.. J ' ,' .73- ; . ;:::!; v . , A I 1 . 1 - ti--' . i , ' : .. . J , . I : . , L r v - ..... - .; . s . . j . ; I !- 1- " ! -' . " - '. -. ... i t . ... ! I . 'I ! .a8tr Newborn, North nMl Hll'FY IIMA W i I! ' flfH fl I , ffO fMV cf I T . V 'P 1868. Rates of Advertising rlev!sad.136&; 1 1 w. i 2fe. i lni.i .' m. i 3 t ra. I 12 za 1, NJ'B. 1, . fi Cot Ton 12 COi'1'5 ? rof s o fOi 8 M 17 W'J i Cfil 25 ( f.o! 11 Oil. 15 25 Oi-! 31 PCf 48 W 90 f 0 65 tC'125 PO ! 11 15 20 w SO 0&f 50 d 06 coil' 15 0; SO C-J 27 c 45 0M 60 COjlfS-eolil liO CO ! 225 00 ! PUBUSHED DAILY. BY H. CAS. D. P0QL,JKHE BRICK BLOCK, jcRAVEN STREET. 20 OR! 0i 40 M M f.')i P5 WJiKVJ CO :iCO CO TlCJlIt a V BUBSCtUP'riOBI I I 9 00 70 OO 3 00 J The foll wirfj reso'uMi'jj, ad-;trt at th (av-cntlcn; Cirthe' Editor of Nonli CirlicA, will be strictly adhered j tpattbinofRof: i j KcoJvl. That we recnmtacpd to tbeprfts f the State tp adoption of the cash syftera in refriKL to Ccrt ad j Trtl6omrtp. an! a strict" td-creti tf tVeir rtpuia !. rates of advfrtisinc s puld fhd. a - devUtion iron; hc ill bdm-' u'liro jionl li 0D ;eu..... ft 4 r . fix months VOL. VII.-N0. 26. SEWBERK, N. C, TUESDAV, NOVEMBER 30. 1869. Price Five Cents foJlabno n lxmontht... INSURANCE COMPANIES. SPECIAL NOTICES. mSCELLANEOUS. GROCERIES, &c. jCOlimSSIOX AXI) FORWARDIXGt Jrr,!ji .1 -Of ii - i . ,14 a 4! 'si. i 1 If! i: r' r t .-. l AniTUerobr 8eeor CmpUiicjr for ! ' I" OF NEW 411(,t,0ver - - - iS4k5005000. vjfNUAL DLVIDSJcVD IFTY CENT. i)UfH3H BRANCH HAS PAIQj$73,500 LOSSES IN TWO YEARS OXE THIRD 01 ins MESItCir LOAXSD 10 THE POLICY .HOLDER. , Kaikrbooker ia aa old ftstabiished Company Ita atiairs are managed with great care and . ifa txWU and honorably adjusted and promptly paid. On account of the liberal iXc.s pVwaed by this Company tovrards its po.icy holders in the South during the war, it certainly , trt kv, ftrnfi,lAaca aad saDOort of the Southern people. It is the only Insurance Com. !! aioh h ITHB SOUrHere R.S. PBIMUOSE, MidiealExamlncr. Uan 25-tf I rm F0"BA 1 1 F E S .7 PIEDMONT LIFE INSURANCE HOME GgPOB LOCATED IN - -i v. if s- t ; AUTHORIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. v L0riNT IiOBED FIlSTlEiaHTEES M0NTH3 $12000.000; PBEMIUMC3 EE0EIYED . t Ebhty Seven and a naif Per Cent. OFFICERS t . R. H. flfCX Sbobtabt i C, II. PERKO W, Minar.ofJi "-'" .... . fvMaBB,.of Weisieer Co; AJS;Ltse, i fiof Wyde?& Ir1By;A TSbkmah. j W. P. Shbpheed; iTliU liberal and aolvont BKNEFITS OF LIFE INSURANCE. ' ni.i.. ;t n.tlir rtf ' o Uw an 1 terms so " ftu with patrooj, will pay sevea egafcu"0.0 Piedmont is the most Desirable the' -S" i 1 n,.Hrs and references." It gives credit for half premiums for twelvemonths TIiTXSSSSSyoa oecome unable to pay in future,, for a, longias you Bosiose gives proo. i"n fif ' If joa py all casn, the Pl all cash; thus it wm caver ycr, v ..h m0 h pid aftertwo payments of 910 it ne ' aPP'',s as ve9 f ou from that tricfc by which many Life Insurance .4 it hw restriction to residence and travel, ana inns fff'Jv. - t, '1 i . .:"V ftAliethbertftti)f your policy and al "Iwiem. ... r.T 7.::: th,, nV mmntftv now in existance, aua, iy now It gives Ipicy holdirs eighty-seven and a nan per 10 (Ik - - j'ernU vou to change your poUlcy from one plan to another. Kfevery privilefe Ranted by y other Company, an m F". ' lI P. iT" to it annual settlements to see jusl .t It iiiiiv.v ' - . . a. m. . ItwmeUniS wittt tfie m.3ViBrn;ft -aPniad, ,Wld you leave a support o TOr nelpless families. I A'ould you at your Aeatn rele.uH n encumberred estate. Would you secure- your endorser from Ids. -3 . .,i,i i. ..... tn ,inr?:it Tour childorenr "uia y ju m; ?lfflS?S? :PUcr. 'ill i. n IS i . V W ft & mSCELLANEOUS. FOR I IT Jeap for Cash or ApovecT Mer- cantile Paper. 1 fr- W A ! 1 IT I. I"ER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING PRINTING MA- M Washlkf toi HN PRESS W tfjrdet "1 Nr 3 LIBERTY PRESS; wmost"new. ' pairs of CASES, in first rt order. "1 Double STANDS, good but not new; ter.il CHASES. Newspaper and Job. IMPOSING STONES. 1 ' iV. . . 'nr hnndred pounds LongPrrmer Type, on-third"worn .rhandred pounds Brevier Type, ono-thlrdrorn' i1"? Fotits Job Type, various styles and sizes. T nne'" na IOT ou xyi SOIltll Rlaj.fc Uol tjittftr . oj inti vH ' Aaveriisinir uisptay C UP' d Job Sticks. w imo Galleys, Leads, Saws adA4TeHbUigRnle. 1 Sin K u . . 1 ill Af tliA jt,prU the principal fonts will be shown. The l.a. ly circalteL or furnished to any me o applic , " Circular preparea in waica ese ica- AR.ESSES wUkl I offer are good, and can be bought iMA t "r terms thau the same quuiywwv vn . TbvL Iork elaewhere. " oove material 1.111 v- iMiwI ta suit nurchasers. H-"? nxion to sell thia surplus materiai. and invite t!l frl ,lndrlnd fifty d.dla willttrhafte tfee mate- lotMj ut n wraeenm will buy a very good Job Office, j, 01 xsejceners very supertor woerty irw- -''uce, alter Weduesday, -une 30th, 1869. . . 1 Send i,r a circular. : ' it iureverV policy holder to ,IU lJrJ jroar FauIIjt In Ci of Oeth. LTiiRw JNSlTRANr.R r.0HP AMY YORK, ! "f ' A.nnaai Income, - $2,750,000. JpoliciasTiTO issued axd losses paid. No extra WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Affent, i NEWBERN, N. C. K A N C E :0 N L f COMPANY OF VIRGINIA9 RICHMOND, VIRdlNIA. Profits Paid to Policy Holders, M ATJ iii , VICB a RESIDENT J. J. UUJIUNW, M.; D. , Uvpioii. Adtisbr. . . r Ooinmission Merchant; Bicsabd Iesy, - i Tobacconist; J. J. H6pkin8; ; J. R. Peebles. Company now offer the - .tm nrithiW mvh nf t.ha nooraat: and. willinar to share its mannh ' ' Life Insurance Company in Existence ; . i vou benefit of its policy, without money it never ta&es wnat a ud nolicies" aad is unable to keep paying, -77 mot nthft rt..'d Drouori.onaW. iciiA - . -;- i - - - many not granted by them. 1 jtiAA ia nrinn 11 11 and convince you it is Me Crtpiny i,?wclc. in the Llf3 I"nce omPany iniexistence MISCELIANEOIJS. Hann&ctarea by Tie National WitekGs, OF ELGIN, ILL,. - : t T ..J I.. Wi1l OiTTakert, Callroad and Ex- ? prenjfteiitfcaiT ana nest, r to be the" most eerrect Time Keepers made Avoid parties who aa vrttA to send Watches "C.O.D." PCKPORTWa Jj to be or onr mue. furnish none for t Jurpose. There ara ImU itlons In market. To t. fiENCINE ELOIK WATCHES, apply to dealers In jonr ovrn loeaUtj or el-where, whom jou fcwrif Tr ini tk Bastness Ofileo-and 8al lioom 168 A 161:1AM Street, Chicago, in. r s Nov 4 ! ,15 V wAtKERy JONES fcTHO., ' OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE PLANTERS W in the surrounding counties, that they have on hand and are continual! j receivt! receiving all kinds Hf ( , j w ?JJ MI (.Ml Ilaatat!on Supplies, Xorlr, Flour, Bacon, Hittrd, Bttcinc Hope, &cH Agent, forth Celebrated Ax-row Tie wlshinir to sbiD their COTTON, RICE, 4c. fb aale In NVwYotk, liberal adva,xce8 wi l be madt 11 con. ignedto their friends .UaKCU. KICL-. X freer Bucnu, . : ,. (From Dispensatory ot th United States.) DIOSMA CREXATA BUCH0 LEAVES. ' r Ioptrtits Their odor is strong, diffusive, and son e what aromatic, their taste bitterish, and analoeons to mint. , iueaiccu rroperut ana uses Bachu leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary organs. They are giTed in complaint of the Urinary Organs, socb as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra. Disease of the Prostrate Gland, ivod tteeution orlrcoutiae ce of Urine, from a loss of tone in the pjfrts concerned n iM evacnatioui The re- boj has also been rerommended in Dysppia, Chroaio Bhenmatisra Outaneocs 'Affections, and Dropsy. IIslbold's Extract Bcchu is used by persons from the or 18 to 25, and from So to 65, or ia the decline or change or chanee f life: after Confinement, or T..hnr LPainfljf Bed-wetting in children. . in aneciions peculiar to females, the Kxtract Bnchn U nnea.ualed by any other remedy, as in Chloroaia, or Keten-4 noni lrregmmrtTy, raiaiuiness vorappresBion or Cutom ry Evacuations, Ulcerrated or Scirrhous State of the Uterus, Leuoorrhea, or Whites. . , , , , ., . . Diseases of the Bladder, Ridneuh Orarel, and Dropsical SweU.ingi.-Thi. medicine jucr eases the power ot Digestion andexcltes the Absorbents Into healthy action, by : which the Watery or Calceroua depositions, and all Unnatural Kn largtments are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. Helmbolo'l Extbact Bcchu has cured every case of Dia betes in which it has been given. Irritation of the 5eck, of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gra vel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discbarges,' and for enfeebled and delieafe constitutions, of botnj sexes, attended with the' following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty ot Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease; Wakefulness, Diiuneea of .Vision, Pain in the Back, -Hot "Hands, Flushing ot the Body, Dryr.ess of the-fekin. Eruption on the Face Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Mnocular System, && H. . IIilmbold's Exeract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood Puri fying, and Cure all diseases; arising from habits of Dissipa tion, excesses and imprudences in life, impurities ot the Blxi, Ac, superseding Copaiba in affections for which it is used, such as Gonorrhoea, Gleets of long standing, and Sy philitic Affections in these diseases used in connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price $ 1.25 per bottle, or frbottles for $d.50. Delivered to... ny address. Describe ymptoms in all communications it Address II. T. HF.LMB0LD, Drug and Chemical Ware house, 594 Broadway, N. Y. 43-None aie genuine unless dona up In steel engraved wiapper, with fac-simila of my Chemical "Waranoose, and signed II. T. HELMB0LD. Self-Help for the Erring. -t , WORDS OP CHEER FOR: Y0TTCTO MEN, who havia,? fallen victims to SOCIAL EVILS, desire a better MAJf HOOD. Sent in ssaled letter envelopes, free of charge, dreaa HOWARD ASSOCIATION; B6X" Fr Philadelphia, Pa May22-tf Wedlock. ESSAYS ON THE ERRORS OP YOUTH, and the Fol lies of Age, in relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with self-help for the unfortunate. Sent ih sealed letter envel opes, free of charge Aldresa, HOWARD ASSOCIATION Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. :- Sept 26-3m "Who Would Suffer ?" IT IS NOW 22 YEARS SINCE DR. TOBIAS FIRST introduced the "Venetian Liniment" in the United States and never in a siuglo instance has his medicine failed to do all. if not more than ia stated in his pamphlet. As an ex ternal Temedy in cases of Chronic Rhoumatism, Headache Toothache, Bruises, Burns, Cuts, 8ores, evenings Spram3, fitings of Insects and Pains in timbs.. Back and layrt. - iipoyta are miraculous, lae cpui'ii,orutir tor tnecureof in- MTiMBv-i,y ry, Sick HeacnuiliB auu tuwiting, its Soothing and Pene trating qualities are felt as soon as taken. The oath wltbJ which each bottle is accompanied will show that there Is nothing injurious in its composition, Thousands of certifl cates have been received speaking of the rare virtues of this valuable article. Any person after having used it once wil never be without it. Every hottle ofthegnuino has the signature of WS. I. Tobias" on the outside wrapper. Sold by the Druggists and Storekeepers throughout tho United States. Price, 60 cents. Depot, 10 Park Place, Now York Ira. The Constitution Overthrown! ' The Constitution and Health may be ruined by a few ap plications of the lead or sulpher hair dyes now in the mark t. "Not a Dye" may be thj motto of such nostrums, but A DIE may bo tho result of using them. But ONE HAIR DYE has.been y . - TRIED AND ACQUITTED r - of Jail deleterious tendency, under the infallible laws o Science Be it known to-all, that I-Ki Cristadoro Excdlsioh Hair Dye, has been analyzed by the distinguished chemist, Professor Chilton, and his certificate of its wholesomeness may be seen atiCristadoro's, 6 Astor House, New York. CRISTADORO'S II AIR PRESERVATIVE, as a Dressing, acts like a charm on the Hair after Dyeing. Try it. lm. Ailcack?s Porous Plasters. f' Sort and" Dry tliroit 'cured by half a Plaster; usually in two or three hours. Dr. Green, No. 8f3 Broadway, New York, informs us lie sold on Monday- Jane 22, 1862, 4. wo Plasters to a young wo man suffering very severely from lumbago. On Thursday she called to get two more for a friend, and then stated how the two she had purchased on Monday h id relieved her im mediately after putting them on, and cured her in two days of a most distressing pain in her back and loins. Allock's Porous Plasters have been found specific tor Rheu matismofthe WrUtsr lm. V . 4" ' r MSCELLANEOUS. NORTH CAROLINA MARBLE YARD. THE SUBSCRIBER H IVING ESTABLISHED ;A 3IAR bl Vard in Xhis city is now inrepared to furawU . r:Moaunir!its Tomb Posb ivijf I .Marble and a i Slate Mantels, It - Daomils, and Building Work Generally. i -t i -f i ;'- ' t i particular attention given to inscriptions in Ornamental or Plain Letters. . Jiarble Work in Cemeteries, defaced by time, renovated an.1 made to look as ro-hI as new, and reet It dosirod.2 1 -on-Railing Tor Building aid Cemetery lots ' - , . , ; GEO. W.CLAYPOOLE , t FwMmiifSrs t fit w C ctl7-tr A)ruer iiroaa aikt(Ufayu ssreeta. , ME JOURNAL OF COMffiRCE I r.4 ': I ,,"t ,.-'t Is published daiiy by Henry C. & Stephen D. Pool. Jr. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS, 80UTH- BRN IN SENTIMENT, T1IE JOUlXNAI OF COMITIEnCE IS TUB UNCOMPROMISING AND BITTER FOE OP RADICALISM AND OP EYRY E SPORT TO DEPRIVE GUR PEOPLE OFTHE RIGHTS BEQUEATHED TO THEM BY THEIR FORE- - PATHERS. EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR, INVARIA BLY IN ADVANCE. SEND FORWARD THIS SUBSCRIPTIONS. 200,000 ENVELOPES. SrL.EIVl)II3 STATIONERY. j The Latest styles of French Papers and Enrelopes, From ANG0ULEME, LAROCdE, J0UBERT, LACR0IX k Co. I The largest assortment to suit every taste DANCING ORDERS, WEDDING ENVELOPES, RE vYARD CARDS, TESTIMONIALS, INITIALED PAPER, of many styles, NEWSPAPER WRAPPERS, &c. MASH. C. E. F0T, 1 j. SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEAR THE GASTON nOUSF I NEWBERN, N. C, i ' ' v f Dealer- in every Avarietir ct Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goodsj Ha ti, Boots and Shoes. A full line and fresh supply constantly on band, which will be told low for Oast' or Country Produca. "Oct 10 -t MERCHANT TAILORS. New Clothing and Tailoring Es- l tablishment. V' I 'Of ft i I i D. W. HURTT, would respectfully announce to the pub lirthat he has fitted op a room iu the second story of the COURT HOUSE BUILDING, immediately vr the store of McLean. &Co-l when be wtu 00 pieasea w atiena ut toe wanu of those reimrmg am emeea . cepi t ....;,: . A ZANG,: ';'.. i ' M K R C H A N T TAILOR, CRAYEN STREET, 1 i HAS on band a large assortment of Caasimres ard CIcth and iruariitees satutitctioa in all worK aooe oy mm. OatlO-lra I i - . - - - - FIVE- BViRELS LOSILLIRD'S SWF "TpUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALS IS QUANTITIES TO fj auupurcnaera,a - ! - GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCE- RIES. Corned Beef, Hams, Flonr, Ilominy, Sugars, of all Grades, Stuart's Syrup, Molasses, Yiucgar, Pickles, I Coffees, of all Grades, Roasted Coffees, Ground Codecs, i Smoked Halibut, Codfish1, i Green and Black Teas, i i I Fresh Crackers, Bn Pickles, Pepper, Spices, &Ct, &C, &C, &Q( 4 I i HOLLISTER & SLOTOR, f i Corner of Pollok and Craven Sts.! Oct 19-tf JOS. A. BELL, MIDDLE STREET, BELOW SOUTH FROST, NEWBERN. N. G . , Has on hand, and is constantly receiving, the largest ,and beat Stockgof FLOUR, all grades. PORK. And a general assortment of ! j The Nicest Family Gtroceries, j to be found in the city, which be offers at the very lowest prices FOR CASH. Sept 10-lm C. A. HART'S TIN WARE MANUFACTORY House FurniHliing Goods,1 Dealers in Stove. Hardware,; Wood and Hollow Ware, i' Patent Pnmna. Stean.O ILarnnn. of everv descrittioo. 1 1 j Crockery and Sto; Ware, Keroseno, Lighthouse, Lard and Common Oils, or. Machinery, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks, Guw, Pistols, Powi cr, Shot, Caps, n inaow Glass, and all articles usually found ia a firct class nous Furnibhing Store. a A. HART, No. 18 Middle Street, Newborn, N, C. Nov. 4 tt. DR. KfERSTEAD'S 1 i (UNRIVALED REMEDY. TIIE RING OP ALL PAIN,i THETGREAT INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MKDICINE . - i Will Oure I HEADACHE, in five minutes ; TOOTHACHE, in inlunte; NKUKALU1A, SPRAINS, RUKC5IAT1SM, DIARUUEA. : COUGHS and COLD, FKVER and AGUE, i CRAMPS and OLIO, CHOLERA 5IORBCS,! INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, PILES, BURNS, FOUL STOMACH, aud many other diabases and ailueats of the human! body too numerous to enumerate. 1 It ia a Diuretic, curing d eesaaes of the Kidneys and Bladder. It .is a Tonic and S;HUnt, giving an appetite and invigorating the system- It is a Diaphoretic, causinz perspiration and allaying lever. It la an Expectorant, acting on the Lungs, and is good in all Throat and Lung disease. j.There is not a pain or ache, nervous or inflammatory, but that the King ot all Pain will relieve, and in most iustan eea entirely cure. It should always be used before auy other remedy ia trL-d, for it ia almost certain in erery cat to be the only thing neede d. j PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists. Apothecaries and Dealers every where. :'' - j j- W. II. BROWN ABRO,: j j - Sole Proprietors,4 j Wholesale Druggists, BaltimoreMd1 Septlm '. ROOFER, KARRIS & CO., COMMISSION MEKCIIANIS i ' A.C 1-2 IiRO.VDWAY, , tricw YORK. CO,, - ! CorjTTiT iioxjsh: iiuilding 1 NTCWiJiciir, n. c. i . 'WILL MAKE ADVANCE. OS CONST :X'!::TS OF COTTON, NAVAT, STORES, PEANUTS, Mat 13-tf. flOOPLit IIARUTS k C( BAXKIXG HOi'SE OF V W Kii'iucss on th corner of S tutu irtnit hAi iBMMih ------ Craven S'rce?, where we are better prepared to m-ef thW demands of on :n"rf ainsr bnsincs. In this ronnecti?i ' we whIi t.i r, r-irn tb.tisks to the l usinci community f..ij bo liberal patronage heretofore extended to u. nd pleilo 6nrselves to use every endeavor to merit its continuance." I Liberal advances made on COTTON. NAVAL STt)HK.c ind all descriptions of PRODUCE, coudiguod to us fur utile f Oct30-tf ' ROUNTREE & tVEBB. ! W. II. PHILLIPS, of North Carolina, WITH I Victor W. Maclarlane, I COMMISSION JMERCIIANTI BEEF, PORK, HAMS, LAUD, BUTTER, CHEESE, Ac. NO. 3 1 WATER STREET, NEW YORK. ! j Nov 6-1 m v 1 II, J. .D. CLARK, sc rrTTi' FRONT ST. f Near Gaston House' Newborn. IT. CI Acent for -1 DANCY, II Y M A N & C O i - General Commission Merchant!?, i 24 !Exclian:e . Place, New York r. - ! i .il receive nnd forward produce, and make liberal caab advances on all articles consijem! to them. ' j No chitrge maleat this place f.r furwurding produce, i . n. J. B. CLARK, aprent for the North Carolina Life Insn- nce, Annuity and Tniat Company. i Feb.20-t BENJ. L. PERRY, I (Agent and Adjuster for tho New York, Philadelphia and .Baltimore Eonrd of Marino Under tittrs, for j the Coast of North Csrolin?.) General Commission Merchani, NEWBERN, N. C, WILL MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONS MENTS FOR NEW YORE. Oct 11.1m IN MISCELLANEOUS. DIP0RTANT SALE OF REALESTATE In the City of Ncwben:. BY virtue of a decres of the Ccnre of Plas and Qnarte Ssions f r Craven county. I will ex post to pubiio sal at the Court' Iioue dixr, in the city of Newbera. on Hoi day, the' 8th d y of DeceTn-c.r next, the reil estate o? th late ohn Brissinpton, decM, uu K Front street, between Bro-id and w Streets, being, his l-'e reid?nce. A1j, a part of a lot on Sew Ptreot with one r r.i r" rninll ilircll-i:i(ri-.yhic!i R'lj dnsthclt on F.ft Ftont l".o:I the JL;ick.' The firt is one of thrt mr durable r'lfnces in -tie citr f Nfwlxrn. ntuated on tiie river reu wner M-" rivet is over a mile vid stjd coinniau.lin an tlepaiit J yltji of the river for many loiles below. Terms of sale 13'iu cash, tlio h;tlance six months cre li Notes with aiwoved secaritr require.!. Titl rejerTfi uki th notes are paid. WM. G. DR1N30N, Nov 6-td Admir de bonis non of John liriinp'onJ NOTICE. I A LL P I-:;'- M HAVING CLAIMi 'Ai AINST IINftY J. Lfvx-'i. 1 ted urevi-tut t 2ii Jut A. I) . 1809, :re reo.net i'i t- present theru to the subseribT wiUiili ix niontlw f ro:n this date, i ' ' ! (. 0 tne 12h day of Aril A. D. IS" . a dividend wH !bo declared, pyiblc tj Lis creditors oat oft ie proceeds of the sle .A t;;o c-tate a! sa:d lovicK. w. II. rEAuca:, 1J Tnistee of Ilt-ury J. Io i;k . "Sonatack" Sernsoa I'ancr, i OF LETTER ANDCCHilKRCfAL NOTE SIZC3, AR ranged with eyelet bole for temporary binding,' With n oilcloth cover accompanying eaoh ream of paper, i f This kind of SERMON PAJ'ER is something entirWr new and will be found fir prefrrjiblo to tle old ftyle; - t ': PRICE, $ZQ tar Commercial Note s'z?, 1.50 for Lett- r and 4-) and 30 cents per quire, ! : Sold only by - J.E NA li. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. Large assort: en r jc:t r.r.CEivED dv NovSl-lt J- WHALEY : 7- in " -1 w 8. D. POOL A sent, barge. i 7 ' f ', it . ' . .. - J .' . ; , ) ; ' - . ' ' ' : - . ;. , .. i - 1 ' - . :.. ' a i . : v r . "!-. i -