IIIW VOL. VIIL—NO. 154. TEIi VS 01 MWRll PTION. 1870 1840 8 I Mote that 250 Differnt Modifications. .net' iroin convict. Proven.' r. OK WJtd SC isni bec a uso oj show n by the Bretsch* ecru S ta 10. 1 t-and Intermittent Severs. TSE MRMMF GF COWER CS TOHAS STANLY W anted ! Ass fern North Carolina. It. never has solid ot natroua^e because nf and never v;: pm Norta Carolina owe it to themselves te t.f«rw i^o institute. their aporeeiation of toe only daily paper ef section expressing their entiments and upheld "G n t ri b u >.' C much to inciease its circuh non and add t* i» Aurd of cnconragement and good cheer wsuil & IU S1C—Extra. 0 k on 1 Absolute Divorces MMMJ MM MMMM CAMPAIGN Bitti rs. JOURNAL 0^ MICE >7111 devote iho Second. □articular attention to afiaus in thi* March 1-3 w. Congressional. District.' 11 will be fa thful re- flex oftho political situation, and will contain the (WIST CffiJOT MMRMTIIAL latest and most reliable; intelligence from every conntv composing the District, as well as from ■ ££BWL the State at large. Besides it will give the I»te MH shall strive to make it reflect the very spir REV® E, M. FORBES, RECTOR. And. body of the times; S. D. FOOD. MALE DEPABETMENT r EM ALE L EPARTMENT Miss BORA POOL. Primary Department ME SRTED OH ADVERTISE SHT MBEMM TERMS BY TIIE Dei. ll-3ms. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE are as follow. 1 To Crabs copy gratis to S etter U P 01 C,U *' Address all corp excellence. BOARD of i n this advertisement. ?. D. POOL. ME WIT SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL M l Lu of PEOY DAVIS’ FAS KILLER For Females. The rates of subscriblion to ^khe DAILT M RS. U. S. POOL. A K 1- U €A L E S 3 T A H 9 A & D mid make them pI«a#M« 17 n ten o n r I a 1) o r a TE2IRS FEU CUAR.1.Eit. E L DM EN 7 \ R Y B 1.1 A A CHES, D. FGWI 118 MILK STREET, BOSTON. behalf er our jourw, would •*• our friend.*, w ...... EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE RE- Burned (D V.), W ednesday- September Slst that ouorii A Will they i n n ri ence. in aka SOHU 70-00 political couro: but the Conservatives e - : A little effort on the par* 4 1 ng their interests. d ent died to ths i7 port cd the venwou *i In a word w« commercial and general news. he Sta‘e, th® excellent Com- ;lvo8„- our officii. I publications. J. C HUMMER J. B. LAURENS. General Agents for North Carolina. Newbern, Agents of Beaufort. Carteret, Craven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir April 26-tf. noh- TERMS PER QUARTER H 1EN (lb) WEEKS. 'In Ad ^nce. IMEMENTARY EN'JLlbJl ELEM' NT A Y ENGLISH, with GRAMMAR and GEOGRAPHY HIG ER ENGLISH.. 4^(1 IIIGHEK ENGLISH. With FRENCH, LATIN’, or 10.0;' PUBLISHED BY H.^. & S. D, POOL, IN THZ BRICK BLOCK, CRAVEN STREET NEWBERNO N‘ 0.. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1870 Son# w ^ow« FAIRBANKS. & U@ ^■BBROADWAH, NRKVORK. . Baltimore Baltimore. 53 Camp's:. New-Oi-leacs. Fairbanks, Brown & to. Washer of Cotten and Grain. INTERM IDG A’1'1’. Se. reaper Advertising. No effort, or pains, will be spared to ma ke Mhe schoo EQUAL TO ANY lA THtt STATE. TherSchooh Building, pleasantly, located on ‘GEf RGB STREET, between POLLOK and SOUTH FRONT, is in excellent ordei, and fitted for the Accommodation and In- strncriuii of a lirgemsimper of Scholars Such Apparatus as the necessities of the School .hay d mand, will be added. During the rc > lectures will be delivered upon subjects connected with, and elucidating the Blanches taught in the School. Newbern has been, for rainy years, justly celebrated for the elevated character of its society, and for the liberal education of its sons at d daughters. It is therefore eminent ly suited for the establishment of schools of high grade. None can overestimate theadvantage of associating in youth with the children of parents of cha: acter, poilsh, and edu cation, and hence,it ifconficfei'tly believed, that the schools of-our city will be favorably considered by theses who are seeking eligible points for the education of their sons and daughters. The Principal and his wi r e having devoted mere than twelve years to the duties of the School Room, ai e justified in pledging sa.isfaction to all persons who may entrust the education of their children to them. 1 he Rector and Teachers ask that the School be fairly tried, and judged strictly. They believe tnat the entei- prise is important to all whe desire the establishment of good and permanent schools in Newbern, and, in an especial degree, itappeals to the members of the Church whose duty it is to faster and encourage schools iu which their cnildren may be trained for tho Churen of their choice While this is a Church School, and while the children of Ediscopal parents will be traiuf 1 for the Uuurcu, the teach ers pledge themselves th .t- the religious sentiments of the children of parents cf other denominations will not be in terfered with, and no attempt made to bias their minds — The chief object ol the Teachers will be to imp-art instruc tion in the Element .ry and Higher Branches of an English and Classical course of study, leaving to parents the re' jpunsibility of inculcating the tenets of the Faith in they desire to instruct their children. SPECIAL NOTICES IT MNM10 BITTERS If feigorMt, AND TRADE «^ PROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY HEWING/. MCHINE- Great Osman Bitters. i DhifeiM EVSIMCE COMPANIES. MERCK AN S C (AM P A N OF NEW YORK, AH Policies W-FORT^imift KO BESTiCTlOSS ea Residence or Travel DEDUCTED from Premium? er allied ta Pali N 1C W IS WILLIAM Ba BOYD; >1 1^ M : is X 15 K, ^ s I. W. HUGHES & SON, H. 31 U T U A L •NuCiR ORATED THE STATE OF MISSOURI, IN 1858. WM. T. iSELSY. Secretary, WM. N. BEN TON, Gen’1 Agent, Getting Mamed. ESSAYS FOR YOUNGS MEN, ON SOCIAL EVILS MeM Uerfiraa Bitters, July 30,1870-11. Notlm Ma^Imd: now JUOST J ■r-estoireid b. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, AND Radical Cure of Supermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Imped : nients to Marriuge generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilep sy. and Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting 10111 Self Abuse, &c., by ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, Id. D:, nthor of the “Green Book,” &c. A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS.” Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pow paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box.4.583 Also Dr. Culverwell’s “Marriage Guide,” price 25 cents. LIME! LIME! LIME! The Deep Gully Lime Company PREPARED TO FURNISH UPON THE MOS FAVORABLE TERMS. A Superior Quality of Lime, 15 A.TR JR. JE ^ C. IT. & G. A. LATHAM. Agents Cor. Craven and South Front S’s. EDWARD D. THOMAS. Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Middle Street, near the Market, Newbern, N r C. N. S. RWilAADSON PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, OTICE 18 riEREY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION ASSEMBLY for nd the chaNor of the NEWBERN ACADEMY, KOi&TB CAROLINA MARBLE YARD TUr; SUBSCRIBER HAVING ESTABLISHED A MAR now prepared to furnish^ Measmoeiits Tombs, Posts, Marble and Elvis Mattel/ MurasiM Steps} iC^a^J Bailiilag Work Generally. Partic ilar a*tention]given to inscriptions in Ornaments of Plain Letters. Mirbli-' Work in Cemeteries, defaced by time, renovate, and in.me to look as good as new, and reset it desirod. Iron Railing for Buildine and Cemetery lots. GEO. W.CLAYPOLOE; Corner Broad and Craven Street, FERDINAND ULRICH. Middle Street, near Pollock, OFFER. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE, RYE, BuU.tBON and N.C. CORN W1 HOLL AND and CORN GIN, FRENCH BRANDY Kaine Wino,' POLLOCK STREET, TWO DOORS WEST POST OEOFLICi. AM W jSKKN All work done Promptly, with Neatness and at Low Pricer AVTNG OPENED A BOOK AND JOB PRINTING tablishme t at Newbern, I respectfully solicit a s 1 Df Public Patro g*.and will endeavor, by promptness and nea’ness of ork, and LOW PRICES, to uerit the same. To my friend of the Counties of Wayne, reene and Lenoir, and, also, the citizens of Newbern and Crav.-c County, the humeuf my outh, I appeal for a LIBER-CI lipport. All orders by mail promptly filled, and sent by lispro or through Post Office as desired. Newbern,February22nd, j870-2m. Vienna. on hand SIGV OF THE “SIG INDIAN. 1 Steam Launch for Safe. $4,507,00® over j3,5i»v,uuu' 0 OFFI UERg* CHARLES II PECK, Vioe-Presiden t, JOHN 8. MILLER, Assist. ^. WM. E. liARViY, Actuary, WM. M. MaPHEETERU M. D. Medigal Examines, HON. ELlZUR WRIGHT, of Mass., Consulting Actuary, Principal Office at St. Louis, Mo., Ouva STBEST, No. 513. No ' i ; ‘t' ir.su Vurco Company in t'he United States offers superior advantages for insurance or investment, than the St. Louis Mutual, “id is managed by gentlemen of the highest capacity and standing and it enjoys the la^ftst confidence of i Insururance Companies. oral; itspremiuins moderate and made easy ; its los es are paid promptly and i‘s investments are sel basis, being principally iu improved real estate worth twice the amo'uut invested, paying ten per . iwn-forfeitable and all parti cipate in its profits from the beginning. uul -applied ann naily to policy holders on the contribution plan. ictlly .Mutual and the profits of its business are paid not to stockholders but to its policy holders. • vitoue paid to all who through misfortune are unaole to keep up their policies. G. K. WITMER & CO., AAlsxandria, Ya., Gen. Amenta for Va., West Va„ .nd., N. C. ami District of Columbia. ReLEBENCES: John G Williams, President National Bank, Raleigh, N C. A. M. MePhteters, Raleigh, N. C., R. A. Martin & Co., Petersburg, Va Hull, At kinson A Co., Baltimore, R. H. Maury & Co., Bankers. Richmond. Va. FOR LIFE INSURANCE O N LY rMMIW LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA* Iman OFFICE LOCATED IN RICHMOND, VIRGINIA AUTHOBIZED CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS. AMOUNT INSURED FIRST EIGHTEEN MONTHS $12000,000; PREMIUMS RECEIVED IN SAME TIME OVES $500,000: NUMBER OF POLICIES ISSUED SAME TIME 3,000. Eighty Seven arid a Half Per Ceat. Profits Paid to Policy Holders O^MflCKKg s / C. 0 RUINGTO^ President; R. H. MAUTY. Vice President; J. J. HOPKINS Secretary: C. H. PERROW, M» D., Medical Adviser, DU^OTUfLS : it, LL Miuuijof B. H. Maury & Co., Barkers; Abneys Habvev, President National Bank ; 0. imAPBB, of Weisiger & Co.; A.. 8. Lns, Commission Merchant; Bichabd Ibex, a W. P. SHEPHERD; J. R. Peebles. This liberal olvent Company now offer the iililNKl^TTS tilE’K INSUKAUNCLiL, r ado terms so accommodating as to plAce its olicles witnin reich of the poorest; and.[ willing to share fi ts with patronc, will pay seven-eghths of net warnings t> them annually. Tenas of Submiptwii Cbe Fieumoui is It * ^IDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE U. S. STRAW ; Launch, ■S U E^EJ PISTON Gr 9 ” J. II. PORTER, the most Desirable Life Insurance Company in Existence. rives pronto solvency iu “vouchofs arg referonow.” It gives credit for ■Lgit gives yon credit for all pr^iaas(it you Become unable to pay rn ‘ t wiirrJ^L/^ ofnovertu, and give the benefit of its policy, without money u ri^v er taxes what a ; i \ h 7 i— es force you to lose the benefit of your policy and all you have paid them. J - ■ >o v in ex'-stauco. and, therefore, has more to divide in profits. efpoS 'wMws eighty™even and a half per cent, of all profits, whie mostother. divid. jiroyorlton-teSy with r K i uiits vou to change your pollicy from one plan to another. - 1* Brunts every privilege granted by any z other Company, and many not granted by them invites every- policy holder to its annual settlements toseejustice is done him. 4 lueMbi"’ witri the most rapid success eve known in Lite Insurance annals. ■G TOswer all objections which will occur in your mind, and convince you it is thi Company in^isience. L^k over our Agents—apply to the one nearest to you and^insure you life at once. Would you leave a support o yourneipless iamil -■YeWd you at your death release an encumberred «• Would you secure your endorsers from loss. Would vou be sure*to educate your childoren? 4:4^5^ »^ ^ •w^'-^ l6 “— D. M CARRAWAY. A^t One Copy, One Year W Six Months - - ■ 4 01 Three Months- a 25 Ono Month - - - 71 f Ten, One Year 79 09 “ Six Months - 35 #«

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