....... .,,.T S. jSN: ; -f17 M 4 -Kv H H i , y" - ' ' ' '-..:'.' . '., ',' ' ' V !" " ''.' . ' '-' i ,?;rr-.Ii f ... . ... ,j :i .... - J" , ' - j !" 1 . ':, ''iV' 1 bd.;. M -''i.d ,pVEMENT WAS INSTItUTEd'fOU THE GOOD OF TIIE boBRNED, . " ' J ' jV"- 77 7, ' 1, y VOL.L ASHEBORO,. NORTH CAROLINA, ' WEDNESDAY, ' DECEMBER' B,. 1876., Z '. ' .. . r'inJlIBER45. -1 ;'n:7'b!5 M .... ;. . '' :TH,BjU!J!pj rilBLlSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY the Randolph ptrnTjisitrxn col OPFICE2 DObuS KAST OF THE' ' COURT IIOU3Pi. I'' ' One Year, postnqre paidl no Six ilonUi3, postage paid, 4,.w j...,....i oa RATES OF ADVERTlSINO. ."'".-! t. r, f.. ni ' j,M One Rqjiartf..on insertion ...i..,.. ......SI 00 One wre, two !nsrtioni....w.:..l -oO Oae.square. three inwrtiou?,.. J 00 One ymri.. four UiertionKU... J...;....3 00 O ne square, ' th rce m on t h , .. .1. . . . 5 00 ,08 squire, ix monthsi.;....! j.8 00 One,sqnar; twelv? mouths. L....J 00 . Ior lrir a lrertUpnipnts lirTril "on tracU wlll b tni'lH. Twelve lines: solid brevier constitute one -sqivii-e. X. All kitvh of TOn U'ORIC lone at the "ttEauLvroR" olllce. inj the nenfen 'style, an: I ou re.-isnnahle trin. VAVh for R'tvirtisinj consiilereJ. due when pre sented. ''' - ' '1 MESSAGE. following ; issues, W i 1 mi njrton, . C har.- . lote and Rutherford R. ft.', issued during therar under acts parsed . te fore tlie iWarJ and renewtd by acts of 1865 and '67, $ Re?, cert ificated of R'rd of Education. ? ' Chatham, R. R.it Onli- nance Convention. -Williamston & ".Tarlio-' m-Kallrbad. -Penitentiary, s 405.00 $ 33.045 1.033,000 150.000 44,000 GOVERNOS 7oN the IToaorahle tlie -Gene) al , Atsrjji 11 1 of ivorth Carolina ".' The meeting of the General Assem . . $ 2,015.045., Ronds is. nnder Fund inj; Aet or 18C6-GH a frdlows : ,: Fiindinjr; AetoflgfiG, $ 2.417,300 - , 1.157.7U3 $ 3.i74.o.3 : 11702.900 ' 810:252 t in. Uh pant on ftame. Fiindih.Ael of 1868, In. unpaid on same.. j-' J r$ 2.522i.2f hly in this Centennial yenf of mirnrf-Ifiital Tot lVunnW1 ' " ft fi bllfl45 tionnl existence, ! nh iron oftnVt eloht Rohds issued durintlie ' 1 in the history of the Stated Yon hHve'i ' war under act pnss met for the purpose of enacting law.i'j to promote-'' dur various interests ns a I people. You are' here, 1 the chosen representative's if the people: who. xi return tor trie conn-ieuce uiev nave re- posed in 'yon, loo'vtoyou .judicious legislation. "During the year ntiw pidly to a coiet we have Wc have the raw material, or U19 tnean of . producing the raw material for nearly every' fabrio for which we pay tlmi 'largely to other commiiuitiea and regions. It may be adorned that we manufHCtnre nr own UbaccN and supply a large Bundnvthereof U ot!v er pirtiontof the world the proceeds of the sates of which constitute the ba sis of 110 small part of the financial prosperity of the State : but while this jis so, and while I would commend the -i f. ilvsfff mftnufiii'fiirpra' fair llivl e'rill w - .... ..... . . . wwrm mm t v. . . , ehergv and 1 industrr, vet I . would ! at the snrtie time urge that more t'apital and skilled IUr lie employed iU oth er hfatichesordoinestk? manufactures. We ought to nianufncttire und suk ply ourselves with a large proMirtiin of our WiKlen clothes of all kinds es pecially of the coarser and inure sub stantial kinds. : ; , : , We ought to spin and. weave at least on-half t)f ohr cotton crop, which cin not be less than '200.000: Udea perani num.M We ought' to tminulacMire our tot .wise and cd lefore the war. for internal improvements purposes, including "$215,000 forniatlviriT. tv. Roa'l.'Mssu'e 1 iii Ter Ordinance of Conven tion. Jan. 30th, 1862$ In unpaid on same, ; - ; j itentlary. also furnished the Dirtctora :of the Wsforn' Insane lAsvlnm : ' tK2ITKXTIARY.' I resnectfollv; inrite tout attention ot the Ve3, Insane Asylqm at tntlie biennial' Report of the Hoard of Director. Architect, Deptily Warden, Stewart and PLysician , for the two years ending Octoler 31st. 1876. The rerxjrt of the Hoard of Dirertrsi ehriw in a plain and Imsines-like manner the practical jeratHna .of - tiie Pehi tentiary, from which it will lx seen Morgantbn 50 convicts, who were ea- plo3Bi In mating bricks and grading grounds .for tbaV institution, - i lv f The Penitentiary Roard of. Direc tors furnUhcd the North Carolina is Georgia Rail Road Company, 0 con- vicu.; .rk'f This, roaxl .wil. form a part of the that much valuable work has leen j Western Division of the Western N, done tm and al out that Institution, j Carolina RallnKidvlea-'ling from Ashe although a Large, nti ml ier of tlie dte-t ville to Muqhy; in Cherokee ewmty, convict latMirers have leen sent m? W and thence via the GeonrU Road to Marietta. Georgiai , .1 . 1 work ; on puMic 'works. During-Uc last two .ejtrs tlie wikIc oh tiie Peni tentiary InW progrease! about as much a cmld reasonably be'expecteti under .This Company, Is composed of cit izens of Georgia and Nortl Carol "mat and the State of Georgia working its convictaon the road tof the North The. budding is of brick with iron doors 'ji nd frames, and is now ready fiir tmiiii i.'it itir . ate TOnstructidir 6f k uitable kitchen'' connectel witii and for tne benefit 0 the said ; Asylum ; 4 the Snin for that1 purpose was not toeicciid i5,000: the1 act also authorize- tbe; croployfeixit 0'. such con-ict labor from the PenilttrtI: ; ry as sliould be niHesaary tbf the eretP1 tion' oP EaiV" kitchen.' From twenty: ' five ii Dftv conyicts were eptcryedi and ihe bulhling ts noW oorapleteL' VT' r , Tlie , last General Assembly passed an act to provide another Asylum for I tlie 'Insane or XtTaroWnay f W bd1 locatel wUhhi' three miles 'of'Morim'i' ton, North Carolina, anl knowixjasth , Weslcni Insane Asluni. Im' icV apKinted flvts 0tninlsslnncrs to ptns4 -chase ' for'tite State a suitable tract ti' land Tor tlic pnnioseVto'shiJcriiitcnti' ..- - - .,.-' - '. . , all the ciruunkitances. i There luu been erectel within the i Carolina line, while ourt, people, in prison enclosure a ntnuiir cell build Cherokee county agreed to take npon !$50,00d fop OieveaV 187A.:ani $2X0001 , J"" j l If 1 iug. etinUlning C4 eel I. 4 ftr prisons; jthcniselres the troublo anJ eocpeno for the 1 yrar lSlCT all of ijrtilch lias' jlothing. lch paid 'out 6f tiie" inibuc Xrcascrr. of transporting, feeding and clothing, I lech paid The ltf ick itsed in its constmction lor. ding; and furnisjiing medical at- The'' act' aso ' pro vldelUhat the com ancq to the convicts for, their la ml5sionera,,m'ay thfploy siicli Cnhtlcts"1 guarding tend own iron, from the Vast loHof pre were ucule bv convict lalor. and all The Board of Directors ri 051.000 : 592.085 Total prin. and in.. $ 1,543.085 drawing ra ecn exempt from oestilencc and-famiiie. and from ! Special Tax Ton d. ungual snllering of every kind. ' Our j hl' mc. people have enjoyed t!io bles4ings ofij i1 an(t jn ; civil arm reunions in eryy. ann iiiey have prospered to greater or less de gree in every department! of industry. We Jiave abundant 'e:iusi to be grate ful to Ood forJIis mnitifold mercies blessings. The earth haV brought forth her fruits in lue season. r.h'J al! who have- been industrious anl eco nomical have prospered.! Imving gen-j erally received fair compensation-for their labor.. $11.4d7.00d 4 817.770 $16,304,770 Fotai debt-including in terest exelusive of Special Tax, , $25,542. 1 60 4 ' the N4W Hanover which I we have; in various parts of the the stone-work was cut bv convicts. d but to Ia State, some of which are not excelled There has also .been -erected one Hec- for qtiality elsewhere -in .the ejirth. tion of tlie cell blx;k in the main Uiil We ought to get out and nse more ding the larger portion of the bricks of our timber, and aend njoreol it tJian litiving. leen , laid by convictsi And we dn tJ the markets t the worhh- the iron duirs and frames lur tlie same We ought to-direct very, much more were manufactured within the. prison of our nttentiin and energies to the enclosure, by convicts, at less than great work of building lip a home mar- one-half of the- original contract price, kct for our people; and of thus living The foundation for another section more within ourselves. ( bf cells, has lieen laid and the first and A pfdicv of this kind wiuild lenefit second stories built.. The iron diOrs every interest alui would esjecially and frames, have been made and are L " ' 1 ' ' 'I , , - I ' " . ' tthew &.Co-j lesVes of li,,V,VAi.1-rAt reporfbrUid5 over work hoqseSO'cOu prtigtesi 'of ihc'wWlc'cm'saiA Asyla'nlr baianee of their term will lUnWif 'InWrVt ftmV ' ' Ml IV-1 1 victs for the balance of their term ; will tic' made inVskofi tlme I they agreeing to feed, clothe, guard The last General Asenhlr passect! and ive .raeiical attention to the J also "an act i provlde' for Uw'cblorcd cdnvioU for their labor; . J Insane of North' CarulinaT atid anpn1 I , respectfully invite yoin gentle- p'rtated $ 1 d.000 ' jer annum' to tlie e ! men,, to visit .the Penitentiary anj titMUhnient 'at rthe Marine I lospftal time at vour leisure, and see forvour- hnil.lin.r n.t Wilmington. Xnrtli (iiirtAU- Peaoe lias prevailed j everywhere within our borders. We have notliitiii. in the heavens or in the earth itself o" whicJi wc have aright to complain, for lM)th ;havc been propitious to us. Ir remains fof Us only to go. forward in the path of'duty, without any vain re Total "debt'witfi intere-t inel'ing 'Special Tax" bonds" 41.846.030.45 FrxDtNO.ACT of 1874-75i Nothinix has vet been done under t - tlie act passed by the" last. General Assembly to compromise. the'' State '..debt. The amount of oik State bond held .by tlie few creditors who 'si unified t heir willingness to accept the propos ed compromise was so small-that it was tiot deemed advisable (o incur the expense of having new bonds prepar ed, and of levyinu a' special tax upon Krcts for what ijs passed, prepared to j h(? taxableproperty of the State. lor the pt1rj)0e of paying the interest on such a small amount; It is very important that we should compromise. Use and improve the present, and to act our part in a cheerful and hopeful spirit in the future which lies before us. condition of rrr.l.tc TUKASHRY. t . .1 I The following statement shows bal- i Jtjxcct in hands of Public Treasurer Oct. iat. 1875, and the amount of receipt and disbursements f the Pnblie Treas urer for the fweal vear ending Septem ber 30th, 187H. s ' .! ' Balance in Imnds of State Treasurer. Oct. 1st, 1875 Educational Fund, Public Fund, 14.0VJ.78 11.703.11.1 Receipts if Klucation' Fund Hir ( 1 s. al vear ending Sept. 30. 1876. Receipts of Public Fund for fiscal vear ending Sept.' 30th, 1876, $ 265.017.66 t)isbursomcnt of Educa tional Fund for fiscal end Set...30Ui, '76, $ 528.055 22 commute and settle the State debt : 1 . o that our financial condition mav be the better known loth at home and abroad, and our public credit, again established under a sound ba-is. ti:KASvnV I)i:fa!;tmkSt. 1 respect Juuy recommend to your 'careful consideration the interest inu report of I)j A. .tenkins. Public Treas urer. I . It becomes mv -duty to say that Treasurer tlcnkins has voluntarily re tired from the oflice he has filled with ! consit.mate skill anl ability tor nvrre ;tl:an eight year's past. He has man aued the financial atTairs of the State honestly ' and safely through; all the Idllliculties and -embarrassments' bv j f which he hasdften lieen j Hiirronndetli $ 566.274i76 t je has been an honest and faithful 'public ofiii-er; and in retiring to pri i vate life, he leave's n reconl f which j Ire niaNfvrell. Ik? prou I. $ 10.742.80 selvea what , has beeu 'done, and. the ua of a branch 'As vlura for thccVldrcli, management and prbgre3S of this im insane, and tlieir' supoft am! treat- portant State work. . - t . ment; but iiottiln4 Iras litfrf done'tin1 I deem it due to truth and justice Kler said act for their Iencfiu " ' ' u" to siy that I have had no cause of I rcspettfullv ahil caniPstl' recoraJ- rcdo'n to the advantage and prosper- ready for this section also. ty of the farmers by .creating a de- In compliance with an act of the (Complaint .against any of the otlicers mend the cotnhlbhiiu-nt of an asylum0 s of and manag.vs o. ti.e Penitentiary for the colore I insane, Unilcr the samo lemand here at l$ome for their pro- General Assembly, the Directors nets, the Petiitentiarv furnished 332 con- It woilld also save IriiiiirmS tlf dol-1 victs tt the Commissioners of the lars per annum to the State, which are Western. Nortli Carolina Railroad and now expemled outside our borders. : have built lor them three seta bfquar and which constitute' a cbnstant drain trJN; 1 1 pon our wealth. . The value of the lalKirof the' con It would also diversify labor and I victs 'already on that rbad Is probably live eniploymcMit to all ( lasses of our $100,000. The State is bound to feed people,': without, which wc cannot, hope clothe, and guard them. ut advance rapidly in Intelligence and The increase of the numlier of con- wealth.; victs. the increase ot the uuard and I cannot gentlemcm too stVongly J overseers have cheated a deficiency ot commend this subject to vour atten- $21,678.07 for which the Directors ask ion and consideration. ? an immediate appropriation, to meet 1 . - iSimIgii ATiONi U',c preprint wants of the prison. Ibeu leaveto renew and urue the 1 ,,e directors 01 tne renixentiar.v "i I i 1 a. n recommendations heretofore made by '""uci " we opanannurg ann my predecessors and myself on the Abbeville Railroad Company 200 con- subiect of immigration. No State has vit' for the peritnl of 2 years, that a finer climate than North Carolina. w:lH 'Vne :ihx because the appro- ind her soil is rich and s varied that, priation for the Per lientiary, madb 1 1 . - m m - a n-,rir nil ti,n thiUq ind i ,i . In -t or tiie ia-t i.eneral Ascmoiy. was msu 1 - thceartli common to our country can be cultivate I an I realize I lure bk th hand of ; industry, liesides; we have ! incxliau ntible deposits df tlie" mo-it val uable minerals; wc" have water j ower licicnt to . support al ihe cbnvcts. T'.ie Company agreed ,1o feed, clotlie. 1 1 j-. -fi. ! 1 i- I uuar-i inn 1 iiriTiii ineoicai auenuoii to the prisoners jpi to them and in ad- liiriiigihe Lost two jears. i Iwlievc rules, frjiulatlons and treatment hi they have been lumeVanda'ithfulin 'white' patients, 'hie colored race Com the discharge of their duties, and I H)SC a large part or our iVipulatiori cherish none but tho kindestTfeelings aud help to supMrt our gevernrnent for them all. s ;i Hnd they are as liable to eoome Ini AMENDMENT OF TIIE .CR1XIXAL CODE. saUC as the White race; ' ' . Justice requires that each crime AlthdiW'lhit fc were kepi tri non: shall be punished according to its ''age and Ignorance for more than twd grade, and not according to an arbi- hundr&l yeais ttcfiirc: their cxnanclpaJ trary law that would punish a small tion- vet they contriUUtct! largely td crime as much as a great one - and as hnprote this country aiid ItUircaso ti therd ari grales and degrees of crime, we ,lth an,, P"HIerity. Tliey live so there should be grades and degrees anong and we hope thcr . will; stay in the amount Df punishment. Wc nd . tfnjoj with' us the lAacfiU ami are informed by the Divine law, which blessings ol a free Republican uovc,rn. upholds and sustains the internal ,Dent' of tpial laws and wwal righlg principles of justice; that every man to-all. shall be jiidged and rewarded accord- If lht; while r.act-oinposetwo-thirdt in" to his deeds. . r:'ollr opulatloii. atv there are twd There is a white man in the Peni- "!'"u UtC 6Ht of tlie white tentiary, sent there for a term often . nurelv the colored race, cota years,forstealingaP.iblewhilednink. 'e-tlsinl of Uicf xiHUatioa, l here is a youth in the Penitentiary Hlllt' lu i,Htice 10 Iwvoone ayluni for a term of thre? years for stealing for t,,c "V rtlw cukiml intanc. onejiooe. valued atten cents. There is amtiier in the Penitentiary for a btioji to pay to the prison Directors j term of three years for receiving a in tlft ufe-atest a!lindance for turning t,lp ",m ' '-20 per capita per year. ; stolen chicken: Such punishments machinery: and we have vast ()rests 'd have given a lni.l for the faithfu! j ftrr Stich offences are nnjukt, cruel. 42.235.50 524.030.17? of tlie lcRt timber thus far barely touched by the, hand ot man. In a word, there is no region of the. earth. so far its cliucde and mineral resourc es are concerned.- which is more invit ing than our Sate is to the immigrant. I feel sure that vour legislation willln .such as to hoi I out inducements to i - t immigrants to settle among us. to lie come as one of our people, and thus lalor with those of us w ho are alrealv performance of the contract and all or" j monstrous and absurd. the provisions or the contract have j Under the law as it now st been faithfully observed and the quar jterly payments promptly made. There is a foundry and Machim S' op connectel with the Pctiitentiar . w'iic!i has !een proved to le lx!h ne cessary an I valuable. The work in this shop ioth as to 'quality and quantity has been very satufii'torv. All the work is done b kinds, ac or lingtothe decision hf the Supreme Court, ault and battery, even .an asatilt wlth:a deadly! weaijonwith inte.it to commit murder is nt a Pen itentiary crime. A INSANE AttLtM. The iitereting rejott ofj Dr. ' feu- ; ieoe Grissotn, Siierintcn'dent of the here, and who expe-t t.i remain to de- the eouviets a:, 1 all the iron work re ! h,H:l,,e 1",,!v TIil,,-i,'n 1 vehip ourj resource-, to ! u Id up our 582.758.15 Leaving in hands Public TreasJ Oct. K1876 . Educational Fund. $ 1.572.44 Public Fund. - 180,OS7.07 tXte - debt. , I . The bndel debt of the St ate on the 1st Oct. 1876, was as follows : j -Itonds issued .IteTore the J ' ' . war, called old hW $8,372,000 Inter, unpaid on same, 4,003.7 7 7.50 State more an I inorc prosperous cli lightened, an I wealthy. THE At'DlTOi; S rEPAlTMKXT. The All litor's rejxirts shtiw the n ceipts and disbursements at tlie lub- ; lic Treasurer v for the two fiscal ears ending 'September 30, 1S76, and I re si icct fully invite vour attention to the :.(.: Th An liW ..itW .,HiV. a certificate of iivlebtedue-ia for tone hundred and tnent v-fiVethoin.tn 1 illars. with interest nt his er cent, payable semi niii;u!ly. 6:i the Lst lays VNlVEU-sITY. The last General Assembly passe ' an art-'jlircvting the. J'u'ilicr Trcasip-er to iKie to the TriMtee of the Univer. prred .,r fhe biiil tidg U made here. io1 U,:lL "'V,l,"u or U1 T The blacksmi'h shop has been kept r' lu w,lltf 1 rc'ttully in busy manu'acturinu bM,!s refiured in iv,!eol,r -te.",.io.1?; i m I , ! ving stone and for o-her Vurj. 'lV reinirt for l7C .oitiatlie Total, p r i n . an 1 i n t e r .. $ 1 2,3 7 6. 6 7 7 . 4 0 lionds issued sipce the . war. $ l,78i.OOO luter. unpaid on same. 807.180 , $ 2.488,180 Bonds issued fince the. I war. under ordinance ! and acts passl since the war not special tax, '$ Inter, unpaid on same, 2.015.04 5 021.127.05 $2,036,172.95 the most iinptirtfiut 'otllccs 'in the State, and I taker .pleasure in bearing testi mony to the. manner in 'which the dir ties of that oilicc have been disvharg- - ' . . Wliilo all material wealth corrte-s frofn the soil, and while the interest j of the farmer should, therefore. le first time give attention and -extend our fostering care to the manufacture and the Mechanic arts. North Carolina pays annually to foreign countries and to her sNter States millions of ilollars for manafa.tured articles, which should be prodncM hre at boro of .January and July ill each year, nut i of anv mo'nevs in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the interest to Ihj ussl by m'u Trusteea in stipirtof the University. . . Under tliis act the Public TYca brer pay tojthe University $7,500 tct annum for; that pOT.oe. The Univprjty was openel for the reception of students on the lOtlr of Sctembe:t 1875. nnder its new fjrgai ization and it is niw in kutx-esaful op eration with Hon- Kemp IV Rattle as flic subjc-t should npKal strongly to the humanity and cliarity if Ui Gen- 1 eral Assemblr. ami I boc thd apptalU will not Ikj made in vain. - ' ..-e.J.; DEAT AND Dt'MIl Al TliEVBLiD.1 S - M .. . I resitfull ndl Miir attention td the reort of the Principal of the Nortli Carolina Institution for Ihe Deaf and Dumb and lllind. ' " ' A ' Tlie numlier of pupiU enrolled !lu iug the last two yean lias been : v Deaf and Dumb 'male 83 ; females - .5. - ' lis . Blind males 51 ; females 42, U3 Total , 241. Tlc average attendance, for tlie just to yeara lias leeii alout 210, eumc- ' inne-S more anil soiiielimea less. The health or the pupil hx iiOtpl, and they "all seem to be confeUt. e'l and happy ? ' r- ' l Tliey n re 'take n care of by kinJ and I ajui.ii i e teaclicrs au I , nxttropj, .Who" Mttu to regard theiy;pn-jtectioa ancl. welfare wiih as much lute re it an lanjr iety a if they were their own thildfen. ' 'Ihe niianciacondtttbttof the inUi- uittoti is si faroratle couki reasona bly lie cxiKTCte I, ; - . . , , , On .tlie first .day cd Novcailer.1874;, tltere a lialancs'iirthe fiaiidiTuf the Treauircr of ' n.OVTbl The appropriation ' for ' ? r-rfl twoear was , - , , 10JCOOO. gpcvul appropriation,, . f ;3,0Q0 00 m . it .- 1 fm... .1.,... ml 1 1.1 t df busin'e4 has nh ve Iwen rpn- t 1 ue lw Wpzwrai .cmqiv paveH T, .. ' - k.-''"' ot oii5inei iias noc., ocen er ex-i . 1 f t:,.n-M,i .frr TKtr aJiactauth iugjthe lJoanlofDir. V .Z H? , .1. . n -..m -m t I . . "j .. crvi ' ; 'i ? Total. . . iY $101551 Tlere. luu been expended ,,.. : " . , for all putposi,- ' ! 8p,03i 4 1 quarrying stone and for otlicr pun eX- T!ie lalw'r is perf?jnrt I by con vi ts. . total. iuuier f a fmtssioiH since the : opening of iIh. Asbim on tle 2!d In the shoo shop they are now man- 1:lV of u"ry 1;. ishu e thym ufacturing an the sLo'c.i Worn by the ,n,l one Lui !re J and ?eteity.hroe: convicts within the prison enclosure. tlf f'1 nmrtU-r of diiiarges furtl also for those employed on the dif-i wwne ,i,U4? U '" hun M'' 4C' fcrent railroads in the Stare.' It i!01" "U"m lhrcc t wre believe I that a small amount of mon- t,rc,V- one huu, r' Jecii iu cr invested in machinery for manu,nnel 1 one hmidre-l an 1 jrighty un facturing shoes would yield a (argeim',vt;, : hn'1 thre huitrcl and return; but owing to the fimite 1 i U,irtecu dictl-Ieaving nc under nieahs on hand this important branch i m rccnt lwo :."ndn! and iixty-foar, 'IH 1-- 1 ' ill.. ' i tensivelv carrie I on. In accordance with the acquirements j tw In'?nc .A V ,l,m pi iae .enerai Assemuiyj tne Lurec-i, . : r '. i tors of the Penintiary furnished 50 jnected tUrcjrith io cotivicts to the Insane' Asylum at Raleigh, who were employed in the manufacture of brick, nsed In the President and an able corps of Pn erection of a new kitchen for that in fevr. ! I rtitotidn. The Director of the Pen- store room iu.com rood 5t provisions.. and Supplies fort!e, imti- iuuod.,.. iiiactprovKle.1 that roucii or the approjtnatki made for theycara 1875 yjuucl37fi. ihouhfi applleTf ly 'Xhtr BcalTof.trtrWtrs to th!i fmnwlt ..I Vi, Leaving a balance In tld i'liantU of Ujb Treanrer. ;"rr- O November Ut, W$. pU.3Cl4 : ,s f?cffx-in rr?r yosT?i f - m ml- m. . V - i 1 -

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