v.- f .',: If r a t 1 1 1 !k STEPHEN 0. POM, Editor. . I al tS" Reading Matter on every page. H '""t. AVTHOXEOD AQXHTaV . Jt Moeee,wito BtadweB Brothers West, W Mr mi WawVJTaw Soak. ti -Ckw. Cuaum;lft leere ft Cartta, Fart Bow OW Toft. 'f ff:'-''"'' i.5 " -' Jai-j--' "i . M. tornniu & C, Bmt Trk. a. X. Pnnrau m G Boston. " ' ! - r -B. y. L. Htnrrea. Ooldshero, X. -- --- r Oat. Inn B. Onn, Raleigh. X. . jAna-W. Bzu, EewpefVM. ' .!&?!$!& 1 alteadidtn-'ltftt &rtifes;of I Urven couia hbto presentea ior i"e mi- I fralre of the peoplf , we. reCTet that he I declines to permit his name to to before anCooTention wMajs&emble to makenomi'natioolL ' We-thank him; how ever, for 'his manTlhitter;' and for, ihe suggestions he makes therein Wwtlunk tod much ha. already been done in the several counifei ihv'th le State, towm ds brixing forward ; Conservative candid aces, and canvassing, to make the non- cJion policy a jmccess. 0. Unless all those I who are opposed to a Convention shall I goi to the polls and votesquarely against I on, we rear and bene ve th$re will be onb called.- If called, it may bo Radical in character, and, therefore, we prefer to raly all our friends, and secure their votes "against a Convention." We have hb objection to the non-ac- tion policy-would rather prefer it in uuie respect, ii we mougnt it an practi- capie ; dui, ior ine reason above stated, wi fear it is not We think if we can secure united aetion we can kill off a tCimvention, or send a majority of Con servative men thereto ; but in the event We should fail, we have one more chance, wlieiS the question of ratifying, or rejec ting the Constitution shall be submitted to the people. i We greatly- prefer to remain for a time longer under military rule, then to take the chances of such a 'Constitution as the present radical majority in Congress 'would approve. Nor do we think the public mind is in that ondition it should be, when the organic law of a State is altered, amended, or fundamentally changed. In North Carolina, the best nan wifVi t. I I Tr r , .vmum, , cuu0 ueiegates, nowever muon,, tne people may desire them to be, and none others should be entrusted with the work, j The change proposed will give to the oegro unqualified sufErage; " We do not believe him fitted for it. and the poplfi Qthe Norchern States think as we do. It has been the policy of the Government rom its establishment, to confer suffrage upon classes heretofore not enjoying the f guardedly to this jmd natural- ization laws have been passed; and it is temarkable that Congress and the South- m BaliCal. design to give tb the most ignrraninegro in theouth a previlege . x"u o " ,ie f e8fnan io , V-w f1 - V rT. v. yvim wuptjpiy aa- ocated (we do not doubt that extreme Radicals will, if they can get the power. TYI Q IT inxh i nli.nMiti It t Jt Jt ill disfranchise thousands of white men); jandaswe are opposed to this change, we snau oppose a convention. As we j i . , "aerB W uu ; hte, mdividuwhether the weapon I "T 7. UA U1FWI' W;6 -.7-..-. " TTT . 1L T. ' . .. vve.puonsn in anotner column tne communicafiotf of Dr. L. W. Martin, the HprTiTe canoiaaie ior ijonvenuon ; in Carteret County, in reply to an article t m last Saturdaj J?epiiWtm, signed "Ai . -. niess uie niae 01 a. 1. .is uncommonly thicks or covered with -TA-H, we think the Doctor's lash will reach the quick. f '? ; A KnrthmVtcr of tt Virginia. KlMtfom Hunnicntt, the Virginia " if adical, ig fivirlcn tl-p VOTif rvrt m.TriTirt a Rati llnminmt j of Virginia. Hunnicutt Js haranguing I the negroes m the most inflammatory jmanner,; The standing , army in the I ooutn may yet be neea to protect the ' u- Ttlt-lL ' ,r JL - I chised black men," in other words, from six hundred, thousand black semi-bar j barians, who never have been used to self-control, who can neither read nor write, whof iiave not even names, and r whose individuality is - scarcely jmore : marked than thai of the animalrt jthat ( I graze the'ields. Six months from now I negro suffrage will not be heard of, and j its prominent supporters are destined to i ? be buried so far out of sight politically, that they never will be heard of. The ; herds of ignoramt Africans who have been turned loose at the South and left to their owu resources, instead of par ticipating in the government of the coun- . -Ill x V A 3 ' A ry W"A nave vo oepui uuuer numo uriu $ gent regime. Otherwise" the Southern itate wilt BnprttjCNujdereidi over to , complete anarchy;' A 'dear " price has been paid for the freedoia'f the blacks, a price altogether, toor dear.- .Boston Courier, a tKTTEB frob OR martyst qf car-. , ; ! ... . - "l: n era .::"; ;,.v.. t Beaufobt, N..C., Rov. 4th, 1867. -, . The Xevbevn Republican of Saturday 1 u,wuuiiiy- r- allusions are made to myseir, wi 1 ten IX om LUIS Diace, mm bucucu a- x. i . I Although the tone of the article proves oeypna uouu. to teman, yet we ate sometimes under the necessity of giving even a mean duty J dog, a kick, when he gets in our way and I shows a vicious temper. I ask, therefore, mab you Will auuw me Bpu;o w uuuw a few of the falsehoods of this anonymous rihbler. I shall bo concise, use verv I nlain language. nni if a.T tl" don't like - it he can make the most of it I First. He assei is that I am the can of "CSonservatives. Democrats 'and the taii end Qf evervthini? ormosed to union j , irL un nr. f tKie ;Ti va -r- Second. The assertion that I "left the ministery" is Lie No. 2: and that I "left it because it would not pay," is a double uis tilled Lie. Third. That I am a "secret fcauctis candidate" is plain Lie No. 3. J?'ourth. That my associates are the "enemies of union and peace" is Lie No Fifth; That I make "secret appoint- aT,Q ;B t.tt. iCr. r. iht T "ir. 1 . , -i jj ii, . 1 1 I j, e I J...17.J i d -ij t I I need not go farther with my enumer- atinn Aafnrmv nfitsonal ftonearance J t r.b,-T, on,i on nn t i)aro I manner of speaking, ana so on, l nave nothing to say. xnese are mere mailers ... mi it of taste and every dnQ has a right to think ag he chooses. So far as my associates are concerned, I an not ashamed of them, as I do not suppose "A. T. R" is one of them. . If we may judge of his morals by his wan ton disregard of truth, no decent colored uxp.ix "uluu w ""o"0 Uiwm I pany in the day time. They may toler- I ate him in their dark lntern conclaves, bnt even there, I would advise them to keep a "sharp look out," lest they loose their . chewing tobacco, and any change they may happen to have ovsr. My appointments have been posted up over the County, and if I respectfully decline to take A. T. B. or any one else, with me,, it is simply a matter of taste. I have no desire to furnish people for others to address, neither do I wish t otners to furnish me with an audience. In all the speeches I have made thus far, I have not mentioned Mr. Congle ton's name ; neither did I iixtend to mention it, but if he endorses the article of-A.T. R.,"I would like to ask his to the past history of his candidate. First. Did he leave the ministry, or did the ministry leave him ? SAfinnrl. TTfivincr laft. fh iminisfrv rr thn i,.- lAff v,:m uat 'a;a comel Did he take to strong drfnt, 0r cardi, or both ? Havi tried - all these did he not turn tocfor? Fourth. Was he a politician before, or having failed at all tese, Las he , found - .Uhe bottom of the abyss in Radicalism? t here state. once for all. that T never designed to refer to these public- x and j sball not refer to them 1 agam Oongleton and his ,Had he kept "A. T. R" ou of print, I should I i nothavegobe tn. As to my past life, 6ither bHJ or ivate x have nothi to be ashamed ot j flatter thft I my condtiet has been such, that node- I cent man. in the town of Beaufort, would call in Question, mv veracitv. howvp.r I ' 1 widely we might differ politically, reli OUBiJt or otherwise. As for those who hide behind a falRA name to escape the punishment justly due their disregard of truth, I regard them in the same light that I do a mid- night assassin, who stabs his unsuspec ting victim from his concealment. One is just as good as the other. What is life wrth, if character be destroyed ? beg pardon Mr. Editor, for having occu pied so much of your space, with strict ures uPon an artlcle wntten bJ whom. 1 Jtnow nox : duu mis mucn x ieei jusnnea in saying that be he who he may, he is a iow mean Tiie contemptible puppy, Unfit to live, yet too mean to die ' J 1 , , Very Respectfully, L. W. Mabtik. On Tuesday forenoon while Mr. John Heckman, in the employ of Dunbar fe Co., Roxbury, Mass., was oiling the driv ing gear of the- heavy rolling machine used "for pressing out the rubber, he placed his right nand too, near the gear ing, and it war drawn in between the cogs. He immediately put his left hand down to lift, the other hand ont, when both arms were drawn, in between the heavy box wheels, nearly up to the el bows, mangling them in a most shock ing manner, reducing the flesh and bones to a mere pulp before tne maenmery could Jbe stopped. , Both arms were am pntated jus below the elbows. Heck man ia a German, twenty-three years of age, and is unmarried. , ii 1.1 iuajJuawuMaMJU.Jti The inconvenience ana een danger urisinirtrom ladies ions uranism crow- : . a . . : , ded streets lias given rise to the forma- Uhion," - - a society whose jtxwca.ppx t.hAm. H verv mfimlr. tnereiore. is ,1 as soon as he perceives such dan- tforoua Bpueu'aKO jxiuvauk muug . m .1 J At tuorougniare, tn omp opon insianuy, some place or other.- This is a first duty of members of the Union. He isthen to apologize with all possible politeness, in order that his .intention may not i be suspected, and the aim . of the society be On Wednesday night . the " United States mail touches, -containiner the mail for the West; were stolen from the depot of the .Baltimore and Unio rail road in Cumberland, and the contents extracted therefrom. Nothing of any value, however, fell into !the hands of the thieves. Two men named Khine and McOuade have been arrested. They were placed in the jad to await the c- .From indications it would seem that tne xiaaicais , wm cuutiuu? Ul iiUO X' Ul UObU vuugt coo i&ubu jiw ; ivgw termination that . is. until the 4th of Urarf,h. 1869 Nearlv all the Eeoublican members who have lately Visited the me- tiopoUs concur in this opinion. Pakdon. The Governor; on Wednes day pardoned David Yourig, negro, con- victed in-the Circuit Court of EHzabeth city county of manslaughter, and sen-1 leuueu w live jcaio iiuptiifuuiucub xu. rwmtpntiarv. NarfoLk Uati Book. t J In both France and .England the Leg- islatures are summoned to meet at im unusual time, the one on the 19th and 1 , , , - 1 Special Notices. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, FUR CHILDREN TEETHING, I GREATLY facilitates the procesa ol teethlns, br aof- toning the gums, reducing all inflamaaon-wlU allay AXX spasiaoaio acaon. ana u SURE TO KKGl'LATB THE BOWELS. Denend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yoaraelTea, and Belief and Health to jour Infants. We have vnt m and sold this article for years, and can gay in confidence nd truth of It what we. have nerer hn able to' eav of any other medicine never haa It failed in a single Instance to effect a core, when timely naaL Haver did w know an instance ox aisaanai action by any one who used it. On the contrary, all ar e de lighted with its operation, and apeak in terms of com mendation of its magical effect and medical vtrtnea. We speak in this matter WHAT WE no KNOW," after years of experience, and pledge our reputation for the fumument 01 wnat we nere oeciaro. ui nunt vtvij instance where the infant is s offering from pain and ex haustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty min utes after the syrup is aamimaterea. Full directions for using win. accompany eacn ooiue. Be sure and call for ''Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," Having the fac-simile of "CURTIS & PEKKINS" on the outside wrapper. All otners are Dase uniuaons. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. ; nice) oui o cut, per Battla. - orncss: ' 315 Fulton Stret, New York, 305 High, Holborn, Lodon, England, 441 St. Paul Street, Monlreal, Canada.. Aug 28 eod6m jgATCHEUlK'S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye Harmless, Reliable, Inntantane- OU8. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill effects of Bad Jye Invig orates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuine is signed William. A. Batchelor. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory 81 Barclay street. New York jff Beware of Conuterfelt. Dec 14-ly N EW MAllHlAUK GUIDE. AN ESSAY" FOR YOUNG MEN, on Physiological Errora Abusesand Diseases, Incident to Youth and Early Man hood, which create impediments to MARRIAGE, with f ure means of Relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address Dr. J SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa. Sept 35-3m. OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effeoia of youth fu indiscretion, wilL for the sake of suffering humanity. send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suffereia wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so bv addreepiuif. in wrlect confidence. mmi t ruxmro . April 8-lyl No. 42 Cedar 8t , New York.' T TT T? T T AT H T T f I?! 1 f U JUl 11 Vy X. V . MUST BE SOLD! We offer our entire Stock of New Goods at Prices that defy com petition as we are about Closing out Business. WB HAVE PURCHASED THIS 8EASON A VERY HAND 80 ME ASSORTMENT CF FINE AND MEDIUM DRESS GOODS, STAPL AND FANCY DBY GOODS, Fine, Medium and other - Qualities, SHOES, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, Ac, Ac, Bplendid Assortment GENTS' CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Lower than any other house in Newbern. GOOD CALICOES, from 8 cents. GOOD DELAINES, from 20 cents, . : BROGA8, from t L00. All other Goods in proportion. F.rery body who need goods in our Line, SHOULD EX. AM INK OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING. w noieaaie jne.cbaau will and us the cheapest house fa' North Carolina. H. A B. EMANUEL, . 34 Pollok Street. Next door to Mitchell, Allen Co. Oct l-3m Lliscellaneous. rOR 1867 AND 1868. N E W D ERN TIN" -WARE .. . MANUFACTORY AND House Furnishing Store, peaxebs in stoves, hardware, wood ,ajid HOLLOW WABS, PATENT PUMPS, STEAMIER PIPE, LAMP?, of every description, CROCKS BY and STONE WARE, KEROSENE, LIGHT HOUSE, LARD and COMMON OILS, for Machinery, LAM P CHIMNEYS, WICK. GUNS. PISTOLS. POW- DEB, SHOT, CAPS, WIN. DOW GLASS, and all articles usually kept in a first elasa HOUSbFURNISHING STORE We woid eiroeciallY call the attention of peraona who wish to purchase STOVES, aa our STOCK is vary LARGE embracing all the LEADING OTOVi Sin the MARKET. and PARTICULARLY OUT XtJSW, tu-a. auui, rrLajaiuaa. Queen of the Seuth & Western Em pire Stores, Designed exressly for SOUTHERN TRADE. Also, a variety of PARLOR, OFFICE and BOX STOVES, GRATES FIRK RRinKft- As.. Ac Having taken great care in tne selection ox oar stock and mada our tmrchaaee at a verv small advance oa Mannfacturera' ratoea. wa win oe aeie xo oner umjuoo menu to these who wish to purchase goods in oar line. Desiring a call and an examination of our stocx. we remain, yours respecauuy, HAPT k LEWIS. No. 18 Middle Street, Newborn, N. 0. - No. 44 tayettevllle St, Raleigh, N. O. Oct J-tf THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HAUTEOBD, GUHKm Assets near $17,000,000 With an Income over. . - - 6.500,000 Surplus Assets deducting Liabilities over - D,UUU,UW This Company wa orsanlxed in H4S and now has nearly 50,000 POLIGI ES In foree, helit; a larger number than any other Company in tne v ona. ITS ASSETS ARE LARGER THAN ANT OTHER COMPANY. Dividends have averaged over 50 percent. and a credit of one half the premium Is arf veil, which, In case of death, la cancelled by anticipated divwenai. The interest received, aurinjj ine past so years, has more t han paid tie losses. Great care in selection of risks; Low rates of mortality: Extremely low ratio of Expenses to re ceipt; immense income irom interest, ana Consequent large dividends, reduce aea ranee to lta loweat possible cost. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE BY THEIR TERMS, and no extra charge made, except where the nsK la extra nazaraoue. No notes are required after the fourth year Dividends paying half the premium tnere aiter. i NO DEDUCTION Of NOTES -NO AS8ZS3 MJUST. Assurance can oe cxrectoa in aii tne xo H-.Ired. Any person seeking the safest and mos ECONUMICAli PLAN should not Tail to com pare other Companies represented in thla tte, with the cowmicctjoct mctual, I as pnbllabcd in tne reports or tne inaurance Commlaalonera of Hew Kora, JOHR 1TUTCHINPON, General Agent, For the Conn ties of Craven, Wayne, Lejiolr, Pitt Greene, Jones. Carteret. Onslow, Beaufort and Hyde. Office. East Side ef Middle Street, opposite baptist Church. XI Jt. HUTCIIISStS will, on the arrival of the Atlantic and Korth Carolina Train, be at the -Oriawold Hotel, Goldaboro. eve y Thanday, and li. ins ion every satarday, Oct 20-tf GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Office Eaet Side of Middle SL, Opposite Baptist Chareh, KEVVBERN, N. C. Jefferson Fire Insurance Company. OF VIRGINIA, - . Chartered Capital SS50.000 , tsoo.euo. Surplna, near James Rifer Fire Insurance Co OF VIRGINIA, CHARTERED CAPITAL, Sl.300.000. The Assets ef the above Compentea are Inverted tn good stocks, Bonds and Real Estate Tre Companies are solvent, liberal and none shall be more prompt. Parti en lar attention given to the insurance of Faro Property, Dwellings, Store Honaes, Merchandise, Fnt -nitnre, Ac, Ac Oct 4 -3m Mrs. E. E. Stanly HAS REOPENED HER SCHOOL ON THE NORTH aide of Broad Street, ne t door East ef the residence of Mr. L Disoaway. Terms moderate to suit the times. Oct 13-lm "lit; ' ED No. 76 South, btreet, cor. Maiden Laso r CaUM Will rmln tar p pt Atiaimttoau LTBBSAX CASS ADVAKCXS WUL BB KAB B MB siairxxsrrs, abi xo cbabob mdb 1 OBrOBWAJUDIKQPBODCCB . SHXfFED THBOtJOH MB. JOUR KOSttKTKtt. Brick Bleek. Cravea Streot, Seoand door to Journal ef Cossuero As 81-tf BROWN A CUTLER, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lMPKAKLST . N B2 W- Y O K. IC . Jn. Potts BBOWS, J Xicai'a M. Cmaa, ef Georgia. Formerly of Brown, De- Roaaet uo. WILL MAKE LIBERAL ADYANCES ONOONSION aaents of Ootton and other Prodace, and will far- niah Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties oa faveraele terms to Ootton Planters. Sept 13ly M. J. RAMSEY, of N. W1TU RAMSEY, COLES & CO.,' Importers and Jobbera at WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, GLUVBS. RIBBONS. CORSETS. SKIRTS AND FANCY OOODS, Ol Frstnlslin St- NKW A full, Kreah and Cheap Stock, To meet the recent great reduction in prises. Sept 3-lii D. GOLDEN MURRAY. ROBERT M. FERRIS, L. MURRAY FERRIS. J JOBS WOOD, Jn. MURRAY, FERRIS & CO, Shipping & Commission Merchants Not. 61 and 62 South St., N. Y. CORSIGNBIKNTS or COTTON & NAVAL STORES. Will Receive Our Personal AttlenUan. Liberal Cash Advances will be Made WHTTFORD. DILL CO., Agents, U Newbern. marok S-tf c HlCHJBnTsfilt mronnms aim wneLmaau nnaxnna in aarsTMcan Hardware, Cutlery. Oaat, Pistols, fcc.. &c.. dec. aaajEOTO roa mdtum tiua lO Barclay Street, NIE"W YORK. April l-m . A. THOMAS. J. M. HOLMES. THOMAS & HOLMES, Commission Blerchants, Dealer in Cotton laval Stores, He. 114 Front Street, Third Door below Fulton Street. NJB3 VT YOUK. Consignments to this Addrese Insured when on Shipboard. Prior insurance Kffected-when desired. AGENTS REGULAR LINE OF SAIL YE88XLS, Hew York to Wilmington. N. 0. " Kewborn, Waahlngton, " Moreheed City, " March aa-ly GKBO. W. CHABLOTTK. of North Carolina, with SEARS fc CURTIS, vTholesale Dealers In For Southern Market, No. S3 Park Row, NEW TBHK. (Up Stairs,) Opposite AmtoT House. Ap 11-dlmwly l K. .T JH O R B V R Shipping and Commission Merchant, 109 W ALL ST.. NEW TQRK. Consignments of Cotton and all other Bon th era Prod acta solicited. March ntt-ly A tat. K s DAVIS Wholesale Groe tr, And Wholesale Dealer In Wlnea, Brandies, Glaa, Old K '' nongahela and Bourbon Wniakiea, Ho. 184 South St., SEW YORK. Marsh S0-m JJOLLIER, POTTER eV CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 181 FRONT ST.; IKW YORK. Diberal cash advancca made on consignments ef Cot ton. Naval Stares, Ac KhipmeiiU to us are covered by our open policy ot In surance, aa soon aa made. April lVly B EIJAH1 N -R,0 BIHIOl ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLERJLT LA Mo. 3T Hassaei St Mew Y'orh. Aaeodated with ROGER A. PBYOR. Esq., formerly of Virginia, will attend promptly and thorooghly to ail bma laeoa ooenmltted to his anansexaont. An 33-U Corn Meal, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY. AT J. M. XULXFSOh'K. Corn all fanned with one. of Mitchell, ABen A Go's beat nuns Before frindina . Call and buy, on short m CaB and buy, on short nottoa at market price. St. KUUFSOK. SeptT-1 Acant,. r-ri "Ti ' - " ATLANTIC i.A. H. C. RAILROAD,' AXD N. C. GRAND TRUNK R. R it? hrl. baarwwi ana au s-aiata mm tha Koads to the Seaboard at New born and Morehead City, rriHZ STATE OWKS THREE-FOrRTfTS ovrr,. X Ballroad and three-fourths of the ATLAlOin O. RAILROAD. -Thta Is the .silc t Te its OWTJ SEAPORTS, and on its OWN buai . other lines are in opposition. il A six per ceht dividend en ihe line will aava tv,. pie from taxation $295,000 per annnm. K uoaer a reaoiuuon of Um Stockholders of tha . B all Vreirhta are to so via Ooldabom- t. " wlso specially directed by Khippera. w Dn at wMosooro-. yon are only sixty milei fv, u ahipping point, toatoedof on, hundrd ,nd Weldon and eighty vie Wilmington. Our Steam.,? eqnal to any other line, both for Freight andrSL Time aa abort as by any other line, and as cliean THIS IS THE LINE Te encourage. Yon get dispatch, safety, but an. y., ling. and leaa BaJlroad tranaportauonttan L line. ' Three-foortha of the PROFITS mail .v,. directly into the STATE TREASURY. nrt " Son will soon be relieved from heavy taxation uw nndred and ntnety-flve thousand dollars. The Railroads oomrosing the N. C ORAXD Tnrv. RATI. WAY T.TNIf h... rr,.tlv " . 1 Bt -.vw w umiein a GREAT THROUGH LINE ROUTK o all the northern Markets, on equal term, andchar 1a our own ports to and from tha Nnrth MJSMfSr' .-"ftof balk. WHEDBEE DirKINSON, Batimor7 eMrv COCHRAN, RUSSELL a CO., Philadelphia. BAKER BROTHERS, Boston. MURRAY FERRIS, Age ts for Mamy'i Kore Carolina Steamahlp Line, New Yort, to D J. V. JORDAN, Freight Acent Sept S-tf Neebern, s. C. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHl, T" THE SEABOARD INLAND AIR LINE Via Portsmouth, Va., Is the only Direct Line between BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELP OIA, BALTIMORE, AND THE CAROLISAl It la express in point of speed and aafety of fr oemg rrom as to u noor in aavance or ut otntr Lie, and at aa low rates It offers daily Communication with Dally Communication with SALTrWU PHILACELPti. Five Steamers each week to and from njew roa B08T0X Two Steamers each week to and from It is the only Line having these advantage, and W wnicn there is nut ona nanaung ot ireigni. Cars ere loaded at the wh.vres in f orumouth and in run through to destination. Be careful to -ect your Consigners to airect onlj From BALTIMORE, by the Norfolk or Bay Line 8ta era, foot of Union Dock. Fiom PHILADELPHIA, by the- Annemessic Line, JK WiL Bait. Depot, or by Clyde'a Steamer a, U tax Delaware Avenue. - ' From NEW YORE, by the Old Pomlnion Httum Line, Pier 27 North River. From BOSTON, by the Norfolk Steamship line, W Central Wharf. All losses, damages or overcharges, promptly adjaa on application to JAMBS M. CAREIC1 Traee Agent, Portomontli, Vi Have your Freight marked via -Portsmouth, kAi shipping to Philadelphia, marked via Clyde's Umi via Annamesaic E G. GHIO, A ug 30-3m Superintendent Tran.portttK QHANGK OP RAILROAD) SCHEDILK. Oman Atlsirio aitd N. 0. R. R. Oowati, Ncwnnnx, N. C, May J7, 187. On and aftei Tuesday next Mail Train will ran fcM rouows : Leave Morehead City. Arrive at Newport. Leave Newport. Arrive at Newbern LeaveNewbern Arrive at Klhston. Leave Einston Arrive at Moeety Hall Leave Moeety Hall Arrive at Ooideboao RETURNING Leave Goldsboro.. LseveMoeely Hall. Leave Einston . Arrive at Newbern Leave Vewbern. . . .'. .....8.00 Al 5.U " ,....1.00 .....u ... .n " ...9 " ... I. ' ... its " ...10.M ....too?. ....i.0 ' ....4.M ...A10 ' .... ' ...T. Leave Newport ...AW Trtve at Morehead City ; ' ojjraal Passenger train connects with nro TVin imlnff Wat a 1I.6O P. M-. na reiutu-, -- afterjUTival of Wilmington and Weldon Bauro. aLgl from West wait frou. ll.M The accommodation train will leave Moms0'. Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday a. retuna rr' alternate day aa follow : . , 1 u.. LeaveNewbern at " Leave Kmaton at. r m 1 11.. . . uvHwwi v mm. .............. RETURNING, Leave Ooldsboro at ..ta nn Leave Einston at. LeaveNewbern at Arrive at Morehead City at FARE SEDUCED. Thrcngh tickets will bo sold to principal ITorth Carolina Railroad. WM. H. HAK"- Agent of wr''ZA. JOHN D. WHITFOBD. ewa-tf NOTICE. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE AT L ' 1 ' - RAILROAD COMPANY. AGREE 1BLY TO A RESOLUTION OF of Directors, yon are hereby notified to m of Newbern, on Thursday November I to take into consideration the tAi' Company. JOHN D- WHITFOBD. Office A. A N. C. B. R. Co.. Newbern. Qctjj NOTICE. 5 b war. ax. July , AFTER THE 28m INHTAHT. Tng not ma on Snndays, until further By order el the Board ol Director. u Juryetf, r,ener Job Work. JOB WORK Ol ALL thla office. ft 'I i V! :