1 -f- . -... ' ; - . ; . A- A : - i ': -A' - i : ' -ii .. '''? I- AA. A 1-i" -- V v., - !.:;rv v ? .-v. .vv. : vvv r-vvC:". 1 -..j .- I1 -.!- A"':-. A A ' ,.,T : : . . , " i. ' - ' . f,A ' .A V -!' -' M AA a aI AAv-v-AA..A... .:--. ;-i,.-. A-.:' AAA-;' lL- 1 1 " t". r . " . -"! t - . I f ' ';- " : .. I 1 , ' ' - ; -.';'..'-.'-.-' . . - :'; - ' . ... ',': ' ! : .; . . --i,..- : . : 1 J 1 1 1 1 ' i i 1 i THE ECONOMIST. Elizabeth City, N aMay 7, 1872 , ; T. B nARXER, "Local" ATO BcsiaMAXAcrB. ' " 1 1 ; IN AND AROUND THE CITY. i Tie below named gentlemen are auth orized to receive and receipt for monies 1 due the E.xnomist. T..G. Skinner, in Perquimans. Wi D. lVuden, in Chowan. 1)J C. Winston, in IJertie. U D. Martin, . Norfolk, Va. i .,T . Iaxter, ' . 1H. Griggs, 5 in Currituck. j Club Rates. Iito50 subscribers .7 it (and over $2,00 :r (1f-r vviVs Lament by "Max""iU re- crived. It will have attention very soon. - x I : ; r- ; . N.;? IIn.r, dear' old Nags Head, will le open again, for the reception of iMiors, mis summer and 'fall. That s a fact. !'.''. , . ' ;' -T:Croatimfishcrie3 have "hung up, I ic j,)Uy fisWer boys passed through our y'lty :Jkriciay : dawn, hamoward bound,' singiilg their old lime roviiingDacchana- 1 ISi4t.;i:AXT.s of a gri ctassare prospect- if 1 'l lor settlement- 111. ifiiiia and North ' ('arolina Ca.u-rio hand be raised'to beck- 6:1 them hkhenrard. What is in tfic way. We cin pnsdusc facts a:ld Aguros Jo prove ' we hive the best finning lands in the two . ; J I W i II. S.vith, of tlie law finn of Smith j 'v-S'-Jiv.-, is inakiftg an effort with the ' f ---nif:rai."nm of l'nany of our citizens, to j induJe.-tho establLshment of Gas Works I a.noifg us lor the' purjoseof thorouglJy J Ughtiiigthe SSj-eets and houses of our. city: f . oi Thursday .last, a. stalk of rye, in full hpadJ measuring over four feet in length; WAS Sl-nt to our fi!Yii"-r hv (A .T,.'i 8 fr- 1 - - - - - - ' r j W'i 'V4I1I rurgs. It Is the species called White i 1'ye, Ksid was raised from seed furnished by Ui.i ('. h. Gobi). We shall hand It on 4 its'lpgitimave destination the Fanners Jaif: M. Wiiiihik:;, we loam,' has pur tha.4.1 the i'U-am 'Mill 'in HcrtforU' and " iutciils reuioviiiir to tlu'.t place. UYhile ' Wi regret the loss of one of onf most itse .; ful. p'lblic-spirited and exemplary citizens, ,- r carries with him. t?e-' ln-st wishes of - . this iommunity, for his pecuniary pros ' i pcriv and iiuhVrdual happiness.. I i'.v.M KTii has again Is'uiTerel by fire. 1 .i SiPuLn; nighC. 2xth uk., a tirq origin . j atx; kthe store of Wilson Cherry .which '." I was destroyed, as. also, the building occu- piedfbv Sculi 'Krans. and that occupied ..; by J, l'f X nnan. the latter only insured. 'Credit is due the crew of the Steamer ! "Astoria" for thc'ir exertions in arresting . ; the flames. ' ' -? . ' . ' . N 1'ciday and Saturday night last, the - . clkildren of tlie. Ip:scojal Sunday School, I esit.'rtaiued our, citizens with ''Concert a d Ch irade. for the purpose of raising " J funds in Aid of some .pious Church work,"- i which the llltle darlings have at heart. . i'Tha whole exhibition was a decided sue- I ce.vs and -reflected credit b.th upon the . little hearts that prompted the efRrt and -j w he.tds that put it in execution? .They ( ri'aiiTv'd sH for which they desire to ex- " t Twess their thanks to the public. V ! fi.-Tix"'rioN' has its perils. A, told 1$. i that the former representative of Camderi Jiad ilescrtcM to tle I.adlcals. 1J. repeated the news to X1. '-C. concluding, from the long : public servic: 'of our friend Col. lerjbee, that he always was, is. nov, and vver would be, the representative of Cainllen, told I. tliat Col. Ferebee had goje,over tothe'lladV so the;CoUhas to bear the sins of one (1haipberlane'-who' is 5, political bird of passage, who is1 ever in search f f?esh fields and pastures new. The (id. n the coiitrary, conies of the poliSc.1 Cyuegyras stoc k. . 1 j" Tin) Klizabeth City Kt oxoMisT, one of I tlie besf literary papers 'ever published in . fi . - t ... i 1m.. - i i mo iaic,nas noi mauc ius appuaraucu in 1 i our oHicc in two or three weeks. I2ul- W.i'jh A ?cx. , , We cannot account for this repeated ' irregularity jn the receipt of the Kt oxo- biisr. : It is regularly mailed to the Xeics leverv week, lirotlier William assigns us itlie. position of -a" literary" weekly," but'-l 'wo claim to be fighting in the same line jof battle, beliirid hinisGlf, and we hope he 4 fwill not forbid our following the gleani of mis trenchant blade. If he tcill assign us 'a peculiar place, he may call the Ecoxo Lmi.st a J'oliiico-IiemocraticO'Consen-ato- Libero-Kcpublicano. Literary Weekly. Coi'Li) not -an organized association be' formed among our public-spirited citizens,' for the purpose 'of 'inducing imigratio'n ! amon us. l ne . practical inuuence oi "iuch an organization, is apparent from 'the emiTatior to Raleigh. There, they . - O i . - have ao immgratjprt Society which is in !ducing a vahtible class of immigrants to I that vicinity. On Thursday last 27 imi- r:ii'f nf rharfirtor. snmc ex-officers of the- British army and navy, came to Kal- clgh, to settle, under the charge of Geo. Little President of the Society. Now, no :. one can gainsay the statement, that the f Albemarle Region" is uneqnalled in its I agricultural inducements to immigration, land if its claims were systematically and properly presented, from an official source, the rush would be here. " From communications that come to us, vre ate pleased to know, that the public y appreciation of tlie Economist's Poet, ' 'ib," ' -corresponds with our own. We ai-e neither a Poet, nor the son of a Poet, npr the grandson of a Poet, therefore we have, of necessity, to determine the merits ; 0$ poetry by a physical test, thusly. We t plitce the piece before us, witli a watch by Subside of it and as we read, w apply ! the 'fourth finger of the right, hand over : (he pulsating vein of the left arm, and uount tlie pulsations of the heart, as we 1 proceed. We thus have a thermometri--cal measurement of merit. Tried by this test, Zib's "Beauregards" raises the beat rapidly up into the 90's, and leaves the top of the head hot. Basing our opinion on tlis unerring' test, we pronounce "Beaure- gatds" equal to any offspring, at any time, of the North Cardlina brain. It is a "gem . . . . . of brightest ray." . i .' TrrE folfowing is the. official vote Elizabeth City : . ' , . . . FOR MAYOR. " Geftrge W. Cobb FOR COMMlSSIOXERS. 2o3 T. A. Commander,. J. II. Zciglcr... 243 247 2V 235 233 John lial lance Lancaster Brothers , J. Kassjell I'ass- " FOR MAYOR. , G. W. Grandy, Jr. FOR COMMISSIOXERR. Jabez Pritchett - ....i....'. S. S. Fowler ,.1 .... C. AV. Smith John James Cliarles S. Davis ..1 126 124 127 117 118 t4 .Cobb s ticket was elected by an over whelm mg majority. Cobb s majority over Grandy, 135 Now, "let us liave peace, The battle is ocr; . The tempest of faction has stopped . wild roar. ' ; its The '-family fight," as b who it should be Whether G. W. C. or a W, G: Has ended. Now, let os have peace, the land : m And cVery good citizen hokl up the hand Ut our worshipful .Mayor, whichever it i 3Ir. C; AV. G. or G. W. C. We voted, each one as he pleased, I-sup- jiose i . ' , Siu one was elected, as every one knows, Arid, h tcill fje Mayor, whichever & be, I Whether G. W, C. or Ct JV, G . So let the defeated submit with good grace, And,' over the matter, put on the best face, For, 'tis said, what is to be, surely will be, lie it f). W. G. or G. W. C. , v The difference is small, but a trifle at best , They both are the same, only differently drcss'd ; . . For take either nc, reverse it, you see ! Why ! G..W. C, becomes C. AV. G.' And either may do ; we all have a choice, Apd "for G. W. C. tho'-F raise my voice, I'll stand by The MayoSi whichever it b. 4 Whether C. AV. G. or G. W. C. . At the municipal election, yesterday, , for Mayor and Commissioners, George W, Cobb, the present Mayor, was elected, with his whole ticket, over C. W. Grandy,- bv the trnimphant majority of ISo -votes. While we write, the air is resounding with the cheers of victory, drums are beating, processions marching, and the music of vocal" melodv mingles with he victorious hurrahs for Cobb. . The lion is jygard' ed as a decided rebuke to those who ar rogantly assume kutljonty and dictate to electors how they should vote. AA e speak it to flic credit of the colored voters, that tlus election signifies that. they will vote as they - choose. They voted for Cobb wheh some thought they had to vote for (irandy? We commend their indepen dence. - At the n&mnrial celebration, in Ral- eigh on the 1 0th, of May, in memory of the lamented Confederate.- dead, Gen Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, will deliver the memorial addreu. ; : IK tell us, what compensating crumb of comfort' the defeated candidate for .Mayor imus in ycstcrtlav s work. . llis ge nial nature always resists the sharpest shafts of fortune. Let him not, we charge him. Ring away hU philosophy, as he chews the cud of bitter melancholy. Let him be comforted by the great lessons of history, andlo.se not his plumptitude. -Caesar fell by the daggers of his friends- Napo deon and Cromwell and Belisarius-checr up, Captain-coiic oi-er and unbosom thy self, turn ccer come home read the parable of the prodigal. Business Locals. Dolly Vardex Butter is W. O. . Sliaimon s ! all the go at J. p. Guaxdy advertises a small lot of Pearce's Maps of N. C ! with all tlie late changes and improven'ients at $1J. Attention ! Boys and Girls. I am making up a , Club of subscribers to the "Youths Companion" an excellent publi cation for boys and girls. Those who Lwill subscribe at Club. Hates," please let me know. Charles B. Brothers Jr. SrniNG, with all its pristine beauty is, uponiuF So LsW. O.Shannon's nice, new and clieap goods ! . W. W. Brown, who keeps a bar, grocer-, refectory and what-not oh east Main Street, near Water, and labors for the general internal improvement of man, is always ready to furnish his friends land fellow citizens with a tip-top article at bottom prices., While 3Irs'Laboyteaux the fashionable Milliner, furnishes the Dolly Vardeh for the outer person W. O. Slianlion, the Grp-cer,- supplies the Dolly Varden Butter, Su gar, Coffee, fcc, for the inner man ! good for old Dolly ! J. '. "All" tile Tate-uton which this Pa ter is trinted was "cast at the foundry of II. L. Pelouze, Richmond Va." The Farmers Club. -The Club met at tlie. usual hour in the Register's office, with a fulfat tendance of menlbers.', A stalk of 'white Rye, nearly four feet in height, raised by Col. John S: Burgess, from seed furnished by the Patent office, through Hon. C. L. Cobb, was presented by R. B. Creecy. Various enquiries were made in reference to its advantages as a small g&in crop, its, adaptability;- to our soil and climate, its productiveness, its uses as a farm product, its market valije, cost of seed, time and mode of. sowing Jfcc' - . , , - ' IVesident Kennedy I ?have seen it raised in the mountauvregions of Virginia, where it is. regarded is a valuable article for feeding stock, arid is preferred o oats for that purpose. It is usually sown there, in the corn, as it is laid by. "' Hogs fatten quickly on it, when they are turned on the fields, after it is, harvested. ; Our seasons being longer than in Hhe section where I have seen it, it woukl, probably, not an swer to sow it here, as we hill our corn. About a peck, to the thousand corn bills is sowu for seed.. Its yield is about the fame as pats, and it is looked! upon as a pretty certain crop. . It is, sometimes also used for bread, and I think, in Elizabeth City, it is used for that purpose, by our German- population. Its market value, per bushel, is more than corn and less than wheat, .usually half wag between the two. ' . ' . G. W. Charles: I once purchased a few bushels and it cost 62i a bushel. Mr. Hollowell : I have known it sown, in our section, late in the fall, by scatter ing the seed on the surface, among the corn stalks, and turning the stock ' upon the fields as usuaL Creec 1 i it an cxhaastinor crop, to the ! Bfltdeiie Towkship. . , He eptered the coach at nbht and very V- MISCELLANEOUS. READ THE NEWS FROM KORFOLK. READ THE HEWS JfKUJaflUttfUi. land? I " , j ;- L Kennedy: . I suppose not, from its being generally raised on the poorest land, f j "'! . 4.. The Executive Committee of the "Albe marle Agricultural Society," here submit ted to the Club through Mr. George D. Pool, for i its consideration, the Constitu tion of the Society. It was read and ex amined section by section and after some amendments was adopted by: a voe on each1 section seperately, "and then !asa whole. "T he committee tftis then directed to obtain a charter ofuicSrporation with out delay; and report to the Club the pro gress .of their labors, f The Secretary, Mrj Nash, then read a circular communication from the Execu tive Committee of the' National Agricultu ral Congress, to be held in St. Louis on the Stfth inst, inviting the co-operation of the Elizabeth City ! Farmers Club inj that great National Agricultural movement. On motion of Mr. Creecy, the President was directed, in case: no member of the Llub should represent us in that congress, to appoint a proxy. Upon an intimation from the! President that he would like the sucrjrestioh of some name, as a suitable proxy ylr. Creecy mentioned, that hej had neard. 01 a man wno uvea, ne oeuevea, soriie wliefe about St. Louis, who would nrobablv.be there: and who ;he guessed would answer. His name was Gratz Brown ; which suggestion of Mr. Creecy was "understood to receive the endorse ment 01 brother l'aleman John, a mcmr berof the Club. fs , ' . This matter being disposed of? the President called the attention of the Club to the I .subject, agreed upon at the last meeting, f for primary consideration at this, and suggested thafbrother Hollowell, who always brings to tlie Club good fruits from the jstore house; of his own practical experience," give some .account of -the way in which he gets together the huge mounds of manure that we see about his fields. -Mr.- Hollowell : I endeavor td accuniu late manure in i every available j way, When I find nothing at hand to do, mak ing manure is always in' place. I keep my stables well supplied with straw, and t every norse or muie 1 caicuiaie to ury out IB ox carf loads -of manure. During winter I house my oxen, ahd by keeping i their beds' well supplied r with straw or j leaves I obtain one third the quantity from a horse. . Fattening hogs are kept well supplied with straw and 75 iurmsh about 1UU loads.- Uut Jiogs are also fed on straw bedding. The hen houses furnish their quota of most valuable manure, and the pigeon houses, still more valuable i as valuable as guano or any kind of manure.. ' Ashes, which are of great value aftd. slops and refuse are all carefully isaved. All these manures are composted with wood's mold, in alternate layers,! when the manure is removed from the houses. There is soijie danger of the manure's' becoming firc-heat, by the" too active f process of fermentation. ,Vhen tlus is the case it becomes ; worthless. apply 40 ;ox cart; loads to tlie acre,: gen erally brbadiast,: except when applied to cotton. ' 4 G. B. Thompson: Woukl hot the use. of lime in forming the compost, prevent fire fangj . j . - Hollowell : VJust the reverse Kennedy : Mr: Hollowell, what is your estmiate ot the cost ' ol this manure m comparison with tlie commercial manures. Hollowell: Estimating I the labor of evcrv- I 'd. in making manure, at its price, as hired, the cast Ls about the same as guano. But you . often find employ ment for labor, in this way, that, would be t j " i . t Creecy : la that estimate of .cost, do you take the value of the' domestic 'nran- irre, afier the first year, into" the account Creecy : That will materially " alter the calculation. ! I , HqIIowcII : - Yes for the commercial fertilizers have no value after the first year.- j . ' . i ; '- ! . Some further con-ersation upon the questionof labor aro.se, in which several members of tlie Club- took part. If olio well, John Avery, Nash and Kennedy ex pressing : the opinion that the character and reliability of the farni labor of our section was better than it was a few years since, and T. J. Murden and S. D. Scott, a different opinion. Club; adjourned to Saturday evening next 84 o'clock, at Registers office. 1 Commiinicatioas; and membership invited, j j - " ! LETTER FROM PERQUIMANS. ; To Tim 'Economist": j i 1 . . We have never had, a more important campaign before the. people 6f North Car olina, than theone just ahead of us, especi ally when we consider the. National inter ests which will be involved in the Presidenti al contest. We caa not better subserve our National "interests than by putting out our best men and exerting our full ef forts upon the State Ticket; We can rely with confidem e.upon the wisdom and sagacity-of the Greensboro contention and if this is followed up by prudence apd earn est work in the counties, and Senate! dis tricts, we! can reasonably 'expect a trium phant campaign, which will settle North Carolina politics, for years in the best in terests of her citizens M We have' just finished up. in the short period of .three-days, the business 'of our Superior Court-a most flattering evidence of the good order and harmony of our society, but exhibiting a discouraging pro spect for theionorable profession of the Law. The charge of "his new honor' to the Grand Jury was very good and. his ,j warmth in its- delivery seemed ominous of "terror i to evil-doers." . ' .' I have heard a very general wish ex pressed, which ' I hope will not be disap pointed, that the Economist may be re presented at our District convention in the person of its Editor, and if so, that, with tlie nurricroiis and able staff which is un- Her his command to assist him, something more may be done to make its influence and usefulness felt throughout the entire State, in the coming campaign. Execctite Committee of Conservative-Democratic Party of Perqui mans. County. -. " Hertford TowNsirir'T. II. Gilliam, T. G. Skinner, Caleb; White - and C W. Wood.; I , j Bethel TowxsniP. Yhitaker Myers, James GJtling and Wm. Small. i . Paekvtixe ToAVNsnlr. Thos." Wijsori, F. E. Winston, and A. S. Jordan. New Hote TowNsnrp. rNathan New by, W. C. Lowery and A. L. Butt. Belvidere Townsihp:--E. W. Red- dlck. C. J. Wiftslow'and Jariies Howell. 4 i - .. . ; t d elegates of perquimans county "to ' tii Conservattve-Democratic Con vention of 1st Congressional Dis - - tiuct 4.T Edenton, May 23rd. 1872. - j Hertford Townshir." .- ' T. HJ Gilliam, T. G. . Skinner, C W. Wood, Exmn Stokes, W.C.; Reed, Wj II. Morganj W. T. McMullan, L. W." McMul lan, Z: Toms, Caleb Wbite Wa T. HalL" Thos. Gregory. , "'. ; j '. i New Hope Township. . ; ' Geo. D, Newby.j E. A. Leigh, Moses-j Jackson, ,A. S. Butt, Stephen Butt, CapL, Sam. Holt, W. C: Lowrey. Dr. Geo H. Coke, .Dr. Wm. Riddick, Jos. Gregory, Ben. Gregory, Daniel MorganJ p ParkViixe Township. . ; .. James Newbold, F. E.' Winslow, .Ed mund White, Thos. NixDn, Sr., A. J: Brite, Thos. Wilson, A. S. Jordan, David Miller, Charles Lane, Calvia Lane,: Harry Baker, Stephen 'Bagley. ; !' Bflvidere Township. . E. W. Riddick, Willis D..Riddlck, Jai SufllngsT Jas. Twine, H. ; E. Statlmgs, Henry Lamb,1 0. J. Winslow, Townsend Lamb, Jos. Avery; LemL HerrelL Henry Newby, Robti Saunders. ; . s j . Bethel Townshtp. '. James Catling, W. M. Fleetwood, Win.. Small, A. Jj Sutton, C. TV. Small, W. L. Mardre, Twin Ilarrell, George IFray, Jos. Hughes, Ed. J Berry, Theophilus IFbitei Peter Swain. . Truly, &c, : . ". ,. - Beecher on Wealth. . itev. Henrv Ward Beecher preached a senrion recently "on the deceitfulness of riclies, taking as his text a pak of the 22d verse of the 1 3th chapter of 3atthew: And the deceitful men of riches choke the "world." We are not to interpret, he said, the New Testament as being adverse to riches, and .a tlie Old Testament it was distinctly recognized as a divine blessing ; it whs the sanction whichJod gave to a life !of virtue, and the New Testament does not jcontradict this; It only seems to show - that it is the dariiages that attend the in casttiminate lpve of tiches that we are to guard against. I Godls providence the development of riches for the advance ment of human society. This cannot be dented that the ways of obtaining money havj been- the means of" obtaining man hood ; tl?at it has blessed the world with a civilizing power bearing the seeds of knowl edge ripened in one age into other lands j and! although there are many corrupting evils in commcrce,"yet'im the whole it has been an evangelizing element in the world. An! although individual hjen may siuTer from the acquisition of wealth, communl tleslnever do ; although riches may not be. necessary for the individual, they, are riecpssary for' communities, for large bodies of meni In our day the produc--tiori of values is education,land more men are 'called to .earn riches than eVer before. Iti Can no longer be said that merchants are la class." J Every man is seeking wealth. It pervades society from the Ytop to the bottom. Everybody is more or less a pro duc er, and the desire for riches is widely spread in this land more, than any otheiv Th( re is a larger amount of property in it per capita j than in any other country on the globe. ' The nature of our institutions tends to wake men up ; ye have no class distinctions,; and the distinctions which ex ist are those which men riiake. In the few we liave of earning or skill In art .or of wealth every man feels that he has a right to particlpate in, and there Is a race for wealth because it is the easier way, to dis tindtion. Indeed, there .is danger that those professions- which pay but slenderly wlll be abandoned, while all those ways which have their insignia written in letters of gold arc absolutely choked with men determined to be rich. The anlbition 01 the! young is" turned towards money-making!; all seek It because all see how mighty an instnimeint It is in the hands of men. Now, we are not to relinquish this pursuit of yealth ; when you consider that it is the production of the active forces of life ; that it is the reality of soil or substance ; when you know its power for education,' for material growth' ;. therefore, when you kriw how much it can serve every materi al interest, and even religion itself, we are notj to stand and inveigh against riclies ; we;are n6t to warn the young men against desiring, to become rich. It may be that tool many are heeding, tlie cry, but we are fEhput Into the minds of the thousands of Lapir-ants of wealth. the warnings 01 uod as to the dangers lrinlie way that they - may be j vigilant in guarding gainst theni. There are 'men in, Wall street that I be? lievje stand very near to the heart of JeSis' Christ. God secsf that ttiey are standing firm- amid great temptation, li a niaft has been more successful than others : if he lias passed successfully' several com- '.mercial revulsion, how proud he is oi it. lid holds up his head like a prince, and says, "I have never failed." Yes, he has ; for! a man like this has gone into univers al bankruptcy. The poorest man in1 the world is the man that tricks his fellow-man at the fewest points, and the richest is he who has the most sympathy with all the conditions Of human life. He is like the grejat trees that never feed on one root, butj whose roots spread all abroad to tlie north, -the south, the' east, and the west. Suppose such a tree should say, Dry up all jmy rots to the north, east, south and west, and leave me only one straight down In die ground ;t suppose such a tree should bo4st Itself among trees ;" when the whi tens blast came they would remain secure, while it would lie prostrate, having no hokl upon the earth but the single 'root. Mrj Beecher closed by adjuring his hear ers! to strive for riches with the feeling that God was giving it to them In trust for the welfare, of their fellow-men, and to so use It. j With these objects the acquisition 'of motley was iaudaoie, and would result in happiness. ' - '.' Frogst BY E. Frogs f are very curiouV. creatures, I neqd hardly tell you liow- they can live equally well on land and water, nor how, when they are little, they are not frogs at all, but tadpoles, with, -tails and without fee,; swunming j about like fishes, and never venturing out of tlie pond. Every little boy or girl knows about this already, so I will leave out all descriptions of frogs, which I am sure you would skip as being too dry, and tell you some funny stones about them J I would never think of taminc a fro? for la pet. But I have read Of a manjwho took a fancy to a big bull-frog that he found sitting every1 day oft the same log wqen he was fishing m a lake. He gave hini a daily breakfast of .sun-fish fbr weeks, until the frog became " quite tame, add would jump into the boat tobe fed, and at last permitted himself to be handled. Th man called his' frog Ralp, and he knew his name verv well. When the man W " - Tf - . V left that part of the country he . gave Iiis M. M. i' " .1 i 1 T i one; night there ;came up a storm m the lake, the house they had built fdr him was upset, the frog gone, and nothing was ever heard of him again. Perhaps he did not! fancy a change of owners. An Englishman named . Dr. Roots tells of a frog who made himself at" home in the 'kitchen of his house, and for three years came out every day, particularly at meil-time, to be fed. When winter came, instead of crawling down into the mud and going to sleep until spring, as all the fros do, he came regularly every evening anq made directly for the hearth in front of a good kitchen fire, where he would re main and enjoy himself in the warmth until the . family retired. An intimacy sprang up between him and the 'family catj The frog would nestle under the warm fur of the cat, while the latter was very careful about "disturbing his comfort and convenience. . Besides the frogs which are found so pleiityfully in marshes and pools, there is another frog which lives in trees. It has the; reputation of being .somthing of a weather prophet, by always singing before & ram. I nave, on some few occasions, known these frogs to utter false prophe cies, still I believe in general we may look for rain with tolerable certainty when they it. . - ! - . - A man' traveling . in Germany once caught a dozen tree-frogs for the purpose of taking them home to England-' lie put 'them in a bottle and stowed . them away for safe keeping in the box of the coach. entered the coach at ? night and very himself and his traveling companion, "sleepy okl smoke-dried Germans," drop ped off to sleep and snoredihe night away. "1 suddenly awoke." he says, "with a start. and found all the sleepers had been roused at thfe same j moment. On ' their sleepy faced were depicted- fear and anger. Wha had woke us all up so --suddenly? The morning was just breaking, and my frogi though in the dark pocket 01 the coach,' had found it out, and with one ac cordJ aU twelve of them had begun itheir morning song. As if at a -given signal they One and . all of them began to croak as lorid as ever they could. - Tlie noise their united concert made seemed; in the close compartment of Jhe .coach, quite deafen ring: well might tlie Germans look angry They wanted to throw the frogs, bottl and all, out the window, but I gave the bbttle a good shaking, and made the frogs keep quiet. The Germans ail twnt to sleep again, but 1 was obliged to re- main awake to shake the frogs when they began to croak.1" i 4 Jin France, there is what is called an edl- ble Wo the hind legs of which, when cooked are considered a great-dainty by Frenchnie n. Our bull-frdiri are also quite as gobd for eating, as I know by experi for I once dined off a 'dish of fried irogs legs, and lound them very tender, delicate and nico. - ; I SHIP SEWS. " ; " . 7 ARRIVALS. . AjrUU, Roberts. ' Emblem. Roberts. " St In Atlle Trudulle, Hess, coal to I.. & I., do. .Catliariiii, Brouston, i - Sum, Ackt rly. I., ( juirtiu, Ilalin.ucx-1 It. M. Tilion, TUti.ni. K. France?, Spart. " JLiriah Ann, Walker, i John James, lihoadt-s. Star, Da vis. - " ;.. " . DEPARTURES. sofar ' Carrie, WliiU-hurst, Ooar S&ted. rjniieiii, ltoLprt r airtiL-ldy John j:inns. liioad.-s, y.-i: hj lish to Xorfollc. r. CaJiarini Uroustou.f MISCELLA.YEOl S- w S T A G E iv.Ai.int ix ' R OONFECTIOXEKY, FRUITS. .GROCERIES, - CAKES AND TOYS, - , ' ii ' ' O F E.V E It Y I) E SCKI IT IO X '.' ' Is prdparel to supplj' his friends and custom- ers 4- ..11 M " li.ll.l l L 1 i -tu iniit's Riiu ai lac saoriest nonce. Bridal and otlitr parties, fairs, and all per- sons fequirina; assistance-in his line will be supplipd on the bijst terms aiid m the most taste- ful mimAr. ' Eli'ikbcth Citj'N. C. jaOLf T)ITTERS! . BITTERS! .. HITTERS! JU Bittsrs,' Bitters, . Bilters.i Bitters, Bitters. Bitter., . ; Bitters, Bitters, Bitters, .. . , .' Bitters. : ;f'! Plantation, i Plantation,, riantation, ! .Plantation, Plantation. . Plantation ) Plantation, . '-German, " ( (ieroian, " ' .German, German, ; (Jennair. ' German Thiegir, t Vinegar, I Vinegar, Vinegar,' Vinegar,! . -Vinegar, llostetter s. ..llosteuer Ilostetfer's, . llostetter 's, Iloslettcr s. Iiostetter's, . Hostetter's. Baker'; Baker ' I. Baker's, Baker's,. ; Bakers, Baker's Orange Grove. Orange Groye, Orange Grove, ' Orange Grove' , OraugiiCirote, . T Ioniing Star, ' Moniing Star, ! Morning Star. Moniinss'Star. Jloming Star, JJorifing Star, " Mornnig'Star, And a great variety of Bitters. Bitters. Baters, .. Bitterb,1 Bitters, Bitters, ! Bitters, Bitters. j TYc would call the attention of count jy mer- clianU to tlie fact that; we ; ' V' VILE SELL AS CHEAP! ' - As they i can buy hi Jv.O R ? 0 L K O R . ELS E AY" II E R E ! ". '' -.: - ' : ' j jas.-N'. butt; j. . yTja3U-4f IT. Roatl stroet.' E. City1, N.i C Q.EORGE IX. SCOTT'S'; i-: f ' FIRE ISUIiNCE; AGENCY Office, Cokxek Iaix and ElmoTt St's, : i ELIZABETH CITY, N C. i Tlie following .Coinpanies are represented, viz : L3DER WRITERS' AGENCY, OF k'EW " . ' YORK, , ' ! 1 .. Capital and surplus. J..'...... .V.'...$4,oOO.OOO. After paying all Chioago.losses of $1)00,000. HOME INSURANCE to., OF' NEW yORK, , . iv ' if Capital" and surplus..:...1,,. ... 8-1,003,123.00 . After .paying all Cliicago losses (which -.- : were $2,500,000.) : GE0RGJA1I0JIE INStRUxCE COMPANY OF CK;LUjliITsi OA., Capital. End surjlufs, over.. .$t00,000 '1 Insurar-ce effected in the' above companies at, current rates . oh baHding. merchandise, rents, leaaos and all other siuiblo property.. Business will he coifductedyby AYuvlteb Scott in-niy absence. - ' '.'; -. ! - GEO. M. ' SCOTT, ja30-tf General Insurance Agent.. D" R. JAS. i BUTT j AVHOliSALK AXD KETAimjEAl.lOi IX DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES ,.- ; HAS IN STORE, ijnWedbni Machine OU, -No. l.Eish pil, Corambn Fish Oil, No. lVLard Oil,, Spts. Tur- Black Paint, Chrome Green,- Yen. Red in Oil, Prussian Blue, Verdigris, j Raw Umber, UtiT-mf TTl.- "Vrtllit'- Siionra Kfnno "Wall Zinc, White Lead, Vandyke Brown, LampJ uiacK. . A larso Varietv of Taints and Oils' always ton hand.? ; v Elizabeth Citv. N. .0. Jan. 30-tf." " i ' ' v WINDOW GLASS ! I VV1".-. . . V WINDOW; GLASS? , Every size-and style, at; UB.:JA A. uuii o, ja30-tf. .No. 75 Road street. GLASS FROM RxlO UP TO AS LARGE as 2iv.TR. (Jlnss cut to order, and ho Charge tnivl for cutting.- ' Jfc.-Atv..AVC 5a30-tf. DB,.- UU1I. -- c i . gPECIALTLESl SPECULTIES! y Garden '.St-eds and Potatoes. - Jones' Planter, :' ' , Ricliardsou's Weldon Cotton Plow, . Dixie Plows, and l , j The Latest Improved Sjerapers, 1 Constantly on hand at . ! " DA'CGIITREY & ilcMULLVN"S, feOtf4' "1 Hertford, X. C. J)AUGIITEEY & HcMULLAN, ' "-. . " HERTFORD, N. C, j 1 1 , GEXERAX. Ii ETA ili -b'EAtKRS IX ' dry pooix ; - - it " - j " NOTIONS AND -FANCY GOODS, - , - : - HATS AND SHOES, . I . y 1 ' READY-MADE CLOTHING, TIN AND WOOD WARE, K ,"IIARpVARE, . . - V ; ..'; I . - "'GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE3IENTS, ! V " BUIST-S- GARDEN SEEDS, CROCKERY, &C, &C. s 4 '' 1 i - - ' : li Sincerely thankful for the very liberal patron age hitherto given us. we'-cokne to say to our friends and the trading public that oar desire and purpose, so far as ?ve possibly can, is to encourage all praiseworthy enterprises and to inaugurate a more thorough jind liberal trade in this community, and to that: end we intend to keef. a good stock of goods, to sell them on very reasonable terras, to buy at liberal prices for cash or in exchange lor goods everything our farmers or mechanics oiler which, we can by possibility make available for the prosecu tion of our business. fe6-tf soon Coach Varnish, Fine ' Zinc Dryer, Black As- ' i T THE ELIZABETH CITY DRUG EMPORIUM you will always find the best and largest stock of ' " .-" ' . -.O ' - '; 3IEDICINE3 AND PAINTS I r - ' r ' :? ' ?' - ';--I THAT IS IX THE CITV. - i ' - j- V ..; We keep the most complete line of PATENT MEDICINES of any Drug House in Eastern Carolina, and will order any article wanted bjr our patrons with pleasure." Our aim; is to acf commentate an wno may Javor. -us wjm uieir p&tronagc. ,: : v ." ' C " . '.11.- ''v': , If you want , I WINDOW GLASSES " . of a3 szzes you can find theni at tlic. DRUG EMPORIUM ! A nd V wish all to remember that the DRUQ EMPORIUM is the place to have your PRESCRIPTIONS and other MEDICINES ' j 1 ' .- 1:1 put up with great care, and none but pure ma terials used. Our motto is not cheap goods, but "Good Articles Sold at a Fair Priccf, All we ask w to call at the - , f ' DRUG EMPORIUM; .'..! - ajid le convinced of what we say, - " ' v i '...-:, I DR. D. 'T. KREBS & CO. ' -,'.,. :. f. EhzalK-th iCity, N. C ! P-SV-i-DR.' KrtECS'can be found lal all hours of the nt-iit.over (i. W. Bells Guni Store. aplG-ly - -r T HE M Ell CA N T IL E B A N K organized luidef the laws of Jrginia) NORFOLK. BAKER, GILBERT EfiLIOTT. President. 'ti- vashieri DIRECTORS Wm. J. Baker, . lion. Jolin lodde, Jr.j IIou.W. H. Burroughs, W. D. Av llott, Charles ti. Uliott. - V -Cash Capital . ... ... . '.".' . V$50,00Q subject to increase to 200,000. I losi Every possible facility extended to Deiositors and CorrftspondentH. Checks and Drtifts on Banks, etc., in other Cities, and Sight Draf is of Merchants in Norfolk, may be included in de positing, j Collections, made at alj points "and accounted for promptly., Accounts of Mer chants, Fanners, Banks and Bankers in the' in terior are solicited, ana will receive special at tention, orresnonuents win receive immedi funds will, be credited as - such and depositors may cheqk upon same in like funds if they shall so desirei Notes and, Acceptances made pay able at our Bank, will always be5 paid by us, when in funds from the makers, and charged to account and returned with other vouchers and statement of accounts, monthly. We will also promptly, and without profit to' us, execute' or ders from our Correspondents and Customers for purchase or sale of Bonds, Stocks, Gold or Foreign Exchange, and will furnish ur friends with special information, when desired. We will also attend to tlie investment of money upon 'Real Estate Security, and in this connec tion would call the attention of investors to the advantages attending such investments in the: Gity of iNorfolk. Under tlie Laws of Virginia any rate of interest not exceeding twelve per ccht. peTiiniuim, may be aereed UDon hv-mn- traeting parties, and ' large amounts of money can be put at interest in this City unon" unex ceptionable security at ten per cent., interest in most cases being made payable semi.amiually. The attention of fiduciaries and others is mil! to the fact that we allow interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum upon deposits, 'when special arrangements are made therefor. Interest credited on the'first of January and July in eacli '.year, thus compounding scmi annuahy. ' ' ' apl6-4t yiiA.T!: -...-( A f STORE ON.1 sind'ARD STREET ? Yes,- right on .he comer of Shepard Street aiid i actory Avanue, as you come over the new bridge, on Charles creek, and the nearest way and best road into town, where you will find a nice selected assortment of ' DRY GOODS ! GROCERIES ! ' BOOTS AND SHOES ? SALT! -NAILS " r ! : ! : .MESS PORK! ; i BUTTER! ENE OTTf CHEESE! KEROSENE Oil GLASS! VINEGAR!- TIN WARE ! , T0-BACCO ! SNUp:,.&c. N And remember tlie ''LITTLE, MILL" close by where you will get J'our grinding done at the shortest notice, and in the!, best possible manner. 1 he SAW MILL is npw completely rebuilt and fitted up in the best Order, and will be ready for sawing in a few days ; where we M ill pay the highest market price for Pine. Ov- press and Juniper Logs, delivered either from the river or. the adjacent farms. i JS'We have added also a'SIIINGLE MILL for manufacturing Sawed Shingles, which we. are satisfied, if once ti ied, wi!14e. found a su pcrior article for covering buildings, and much needed here. Being determined to do business on as good terms as;any op our neighbors, we nope tp ment a share, ol puwic patronage. ! N. B. Cash paid for GRAlN-and all other articles in our line. WM: UNDER Wr00D. ; Elizabeth City Rial 9-:m-v s JF lrOU WANT THE VERY BEST EARLY RqSE SEED 'POTATOES' t ,. fe27-tf Goto DR. JAS. N. BUTT'S. FOR RENT OR LEASE, ONE TO THREE years, tip larg and new brick store on the northwest corner of Main and Water street now occupied by R. H. Leigh, 'Esq. Terms moderate. For further particulars apply to T D. Pendleton, or the undersigned, at Room No. It Pendleton House. Possession immediate ly. I R. WHITE. ja.u-im . r . OVTQ J-l MAXrEACTCRINO. LOAS AND TKPST .t-- .'-( . '' ' COMPANY. Incorporated: by th4 N. C. Legislature, itcitU Liberal Bafiking Privileges. ' Office : ElizabeUi City, N. C. 4 EOAKD OF DIKECTOES : ' GeolD. Pool, Pjjes't.; R. F. Overman, Cash. Dr. P, John," Hon. John Pool, . Hori.AC. C. Pool, O; W. Hollowell," C. W Smith, . Wm. Underwood. . ? : Deals hi Exchange. Sitrht Drafts. Gold and Silver Coin, Govcnunent and other Securities, etc "! ' Uncusrcnt Bank Notes bought and sold '' on reasonable terms. . ; Elizabeth Citv, N: C Tv DISMAL SWAMP STEAM TRANS. 00, t lAlIL,Y LIXE FROM "ELIZABETH j Y CITY, N. C, TO NORFOLK, TA. Carrying the ; Un ited States Mail: The steamer ' 'Thomas Jefferson," Conklin, Commander, leaves the wharf of the Company at Elizabeth City, N C, on Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 0 o'clock, A. M., and the Steamer "Elizabeth City, Sleight, Commander, leavel'on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at sami hour, bpth returning on alternate days from Newton's -wharf at Norfolk, Va., at 7 A. M. ' 4 ; 'i- . '- For further mfonhation apply to W. A. HARNEY, Agent at E. City. ? If. ROBERTS, Agent a Norfolk. Jan. JSth, 1872-f. . '-: . ' JThere will for Che present be no boat from this place to ."NorfOlki on Saturday arid none from Norfolk to this ylace on Monday. . ISSOttTION. THE FIRM OF BACK , & DASIIIELL, Gtneral Insurance Agents, ihas this day, by mutual con-sent, been dissolved. R. S. DASIHELL havmg had and accepted a liberal call from tlie "Anchor Life Insurance Company," of New ( Jersey, retires.- JOHN BLuVCK will continue to represent the Insur ance Companies heretofore represented by us, and is authorized to use the firm's came in closing up old business, to Whom all Premiums and Dvbfe due ktefirm will be paid. OurJUa bilities will be sealed by either of us. -i Elizabeth City, N. C,, March 20, 1872. JU1LN ULACK, !ma2(i-tf R. DASIHELL. A ate advice of collections and other payments .to their credit. Remittances,, will receive gromfit acknowledgement, and when made in Northern M. T. L. DAVIS. '. D AV I S & B RO T H E R ; , WHOLESALE GROCERS, J COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PUR-''--'. CIIVSING AGENTS, Nos. 2 and 4 Rowland AVliarf, Norfolk, Va. Agents for the ORANCE POWDER COM PANY. - - S.ia-lr D . G A L E , , 1 Importers ajld Dealers in ILVRDWARE, CUTLERY, MECILVNTCS' . TO()LS, ; ; HOUSE FmNISIIINjfJ G(KH, WAGON : MATERIAL ' '.; --- -. ''' ; "' ' No. 17 East Side Market Square, Norfolk, Va. fel3-lv -- - T OOKS AND STATIONERY J ' '(Established 1S43.) ' V t Q K E R Y r & C O M B A N Y , '. .Wholesale and Retnil u BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, N 49 Bank Street, Norfolk, Va., Keep constantly on hand Musical, Instruments; Picture Frames, Music, Photographic Albums, Chronios, Liigra.vings, Mereoseopes and lews. If lass bhades lor t lowers, KacKgammou IWxcs, Writing Desks, Work l$oxes, Ac., &c . Country merchants and strangers visituig.tho city Would find it to tlieir advantage to examine our stock bcloro piircnasnug-cwewherc. . AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! The Dry Goods trade of this-section of coun try are respectfully invited to an inspection of my siock ueiore maKing uieir purcnases. To merchants heretofore in the habit of go ing North for their stocky! would sav you will SAVE TIME AND.ENPENSE BY MAK ING YOUR SELECTIONS NEARER HOME, My prices will be as .- 'f- - '; '' ' ' '' '' LOW AS .ANY HOUSE !.'.'. r-.'-. 1 -- and will becoverncd stM-tlv bv tiieDntlv Cur- Lrent Quotations, and efuaMy liberal discounts UHV1 , . - The stocks will always be complete through out the season m all kinds of , 'r; ;. . . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ' HOSIERY, NOTIONS, AND i WHITE GOODS, v .; A- Tlie strictest attention paid to. orders, and sawsiacuoii guaraniew. . THOMAS SMITH, i ' Corner Water and Conimerccjstreets, i . ' Norfolk,' Va., and SMITH & WHITE, ; Wholesale and IJetail, ." f . 23 Sycamore street, ; ' - Petersburg, Va: W. . E. POWERS, EsqV,-.- Salesman, will be pleased to seo his friends. fel-3-l.v IT C . W II I X E , (of Cumtuck county, N. C. ); I GROCER AND LIQUDR t DEALER, No. 11 Union Ktrcet, Norfolk, Va. : y Would be pleased to sere his North Carolina 'friends visiting Norfolk, Va. fcl.'J-ly .JOHN BUROESS,' . " NATHAN -O: GRANDY, late jolm liurgcs?. jo-.. ot Ctorfn Carolina. "OURGESS -.&-) GRANDY, -M ' , . ; ? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Myers's Wharf (Foot of Commerce street), -' ! " - ! . ' NORFOLK, VA. . ! :'. Consigimicnts of every description of Coun try Produce Lumber, solicited. . Prompt Returns made. - ; " Refrences , (by" Permission) : Hon. Wm. N. II; Smith, late of North Carolina : J. M. .Whcdboe, of "Elizabeth .CityJJ. C; Hon. Judge Brooks, of North Carolina ; Col. W. F. Martin, of Elizabeth City, N. C.;. J. S. WheU bee, of Gates county, N- Cjir. -Richard L. Blount, of Pcrquimins cotiiity, N. C. ." ' ('HAS. O. ELLIOTT. i- ' JXO. T.'-WIITB. I L L I O T T '& W II I T E ' ' Rectifiers and Wholesale Dealers iii ; V : L I Q U () ' R S , ' - - - . ;. - No. 20 Roanoke square, Norfolk, Vii-ginia, ' '-' " . i . Agents for J. Bumgardn.er's Old Virginia Rye Whisky.' ' i ' Agehts for the Best North Carolina Wines. . Direct receiver of l'ure Kentucky and Penn sylvania Rye and Bourbon Whiskies. '. JAMES W. GREENE, i late of City, N. C, Salesman. ; Elizabeth feEMy JJAMBUR(iER BROTHERS, - it'" Wholesale Dealers in TOBACCO, CIGARS,: SNUFFS; PIPES, Nos..93ar.d O.Vater street, Norfolk, Va." . . -Agents for the '"Carolina Belle," Scotch and other Snuffs., Always o hand a very large assortment, and prices satisfactory to biiycrsi fel3-ly i G R A NT'; MA XX- it (JO.;, Manufacturers and Dealers in , F U R NITURE, UPIIO L S T E R Y, H WINDOW SHADES AND GARPETS, Johnson's Hall, Majn street Norfolk Va. FpicES LOWER. THAN NORTHERN MARKETS Dealers aivl consumers wanting Goocls in Our line wDl do well to give us a call before se lecting, as they mayfind it to-tlteir .'.advantage. Keep constantly on hand all kinds of '-:'' V- -,-.'?.:'.' - v F U R N I T U It E ! ' ' ' i ' .': which we offer at very sinall advance on price of manufacture. I . , ,. Call attention to our large stock of . : 'i ' , - - MATTINGS AND OIL CLOTHS, " ; ' ! - ' . ' '. :: ' ' Which we oHIt at old prices,' notwitlistoiiding the advance over last season's prices.. . - , Special attention given to-all orders. , je!3-ly J ; GRANT, MANN & CO. g A. $j T EVENS & CO., cork.fr " of iain And guanby j stbets NORFOLK, VA." ' WIIOLESALE AL) RETAIL DEALERS F U R NI T U R.I ARPETI N G. Our;stock is the largest of the kind Sou"th of Philadelphia, and the most extensive establish ment, liXxj0 fcet and three stories high; It is so completely 'arranged as to perfectly and seperately accommodate the two branches of our business. .v OVR FLTtNTTURE YAE-OQS COMPRISE every article" from the most costly down to ",thc very cheapest. Everything - in tlie Furni ture line always on hand. , - V . - ;. IN OUR CA&PET DEPARTMENT ' . '.- ' isto be found all the new designs of Bodjery Brussells, Taestry Brussells," llirfee Ply and Ingrain carpe tings, Straw and every other kind of Mattings, Oil-cloths, Ruggs, Wmdow-shades, Paper Hangings and general : '. ''- . . ; UIIIOLSTEIZY. " ' A call is solicited to convince tlie public that 'we have the largest stock, and prices as"-low, as any house in the country. .. - maSly. j TATCHEIJ)ER k C0IXINS, 1 ' I- - - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in '' ' .'.' i - f ; -,; - -'. LUMBER, . WOOD, COAL, 1JME, 1 CEMENT, . &c, &c; Corner Water Street and Woodsidc's " Lane, '' NORFOLK. :TRGINlAw . North Carolinians will find it to their advah-, tago to give us a trial with their orders or in person. .. , - mhl2-tf -' :- -"'- . : ,. ""'"' ;;' ' - ' s P1U NG. T R A D E , jl S 7 2 . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. MILLAR, GRANDY 4 ROBERTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS, ;V; 1 " ': ';;; No. 112 Main and: No. " Gay Street, .TV . J - . -r v '. -.. : . OfTvr to mcrcliaitts exclustvelv an attractive : - - ' . and complete asortmcnt adapted to the vtkuU ' i,;. ' . of dealei-s in North Caroljiia Juvl 1rgipta, an . examination, of which we rcsrKkrtfuuy ask t.fall ; buv-crs visiting this markets NOTIONS AND FANCY tJOODS DEPART . ' . ment. To this' branch of our' bu. incss uo would call iarticuLir attention. Wf .arc making ar- raugeuM'nU to have tt lull and attractive m an lilies. Our Mr; J. W. Grande-will stipcruitend ' tlio BUYING of these Goods. Jand will visit tlie . Northern5 markets frequentljv whkrh' will en- able hini to ssecure all tlc Novelties as hmi as thev come out. VVegxiarantw OUR PUIC1S AS" LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE COUN TRY, and offer the SAME HFJtMti as they can ie purviiasea on m 1 otk. . : We cortiially: tluink our I Nortli 'Carolina frieiuLs for their patronajee in the pasj.aivV'.lti a wntuiuaiice ot uieir lavors. ry. '! - MR. WALTER R. RUSSELL, of Nonh Carolina, who lias in-en our-Eiltr' Clerk ftr somefive years ist, JSJw now takn the "fi tion of Salesman. aiHlK xtcntM aronlial iiivfti- tion; to all liis friends to hoB liim in his ik w position;'1':-'" ,''-. ;-. ivi.vl v Ml r. x. n vIks. 11. riiuinTiAJr. i,.Wr.iTM jNI U LLEN', U H R I'STI AN 4;. . ' ' A .uauunicuuv. 4 ami ' " M J WHOLESALE TOBACCO XIERCHAN'l'S. Office and Salikkm' ; i V ,., : 1-' '. , 31 Commerce Street t -.: ' . "'. -. - ' ' Norfolk, V4". Factories at Richmond and Petersburg," Ya. fe!3-ty 7. KADK1 BrCKiS,. i :' :, Norfolk, ya. .' , JT A DEE BIGGS A CO., as.v riioort. Formerly t IS. ' GENERAL COMMISSION - - .MEliCHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS :' "-. : ';.' BELL'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VHGL'lA, ' SS&r Liberal advaiiws on Cons'igutueiits '. Shipments to LivcrjMjol "Fnv of Forwarding ' Counmission,'" aild the asual ailvamva made. Special attention paid to the and all kinds ol Cot'NTRY sale oftmxN Plt'ODVCFi Biul prompt returns made. HAtuI UM -and lUd'K U'nfiff.:! fei:-lyi' and ties lorumneu on uoerai 11. F. BAXTER. . Jl. VV. SMITtl. B. BAXTER & CO.," AVholesale Dealers in. CIIKWIN(; : AND k SMOKING J TO IU I V. ; ' -CIGARS, SXCI'FS, P 1 ." and 1 7 X'oniiiKTce Street. . felS-ly b Norfolk, Va l JOHN II. NEAL. WJI, Jl ' HAjlv EU.-j" TOHN B. NEAL i CO., i COTTON FACTORS . , , AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS; ; ' ' Norfolk, Va - . -. . J Agciils for Pat.viskx) Guano ; aWo 'Acnr, er:if Aironts fur the HliOWN (1 '0TT0N MN fr tlie State of North Cacolina, '-and the cities ol'; Baltimore: Md., and Norfolk aivl IVterSjfurg. Va. . ; d PE(U AL N,( TI CE. MR. C. W. KELLIX- s kj (iER, , late of North Carolina,, is this! layv admitted to aii iuUjrest in our lMisiness. j The. sfyl'of" the 'firm will be YANCEY,, AN DKK- SON CO'. YiVNCEY A.NDE1LSON, V . Wholosale 1 eHlei in . -' ;j- Notions and Funcy Dry Goods, . Norfolk, Fib. 1, 1S"2. ' - ;4 T" EFFJRRfNv; TO'I'IIE.' APOVEi .AlsA X XV nouiicemeiit', J.wowld wiy to my rVieij.,ls in Nortli. Carolina atil Vii'ginia that with ifvory i facility- in extent and variety of stock,' and a, deteriuinatioii to.oll'er them' iudiiceUiVntsj that''. cannot fce suiassed .anywherjv I sliall iimli-; tlently iiope to ineet with a. citiniu'in-c W the! patronage so kindly bestowixl heretofore. I - 1 '. fel:i ' C. W. KELLINGEiR. A N C E Y, , A N 1) El so n;x .,; Wholesale Dealers in WHITE GOODS, NOt I )NS, 'ANCYfiOODS 1 CLOAKS, SHAWLS, '.. '-: ' .'; . '. II, AND, MANTILLAS, SHIRT S. DRAWERS."; J. A'I . SMALL WARED GENERA I;LY. i No, 1 1 1 Main Streetl fei:j-ly Norfolk, Va, N j;EW COTTON PLOWl" ' -j 1 lK-g4b infonn tlie readers of the E( 'ON ).M IS I that I have recently gotten dp a 1 PLOW." which is pnihowiced. 1 NEweorroNi by all who have seen it. an entire Kiiceess. Aly inouldboards; are. reversible, and iy mis means me mihu- . boanls will, form ilwo mzcs of Plows. Ilm sUmdanl is arranged to reeeiv4'li.)Ui tlie A llen' ' and Dickson shajSU.'ci 'SwecjVi' Tlie joints,; mould and wings are easily reihoved and the . . Steel attachtnl in very few miiiutes. - Farmers, will do well to see them before they buy. : ? - ; ('. I51LLUPS, , ',.' : .' ; . . .- 10T and Wi AYati-r Stm t.' , fe13-:Jm . Norfolk, Va. joiix n.' wmticiixMK -fr II IHil KIIO-KK , TTIITEHEAp & BniCKIIOlSIX J T . - , ,;;;'! ; Wliolesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, HATS A KD TRl'NKs, Nos. and C.West Side. Market Sf'narc (Iron Front), Hennan jS vo.V NORFOLK, VA ' Old Stand fe!3-ly W. II. TAVIfn, ' . '.' V A. S. MAKTIX . T. K. KLLlOTT. 1. 11. WATfUOl T AYL0IU MA Iff I N & CO : , .' Tmperters and Dealcri in A . R 1 W II E Corner iain St. anl Market Square, . j ') ' ,;" -- - -0 v " :- fel3-lv . NORFOLK. VA; u.,.;i!U r m k s s , GENERAL COMMISSION ' . A, . . - MERCIIaNT ; No. Wide Water Street. One Door from ) Commerce St. NORFOLK. V A " yv-"-'i ' ! A- iiuls of Prohi( -e. Solicits Consignments of all 14 fe!3-ly 1872; SPRING TRA )E. 1S72 BERKLEY, ' YANCEY J ': 'I' & HOIKS l?f, Wholesale Dealers iii uv.l, Jlaniifacturiijs of B()0tS, SHOES, ; ANJ HATS, i JBSr No Gool sold, undeis any Nirduiy stances, ezCept to merchants. -. v! 7- Guanmtceihg bpth prices and' quality in tt.;' ' : II, We . contideltly invite, the attention of. ''..' - bill, buyers to pur .. ' :,s T "Nos.81and SS Water street aivl 13 aiiil 13 Ehzabeth street J . - ' ,.- '. ) NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. fcl3-ly ' ' r ': .'I -:AK: A I n ; -t '; .. i Am A.. '.1 C 1 j A I- :VJ- : ;.-. " V: -1. r.v