,'M'lllll'1a p - " ;. t -: V r 1,1 ni 1867. Rates of Advertising Revised; 106 7 Newbern. North :arol.a, rr STEPHEN D . POOL, Tc?itor ani Froprietor. t . t l w. I a w. I 1 m. I a m. t inul 6 m. t iTS ' Sq'b. , 4 SCO 6 00 8 00 8 00 13 00 15 00 3&00 48 00 6 00 M 00 4S 0 ' SO 123 CO 180 08 ? 00 13 00 15 001 J ft 1 35 00 86 00 60 CO 60 00 8001 ii oo 14 qO 38 00 U 00 18 00 30 00! IS ool 105 -001 125 ... mi month. ......... ,.r.ntR f tn. one year... -, , , , of ten ant mom u -v.Pk! . ywT- Mx months... , .., r.f tun, wUly, om year 4 -i tn. inseMT. months. . 0T OFFICK DUIRCTOKY. wi Jrr.c, Nrw Bfbkb. N. o., l Maech 31. 187. I t,. m will .W aa followi : p.r Rorton. -t HtadPta, Baltimore. for fT""', . E , r n anl all ixrinta Sorth and VnrTftlK. . .6.S0A. Ml .n- inland, I dUy . .... 6.30 A. M, 1mo-. . Wilmington and all point. .8.805. m; nvr rv Friday at ..12 00 M. Sl. n.l P (liockuvlllo, every Tuesday and -wan-May and at relay, at .4 P. M, J? J. n.v Wanhinston ami Plymouth. N, O. V-prr Mourtay.LWsdncsflay & Friday ....9.00 P.M. f, pon frors. 7K A. Mi to 6 P. M.. and 1 to 1 P. M a f'om ffki to 8 A. M.. a id T to 7 P. M. . .t to fee delivered in the United Ate. In. , in ! iir Hr WMj-s. must be prepaid, or they will be sent ii'tf-r offlee. wnleBu addressed to Head!" f Bureaus , T'-n.n. a' GEO. W. NASON. 4.. P.M. rmsnii: coimercul. : "V jlC, "V MARKET 'orr'i on every change of the markpt 6 lllviiSU'AY, GUION-& CO. J Hrokers i Lif De&lrr In EXchanii-, tf MiiWle BtL beirpen Pollok and South Front. ' t lo liver V 1321P. H. 7-30's, T 104 lfSj imV. S. B-20's,'?2 .... 4S TT. 8. 5-?0 s. U 10T 50', r. S. rv-Wa.'GS. 45: Exchange sellinf; at fic. , BAWK NOTK- VtoUt t)f ??iirth risrolina. 42p;an o' YicceyTille ft TupeFeir 23 Commercial, Wilmington lg , Chatlottip; 1L Oreeosboro Mntnai 5 Leiiuptun 10 Miners' k ; PI inters I'.'lc. 2i Grab ant.... 20!Farm('rH' B'k Gr'nwboro'. 2i R-.xr.ordf V-1eb4ro'..'.. WU ..lector. . . . .!Hl.--f'. . . . V.'a iiT'tn!i. . Fayrttei'lle niireii-lbn 45!Merchants' B'k Neflfb'n. 4i 20 V r.rinia Rati notes. 3 to 7S !. C. Rank notes, 3 to 601 IS fieorpia Brersi notew, 3 to 7s! 1S! Alabama B'k not-s. 1" to 75! 7L. Bank notes, 25 tollO f IT. nn. Bank notea. . 10 to 75i PROVISION MARKET. t WHOLESALE PEICES OUERENT. REPORTED DAILY BY .1 . It IE 13 TNI O 1ST 13 &; JO.. WHOLEULB AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES At PROVISIONS CBECkKD. TORK, MABKKT WHAKF. GROCERIES. tOfFf.E Java.. 35( 2 (& 23 40 24 30 81 S2 25 Kin, ordinary,. " TMr to prime, Luguayra & Mawtcafbojj...;. St. Domingo. ...... ..v. .!" iv-r.g Hyion. ' ... ....... ... -1 .purd' f and Imperial i Or':-....f....i..!,- vrai)!an..v I (NV5; j oo 4 70 W5- 5 00 ! 00 '. J 0 1 1 10' 1 75 1 25fr 3 25 3tofina. 'Crushed, 0(K 00( 00 'rt 00-3 OU.f to ;: l J9i 18.U' 18 18 16 15 emulated . V'iif . Pc-to , S, w OrJe4, pei' al . . (T'ic.fl to rai (iold(n. .. I 8t I 05 Boa to 1 00(3- 1 25 GO 8 1 23 1 60 ftO 60 25 35 V.a 40 35o 40 30 35 15,- 20 9 12i ' Common. J,... NntmesK. V loves..., i. . . . . . Ginger I Pepper.. ..t..... fUiTTEK ) - Orange Cof nty, N. Y. . Y. Stated firkins,... HF.ESE.gnod to prime KOAP-Family.. t 4M.T- I Srracnse, jrouiid H1s.ev... Fine. ,. o cm a so . 3 50 6 50 .10 00($10 50 .12 00(6.12 50 .15 OO'dllS PO .17 OOlSiO 50 Snneiflne. hurral Ohio, round hoop st. Louis Extra fair to choice. PROVTSTn-NiR POKK I Prime Mesa...; JwMeg8.jf.... " Thin Mesni... .: URD-V. C...U BACOX-North Oarc ina. . .'. . .""" " HAMS Sorth Carolina, ft .25 00 26 0U .26 00 27 00 ..24 00 25 00 " 17 . . 14 15 .. ia ih I PRODUCE. C0BN-ln (rood feemand. Per bnshelL ; 0TT0NTax unpaid .a 1 15 MKrk 18 I'UrfcM'lNE- New Dip,. L. ...... , Old Dip,..!; V". !""' Scrape,..J Jg TUUPlNTISE-tax 'paid. Common,. Strained 1 No. 2,., so.i,.! .1.;;.;.;:;;;; S 50 d3 25 :ir 35 50 2 00 3 00 Pile U Sa t Valuable Real Estate io Equity. Bifv YJ ECREES OP THE COURT OF r, 1867 ,f!rb-rD' 0n Mond tbe 21st day of Oo iw7, the f,lowiu vatuaole Real FUte: K trWT1 ' ei aU M- ,T- R- Mctter: IcoB? Ki toite matter If &nn Primr8?. and others sambers386.387.33,9.nd0i,bfn8ihe city of Tna. nA Known on thr Day of Sale. S I fe;h C-febert,,'C1',rkof Crave Cm. 1 Ulwbeni,4h1a day of September, 1867 f ; E. a BOBERT8,! I I C. M. E. JfATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Carteret County, I1V EQUITY. Willi, ,J1 Eryce 4 Ipmpsny vt. R. L. Sellick. and anoth- J mi lor Foreclosure. - JL 8atifcon of the Court, that the o C w Peck is a non-reaident of this -1 onL uu'Wa5e Pk therefore hereby verren ,,." 'th-WH in this case, and is X ' oart Vl le be feJJor -ManfyFof Carteret" w.t.v a, it ilu ,th town of B""'ort on the aevl buI ,?J? tlie fourth Monday of Septemb r. A. i?tl ' i 1 it i lR.nd there Pl"tl. answer or demnr ;ito" . Beuiaillt, t" Hma ' Ukei a confuted l t T jt C"'". Ben ort in said Coua nt 9 'LV of August. A. D. 17 w , cjunA, v hull:-. nu Tefcr PUBLISHEDiDAILY BY VOL . II.--N0. HO. NEYBEIINT, N. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1867. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. HENRY C.PODL Editoh. ijr Beading Matter on every page. ludcx to Nrvv 'Adrerttsementa, ' J MiTOHEiii, Aulex & Co., No. 22 Pollok SL Agricalt8r:il Implements. MrrcHEXL. Allen & Co. Agents iEtna life ThsBrancp Co. . Hellen fe Williams. Butter, Wool, &e. J. E. Nash.' New Publications. Mayob's Covjx. Silence reigned in the May or's Office yesterday, and nought was heard but the scribbling of the City Clerk's pen. The Po. lice office was also very quiet; without a prison er. We understand, that there is a secret con nected with a familiar member of the Force, which when diYulged with redound to his credit, greatly interest the public, and elevate him to a position much higher than that of private police man. We await the denouement FrNEEAL of William D. Pondeb. The re mains of Mr. Wm. D. Ponder, were consigned to their long home yesterday morning, escorted by the Masonic Fraternity and the Fire Department Mr. Ponder was a gentleman of inestimable val ue, esteemed of all, upright in his dealings, sin gularly correct in his intercourse with his fellow men, and hs left behind him a name that will endure as long as his memory can be cherished. He was the Foreman of Hblden Hook and Lad der Co., No. 1, and a zealous, active and efficient fireman. By his uecease Mr. Timothy Keeler, of the Po lice Department, succeeds as Foreman of the Hook and Ladder Company. ' Miniatube Toubsament asd Ball. Remem ber that, the Tournament to be given by the boys under the direction of Master Willie Gu,ot will take place to-day, at the residence of Dr. J A. Guion, on Middle street. Those who wish to see good "riding on foot-back" will see it by be ing on the ground selected, at nine o'clock. Tbe Tournament will wind up by a grand ball at the Odd Fellows' Hall to-night The manager wishes to see a goodly assemblage of youth and beauty, and from tbe quantity of tickets sold we d not think he will be disappointed. The young men must recollect that for thesmall con sideration of twenty-five caul they will be ad mitted to tbe ball-room. Monet Order Offices. As m evidence of the progress of tbe re-establishment of the mails ia this State, under the supervision of Special Agent, Dr. A. Jobe. we notice that in addition to the large number ( f Post routes and Post offices re opened, that he has succeeded in establishing nine more money order offices, viz: Chapel Hill, Charlotte, i lizabeth City, Fayetteville, Greens boro, Raleigh, Salem; Salisbury, and Tarboro, together with Newbern and Wilmington, which have been money order offices since the estab lishment of the system. Oar people now have a safe and cbeap way of sending money to all parts of the United States safe, bet: -.se the money does not go through th.2 muiis b it the Post master receives the money and .vos a drafc or check, which can be sent to its dentin ' 'ion, and there presented to the Post master who immedi ately cashes it us is done by any Banking insti tution cheap, because t r ten eeuts twenty dol lars or less can be sent to any effice in the United States. Larger sums cost In proportion. Meeting vy the City Coukcil. Afier an in terregnum of two weeks, the Board of Coanc.l men held a regular meeting at the Mayor's of. fice. Mayor Palmer presided, and councilman Stanly, Hubbs, Foster, Jacobs, Badcliff and Menninger made their appearance and look thei seats. first in order were uresented a number of small acconut-, which were ordered to be paid. A bill for proender furnished for the hoises of theteam Fhe Engine, was referred to the Com mrrfSe on the Fire Department. The next business transacted was the decapita. tion! of Richard Hilton, Ejginer of the Steam Fire Engine. Mr. J&cotis introduced a resolution that from and after October 1st, -the compensation of tbe Engineer of the Steam Fire Engine, be fixed at jfiffyj dollars per month, and that he be relieyed of tau otner amies. Mr, Seymour moved, that the. resolution bo tabled. Chief Engineer RadclifT, Jacobs and Seymour voted m favor of the motion; Messrs. HubbF, Meninger, Foster and Stanly voted No. The original motion was then called for and car ried! : Messrs!. Hubbs, Menninger, Foster, and Starily, voting for the reduction of Mr. Hilton. Mr. St.mly was anxious that a copy of the res olbton be furnished to Mr. Hilton by the City Cleijk carried. ? Mr. Menninger offered the following : kYihebxas, An older from the Commander of thfe 'Military District requires all money accruing frorftbe issuing of Licenses for the sale of spirit uo44 liqnors, to be devoted exclusively to the carjpf the poor or common. scools; Mtsolved, That U. S. currency only, will be re- i payment of such license tax. Car- Councilman Radcliff moved that the Council ineeji at the Mayor's office on Tuesday morning, at S .o'clock, and that the Board attend the funeral of the late William D. Ponder, Esq. Carri ied. For the Journal of Co mm are. Slander Tliera are some men who delieht in crashing a malp when he a already depleted, only because theyjbosse; 8 a few dollars and the object of. their defamation is poor. Such calumniators, me mere thin; 8, symply creatures who are floating o r th j. surface of the occasion. On a man who has ritbauited alt Lis energy, tleats and time m an ataortive tt mpt to obtain a remuneraat ou comuUhsur ite vii h:s deserts the shafts' of vi- fenojfs, fall perftoLly imgteut these generous ceivjea .in ne; STEPHEN D. POOL.; IN THE hearterl fnllnwn 1ress well, are in lucrative rav- I ing positions have not felt the pangs of hunger, bat by a fortuituous chain of circumst wees, have been well favored by fortune and have no pity or sympathy, for one-whom fortune has frowned upon. Ia other localities that we know of, there have been noble and lorioos responses to indi vidual distress, charities as coble and g'orious in themselves, as when bestowed upon a whole community.1 But with some there is an utter selfishness,! which prompts them to contribute to public charities, for in that event, they, see the ir names emblazoned in the public pVmts, which tends to their own glorification andvSs benevolent men into notoriety. It is.a co lete abnegation ol all tbe finer feelings of harm 'ty, proceeding only from hearts which never pos sessed, JOLe : drop of the milk of human .kind ness. " 'Kick a man when he is down" is a rectvrf od motto with them. A eatless, shoeless, sliirtless, and starving man, whom unending reverses have driven almost to desperation, might yield to temptation when asked to -'take a drink" Pt a city bar, and irom his famished condition be come intoxicated, and then bejdenounced as an incowigible druukard. But the wealthy store keeper, driving a good business and spending his money freely with kindred spirits, or the clerk who receives a competent salary, and dis play's expensive garments, may get drunk With impunity, drive drunk with fast teams, or ex hibit themselves in rioting on the the public streets; but with them it is regarded, only as an ''eccentricity." There is a lesson taught by this, which, just and truly generous men. will ponder well and aot upon, and to a man who has become poverty stricken and destitute through circumstances over which he has had no control, if he has been a clerk accor ntant or copyist or in any position where a finished edicatiou is conspicuously em ployed, let him bewars how he invests such a capital, in others word.-j. let him be careful who he benefits by it. Paramount above all interest, let him have a due regard for his own welfare, and turn a deaf ear to assaults against his recti tude. Once prosperous again, and enjoying even a moderate income, these attacks will cease, as certain as night kucceeds day. and tLo.ie who pass him by in contempt now be ready to grasp him by the hand for he receives a large salary now. H. Progress in ebraska. Omaha grows, but according to one of the lo cal papers is not a pleasant plae, The tierald declares that the visitor at one or two o'clock at night may hear pistol shots in the streets, the screams of the wounded and the yells of the dy ing. People are stnnned by slung shots and stripped of their all. ' Stand and deliver," is the word. Nevertheless, the place is prosperous. Tons of freight are piled upon the levees, await ing transportation to the far West. Tbe streets are lined by handsome blocks of stores. The whirl of business on Farnham and Douglass streets is tremendous. Four trains and some times two or three steamers arrive daily, while from the populous settlements in the interior farmers come in by the score with their farm produce, for which they find immediate buyers. There are 2.130 buildings of all sizes. Of these 109 are saloons, 5G hotels and boarding houses, 8 churches. 3 theatres, 3 printing offi ces, one capitol and one courthouse with jail at tached. One of the theatres, called the "Acad emy of Music," is an ornament to the city. Ele gantly fitted up, affording comfortable seats for 1,000 persons, and leased by a good manager, it has always been a favorite resort. There are four newspapers two dailies, one weekly and one monthly. At the head of thrtce tinds the Re.pttblic in. It is the oldest and only daily paper devoted to Republican interests in the State. Its daily edition amounts to 1,300, while its weekly is over 2,000. Manufactures are increasing. There are sev eral saw and planing mills, flour mills, sash and blind factory, foundry and machine shops, fur niture, saddle and harness, clothing, bags, win dow shades, tobacco and cigars, book binding, printing, distilleries, breweries, bakeries, boots and shoes, and tin ware, employing nearly two thousand men. The actual population numbers thirteen thousand, and with the floating popula tion ii exceeds ionrieen tnousand. At the rate emigration is setting in, by next spring it will be eignteen thousand. Omaha can get its supplies from Chicago at a very little cost, and yet re its are higher, charges are higher, and board is higher here than in Chi cago. a suave costs twenty-nve cents, a cigar twenty-five cents, a glass of wine twenty-five cents. Houses are springing up in all directions, ani the demand for mechanics is unlimited. A Haytien Man-of-War at Fortress Monroe. Fobtbess ; Monroe, Sept. 12. The Haytien man-of-war Alexander Picton, whi'ih arrived in this harbor a few days ago, disabled ani in tow of the steamship Granada, has become the ob ject of intense interest and attraction among the coiorea people oi JNorlolk and this vicinity. Yesterday Rear-Admiral Ravigniaux, of the Hy at en navy accompanied by several of his color ed omcers, visited Norfolk and Portsmouth. Later in the day the- Admiral visited the Gosport Navy -yard, where he was received by Commo dore Kilty and his executive officer. Captain Rog ers, with all the honor and courtesy due his dis tinguished rank. A salute was fired from the receiving ship New ; Hampshire, During their stay in Norfolk, the presence of the colored offi cers in nniform becoming noised about among the colored element of the city, soon had the effect of attracting a large crowd of all ages, who followed them at a respectful distance, but were unable to repress their curiosity and intense wonderment at the novel spectacle. To-day Admiral Rvigniaux, accompanied by his officers, visited the fort, and were received with a salute of thirteen guns. The Admiral called on General Hayes, the commandant of the pot-t. and was escorted around the fort and shown the various objec ts of interest connected with the garrison, it is now definitely settled that the man-of-war will be towed to New-York for repairs. Steatners have been dispatched from New-York for this purpose. A Hero of the Sea. The suffering- of the cre of the brig Nellie Mitchell, may fairly be classed among those ter rible disasters that awaken horror from a brief rec t il of the circumstances. Four days out from AspinwalL the whole ship's company was pros trated with Isthmus fever, with the exception of tbe mister and one man. ' When with n fifty miles ftf Krirara I o I a r r I tiiatf n.achnofii il... . ; two were also stricken down. The master, f ar- t M ;ess no one might survive to tell the late of inmi'e ' 'his pet-hip, tacked a letter to .'Bister recovered sufficiently to bead the brie for BRICK BLOCK, EAST SIDE OF San Antonia. In spite of the most intense agony he persevered in endeavoring to reach a port of safety, but often, while trying to retain tbe helm in his fevered hands, ' fell fainting on the deck, with no one to relieve hjm, or even to pat a drop of water to his lips. At last a friendly sail ap peared, and the Lizzie Bell rescued this self sacrificing sailor from death through exhaustion. William H. Dunphy ia the hero of this story of a floating hospitaL On land, with all the aid of sympathizing assistants, it requires the strongest nerves to pass through such scenes; but on the pathless ocean .undying euergy is demanded to relieve the fevered occupant of a hammock. PhiL Enquirer. New Advertisements. SEW BOOKS GOOD ENGLISH. OR POPULAR ERRORS IN LAN GUAGE. ' By Edward & Oonld, anthor of "Abridge tnent of Alllson'a Europe,';' Ac Price $1-60; Cloth. 'LAUS VENERIS"" and othef poems and Ballade. By Algernon Charles Swinbnrne. "There ia a music of atreogth in thtee poem a, out spoken honeaty, a sturdy loye of freedom, earnestness, poetio inirfght, truth and beauty of expression, beyond anything attained t by other of the yorig poets of the day." London JSxamincr. ' Price $3; Clotn. - For8aleby 3. M. A3H. 43 Pollok Btreet. Sept 17-1 1 hsu R.K Your like In the Etna Life Insurance Company, 4,0tO,000 A8HETS. A sound person, 25 years old, pays $11 Casn per an num. for $1,000 insurance. No Investment will pay better, or be safer. Wool! Sheepskin!! Beeswax! H Wanted by H ELLEN k WILLIAMS, Court Honae Building. July 13 tf BUTTER! CHOICE GOSHEN AND NEW STATE, VERT NICK H ELLEN "WTLIlAlLS. Court House Building. July 7-tf AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 4 larxe Stock of very Superior Plow, Harrows, , HE9, SPAOES, HOVKLS, FOURS, Rush Hooka, Scythes and Cradles, Axes, Iron, , 8beip Shears, and Machinery of all kinds. Flsli Guano and Mapci' Snper-Phosphate. At MITCHELL ALLEN & CO'3. IN STORE AND FOR SALE ! 75 Bales Standard Gunny Cloth, 100 Pounds Patent Ties, lOO Coils Rope. A. DAY, Hept 13 2w Ooldaboro, N. C. Sale of Valuable Real Estate in Equity. BY VIRTUE OF DECREE OF THE COURT OF EQUI TY tor the County of Craven at the last Term in the following cases the Master will expose to puono aaie a the Court Hous in Newbern on the second Tuesday in September next.beiug the 10th day of September 1867,the following valuable property, to wit: In the matter of JAMES L. JONE3, et ux. et aU. : Five (5) tracts of land in Craven and Beamort counties part of -vbich lies at Bay River, containing oetween 2000 and 3000 acre". . D W BELL Gnardian, l al., M.JL GUTHRIE, et ux. : tt. . i ,,a r rimvon vnntv The home tract J 1J U t UUUU v. A luu " on the west side of Hascock's Creek, a-lloining the lands of Samuel Masters, Ht nry Lovick and others, containing 7U0 acres. w . . , . One other tract on the east Hde of Hancock s Creek, adjoining tbe lands of H J Lovick and others, containing net rf TTarKwVk'n Creek, adioinine UUO UUlCt ' . -T the lands of Mrs E H Borden, supposed to contain 800 aCOue othes tract adjoining the lands of Wm Martin and others, containing about 200 acres. In the matter of WM E CHARLOTTE, Jr, and others: One fourth of lot No 301 on Pollok strpet with im- nrovementsthrreon, one half of lot No 232 on Dirty Lane; and85x44 feet oi lot Nc 239 on German street; all situate in the city of Newbern. In the matter of HENRY A GASK1NS, et ux.et al: A tract of land in Craven coknty on the north aide of Neuse river, adjoining the lands of George Bright and others, containing 200 acres more or less. .. i. unovTimT T WTl KM and others: In tne matter oi a- a.... . v . . , A tract of land in Craven County on ihe south side of Neuse river near the mourn -n wUMUUU.s In the matter of FRANCIS W .WARREN, el alt. by their guardian: . tmm fiiir Swift Creek rfdge boTh8;sot the Newbern Road, containing 83J acres. n onoTPTU ranr. and Master in Eonltv o&Z or Juiy, io.. T 0 K0BEBTa August 1-6 ww Clerk. s to- a LU O LlJ Ii K u O HI o o CO Q K co LU LU or a 2 fid 02 H c o E. M t-rS W E3 s a- 1 y cq Hi a? L M M B u a 5 CQ P 6 3B h O 55 O i is VJ ,r i i O ? 55 ITCH ELh, A LLEJT K CO I" J AGEST8 FOB " ; , ' J ; THE UNDEBWRITERS" AGEM AJSeiliTa4. $3,000'000,: - Offer Safe insurance at moderate rates. $10 to $30. Will jaaure t.vw wr one yearj ' . apru ia. CRAVEN STREET. " ! COTTON GIN HORSE POWERS. TTTK -.BEG LEATE TO IKTITS THI ATXSJtriOX Of OOTTOH PLASTER 3 TO OUR ElOHT.PEET STATIONARY POWEHr ; F O R DRIVING G O T T O N C ! nS It U SIMPLE, STSOKG and COMPACT, and be and tbe demaud ia constantly increasing. Th following letter from CoL Hood, of Sorry county, i It la with much pleasure that I state your Gin Horse Power bought Ust season proved an ' entire sucreas. " " -r.."" - - r 1 appUed a IS feet lever and S feet band wheel to a 45 saw gin, and ms pair tf ordinary mulet wJUcl im?rmd en ceiutaaJ toorh, and with slow gait of teem gave- sufficiency of speed; a capacity to gm about 4,000 pounds per day. . The wear and tear In ginning 60 bales or oorton ia not perceivable d not think it could be estimated at 2 per -cent, It was put npAnd geared by one of the bett cnacht ' lata in the State, who pronounced it saperior to any pat ent he had seen ; also several gentlemen familiar by long use oi gtas, have examined it and decided to lay aside . ' th sir old powers and order this pattern of yours. HuetreefoctfuQy yours, WM. H. HJOD. U PRICE ONLY BLXTY-FIVK DOLLARS. V. SMaaaaaa EiMory's Cetton Gtas, at Uwnfactarers price, KnKtnes, Saw Mills, Tobacco and Cotton Presses,' ' . ; Plewt, ea hasd asd made U enter st ear Kstabllshmeat. 8eptl7-lm , TAPPET, LTJHSDK9I ac CO., Petersbnrs;, Va. JOHN HUT CHI NSON, . ACCOUNTANT, . Office East Side of Middle St., Opposite the Baptist Church, Newbern, N. C. Booksv Examined, Accounts Adjusted, and all Writint; Appertaining to Bantroptcy, Promptly Attended to. Blanks Fuxnisbed, bzfzbehces: Messrs. CLARK A BObKRTS, At'n's AtXaw, JOHN D. Jed are GBEKN. CHARLES 8 JOHN HUGHES. Eftq., A. T. JERKINS. W. P. MOORE, 4. G. HUBBAEX. Beq... July 4-tf Hew AdvBttisements. COTTON NOTICE! I FOB THE CONVENIENCE OF FARMKiss ajtw wxa ers having business wltn me, I will be in Xinston, 1. C , (at the store or air. . u. iioow,j WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 25tli, and Wednesday of och week following, prepared to ad- ranee on Owi ivin ana wmw nwvvuu, -'ir- to DIBBLE, WOBTB & CO., A. DAY, Agent GoldsbcTO, 5. O. Sept. 13, '67 iw Corn Meal, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AT J. ourwa Horn aU fanned with one of Mitchell, Allen At Co a beet mills before grinding. can ana ouy, on "J, Sept7.lt AenU JOHN B. FULLER, 47 DEI STREET, NEW YORK CITY, Manufacturer and Dealer in POPTABL.K AMD STATIOWKRY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, FROM 2 TO 250 HORSE FQWKR. . , m o Wills (Mat Most approvea wiroauar mua - --- MUls. 8uar Mills, and all kinds of Mining and Plant. ... i . : t A a knflt tr nrAmr. Hon jiaciuner, T.-X". r k !,,. STir- Hnartmg, mum, iur -u- r, T , andUl kinde of Iron and Wood-working Machinery. ....w .a v.tiMA annntiM In store. SOU ajesr macauiorj mu rr shipped at the kwet rate. Steam, Gas and Water Pipes, BOILKB. FLUES, And all kinds of Brass and Iron Fittings, Tools, ., for BtdUo ana wm, wen t-v a.nA rrimat assortment ln the city and at greatly reduced pi ices. Send for Price List. New SO Barrel Turpentine Still, EXTRA HEAVY BOTTOM, AU Complete for 8aU rrtuch below Cost. Stills of all aisea built to order and DISTILLERS Fitted out at the Lowest Rates. E?ery Rind ef Plantation Machinery, M9,HOH.SK POWKKH.GRI8T MILL AORICCLTURAL IHPLKMESiTS Of eyery description in store, and for Sale at the Lowest itaiee- COTTON GINS & COTTON PRESSES, The best McCarthy Gin ever made, with the Taylor, Eagle. Frown, aroutnern, ana iuo new Cotton Presses, with Engine and Horse powers, and all supplies in store, for sale at th "lowest itatee, by J. is. t? U 1-i Li lv, Sept -6m ' Street, New York City. DR. DUFFY'S TONIC MIXTURE FOB THE CURE OF AGUE AND FEVER, AND Dr. Duty's Anti-Bilious Pills, PREPARED BY F. a DUFFY, NEWBERN. N. C.r Kay b had at the Drug Store of Dr. R. a PRIMROSE. H. McLTN, GOODING, W ATKINS CO. RICH. K. DUTTI. Peopl' MarketpHewbern, . C. Retail Prios of Tonlo $L25. Aatt-Biltooi Pitts. BOcta. per box. ; nop.- Shipping. OODSPKKLVS WKKKXY STKAMSHII I Carrying the U. 8. Mail, Between New York .and Newbern NO RIB CARQIJ Tbev A Ho. 1 SteamsfclF EL LEN S. TERRY, V H A P I N, Master, : . . . ijtvi.wtrSM,vk "S" dir -t on TH JttSDA Hepwmoor 19, at try f'clock, P. K. 4 aii rwwia directed to mT car will M a ceived atto .orwi.aed Frv of OoiiiiAjxn.. - , fnii or paawga. having ammrpat atxciuaa Tlafrat WkLH-OLIYEB CC Brick Btui itti O.F.CrOODePiKD.Age, 30 00 ST 00 40 00! 60 00 36 00 48 00 60 00 100 00 M 00 30 00 40 00 85 00 160 CO 160 00 300 00 300 08 '.. 450 MOO JOTOU Contract wtU l juUd mt farmer Boia.V: Kw bnalMta moat b baad on tha above rte Bin r ara due and ooHectabla aa aooa aa adTertiaexneni appeara onleH pedal agrnmt to (ho oontrarj la made. 8rxctAx Oovxbacx for advtrtlsing In Weekly will be made npoa eqnltable tenaa. ! .. ' -!; IMP ROT ED easily put together. We sold a large number ls't season speaks for itself: FLANNEB, EqM Messrs. WM. H. OLIVER At CO., LOVER. WHITFORD, DILL As CO.. ,--' " MTTCHELLL. ALLXN As OO. ' McLEAN At CO- Miscellaneous. A Cheap Cotton Press. T7UHVBBS, BEFORE YOU BUY A PRESS OB BUILD J a Screw, enquire into the merits of th GODWIN COTTON PRESS. This pre is offered a combining mora advantage , for packing Cotton than any now in use. It la adapted te large or small farms; is so simple and cheap ia con struction that any good mechanic can build it; take le man and horse power to work it, with no exposure, tctha -weather, and less waste of Cotton, than any th It ia well adapted to WATER POWER. It Is 10 or 11 feet wide, 8 feet and S inches thick; top of frame above ground, IS feet; highest point of Lever, 18 or 19 feet. The platform on which the bale 1 turned out Is 10 feet above ground. , .- Length of box 10 feet in the e'ear. - :- C . Length of bale 6 feet, by a feet, by 2 feet 4 inches. Weight K00 or 600 lbs. It Is put up flat against the Uvt ' room, thereby preventing th scattering of Cotton ani ' the need of baskets. The Pre ia chiefly built or scantling. The Inventor ha spared no pains in Ms experlmtut t make it pesctioahle, convenient and cheap. I chrg . $25 FOR A. SINGLE RIGHT. . The total ocHinIf dlnr cover and everything is aixmt -, $160. Much oT Wt, faxutors are not ln the habit oXjin clndin g as cost. I think I can sell county rights at about $10 by the hundred. Hear what the follow! ng reliable gentlemen say: I have seen Mr. J. H. Godwin's Cotton Pre-s work at Mr. P. E. Smith 's plantation, and it does all that he says it does in his advertisement and more. I think it supe rior to any other mode of packing cotten, and save both ' time end labor. W. R. SMITH. I have used the above mentioned Press, and consider it the best I ever saw for packing Cotton. THOS. J. VAUGHAN. I have packed about 100 bales of Cotton with Mr. J. H. Godwin's Cotton Press, and take pleasure in recom mending it to the farmers as a great labor saving ma chine, it doe not cost more than half aa much as a Screw, and is worth twice as much. It is so convenient and takes fewer hands to do as much work as a screw. I would pay the price of a Preee, rath er than allow a man to put up a sere' on my place for nothing. D. EDMUNDSON. I have used the above mentioned Cotton Press, and it loes better than a Screw. Take less hands, does not -aste Catton. and is much cheaper. J. H. CURRY, Sup't W. H. Smit h's plantation. I have packed about 70 bales with Godwin's Cotton jreas, and am certain it Is the best, cheapest, most com. act, and durable Press in existence, costing only half at drst, and lasting twice a long as a screw. PETER E. SMITH. - I have personally examined the Cotton Presses of Messrs. Peter E. bmltb and D. Edmnndson, of Halifax Jounty, and am so well pleased wltb them that 1 have iecided to build me dwin Press, rather than repair ny screw. I have a jedal of this Press, at my real, ience, three miles from Newbern, and will take pleasure in explaining it to any person, and giving such informa tion as may be desired for boildlng one. PETER E. HINES, M. D. For further information address, " J. H. GODWIN, Amr 31-lm Scotland Neck. N. O. JOHN KOSSETUIi GENERAL COMMISSION MER CHANT, AX9 WHOLESALE CXAXXS 0 , GROCERIES!, WINES, PROVISIONS. LIQUORS, &C., &C, &c Brick Bleck Crawam Street, a Drs BTorta Joaraal r Caaaaere Omee, NEWBERN, N. G. AagSlf State ef fistrth Careuma-Joaei Comaty, COTJBT 01" EQUITY Srmnio Tzsac, A. V, MoT. Edward B. Joaes, aL.X petition to Sell land. To tbe Court. j la this eaae. It is ordered T th Court that puvlic t on be made in aome newnpaf -er of the State - i weeks, Hiving notice to the partiee to appear at the next -tbe a. to ba hel-1 at tbe Court Houe in frentoi-, tn- mm. th Monday after the fourth Mondar of toft- mber next, and pi ad. or the elt wiU oe Aiw, i-wt i . r . ... 4 j 1 1 'Crt' a 1 ...-.. 1 A -'x