7 ii? : -.,-' r o - " '-'r ' . ' ' ' - - ... :.. ' 1 j' k' - f J.J- t - t 5 - v. . $. -h - Iitrr4 . .'L,. V ST0YE3!!' STOVES!!! ttffk.&b COOKING, PARLOR, AND OFFICE V 'VQ i'U v it.fi, 01 tne latest styles and most approved ILLIAM W, H OLDENS patterns, just received from the Foundries, and will bo sold as low at retail as they can be purchased at the North. Also, a good snpply ot TIN and JAPAN WARE, Patent PUMPS, Ac. Ac constantly on hand. All kinds of TLN, COPPER and SHEET-IRON work done at short notice. WILLIAM J. LOUGEB, Xext door above the Post Ojfiw. Raleigh, October 29, 1353. 96 8tw. EMTQil AXD rnopRiETOa. --.rc THE WEEKLY 7W iJoHruw Tr.nce r within-h first month;?. Two bollartf uwi 'H 2ts 'if payment be delayed six months; and Thread . t Vw--aoir i ".fOT? THE SE5IIWEEKLY-IW 'j7 .' in advance or within Ihfr first montbr FoOT polfata cfrf 'v cents, if p.iyieut be delivyed six months ; nd Kve sn,. v if not wid w ithia &ix mOntRs ftota the time-rf gtfh- ...Mi'iiir. -f ' ' v r'l,S ' k4X ACRES OF LAND FOU SALE.- Ji'The subscriber having determined to retnoya Utalwi tiouth, orilor.sale a 1 hetlafid: and Wrf'etmJesv all. ma lnd id Unatnam, uum 2L'J ! 't j)eriuu wev aiopreemjmje-as tfttHowa-r ' ufswMis.e -f u V . . . . . .. . . . . JBM-W-B ll-l WMIJIIIIIIIII" - K.-ir-mii3fEfn. '-,-V . 'SSr - -.rit - f " T JT 1 - rsssm ' - . v. vVv; ypx.' IVwt:. C-.-RvA-LEIGH. NORTH-CAROLINWElDEsnA v-W 1 (rfvptifwrnents not exceedtttgai 7me will be in . i o:w tin"' f"r onc ll,,"ar nn1 twenty-five cents for each to w." .1 illSl-M! on ; trrnse oi greater lenpth in proportion. '"'."'.rM-nu-'i'" inserted in the Semi-Weekly Standard, will , .,r'r in 'I"" Wi-okly Paper, free -of charcv. Our v' VDVi:iiTlSlXG BY THE YEAR arc as follows: fl months, (U lines to a square,) ?! 10 12 " " " 18 One wni.'tn nuv-i, l! months, " " 15 1.' " " " 5 iiarc, 0 months, ' ' 20 12 " " " 30 Tiro f i:ii"il'r of inlvertisements will be taken for the i, !ui' no di-diiction will be niide on any h-.it i-i'iui nts iheso will he inserted ut ono-fourth . 1 1 ular charjre. il i.r buioK-.s Cards,-not exceedinc: five line., i ' . l it. , il il .. .. ..'.' i ' I.,,, in.v in c i.iier un eeKiy or ftemi-v ei-Kly, Jur i:S or lo lor twelve months; or in both p:; i. r ix nii.nihs, or :l.r for twelve months. :h:it will be sent to advertisers for six months I'lvu i f hal ite, i ! . is an Vrs who may wish to ser.d money i , i.'it ' do so sVy.tll times, by mail, and at his ; . f all ' -m urw? Will be promptly transmitted, .'or Ij&i.hjr fsattft come free ot postage. Jifl'- : ' outfit. IffipHEUTERS, & CO. !Mlcsale (cers, mK 1 I I i I i li 1 1 i I III I Mill" era! may INFERENCES: - Ectx, Vcea't of'ihe 3 rCashior Bank of Cape Fear. ch. President Kmeih and (aston Ivo d j, ife-id & Soutter, Rr Whitehead, , irr, Ktiht' B'k of Va. Xorf'ilk. il,,sr.-. Sjx-nee & Rfid, RiHwr. i. iilussijin i Son, Xric t,rf:. S.-l.ll'lil KM' li". Is"-'!. e LlfJIIT!" EVANS k COOKE, X... 20, i :r. .1 tl,.,;i.i.i;i V.iil i.iin-lvio.1 ." I l)L;t J tUCi Iiae IIXI IILU mi;i vnmv a. .... v. v ffuil unnecessary to speak of their cheapness, as it ....link- understood pv all that Evans & Cooke believe s and short profits, and, as usual, are ahead of t,-v a x: A I 'IM k' t-' ..!lr..m::a.:son A1)ICS DRESS GOODS. HEAVY RICH li, ,w rtcarte lfS;s. Hi mvV I'ia'm Silks. iitt ud Bine Watered Siika. Ilia ..k r-6'di Rhine Siiks. J -ich !)e Lanes, Plain and Figured. pn .ashmexe do I'iaiai f. - ts.ik.s. d English Merinos. KraCK'ti "5 r': cheap DeLane. EVAXS & COOKE. AND OILS. A VERY LARGE SUPPLY kinds of Paints, Oils, and ahmhiils to ha. id lower than can be boujrnt e!sewiiei', on ttie Minting terms bv 1'. F. PESCl. I). 11.. ut "" (1-OW GLASS. A LKGE SUPPLY OF ALL J ft AND QUALITIES, kept on hand or ordered, ur -ke sasli at very low ratrs. d supply of PUT i . Dealers will pier.se give as !ll( o till the r ordeis belore ouvina: elsewoere, 11 ,d bargains. V. F. 1SESCUI. -1AoL.- jT PESCUD'S DRUG STOKE Ft.R YOUR f American and Foreign Pekfi 'Mkkv, io.tii a il l.'i (avit. lirsnES, Coakse and Fi.vk Combs, Soap aud a ms, Pomades and Hair Oh. ps a large stock and soils at a small advance to id tho trade. IWml kv; C. . 1.: Ulis; HA.RS AND CIIEWIN; TOBACCO. THE Vluvers' tif the wiiKii wiil be glad to bear that the sub scriher has received an invoice of Miperior t'igr Ona Cut rjl Liiiui) Chow'mi'- Tohacc.!. various brands, and sots" Kiiairr; ;uu 6 :heycan tyul jTTv I', r. 1 ES(' I Ul. Sept. 12, l-riS. 86 F.n I. AUD OIL IS NOW USED BJ-'mivv .persons in preference to TRAIN OIL tic;y..,(."jl j5'j.,nt g.HKl, aud much cheaper. A PJlv forjpptf r-ry low at rcouy,Kli; MOKE. E BOftDS WANTED. f:i,"oo in STATE . !)S WANTED. Apply at the Standard Oliice. ls.Vj. " s;i Sept. YO.VS RAT PILLS AND SAUK. DON'T be annoyed any longer with r:its, when urn cm mi'.iatc them by giving ;tt Pills. r greasing l oe.r f. .. .d Coster's Salve," which vou willfind.it 1'iISCUD wiih .VDLEIl, FERTH & ROSS' 21 EST AUD. A Ergo Case of this .Mustard which is considered the biiit in the world by many persons is just received at l'lISCUD S JRUG STORE. ii,A:n:Rs diamonds and knp. es. H li: S:i,rtt and for sale bv WILLIAMS HAYWOOD. YON'S RAT PILLS, THE MOST ri'FEf 'TUAL J r eiucdv ever used fur the destruct ion of Rm -s. Mice, Ac. r!iv ' WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. E XT R ACTS FOR FLAVORING. Rose, Vanilla, U Oi j.ii-.', Lemon, Butter Almond, Cinnamon ami 1 ;ne -Aiiide in store and for sale bv Williams & haywood. raWHLM SALT. -VERY FINE AND WUiiL n: .small bags, in store and for : ai; bv WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. 10Ii STARCH A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RE- i ( LIVED at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. V-i'l HATORY. FOR REMOVING SUPERFLU OUS HAIR, for sale bv "WILLIAS A HAYWOOD. Edl,OR7K TOOTH WASH STANDS UNHI VJ VAi.l.ED for cleunstng the mouth and preserving tho te-cih and gutn... F..r sale at WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD'S. C10D LlVSiIlt OIL A FRESH SUPPLY of Eush I ion, Clink A Co.'s just to hand, at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. TeLOl JJ srri'F.rtrOR FAMILY FLOUR, OF NEW r w Wheat, in Store, and for sale by JAS. McKIMMON. 83 Raleigh, F-splpmbcr 2d, 1S5S. . "1 IIK WING TO-3ACCO. L have seven brands of j j the lini-st: dualities of Chewing Tobacco, one of which ' put up bv Y. A E. P. Jones, ana claimed tne rrenuum ai "our State fair, for sale in packages or lots to suit the trad-, P. F. PESCUI). Ihileigh, November 4th, 1S53. 101 P AINT MILLS A GREAT LABOR SAVING MA tiiine for grinding colors, and onc which every painter liiuuld have for sale at the Drug Slore of WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. OF MASSACHUSETTS, 17 I) WARD CASHED, wiil hoar of something to his advantage by writing to "'t'hiibscriber at Raieigh, Wake county, North ( arfH-ma-h Capt. JOHN RHODES. Raleigh, Nov. 17, 1853. 1 3tpd. Tiio Huston Post w ill please copy tho above three times M si : i rl c,,,y of paper and account to this office-. II DDOCK FISH 120 BARRELS HADDOCK fish, in line order. For sale at a low price. MEMEYER A WHITE, Portsmouth, A'a. "v. 1"), 1.:,3. 1 RED ASJI COAL.-L'OO TONS BEST RED ASH Philadelphia Coal, in A'ard. For sale by NIEMEYER A AVHITE, ; Portsmouth, Ara. Nov. if, pq.',.'!, - ' 1 AG:iNG, ROPE AND TW INE.-BEST HEA V Glllinv ti-.ifrrrlnrr A.( inelo'S W'ldo. ht Dundee'llemp Bagging, 44 do. do: A'l in store and for sale by JAS. McKIMMON. JWeigh, Nov. 14, 1853. 104 OR SALE IN DECEMBER, AVAGGON AND GEAR, ged Yoke Oxon. Horses and Carts. , ' DABNEY COSBY. Jtaleigh, Nov. 9, 1853. 103 3t. Vf W RIVER'MULLETS.--20 BARRELS NEAV vi ftlvtr Mullets, in line order, just received. For sale by NIEMEYER & WHITE, v Portsmouth, Va. QVjJa, 1853. 1 I (1ENTLEMEN,S DRESS ARTICLES. HARD- HSG baa wnv a largo assortment, probably the best in , :,(. v, :- fe. L. IlARXINt it? , ' t, r - '1 torn. u& " -..-' ,-i.t.f ' i! i i ! i Nortb&rn WinteA'siipnli .ir and ?cacb'--Made Clothing, which, being bought pi ncpally for cash, he is enabled to offer at very low rates. Ollice V'0W 1U Stle' !lt the M staUt1, Mosite the Superfine black, blue, brown, dahlia and other fancy Cloths, ot various goods. Superfine French, English nud American Cussimeres, of all citiVa nH "ri.'TP, " ' """V1 lu otrekt, JiALTiMoitE. i he M:cnuors respecuuii w.fl7 nex inh. Pl 7JV, - u seconu Vum- C Franklin Oour.:v. C. The r,th Session :f PiVTfT receiving nis rail ana caliche attention of the public to their oVu,,,, ;A,r yn,t xorw ang if.fs, uckr th7 nh .r116111. JLUgh School will commence v.udur the charce of Miss v lllfltM Hill I AIIH CTC H I1TI1- I . n, I IJ.. - . . A . 1 I 1 " 1 .... . . ... ti- 11.1 I I Ilfli . I Fill? .t.-.- . W . 7 wwit; 111 h I . . , . . t "rt.t Suerfiue Simoni Doeskins, for Pants and Overcoats. StiperhHo black Satins and Grenadines. Plain and figured and finer silk Vestings. i itw assortment rich silk y'mltings, for weddings and parties. 1 lain and ligured J'iu.-h Velvets, very rich. 1 Lio.tsiii.No Goons A con.plete assortment, consistiiic in part of 6 Jsupi-rfine plain and f.mcv dress Shirts K-ply Cilars, l.u-e variety. " Canton Flr.nne!. bleached Drill. Merino and silk Under-shirts and Drawers. Silk, cotton aud merino plain and f.mcv Hosiery. Gloves, very superior kid, black, white and fancy. Cravats, black and fancy, and a rich assortment for weddings and parties. s Stocks, black, white and fancy, with and without tics, huspenders, Dressing Gowns tc In font .1.: ,. j-. ..to( i'kmu filial litliL V. e.cijiumg necessary tor a gentleman's complete With sincere thanks to li eucouragcineut heretofore eslumiiuLa-i tn Ht Gentlemen "fumifihibart'hfttrn'wn ww? f KQ,,ofv,.,., aly .upon rtjcemng the same carand attention' as thongh sold oy himself v. i ' Tbttlates4Vnd London fashions lilst n..i!.... j- -?i i . . . received. Cutting iad repairing done promptlv at all times. He wit Jrnnd those indebted, six months time is allowed to punelmu customers. Those in arrears longer than the above time will please call and close their accounts, either by cash or note, and oblige ISAAC PROCTOR. ' Raleigh, Oct. 18th, 1S-V. U7 L. IiAKII, FAYETTE V I LLE STREET. lO e inn e o'h.!!-;1 wit hn. the last Week upwards ot ten Thousand l.!lars werih of superior Ready-Xfade Clothing, mprismg t;i I'.nt as toilov.s : loo Cloth Dress Coat -, loo " " Frock Coats, 1's Fancy Cloth S iek Frock Coals, r ' iLiv a - S'J Black 11 as: Qcercorits. 7." B'ack French Revcr Ch h Overcoats, ,)0 f .'I'iCV " " " 7") Heavy Petersham " " fo Partridge " To Mountain Heaver " ot Flushing ' " loo Tweed Sack Frock Cors, 7-r Satim- tt ' " " T.'i Faecv Cassimcre Sack Frock Coats, 5'J Black Cisunerc Pant. 1'"""' Black Hoe-Skin Cassimere Pants, loo Fancy " " " ',: Sai'iletie " " " oo Black C.usimcre made whole fronts. lys Clothing. We have a very good assortment of Roys' Clothing con sisting of Fancy t 'loth Sacks, Doe-Skin Cassimere Frocks, Tweed Cassimere Sacks and Frocks, Cloth Round Jackets, Sat i nett Ro I Jackets, Silk and Satin Vests, Cassimere ami Valencia Vcs'.s, Fancy and Black Cassimere Pants. Also, a large Ir.i ot Cassimere Coats, Boys' Cloth Tahners, a very pretty style i f Overcoats, te. We manufacture all the goods we sell, and can safely war rant our goods to wear v.eii. E. L. HARDiN'G. Raleigh, Oct. 1"., W". '."j MAYWOOl) &. SCOTT ARE NOW OPENING IN Col. Roulh-ie's new building, on Fayclteviiie Street, 111 it door above Mr. T. R. Fentress' Clothing establishment, a Fresh Stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Su ycal 1 nslrumcnt , Pa;nts, Oils and Hy Stuffs, Window-Ola?.- and tiiaasware, Varnishes and Putty, Paint Prushos, Fine Perfumery and Fancy ArticleB, Best Tooth aud Hair Brushes, Excellent Cigars, Tohneen gyy f.V'j.Z- -r SX&WfirSEa TlTSSeeds. fec. Ac. AH of which are offered to their friends and the public Jijwm j fn Tartibla tenns ns can Ix; r)ivcnrcd"iTr"fer:TKarkei;. Part'CtiTar iittf nii..ii will Ik, piiid io putting up Prescrij -tions for Physicians and Families, at all hours of the day or night, and none but i lie most cho.co ui-iidus tviil bo used. ItaWi. August -d. is.-,::. 7. .tin. PETER W. IIINTON, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, A'. 1, 2 and U A'-. ' "har, No 1; FOLK, A'A. Parliculnr attention paid to the sale of Flour, Cotton, To- baceo and o'.lirr I'-i.duce. Advi-iiCi'S n .:i to. 00 c i!.".mMi gonii nts. F.n warding and Receiving Mar- Sine! ;t;t,ni!oii p.iu cnanu.be. Mai. C:i.s. L. Hi-.t.-v. ! :-:nci?. t;;oiM;i-; W. 1! ay w. .on, K-o., "Raleigh. J. B. G. Rni-i.H o. i:-o.. Ii'iU-i-. h. ll.LIAM Pl.l.MilLK, 1 Apni if, i-.-.. Warrenton. 4 -! w7m. ATCIIES AND J FWELRY. WE HAVE lust retor.eji tr .ir New 1 oi k ami i'liiladeiphia with 'i.' STOi'i. of ihe above liial ever was much the LA iti.i in Raleigh. The stock is too large to eijitmrrtttc. Wr hi.r Tiie very ;ine.-t Gold and Silver Watchee, Breast Pins, Ee r ittngs, and Finger Rings, Fine Razors, Kn.v.-s, ami St raps, Silver Ware and Plated Ware, Clocks and Watches, Pistols and Walking Canes. Perfumer,-. ami Extracts, Call and see our Jewelry at reducod prices, less per cent than we have heretofore sold. We are determined to do a large business. PALMER A RAMS A A. October L'-t, 1'?,. , - F ALL, IMo.L THE SUBSCRIBER HAS EOR THE ant two works been receiving his usual huge sur-plv ot j I FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising a varied assort- j j merit for the Fall and Winter trade, v.hidi has ho;n purch- cued iuvar-ably for Cash, and which, he can assure, the pub- j j he generally he can furnish at prices to please. Ills Stock ' I consists of nearly everv thing wanted bv the Farmer and ' echanic, also, the t. tty irade, te all to an examination of tin ami wo uid rt-s-icctfuliv in same. JAMES McKTMMON. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS.--f-4, -!. l!-t, l-J-4 and i;;-t sup'r Bed Blankets, Crib and Cradle do., White, Blue, Red and Green Mt.ckinaw Blankets, Negro Biankete ali kinds. Saddle iir.d Horse do., AVhite, Red, Yellow, Green and Gray Flannels, all grades, Viniew IVeoeh. Fhuinrls for.-.S.icks. till colors. In store and for sale by JAMES McKIMMON. WE EGRO GOODS. - KERSEYS OF ALL GRADES, in Linsevs, 1XL Plaid. Si riot! Plaid, Siriijc and Marlboro' and d Gala Slnpes and rituas, Cotton Osnaburgs and Heavy bunding, - Russet k Black Brogaus Heavy Boots, just received and for sale by JAMES McKlMMj)N. jROCERIES.-LOAF, CRUSHED, GROUND'aND CLARIFIED SUGARSV Java, Laguli-a, and Rio Colleo, Sperm, Adamanfiiio and Tallow Candlas, Sugar House Syrup and Molasses, Madcria, Cherry, Port und Champagne Wmcs, Cooking Wines, Cog. Branely, wiirranted pure, Old Moiiongabela Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Loudon Brown and Scotch Ale, f ir sale by JAMES .McKIMMON. MATS AND CAPS FALL STYLE AND BEST quality Moleskin Hats, Cloth Caps of every variety and price, . Servant's Wool Hats, Black, Brown and Drab, just received. JAMES McKIMMON. - Raleigh, Oct. 7, 1853; JTL YTTtSs . Am VA RlET riysTTTFf(HLl-:T, SUA V 1 NG, Sfand Fancy Soaps. Lvou's Kathairon, Barry's Tricopherns, Rowlands' genuine Macassar Oil, Bears ; Oil Bee f ibarrow lor the hair, tor sale bv """ September ', LS5-h 8-' IANOS,"Ml SiC, STRIN(;S, Ac.'- ANOTHER Lot of new and splendid Pianos, ot fashionable style aud elegant tone and finish, just "ed &f c gT0IlE BEAUTIFUL 5 OCTAVE MELODEON, with three beautiful Pedals, for inlcton U at the iUUOlG O A 1lVi'J. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF NEW AND FASH- I0NABLE MUSIC received at the gxoKE NEW SUPPLY OF PICTURES. WITH AND l without Frames: also Gilt aouittmoien u.r tion, for sale at the mumu 0n. wr vrPT STOR SOAP. 800 LBS. OF THIS SUPE ES famflyapf g stor'e and for sale chet, .p by the , bo o7pLHid,at WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD 9- .-';f,.?.i,"v -,jr. .-,st .. . i uwiw, 01 o'i, o ; . , aim. 1 onavw, 101 nu-v . - ."o wurjiM. ii t , v . wi mt isi 3iouaav in JaiuiiT. -Hie situation the JIarvland Institute, for the Divmotion of .Mechanic Arts, has awarded the first premium ever awarded by that insti tute for improvement in (irm-d and Square I'i;n-os. These Pianos are in large sized, highly linished cases of Rosewood, with kxtihb i rox fuamk, constructed in the most substan tial manner, with all ilic ni' ilern improvetnents. The manufacturers use none but the very best seasoned timber, and materials of the choicest qualities, that enable them to warrant their instruments to stand aiv climate. The Firm has a Patent Right action, operating on such principles thai friction is almost entirely relieved or avoided, ami their piano can therefore never get Out of order. For diastemas of design, elegance of finish., as well as for fullness, richness, and beauty of tone, these Pianrs rank ton-most, and are equal to any made here or in Europe. Wherever these Pianos have been introduced, they have given, in every instance, entire saiUfactkm. We warrant our instruments to stand good for frir it under careful treatment, and will receive them 'back and substitute others, any time within the first six months Ir-jui the sale of it, if il shall uct prove satisfactory. HGGERT & CO. MR. CHARLES CLi FFMILLER is our sole agent for the sale of our pianos in the State of North Carolina. Baltimore, June S3. 0-i lini. TliUftlYf 1 ir i -iii iini n m-ij.wjiii .jta AgeUt 4r J. van jtl! '' J'-'V 60jMam sti-eef, ,Xrfe)lt, Virginia.' . uu zewea Devona douot tna! 'any other house at the South. we are selling lowers than 1 he subscriber invites the attention ;f purchasers of Fttr- lot ai e to ins Slock now in store fnwli'eli il.iitv ii.lili- tion.s urc now being made, consisting of Rosewood, Matiogany and Elack Walnut Bureaus, with and without (Hawses, Marble Tops, Secretaries, Marble Top Washstands, -V.01-'."",1'"' a'il W-ork I'libles, Pa'nled Furuiturc, loil.-t labl-s, Commodes, AVhatuots, Hail Stands, Str.th'd, Las,-, Rocking and Parlor Chairs, Couches, Bedsteads, Solas, Tete-.i-Te! es. Divans, Ottomans, Window Seals, Crickets, W ardrobes' Card Tables, Mirrors, as well its all kinds of Caue and Wood work, Also white and Grey live Geese Feathers, both kiln dried a4 in therigfnat packages, CwMtnwm MEWther, ITafr, Palm Leaf and Straw Mattresses, Hair Cloth Burlaps, Gimp, Sofa and Chair Springs, Glass Plates, Wooden and Willow waie, Chicks, Castors, Knob-, A.e. We would also call the attention of tho pubhc to lL.bir.- son s l atent !-. a. S..-ias, l-'i- w n.eli we have the nov. 1 tiev are tue 0; -t article 01 the Kim; 111 use, both a- r,...- ,-, tho work and c.invoniciiee, being less complicated and ink ing a wider bed by lour inches than other kinds more than all thfs they are sold for dollars less. The dealers in Furni ture will find here as full an assortment, and as low prices as in auv establishment in Hie So'.nh or c!e'. here. UNDERTAKING --Every at ;.-.r, .011 ..i:d ;.. this Li-L.!:fl, . f j our business--being constantly si 11, plied with (Villus of ew- ry descr-ption, hoih M etalie, Malv-aiiy ami her mis d. ni:'li M.llte d ..SOfii'il on atl.ate (Lspateti given to alt ero-jts by ma; ,1'loik, Oct. io. Is.",". N WILLIAM W. HOLDEN. libber of Vii-v.. ,-..(. ; bogS ! o ill lol .11 h:. iri- lid i!l. that he ;s prepared to i-jtecu'. l.f l'lillllliir on the .-h iVte.-i Stylo which cinnot i.' sitrp: i'iiic..- in the state. Orders lo. StaX! 'to Oryi.-K, AV ';'' Juh i:, liOo. Printrr anil Pub--e,-i' A'.".;-'-,-.--. Ac., ie: aily, i-r .i ion id in a ever; not'e - t-d ! t v the! lotn;.!!'- .iitit r anv otlie; Orders an i Gcnrinjr a'u i during tl .1... To 1 .; 1 1 e witn .ii- July. Tho following cert '-ficate will show the character work executed -t the above Works: of the " A r :u: v, Cun " Mr. Sins Brt-.ss- lu.tr ir: Ot he; land, May l", 1-' .: iittgiiio and Miils. i olo v.' your strips fuliv "nett oi.r it work n, nont is, un ;,i-.c!.ilioiis. The Em ink, i:v im K ao.d ni a v a: lit y, i: ie s.itoe ehi -.s ok:,..- here oi a smoothn. s and st. ; ng we cul :n c -.iiin-.o. -i as io fi::s:i and ; infer-., r to none elseWhele. The -.;1- tistotii -li :. ,r. '.d io", 1 I'.-. :. in i-i.-i, !..-... ,r, : l"tii l-e'ieo XU' -TI;KN. Til, tM.ltKo in l be Stule of t! M ti.i.s inn with Li oidiu ti v sawi , , see Olds or i -.'.ir. u an ! s f. in r minute, bv r i l.-e! per minute. i e h. i f .e- i;i :; ..- si e-aids or at 1 1 1 1 1 r IO til.- Ioi, ;..., . w t.ii on 1 i.-.'t .--r m.lUliC. 1 no ..olv objection we !:.! heard urfrcd is, it takes too ma-iv hands to iiait! up logs a carry awuv lumber. Yours, Ac, JONES & BARBEE.' Juno 2. 1852. ,.. o'.i- fTLEASANT GROVE MALE ACADEMY, It R7.0V ,.--', X r. WILLIAM M. CRENSHAW, A. li., Prineil-al. Ihe Seventh Session oi' this insf ;tution will ; co'iimenc:'oT-. the: ?r to ! " per s.-ss Forestvilie. Tiie alitv and coiiveni Mor.d. v in January ne: l IlitlOil il'Olll li. l iie A" idemy is situate.! i mile from cat Ion of ties iost it ut ion f. ,r hi ii i ii, n-.or-noe cannot be .-urpa.-s. d hv auv. Tiie Trustees of this 5c:i".! h t'. e more ihtui rcti'.ir.etl t!n :r expec tations in Mr. Citr.Nsii.wv as it leaih r, and wo i Id sav t.- the public that lo- is a tho.. ugh sell--!.'.!- and a good ilistruetor. Board can bo had at r. per niootli. For furth-'i particulars address Du. Wl-sLEY I! ARTSF ili'ED, Forestvilie, Wake Co., N. C. Nov. 3, 1 o. 3--tf. 'OT1CE TO PENSIO.VERS. I'liRSONS ON Til V. Penstou Rill a: l-'.ive! o- ii '. W:'. have I heir bu.-tno.-s atte-ioied to j roiiiio :y by omkiog the undors.gned their Agent to collect the sio.ile. G'a-nis fir Pension a:,d ii'mity Land, for v.-rvicos in il.e Revolutionary V.'ar, War of l'-,.', Mevtcan aini ail rfio Indi an Wars, prosectiicel proiiip.Iy. ilili.l wh ',- paitl for Laud Warrants, for a Northern Cnmpj.ny. JN'O. M. ROSE. Fayetteville, Oct. 1 r.Z loo -:'ni. TILL TJIEY COM I J. J. BIGGS 1 CO., HAVE .Tjus! rc.-oiv mother lot of fine Over Cm.s. also cliean SitCIC tl Oil Our st. nor of th ''rock ( 'eats, Pants, Vest.- , ,le., Ac, el; ;s repietiiMief! every r.i-iiiili by The set li rn i, who resides in one of ihe lirinoivial p.ert t rem Cities, and thu It IS Wi asstt t ne put n, c thai vet ceo nil. w; 11 clothing as low for ttwh, other house in the State. Call at nur well known, uhoap cash store, an el exam ine for yourself. Raleigh, Nov, -24. lsSS. .V-O. Fall and AVintcr, 1853. TTUST RECEIVED BY TUE SUBSCRIBER: )3 Black and colored Silks, French and English Mcriu-ies, a fine assortment, Printed and Plain Muslin PeEains, AVi rked Collars and Uudersleeves, lijnl.'r'd and Plain Linen Cambric H'd'kTs, Muslin and Lace Edg.r.gs, :: groat variety. Ladies and Geiillenieiis' Gloves, of all kinds, While and Tan Colored floss skirting, For sale by J. BROWN, No. '0, Faj'ettevillc Street. Ilali-gh, Sopt. 2i', V'Z. iio Spet'itil Expie'.s Notice, OUTIIERN ENTERPRISE. P ARISEN AND IC? KING'S K-pr..--s JiitiPfn. Lyn,:'i:trj and V '.. loivf Ihis day concluded a Contract f ir the excuisive privilege and control of all I'aclt.-.gos ;md Parcels going be tween ""Rice's Station, Farmvillo, Walker's Church, Cl'er Hill and Lvnchburg, on and by Messrs. Flagg, Caldwell & Co's line of Stages. We are now p-.-cunired to forward Light ii,,.-n,r;,s nn, IVrceiS throuoh in nineteen hours, and at re- rtneoH'l'it. 1'ARiSEN & KING, Petersburg. Seotcmber 1", 1r'". 80 EAV LOURING MILL. THE SUBSCRIBER'S NEW FLOURING MILL is now in successful opeia- tion and he is turning out a very superior article ot Hour. He is now ready for custom, which he respectfully solicits. The best cash prices paid tor wheat. . My Mills are situated within about two miles ot Kalcgn, on Walnut Creek. p COLLINS. Sept. 27,1553. . J'v!iL F LUTES, FLAGEOLETS AND FIFE'S FOR sale bower than any other Hoiis, in St.te. Raleigh, Nov- 14, IMS. ' . s. T- T 1 6" i URNER'S N. C. ALMAIi At l mm. itwi. For sale, wholesale aud retail bv TTtvl?T, It. U. i UH.Uilt, N. C. Bookstore. Raleiffb, Oct. 2, 1863. lt ' ! SoliC: 1 i . . , . aid m 11313 c.itt '.vers, me eaucatiqnoi-iJMj ueaj i us iu-i.i i..-il.u iumlb, nuciijiu. ..- , ILAS BURNS, PROPRIETOR, BUILDER OF hz4xt WSM4 c. u e i-.c., ;- y arn-nton..x. e -e. ii 'Ttri'l ISJs S . . v , ATm I T - ' . .H.Ulft...-v . . ir- at .irr-l 11 T Ed T 1 a!a rir! Tllltirln. . 'lilt 1' I .JU . . . . . T" -'' iifTY STEAM ENGINES AND UEMiKAI.'M.U.il.MM. x "V" "S "c .r-----. . I V:I.K:T f:l.ASRIi-1 The above esf,.bl.shm,,r lots ,01 ut staved perat m ; Henii rMmoV s oik Sc. clds for the er.c-l ?Tj aiUmmUSiX ll.L. .I,.,,, one your. -CUu.r..r o'tt t-.c -f :ho oet .--il-.A..i , .f" ", r i" tli-- ii---i tc..tJ-Ti-i- 1--1tl. 101- I A.M., rtfetrSSwS Tf V" cOmpefewt-'Tnsfrudt,,-. The EM. :NKSn.t SAWMILLS mat nave. vorope.,ued minis , -V; JntZ iV't.Vj; & , "r j. I., w -s h s Soring Session Wm commence on the second Monday in i "'...I it.,, s;, . ... l'. t S-e- M:;t M;M e-tsv of ,:ci-. si 1 ... oo- .............. .. .. . . .. I M.-ch n -r- i f e -, -rx i! -o-ii,'nr. to be coin, .let. -A aim .--' i- I I Gas., , K:,ii R will ..-.tahl- me to fill ! to pair..:, xo o School lasv access. i I ml tiii.ictuaiitv all ..nh-rs after the 1st of ! '.'. u,'Hnbtoveia1 "" P'openy iormriy J. J, 1C Ulritffi5f ?cses b' late Kev. J aid, nh ni IthVcSS "d llaX 8treet' 51 fcw hundred of ice cjtsr; itdHdeattaV1 ljleataut and desirable part unnfijtsc & ; -jt f" . K J u ULtt Ir0Bi most o its c.al-reference-tach Tls .WingB, with spo- consiirc to ramW U .t,i.i.rr UB'-0-. -J circumstances fcmalQ ckwt. Its trOtGrhl Wi.it iofiltlon cr a intent, wh'ehiJ f- ettItbulness; the objects of "cSMtytr .4 tho Stite; its naTo il Tt. 7-Z&:il.ucslbie loca he itititions it 7: . "ie. t.m gf zing isISS rtianirnot STanted to thosn Nvhrt enrrr.l1 .. ii ii i ' -r - 1 11 1 .iriirill. , -f t-i: 5 - - bewCun and vacations will be arranirc-d to corresTiond a.i iicadv aa pracuciime Willi tii,..-e t.-i :tl. x' e i i-ei-o Lmiege. in ordeiUiiat parents patri nit.- ly,-. h ; wis, mav gillelS to- have thkidvaniuge olTcndi:: ' the;r -.ns an; got nor. tei;ms rru SESSION. F'rite.ak- Hcpart meiit, Prep.; fiy lepaiitueiit, Cus.-itihiml Sei..o-.ii'ic L'cparhr.er.t, M.us:e In l'iano and Guitar, incdmg the use of iiisiiument, Other irnamen'al Branchos at the nsmj prices. Board (jcli: ling wasl-.tng, fuel, uC, 310 lo VI 5 CO 4 Colit I!!-."' i.eeliscs. Pavabiqi :om.t! ...- ttcrSfii.on tor ;.i .tie :id li each session. j.-ei:ee, alter a pupil has enter, d, ox- ceot in ca-ta 01 pruiiacteu s.ekr.ess. 1 lie above terms are it is believed, as 1 he expensi veuess ol hvirg und , v. iiich will be provided, v. ill juatify. Bio ex latlghl that Parents, who pivpel'ly nprLC "ate flu- lactlii )erieiiee 1 the educa diameter paid li'!' ! Hence ' 1 ol ihe;!' coildl en, are i.K.re soi.citi.lts about .':e ee too i-n-i.Tt'!c.v iUij.artu!, than about th l" rime c'i iect will nt t be to make the fco ' ""'- ;1S 1" a-.i;.. jilt to lei.ut-r the instruction as : possible. The snh fiber (hitters him f that the experience ht.d iu be-, e. tea lung voun ab'd to give, dies and ho sati.sfacfion e will be i ilticient e"uaiaiite w wuK,aj- ;e disposed to patrotiie his sdi.iuilflat l'"-'ir dimgiturs iv;n )x. prooi-r'v c-.i-.l -r, .id fnfi!y mstruc- llr l'JSi.' ill tliv1 1111(1 ihe inn: thai i:avrtii.ii interests may therebv, lie mis:s toiit he liali not lacs, th.it jiathy and liberal K'h hu e been accord l etSi-wnerp. A. MlDOWELT,. 4 t-M.I. l s . . ERSON MALE AC .ID EM Y, (7r iiu-ie a, X. C.-Il. D. RUACV Principal. In ojlor- iool to the public, the Trtteos Ilattc-r themselves vc procured the su'viccsoi a gentleman prc-em-tirrt to direct it w it!i ability, tie comes well rec i a Teacher ot the lvghest order; a Graduate, .nching a th. -rough Course, j.roparatory to cr.-irhost'cla.-.-.s in the I'ni vor.s.t v of North Ca:- oiiiiiieiiae curable ol teroig tin iima, aiKtr.m the experience no i 1 1 . s aco t'b'.e t- tired in ieiido: , give unu-iub'. Hat tel a liiiiseif that he will be slii ol T: i , -, ' T .J-TT 1 - ... w nc.iriv c;,mpiet(-o tn iik- i wn oi m'imu.M, ret: io veil 1 u the business of the place, one of tne ueatc-t AcailPtu'es the State, which has beer, bn.lt by toe ie p.itr; a.tl tho otic citizt friends of of the p'ace. brir.giug also to their liea'ien round about, i r.u mat too ai a neti-. expense, r. it would be r-u.cida! in us as Trustees nJ to iilace it on best footing. The gel erviccs we offer to the public is a nati ve ol IgilllH, .bv birth and tducation, ana thcreh has feelingslLicd with our own : as he wishes to make tn.s permanent ip is home,"he would ask all who know htm to ing si tut. tod imn.'.-ilia'eiv en the Ra'e:gh iil Ii'omu; also at ;)u- fi-riiiirois of a braneii of tin; St.,;:e Line, affording to all who may wish to iiatrot! , I o Sell. mi iksv r.oee! The Seii.-i-tie -ear of ibis Institution is dh i'loi into two Ses me' w i 1 the of te months each. The Spring Term to cm:- it- t ft Monday in Janmtry '',e co th" lirsi Mondtiv in is 54. ,) ulv h I-III l 1 01 1.1 - of la, 1 e.tt.lv ii.-1 il i 1 erin t nore w be i : i i i a ; ". -1 1 . iiiv be uu n tho Vilh.ge or ciiiit.'.r;. . f time except in case- trttcted Wt rr-uh! it.tpt o.-iv, . I of l'.. S-. m, rc:u: sll to Ci: ilut hrs Tu i;oti l v v-i-; do H:gi . do M.i.le. For f t- i-,1-Bv ordsr l" lo ;.;..- tti. Secretary. ,f Tl as'; es. LEWIS IE KiTTLI fve v. -tlr.F. Novombejrl Wi'et -& NORMAL COL. N. C.-WM. RolilN"- SuN, i'r John Robir.soti, l'r:.n-soor of M.ithe; Mi.:s Euiilv Wcbl J.,!:;i A. Cf-.. i.-otiidsoo. Jo! and Wt!l::;m The Spt ing Session dry in Intiuitrv, and e i ol- E.oi term w close' ( n .he St Toe si (tool i number af stn wide sproid 'rejiutol ioi io act leu! toucher, w h. , w nil ii'.uolai .g.iijle zoai, lor in t.on. Tlu Si J . i-i 1 1 is iai- e r . i Tci : .'sl'v i be an An i ill i ;-,x.iit,:ii.:! in order to or.-i-ar sired th..! sluik'Ut.t sle a O , of each sei- :otl. tuition, terms e.f adintsss n Ac., JOHN A. GREEN, For r Ih-i.ico. boi.h nigh, Nov. ItC-.j. .k ALE ACADEMY 1 5 Gl A M .vTKI.nS, ih-, iie.pt JOs. J. A 1 '. 1 1 , Ashc ate- The n m s nary, ioti, n w.ii c ..iiiiiititiX' on ttie ur -u . , . 1,1 and contmiie tivo moiitns. s TERMS. : Ortliogrej'i'.y, Readhig, Writing Geography,1 Arilh- ) ?10 luetic if.. d' English Gitm, mar. . 1 ) . Higi.ei- UigHsh liranciies, Mathematics, Aneielitfl.an- yuasrei. - f ' No 'ddLuction utth-ss in cft.'-e of profn. Bo.ud i l' month cm. be had at f-t'. iic-iiWkins is a feaohor of several yerU exucrionce, mil fe.i-i.ishi's ihe ii .whist te.slimoioals c-f ou.o k:i"n ti.in the K:i--,iby- of Em.,'-, y A Hertrv Colkee. of Wuch ho is a gradiiPe, as well as from a number of .-eiit!el!c:i stan-likg :n tho ueighbj&teiood wtiere lie lias bt-n teaclititg. Tho 'i'iu.-.ecs therefore, liayocoerv reason !o .-gard tlieio- seh-es is fortunate in secufmir his services as Priiieinai of this liisiitutiou- 1 eeritt boars with him a D.nioma on tie Latin l.aii- several dtsttnct'.cns on mh-r branfiics, from Hio it y of Virginia. It is pr. ivach and Spanish L..n ised to g i-Je instruction t-r; in tiie dos.re ai-- : to t JOEL KI. so who mav t. - Prcsl I ihe Board ol 'Trustees. I p-Oi -W. Deeef-iber 1, 1953. 5 AFP OF.'cREEDS MALE ACADEMY, A ' U A N V I L LB jpO U NT Y , N. C.---i iic , 1st Session of this Sciiool will cojtnmence on the L'd M- tnl:.y in Jainury next, tijider the charge of Mr. Satnuel CUha-ni, a y. nog gentleiliuu of aonexperieuc(? i.s a leachcr. Tiie Academy Lssitu.icd 15 mifes west of. Oxford, on die Oxford and HilisbiTough road, inia heahhy location. GooelBoard ca h1 had ih, 'be neighborhood for $5 per monthpYio extra charges foV iighis, Ac. I TERMS3B SESSION' OF FIVE M0KTU8. iri,,4,- P.in.WiK R,nihps. So. DO Arithuttic and the hiijV Kog..sh branefifs, 7,00 lo,o0 S' r ' AItiiMlXtl, Serfy. Board Truzil Kna of Reodsv-Dect 't. rg-Spirit of fbe Art jsopy twice, and send bill to this Othee. 7?'V . ; AN RIVER WSU i ' a i'tti- sruiAG sls rti" of this Sddot will commence- on the 'Oih of Jan-- uarv Board can bciM from to P'- month. '' i ifify A. C. LIN'DSEY. Yancevville, DecJ) S 3w. . FRESH PLY OF SAHATOGA W-" TER. For sll by 1 HAYWOOD & SC0Tr f September a, lot- A,"sJ"- T.ciii;ver0f rS?,I?1r07td 1U'm the salIie cttjia whleh 4 ? be?utlful itfcS in llie ..drnit ttttwrt s3' &0a. as tircumstauees will bo Ml'jservt'7 ii.rous sv i MipporiKl eJ to in ! wm J mg.h.s.1 i that i hey I- in-.'titlv j. 1- j -i:O...O.tel I capable oil j teroig the! , - i. i -l-V ul iisitoKfl GIL N. C.-WM. ROHIX- - ' ii a-ei li-ioc-' .J '-he Classical Department, i 'po li ioei'.al iiie Eogtisii Department, and - - - - . . . , , . let,,, i Comity, : i':,,u pa. 1 ! "i.O 1 C-.iia.C i- .':. ! Ca-ial: TRUSTEES. ! , -tufH-.i. Wei. K. L..IH-. i. ooi-i UMimprt.-n. , i to. i. D.-rtr!'., .i. .i. 1'iiKo. in. ! -o- -,- 1 ., i- .......1 1'. , . l ,, I' ltrs,n i binsoii. . I tiie ! ' MONI . f each your will open on too 1st Mou- Tn,ci. l v!,if ios- on i!oJ iil, Fi ni iv m Mav. ' ' 1 open oa Ino .st .Moieiay itioioy, and i h Fridiiv in N -x i ii.'e- r. I Dcoe1'' .i i i;,- 1 il .. !,. ' . S il It ellilis f .'' lli.illlil: il. il io lie ' -- S flits a!re;-.u- in at t e; .duueo. I u-v at : (;, s li-o oVjr. . - ... J , i f Si r. Rob. iisoo ..s ii i hoi-oiign end i VST i'. h eoi.n.e: ei.t a-'-s;s;;, :,!.., at e- uu; ,-- e-.Ojf prosper. iy ol Ibe Jr.siiiU- ; F oil at il. .'lose ol cacil . tiither pal en d;:a-'. i"i uis, u , uid atwavs prcbetit.t ' J December 1 luljnvs ihe j T i - !J. 1 -WM; A. I I .oiaiaV'n Jan. I .... of e,l sickness. . I a- " I 2 i .Km' i im. . aJl . m - . a. r . -i trv i.t '.. i SA NT GROVE FEMALE INSTITUTE, or this school Harriet N. Aum, is one of the most healthv in the State, ei.ohf miles south of theVi'hite Sulphur and the Shocco Springs. The young Ladies will have every facility afforded them in the prosecution of their studies, aud will be under the immediate care of Miss Ad ams aud Mrs. Branch, both in aud out of School. This In stitution is of tliejirat order, and those who afail themselves of its advantages will not be disappointed. Those residing in the lower Counties, who -desire health and comfort, together with a good opportunity of acquiring useful instruction, both in Literary and ornamental educa tion, will do well to give this School a trial. TERMS THU SiSSIOX. Higher English branches, $12,"0 Lower " " 10,00 Musie on Piano, 12, od Acordion, ' Vi.oO Guitar:--. -. ; .- lW Drawing and yrench, eacTvc v jf - ? 'TTfeTJ-NWSVILLE MALE ACADEMY jstitniinn unaer xn hbhiwouivwi- It mmenco on toe -u 1 mm PETERSON DUNN. i-.Ury, Raleigh, N. C. December Sth, 1SS3. 7 It. ? vt:'' Spiiit of the Age copy 4 times aud send account to this oliice. RG FE-HALE SEMINAR 1 rank- Ein County, N. C. A. II. R A 1 ana JAN r. A ti. 1 , '.';,.. and Jnu'.Kr in th- -.-d i,rtnrt.,s. -Miss lv. v. Cli:t.k, .-.?., J 'oi-jl Mum. J!i.-wS. I'. Ada:. is, 1'mho, 17 c.i! Moslc, Irun-ii,j nud J'ui.;ii-j. Miss M. L. Pi.kasants, ji,v', English Jiraneiit: M.. A. E. Kimuko, 0c- The next Session hop-in", tho is: M ;: ' ;v iu January, jsoard and washing, 4,") pe r Ihe situation litis superior a. I good st.e.ety. IVrtins d.-.-u' l.tr.e a Circular IbrwardeJ eii -"ion. 'i'oi:, .i as formerly, s as re.:: ds health and,. ;;.: tiier ln'i.rniatioir will :-..'iie:t :on to the Principal." 'JuiiN I). HAWKINS, President of the Beard. looi 5w. December 1. iS-3. I ORD F123I A LE COLLEGE. THK NEXT -cssioii will coiiiunUw on the first Monday in .January, i74. B trrs JTUITI l.V (rAY'AELE ONE-HALF IN ADVAjQ For Rctuliug. Wi-iiinp, witH the tlrst rudtments - of Knglisb Qran.niur and Go. graphy. tl,0 E'ighs'n Grammar, Geogi-aj'.hy and Arithmetic, PJ,r'. For any thing higher, ' 15,00 For the College ("lasses, ('without any extra charge fur tho Languages,') 20,00 EiTilA ISSrESSEij. Mn.ve on Piano, 20,'X) Use of instrument, ' 8,00 The same on Guitar. Ill awing und Paint, ng, ():! Pain". ,r,g, Needle Work, 12,00 15, oO 5.oo o,00 1,00 ivon during each term. T. T. HiANDV, See'v of Board of Truafces. lo lvw. IVi.n! i ei- ii I Hi Vi'ar hirg per month. Musical Sjiteca will be I)..a:r.bc 1 YRRENTON N. C. I' EM ALE SE3IINA- liV. The next Sci.-n of t'nir. Inst it nt ion will com iii MONDAY ila- 1 t'.th of Jaimarv ensuing. The i i.ienco ; Corps of Tvr.cliers -,v;:l . in their various de; ; will egi.ti have dial' I competent Assistants. if toil or more Proies.-. r Vi expi cct-.'t rienec d Czurdn it Willi i men's, e of ih d De.-arllil. liie situation ol the bominary is bciuiiltt', vrtth ample h snace tor es'.rc-e ami recreation. 1 hose who mav c tity ('tJire a o aTI.r- more no cular so; late liiiiirmiiiioii t to their a.hlicss lo terms, j January, ls-"-4. TERMS : I Beard for the session of live- months, uel :md L ghts in Room, mtion in L.itigu,'.ge--, anal Mathem.-.tica, 17,o l-.v I,-. 1 o..- w4w. H. iiOKXER. ' in Enghsh Br.mches, " in Fi-em-h, (extra,; Fuel in School Room, For particulars t-ee CWnlogue. Wiirro'.m.n, l)c. -rx wollD MA (yi',o.-.;:'. T. VLE ACA.'iLMY. i(:R.vi-.i;. nest ses- s;o-.i will open on the t'th of Jat ot-ry, at ;se ou -r.d ot .'u: Tui F.o: il I". ! ie Class 1 !; rt ;iu n ' English : family of the 1 : village, ,Vir u: Itvulo. N. 0- Dei in til in in Oxf rd, Gt;i 1- ,ii-I. STL fAsTALIA i '; ! - -' 5ALS AND I" EM A LL 7, AVE l-r.i:i':p.ii j-i'.e I'orart; lioo-.p.tl tem.de Dojn it : 3E -. 1 i:ent.--ih xt the lirst Mor.dav 1 n.,; it nt "on.sjKii , open n-lit Closu th -o t!i.. F 11 Mav. Tel i,.s i i lii- e lis iiei t toiV,i 1; Sll Olg Ui-'iV bv i.il.liossirg N. ('. a. Nas. Coin, tv information ca'i obtain a ILuris.n, I.eii'tin, Na.-h p.-.ri. Jol.i C, N'.-v. :-, Is p(. 1 rt. -r-.-h il A 5Kfi N TO or -a-iJ-U -.JLi i ,.E A;x- U: Si l iLTf.- : im.i.1.-. v ni 1 1 . . - - Ai. ( I 1 R '..-' - - llolCpiOs. Jills ; is . . ii ;l- oi i ,,,, l tn J-.itiuary. Ihe two iiepariitietits uit. Coctiiar address E. A. CRUDE P, Sc-c'v of the B mrd. r 10, 1-."o. ' ' V'it. RRENTON FE-MAI.E I N S T l i TE. The -e,th sei'Oi-an.iiuiii Se.-sif.n ol inis instnuliou "'ill iiei coontno ist .uo.Mi.t i ut .jtnniai , i.-.a. o . I . .1 i. .. w- . . .i upos w,ll no ri-Ce!V".l at ttliv i OIK' uoring me .rc.-sn.. ;o.u '..!,-( 1 ..Nl.Y IlVm ibe i.t'.iO OI CIO lio.ee. r Ol Ciltu,,:.:- ui.u cu.ai-s appiy tie IT, to GRA on is, i ES A WILCOX Warrenton, N. C. m. 1353. NIE31EYER & WHITE, G 0 M ii IS310N M E R CM A N T S A N D G E N E R A L PRODUCE BROKERS, roitrsMOi-rti, va., Offer their services to fhe Shipping, Planting, Trading and Manufacturing I uteres t s . j$f We will give strict attention to Shipping or Selling ToLaCco, Cotton, Floor, Grain, Provisions, Lumber, and Neva! Stores: and Forwarding ilorch.tnd se with Pcspa!o&. lame. Piaster, Guano, Cement and Salt, always on liand. HfXi'.Y V. Nii.jti.vm, J ah lis C. uite. Augiist '-.h. Is.",;;. 7'ir3m. . Ait E N illl A L A ti I L". Y , WASHINGTON CITY. "B'.!1'aii:,s (',.'; i si T ,f Ci.ri.'ivt, Count v. N. C. At i,.reev a: I.nw. t iv.c: ie u t in the Sunroti.c Court of the Unt- t..A si-UK ,.n,l JOHN W. HANCOCK, late of Ofanee Coun - . tv, N. C. have estt.bh.'e'l a permanent Agency at tne 01 t'li'e General Government, and will prolate clamJf'very d'-sc'iiition 'bd'ore Congress and th.se'ral-'fiepartineiitg and public offices, piocure Patents, Psiow, Bonnty Land, ex; i a pay, arrearages of pay and fcto.Widows and or- pl Address i'igott A ilanc-.ck, (pofcshinglon City. "-" - - ---- - - . . j i ki:feee'- .-ES. John A. G lmer, iis... (iLl' '3: 1 1 b"n' Hon. Vv. S. A-iio. Jan 1. VrT '' i , - ham. Hon. - II v ishino-foA.ana Jiou. litui jverr. Ci'.v, D. C. OcfcB?8! B-l- Washing WOTICE.-WASTAKtl' NEAR NASHVILLE itS Nash Countv, andci.mniirca 'o Jail a .-Nee-n, W oman who seems lo be, "from lier4'pcaranco shout torfv-live . r iP'iv years of ago, about fce feet six mc.es high, light color, .r"-e toot and eyebrow, a (iownv. arel Iook wi.en spoken to. has three under "yill "r 11 -i, : t,. it abofts to be impossible to learn from her tooui in Hour, xvv , , , , her ri-h fed own has named several persons as be ing her oneripe ihis to be 9 ' f dT i ec to act as kir1"' 'The oxmcr will please come forwnni nud prove prop PaT, V?a che-vp and she wiU b'd'posed ot according to law. '. V in R A X Jj uii u i ci ti. t, Lirri i. n a t , kl iiitlLlrr-.-s, ,,l,rr, Nasli'iN. 1. C., July 9th, 1S50 71 Cniw. 2tOTiECTION AGAINST COLD THE UN- M'et-sigiied llegs leave to inform the citizens of Johnston tfe has ius4 onened an entire stock of READY-MADE -X3tCTHING, consisting of Over-Coats, Dress Coats, Business Coats, Cloaks, Pants, ests, 4c, all ot which are warranted of the best make, aud to be sold at the lowest possible pri ces. Persons in want of articles in his line would do well i to give hkii a call. L. BRANDT, (At Mr. tN ortuam s uiU Mnna.; EmWhaeld. V. C, Dooember 5tli, 1K.3. -lm. 1 n . MdSL -;4v;W:BBANC2V:. lhWlandthW6agoo4dwngndV - v - - . " "sv,i ',"4 . i. v Juuuttuuis, "'.l iai re new store, ana it is certainly a l.uo si ina 1 -w?:j1. fr tomWllfitf.:-'.'. 4 . '"iK 1. TucrcfeoeCQttouXSta on tho pier m ' 'C'VJ-- WkrrtWTJriTpWortli Carolina, nraem.as norm o T , , mjyrraf, VAisii " - R-.deigh, ou the Raleigh and Oaston Kail; Uoaa. woum a:.to wa 1 C extra-Mule?,. from 3 to 7 yeara old, and Tuition varying according to studies, from 7 W to $15 well trained ; li' head of Hoises, L' fine Jacks and 4 Jennets ; v,or session. Board can be had convenient to the school tor 6 " agons and Han-ess ; mv stock of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, "j u per session. For further particulars address aud sundry other at tides. " I i V I 'I fPlIllV 1,'U Utai .4a..... I i i i i I i i This land offers many advantages both for Turpentine and Farming operations, us there are about 45000 acres heavily timbered with Pine; the remainder rich bottom land.' ' It is well improved, with a good dwelling and out-houses, and store house at that excellent Mercantile Stand kuown as Ki viint's Store, ttit miles from Fayetteville, 9 miles from Cape Vear and Deep River Navigation, and immediately 'on the proposed route of the Fayetteville aud Western Rail Road. . ; , ' ' There arc a' so a fine Saw and Grist Mill on this tract, all new iL'id :n exe.-i lei I orrtet imp Turrvtilil ine Distillery, with. Copper and Blacksmith Shops. . The .location is proverbially healthy, with a plentiful Well of the very best waten; Tb.9 society is also good. - - e". 8.X10 acres dtuselv timbered Pine Iand, lying on the wa ters of Drowning Creek, 33 miles from Fayetteville and 2 -v miles from the Centre Plank Ubad. i"? stU'J acres lyiner immediatelv ou the Branch of the F. & V . .ti - Plank Road reading to Evans's Mills, and within 2,H' miles or Deep River. f 4o0 acres lyii'g -immediately on the North tde of Dpi f River, 4.4 miles from 1-ayetteville and 10 miles ftoia-yitta; t borough, pu tha.rpad ccnuoeting tiiose towns, via Qikc6ef ..tT-. j " i - -! t ii'iura. inere are a1 ma 1 n- v. t 1 et, h V 1.11 i.mp fodi 1 ft - 1 x 'h; - - ICoro, Vl ' S"0 . -t V"" v.." f o,nVtM0 rf rer.vjDs ; desirous ot surchiising will please frive me a call T , . ai Lsryaiit s More, between this and l."lh December next, as tue above properly wiil be offered privatdv until that time ; but if not disposed of by thai time, I will oficr it at Public baledunng the month of December, of which due notice will be given. The terms shall ba very liberal and acoommodatifso'. J T. T.t?-VArtfl .'Ul. ID. 1 ,s.)ti 4r 1!5 plNE TIMBER, TERPENTINE A ND F A R j- L-.yx 1..1.U', fllh oAJ.i, IS liVlii-JiVX COUjNTt, ihe .sub-c; ibe.'s on the 1st of March last, purchased of Tbes. J- (. tirtis. Esij., h:s inieiest in the land Jving in Robeson County fcuown as the Dubois land. Tiiev'ha've had a por tion oi the same surveyed, aud now oiler for sale the follow ing tracts: 120 Acres lying on "Back Swamp," about threft milea from "The Red Banks," and two miles from Lumber River, adjoining the lands of Johu Drake, Esq., aud others. , This 'IV let t ,,-..11 ... . I 1 ....i.. .1-1 . a- ' ,n - - -:- y ..in Miiiwmu nun M'.aitiuic ioi- lurpenuue. - -t7ti ! .-vcrcd on - i no 1j!m.hi lttitgo, about 2 miles i from -' ts Ltunl-er R.ver and la uulea from the Wilmington and, Man- ' " dic:-.or R:i-.l lioad. This is the finest body of Turientine t Ltu.d m tWoouuty. There are m this Tract some very -a- -jmjs lig.o.e : tuitions t.,r tUrnm of good land. . .; . . It! vso Acres iub-jut half a mile mun All'ordsville Rood Tt-. ,i 4 pontine land. -, ; .-. T. ls-,-- Acres near Ah Pole, adjoining John McCallum,' Esi., and others. 1"- Aeiv.s on Wiikerson's Swamp, adjoining McLean, Lcitch, aud others. lo-v Acres on "Back Swamp," adjoining refer Mttnroa, Ne ll Lcitch, Es-qs., and others. 3152 Acres on bo.b soles of '-The First Swamp," adjoining the tract where John W. Alford, Esq.. now resides. lotji) Acres on "Shoo-Ileel," adjoining the Lands of Dr. Edmund McQuecu, John McCaiium, Estp, and others. Acres ou " Ash-Pole," adjoining Johu McNair, Esn. and others. . , l-i: Acres on "Jacob Swamp," adjoining the Lands of Thomas. Tovar eud, William Berry Thompson, and John B. Thompson, Esq. . Acres on "The Little Marsh," indudityt n portion of ' Tito Glass Pond," adjoining the Lunds ol J . liethune, Ihoa. Jones, Eso., and others. 4 ' , . , , . so" Actes known as " The Big Desert." This is said to be as valuable Sw amp Land as any in the State, aud can be re claimed at comparatively little expense. 115 Acres adjoin. tig the Land of Archibalds. Currm.Fsq, and others. if 1. Acre? adjoining the Land of John McGougan, Esq., Mrs. Urown. and others. The above Lands will bo sold on accommodating Terms, JOSEPH TlIOMi'gUN. ROBERT S. FRENCH. LumUrton, Nov. 1, 10 i-. .... "UMJBt of Joseph Thompson and Robert ucb, c. i ciLisott ov tin-- ' mmttUU-ii: vmmi pmiaaawmam:,nm DEROIS IASDS. iwifMiJm (tl w.the,i ,ny , ,, f:t gWS ' ' r-i . ba-Mu pnrit .ai!! -ikn)Sr--ih'&! J. -.--MHERK ROBERT STRANGE, Oys wit -VST A T.ir 55 Li: RiiAIi ESTATE FOR SALE. W sn'meoOei- !. Iters lltr entire lor salo, nn oi which l-i -": acres are c .-.'iieu- and cOun"ioiH Di co and wo It iiiijirove o, w.t h ;;ig House and nil nrcosary out hitiuei. The f kindiv -dl of Ihe l n is wc-il improved and soil produeoH lUC'.K getieraliy grov. u in ihe E'isterit pan ... Sol I P. v an i.'iin i. There arc euoiigh i urpentiue Lal.dS a.yo,n,ng iiclieo hai.ils ii.-'.., and r. i tee. 1 to t lie iii'.'m to ii' boxes cui and ;i. -ii-.-h to ( ili i:" wo I; Irom f,o to , (1 rio-lv '., immediato ily oi quiie many inoio. l ncn Gr:s' f u 'ii attd e lr.:-h w. rv lif.vt. her of W, year's v VII stills, V. Ol Uttd S. 0.1:1. Tm-pcnt-.tio t i e sold it t lined up and in go (i oi-o.er, with a .wMill for the couven erice of tho pi-e.i! ions, "and a new Vessel, ail of plication ho made before i st Jannu- 1 eJ-JU gg. i - V.SIOl ,s vei!i he ecc- mmoiiaiiiig. A suthelciit num ami 'Da'. is, and s-fotk of eviry kind, with a i w ill oc furnished to tiie purchaser en libot- ii ,:,'e. Persons wish.ng o make a valuable i i- p.ios.Ld io come and examine the premi I tel ,'ls. if di .-.-st;:,ent ar Tli WO!'!- Sldiseri n. hove, er litis ah'- i '.:.'' Hf-vnnts, s iy c men, bulaneo rls sird ciiiidrtn ; umoiigsi the nun are vrIu- bV c i e-i s. i . i o: n ii.: i: .ni a first rale boicKsmi! ii, lie na.st , 1 .' .. . a -. .. ,- i.... ; .1 ...... I i . ... ,:t.... 1 Wl! ,111 Citli o-t Oil : oe pLOeii.isei, :i ni.-.oi.i., iu nuci- 1 .oi,! n,-i'::nil dtttiUL' tcil..S. Come av.d .-ee JOHN A. A VI RETT. Cm: icrir.o Lake, Onslow Co., Nov. e, i5;. loi tLsiJ. T. -;3. ..0- ACRES OF TALI AI1LE LA5TDS Jii,ejS--SLFXJ lOlt S .U.K. Situate. I t u'i'e.- east f (,-'o14sjj. ro' (r. io tho Railroad S'.itM-y from Goidsbitro to Bet.niort. '1 In re are CClO Cr-.". of the land cleared, ly.ng in about a sipiaie aud very level and there remains bettc-eii l-oi) and ,'ioo i.ercs of line lands imcleoied adjoining the clouted lands. Tiie balance in good timber and turpemfhti lands. This place is not inferior to any place in the country in point of health, fertility, conve nience to man igo, eao 4 ciiiln aiion, or for fertilizing sul -star... rs io impro-. c thu production of the soil. The fences arc among the b- si in the iWitptry ; the place is in g..od ro jiair. 'ii. ore are two two JotJr sclwdlings and ail necessary oui houses, ail in good rerie Ojjpuh e.ual di isior. i f th'a land I'ersous wishing io pMrufee'-l'ita -XL so on eay and o coiiiiiiotlat.iig terms. NA For fui tht r infoi ie aiion ftppiySto the mihecrihcr perei nal lv or bv letter. AUuresj X aKSSK HAlttiy, Saow Hill,'yeettftjDoutv, N. C. N .v. Is'''- , oinw. ici'i'ATE OF NORTII-CA IlOLl"tA.PiTT Coojr Js3 rv. Com l of Plea and thiai tor SesstVjg, Kovember Terio, A. D., I - ":-'.. TTiomas Moore and Wife, Xjvjtxitheig vs. J,t,..., (iiillin, Ex'r r.f Elizabeth Nelson, decd,Nvd others, IVti'ion f.,r account and settlement. .. :. . In this c-i.-.c it a;-.peariiig to the satisfaction c-f thsConr ' t;,at .-.;.'! Elizabeth Nelheo, James M. Nelson und WiYina.' W. Nelson, eh hlrcn of iiliani Nelson, d- c d, are nor.-r. deii.s oi this Siate ; it is crdorod that publication be maa in tl.,. Xiu-ili i'.irolin:'. Standard for six sm-eeSsivo v. ed.s for - the said Ann Eii.abe J antes M- and Wi W Nelson to - Sessit nk. "ii-wA ii. bcajepea at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter A. to be hci.-i E r tia r i .I , ; l,i rswrn Mil Grcouvilic, uTTiic first Moi.dav of Eebrun;-.- m vl t-. i lend. ansAVHfTf -cumr to said petition or the same wiil b iken - Ti"" comes.so as to linen ana tr.ed according! v. ssm as to linen and tried areord'uHv. w... i r i 1 -1 t . r - , , , a. t iiui-M, ui.u, .oieppciu, v-iei-K oi our .-am (curt at oi fice in Greeu-.ilio, the firs: Munduy f November A 1) 155 IL SHLPPERD, CUri: CroecnvilJc, Nov. 17, l.s.t.3. Pr. adv. V,lt, 'JU'J wtiw. tiTKTtJ.i.WtSIIIVr. TH UMVimv I'liniien I , s, ..I..1.UH'.-, l . i l v . I l.i l f AJ a, together. I nrot.osi! m i.ell inv , -.,. , ft ,,t ...o,:. olO acres, immediately on R-.aii.'kc Liver, bix miles betow Gaslon. 1 be lauds are the best on the Roanoke, cannot bo overtiiiv.ea, and well adapicd to the culth atic n f Wheat, loeaeco, or Cotton, onc-balf of which is in a i-,je Mute of psi.irago cv cuil.ialton, cuifeilable Dwelling and out houses. J r:ce s-.'o in navioents to .,,,,.,!......,., , - , A " I ' v.lll I r, io me. BALLARD MOORE 02w0w. Mount Plcnsant, Noriliampfon, ) October 3d, 1--S5S. f OMRS, jMONI MENTS, HEADSTONES, &c. THE sUBSGRtliER haviusr been Norih ai ed a large as.'ot-tnient of Italian and Aiiiricaii Marble for Muinm':ntf, Tom!,, and Je'id-ftt, and Hearth, J'aint sIojux, tilths f ji- So-M Founle, JJulmt A'ttlx, and Nova Scotia Grind-itoir., solicits the patronage of the citizens ofliale'eh and the surrounding country. He invites the citizens to call aud see his monuments, tomb and head-stones and draffs or send their orders, which will be punctually attended to. ' The subscriber has bet u in business in t his place sijetceo years, and you can refer to any of the citizens of Raleigh. His Marble- Yar3 is ton minutes' walk from the State House at the Soitth-East Corner of tho Grarevard. ' Fhe Subscriber has examined the Northern prices, and has 'iiesitation in savinir be can do work on ns roaHomb'i no te nits as auv. 14iileigls, Sept. 6, 1S52 WILLIAM STR0NACH, f5 - ' .Ife- : c .1 . l , - , " "s"u Li uogs, and oo bend oi cattle,r,d 10 or V. lieiy yotmg r.egivt's, raiM-d on haid plantation, togefhevr w .h my pre-sent years' cropol Corn, Cotton, Ac., &c. Those ......ori uuiiiiiuisti win can on jS- jjooreat 1 ' s. , i -v J r . j?': . 1 Til ..... : t-1 .w. - f -i 'iv - f i ' -A md K jti,i - . H..- -4-.s r i I, t - i. X ' . if

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