notes. 3 to 75 J- ;. C. BiiiU nts, 3 to 18 (ii'i-2?a )! m' l'ots. 3 to 7S l'l Mulina B'V nttr, IW ti 75 tIt.sv. Hai'il vtH -s 25 t' llft f. Ten p. V.-a .U Holes.. 10 to 35 PROVINM l.tKKET. RTTOHTED DAILY BY . If r 1) M ' N I CO.. , WC'II'L AD RETAIL 1'KAtIIS IV - ? ! t it i k s r iinvisioss rHF'KFI)'TO!:F.. M'MTW A TIF. 40 ?4 30 31 32 2- ri.tr , .... i ! :u i -i " i . h "ji 'j- hi !i.v .n v ' " 1 r :iti ! ! inii' 1 00-5 1 90 , 7'1 .... 90 2 00 l oosi i r- ..... .'0-? 1 7 1 9 '25 0rW6 17'-i ..... 00f& 17' ; 0!V3 IT. I!0 3 IPli 01' 1CU ...... (W in1,' ..... (MM$ 1C . ... n(v?a 1.1 1, 00' 14 , 0(13 13 it h I iv 6I :iA S- Ucf.iK'i. ( rnslivi i'lf-vtl red. " 'iVAU'ilaTvl Ciff.ip. " !'x M 0 .... II f I'O t' I 'i- ilavms. ISivj.vn , JFLA-S'N- New DrUnns. per ail. . I . . .' Sl'BUP- Gu'jfl to Fa r 4 ... GoWeii Coiiinion. . v K-ICE.S- ut Ne-s C'-.v ; , Uiucjer V pner , Orase Cr.wity. N. Y. SMte .firkins 80 1 05 f0 rr i (xm l 60 r-a i if 60o to . 25 8? 6 40 3" 40 SO tV 3 - 15 J 2 ' , !g.li. Ci-'F.S7, jf-otl to iriii. AP-l.'-.imiiv. : B'.LT -Svrarnoo, ground f.ive-.Dool . . . o om 2 50 . . 2 C O 6 50 ..ii ocvan s" ..13 'tfitll 50 ...l". 0"falf 60 ...17 0vJ2a 50 V (lis KEY r. oru Fre 8viper!iie. barrel Ohio, round hoop St. Louis Fxtra .air to choice. . PROVISIONS. POliKv Primp Mess. New .e!9. . i .2" CVcft 2 TO ..24 OU.-ffiSS i 7 .. 1W If .. 16 18 Thiu Mess... LVRD N. C . B v0'NN..rh 0:ro'ina. E AMS North Carolina, fj in P'tODUCE. tOUX In toid demand. P. r l'UHhel. 4 C.'iTTiJN Tat unpaid.. run 1 45 00.$ ! 18 NAVAL STORES. ICKPFNTIN'K New tip, Old Tip, ."..!."!!".... Stripe,. . i Ssl Ti;K1K-NTisE-tax pVid,'.". . ".' Commnn Strained,.. So. 2, - .. ................ 8 50 S3 25 2 25 " '50 a 2ro 3 oo 1 Pale, !!'.'.'..!!"""'."" 1 WlEOTICUT MUTUAL UFEIHSUR-! AHCE COMPANY, OF1 1 1 ARTFORD CJOJS. INcbnPORATED, MAY 184G. ! i , ASS'i.T3 OVER ! l5,000,OOO.OOj INCOME OVER I . S 5,500.000.00. L.rge.st LUe Insurance Oompiny iatb. World !fe ' i AS . is ) ,p i "K' pT t . X,IF riFrp,rK xnL- I 41 o e Vl - , t1B lo.;V j..".. ln. h i 1.. 1 . i . - t jun ill ' " ",vl K'u, ' t jeir, ,her is i u - 4'c- SGoiiu.o o oo. ; l Ii r i-i p P ". "!,u' h' p.ry. h PinaUest ' 1 iluroiore, tUi..elW.tnd . rr I r r a n..is7E:c: i I: h l ier a credit r for. tiu : h i.. .. " in case or eariv r-i , , , ';y, 7 n We op iou of r ir Her ili,. nilt ,n 8jlt.jv to JolN (I ll'HiN Of, ,,,,,, ., , ' Je ttl A.ent. " - i i Mid i.e irei t, .ppi le , H t nt f, JUlie t-H '" nr;;Cawt. s. a. at 5.itp..w. MoH.1;1;, V'iiv..... -30 A. M. So Wilaiinstoa and all points ftt an-1 Sy ' Vf'.'.V .".'.'.".v. V.. '..".".Via Hi M." I ... w and j-atnr:.ay, at.s.......4 P. M. Bat ' Vx-' v -Vin 'on and Plyrannthi N C, 8ri t . ' wn"" Fridiy. at 9.fW P. M ,,T non--. . ; ,T tnc p. m.. and 7 to 7' P. M. 0 ---ce o'" : 7 , fn's'ii A. 11., id 7 to IK P. M. " ( a! fr : t 'l -u ! j' H'.li LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Reading Matter on entry page. Iiiiin ta Sew Advcrtisemenlt. Mitchell, Atj.es & Co., No. 22 PolIokSt. Furnish nil kinds of Material. Mitchell, Allkn & Co. Pork, Lime, Bait A myett. Groceries. Hsllen & WitiiiAM 3. Crackers, "Wool, Ac J. E. Nash New Publications. Jons 0 C jnsqb cold Lager Beer. Geo. K Chase & Co Stevens House. Geo. V. Walla ce Tak e Notice. Fite is Raleigh. Tho Foundry and Mact iae S iop of Mr. B. P.s Wiiliainson, Kileigh w b l -ned Thueaday morning. Loss abcnt $20, 103. Tue fire was the wuik ot an incendiary. DinECTOEs' Meeting. The Directors of the A & 1ST C. R i cb hive been in sesnn s n.e Thursday evening. Several iaiportaut changes h ve beea made. The office of Snpermtendent of ;fTriii.sportHtion, and that of Bridges have been fttyolished.. Two fi eight trains per week take the l1;xc? of three. The salaries of all the officials, except those fixed by the Stockholders, have been re.luced a! oat 20 per centum ; and the nunber o: conductors have been rednced to three. Mr. H. W. High atid C.ipt. Jha Thomas were re-iected oadujtor.s, and Mr. John Richardson has been elected in plaoe of Mr. James Morris. A- soon as. completed, the bridges, are to be t uued over to the ioad Master whose duty it w 11 be to superintend them in addition to what i now required of him. Oth r changes and business have beeu done, which we will note when the meeting adjourns. SPEi lAL SIAOISTKATK'S COC11T. Preliminary fexaminailon of Charles Star. Sis'!, the Supposed Uaiier of at Gang tt Uobbcrg in thii Conty. JUSTICES KELLY, DI30SWAT AND HUETT ON THE BENCH. Arraiaged on charge f f lny in Craven coun ty, ihe prisoner pleaded ' Not Guilty." LeA'is Taylor sworn I know C arles Sturg's j. I d y not know where ha Uvea n tbo wooc.s,- I think. I was rob--it-d on tbo ro :d. I have of :e i seen him travel i x al n ihf Rood I do not thiuk he does any thing fur a living. It is a neighborhood report tli.it he is curiam of a Land of robbers. I ha e s en him lunl n nbout with colored people. I know one i f the colored people who robbed ma he i s r i w m iaii. I have never seen Sturgias w fh any niouey. The neighbors all say tiiat be is a robber. Julia Avery said he was the capta n o. t je robbers. She was Ins wife. Th iy were m trried during the w&r. They are not living to gether now. He has another wife, Jane Buck Mi-s Luzie Taylir sw im I know Charles Srurg'si when I see him I ww ibe people's opinion that he wa-t lea U : of a band of robbers. Julia Avery said that sh was afr ad to go to town, but S urgs told Lei &Le oodld g-1, rhafc he nor his band would hurt her (L ist fali ho passed my house wii;i a black man in tha n'ght I ht-aid him say that diey La I bet ter g-r 7 or 8 together, aud then g3 they saw me, and he pai.l, ltsh! He would go to the shopjand whistle o get his band ietuer, he saiu th. t he had 3 or 4arn:el wish revolvers.) 1 heard of-a robbt-ry on tht- Trent road soon after this conversation, heard the name of the person rob btd ; bnt do not recollect it. I never saw Star giss yiih money, only saw him passing my house. James Avery, sworn I know ihe prsoner, have known him abrut three years, while he lived vi.hmy sister be fo. ;o ved canir ma ing. He was my sister's hus b ml. It is sixmivnUs siaca he lefo her. Id ' u t kn w that he has any home, He was at my hjuse about two months ago. I have never seen h'm with tiicney or other clothing. He said h h d 12 pair punts. I did not see any of them. :Ie i.iJ not te',1 iiie where he got them. He did not offer mpcny t. f .l.tm, orsaywhathe was g ing o vlo wiih them. I did not ask him. I do not kovthithe is Ciptain of a bind ot robbers have heard so, as all the neighbors think so. He isi.'uspicioned becaute he is leaf it g around tie ' country and not doing any work. I have Lot talked wish him since he was at my house twu m-hths ago. I had a q-iarrel with the prisoner w leu he left my sister. He told me he would s ootmewheuhe could get a chance. He h; s li.ed with one Jane Buck utaiTthepocosin in Do ver h wain p. Cress Examined by prisoner You went about a year ago, and stayed six mouths, aud told ma that you were going to live with my sister again ; but he d.d njt do it. Julia Ann Avery Sworn. I know the prisoner, have known him thrr e years. I was married to him by the military au tiioritiss at Batcholer's Creek in '64. He left me this last May 12 mcn'hsago, has never lived wi h tne since, he said he was going to live with ms but did not do it, I do not know his reason tor doing so, except that he liked his oiher wif ba-t. When he live t with me he followed mt.k ing chairs. I taught him hew -to make them. He told me the morning he came to my home, (about two weel s ago, ) that he had 3 or 4 in b 8 b md. I am aiiMid that he will take my life ii I travel on the road although he told me that be nor his band would hurt me on the road. Whtn Tie left my house he went into the wood aad blew a sharp whistle w itch wa answered by some body in the wosd that I could not see. He said t'jat f hat d 5 little sco md.el Ballinger had bette u t hunt for hua, for if he jumped ia his way h h'uO Id hrnt him I d lot say anything 'o him on B llinger be ri ked that up in his on inii d. Tbe prwiber txwgnt n.e one dress tw m'-ntl s ago. He it d trie tbai hf In light it 1 f i t Xewb rn, H' to'd ma n o make n pr ct-c o! s iowi c it o so in n. ' He told me not o Ry the prisoner, yon told me that you did not buy it at the Auction store. - Cristapha Cox, sworn-r f " f I know the prisoner, have, know him two year and better, j He then went to chair making with J ilia Ann Avery JE? Squire May said he would marry them, and they stood np. Squire read the fieteaiony. and told tiem to consider themselves man and wife unt.l sooner dischajed, thi was all he said to them, Riley Gatlin sworn ' I know the prisoner whan I s-ie hiai and have known himi over twelve month. He does noth ing for a litelyhood but walk about, as I know of. I know nothing of his being Captain of a hand of vobbars. He and I had a quarrel, und he threatened to kill me the first chance he got. Abram Moore, col'd,, sworn I have known the prisoner three years. It has been five or six weeks since I saw him last, he was at my hoase, then he left some tLings tLeie, a carpet sack and a homespun bag. -1 do not k-iow what was in them. Julin Ann Avery, re-ca!k.l When he was at may hu -a two week3 ago, be hid five pisto's in hia-bek. They were Navy re volvers. Thi-. was the time that he threatened Mr. Ballinger. The examination here closed Mr. Roberts stating that several of the mjt important wit- ne&es could not be here before Monday next, and the prisoner was committed until that time. . John Hdtch nson, Age-it Connecticut Mu tual Life Insurance Com.aay. Surplus ovei $6,000,000. Offiae opposite the Bap;ii Charcb. The liria.t. f'auiiut. Further investigation proves that the ravasep of iamiue in India last year were more terribie than represented bv any accounts heretofore published. TaeLondon Times, m reviewing the statements made, speaks of the disaster as "fatal beyond all modern precedent, foreseen and ore- dieted, yet not averted, and scarcely even mitigu- iea. xqq ODiecc now is to ascertain, how iar the government of Bengal and its subordinate office s were responsible f r neglect The commisioner of the province," who" lon failed to realiza the magnitude aud urgency ot the crisis, reckons the mortality at not less than one-fourth of the nonn luion of the province, that is more than 600.000 souls, lueco uzs crops were destroyed bv an e ;cf s live drouth, aud the province being geogrr- mcaliy isolated, euii?iation was aimost imp s- si .e, and the importation of food was att. nded ith equal difficulty. On one stdo was the sea-co.t-sl where but a single harbor wa available io: vessels of ordinary diaffc, aud on the other were impenetrable jungles. Admitting the truth ol this, 't the rulers of India h d exerted themsel t-s o relii ve the sufferings as they would have doL Jo suppress a rev It, the calamity would not hae gained proportions so overwtrtSim ng, A New Game. A new game of i hsnce has jnsf been introduced, called 3 loo." Ir is less ob jectionable' than some gan as of chance, in thai here i& no chance for cheating. Lest some ol our readers may not understand the game aad wonder what it is we will state for their benefit, that it is very siraole aud easily learned. Ic may be played by any reasonable number of persons, or ny number of reasonable persons. The olay i ers' i an s are written together, aud a lump ol -ugar lud on each. Then commences the age excitemjut of waiting for a fly to iigiit. and wueu it does so, the name of the player uuder the su gar has to treat all around, it urn) not be a ve;y high-toned game, but ir makes lots of fun. Enclosing Ham.billh in JNlwpapebs. It i. i ag dust the Pvi.st office law to circulate handbills to w.spapers. This is gene rail v known, bat not a ways regarded. The editor of the Jeffersonian. West Uhester, Fa., sent nine papers to the V il- mington postoffioe last week, ta h containing n handbill. BHiin reported to the Pi'Stmaier vianeral by the postmaster of that city, vl.ij.v; J irlington, the postmaster ar West Chester wa:; doecied to collect $1 upon each paper $10 in all. Mr. Hudgson paid the money accordiagly. GeneBal Howahd and His IJolobed Bbethben H 5ADED Off. - The Grand Council of the lnd pendent Order of Good Templars, at their meei 'a last night decided to suspend the charter of Pur ty Lodge, No. 12 which lodge was organized n 'I'nesday evening with General O. O. Howr i Woi thy Chief Tempi'. The reason tor sispend ing the charter is understood to have been that ti. bad de.en omcially stated by prominent mem hers of the new lodge tint it was their intention to admit colored people to membership. Xa tionat InieeHgencer. The Winston (N. C.) Sentimlsnys that the bod.i of a negro m m, who had been missing fr sver al da)s, wr.B t mnd last week in Dan river, i;ear ra :ston ro:d, in b to lies county, liis bead had . eea comp etelv severed from his body. Snsj.1 cion was att icbe 1 to bis wife, and she was arrest. ad and confessed htr complicity in the crime, an dimpitcated two wh t men ilenbeu Wrigiit lud auothe" man rtaued Manuel. It ap peared that Wright had promised to tuarry the woman as soon as her husb-tnd was out of the w ty. She, with the assistance of the two- me , c it his he-id off with an axe and threw the body iato the river. The Evidxnce j on wdua cia & ;.-t0cky Mem bebs abe Excluded. In the Houe, on Wedue - day, Mr- Brooks presented the affidavit of Willi Hocoday (colored), denyiug every important id ee vin in former affidavit of his prenented on the part of Mr McKee, contesting the he.it ol Mr. Young from the niuth congress o a district of Kentucky, denying that he had ever made such statements to Mr. McKee. who drew up the firxt aSdavit. and stating that that affidavit had nev er been read to him at the time he was sworn to it Comment is unnecessary. Dr. Stone, late of the P.irk Sfreet Church, Boston!, has a liberal congregation in San Fran c see. j Him salary is $7. 200 a year in gold Ou tie anni versary-of hi t arrival, tne other day, hi house was tided with members of his church, who g ive him a parse of $220 in gold, and announced t tat hereafter the church would pay his house rent. Mrs. Stone was presented with a silver service. i i All that can be said about blood and gentle birth, is said by Bishop Warburton, in these words : "H gh birth is a thing that I never knew any one to disparage, except him that had il noL and I never knew any to make a boast of it who had anything else to be proud of. " This fine re mark is said to haveb jeti occasioned by an angry dispute in the Itritish Hnse of Lord betwe-n a pear of a nob.e birsn hi one oi a now creation. 1 liNVSSAS T H VI ii , t 1 1 ,s , i f.h I ne f ue!0 n ; and Vl-x hi r-fr.a in.ie . t in nil ii . -Ur I t l.U O r-iuj i s rt aU n.l ui n u ti e j 1 g-: n I t-i.eit b-i ii.k .j1 FI A. 111 i til BU Aj-nkAT aaUl.ll ! CtCULS hi! TUK DttOXKAllO'S OACGU TK il BT G. W. BTTNOAT. "' - ... Out in the street with'naked feet. I saw the drunkar l's letile danghter; Her tattered bbawl was thin and hoi all; She little knew, for no one taught her. Her skin was fair, her tuibnrn h tir. Was blown about her pretty forehead. Hr sad, white face were sorrow's trace. And want and woe that were not borrowed. ' ' " v Heart-broken child, she seldom smiled: Hope promised her no bright to-morrow: Or if its light flashed on her nigh', The. i up came darker clouds of sonow. She softly, said. "We have no bread, " No wood to keep the fire a bornin" ' The child was ill, the wind so chill Her thin, cold blood to ice was turning. But men well feed and warmly clad. And lud es robed in richest fashion, Paf sed on the ,,ido h ie an one cried To tiitin for pity or co.mpas.sLn. Fied that long night, and tbeu the light Of ropy day in leanty shining. Set dome and spire and roof on fire. And shone cn one beyond repining. Asleep alone as cold as s'one, Whera no dear parent ever sought "her; In win bug sheet of snow an 1 sleet. We4 fuund the drnnkard't lifeless daughter. , An Unexpected Scne The fele Dieux wa celebrated the last week in Jun, in Paris, by al the parish churches with m usual solemnity. A singular sceue was p:eeuted at the great churc of the Madeleine. During its celebration, ti e sacerdotal procession encountered in its way tw battalions of the line; the colonel immediately ordered a halt, and a military salute, and amid t flourish of diu&s aud corne's, the ngiaient knelt down as one man to receive the blessings of the enembte cure, who was moving at the head ot h.s flock. The Man in White. la Indianapolis, on Thursday, an officer arrested a gay aud fsstive tooking man dressed in clean, white linen, with n beautiful mustiche and curly hair. The te; grnph brought news from Kentucky ol this gent, wh.', it is alleged, committed a robbery in th above-named e:. te of $132. He bad hardly go.' off the cars until he was ane ted and lodged ii. i -il, to await a requisition from Kentucky. ruel teh graph. An American bmacu-loader has been adopted by Sweden for the ne of her armies. It is snfr? that in Austria, France and several -other Eu ropean countries where the American bieach- loaders have b -n rejected, it has been on account i f the cust cf n.aliing thru, and the leng h ol tune that will req red to adapt, niachiue v f tl eir construction. Tn-ir superiority ishowev- er, freely acknowledged. Dan "Rice, the other evening, in his circus said that he was going to d file the far record oi 'hirty-seven ypars as a repec able showman b becoming a mem er -t t; njrs-!S. Dr. J. Marion Sim. a native rf S'Tth Cnrolinp, but for over thirty years ars dent of Pans, biff eut $1,000 io gold in aid of the suffering people of his n tive State. New tdVoriisBnients. Hore New Public aii 3 ns by Louis? Muhibach. THE ME1CH A'T OF 1E .LH. Aa H storical Novil '1 rmlatd from th German dj Amory Coihu, M. V. I vol., llino. Cloih. ' 'Tl.ere is rot a full ch ptfr :n it. The interest of tlif re id r is we-1 uiamtauied in m t bfjfi-.'iii; to t .ecote and w ka'w o i;0 o k of bira lr charactHr wa.c i would while away an afrernoon more pie isiii.ly.' Uiiia tie. aid. i kE LIV AND SAN? SOTTf"! : or Fred-rtck tha Girat an hUFiiends. By L. M-iblbach. 1 vol., 12 oio. CI th J , ' I hese novels aie ui.rival i in t) e ho)e domain oi historaal iodhmcc " hi. a,i Journa1 of Commerce. j FRKD RICK THE GKE T VNT) HCS FAVIiLY. By Lot-L ita Mutilb- c i. Translated bn iri. Obapiuau Ooieua 1 vol , 8vo. Paper cover, J16o; cloth $ . "To auy person who has reai a slnel one of those pic tori d at.-U liramati'i ronaic-s. tbe ' .m o tii nuilii t ill as-Tt tbe vivid inte-ert o Ui bo-k. TUv we mo e tu m enterta nug. thy ai-e u'athb as car-'ul el dies of liiKtorv. innutely aud urecitlivily diawu.' -Chicago ' nu'dican. Eithi of ; -4 a- v--: xx free by maiton reeci. t of pricr. ior Sdo J. E. N8F, July 20-tf 4i tollok t. IfE 0LD L AuLil liEEK, AT JOHN O'CONNOR'S, MIDDLE HTI-ITStCT. ryH nrf'ersiim'd ?epeet;ully saaouncea that he has 1 resumed DUin8s ai nis no "e on Middle St., wher LUe ior Md-OmuiodaUoiis Milil be fouuv. JIKAli. SLACKS & LOOGISG$,st aU Honrs. CHOICE WSES, LIQUORS. ALE, POETLK, C0NGLE.8 WATER. Ac ) Tfcanf d for past favors he respectrnlly solicits a con tiru nc i July 201m JOUNO'COSNER.! TEiLNS HOUSE, 1, 2, 35, and 8T,BttOADWAr, tf . T. CPPOSITK BAWLING GTESK. j UN TI1K ELKOPEA5 PL AX. mHESTF.VEN3H0U-lEis we.il an I wide known to L the traveling public. The lo-ati.,n u te.-i ly suitable to mercusKta biiU bn ln-ss m u; t is iu cli.s -Dr x rnity to tbe business par. of ihe tity is o-i ti Diuway i.f Southern and W extern tr.vel mil sdjicel. t t ail tbe i rnopal ran rood and at imiKt dep ts. Tbe Stevt-n House has tibrs. aic.nn'nodabon uvea 30 kUot-ts t i- well . unihtd, aad lossease evi ry modera improvement tor ihe comtort md mt rtainniei.t of it inmat". The r- oms are spacious and wtl- vei.tiU ted provided with gaa aud wate the attendance is i rouiijtnd respectful aud the tabla is generous y pr'- ll-d with every dehcocy of the season at n,od.r-te GEO. K. CHASE CO., Jury 20-6 m Propiietors TAKE ftOHCE. "txrOULD like to oblige my friends if in my pow r. but V V all orders to mo t-i make pnrcLasea ia e Turk, maist be accompanied Witn the can. GiiO. W. WALLACE. Jury?-it" "". " " ' ' - ' i OK AiYTIlli4i1ItRUtllCEItY Ci.lt at , ' Al r 1 17-lt AUTtlTM. lot Sale at Kew AdYfirtisernents; KITCHELL, ALLEIi &. CO. CAN furnish H Tools. Uaterials. and GoeraI Hard wam needed bv Machinist Carpontera, Blacksmith. MillerV Coopem. Ditillor-. Painters, Builders. Fisher n-n. Khoe ALakP: Turpnan and Bhlxn e ama, CoacL snt Htrnwi Makers. Brick Masons. Undertakers. Far- mers and HonwkpArs. : a . ; . , . ' ' ' send tor a catalogue. .r y AprtlliMt- I'OHK! LIME! SALT!. are receiviue week' v cor. rinmnit of Kew Vorh Ct jr Mfc,Sa HI U K. wh4t we xffor at wholeaah mly. I SOO Rbls. Lime, v-ii: 300 SS'ISirS LIVERPOOL SALT at MITCHELL. Al LM CO'S. North Carolina Arrlouitnral Hoase CRACKERS. SODA. BUTTER, LEMON. OTSTEB, rHIH FANCY. HEIXEK k WILLIAira, Court Hon e Branding. July 13-lf im! ! Sheepskin ! ! Beeswax i ! I ' Wanted by ' H ELLEN k WILLIAMS, Court House Building. July 13 tf J. E, NASH, 43POLLOK8T, 3 OKSELLKR, STATIOSEH AND DFALES XX PIANO- FORTEjJ, MUSIC. ETC ' ? f . 1HE f- Rowing, together with eve y other article usn l yk ptii. a wel' ap ointd Book and btarioner Srori-, cm be obtained ou reaaouable ms of the nad"r 4gutd: ' -l "i -1: School and College Text Boosts, Ttrologlcal, LikW, Medical and Mlscellaaroas Wo(s, Blank Books. Writing nl VVr-p':a Papr of all kind: Envelopes of latest etyl s and siea. Copying iresse. t hotograpbji and Albums. Angnvings, ko. Pianos and Melodeana, Violin. Ouitaru, Flutes a d Banlos, Strings for Violin, ianjo. Guitar ud Hur, etc. My 8tt:o ry Deartm-nt will be found to embracf ev. rj thing in the tiiationery Line, and cannot be sur passed i quality. l simply ask an exanclnaiion by order or In person. a libt-r d discount to Teachers. J.K.NASH, July 17-tf 42 Pollock St, Traverler's Guide. QHANGE OF RAILItOAD SCILKSTJLJC. Orrica Atujtic axd N. C. B. B. Compact, NkwberN. N. (L, May 27, HW7 On and aftci Tuesday next Mail Train will run daily a o.lows : ive Jlorehead City. . ... 5.00 A. id , 6.42 5.45 " 7.00 T.J1 f.l. u . 9.R0 9 65 Vrrive at Newport. . . . jeave Newport . .... rrive at New hern. . . nve Newborn , vrrive at Einston... "eave Kins ton .rrive t Mow-ly Hall......... ave Mosely Hall Vrrive at Golds boro , 10 SO P. If RETURNING: reave (rOidsboro eauwMotxily Hail. 3.00 P. V. A40 i n 6 10 i.2 " .......7.4 esve KinMton vrrive st Ncwbern ave ewbern..... .ave Newport... Vrrive at Morebead City.. . ...8.10 " Paxs ntrer train connects with North Carolina Baurr sa rvain poiim West a 1.60 P.M., and returning leave .fter arrival of Wilmington and Weldon Railroad trail wne isouth. Passengers from west wait from 11.20 A. M. to 8.9 e. m. The accommodation train will leave Morehead City o. tlondaya, Wednesdays and Friday a, retorning ever i teruaie day as lo'lowa : .eave Morfthead City (Station) at 4 A. M eave Newberr at 7.80 lave Kinstnn at 10.35 vrrive at Ooldsboroat LOOP, lu RETURNING, Ceave Goldsboro at . 4.30 A.M. eave Einston at. 7.25 " Uth N ewbern at ...11.20 " vrrive at Morehead City at 120P.M. FARE BFJ)UCED. Thrrngh tickets will be sold to principal stations on North Carolina Railroad. WIL H. HARVEY, Agent of Transportation. JOHN D. WHTTFOBD. President. o t 4-tf ffli'CBllanecus. j.tJ. Bartlett Srwing Machine. pt- ANTED vgrnts $IM) per month and all expense vd, to 811 tbe Genuuie Bsrtlett Mewiug Machine. Thi Machine wiil do all tLswork that can be done on an; tdvh-rriced machine, and is l ally. patented, ncenat-d aro variant -d for live ars. We pay the above wages, or a .mmt sion, from which wte that amount can be msaj For circulars ar.d terms address H.HATXA CO ApjU 1 6-6vw 724 Chestnut 8t, Pbla , Pa. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. pHE CO-PABTVEBSHIP HEBE COFORK EXL3TING A. under in aune ana siyie oi ; Bryan & Richardscn, la tMs dsy dishrel by maraal coni?nt. Mr. Bryan will c mtii.ua the basin ts, and is alone emiowered to sin the -name of the firm la settlement of it affiles. All par tie Indebted, are requested to make Immediate payment to aim. JAME3 A.BBTAN. JOHN A. BICHABDSO&. Newber v July 5th. 187 1 SPUN COTTON AT BAER & EPPLER'S, 30 POLLOK STREET, FOR $2.25 A BUNCH. Goldsboro Brick- Yards TiUTLDFTtS and tbe imMtc ih gere-sl. la war-tof s Sno article o'BRIfK. will find it to tbsir sda tigoto make tkeir purchase at the kiln near Goldsboto, NO, Tbe Brick dude st this kiln are pro-"need by rxne- rienced TJrl-smakere; m eb superior to any made la tbo Ptve The kiln is (rnat d i a the Railroad. These Bricis will be sold low for cash, predate or merchandise. Samples sent if detrert. Applv to JULIUS A. BOHTTZ. J Go!dsboro.N. CJulyJUm. Agent. BARK & EPPLER ARS CLOSING" OUT THETR WHOLE STCCX AT A GREAT SACR1F;6k ICAL MONTHLY i AND .1 u. PltbPHETlC EXA3IINER. ii:- r. .:. THIS MONTHLY HAfl JUT BTOAN milti VOL nine, and Is devoted to original Christtan'ty, In falUr id arse Ire, and to a care nil examinaton or in pro heoirs relatlnw to the future of tb world. All who o-ie truth abive party, will do well to snbscribe. AU ho desire to do so, can be heard oa its pa ea tor.o' ing ny quevnon or srengioaschancter. Frtos fa per aa oum, or l for six months. . Cfaoe at 76 Brwd 8. I J . T. WALSH. JnlyKMf UOR RENT. TWO DESIRABLE DWELLING H OUSTS WITH OTJT housea oomplete, on George street above Nw 6C " i 4JUH hlU UE-H, Jaoe2S-tf . Prod Street, -f- BAEli & KPl'LEB, , ABBCIDSISO OUT THEIR WHOLE STOCK AT A GREAT "SAIRIFICK . July 12f CHARlOrTE FEMALE SEMINARY, CQ4RLOTTR, N- C. Bkv. Bi BF.XN BTT. ) Prinelnsls. JNO. B. BENNETT, A. M-1 I THE next session wU' commsnce on the 1st Oct and continue until 30tb J me. 18o8. - - For circnis r and cat 1 goe cot UU-ing full partieulara as to tcriia. Aa, address . Bet. B. BENNETT SOW, n1y 12.eod-tlo ; - - Charloti, If. C. YriilTFOIlI, DILL. & CO., Commission and Shipping Merchants" -" - mBm. .ft , Oonsigaments ot Cotton, Naval Stores. Tobacco, will have oar prompt attention. , Agents for Murray's Line of Steamships to New Tork, rd sailing vessels for Baltimore and Philadelphia. Nov 1-tf WHTTFOBD. DILL a CO. ' BAElt & EITLER, ARE CLOSING OUT THEIR WHOLE STSSk ATA GREA1 SACRIFICE. Julyia-tf - . - B! M xA be ConYTtiCadf . ' V'---.' TViirI'V hare this day markedJ-'Ownf rry "price, -in I Pkues ns and 8sncers, Insbes, Coveixd hiitts- ' itihersi Tureens. Tea T s a, Kniv.x and Forks, Glass Dishes, Batters, Tumble's, Gobts. Castors at a Bo ties, .amps Cbimueys, OIL &c Am always wiliins t;sow he goods. .iU. b. CAMPBELL, June U-tf 18 Pollok St ! P. A47l i 17 PPT VI) Xtli-lUll Wf JJ I 1 AiLi) f ARE CLOSIXO OUT THEIR WHOLE STOCK j AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. July 1 tf House For Rent THE HOUSE AND LOT OPPOitrE TflZ RESIDENCE of Jas. A Bryan, Esq., v.n PoUo LK OSWAT. Jalyttf Shipping. BW BERKS AND MORFULK, fouching at Nag's Head ani RoanoLe ; Isla d. ( Via Albemarle and L hesapeake'CaiuiU) THE FAX SAILING AND COi MODIOUS 6TFAMEB, II. g. can nor; J ! Capt.SL.ACUM, WILL LEAVE NEW BERTE FVFRT ALTERNATE Thursday coDniencinjrJcl Hh acd Norl lk every alternate Tuesday, (alter tbe. arrival o' the. Baltimore boat) cosnmncif g July t and will to ' lane to rnn so nntil the 1st orocener, when a weexiy line will bees tabllsbed on tbe route. TaeCASOV Let 8 1 potior a c )umolUnm and elng of light draw h and great speedy will be abl to aau onnaecouns wuhoot aeiay. F;ire tbroogh. uv India Mate Fooms and meals $10 00 Mark freight care 'OkwaM's 1 lne.& The ""CANNO win, until Octob-r 1". leave Sor'olk 'oc E esKoo and Plymoatb. JamervO'e cd iQiamion, ; ev ry alternate Tnesda . commenr n . Juiy Id. . . Norfolk, June 8ih. J867. - ? .,v WlilirtJBD. DILL k CO., Arenas, ,i e " New -era. N. C GUUDSPEED'S WKKKLY STKAJISHIP i LLSJC, ; Cirrying the U. S. Mail, 4 Between New York, and Newbein SO R1U CAROLINA, The A S. 1 Steamship ELLEN S. TERRY, CHAP IN, 3Iaster, p-r- . - wudjsuiiromuuiinniorsev 10 I . . . . m. . ' n. . n n . . a ..... '4J4 o'clock, P. M. All Goods directed, to mT care win b received and forwarded Free of Commission. For freight or passage, having ansnrpased accotnnr Ions, apply at WJL H. OLIVER At OX'8 Brick tutors sep 7-tf. CP. GOCLSEEL', A cent i - WILLLOJ II. OLIVER & 0. I - " WOVLD partienlarly c3 the attention offl'lanters 'Jo tnoir stock of ( ! : PL0 WF, CORN SHEZZERS, STRAW CUT. i ' : 7 KRS, CULTIVATORS. HARNESS, &a Genuine Peruvian Guano. i We wili furnish HeBtrme Prnvisn Onano parcbrsed di. rect from "be Agent of. the Pernisn 'Icvemmenti. n pur eeat adve- re on ta A Kent's prices Baitimrre, rovt 1ed wereo-iva orders dnrinn this tn-nth for 1 o to t oo -kbovetlams , WIXJJAM H. OT 1V If A fK. . fan 1-tf O'lir ii'!r"h"', tf..' ft? i i it i ' If. I il.-t fil it y V, 4 I Wvur .t n.rWv v.nl north,' ur n ' tutj aar. AilYEri?. July 12-if J XutUy niotidat IBIS Oil ICE. ' - i . -I I- ' ' " V .... -i - J - -- V 11 Vt ww T T. - ' ; i ..... . ' f-