'1IIE RANDOLPH REGULATOR. : i ' TVEUXk'SDAY, SEPT.1...6, 1876. Subscription Bates to Btegnlator.- Or Subscriber I year, postage paid, $2.00 C mo. j 41 l.Od Club Hates. VI jb of 10, to one Post Offtce, (j ?,d. 4 4- .41 M . l "1 TO, and upwards, TVr further .'information v.ivortUliisr.'Cluti Rate?. Act Address, T. C. WOltTII, Fini. JIanajjer, fl.SO 1.80 1.70 4.60 1.50 in regard to ftciice to Correspondents. ; ' No letter can be publUhed.in the fee col umns which U not authenticated by the i.airte of its author. This xf require'; not f,,r publication, but as a guarantee of the -tcJA failh of correspondents. . Persons who violate thU rule will hajve their cpm rtuuications consigned to the waste-bas-ka. . j CAMPAIGN itATES j6& THE " REGULATOR." 1'he Regulator " fr the Cam paign j that is from the flrsjt Cf August, lb Ihe first of December next, four months, will le fdrnlslirMtr3 cash pay ing subscribers at the snnji of I'lFTY CKNtfe We call up'dii all coir frl'erl lists, and send them in asj inm'thle: We are 8urc friends will only exert themselves a little, they may give the " Regulator a circulation that will enable us to' do niich Wod: RADOLPH COUNTY CONVEN TION.. moriko session; The Conservative Democratic Con vention of Randolph county, assem bled at Ashebbrb, N.fc. at ll A. M. Saturday, Sept. 2nd, 1876, and was called to order by Samuel Wal&pr, Ch'm'n of the County Democratic Ex ecutive Committee: Dr, J. M Worth was unanimously I elected Chairman, who in a timely, bat brief address, explained the object of meeting viz : to nominate candidates for the Legislature and county offices. On motion, O. W. Carr was appoint ed Secretary arid Ml Shaw assistant Secretary; The roll of delegates was then ta ken by Townships, and every Town ship In the County responded, each being represented by 5 of its best men. The names of deligates omitted for want of space. Moved that each can didate before the Convention be pledg- to abide by the decision of the Con vention. Unanimously adopted. The OdnVtntion then adjourned lb ode hour. a to get up speedily as that if our gocal and tatfi j f . Crockef 1$ ?t!H abspnt fr'dttl Ibc village. Mrs. E. E. Jacksbn, and -M i- Uenj. Moflitt, have left for the Centenn'rt'. ASHEBORO' MARKET. CORUCCTED WEXEJLT. i BY- - Worth & McAlister. - - - ft - - - , A 1 1 -- I Eriuity oltcflf, gj. & bEPT. 6, 1876. V1 New Students. At this date. CASH PRICES ' . I irV t,w. ba. mm i & n m mm m m miB.saaBH j . . about 10 percent more for other article, daily. 15 carller than usual, and in exenange xor gooaj; the prospect for a roll session is good, v mie cotton, stained " 7 to o r-rrt n T, TTW.fit- mA YeUow " ota 5 . . j m i A K-fcA veruzes, uasi, u oar eujueuu are rc 80 to 90 I nuunmg at uuiuc uecause uie are uoi I.OO to l.io ruuy preparea or iorouier reasons, tne 75 to 85 Faculty will give pnvale instruction Meal, Wncat; Corn, Peas, Oataj Bacon, (hog Lardj Beef, Mutton, Drv Hides, without extra charge to any who may 45 ... f . 1 enter, ana tnus enaoie uiem to go on 1 4 wiiq me regular classes. ms nas ai- 5 ways Been the custom at Trinity Our Professors have much wort of IHat kind, and never have made ah extra charge, if we can bring a young man up, we always do So; round,) 6 to 6 9 to 10 trAdr oe barter PR 1 CIS. lK))le visiting the Ceiilennird can L'l-t r round tickets. now for alout $15. We call cptiectal attenj account b't County ion to the f 'orvention Wliltli lll be sbfetl In anotiher column i t Vance and Victory" Heenis to be jtulelibly written on the inimU of ev- trvlxxlv Dr. Tatiii!ic' in his dllii:es3 ai Tiin !fv Col erfVs;iiL f:i tfuin "ifho abused a horse, oucht to LJS JiicHeil v Jt iiilii- ( )ui- Townsman. W. P: I W ood; leit in last Sunday lol- the NYtlij to pur i-fia.se his fall stock of goods, and also .fo attend the Centennial. ,, . --4- . , ; - Irs. rl' E. Jiicksori 'eft this place fjii tle 1st day of this'-Month for the ''entcntilliJ; where she yrill remain nbout two Weeks. j Tickkts froifi (rcensboro ??. C, to the Centennial iind return 1 $17. Tickets gootl for '30 (fays on any reg ,'.ilar train. Apply before 17th to OG 1V KN &" TROG DO ' GnKENSKOhO, N. C. . The Radical- Platform .ike Jla and ctick to til is Ike Young, thefntefmt Revenue can I'd ate district. for .Congress in t The smaller to He So says c Raleigh ry " in the AFTERNOON SESSION! Called to order by the Chair; Nominatiotis being in order, the names of M. S. Robbins and O. W. Carr wre" placed in nomination for the Senate, for iiooie and Randolph. Mr. Carr respectfully declined the nomination and recommended that Mr. Robbins be nominated by accla mation. Oii motion, M. S. Robbins was then nominated by acclamation. ! r .... The fallowing nariies were placet! i nomination for members of the llouse of Representatives : Dr. T. L. Vinslow, Alfred Bulla, Dr. Fox, Jon dthan Lassltcr, W. M: Wilson; A. S. ilorney and M. Shaw. On motion, ordered til vb'tlr! be done by bHllct. Mr: lirt vMthdrew his name. The Chairman appointed John Far- low and Hugh Parks tellers. Dr. Fox and Dr. Winslow each re ceived a majority of th votes c&sf, afid on motion, their noralnatiori was made unanimous. The fol names were placed in nomination for Sheriff !t A. E. Mof fitt, O.-R. Cx: J. W. Modify; B. W. Steed, Y. M. C. Johnson. After the firgt ballot Mr: JdKnsWs name vas drbb'Sk), rliid after . (he sec ond ballot Mr.' Steed's name w?3 drop ped, 'the tili&tot t. liilrfchead was placed iri nomination, but was withdrawn. After tho fourth ballot Sir. Moffit's hatne 'as withdrawn and on the fifth ballot Mr. R. Coi received the nomination for Sheriff. or Treasurer, the names of W.' P. Wood find B. Moffitt were placed in noir.malion. JMr. Motlit was nomi nated. t:" C liarnmcr was nonnriated by acctaftfatloii for th'4 offtce of County For Coroner, the names of S. W. TrcSlon, E. L. Spencer, W. M. Steph enson were placed in nomination. Ou Beans, Flax Seed; Tallow, Honey, Beeswax; Butter, Chickens r.cr trs. Sassafras Oil; Washed Wool, , Unwashed Wool, Cotton Rags, j Deer Skins, per lb., Sheep " each, $0.00 1.25 (3 to 8 15 30 Virginia cho5ii.-For mlnjr years the Colleges Ih Virginia have fiourish- 15 to 20 crreatly, nnd deserved lo do so. IQ lasu yea uucir uuuiucis utx.iccu 40 largely ; Washington and Lee Urilve'r- 30 to 00 sity had only ten more students than 20 to 25 Trinity. We hope the time is not dis- FAIRS. HOW A CRICKET SAVED Al One of the best means to promote I . . SHIP. . j VmJ'.' jDountqr I In .Soniej J'iirJ ofBrmxii " V:,".-"1 - r air'. r1119 re UUa how V1 Vaca was in a PiP.? wT.e fitixeft great roing .to Sonih;. America compare rjroaucuons ana labors ; . tliey with 400 men. 30. horses, and after they; perceive tneir own clerecls and see had crossed the equatcrjhe commander' wfB b?;lto.neby better methods: discoTcred that IheweriiiirW' ThcreouVhttobeafairineTerycoan- caiks of. water kfL 1 He raVa orders to M j tu uiwumv maxe ior ine neart land; and for three; should have one article at least nex: days they sailea lor tie costl ,A poor' hibitlon. Rut thre are several iviU ;v .i i. i.iv J?" ..i ! ana ramoiers. . i iwnniri mT-A ti, u.. j ,. JJorts Racing. The best; people voyage. Bu to his great disappoint- in ue oouny or atate win nave notn- mcnt the litUe insect was quiet, all the to 'db' with fairs wheie tri of Urar. The fourth morniiV afbsr thr speed are the. chief tttractionj Fast hd changed. tbe sllip conrte the crickJ trotters concern very few people j on"- ct; who knew whal .she was abont set )X a ?7f conipetc, and venjrmany Up her ahrillest .not. The soldier at oppose it "on principle. j (. once gave -.warning to the officers in! 2. iWioS.--Exrdmanr pigs", charge of the Teasel, and the soon saw calves, stalks of corn, pcets, 4c are high, jagged rocks just ahad of them" ; paraded with much ceremony. In The wtcb had been careless and the ' . .... . .-!. ' .1. general sucn tntns may be cartons, great ship in a ft w jnomcnU would have- but they are worthless, or are produc-1 been da&ti il 25 10 to 50 GREENSBORO PRlfciS CURREirt. tant when our Institutions will equal those" of any slate; we desire none to be 8 mailer, but hope ours will be as large as the largest. CORRECTED WEEKLY I BY HOUSTON & dAtfSEY, WHOLESALE ORt)CERS SoCTH ELM St. GREENSBORO, N. C. Books Received. We have receiv ed valuable packages of Books from Macmillan &Co., 21 Astor Place N. Y. and also from Sower Potts & Co., 530 ilarkct st. Philadelphia. We shall notice tli'csc cdi-etiillv and tii detaiL A Breadstuffs, j. . Indicates some valuable Flour per fcack, $2:50 to $3,00 , T . , '. ' " - - i i mm mm m mtx iflir ui I Mi'v I il iiim r mm nuiii ' a iu w-mm Corh Meal ier; bush., ID r5 75 ll.bd tb $1.25 3X6 80 greatly superior to those gener 40 to 50 I ally in use in this State, that a change 50 to 75 ls inevetable. $9.00 to $10.00 V rRAINi Corn, Wheat; Oau; Peas; Cloverseed, 65 to 75 b008 or educational purposes. There is much said against buying new books ; but some of the books now before us they are worthless, or are produc-IWn dashed to pieces oa io ledre, if. cv Bk 8u eiumaui wsu . j iis, puny crcatuet hxd no scented the ..i.8-. ft?! ArtUbs. No one has Und and iold them of their danrl any oUjsclion to such things, but they Then theY crubed.aloDg for some days are out of .place af an agricultural arid the cricket; eang for them every fP- . Such things often receive a dis- Hight juit as if in fr ofTSpaia tiU they proportionate amount of premiums, gpt lo their desUnedrt, tho island 'of .. . :v : . ' . ' ' -or.tt I tauuica. j. onJiers uazclte. we want. Let Us see the horse that to 8 4 to 6 8. to 10 5 to 8 5 to 7 Provisions." Bacon, (hoground) country, Laid, country per lb., Beef, per lb., j Butter, j Eggs, (doz:) Chickens, (each.) pplcs, jteeri per bush. DrIEO F.HC1TS. Abnies, bright sliced per lb.; Dark, " Peaches, (prime) Good to com inOli, " Blackberries, ,. Wool 5 green per lb. Hides, green p'br lb. Dry. I PdtStoeg; sweet bush. $1.00 to $1.25 Irish. " 5tf to 75 Hay, in bales per 100 lb. $1.00 to $1.10 Loose. I Stf to 00 Rags, per lb. j , 2f Sheeting, per vard,' 8 to 8 Cotton jarai (bnch) $1.00 to. $1.10 Cotton, per lb. j 8 to 10 Baccfl,1 western sides per lb. 12 to 13 Shoulders, " S 10 to 11 J Fish, herring per bbl. $G.$;6 to $5.50 Mackerel, " $10.00 to $12.00 Scrtbner's Montiilt: The Sep- 12Jtol4 tember number has been recfeiveVli 14 to 15 Up,. , onlendid Household Mara U0oh rfne; not filled with fashion plates for 10 to iii the ladib's; b'iti rich In varib'iis; impor- n. . . . . . . , A 1 A A A, 5.1 l.) to ie tant ana eiesantiv wruxen amcies. OK) to 1 0 Fa oh nnmhpi rrnntains about 1C0 pagfes, Hie illustfiitioris are abtlndint and good ; the mdtter is suitable for the million, and all for $4:00 per num. We endorse it hc'kftil v artd cotri mend it to our people. Address Scrib- 30 to 45 ncr & Co., 743 Bfoa'dway 5: Y. 4 to 5 er on a bed, all articles. 8 to 10 way" of Revenue Radical leaders have .aken I?tt Young at his tfepi! and they never let an opiKrtunity pass unim- l.r6'd. . - r r . J-iessrs. Blown and Watson, the contractors for the enlargement of our Court House arc progressing finely ith tlieir work ; the wallj and frafn ii'g on the north side is ccjmpleted. I heir energy and perseverance is cer tainly' a good example Psx' any com munitv. the second ballot S. W. Trogdon re The Camp-meeting at Spojtm's ScLbt)T House opened last SatiinlaV.' On Sandapnite a number of our "cilieens. afadcd.l We learn that there was a very large congregation rjrescnt and scleral tent-holders " wijth the fol lowing preachers: A. J. 1 Laughlin, Clarkson Robbins, Hillra othefd I c arc informed that Cox, and not long since a prominent Republican of this county professed religion and imme diately stated that he had been mak inc money thiS God for upwards ct thirty years but now he w?is a chang ed man and! was going to lead a dif ferent Itfe"; land also chantte his way of voting. So much for religion and a cler cbri'science. i Bill Smith said in a speech i2 1 & West, theofiier day, that" fie believed O Harass name would be taken from the Republican ticket before the elec tibn. When asked if he would sun- ceived the nomination. The nomina tion was made unanimous. Fc? Register oT DSeeTs, R. W; Fra tier was nominated bjr acclamation." For Cotfnty Commissioners, a num ber cY riafAes were, placed in nomina tion,' with the following result : A. S. Horrrey, W. M. Wifsonj Jnathrii Las jTiter. A. L. Yow, and Wm. Branson. The Secretary then read the proceed ings of tc Convention. Dr- T. L. Winslow, being the only I nominee for the Legislature present was called dut anu thanked the Con vention for the honor conferred upon while he was the nominee of the Democratic Party, he claimed to be he candidate of the people, opposed to tyranny, and oppression ; had not sought the nomination, but would give tho party and the opposition the best snot in ns snop. - - Dr. Worth was called out and spoke of the cheering aspect of the canvass how all parties even j the ladies come out to hear the candidates r spoke of the wonderful" feci of the ch usual attendenpe supon tms lnven tion; unpredctlcnted in the politScal history of the county. . Ev'ery delegate of the 85 present spoke of the impor tance cT the aendmcrilsi and the Rei publicans Objections Oh notion d!rnrrwT ' ': O.W.CAJtKSeo'y fhiNew York Jlmdd says: At Sugar, brown lb. Yellow, 4 i White; - " Coffee. Rio: . Molasses, per gall. Syi-up, " Salt, house per sack, Fine, u j Rice, per lb. Soda, I . i Kerosene oil, per gall. Candles, per lb. j Nails, per keg, Iron, per lb: Lime, per bbl. Cement, port this colorad Elector refused' to answer, saying for Hayes, it was too soon to answer that question. Bill, color to sun tifc occasion. 10 to 10 11 to 1H 12J to 14 174 to 22 & to 2.7 40 to 48 $1.25 to $1.35 $2.10 to $2.25 ctto 8.$ .4to6 22 to 23 13J to 15 $3.50 to $425 4 to 5 $1.75 to $2.00 $3.5q,to $4.00 Calcined Plaster pr bbl. $5.00 to b.b(j These pricss .Sre subject to fluHtta tion of tbe 31are.' JAMES T CltOCKER, Attofnf and Counsellor at Law, . ASHEBORO, X. C. PRACTICES in all the Courts of Ran dolph and adjoining counties. Special attention iriven to the arran insr and settlement of estates. Messrs SCOTT A 'CALDWELL of. Greensbcro, wHl be associated in all ca es from Randolph which may be entrust ed to mm. SST Office In west end of Page's Hotel. noi:u. i PlIUN'OLOGTCAL JonRNAL. The Sept. numbtf of this old established Journal is o'ri our table. From somethings therein' We difTcr, but the discussions m4 mT are liberal. ana courteous, ine Jour nal abounds in valuable scientific Iri brmation. It is published by S. R. Wells & Co.; 737 Broadway N: Y. BOOKS. Our people have very few books ; a Bible, not always, a Patent Office Report, an Almanac and a few others make up the catalogue generally. And irious enough, in most cases where you find books in the average home, they are old. Since the war scarcely any have been bought. Without books the best home is impossible ; we must have something to read. In most in stances children reared without books never accomplish much; wherever you find a boy rising up above his fellows: in some way or other he has hid the use of books. THE SISTER. No ho u so hold is complete without a sister. She gives the finish to te fam ily. A sister's love, a sifters fhflu ence what can be rrbrS hallowed i is worked, through a heavy crop, the , .HSfcfJS OR Fxxcs WihikwAxiL, Tho corn that has had most brain and tb.e United. States Treasury Department iet uanu wor , me cow xmvzom- out a orwhitowaahW isesmost atthe Jeast exjHsniel.such L, u said.to aaswer on wood or butter asthe people generally cat; not &lm6i well , aml . 7- r - , ' Ito be much cheaper: Slake half 4 are usea. not an arvicie ua was nev busbd of uxulLked lim6 wUa L- J il !J SU ... C auuiue same iaea nuu .iap a ,i xwmuuipa is i u o a process. Stininir it arid add rV XT' mm X m "VvVxav 1 mm M 4ki I ' 1 W 4umwWUw , "1ViIof salt, diasolved in warm water thre county together, and compare the av- poundl of ul .ng erase production of all the people. I J2 . 7 1 wi uu uuuiu uiiu puic, one- BAREHEADED FEMALES . half poucd powdered Spanish whiting Jfeurale'a in the faces and heads of oiind of clear glue dissolved in woman is largely on the increase as watm water nU these wtU togetherj compared With the .number b'HnsUnces nd let the mixture stand for. several ' or the disease amonc men, and this is ttx wa&n tUus , prepaml believed to be due to tho iKfcKtr bro- m a KClue or .portawe- lurnace, ana Ki. lu ,L ; i,;.i. wI,c usod put it .on as hpt as pcssibla ICLUUU Oil VI UV14 hiJU UIVUU UI UVU I ;.i . 1 . . 4 . , . . .1 M. ., ' , 1 ( , wiu uiuci juiuwrs gr wiuiwua unua women now -cover weir neaus. at, u 1 nnt rnlv nrtn of the most common of '" ' T1 THE GOSPEL OF TEMPKRANCE. lemimne maiauies, oui one 01 tno most 1 . . ' painful and difScult of treatment. .It ' lf w J ; 1 is also a cause of much mental deprea- Gp8pei. work. And it -is doubly so sion, ana is regaraeu Dy pnysicians as r irst, the Bible enjoins it and what leading more often to habits of intern- the Bible enjoins 'ttitj preacher of tho nerance amone women than anv other H"T snonui aavocate, secondly. it 13 emphatically 'good news" which u&ovoow. 1. a I t. . m Iiurus ujc lnumpeiri mauawayjironi his bottle and keeps, him to his Bible, I XI-I 4 1 ' ' i. J 1 . . ur.. i 1 . ! 11 I " man enivcu uy appeuic can. The oliticmf campaign is unusually brcak M 9 ... active and.excitins. This part df the rn indfced do much. Imt Uiam mtufc State has nritbeefi so generally aros-1 first come the inclination. And there ed since 1840. and vet the moral tone is where the root of tho trouble Isl both of the speeches and the public m 8lecp' . ... 1 u u Let me swear says $ the swearer; aooomhl ma u mnr h hotter than i ovr I - J. .. before. That at leas No country' can or debased public assemblies ; it is alow degraded 5bhstittiency that must, be won by vulgar speech and pubncMn- 1 u . u 1el me swear says i the swearer; ich better than; ever 4Lct me lic!t . (ho llar'3 ."Let A east is a gbod token, tlrink" says the drunkard. Thevtfiil or will be greats with no; come to the light," is the rhiilara- A sister's watchful care -can any thing be more tender ? A. sister's indness does tb6 world tarn C3 anvthins nlbre fture ? Who woufd live without a sister ? A sfst? that is a sister in decency' The public meetings so far haf e been respectable and respe'rtfuL Farther improvement still would ih; crease the attendance of infldhitfal citizens, and bring out a largerljote .... ... . . . . at tne election, lhe boys tnaxe too mucn noise, appiaua wiuiGut cense 01 subject or time; hUzzdi JtiVt .inl the wrong place; ad c?fend al) the! pro- tiou of Christ ; and it is a true to day as when nttercd by Divine lips on. the. snore of Ualilee. Can a leopard change his spots ? t'an a sinner re move his desire ibr sin ? Neither can adranVard ,whHe living in the depth 0 his.t. iniquity desire to leave his drink, Tbj cevii is always by and gives, him, entertaining company and counsel.' May the Church of Christ arise in Its. might and preach the GoCfel of Tern-, nerance, and arouse Christian men and women to their rlutr lw,Then In7 temperance . will not.c:atm its tixy. CAMP MEETING. i Last wee we attended a Cim' Heeting at Pleasant Garden in Guil ford county. This is ,a..yery j.old j CAinp-ground ; for more Kan two gen J: A: BLAIR, TTOFKY AT ASHEBOIO' N. C. nol-tf. Sandwich, MsiC is ad5g" thai drinks whfsiey and chews tobaxo, accL no doubt fie' wlribminAtfed for thelcg islatuc?, 1 . M . In which case hd wbuld be a decided ljkc t.dhameleon arwaye changes" ha iEpryeiiron much of the material iio'r hi uic. Hal. ftrntirid C. WJ REID, Attorney at LaW, ASIIEBORO, X. C. TTAVlNG formed a rwxtnershlp with JL BALL & lilt fcUOK 1 of Greensboro; X. In the practice of Law In Kan dolph, will be ready at all timestp give strict attention to any business entrusted to their hand. . Asheboro, Feb. 2. 1878 colrtl- Of Thotisonci Shingles J for SALE, by -r 7 '' woittii iicAxisTER. no7.-tf. ,., . J.. ... SUBSCRIBE FOB T&E RA- DOLTH REGULATOR.' fidelity, ifl part, in love is . sor; of ardian iSgel in the home circle. Her presence condemns vice. She is the .quicker of good resolutions, the sunshine in the puthvray of home. To every brothev sLe is a light and tfei Her heart is the treasury bouseof con fidence. In her he finds a fast, friend, a chrjltable, forgiving,- tender though oflen severe friend: Ia berjbejfids a ready companion. Her sympatby is as open asdJ. and sweet as.tha fra grance ofkfkwers. We pity the broth er who pas no sister, nq sister's love. leei.sorry xcr tne nome wmcu 1 not enlivened by a sistes presence. A sister's, office is a noble and gentle one. it is ners 10 persoaae u vinae. to .wirl , to wisdom's ways. ; gently .to lead where duty. caUo .o guard the citadel.of borne with sleepless vigilance of virtue ; to gather, graces and strew fiowets aronnd the home, alter. ToJa a sister is to..bold swt place; in rjeart of home. It b to minister in a holy efface. erations it has, Hen. a. camping place for the church' , mililant, and In its splendid groye of, qaks hundreds of worths citizens have been converted-' Thjoagh all the years Pleasant par den has held fast to the old land-marks, not. neglecting tbejreal, improvements of he ymes, nor; forgetting .the iaith. and practice of the Fathers. . It is a camp meeting as pioneer christians understood it,not a kind of pioja pic-nic with eeiai -religious exercuca as a kind of amusement. The tent holders are,, cordial, . warm'hearted christians they nterUii 4'berallr I bat with, the understanding tiial all the entertained shall engage heartily in the work of. saving souls. Idlers and loafers are not welcome, roughs never go there at alL . On Sands r about fifteen btxdred persons were present. tf penibl7 was prerlr. and devout, and great . good w.:l ! re- sdL To those who love bej;enumc oiccamrvroeeiicg we .commend Pleas- ant.Garden as one of the best ia the country ",UUS wtuv f Vthouirui Xmerixh victims every year, prieties. Most substantial citizens I r would like t htar the issues of the day difcusrccfjby the distinguished gentfciefT .representing the parties, and they are entitled, to as much icon- sidofation as the noiay crowd. TBDIPTI COLLEGE, N. C. : i:Fnculty- . - ' Rev. B. CRAVEN,, D. D., L. D. PrttidcnL - . Prof. W. T. G ANA WAY, A. IL O. W. CAilK, A. 3L u L. JOHNSON, A. il. . ! v -m w fm mr m m mm, m r., iter. w. u. 1'tAi kam, a- 31. The next Session will begin Sept. Cth, 1876. ; : , v . . . EXPENSES. The following li specific anl reliable : Tuiiioa tof ten mvntb, $00 ; for ArA aionths $33. TuitkQ lo Preparatory, ten. month, $U)t ; fire, months, t23 In PrU . mary Studies, leii months, 1 10; fire . nicathi, mJ&l : v . ' ' ' - mm k mr m 9 ' Mart knlatlon iZ paid only one tltrx. Janitor fees,'$J for five lacotlts. ., . j Board, Including iarnkhed rootn andj servant, tlO to 12 per month. ,teJ hoct 41 for ten months ; Wuhlng CO to. 75 ct per month : LigM shorn t2 xor ten months. . . . LIteraryi o2eilcf, (ndudlng Ccin- icern-tt expVU,' coU the student, 111 for. the tint year ; after that IS. There aic no othrr f xpeuie. . t, . E3TIMAJTE FDH. FIVE MONTHS Or from Sept. 5th to Jan. 10th,' the end of tj?e f?At lam i . -;l j ?, u-j Jkad 513 JO, .tuition 130, ; Janitor Jet tJXb;iwahln, "fuel, and. U&U;tJV); I Uterary.Sodety t-OC TcJaj tOO. II it III 'Jxk. tfidtnfs nt Se.ulon It will cost IS more. . If be U In preparatory or prW; mary studka, . it will cost le. If tbiJ Preident routrol the expcndlturr, lie guarantee ihn above rrtult. - - A"H-t 1. I 7l uvJTtl