mil, .in iiiwiwi-ii. '-'"t i ,,. , . . -J... --Jf.,,-J . . ........ . n , J,.. , ; v -'in -iuuj . M.vr.rf- IT?.' h' ''ri' :. ySTll'UTKD FOR THE GOOD' OF TIFE 'GbVEKXED ? 1 " ! - I V f j ro? 4 v.-; - v ':;f : L VOL. I. ASHEBORO; WORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, ?2IARCH 29, 1876: 1IU1IBER' 9'. i . mw m b . . m m m a . mr mm a m w m m i . a i a t m - - - - m m m. m m bib . a b b w a h W- , ... 1 . y, ... -y, . . , , .''Ill r JIM r NT -VT XT ' j X ; 1 1 11 1 1 i ' - i ' f 1 - " 1 . i -in i i ii i i , ; ; vr ftOVERNMEMT WAS I " - " ' ' i i ' I . THE PUBIi RANDOLPH REGULATOR. JlSirED EVEItY WEDNESDAY j ' BY - ' . THE jKAXDOLPH PUBLISIUXG CO. OBFICB : I DOORS EAST OP TUB COURT HOUSE. , ; Orte Year, o?tage paid ..$2 00 ...........1 00 Six Month, postage paid BAT3 I OF, ADVEBTIsma. One square one insertion 00 Oae square, two Insertions...... .1 50 One square, three insertions... 2 00 One daare, four msertions..............3 00 One Miuarc. three months. ....... .....5 00 One "otwre. tx montlis... .8 00 i Onouare. tvCtlve month.;...i.U.12 00 ML T . - - , . Forilarfjer ailvertlsenlents' liberal ton- tracts will be made. Twelve lines solid brevier constitute one square. All -t 1 advfrt M-tit:'J iinds of JOB WORK done at the ui.atok" oftlee, in the neategt and on reu-onable terms. Bills for due when pre Hin;j considered eigh ins: ai ners, HIGH OLD TIMES. A SOCIAL ISSUE. i THE ALPHABET OF THE I One of the needs of our time is a ADMINISTRATION li Butler to write another' satire, not on j Written for the instruction of Judge the subject of Miss McFliinsey in pax- Taft, the latest arrival, whose educa ticular, but on -American -society in gen j tion is about tq coram en ce. ' ; era! AYeliavetmssed through various A is for Avery, safe in his prison. ; stages of social demoralization and de-1 B is for Babcock, rhb should be in his'n. . ; ' -"! "'-j C is for ColfaxHobillier's bead mini i-D is for Delano, wbo swindled the red man. ! E is for "Ebma,M. on England un pravity , masculine foppishness and feminine extravagance We have had tbe early excesses of republican court in the first days of the nation the (state ly, pride of the bepowdered dames from back woods clearings, who imitated the dress and mannera of the belles of the eoitrts of the English Georges ; the false chivalry, chevaliers and fine ladies of anoteher period which was a sort of re MARKT TWAIN'S duel. 1US W03DEUTUL ESCAXE. the bam door and could not bit it ; and i TOUCHING FUNERAL INCIDENT! I practiced at the rail and eocrtd not hit that; and I tried for the squash and could not hit that M would baveVen eiitifely disheartened but tlutoccasiofn ally 1 crippled ono of the boys, and that ''giTB toe hope. r.T At last we began to bear Ipistol shots near by in the next ravine. ' We knew what that meant t The other party was out practicing too, Then I was In the loaded. F is for Fori Sill that poor Belknip exploded. ? G is for Grant, who is partial to knaves. SING -RUMPUSES IN RALEIGH. LlHrtS AND COUNTER-LIBELS All- HEt-rs,. Slits, pen-and-ink knoc DOWNS AND DRAO-OUTS AND OEX- 1'KAL MUDDLEMENT. f . : V sterdav was a breezy day in Ral- The I:irch zephyrs went cavort nd 'Hihin, howlint' around cor clattering signs and dashing dust enough into every open mouth and eye to 'enable its passe'sor to go into the real estate business with, a heavy a rnoimt of paid-up capital. But more bre-zeful by far than all the March weatlicr was the hellabclloo picked up by man's inhumanity to inan" which mak ?s countless .scribblers mourn. The -air was hot and thick with rumors '"of wrath and tribul.-ttion. About noon, (ion,. W. R." Cox, chairman of the state derii-""atic committee, was arrested by a IT ntted States marshal, and taken orT to Wilmington on a lying charge of cons)iracy in the Robeson county con vention case. A little later in the day, ruzissance of feudal : follies ; the codfish j H is Harrington, expert in safes. aristocracy shoddy and now we have : the political pilgrim 'military society of the latter and worse days of the repub lic. The last is the climax and culmi' nation of the evil examples and idiotip practices that have brought ridicule and contempt upon us as a people. . The Mrs. Hominys and Elijah Pograms, painted by the gi eat , satirist, nearly thirty years ago, with a pen dipped in Caustic, and to our pain, acknowledged in indignation, were paragons compared with the leaders of society and remark able men' in politics we have been ad miring and obeying for the last decade. When the great rogue who is now hid ing the Lord and the New York police only know where, was in the plcntitude of his powerL his every movement and that of his family was chronicled with the minutest details in the greatest jour- rials of the land, and when his fan daughter was led to the alter the mar riage inarch was sung in more glowing termsthan those of which the Court Journal described the nuptials of Vic toria's daughter Louise and the Mar quis of Lome. Pelf pushed its way into the parlors of the White House, and honest worth and good breeding were elbowed iuta the dim and dust- I is for Ingalls and Mrs. GV watch J is for Joyce, who "a nice thing" did botch. K is for KU Klux. and bloody-shirt Morton. L was tho Landulent for Williams to sport on. M is for Marsh, who to process is non est. I N is for Noj one but Bristow that's honest. O is for Orville, the go-between brother. P is for Pierrepont, conviction to smother. Q is for Questions that no one must ax. R is the Responses that keep out fax S is for Shepherd, his ringities and panders. T are the Tax -payers, whose money he squanders. i U is for Ulysses that stands by these friends. V is 'the Villanic3 that he defends. W are the Witnesses hunted with violence. " X the 'Xamination which he must silence. ! Y is the Yell from the nation that Mark' Twain contributes the follow ing to Tom Hood's Annual f j "The only merit I claim for the fol lowing narrative is that It is a true story. I has a moral on the end of it, but I claim nothing 5 on that, as it is merely thrown In to curiry favor4 with Ihft lifTtoUa plAmrnfJ ' " - i' Afterl haof fcprted 'a couple of .... !.. 11: '-.11 l . - ' i .it .- vears oii the Virginia1 Citv (Nevada) our o anu men Daily Enterprise they promoted me to " w ' tt" , . una. ray tarn uoor wunouxia wonna or mark,' and that! would simply be an end to me;' for,1 of cours, the other man would immediately bettme blood thirsty as I was. I f Just at this moment a little bird no larger than a sparrow flevr by nd lit on a bush about 30 paces a Way,' ard my little second,' Steve Gills, who was a the ton ard of Secretary of State Ilower appeared, charging Col. Walter Clan, of the News, with offering to t-cW the influence and championship of that paper to him for $1,000 in public printing ; and charging the proprietors of t ie News with having made a false afftV avit in rcjrard to their circulation. Within an hour after the appearance oft iese grave charges. Josiah Turner, of t le Sentinel, was. arrested charged wltlji libel in allowing, Ilowerton's pub lication to bemnde through the Senti- ... n iiel'ls columns. A warrant was out for lllowerton too. Add to all this the arrest of, or servinir of warrants on olj Walter Clark, Col. Thomas Holt, sol; John 1). Cameron and Dr. George graham, of the News, in a suit for $50,000 for libel of Howerton ; and the dear public have t lie bill of fare of about as lively a day's work as wo" have wit pol ren mansion, while brazen vulsraritv shone resplendent under 'lights that were only less brilliant than the parvenues be neath.; A new class of journals sprang i'ltp existence, and a new kind of liter ature had to be invented to publish the praises of the age of brass. Society gossip, toilet descriptions and party (evening ones) reports all at once be came necessary features of every enter prising journal and the effeminate Jen kins was supplanted by a female who stood on line even between the doubt ful society she lauded and a darker ground. These conditions still exist, although there are signs that they are decaying from their own primal rotten ness. . ! There is a crying demand for politic cal reform, and the demand for the pur gation of our society as we must call it ought not to be less loud. Our be editordn-chief ; and I lasted just a week by" the watch. But I made an uncommonly lively newspaper While I did last, and when I retired I had a duel on my hands and three! horse- whippings promised me. I he latter I made no attempt to collect however, this history concerns only the former. It was the ld and "flush times" of the silver excitement, when the population was wonderfully wild and mixed ; everybody went arm ed to the teeth, and- all slights and iru J - suits had to be atoned for with the best article of blood your system could furnish. In the course of my editing I made trouble with a Mr. Lord, the editor of a rival paper. He flew up about some little trifle or other that I said about him I do not, remember now what it was. I suppose t called him a thief or a body-snatcher, or an idiot, or something like that ; I jwas ob liged lo make the paper readable, and I couldn't fail in my duty to a whole community of subscribers merely to save the exaggerated sensitiveness of an individual. Mr. Lord was offended and replied vigorously in his paper. Vigorously means a greatrdeal when it a fron all the Under this r bead, the Richmond , Dispatch of March 16, says : p " There was & funeral service held la Centenn ary Methodist 'churclv Tues day. The pastor of the chirrchv ReV; ; Dr. Edwards, conducted the services! The subject'' of the solranltjr was a poor white man who had been a hack driver in the city.' nc harl died sud denly In an bseure locality! TTheri the hearse bearing his remains reached theehuTchloorf amended thy flair carriages containing 'the immediate friends and relatives of the deceased,' it was found that there were no pall bearers. In this awkward cxtremltr,' it bee am 2 necessary for. the colored sexton of the church and the colored drivers of tho hacks r to assist the two or three white gentlemen present In carrying the corpse ' into the church. The whole company present dill not young nnspi. Z is the thinjrs. Zeal for a r new state of The Democracy has now the most powerful motives that ever animated a party to unite. They must do it. Thev will be false to themselves and to their countryj if they do not sink min or differences on the financial Question. I and rally to save the country from a . i r party whose infamous rascalities, whose gigantic frauds, have made Our nation a disgrace in the eyes of honest men. Cleaveland Plain Dealer (Dem.) refers to a personal editorial in tier newspaper. Dueling was fashion amonir the unner classes in that i j country, and a "very few gentlemen would thiow away the opportunity of fighting one. To kill one man in a du el caused a man to be even more looked up to than to kill two men in the ordi nary way. ell, out there ii you a- buse a mail and that man did pot like j it, you had to call him out and kill him, otherwise you would be disgraced. So I challenged Mr. Lord, and 1 did hope he would not accept ; but I knew per fectly well that he did not want to fight, and so I challenged him violent and fashionable women need not tm hark to iicssed in Carolina journalistic and tliehomel w which are said to have uca. in many a aay urew, characteri2ei their udn:others. but dear brethren; permit a venerable L, can restonj t, , standards christian with green glass eyes, seated lf d breedin aud manners wh'ich tin a very high fence, to suggest that ,Wi,r :ii w u F ' J I rno !! vr. l A r n 1 1 p rente iro miict r little hand-cs were never man u- bauish our modern Jezehils Deli. ured to claw each other's optical h-PUlaJMia Times anisms in tins exaccroaiiiur sivie. 1 mt ; v hl The tKlitieal auction in New Hamn- gCK .1 order, we trcntly tender you theTN. n.m- - aVin t nnnM. usd of a battery of. 12 pounders and a raentj and Uie party with the1 most mon- up von fac AH' As GEORGE ELIOTS APPEARANCE AND MANNER. From the London World. A slight presence, of middle height, as the height of women goes ; a face- dead shot with a pistol much better exceed twenty-five persons. than I was snatched out bis revolver j and shot the bird's head biff! We all ran to pick' up the game, and-sure enough, just at this moment, some of the other duelists came reconnoitering over the little ridge. They ran to our group to see what the matter was, and when they saw the bird Lbrd's second said ; I f: "That was a splendid shot. How far off was it?" I I Steve said with some indifference: "Ob, no great distance. About thirty paces.1 j . "Thirtv - paces! Heavens alive! Who did it r - "My man Twain." - ''The mischief he, did ! Can he do it often?" ; "Well, yes. He can do it about four times out of. five.." T knew the little rascal was lying, but I never said anything. I never told him so. He was noi of a dispo- i i - r sition to invitfKconfidence of that kind, so 1 let the matter ves. ! TBut it was a comfort to see those people look sick, and see their jaws drop jwhcu Steve Among ladies whose these were two bearing and style of dress indicated refinement and culture. One of these young ladies liad in her hand an ele gantly wrought cross composed 'of beautiful flowers, and evidently gotten up by a skillful florist without regard to cost. The solemnities were con cluded in the church with the usual remark of the officiating minister j The further services will be con ducted at the grave." And then the coffin was lifted by the extemporized pall-barcrs and borne down the aisle of the church. On passing the two' j-oung ladies referred to, the one hold ing the floral cross quietly arose jind laid it on the coflln of the ioor and almost friendless man. It struck the spectators, of whom there were two or three outside of the little circle 'of relatives and friends, as a curious In cident. The explanation of the mys tery was that the occupant of that coffin had a few y earsl ago, rescuad the young lady in question from Im minent peril and most probably from sudden death. The horse she Was made that statement. They went off riding became unmanageable and ran and got Lord and took him home; and jaway. At the intersection of Gover- when we got home, half an hour later, there was a note saying that Mr. Lord peremptorily declined to fight. Vie found out afterwartl that Lord hit his mark thirteen times in eih- teen shots if he had put those thir- l . . . 1 1 : 4 zl i i j i . lmplacable manner. And then I sat j down and snuffed and snuffed till the V "T J '". w. 14 deal. I rue, they could have put pegs in the holes and used me for a hat-rack; but what is a hat-rack to a man who feels he has intellectual powers? I have written this true incident of my history for one purpose only to answer came. All! the boys Uhe ed i iters were in the office "helpiug" me in the dismal business, and telling about ; duels and ' discussing the code with a lot 'of aged ruffians who had ex- doen .tin-buckets- of aqua-fortts.. Let ia e peace or pieces. Daily Srn. us n the course of yesterday's con gressional discussion on tue ventilation question, Blaine said that, ''from some cailHe or other the air ot the hall had never been so bad as this vear;" and he j could not account for it He seems to forget, his having dug and spread out in it all the skeletons aud carrion of jAndersonville, and torn open within its, walls all the old sores and ulcers of tho ar. And lie sterns oblivious of the fact that a thousand reeking cess- pools of radical villainy and infamy; ey was the successful competitor, as was to be expected. They are a thrifty set in the Granite State, and - as they carry on their elections always on a cash basis, many an honest yeoman doubtless went home rejoicing last night, with some of Uncle Sam's crisp greenbacks in his pocket. Apart from this they are also a steady-going set, not easily shaken from their convic tions, and being firmly 'convinced that the rebellion must be put down, they wUl probably continue to vote, for a vigorous prosecution of the war for the remainder of the century. In about seven years from now the news about perience in such matters, and altogeth er there was a loving interest laken in the matter that made me unspeakably somewhat Ipng, whose every feature uncomfortable. The answer came tells of intellectual power, lightened Mr. Lord declined.1 Our boys jwere fu by the perpetual play of changing ex rious, and so was I on the surface, pression ; a yoice of most sympathetic- I sent him another challenge, and comnass and richness: a manner full r,n 4 ; J . -lJViJV,. UUVt ftJUVT VUV . baV4) .vb.w w I . , fm P ! . . i i .. . t , , more experienced now, and am ltdlexi- of a grave sweetness, uniformly gentle ha not want to fieht the more blood- 1 . . J l . At-'L i.. .t,: .i- . T. . ropposeu to tlie Ureadtul custom. 1 ,kms the denth of the interest taken tor.. L n If o .mUrl f um 6laJ lnJeetl to Vh ta 7 W VUUI'Q". I I inordinary land obscure things and U waking up. It was becoming appa- warn the youth of to-day against the practice of dueling' and to plead wtih them to war against it. I was young and foolish when I challenged the gen tleman, and thought it very fine and grand to be a duelist and stand upon the "field of honor." But I am older aud nor and Main streets, her horse, Rolnff down Governor street, dashed against the horses of a hack as it was nro- cecding up Main street. The hack driver, leaning forward and extending his hands, grasped the young lady and dragged her into the boot of the hack. She never forgot tho man ; and hearing of his death and funeral ser vices, she attended in person, and with her own fair hand laid the tribute of flowers on his coffin. The young lady mentioned is Miss Mattie Ould, a .daughter of Judge Robert Ould, Confederate commission er of exchange during the war. f c " - I seven years irom now toe news aoout whisky-ring:, war and navy department Belknip and Babcock and, Robeson rings, pxst-traderships, Babcockery and the rest will reach N ew Hampshire, aild lklknapping, have been uncovered and if by that time any Democratic tlircabouts. No wonder the air is hould arise in tr State who . I , , , . 4. . , not phenomenal fools, it is possi- bad. ITie only marvel is that, like a ble that they may get up an interest vist, exaggerated Upas Valley, it has ing election. Meanwhile an election nt suffocated every man and beast in New Hampshire is abont as Import .within : a hundred leagues of it, and t as a battle among ghosts, though a,L , . . . . - the crgaxs will play theirsweetest tones stifled the very cherubim as they fiew d there' wiU be rejoicing iu over it with patent-nipper clDthes-pms every custom house in the land In res oi their noses. DaVy Scntind. ponse to this 'first gun." rhil. 7imt. people ; con yersation which lends itself as readily to' topics trivial as to topics profound, and which is full of a humor as, indeed, are her writings that is redeemed from sarcasm , by its ever present sympathy ; such is a rough and imperfect sketch of George Eliot, as she may be seen when she is occupied . ol ', l! 1 wuu ncr ounuay rcvepuons m uer pleasant hotne near Regent's Park. Far from strong in health, she feels the effort of authorship so severely, the in terest whichj she takes in the develop-, ment and the destiny of the creations of her brain who might be better de scribed as the generalizations from her own personal knowledge and experi ence, is so painfully and absorbingly deep, that she is unequal to the task of going very generally or very much into society, So thoroughly does she think out her books, even to the struc- ture of her sentences, before she com mences to write them, that, unlike Dickens, txugh like Thackeray, her manuscript displays scarcely an era, sure Or a bloL M1ImingUn Journal. r( r-t that he was going to fight me after a'l I ought to havo kuownl how it Gul(l be he was a man who could ne?T bej depended upon. Our boys were jubilant. I was not, though I tried iiarJ to lfe 11 now time to go out and tice. l tjj6 custom there duels up my voice against it. X think it is a bad, immoral thing. It is every man's duty to do all he can to discourage du eling, i ! FACTS ABOUT THE KORAN. - i .- : i The Koran was written! about A. D. Listen here: "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from aoing thy pleasure on my holy day ; and call the sabbath a Delight, the Holy of the Lord, Honourable ; and ehalt honour him, not . doing thine own ways, rior finding thine own pleasure, nor speak ing thine own words : Then shalt thou delight thyself ia the Lord ; and I Will cause thee in ride upon tlie high places of the earth, and feed thec with tho heritage of Jacob thy father : for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken lt,p This is a promotion worth striving far and yet how few arc thoughtful and i iX 1 Tfrar m-nAv-al nm - at v tBk iI.a 1 mi prac- - - nsible enough to seek it. The world to fight proiessora iuutair-, asa ir;e -jeirj, . . " I I - -w i ' "i t " r J 444 rvik4VA UVUUi -uh navy six-shooters at fifteen ana me lunscians. m c wor,;up oi , and PAUd and empty till the game one God whose unity Was the chief! cmptj lhe breath of lba t wa5 sccurc. e cnt -ux., j ble who cry crucify fcxiay and bo- lu ravine iust onfof town and ana crremomra, ckhiej was absent-. ind viA.Txcic iu ! . . . : . ; nanna w-mnrsv. x uung man. pu& was ,i l t w- -wi'. .j it. I II - ft r A , T I - I w stood this barn I language, wmca cmwur Iesy.a . : 1 borrowed barn door for a 'target plahommed as j the prophet. It i i .. ... i .... - ironi a jciiitj- - " v i . . : j CP lO lb. The father of Carl Schurx died in Illinois last week, at' the age cf 80. door up, ar d a n on Cnd against every fine quality, was said to be that a party of ladies and gentlemen In .t . . . I .I t.i ii .iai . i put a sqnasK c. . 'Al to represent his He was a very tall, lean creat- reit sort of material for a . & Iice shot could fcta Vlta ftd evcjl tLen he might spHt your U.Ucu Exaction aside, the rail cf too thin to reprt 1, ly, but the aqua If there wai.tnj ; n , between the squaM a in lavor oi m? squij, Well j I of Paradise. , Mahoromed.ciserted that j th gallery of the House of Represen tee Koran was re vealed t) him,lurmg ; tatfrev having witnessed som rather a period of twenty .three years, by th- j disgraceful proceedings oa .the floor, Angl Gabriel. The sty Je of the vol- j weTe lament rng the decay of Atnerican uiic a """""m -, . Bvauaixjaijiiiq, wueu one oi luem re- where the attributes of Go4 are describ- j marked : I wonder what Tlma cu, ii. ovu.v.w.-w -4-,v. iweiierson wooia uo ir ne were aown ran was tmnslated into Lattiaia 1144, and into English abont 1762. It is a rhapsody of 3,(K0 rerseaJ diviW into 11 4 section, j : tlierc to-dav r--- An individual In an - . . . , adjoining seat; who had been listenfug to the conrersation, gravely replied : A Western nt "death Kr : . He"d probably offer to pay liberally Wretniie.VaTerdUrt i cf getting otttsidjs hanging; twA ?. nun ; 'Hthcnt hsvisg his porks ritke"