. . J "I VAX t rfj v.'fi ihi- - u -i - ii . i . 1. 1 W1 ni - T 1 III T I I I " I f I m mm ' 1' GOYERNMEMT WA$ INSTITUTED FOR THE" GOdD-' OF ! THE GOV ERNKD. t . VOL. I. ASHEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12,",1876. 2TTJMBER li; ! ... UJ - " ' . -! .-- - 1 . , mm,. .mm 1 -.. 111 ' X I i ; 1 THE RANDOLPH REGULATOR. ifield but a fcw years and whose rrBLIHEF) EVERY! WEDNESDAY namc was wortli a thousand men tothe I p,Y i cause of secession. Where is he to- TlIEiiANDOLMI PUWIJSHIKG CO. iday, and where has he been for the last OFFICE 2 norms KAST OF.TIIE eibt vears ? Hp ia nn thatnidA and : o J --j ' 1 thev think him a manelously proper th, postage p:iid... 100 'uuu FH . ' I will tell you a secret. The Repab- RATES OF ADVERTISING. !lcan party undertook to buy up the men of the South with office and mon- :i; !ix Mo.i CQUirr jrousH. r, io-t:t; raid One wi(arf, nnf; inspftion ......... 00 One Mjtian', two lnortlon .....1 50 One wjijr.re. three ini-rtiMii- 2 00 One niarft, four !nrrtJoi.i .....3 00 One Hqiiarp, three months ........5 00 Our- -rjiaro, six inontliA 8 00 One quaro, twelve months' ......12 00 For Ijjrcer alvcrti?emetta lih'eral fton tr:i Is wjil'l hp mc Twelve lines solkl lr .'vi'r constitute one .square. All kin.l-of JOR WOIMv done at the KKOi hATOu" ofliee. In. the neatest -t I--. :uj1 on reasonable terms. Billofor rtlV'-rtUin con,silerel "due when pre- V.--t.-:l. ! ' . " am Wc intend to stand up here for the rights of the Government. It will be the last lesson as w;ell as the first tliat we will teach our bovs around us. to stand by the old flag and by the prin ciples of the Democratic party. G reat applause and laughter. Mr. White A question now ? Mr. Yeates.-j-No ; you have had four weeks already. Laughter. I Tlio-papoM generally are speaking in very oo.::nplitncutary. ttrms of tle speech on'Ind an affairs recently delivered in the Home of Representatives in Con gress by our gifted Representative, Gen. A.M. SrALi.s. Wc have not as yet ecn tins speech. Maj. .1. J. Yeatf-s' is also hi'jhlv spoken of. Below will be found a portion of this sjeech Of Mnj. Yjivvn:s which we copy from the Wihniilnton Star:- ABLE ARRAIGNMENT. II ATI THE UillMJIiLlUAX PARTY HAS done i on tin: south Kti:i t from Maj. J. J. Ye:tt'a" .Speech i.('nn"i'(' 1. mo-weeks ai.l I rise to:day, Mr. Chainnan, to crit icise t';r character and nets of the Re publican party since the war. I march to the ask. sir, boldly, and whe n I do it., sir, I want to disi'Tunhiate between national honor and Republican honor, (ieiitleiuien on the "tber side' of the House have for a long time assumed t fiat di loyalty to this Govern rrient,. and t hey have hel l the rod over our friends hcr-y vho come from the North until thev have shaken the confidence of so i mo' of them : but I tell vou. sir, that "'. " ' - disloyalty to the Republican party is uot disloyalty to the Government. I claim, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of 'the Committee, to be as patriotic a man is there is in this House. 1 came here with no other purpose but that of serv ing the country honestly and faithfulljv T am not a very hot partisan, but I am determined to maintain the principles I hold according to the best of-my 'abilitv. - I w;.nt lo draw a comparison and phow to my friends around me that the cry of gentlemen on that side of the House; in regard lo rebels is not honest. pocritical. When you hear them ey. Those who sold themselves they thought to be patriots, and those who did ! not they denounced as rebels.- That is what you. hare done. There fore, gentlemen,; I feel free to speak here in this House; for people have seut me here as they, sent you, to rep resent them as a free, and independent man. Eet the countrv understand that. Do not let it' be said or thought that becau?c there are a great many South ern -Democrats here this is, therefore, an ex -con federate House of Represen tatives. I hey are . undertaking to weigh down the Democratic party of the North by saving 'this is an ex-Con-federate- Congress that has met here. Why, Mr. Chairman, and gentlemen, they earned me up on a high moun tain; showed me the glories and beau., ties of the Republican party, and said : " All this will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me." And I said to them : " Get thee hence, Satan : i it is written thou shalt not live by oftice do not say ' that some gentleman I would' not yield to from New England, wilderness tbey destroyed liberty in tLan constitutional Uwyer. The ax- j possessed by devils. Over &U-ire e n review imarka the efforts of lit. Naat, the ris- ective for ting of the snn of economy and patri- This cartoon- is the more ro- toichariw otism. Louisiana and South Carolina, and in teen counts of the Grant parUb indict- ; drawn, with that etfective virec which .11 a.!. C-4 -1. l .1 i i .1 ! . L .:'-- an wc ouu nutre.iuey uau iu pun- inefit are severally pasetl er to do it. . d pronounced fatally dc uut, genuemen, you are vastly ps- !SOveraV roasoasfor failinc taken if you :thinJv that the cojoretl oitense . ind 'indictable by act of ! uurkabte l)ecaaso ria the (aces of tht people are going to hold to you forcTer. Oonffrea; for :ailinz to show tliat the swine as they mslf towanl tbti sea discovert Uie.- portraits of BabcockJ Belknap, bhcpherdU Williams, Delano, and the President himself as the bead pig of all. The moral of this cartoon; i3 salutary and striking, and rcrdexa- You have held them for a while; but ;wron complained of wa cormmtted j you have not the power or influence to j; on account of race, color,'? ixll of the i Dear upon me coiorea men to. Keep persons upon whom it was committed ; them your servants, for they will vote jfor 'filing to give notice to tke accused as they please in the coming election. iof the edfic nature of the otenm who may want to get at me a little ; but jThat maJ sound a liUle unpleasant to j tH' which they were charged ; for ' bering the devotion, of Mr. Nast to' alone."" . Great only mv humble laughter. And not self ; there. is not a Southern Democrat here but has heard the same siren voice and beautiful song. i rhey kept US' Out in tho cold : thev j would not pardbn us; they tried to starve us into submission to their par ty, and now they raise the howl that we are rebels, because they cannot buy us. Gentlemen, you have got llolden and Longstreet, and a thousand more, whom you bought up. and put in your pocket, and whom you now consider marvelously proper and patriotic moo. This country will judge of such things. Let mc tell you, gentlemen here, who represent, the North, that there, are Union soldiers i on this side of the House. Blaine and th sachusetts Mr. but hy Jalk sometimes, you wouUrthink their idea wis that a man who had been in the anhy of the Confederate States was not fitjto occupy a place on this floor or to hold any olUce of profit or honor under thc Government. The gentle man trom Maine, Mr. Blaine when wc hacl under discussion the amnesty bilk ufidertook here to prpclucie a letter which he said he had reccive frt)m a distinguished, gentleman from North Caroli !i:w I want the country - to know who ore his associates in the South.- He had read liere a letter of Governor Ilolden, of North Carolina, his political ally; his warm friend, his supporter in tit b f,.r 1 1 1 o n ill t i aiic nm( 1 'i - . confess. t.'iiOTiin mul e linlil thfit lttr nn I here a;? a letter from a molel patriot, who was crying: out for his own liberty and for his own rights. Sir, Governor Ilolden for twenty-odd years was the leading secessionist in' North Carolina, thy head and front of the rebellion -a menibef, gentlemen, of the secession convention'-; and he signeVl the ordi- nanccjof secession with a new gold pen, and then waved it around liis head and said jc should be placed away among the valuable archives of the family and that no mortal man should ever write with it again; This is the friend of the distinguished member ; this is the apan jhe wants to make out is better than the men on this side of the House.; lint tills is not alL Mr. White y ill the gentleman al low me ? i ! Mr. Yeates No. There is on this side of the llonse my distinguished friend from Ohio1, General Banning, who was on thej Union side, and my distinguished friend from Ohio. Gen eral Rice, who py his modesty ot de meanor always Commands my respect, who spilled his blood for the Stars and Stripes that are waving over your head, Mr. Chairman ; jand yet I say to vou that the gentleman from Maine-Mr. gentleman from Mas Hoar think more to day of BillTIolden and Longstfeet than they do of General Rice, General Wil liams, General Banning, and the other noble Democrats here who fought and bled for their country. It is all party hypocrisy and ; humbug, that they ex pect to cry aloud this summer to carry the election. . Laughter. Mr. Chairman, I expect to speak boldly and freely, and to keep within the 'bounds of patriotism, too. Re newed laughter. That is what 1 ex pect to do. I have been thinking over these things for several days past, I I have seen gentlemen on that side of the .-House, merely for po litical effect, (waving their hands to- I 3 wards us and! denouncing us as unpa triotic and not true to the country, es- i I will not let him interrupt me. I hope I will be pardoned for entering a little into detail I do not want to take up much of the limited time of the committee when there are so many others who wish! to address the com mittee. But I propose to look a little aronnd us and see what we have had ; what this great Republican party has done for us. I will tell you! one thing it has done. It has undertaken to bribe the people. It has demoralized the people. It has made an attack upon the virtue of the people. It has broken down the purity of the ballot-box. It has destro3'ed the freedom of voting in mj' section of country, if not v yours. It has raised the standard of l;hc military and. placed it, Mr. Chairman, even in your own city, in terror ' over the ballot-box, a thing entirely inconsistent with liberty. I do hot say the1 Republican party has not done somej good things. There are men in the Republican party whom I like, wuo, I think, are patri otic in their motives. But their party is now being driven to the wall, and is fighting,, with u tenacity with which it never fought before, to retain 'position i and place. J You see," sir, j they did not expect when we were turned loose that this House would soon be Democratic. Laughter It! frightened them; they were amazed atjit: and they have un dertaken, as I said before, to lay the burden of secession upon the Northern Democrats, weighing them down with us, so that theyjmay beat the Demo cratic party in the comiug contest and be- jthe President, and his unfaltering al- my friends on the other side who have 1 general vagueness, uncertainty, f been trying to teach the colored men :;nfT At.frtiv in f,.rm And sidwfnn that they were their lord and savior 1 1 or tUe two decisions th Uiniou in j cannot too highly praise him for the admit that the time has been j when tno Kentucky case is by far- the more ! sacrifice of personal feeling he makes some of the colored people woul.Vbow , impoi-tant. It deals not with the de- ' in the interest of pure . and honest down to that party ; but they will not ; fccts of tLe indictment, but Iof ihe law , government. : ' : ' - " ' j bow down much longer. That is one llon tjlC uictmeul ;il founded, j While commending Mr. Xast (or; consolation. The court hold, .in substance, that his Easterly cartoon we must also! . . 4 tli ft fifteenth amendment lias invcstel : note the viomtis atnl trirhant'tinftTrJ THE SUfKEAlli L'OUKT OMT1IK V ENFORCEMENT ACT. citizwis of the .United States with z i ner in which the Horfcf has treated i t netc constitutional right, which ia with- the Pendleton cae. ' Alwayson the ! i in - the protecting power vf Congres.,', alert to detect corruption and show On Mondy the Supreme Court an, T,mt rigU erroae. i up thc vUlanies of raeu in power. tho nounced its decision, so long delayed, ousjy aHSCrtnlt ho jigllt 0RU'ffenigef WorlI in this case, like 4 Mr. Xasti in the Grant parish and the Kentucky wllid thc coUrt (expreslT ray in the rises aWe the. temptations ofparty! election cases, arising under the enforce- JAlish their re. aml jKrsonai associations, for Pendle-! ment act of May 31, 170. The Loiu Cvlit Ueclamtion in'Minoi vs.. Hopper ton is one of thc most gracious and isiana case, as many of our readers may , sett 2 y wUace, to -the same, effect, the generous : of gentlemen. There is remember, was an indictment against ; con8tifcution of tho UniU-d States has j probably no man in the Democratic' certain citizens of Grant parish, in that not conferred upoil auy ofjdJ aild that part v Jnlcs'g pcrhapSf it is our Uncle! State, based upon section 6 of the act ; United have -J, rofcp of m who make Ue raoncy of known as the "ku-klux" or "conspira- , W mrn .creation in th Uitr It jthe people go further and do more: ,j uum,, iu,l...i;Uf r...ii.uu,ig .. 6f ex;iD1,tioiifromdi5.gt)o.l than "Gentleman George." of fine (not exceeding 5,000,) and inv crin,iuation in tho exercises of the There fore when the editor of the T VorU prisonment (not exceeding ten years) j elective franchise, on acconU of rae, lound it neccssarr to hold un thisl for the offense of banding or conspiring color or previous condition of servi-1 tnisfed leader and charming " gjmtle-i together, or going in disguise upon the ; tuJei This H-ht. uer; the express i man to the censure of the part-audi nignway, arc, witu nitenrto injure. ,,rovisions of tue cm tion of Uie i the country we know whalthc sacri oppress or intimidate ant citizenj or to ; amendment, Con 2rcVs. may; enforce by ! flee must have been. The lasli whicli prevent or hinder his fr,. exercise and tVppropriate-;lepslaiioti.'i at legis- has flayed Blame, scarifietl BabcockJ enjoyment pt any ngnt granted ,or r. UtioR may nf course, embrace the case torn the hide of the impenetrable But5 cured by the constitution orlawsof the jof municipal and Sute election tuual- r and stripped' from his' quiverlnn- u"ucu a..- -; ly with federal elections. M was an indictment founded upon sec. u rnusfc ic ConCnel, however, with, tions 3 and 4 of the same act, against j ia the and pnri0be., p the con- two inspectors of a municipi 1 election stitutional amendment. It is not in that State, for refusing to receive ; evory wrongfui refund to receive the and count at such -election the Voce of j votc" of a qualified elector! at a State a citizen of the United States of Afri- election that Coh-rewhas constitution- 1 . T . 1 4 - 1 can uesccnt. jotn cases came rwic limbs the flesh of Belknap "was not withheld from the back of the bribe taking Pendleton, fine a gentleman and true a Democrat as )is is. These trenchant, biting, severe, illuminating, sarcastic, ironical articles of the UWon " Pendleton, the unworthy descent. Both cases came jiefore H power u ..unUh. its :.MCr to Dcmfrat" will live" in our newsnancr the Supreme Court upon a certificate j legislate at all uiki the Mibieot of vo-, history ac evidences thatcVcn a Dem- T ,r J. . . 41 T of division, of opinion bctweon the ct gtato dti re3tb VH)Tl the ! ocratic editor can rise above the temp- I saul, My. Chairman, that the Ke- judgpa of Circuit Conrt for tho ment,- nnd -it is onlvf when tl.? tations of partv and do Ills duty. XticV i bucan party had done great harm in districts in ihich the cases arosi fn wril;sful rf at ,uch an Ucitiou is will live with 'the caf' caoV'oVi the Louisiana case, after a verdict of j because Gf race, color oi previous con- Nast showing how the al ministration guilty upon all the counts of the ia-!dition of servitude that Congress can hogs possessed by thc devils of cor-; dictmcnt, sixteen in number, judgment iuterfvie; and provide forj its punbh. I mptiori ran ' down' into the oiZ-X. i it i ij.: v ! .- . . . . . . . . .. ' , . - . , pul the South. I am prepared to prove that. Our colored friends once looked upon the Republican party as being their savior. They are learning better. Now, Mr. Chairman, to be perfectly serious, we all know that thc Republi can party did not start out in the war with the aim of freeing the colored peo ple. It declare! in its resolutions in i Congress and in the proclamations of its President that that was not the ob ject. But, sir, the colored man was freed, in spite of both the Northern and Southern men, by the will of God. And thc colored people are learning that: Another thing: The Republican party did not willingly give the colored man his right to vote. had been arrested upon mdtion der of the presiding judge, whicl v or or(cr K)Otions of , the ."enforcement! act" of the Supreme Court has now affirmed ; jlay 31, 1870, arc confined in Uirms to and ordered the discharge of the par- ; cases in violation of the fifteenth aineud ties indicted. Tn the Kentucky case ment They ai e ; couched in language the indictment having been held back iroaj enough to cxjer any case of on demurrer by the circuit jujlge in j "wrongful refusal,? and juion any the court below, that decision is in like und or in the case of nuy person, manner affirmed with the same .resnlt j They' are not, therefore, U thejudg to the parties under indictment, viz: . meat of the court, ''appropriate legis that they are discharged. The imm . lotion" for the enforeemeci of the fif- d "1- TT 1.1 '! ORGANIZATION ''. . .. . The .Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Uj State,, have apioiuted the 14 th of Juno as the time for the SUto Convcution, U nominate !a candidal) fur Guvcruor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Trvaju. rer atd other officers. The Coranjltltp for this Congressional District will soon A member. Mr. Yeates. pecially the gentleman who rose op a little while ago to interrupt me, (Mr. I could go through the Southern State? and select leading secessionists of the country whom the "Republican party has hugged to its bosom long ago There is one distinguished bero and ltjatler, General Longstrect, whose i -m tiery columns were felt on every battle- White) calling us rebels. I have look ed about me jhere and seen those good men who fought in that contest and came home Tictorions and offered us the hand of reconciliation; and peace. Though I despise the contemptible manner in "which we have liech treatetl and insulted here, thank God I can say to-day that I lovethe. Government of the United States, and shall stand by it as long as I live. Mr. Fosteri-Good I . . .Mr. Yeates-r-Yon cannot drive ,me ever again to go against this Govern ment . . Von may try to place my sec tion" of country in the position that Great Britain has placed Ireland, and get np a contest and war of feeling be tween ns evervwhere, but we will not be a party to such a "strife. f A ptflaW. Who did ? I will answer that Question. They undertook to pass the fourteenth amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States and said to the Southern people. 4Yote for that ; you are fresh out of thc war; now turn around and abuse and curse your friends, and let them die." We would, not do that. If the Republicans could have got the white people of the South to have voted with them they would have let the colored man go on forever without a vote.! But when they found out that the Southern people, though defeated in arms, still rose pure and strong in virtue, and could not be beaten down in that way, they threat ened ns that they would let the colored people vote. . Is not thrtt the history of the times ? iate and practical result in both cases tt). ai.ndmni.t nrii.B .n'Ui.t. 1 determine tho time' "and place for the therefore, is the same, viz : tliat the ; audmaenduwut U specifically inf -udtl i mwn8 f U,e Cj,.aVentwn' court has docided that no conviction ! CurC Th(.y is. 1 ljOQi ? . . . i") iiuncena pnis. t Inaj Iidd jfist Ulirc orjuht after can be had, which, so far, vz .gratifying and the. court -therefore ;oonnot, ! tho Stat 'Convention. ;At all event . ana satistactory, at all events to the witliout traversers and their frinds. Other re- ' tinn mul suits were aiiticipatcd, however, from the decision of thse 'cases bv the trib- uFurmg the legislative fauc-1 l"comes our people to be thinking rnakui- a new law instead of ! ovc.r rnattcr and Ppafing to take i enforcing hu old onej give effect to these j ouch stcpe as are neccabn.ryl to inuie a ill ittll llll W-t . f 4 f . a mm i . t inn kaiva iuii it. iMO:iAUiiiUii ua LULii lotions. Any indivtmeiit founded vit:w s in lth Corirr-ntioim WV ''mn. unal of last resort. It was esp ctcd upon UI rtf-cesskrily bad, and fills pse our locd Committee will soon v that the vexed question of the constit- to tMe jrrou,tj u ith tJie statute itself. J tn t,,e calling of a county Convention, utionality of thc act under which the Huch is a0l e5Vc of tue 1 Th? B! fentiiwiit. so far as we indictments were found would b, defiir t.0 lUioIlS. doit relieve the c rv.r .. , . . - . , ,i - - : i as cur cuiuiutt'? lor vo emor. ? itely if not forever settled and -put to court froo. the dutyof ,nuting directly ; have heard no express in regard to This, it is to be rrgretted, the ull0a tj,e conitutionalitr '. of the ct r th other positions. It U our opinion f court has not done. It has decided the ; if ntKr r, t,,M that all our m-oplo Want ia tclectioa cases, but not the question which the come Uffore .Ihcm in wbi,L the indict- ?f honC.hf t wIorc P.:fAM;w TfKo .,:,K. .,J r , ly capable of uischarging the dutusa of , - - - r- UICI4U mv u.re ftiuiuuiiy urarii. their veral aprwiutmcnU. and are; at Sun ! ! (.. .LI. ..L.UI i"t rnic nuin ij wniruui; rwij;'-- T ! t ' 1 . ' r a1 court is Unanimou3 Justice Clifford i concurring in the judgment while dis INDEPENDENT.; JOURNALISM, i persnnjil cxertiota. - We must have no thing to lb- ttnecesa of the party by their rvj uuc ivain: ui uiuc ueu mey j ness oi expression ana sxyi. ck iar " - t'frrl " y inc ( To he could not get j our votes, then they j as they go, therefore, thpy are entitle! ? Belknap business shows that ic has a a-f'reqti turned the colored people loose and to as much weight as can. attach to any soul above partisanship. ;in his mag-1 worthy, ly ex senting from the opinion. Hie opin- It H always pleasant Jor the ittrahl I urones in tne nive; tnw year, it mim ion of the court in each case is deliver to acknowledge theimtenlrise and in-,,eJwrno in rnind, tlat, much if at , , , . - T . . i -- , - t j 1 1 ' iSUke. and they who bare fattened tin- ed by Chief Justice Waite, and char- dependence of its contemporary ev f Uie fop rws anj D ,ikejv acterized, so far as the question' touch- lecially those who liave stnmg ioliti- j to vield without a" strngsle. 7rct ti led upon and the points decided :go, by cal preflilections. Thus thc manner br is altead of tw, and rigorous and ! great simplicity, directness ari clear- f'in whicb fr.-.Toin Nast, the brilliant "determined contest ia to he expeeted. inoit au wotk conaiaatea ana surt t hey ( who haretl ire1 to fthow themselvea traordinarv la1xr, but let them vote, j What else did they do? descision of the cor.rt. Perhaps thclst jnificent cartoon we have Belknap and al! tnrst jHre thrift on earneid rjpport.: They multiplieil offices, and filled those explanation of "the nnanimitylof the Babccjc, G rant I and . Sliepln!, held ih? P' a? .tbc!r m ii..: j u L . . lllit: 'r..J' . 'lu ' duty in tlua- matter -and onr advsc ii oiuceJi wiui i:u ixiuusruiu variwMtzxcrj i roun in ines"- cases is w oc lonw in ; uu iw imwiiv wu?mre m mr mvium j who came down and prejudiced the colored people against us. As Mri Brace, the colored Senator from Mis? sissippi is reported to have said the other day in the Senate, they poisoned J to bare been one f fLese. the minds of the colored people; they jinna case is dKvd of fronY left the eorintry-a bowling wte and 'of. view of a criminal pTdcrrrtdhcr to th'ss tefoYe hr lik?'ilhe; wrfn J)f "Vrir. the careful av0idaice bf a!! questions , of the public virtue. . Co1nmb!a.tand SfoI iqn tat j,- Uttle-dc except what were absolutely necessary in the Jattitu le of t the. .P0, Master tcom, tbey 'wilL m n Herrilde-a an to their descision. Trnfrtonately the (for, i.oar reaiiers" k nowj; Mr; Nar 1 arnr with batmcW Comiption inwt "cocstituti'wal question hamins not ! fond of illustrating his comic pictures lKlW fmm high pUcCT, ndwe 1 - ; j i1 , , r , 'goiernment, or the futurt oftLlicoin- tfthe jiotnt UhieTeaJid jobbers are running down j Xty Vili h brwW in gVvro. A

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