' , ' : . - - ,: l' . J 1, "1 GOVEUN3IBNT WAS INSTITUTED rOH TUB GOOD OP THE GOVERNEDs. : J . v. 0 i I .. f - . - I 4 - !: t ii' r 1 1 lu 1 1 it !'.! ' .;. , (Hi 1 1 1 THE RANDOLPH REGULATOR. PUBLISHED EVERY .-MTpDNJESDAV 1 ' BY : - " , . THE RANDOLPH PTJTJLjtSHtXQ CO. OFFICE 2 DOORS RAjSTj OF T1IE couitT- house; One Year, - postage raid.. A Six Month, poste paid.. Act M .1 00 BATES OF ! ADVERTISING, One gquare, one Iiisertion .:L;.,.'V...V 1 00 One square r t lncTtUnt.;U ') One square three inmioasU....,i.i2 ,00 Orte squafeV fouf Inertl6ns4 k;..f3 00 une square, thfetfdntf..ui.iv...5 00 One,fquareiX -.nrantcu .i,wH8 00 One frquare, tVfelte month3i.., 12 00 ilt or larger adverti.emcnU liberal cbn tracts will le. made. TwelVC.lInes solM brevier constitute one square. , . , All Minis of JOB WdniC ilmift At thi ' KxirLA'Toil,V ofllce, ini the , neatest style, ; and on reasonable tertria. Iltllsfnr ulvfrtlf?in considered "due when pre From I lie llalclh ScEitineL .'. COXSTEltNATION IN THE RAD 1CAL CAMP, j A ljtim1 sheU has exploded in the rrvlical camp here. It came upon a ' IWS I family, lrtamlg of future k toils, as a thuiulcrclap from a clear - ' : ' j - John T. Dewcese, the Jgrcat expo Jicnt.of liepublicanism in 17C8, the li-ii-lity. rcdoiistruclinn cngrcssinan from this district, is ilic irian who has thrown consternation iuljrjr the house Hciit the mortar shcH thkl nit Tim Loo in, lively motion for the past scv - rral days i - Jloldcn-s linistcr of Public Works during the radical Carnival t)f ISGa-'CO und VT.O appears to hav been hit plumb, and from the scattcriation going on it may he that sonic of the fra-! inents Htruck the postoJIfccj if not tinothcr limy Id t it lm)ailsiile. e 'understand that Dpwccsc mid tfruyn shy. they paid the Minister of Public - "Works, Concstogitj Harris, a thousand dollars to locut tlic peni Icnt iary nl Dec) River. TJie peniten tiary was located there, and the site purchased embraced ciizhlj thousand acres of por laixl at $1 2.o() per acre, 'tiie Minister-of Public Vorks was .. never able to .s ay why the location was lixed at Deep River, lie shys he rec- oi run ended it, "but why lac done it. (iod Almighty only knows.' lie says he was told that stone ftjrirtllMing and iron ore for man u fact uriji abound ed there in supcrandant quantities, but though on the ground for. purposes of inspection, examination and surrey. he saw neither stone nor cv! idences of 'Iron. A water-power, hd t(ilnks.also .went' with the land; he remembers distinctly to have seen a rvcr some Where in hi trnvclsi lawcse, one of the gKtl, has turn ed state's evidence His testimony is corroborated m Iho reports of the fraud commission,' publishc It is circninstantially cstabl 1 ill 1871. ishel that our late . Minister of-Vub ic Works lnaite liis pile at l)Cep River. Again, cx-congresshJan Dewtcse Bays hc was offerott a thousand dollars by the .-father to give the son of Ceburii the post mastctsliip at Raleigh. Tliis statement is corroborated by sev cral circumstances. PlrsU the des lcratc ciforts of Harris, junior, lor the past ten yeirs to get into tlcl postof Ccc."' Second, the fact that William VV, Smith promiswl it to Tim Lee for his brotlicrdn-law if he, Lee, jvonld se cure JSidith: the Congressional nomina tion at the IVank I in ton convent ioii in JS72. Thinl, that the aspiring, ambi tions j-oung man offered Governor Holdcn two thousand dollars a year, or h?lf the, salary arKlpeqiisitcs, if theOvcrnor wonkl retire 'from the field and let Smith appoint him .post master, . . r --. ; . . Failing thus at every poinjt we fiml the Smith-HoTden and Lce-llanris fac- lions at war. In 1874 the contest cut ioinated in two Republican conven tions two cotmtv tickets iii Wakei and defeat. Then the! irrepressible Timothy id next hi Washington after the ostoffice again, backed by Jcdge M;ttle. This time llolden was nearly thrown-; and would have beeii but foT the shari tactics of Smith in surrend enng to Jttk and aftcmaidslcombin ing together. A little ; later the pro fane Logan cursed and bullicil! IIoKten a public street, and then "grim via war stnbolhed her '. wrinkled fronts. ' Matters btgin h assume a lovelier aspect from this time forward Trad ing assumed a iicw basis more sails factory to all the 'parties in interest. A new deal was had and fccr&ct liar mony prevailed itf : radical camp, only io be distorted now by , the rutli--less' band of the diabolical Deweesei 1 ' ' correspond: - ; . , iew Iobk, Ang.,16tb.! THE CAVASSV i There never was a tlm& whPti Dm people were displaying more hiterest in the result of a Presidential election, or ,b greater amount bf cdftiestneas and intelligence in the discussion ot the points at issue, than they are now doiris And the : mom th moftoi. fa . r - " w mm mmmw, - J lebdted, the nrmcf becomes tbe opin ion established, that th mnnfrv l.no - - r -w w m mi - jhwj not prospered under Republican domi nation, and tliat the Democrats form the only party which has ever been able to carry on the alfairs of Govern ment to advantage of the nation t For nearly eight years have tlic Re- publicans under Grant had control of the national government, with the ex ception cf the. House of Representa tives for a short portion of the lime, and' what has been accomplished da ring this long period of po wer ? Tuke for instance the Southern Statcsv They are j found in a condition very little better than - they were in at the com menccinent of this era. They have had to endure nothing but insult, in justice, and oppression. Their lauds havb been overrun by .a Vast horde of political parasites, who have wound their poisonous tendrils around every portion of their Victim, and drained its very life-blood. Collisions between the jwhite and the black race have been incited and encouraged, and the events made a pretext for. keeping the land under the dictation and tyranny of a military despotism, Wc tiro continu ally hearing from Republican "states men, of the fearful condition of the South. These gentlemen do not seem to realise that in these discretions they are uttering one of the strongest arguments against a renewal of their authority. They have had these States more thoroughly under their control and- domination than any other por tion of the countryy and if they have 1 til 11 . At sueccuucu no uuiicr man uiey say uiey havej in restoring to the people of. that section tlie blessings of liberty, what right have they to ask a continuance of their power ? But Alabama, and indeed all the Southern States, which are under Dem ocratic State authority, have shown that the assertion 'by Republicans of 'the necessity of military interference to preserve, the sacredness of life and property ate gross libels, concocted by political schemes for. personal and par ty purposes With her 40,000 Dem ocratic majorit', Alabama returns the fanswcr of the whole South to tlie im pudent request of her Republican au jtocrats to be permitted to continue their rule of bayonets nd bullet The pretended friends of the. negro race arc now viewed in their true colors, as the fosterers and foinentersof strife, the most Inveterate encmifsof the tribe, who only use them as stepping stones to the accomplishment of their own. ambitious and taf&mo&s schemes. The - people of other sections are also becoming alive to the same truths, as well as to another important fact, viz. that the whole country has been plated under contribution ; plondered, robbed, and cheated, to assuage the in satiable cravings of the voracwos- and perjured crew who hare forcibly gain-f cd possession of the Treasury doors; Unrestrainedly did ; brer Republican rulers and legislators carry on their tmgotliy schemes until the House of Representatives was given into i the" hands of the Democrats Then H was at once made evident upon what dif fercnt plans tlie management of affairs would be coudacted by the two parties. Tho majority , in the Ilocsc have con. tinuouly been endeavoraig to cat ioTTn expendi tares arxl relieve fh conntrv I ffori its excessive burdens, but in ev. ageil ASHEB0R0 WORTH CAROLIITA WEDNESDAY, ATOUST 30, cry .instance has it be'riphoscd by the Republican Senatae ' and the fcepub- neon jL-resiaenu; in v spite or all ob stacles, howerer, the Democralic Rep- ivsvuuvuves . nave strcceeaed,., during their fslibri boportanltyv HecUng some' alleviationdf " tbe' iufion'a " 111. for 'the purpose of enslaving tbeni and overriding their'wmKtb selection of uieirjruiers, ana, tney, nave reduced theic burden of taxation thlrtv millionii QIlaEi ;!irV'tno'vWrbr Itotrttfe'ntnl'. in l eipoaifii and defeat- togmany of the iniquitous ochetoca ot piunoer by,, winch oUrpubliofflcCfa were roiling up nches for themselves aw vub pence,oi uieir own.uonor and W;rpVslwfa!t3 It is hot a mat ter of wonder, therpfore, that the voters iuu, uuirnug giauiyr into . ine Keiorm campj determined to support our can didate, Illden,! who is the very person location of active hostility .to .fraud and corruption, J and the leader of the army by whom j the good work of re trenchment and.purincatiDti. Is.bebg conducted. ! ' , FROM ;KEW' .YORK TO BKOORlYi These ;sister cltifes are now cohned ed in closer bonds than they have ever been before; ' They are actually chain- ed together, hot J like convicts who are linked so as to impede each othen should either make an attempt for lib. erty, but like two bosom friends who unite themselvee with the bonds of lovej so that they may together pursue the path of prosperity and beneficence, and help ant cheer each other on tbe road. There is now a prospect of the completion of the bridge across which the inlmbitan of the two citie? cah interchange their Visits without taking the ferry t boats. A very touching in cident was connected with the stretch ing of the wire across the river. Mf. Thomas Donglasi the Superintendent of the work of eonstructing Uie bridge, has been ill or some tllhci During his sickness he lias frequently avowed his willingness io die, if he could only see the placing of the first wires Hardly was it put into position whett the as sistant engineers who were in charge of the undertaking received a telegram stating that their chief was deadi i ' OUR OCEAK STEAMERS. " ' Some strange;, fatality seerns Just now to attend arid European Steamers as they attempt to make the entrance of our harborf j On Sunday the City of Chester of the-Itrfnan line, ran up on the bank at Fort Hamilton, and for the time every 'effort to remove her' mr proved fruitless.! She was however, soon afterwards 'lightened of aconsid erable portion of her cargo, her passen gers were sent as;hore. and on Monday afternoon she imprisonment. was released from her Hardly had she been got again afloat before the Hamburg Steamer GcrmaEjia, ran aground near by. She is in a pore dangerous situ- ation than Was j the City of Chester, and it is supposed that she will become a total tfreck The passengers . are ashore and a considerable ptfrtlofJ of thtvf cargo has I been rclcoted. The Work is still progressing and it is sup posed that all will be saved." EXTRACTS. From th Ar. ii World f.f Aug. It is now annoimccd that Mr. Chan dler hesitated about accepting tiro po sition of Chairroah of the National Re. publican Commi freadent Oraht tee, and consulted abowt it. President Grant not only advised him to accept, but said : "I think it would be a quiet "and proper wi of allowing that the "Administration lihrs the candidate if "you, as my Secretary, would aeeept., Does anybody suppose that th-i Admin istration likes the cahdidaie if the can didate dMikes tho "Administration ? Irom 0 y.Y&ju of Aug t47G. The people am taxed at the rate of $4,000,000 per aurora ; to pay interest upon the bonds loaned by the Govern ment to the Pacific Railroads to aid in their censtruetionl These corpcratrons refuse to make sirry r provuion for the pjrymeat of eitheij the prihcipal or the accuricg interes Jay' Gould has ar T jjjujc nave, as any rate, prevented tne . k'j .mj., er .1. T : . . ...... , appropriation of .the, peopJea money I ahged matters bo that his tools ih; the Seiiate wort fct tbe Union Patiflc Rail road instead of the welfare or the nation. TneMarbie fewkai'the Capitolstnutns with his lobbyists! and it s a iti that oficers of the railroad corporation are' at the same time members of the Senate rt tkf QncfoJltrxfo'tf Aug. 'Lx-- :.;. 8- .116; ; . ' .. ; .-. ..MKUoAwKich tU In h !w xranlcs in this State is wide spread jia. toaJy places: is.open- lyrpressed, -The honest raca in.that party . want XtMiij r the bettch They ywant 'irefqnuj and theym'oniy secate; U by such.. a, radical - sweeping Cliango.as a new patty In power wtjhld bo sure to bring about: . t-FWj tte - Proy Press j Do hot honest, reflecting Jtepublicahs begin to believe that Charles Sumnerj and Greeley, and Charles Francis Adams," and' Turnbull Vrere right in what the said of the Republican party four years a&o ? They Said it had done is work, and was living only to pluhi der ahd Bteal. ' ': , ' From tJte r. : K Sun of Aug 1 3, J 76. Brother Blame does "hot like Qovi are-not aiirprlsedi Pub lic officials who have been deep in job bery are sure to hate our reform Gov ernor, f or if he gets into the White Hottse their chances of further plunder Will be over, and their past misdeeds- will receive their due punishmehti tvm Hie Albany AagitsafAutfust 2.1 THE OPPOSITION TO RETREXCIIMEXT. In 1870, Congressman Dawes mado memorable plea for the reduction of expenditures ltd said I . Sir, here and Jiero also, upon this floor, are pledges of the Republican par ty to be redeeniedi Wo Pfttl have no aid from the other, end of the aVehue j we can have ho 'aid from" the" bther ehd of the capitol. It is here and here alone that the pledges are to be redbem- edi . ., By "the other end of the avenue,'' Mr. Dawes ment the President and the heads of the departments I by "the otb er end of tlie capitol' he ment the Sen ate. It is the same thins? to-davi Pa. O j trenchment is opposed by the President and his Capinet, and by the Sehatei constituting all thatthere is left of the Hepublieah patty at Washington Mn Dawes proceeded : j 1 hate a right id tismblaitt of tha other end of the atebtie, that With all its professions of tcOnomy and reduc. tion of unnecessary force in the depart, ments with all its heraldinW bv tele graph or Otherwise, of its purpose of re ductiiotl. tktrt is Hot One df iiitSe depart merits Uuii dots nM estimate tO?ayt ih the boaW X bate f before mej for an in crease df jrfpendlture Over the appro priations' of last year save only one. that ishe poor! nnnotmlar Attompv- uenerai .Jutlge li oar;. AlwatS pTtifes&ing economy, ptecise- y as it is. always ptotnUintf to resume specie payments and to suppress poly gamy ; yet heyer acting upon its prcK fessions fcor redeeming its promises- this is the faithless position of the pow er that controls tlio Itepublican party. 31r. Dawes further caid? ! t the othef efid of the avenue they afo beat opon pavintr the ntiblic debtr . A mf ; S J iti this House they are constantly cry ing out for a relief of the people from taxation and the burdens of that debt. I apprehend that neither Of these ob jects can be accomplished without that other thing, which seetts Us liite been OTerlooked on both' Bides n itediUiion 0ftxpendllUrU. - I How do they propose at the other end of the avenue to par the public debt unless they reduce the eipendi- tares ? How do we propose to relievo the people the llftdastries,- the enter pfiss the capital of this land, from tbe burden of taxation under which they are now groaning, except try itdudng Ike pullie extxnditurc? i , Theie tttistiohs are as pertinent to day as When- they wers first proposed. Bui Mr. Datccr does not noia propose detii. tte was made a Senator by OenJ Butler; and then he' placed a padlock upon his I!ps,aid gave the key rhla the hands of jPresident Grant for whom Biiiler.'actctl.- ' ;! . " 1 " .' , ' . The RcpuMicarf fatty thrsr resists Ketrcnchiscnt now.-, Jtt opposes every rwpo&iuofi Necessary, to the reduction of the public burdens.'. Away with it! Job Work done at this o3icc. 1876, h f 1: ; ilriWlTTS GREAT BP;EECU- J - v.: " r ' Goxrnxdn TiLbEX uVhi.Y Ciliiiho sr- .., ed Most EixirrKo Sazns or . : . the SESsiox, ! ; p 1 tBaltlnibfe daictte.i ! i Washington, Aui bi burlrig last" night's session of the House, after the disgrtlccfill! acVJhe be- tween nlcssrs J Qox and Kasson had terminated andj tho ttmetulJ, honirtU-s had .iibttwtia themj' thclsbor was obtained by Mr. Hcwim who'pn cccaeon quarter past fife o'clock; tho gas M the halts having all bceii extin- guUhcd,H It being broad daylight, to make one' of tho most remaflabhi speeches , ever hfottbtlhtad Iii liio nails of Congress?; fit was lifr-tb to ticst days of ,th renttHrc arul would Iiave done honor to Clay, Webster1, Calhoun or Benton.: Tho House lUtonod wttb the: most profound attention to every woru that leU frorn hiwllpsj bhtdillHS quently , calleil- forth : tremendous; $ plause from the I louse and' trallcries lie began by a careful review of Kas- son s speech -in every statement and particular! tn a. masterly logical and earnest manner he spoke of Govi Til- dem , He tact and disputed Very one of . the charges affecting Governor Til- den's integrity, of his Union senii ments, his course during the war, Shis position.. With refibrchce to the Tweed ring, his connection with railroad cor' porations, in fact Ms wliole political historyi , He sprjkc in emphatic terms; ciujiwatiug . iJin x iicien irom every Charge, tlaltist him; Jlrl (Hewitt makes no pretense as an orator he is a plain business man; but on this oc casion he; seemed to speak Ih a man ner hn accountable to his friends and surprising to hiraselfi He ltnewGov; Tilden, he was his iersonal and inti mate friend and associate! jib record was perfectly familiar to hlrh inaU ite particulars, and jhc was. prepared-to speak with a full knowledge of Vhat he was talking about ; HisjWthcihg sarcasm atid invictivei as Addressed to Kasson, have had no parallel in this exciting- session of Congress: The da-s of llkmeand'HiU.wdrtt iahie comparison with !this terrific nlullinic which was uttered, by Mn Hewitt; j It ' was tho unahimohs opinion of all his friends that he had mtrjriy dver whehned and crushed ICassod; j At the close of his speech he prohodhcod a glowing eulogy ttpon the statesmenship and patriotism of tin nidcrij aftd sat down amidst most tumnltnons applause arid was : itemed lately snrroinided.br every member on the DemdtTaticside, Offering their congratulations and ut- erly stopping all proceed irt ?3 of the IoUseV l and rendering thej Speaker wholly powerkss to prcsrvei order; It was fully five ririnntcl3 before anytlkn"- like deliberation could be o1)Uinctl.in order to entertain even a motion of ad journment. ftever was a Tindication htore complete and perfect; and nev er rt defeat more thorough arid ocf whelmlng than tliat which Kasson re ceiVed for his .unprovoked land wan ton attack upon the Democratic Pres idential candidate.' Mr. Hewitt Un man rather delicate fh physique, afid, considering the fatt that he 'had been up during the eTTttrc- niglit jwithout a particle of'sJcVfo he' i miist iafc been greatly exliaustetl by the faiiiq of a continuous session of otct twenty-fodr hours- Tct he showai Hd ?gifs wbai evCf of physical arid mental exhaus tion, . but spoke in vor alnd power that ' could have.' been expected pnly trfldcr toost favorable clrcaistanes; He has established his rcptitatiQirf its one of the fbrchfosl ' of A mcrieah statesmen and orators. ! r ' . Tnz Homestead rx rni 17. fe.- CotTRT. i -Yesterday Major jW. II; Kej9 ctrk of the supreme ccrmT'ccrtrf?, tmns crfpt of thr record ift tho case of t C. Edaidi fs; Archibald KcarrJzeyj from Granrille county, to be sent jcp to1 1 United States su'preme court. 4 ffhe question involves the validity of jlltat provision in the state coirnifetla'rraf' pertaining to the rctroaclita futures of the httocstcadj' ' It i'jjup' (oUhe iaprenio court of the UuitctPSiato cn a writ of error sued out by the plaiatiiT, EdwardjfJaJl iktduicl. I J , ' " ' ' I ;1IU1IEEE3L - t 4 . W J TUB rltESS OX CAMERON'S iUKASE. . j tX. Vrtaeraldd to sec all ciiizens tfretceted in Ucir rights, but this turning of the army of the United States Into bands ofdimnacrs for thd hrgro vote, is push: Ing 4rtianship'so far that it would bo grotesque if it wcronot infamous. : ' i , . - . .... j A ; Worldi . DcmrabY.r - It was a cowardly; trick to hold back such an order until the adjournment ot coi7idiT5iuj lb.) It will ! do tho admihistratioti ho rJod afad the1 repuhlibak phiiy oxh- fhd bxc! thtloh of it woUld tio bbtli great misi wjciu - x no mere inreat Otight to orousd thovytjocf aUiHxhi?BlUcnsj'' whatever their politics. (S'ew Yolk Sun' Indcpchdtut.j f It bra fetlihg faoi btaliVlh but of in:' UtlplhVtSHlI bo raised through: out tho land by the military order that' was oh "NVcducsday issued from the war" - department to dch; Sherman. There I is but one thing now to be desired, and I that Is this, military interference of Grant j may recoil Upph tho party for' whoso advantage it is intended. Xcw YdrklTibiincRcpiiblicdn.J 1 Tlio effect of tho letter will bo to re: ViVt at thtt fcouth tlio jdrod of federal ! interfcrencc) with their clettiousi to en- - courage 'among the negroes tho hopo of! having1 tho troops soinclottaly bn their ' sidcj ahd,ih general, to fonicht mischief I " ratlicr than to atert it; It b a clover piece of worktoo clover by half. V- tBaHltinidrc Gazette; Dcmocratic.J j It will not help Ifaycs atid Wheeler I in the Bthilh: dri the tonlraryj it will j weaken thehli ibr' it pats tho whole j south on ite guard and oh its good be: f hariOh 1 bey seo ahd uhderstand with t painful "aiwtrilca that . itcry pdssibld j pretext to oppress them will bo eagerly j, i.J.doubly careful td gird ! nd pretext; ; - , 1 iPlilla: VcHiHgyegraphiliep;) j "Tlie order of the sccrclilry of war td General Sherman is stacVa transparent I campaign trick as to bo cttetly htltbri thy f tho slichtcsi respect; It cannot i bo pretended that there is any mofd I necessity now for threatening tho south' 1 with finch an Order 'as this tklH was ' Wheh Mr:1 Wlillattls ' was told to stop ! working Ids outrage millj but as tho ad? I ministratioh has giVeh defihite hoticd ! that it is both ' willing and anxious td ; send 'more troops at the call of ftriy re? publican ofBce-holder ih the soUth whd j may fancy ho has tiso for ihchi, cither1 i in intimidatiti ihtf whites who might !v be disposed to rote tho democratic tick I et or In driving the negroes to tho fxll fof tlio ptirposb of voting for tho rcpub: ! lean candidates, wc' my expect that rci ! ports 'of fiendish outrages' will begirt to come ih irl lively stylo and continue to do so uhtil after tho election Is over; The ' lime has passed howevcrlr whrrf hat sort of thing is going to do tho rc- pnblicarf rttHy any good. There have been plenty of real octragci ih the south,' but of late years no disturbances hava occured which the ' state aullioritic were! net perfectly competent to deal withy without federal aid,- had they been so disposed; A large portion of the so-' called' outraircs. however. have hunt niaauikctofcd out'of tlie wholo 'cloth." IiLACKMULINQ . Til E OFFICfv-' HOLDERS. ; .. . . "the Republicans are raising their canxrsiri t fund by levying tkniail in the" hStp 6f assessments upon the salaries of officers li the governnrcnt. Two per cent is tho ratXf; which rnxrstr be paid On pentlty 6f dismissal; All thtj otBccs H Wcshlrgtnf; imi every i enstoh house, post Vttke Ohi revenue office, will be scowrcd fbTthi pttrpttse; . Thc d zxflfi ion or tiforo will be raised. Tlirs U an evil tliat is very d'isrirctiiia' Lie to the goYerrriricntr The present; adminrstrdit'n is carrying it to an un- I rtfce'6lcctcd pitch; A bill was before; Congrca to mnUU the solicitation bf j election funds frirf c.ITIcc-b'Adcrs,; but j it faifat lo'passv. Hih U one ttt ihc infamies oT Amor-' j ican iIitie that should be suppressed.: j It has grown op into a well-cstahlishcxr system under the Republican ' adriiiu? I istraliou; and is a disgrace to',th&W courdrr.Ilieligli Scwj. . 1