sr 7 .1 .C : I . ; . lilt JsLv - A A ' '- ' -- - i 1867. Rates of Adpert'sn2ilAemG1867. "eJ V A ! L Y, f C vein Street, Stvuitu. 5Jor i 11 1 iv.i 1 w. 1 1 xn. 1 - B.-ra.'t wm. tarllaa m.f 90 Iditoriand Proprietor. ?l OWL S6 tWi (aiii.M -OOUIW 9T tsen so enlit s no PUBLlSfiEB DAILY BY STEPHEN D. POOL, IN THE BRlCfCBLOCKr EAST SIDE OF CBAVEN STREETv iMlatfi CO i-JlWl CuJlSll W3C0 i4S0 M f1 8 00 4 0U 70 00 35 OU Kew bnslnesa mast be boned on Ur4bovM OSr :x months t;. 7e CI ' of tet1, one yr" Chvtot ten six months. MtI.N0r4s? a. ; NEWBERK .;c:, Tl'KSDAY, K0'EMB;E;R::5,:J867 : TrTPU Fl t'P -PPVT1 1 o ent to U contrary f. fc,T amleee special eoTreement to ih nntnn nwW. v . f f HH 4'' y :rY 'J f ' iBsOS"" 4. - . 2 illjllllil03l;- .. r . . t f - . 1 - " 2 ; : 4 - 1 - .0 '-;!; SA mm "His u u1 V5 ;.iri, ,1 ,.(vT OFFICE DIKECTOUY. poxi Orncs, 3w Bkbsk. N. 0.,'l Mabch 3L, 1867. , ' . win none Daily as follows : Ti. New YorK, i"iiiiaieipui, ixiimuuio '.VasUinton, D. a, and all point ',v dallvs r. .6.30AM. 2-iNro,1 Raleiph, Wilmington and all points 1 u,....)v at j .............. .S.30A.. M. fit nu '"" r V .. .ourv FrMaV at .12 00 M. 2.-?,'-. ' M.d V-illocksifille. every Tuesday end W,i4T t.. j .9 0 P. M. ...4 K.-M. J 1 J u-!t n(iav nd Sat i r3ay, at ...... . Hc a . f , 'f f-K nut" iuu " - 9.00 P. M. nrl o:en from i y a. m. u . - - ?,?Havi. f- 1 A- M- 1 7 to V. M- . i' lfter to be delivered in'the United States, in- i sr a T M t1 7 trt 7 1' P M ?o rt.l Vtter office, unfcss aldre8ed to Heads f reau( SffhinBt6H.I). 0. GEO. W. NASOS. JR.. P. M. ,lriH' I'lte , DlBst e urepaiu, o, mo ....... i k X 31 it :x cnrrtcUd on evry change olU market by , I) ! OS W A f GUION & CO., liriikem Kidilie St., bewdibn Pollolt and Soutli Front. 6o" Silver OM fr.t;pon. Old v w s xec ... L M2ir. R. 7-3f)'B,. 125 U. R. 5-00'k, 62 , 1 45 H. S. 6-20'n, 'A4 ......i 50 TT. 8. 5-20's, 65 101 ir9 107 106 45IExchange selling at fc. B4K NOTK Bnk ot North fiaroUnai Cie Fear j. Charlotte LfexinKtou " (irahtin. . . , . . ..t Banu o Tanceyrille..... fl Comiu-rciai, Wilmington 18 OreeiiForo Mutual 5 Mir.erb' PUutei s' B'k. 25 Farmier8' B'k Sr'nsboro'. 20 Roxboro' Wadesboro'. TtimPisviile '.Vil .int;i)U. Coinmeroe . . " Wa hi'igton. Fayrtteville. niarendon... 45 Merchants' B'k Newb'n. 45 20 V rjiiilA Bank note. 3 to 5 5 H. C. Bank notes,- 3 to? 50 18 Georgia Bank notes, 3 to .75 15 Alabama B'k notes, 10 to 75 7 La. Bank'notea,ii. ;26toll0 6 Ttnn. Banknotes.. 10 to 75 4 7.1 WHOLESALE JRICES OITEEENT. T ( ) JJ A CO MARKET COBEECtED DAILY BT VV ALICE It, 3PARRAR & co; tYholraale GrocersI Coinmlion Mcrcliaiits, and Gejnera.1 Agents, C raven Htret, Newbern, C VIRGINIA ANt MOBTH CAEOLISA. TixPaid.) Vm Bright jg , 95ai.20 Good B'ritfht sound.. 8Va 90 Medium Bright, ". ...i 5a 75 Common, " ...4 605 65 Black, ur tt. ('i Ihs. In caddies 05 a 70 "DallV" Bright C's.. 75 a, CO Nary p. uuds If 653) 70 Blaca. weet. Id's 60(3i 65 Old, damaged, tax free, ail to quality. .......... .25 40 . I ' ' PR0VISI6N MARKET. i KEPOETED DAILY BT .7. kedj4ond & CO.. WHOLESALE Affl) KKTALVBEAiKBS IS UHDCKK1ES jSc PROVISIONS CHECKED STQBB, MARKET WHAB?. geOcejies. CUVTKr ? Java liio, ordinal ,,. . . " fair to prim,.;... 35($ 23 40 " ,X 31 32 25 Latniayra . Maracai' 0 .t. 1om DgO. I - t Young Hi son.... . Hyaoc. ........ Gunpowder and Imprial Oolong.....' i lincol. Japai 1 English Breik ast KTQABS t ltnnr1, rus'ied.i I 0W lereH " GraimJaQd Coffee, A ' i. B i. ... 1 00o 1 00 30( 1 70 90. 2 00 ... 1 0f)3 1 90 . .. 1 (Xi 1 75 ... 1 25 2 25 .. 00 19 ... 00( 19 .. 0n 19 0( 18 .. 00a 18 .. 00 18" 00 IS , .. 00g) 17 ota ic ... 00 15 . . 80 1 05 66 70 ... 1 00 1 25 ... 60 fi8 . . 1 25 1 60 50 60 . . 25 35 .5 .40 .. 33 40 . . 30 35 ... 15 , 20 ... ' 9 Hi " Extra C. C ; '"una ... 4. . . . Forto Bico t Havana, Brown . . . . i New Orleans, per gar. BTBUP j Unod to Ir a j (ioldeu. ., 5. WW Common.....; Nutmex. Cloves. f Ginger j, . Pepper... L L." "...". V. BPTTEK- , 1 Orange County, N. N. Y. State, firkins, 1 CHEESE, good to prime. , !0AP-iamily... j 8ALI- 1 acBe, ground.. 4 I.'erpooi t T ' FL0UK- " t'iiie t. ..:... N"t."iftne. 9 barrel f. f'iiin, round hoop .4 ...... W. Louis Extra lair to choice. . . . . 0 00 2 50 3 50 & 50 ... 9 5010 50 ...12 00 12 50 15 0015 50 17 Q020 50 PRL?ISIOJiS. Mme Mess. Nt.w Mess... Thin Ta ...25 00 26 00 26 00 27 00 .24 0025 00 17 14 15 i... 16 18 I aC0!Jxrth Oare'uia,".":."." .".'.'.".'. t""u Carolina, ft 10..... ' PBCCDUCE. wsIn Wod demand, i WTO S -Tax included..!. ....... - 1 15 17, S l&i rURPKNTIr, XAVAL STORES. New-Div,. 1 old Dip", V.'.V.Vi JFlITS TOKPES TI SE1 ix" paid, '.WW Comtnoti, .... Straiut-d " 1 So. i, . . . " ';' 3 no (H 3 25 0U 25 - 60 200 3 00 Nr. I ? Miscellaneous. EH. DUFFY'S TONIC ISIXTURE. rHE UURE Ol AGUE AND FEYEE, h MfTfs Aiili-BUious PiUSf I) T f i :PEi:PAiEEI BY . - -' - 1. s. DUFFY, KtWEBN, K C, "U(Ji,J. 1UCH v'Wr2.,'ilia:'M' Peopl.?s Market. Aewbern, N. Q. Pr 'box. fi of Tonic $1.25 Anti-Bi i-jus Pius, 60 eta. Sept l-2m tOTTOrt SEED WANTED. ANY W AXnTY. TWENTY CENTS PES BUSHEL iu bags lurnished when teqnired. Apply to I f-G. FAIB;H1LD , T At Wbi'fbrd, Dill & Co't, , ; i :o. 5, Craven Sueet "-t 6.1,: Pale ' L0QAL DEP ABT ME NT. Beading Matter on every page.., ' - 1 win to Srtv Advert IstiwB t i ! r Mitchell. Attis A Co., No. 22 olkk St. furaisk U kind of llatariaL : MiTCHELt, Allen fc Co Agents Underwr.i-ter.-.' Agency. JIellen kv Williams. Bacon and Sngar. J. JL-Amtbtt. liuikets nud Brooms. ': -E. Nash Kcps various articles coDStant ly ou laud. . , . . s Theee weje Mvfcial t errors in onr issne 6f Stiliflay.' We ?dfslfke - tlm as much us any oae cau ; but it could net be helped. '. 1 " v-" i ' , r - .- . - i:,; ' St AlE'"'Eleeti6h) ill take-plafcAi fh 'many of the Northeni yttrtes i iotJ jaryi we hope to be able to lay enough of the returns before our readers in tfur tifext issne t?iv& some idea of the result Radicalism will meet its death in many of them orwe are mueb mistaken. ", K , -. Maios's CouBT-r-AiAYOB Palmes vPbesidijjo. Jrio. Davis, negro, charged witH stealing a Shawl from W. F. Perry. Committed to jail in default of $100 bail. John is the same party arrested for stealing an umbrella last -week, Andrfho gave his name at that time, as Lewis Williams. Miils Haeul, n3gro, charged with stealing a pair of slioes fXom Phur & Farr. , Mills retnrned. the sho6s,"afior berug aright, and was find $5 by the Miiyor. - i v Saw Miils, LXtAiiuf.KRias and Factobies.' We resume researches in connection, with New Buildings and Improvments in this city. f iJ.: SAW MILLS. '' - i : Howards Steam fcaw Mill in .located on South FioutJStrvet, iitav-Eabt Front. Attached to th 1 mill there is a Grist Mill, a Flouring Mill and a Uotton Gin. ; . lh Superintendent is Mr. Thos. Gates,. -;: .. . ..,:.. ; -: : u Sam;l Radcliff & Cos., Saw Mill, foot ot Pollok StOffet.. J ' . . . : j . TItPENTlNE DIST1LLEBIES. z f iWjd'keil Stlln the Wharf neit to Market Wharf, adjoining the Fish Market. 1 Geo. 3i iford'a Distillery and Depot, .for Naval .Stores, or. MiHer's, Wharf. . Hubbsi- Bio's , Distillery and . Cooperage, on MifleT's" Wharf. - .-. Ell i.: Distillery, on Eas Front street Letweeu Polluk and Broad Streets. - - 'r , - ..." . : FACTOBIES. Wl'.'Kllet'Hr"Tin Factory, on Crnverr Street, njar P.)Ilok Street. ' Ku. t fc,Lewis's Tin Factory, on M:dd!e, neur S.n'h Front St. eet. .. ' 1. i ina Tin Factcuy, ouj Hancock Street, Le.'.i- the Depot. B er it Eppler's Tiiiloring Establishment, on Puiu k Street ; also, McLean & Co's., corner of aud Po.lck istrf ets ; also Zang's. on Crav;i Street, nearly oppposite the Jouhnal of CoMMEKCE'ofiic'e. ' Johi HtTTCHiSsoN, General Insurance Agent Middle Street, opposite Baptist CLureh. Newbern, North Carolina. iapoKTAxr ninTvitv vii-utit, Hdrs. Second Mi: t r.vnY , Distoict, ) CHABU9i S. ,(.'. -Oct v L or 311867. ' f :-; .1. s CieculaA i-t to - ' - "Thiefollovi''Tgi revisihti5 Of the action of the Boards of Regi-stration appointed under the act entitled "An Act strpplemeDtary to an Act enti tled An provide lor the more efficient gov ernment vt the rtLel States.' parted March 2d, 1807, mid to facilitate restoration, passed March 23d, 1-867, la tb determination of questions oi disfraiicb iaemeut in pnblifihed for tbe informa tion .and guidance of all officeis connected with 1 ion :" ' Hdqp.s. Second Military Distkict- ) Citadel, ChaklestoNj S. C., Oct. 31. 18G7. j Rei uilon of i!e decisions of the Boards of Registra tion as to tJte sufficiency and iusvffUdc-ncy of the grounds of cfi&lteHge alleged in the registration lists. ' , l . ' EXPLASATOlfl. The decisions are set forth in nine table?, res petavelyTmiirke4Ito IX,inclasiT& -The grounds Lif chal leiige aie, in nearly eery instance sla ted, iu ;h language of the registration books and in quotation marks. - . Tiie tables from X to VI, inclusive,! contain de cisions as to the sufficiency or insufficiencv of the allegations as set loith in the registiation lists to s- statu decisions of qualification. Ttic fables VII to IX, inclusive, in addition to turdisioif' in 'tke language. 'employed by the. Beg istrars in setting forth the grounds of challenge, give formulas, that, - if warranted by the facts, ami fallowed in any appropriate case, will au thorize rejection. The appropriate cases under -thee foriuuUs arc givtn iu tables herewitb,.con uected. TABLE I. v TLtt fuilyvviiig offices are cousidered tu be suffi cient grounds of challenge, when held befoire the war by i ersons who f:f;erwards aided and abetted rebellion. .f i ,- .. ; r bfit nils, c.'aptains of patrol. Assistant Sur geon "I'tuted S:a;ex njuiy. Marshall. Members of th -e.-esslon convention. -Militia officers who h.vre Ldid cummund 'n the execution of patrol Imws. ili'gislrates,: Tift eolifcetors. Custom Hose oicer. Delegates of State loaventijn. Commis sioiiei.s public swheols-J Jistic of the Peace. Ordinary. .. Cpuuy t Assesspi Members ni Con ge.s. Commissioner, of wrecks; Coroners. Officers in Fedaal army. Members of .the iState Legislature. Contablss. Postmasters. Com-mif-siouers ofro. ds. S " Clerks pi Districts Coin tsf "Acting 'r etablS ' Commissioner lin Equiiy. HelH ce iaSt.ji Legislature. Stit otiieei. J ialoffiOj u Stale Leisi-tare. Judical flicezi ju. otraie of ivolice. .Coaiiiy oftiuste . "Wa eu ot county. Cierk ad Master. Offi er of UlsL ; Commissioner' of the poor. Tire-following, offices . ate 4ield 'as ' iusufSeieht Pgrtmodref-rllrn&e,ttmTfglield war by por.-Qns llafterrarjds aided md abet ted rebellion: f , . Depr.ty :MarshaL Assistant PostrriafeteTr.-J N"o- iary I'oiic. iioiaing Jvxecutiyft umca,-wiutouc spt e.ijing bioffice.- K ej-w of light house. Cjtk'irt'Staf - Senate. Stirvtyor. Ciy, Jief it tnu. U fctui:aut-LVu!n.l aud aid on Governer's Staff. Holdiajj office belore the wa"r. Jude Advocate. Commissioner of Post, Office un ku' wu). Ministerial magistrate. Deputy, Post master, U. S. Warden of poor. Town Com mis,vionflrs. Deputy Sh-nff. .AUnri! x. Staff omciL A werseers of tlie rxr. -Komi master. ' 1 " ' 0 TABLE III; v ;, S ,4 The following ict ;ire heldbe u'nc;ent to tabli8h the eh-ave-!' iuine aia aiKmi' ic- btitiio;K ".i-T -; Invested in Confederate lJohds. "Eng tgell in Confederate service. " Fafnihing ;hoi-ses to re bellion by sale, Conscripted, buifcau'C tak the oath, the wox4 vtstuntary being ;omittedvu IItaug f norses te Uoa.eperte strv Hre-;-.-JS.agieu ; u ;H works lot iConfederaie SuafestGtt jtig!; uionvy . Held uiHi CcpntrocW. Vixifef. Zaia3rii$U Sv'ates. Held officds undy t&e Oouted certarugingfineri to enlist.;- GO,venrmebt';cputi ac tors couiedcratw Stattii ;Iauiug ' uiouey to ttquijrumpitnj--ihB war.-Eiigkg"il 1.1 re-bclt;o'u'-Hoisted -.A-utderat flag over Uu.ud Stales iitseaaL:Faye:tevillej 'April, 1801.- -Ha 'gaaril4a.rug;the wac. ; For'in 1 ie.-: ui;r desetters and foRiijg;1ne!u back to tue icLe, army.1. Comuiautliug.j-rebels who took Unitea S aits ar&en ti at Fayetlevilie. Held dur ing ti e war to get out of service. Conuibo i-g money to eqaiy, Slate troops. QlDces Oout-. .ier- ate' States of America. Encourjjjii)(r war by speefehes. Oleeting spppiies for ihe Cf-d-erat y. For ;8aiijug provisions to Couiyderate service. , u ol hunting U. S. ptisoiieit. with" dogs". Iii, -ictor in ' Custom H .use aud mail 1 mes. r'nr ftr Confederate Stales. Patrol (Joniedwa .States of America. Hired out hands to wrk on blockade and Gunboats at New Ik ru. Held civil office iu re bellion. Members of examining Doard at Troy f c Confederate States Army. Quartermaster's agent. In company with lai iers when a man was shot. Aiding rebellion. Loaned cottou to Cont'eUeiacy. Architect of Fort Fisher. En gaged in Confederate service. Famished horses to lebeihon by sale. Loauuig money to equip a company lor the war. Engaged in rebellion. Hoisted the Confederate Hag over Uuited . .Slates arsenal atFayetteville, April, 1851, Home guard during the war. Per arresting deserters and forc ing theni back to the rebel army. Commanding reoeis who took United Stales arsenal at Fayett Aille. Held otiiue during the war to get out of 4exice. TABLE IV. The following te;s we held to bo - insulli:eut to establish the charge or aiding aud, abetting rebellion : - Chiiutabie coutibutionv. Feeding Contedeiae so.uiers. Aiding son in (Joufederuie sirvice. fit! Dig hoiSes to Ci'liiedelitie Solidels. rabel, tegartted as disiojal 10 bailed S ules. Voted for an upio'-ri-dion of lO.OUi) lur the widows and orphaiift of Confederate soldiers Challenged as patrol. Clerk in time oi war, United States oldier, ttfterwarcs sympathiztd with rebellion. Voting f-r conventual to secede. Opposing leconstructian in public, (vioint seset-h. ) Candidate to rebel Legislature. . TABLE V. ' The K-llovilig additional glounds ol'chidlune ate Leld .uUicent 10 tutheiize rejc ion : Doubtful us to age, Doubii'.l u to residence." . .."NiUuxaijzed..uiuzii- .Minority. Liviug out oi District. . Not itsidi nt twelve luunths. Not liv ing 111. me Polish. ' ' Coiild 1. ot takelha oatn Livin; o;it ot the Piecmct. Born in Atrica. In sane, llesiditiy: out ui (J""1-'- months in vU'; S-ute, but registmed I "r tear tie could uoi Oii lifter 'twelve months' res:.ieuce. Belongs to Fourih ' ward. Nou-iesidcut of State. Disftan chi8d while a citizen of Teunessee ; iguores the United Siateh) Goveinmeia. Alicia. Deserter Unite'i r tates Army. TABLE VI. !'Th fo:l 'Wing additional grounds of challenge itre heid insufficient for reject ion :' ' Too old ; over one hundred yt-ais.'' "Keject ed as incompetent. Chullfnged. Hasnotsig ed. i or seducing a white woman ; (stud to be dincient in intellect.) Citizen papers not shown ; they are in the clerk's office, lleports havirr; 1 -1 naturalization papers ; shows ietter- . ii, ..e War Departuienf ui hi hating .urvt.. a. I' ted S.ioes Artillery. Convicted ot trading . '1 ne groes beivre the war. Cha deuged by C. .V. Ilami. lq W , ViTishtii to change Lb name. Cuinot leud or write. 1'auper, Fugnhe tiom justice. Office of Clerk of County Court. Oath to Confederate Govermeut, Born, 'in the District," absent eigh teen m nths, and in the District two months. Begisteied twice over Lei. .'eHl'and D.imb. Publicly" shipped. Would not tuke tl las Lai to qi:ai)iy or a-.vear. I .ejected as iucinpcieot. Challenged. Cauuei U.. (juiied Sa e- wtTen.f. it years oid, never natviraiiz'. d paenU ere natur alized, has been detective in "Cni.ed ft;r:tet Arn.-y. t nseripiive. DKyul y. S meueeu 10 nine moii hs' mpriBonment. Keii.gees Irom Teuue. -see. Ke Ung m North jCar lina. I'atroler. Convict'd f nimder and piirdoned by the .ov Q.non Chaiged with breach of trust. Took ta:h of allegiance " before Ihe rebellion. Non payment of ioll tus. Taking oath of allegiance i:n i iolatmg ir. Tounpohc. . Clerk of maiket. Iri'.a and convicted, granted a new trial because of Plan tiff's son having been on jtiry. Con victed of 1 etty li.rifuy. Df:auchibed by the laws of -Tenmfcssfce for j am ticipidiLg in the rebellion:' . TABLE VII. The following stat. ment of the grounds ot r - jection are held to be insufficient : Captain of militia. Cuptuin of beat company, Lieutenant of miliia. Iuspector-Gen'l of militia Kegimental Quartermaster of militia. Militia officer. Brigadier-Gen'i of militia. Colonel of militia. Lieutenant beat miliiia comnauv. Cap:ain beit militia company, i - The-subjoined formula is given a a sufficient statement of grounds of rejection in such ensea : Militia-officers, and held command in the exe cution of the patrol laws in the 'State Of outh Carolina. " i f '. . TABLE VUI. - - The following statements of grounds of rt jec ti 'ii are held to be hiSiifficieiJt : Members ot Council. Into . !ants Town Wr den?.. Aldermen. 1 TABLE IX. The sHl)jtii.ed formula i - giv-it as sufSi-ieLt Statement of grounds of rejection m shch rase: Council Members, lateudantsr "'War lens. &C-; aftr the office designated, insert "and ex tfftcio Mdgislrates. - - - The ioflowiug sbiteme'nt4 of grounds of rejec tion are ;.e:d to ; le - insutlioieut : Felony . Conv c;ed . f b.i jny. unar0eJ-with felony C ncle-T ra-', Coavk'te 1 nf grend lar i.ticeny. C-.i,-. iote of svoivu pii' dLar- ceuv. At CllBed , or. stealing... c'vnceainig ceny. uouviv red 1 1 iiouse slaugii.jT. Charged vih Convicted of mnnler!. biirnlng." Mun- wilful perjury. Th slibioiued formuia is given ias a sufScient ta4enient ofgro'ind-i of reje.-1.1t 'tis, .m such cases Gonvrcred f felon;.' ny a 0 -uy. f comi et nt urisrdretio 1. ' . ISSTKCCTION- AS. TO O BBao'TNO TOBMAL DETECTS ! r'. 1 - IX BEGIsTEA rtoli LIST. Dunns the final revision, every name appear ing upon the-book Should be marked either "Ac cepted" or "Rejected." wnere tbiit.tias been neg lected. The books must iti ail cass be. signed by the registrars; and wLerever a statement is not furnished of xh proper v- designation of tLe eleciion i?ud; registration preciucts. such state ment will be made in the certificate of the regis- Trart-. - ' J" ' '' :- T BECAP TCtATIOK. . . . ; On the. pomplelion .f th fiwil rcvihioa, the itgixtrars hould muke 1, com pie e. i(.tpiih'4 tiou at'the end of the b ok, or bock fir ea'-li eWtyin precincL showing the buB-bdr of whites .rwl tdu'k8 registered, rand tl;aggrtga:e. r3y oom'dot Bvt. Ma j.. Gen. Ed. B. S-Casbv, . . Louis V- Caziabc, Aid-de-Camp ' -Act. Asst. Adjt.'Gen. omol vL: ' . L. V. Cazia -c, , . A. D. C, A. A. A. G. VV Ut l W IU loa Karor-Walt' wr itlt k Shall' Conservative" v fcito men stand in d s, airing, sf irv;ug idleness among us while w give worVatid -hgt's to the1 tt.atiess, ungtate tul and Radical ii egroe.-? Shall the wLi.eo iuj'.u go loodleas a.d in lags, v.hue we 3ord the iueaas by .which the negro wein h grows" giosfe apd. taucy upon the fat' of the. "land, uud bmh zelis'fcerseif :n all trie -flaunting finery oi extreme rnsbioij? Shall wiiita chi.dreu beg the-.- haiu crust, shiver tuthe winter's blast, aud be feircd in suffering aud igu.Jia.te, that little iig ;-i. may haVd their daily and moat, their cn--fon:xbte clothing, and in all the ttssiduous and insidious teachings of the Yankee 'sohoolmaruia'r' Shall such tning be,.white men of Richmond, of Virginia, of tue SoulG! Y6t su ch things are Already ftheie is much want aaiong our whtte population iV'anf of bKplrytm.ent and the conse quent wutit of the eumlons aad necesaries of life. Aud we teii you that, the number of thee unfortunale wUiLca men, woman and child ren has increased, is increasing, and will cou t nme to increase until tLe proper ac.i.m ;s iako i th.-ir behalf. We know a case wt re ;. oriLy citizen, wi.o hds resided here in xt'.chmun i score of years,.a:lU his five t-ons nave lecwutly oewu disohaigod t,om tbe labour which .brought tuetu ther daily -btcud in thw sweat ei tneir bros--and that, t 'O though they weie wi.luigj to work for aoy living price. Tno tut ;er wa i displaced" from his position on B,od st reei-iu favour of a negro. Two of the sous ir good machinists, but were discharged this we j tiom the Tredegar Iron' Wo.ks, wnile incompetent negroes were retained. Three of the five .sou-. efe good soldiers iu the CJnfederate aimr, i.nd the wii-de family is known l r ds industry, m teguty and patriotism. We refer to thee merc iy a illustrative facts what has occurred in many auotner in:aaee, an L will s.iil occut, throligh this or that unworthy motif e, unless the pubbc sentiweut axes its" scathing i($probu iiba j.oh SucL c nducib. Wly tte very voice oi nuiure against bucii'cjnduct. - Evs-h.. in ordinary tnues me puto Caca.iau bioou should recognize a b.oiher in -every whtrc mai ,: and pulse with a warm fellow fee fing from kind red hearbs. Now that we aie conspired agaiu jt, the cominou danger, the common interesf, the mutual hopes and fears Of our' menaced race, should make us. a solid phalanx for weal or. woe. ltjis not ly injuMiv, by coldness and in difference towards each other that wo shall either intimidate, or propitrate onr- banded foes. Liu, ion iu heait and baud hi lecipiocal snprrort aiid dienco is. our only safety ior a divided hou.-e shall fall.' i' Yet our white brothers Leg us lor tne poor privilege to labor and we deny tneui it. iuvtr 1 a race mat is implacably set ugao..s u We ferci our black foes and U:rvc 'our wu.te f . lends. Why t uichree a .cgio u-.iuiJA tk u. ertjiiive aks :o. his pi.i-.c "' W :iy uot, wjcu reducing yeur loice,- saleCt your negro to go aud your wh-ite C01.B jrvative i.o slay.' Why be so teufier of iLe neg.oes lignts aad luieie ts when heexhibits 110 re-.tid iry. uis '( Nomat:tr wUttt Miuiiow plea oi being a tiei.iuau una having political ngins he may oiler te stubborn retu,;ni tat he medttates the most giei-Jiis w;oi ,gs against you Lota in peioou and in prop erty, and .t is your duty to youite.f, your lamiiy, your coior, your country, to figut against h.m and restraiuhim by all the means that God has given you. Aie we soliticioas to keep the negro among" ns 0 increase and multiply thai we a e so anxious to cheitsh hnn ? Do wo' wisli to.decr-.a.-.-6ur white population that was so carefully discnmi nated against whi e mea on all possible occa sions? TLe-e ait practical quest iousfiKOUieut oils tjuestious. Many gwbd wmte men have left Kieb.noud a: d V.igino. already because they were -cj-v. ded o..i by tbe laored negroes.' More are toiu, our policy change ; and yet wo linovt that they desue to t iy. e. We tell you, Lite men of Richmond, that you must act promptly and fearicssly ' in t his mailer. Rise to that meanlul attitudew h:ch de aises nil -'threats ol pain and .ruin." Timid counsels h u: demoralized us ioe long, and cowardly te.iipoiiZiag ha accumulated disas ess jii i. us Do yo ir d.u.y. Succor your brother w-itt 01 ui, his wile ana little childiwu, and do not lei tb m st.litr l'-T jlhe sake of ihe ngro though ail Geheuiia gipe oud ut you. A Singular Cine. One cf themcst singular criminal cases that we have ever known to occur at the police "office, happened last week. A young man aged about twenty-three years, came t this city with a horse a id made arrangements to sell him at auction, dome livery stab'e men hearing the man's ttory about the horse, ha 1 th .ir suspicions aroused, ami came lo u. conc.Usiou that he had not come into possession oi it in au lawful manner. They hud him arrested. At tbe station house he would a-o no name, rcmaiking that they could call him wbat they ciicose Finally, at the sugges tion of another pri!-oMer. Le said they migbt catl Lisa William Smith. Upon his pock ets a letter was found in one, which, when the officer attempted to take it out, he tried to seize and throw it into the tire, but it did not succeed. Upon reading this letter, it appeared to be writ ten by the prisoner, and was addressed to a man residing at Wiscassett a small village about twelve miles frm IN ew York City, who had had his house entered by a buiglar.' ,. The letter stated to this, gentleman, whose name we could not learn, that man named O Le iry, the man whom ne had arrested, was an nm cent man. 'Says the writer: "I committed ;tie burglary, and to convince you that I did, I wu! state some f icts in eonnecti6n with .it" Lb then described how I 6 ntered .he house and vh t r-.oins he entered and ransacked ad said that he entered the chamber rjf the daughter of ihe gontieman, and while examining her bureau drawers, she was awakened and sprang from her bed, and seized him so firmly that he could not get a-vay, and by her crie? aroused the gentle man aud a iother lady, who a's seized" hold of mm i nd itey all four rolled down stairs togeth er, and that the writer finally made his escape, and tLat he carried off a. diamond pin belong u g to the daughter., "f Cen he oays ; I return the pin to your dacghte, who is a noble and a brave woman as brave as any, man I ever saw in the army." After praising the daughter still faither, he expresses surprise how the gentleman could des cribe him so and have O Leary arrested: as he only saw the writer but a moment in the dirk. : and says, "How near you describe me, I will not state for obvious reasons. UpoD examining hi- clothing still farther, the diamond pin was found. . The police officers - recolecting having read an account in the New York Police Gazette, describing a .burglary at Wiacasttt, and having a nictuie showina the your iady strugl ng with tvie robber, came to the coaclusiou that they had gt the own. His letter which hejaired ta send Lad betrayed him. bo n htUrr the felLfw wa ai ested" information wits received from Wis?s s it, t'. at 1 be horse had beo-U; stolen from the e y- eidr. , The ma:i was sentto New Yorker 1 . ?"a', nud will prol'Mblv" le convieled 'fur both giary. snil horse stalruj,-r--.Veip Havtn Jour4 bnrnallJirliivn A Ctaraeterlatte Inei- t dealt. .. ; ' -tu h-ii Ju the h'tiiyious I In aid for thi week -we find tl following interesting incident in' thelife of J wknoB, which gives us an iasigbt into someot t' o tbonbttitbat f-ccupied his mind the dsyj-iflf r the grMt-battle . which he ron hi Immoral sVibriqiet 'of 'Stoaewal':' ' j --. A tew day titer the List battle of Manassas an 9aer, Asi his crowd- was assembled at thtf post office in Lexington Virgiua, on the arrival o( tbe mail. The greatest excitement prevailed and tilings "from the. front "were eagerly songjit afr The1 venerable Dr. White (pa -tor of .the Pisby terian church) tcok a letter from the post offico, ami reeoguizicg it a in the handwritrrg of Brigtdier,-General (afterwards StouewaH") Jackson, he said to 'the crowd, "Hare is a letter from General Jacksb-i new wewill have full ana nutheut ic pa; tit ulars rf the battle." The crowd eagerly asketl him to re;td aland, and pressed aronnd to V'ear'tho exported stirring -new 'from tbe-.&ehl of conflict,., lie broke the; seali ao4 Ui ti;e great diqiu p-diitmnt of all, found oaly tLeVe few Hues:' " ' '-' ! : . 'MANAasAs-JuscnoK, Ju'y 22", '6L 1 Mr Dzi Pastor. I remember that my sub scription to Dumestio Missions is about due. Please find enclosed $30. . . Yours very truly, j T. J. Jactcpos.''- - No woidnbout the great bat: le in which be had p;u - i:d kj conspicuous a part no time or ineli patiai, to teil of those heroic deeds which render ed fam us foi ever, "Stonewall Jackson aad the Stonewall Brigade' but he could affordithe tin e to sn . to his pastor money which he had prom-J ise 1 to the treasury of the Lord. " , .Tne example of this great an 1. good man teaches a lesson which many wOild d? well to heed. ' t. j : A Joke cn the Cotjbt." A short time ago, a lawy er, who rejoices in a large share of work house patronage, came into the City Court drunk. His Honor addressed him Jhus : "Sir, I am sorry to see you in that situation. f It is a d sgraco to wurself and the profession t; which you belong " ' ' f Did your Honor speak to me ?" "Yes, i-ir. I said that iu my opinion you are al disgiMce fo yourselt and yonr frofessioiL," , - j May it please your Honor. I have practiced iq t'.s nrt ever sincf you have pro'femjtiort2eB'iu t-j-.n sep. ; and permit nie to say, your Honorv this ii Le first correct e p ni n everlkne yq tj giYf In less than an hour from that time, Alonzu was picking rocks at tho corporation norsery. Lvuisburg Couria. . , . . " . ; ' OBiTVAHY. '- w- . j "In dxs mids; f life we xe in death." We were fori i ly reminded f the alof e lines last week by the death or our union beloved and esteemed lriend, CiKX-Wi Kxli . Wri dkd the qneetion why one so yotlng' an I u-fal ?nou d be eo suddvitly (Hit down, J in , ctij bio .111 cf manhood, by ih? t-oid hand of death. The an tu ei mat receiVwa wa-, that thu" Lord giveth'and tbe : ti tl lakctb a t a . , bk s.-e 1 lie the name of the Lord!. 1 ". ; r Elii was a young in n of more rhan naual promine: s j!j- iu hiib-.t-. pu.ietual in his business traaRa. tious. ai.d b. ht oi all a jpuns, but 11 mi and dortted b L. ve" u b -r 1 -ie -u .1 h s . We mis b m on aocounl of ih ) gooj ex oriole that he et, t t.i to oldJ youa. ; f r ia hi :. ):ti y had a mil ling s ar. And now thai ti 1 ' -n njiru too j u"p SW Juctmjr j. by '...liowlit h's gtod e;:aujik!, wi.ile liviug, so that i e - we art. -a)lel uioi to die we can have au assurance 0 n-coiing him aaiu, in a far better and hap: ier lana, wh- r.j t and sorrows are not known And al. tLiit we ftympat: izj with his parents and relatives iq liii-ir fcrat lts oi one that was so near and dear to t em. St til, as it was the wish of our Heavtnly otherj t too. lii)fn rr r.i tht earta to" his menaion above, we b - 1 lii.'.ulne tuimiss.on kjuowinK tuat he does all t . ii "o:- th -. i r-sr. 1 he last wordn ihit he spoKe cheer. d ia a :i-'rot irt airtrt used paren8 nd reiatires, wbeu li v thaf l.i-, life was fast ebb ing awar, and he kne 1 i it lie c 11IJ not x, nialii in this world but a short Lixu 1 r. an 1 fot-linj th! cotd icv hand Of death f t en cr. ling his bodv. he btiiamn perlotly resigned to his . a: , ;o tl . aimly said, "I am willing to" die." WUat 6t':'..-ft 11 it ru pi bare hecu to his parent and. friends taUisr) l:ta;U gj.-ij an exiressi n from one who wag "as tlt-Kf to titer as life, while gradually pa sing 1 refill this worl t into au-thsr. whujoe no traveller ever returns. pairuv reaia k, "1 an reaay to ate. uo anew 1. at ai pae- h.Ml Oeen made with his God, and he was then r.;a dy to t il urweb to t ae sinful would, sau prepare for nis h- ie iu Heaven. We can well agree with tiue poet when he say Green be tbe turf above thee, , Frie'id of my-better days; j 2one kuew thea but to love thoe, - ." i N'T 11 imetl thee but to -p-aise. : i liO t'Mb AKUIVALS- -vov. a. oAutiX IIoUsE- William P. MookK, Proprietor.. W. II. Snell, E C. Dewey, Craven; S. Corsbb, Jas. 11 Grist, Washington; C. Sloam. Jno'Hea deison. Baltimore ;- J. Dixon, G. F. Dail, SrrOW Hill : T. D. Alley, W. A. Telegraph. 'KU' DGUK MAKK.KT. November 4d, i p. na. y CrrroN (tax included 15 jc Coax'- $1.20. Tl-bpentine $3.50. Tau-1.75. New Advp.rtisements. We I Keep Constantly on Hand A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Wa er Colors, Pfn oWets, Steel Pens. fxubbers, Rnbber llands, Qhea and 0ackermen, bees and Cheekerboacds, Backgimmon Boards, Meaionndiim Bocks, Paper Knives, . Twines and Cords, Carmine Ink, -Sflaline; Wax, Muviiage, - finm Labels, Invoice Files, Bo .rd Clips, Letter Clips, Letter 8ca ee. Book Markers, Key Cha-ns, ech ote Lotter Papers. Pocket Book. Bands, Folic Post PftpTs, Wa lew. Printing I apers a-d CarcU. Parses, Ruler , OardCtsas. Ladies' Ootpar.ioui, Ivory Table, Gentlemen's Net-rhsarirtt, Ltc, ttc.. lite. rv r-. t ilne r t-o nd preltr, '.n tbe F4KCT ARTICLE LIi.E.tanbHha ia. . WASH'S, Hort i-Uj POIloK St. B A CTJN ! PIGS' Iti MS AXD 8HOULIiEI.. C. HAMS. BHOU1V DEllST AJID JIIULLIjJa. HT.IXiK k TV IIXIAMP, Co art Hou BoLdinf. -Ju'y 7-tf r SUGAR!- '' J FULL LINE AND LABGB STOCK. BELLES At WUXlAAll, Ootxrt Bcuse BAiUdtg. ialy 7-tf BASKETS AND BR0031S, CaB at Oet 10-lt AMirrrs. Hew AdYertisements.- jiinHflf,;juiEiaD; CAN - farnla rMl; JMertAU,' AaeV Oeeral Ford, ware, needed by Uachimata, Carpenters, Blacksmitbs, Aiiriera, Oofer- Dietoltera,. Painter Bixuderc IFkskee mea. Shoe ofokers. Turpentine and Sbin e mea. Coacb 4MUrew Maken Brick JtfeMi. .UadiMkera. Wmm niers end Housekeepers.- f w a-awnae.T i itajwujeai V,f 1TCHKLL, ALLE5 K to AVAL j . . 4 it Jtu AQESTS rOB thOhd&writers'.agbicy,',,: 'Offer Safe tasftra aVitodeKte rate.' $10 to t wirl lasure $,X)o forne year. w jprH a1S -v -, ,';AS1I ADVANCES .J'fl 'TV ABZO COXSIOKirEXTSOT 'fl s vn; ."lO 00TT0N-, AND - NAVAIi ; i STORKS, find' K -I-J-" y'; a H .J NEWiYOltli. . . - - PRODUCE TOSWAItDlD AO TAX PAID. KE OP 7 r : J ii HTJBb8 h BHO, ? Not a tf Hid die Street, Newbern, O THE GEM SA100N, ' fllddle Strrt, Between .XtU1i a Sfli , , ! open to the public, where tbe beet Ft - . OYSTEKS AND . OTHEtt EDIBLES, ii mitbtbe .'Ji CHOICEST. WINES AN'0. LIQUOBS. . t " v WH iieJoood aad strred np U thsbeae style ' - I would say n my former lriwrd't who hve know me as a hotel inao, that my patron will alwaye be reoelved with cordiality, aud tbeir wishes premprty arrendod to - Kkrv 94t: i " A , . tteX. WHITEIUtAD. DISSOLUTION. 7nKHlbi?Mk)VtA, WATKlS: CO.', 1 THIS J. 44iaulvb..iauituaIson8eut. r '..t,r..., - ;IJOHN X.. WATKIiVS slonets entboredetfliteatfsIr-&f the la'e tr M " 'or-': - s-"- f "r 7-- WATK15S CO. r'i,;r , 1.. etarKi. voder tue Tne -praxrop .rvMi.vahrt'-u'TtrxtJX W'Tra day diae'dved by eiutual eonsnnt Wm WooUco tt asenmtntfaa the Uabiattea of said: flrix,'au4')te' rooeiTe ail iheAsseieof the same, r WJi WOOLLO -TT W)WrniUi 'GEO RGB KsllKXX&Z Tbe wnd -gsaedwta tconUnse.ttie.businee s tbs? eJ awt-v'JtwiKtm kna brl or - ' T Nov A. 1867. La; . . WM VHTOLLCOTT. - i; ' RcmoTal. r- 1 V i :: .s,(i: . ; tU. ' - , ECKK5JW.VLTER HAS I'EitDVED .HIS BOOT A. nd Shoe efUbUakment from Pollok to Middle Sts. (Bext to Beole'e Kordig Hca,) sad flatten Svlf ibat he can fill tbe ordirs of his old friends aad th ouhlc Kencrafy, wire eapedttosly and neatlvthan oaa ht, in inv eatablhthment of the same kind in tbe -City. alie baaAhc beat workmen.- :fl only asks a trial. Oct 3l-tf . , . attetiox!. : ' FTJ CONNOR S RESTAURANT, Middle St., Between Pollok. Bt Broad. h:t r ? ' J ;- 1 : 1 ' ' ' . ' ' rpHK UM)tRiS'SED WOULD KES1 ECTFtTLLT AK I . timinnn to fata citv aad Counirv friends and the pakv hic generiiry, that he hi now prepared to fnrnlih and wu c.Btiuue (a do so am-uxg woe aeaaon, - - - rt-troTPUQ TV T?T7PPV CTVLT? . Tbe be.St tbe market eaq afford.., Also, j e , r .j ijitncU etrtll: Hours. ! , i. -Plsis-Iet, ' ,.y, 1c-r..i s vt ..-: .it -n1! C KFKE every morning previous to the departure of the trains. - -; ?- t the Bar connected with tbe Restaurant niTJ be found - - Driwks im evtry Styl. f . fjot Irtak ateid Sevcli Whiskey, ,' it UstTem sad Jcrrr, , Ilie-wines and Liquors are cf tbecboicest kind sad i great varAety, Oct. 22 -tl JUllxyuvxmvBL. 1 . OAK LUMBER. - LARGE QUANTITY OT OAK: TIMBER POR SALE. Apply to me at Goldaboro, . O. . Norl-lm W. T. ATKINSOX. For Rents- A .A DWELLTiWr: HOUSE. WITH SIX ROOMS STTTJAT- ed on eot side orumntn tsrreeu Poeseaaioa glveo on tbe first day of November next. . A.T. JERX1SS, Newbern, Oct 90-U ... .'-'FOU SALE, f g- l - Cotum. Yarn.lawKJrted. No.-. 7. S, 9. 10. U and IX 11 Baiea, SO pieces. Striped Cosskneee- 1 w priced- Alade at our Factory ia Orange County. X '... wid wiU be eotd low U tbe trade. , tr. .; RICH'l) M. TAYLOtt. Couiuiiio t Merchant. Oct it t f -1 Cor Cra doatb Front St. Shippiii t'Ti or i .lUKPAHBlVB. Ula:, 'kMA'fMTo'A BO 'LTKAV ? h -TUk e. l it ! ; WILL son frooa tkls wert rev slew Tent direct ea TBIDAT, Kii s IStb. a4 sVclook.P.bL ... . . All Goods directed to homw wfil las Mtved sad forwarded Fre of Oors miton. . Tor fMlirasoT peesese, saving BBsarpooea ooovbubw Soo. eopry at WM. tt OLIVER Ar OO icm: eophy i C. P. 0OOP8PKX, ogemt. Mm ! nntti vri-: DEilMnDgll A (yv

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