i. ' ! THE ECONOMIST; -Anther iitMi Lb-opinion, tht toeTrmd ivro blub- at rctM or two van of com irrow hrt bat one grow before, demurred better of bu conntry fukl rui more entitled to tit? rrstitade of mankind iiaa me wooie race 01 pouueum 'ONTIXVED FROM FTC6T- TAOE. ' Speech 0 Honv Dkn. W. Voorhees. skeleton ffainc and withered death's-head, admonisliihg all the world of the . loath some! toascqueuces of a government fash liti nnA fVmjitifUm. nnd founded lliv t aantr mb M upon'the jnorantand. vicioiss Rdasses of mankind. ; 1 Icr sins may liave peen many and deep. "!and of the color of scarlet, yet - they will become as white as wool in com t rarisftn with those that have been com mitted against her in the hour of her help lonhss and distress. . ; IniNorth Carolina the same, scenes ' of mirule salute us as we cross her borders : ller-debt in 1SC1, . was .$9,639,500. A A.i f til nrA nnn uitbnnf thi n!;i. ty to1 pay the interest bnnt, $1 1,000,000 "been fraudulent and void, her people frrnoninor I .nnfKi tTi im1w!rfll! tilxatlOll- juid 5espair an-1 gloom gathering over ' - their 'Qtturc, are, th4 chief consequences whicfc liavc befallen North Carolina under the plicy and ascendency of the Repute . lican party. . a - ,- Ixniisiana presents even a still more striking instance of scandalous and stu : penclous fobbery. The official statistics show! her to he in debt tp .the appalling amount o'f $.jO,540,20G ; all-of which, ex . cept $10jUCb07i has been created in the ' .degenerate days that hafe overtaken her since the war. The nunian mind as h ponders over these ngiires recoils from the iilainy which they necessarily involve. . . Tb focblc State of Florida comes for ward! also with her burden of complaints. Wheh she fell into the dutches of her new - ruler she had a-Tittle ddbt of $221,000. - Now her liabilities rcacnl tlie.sum of $15, , 7G3.447 54, tlie payment of which isut , terbjf and totally beyond tier power. -She has suffered from drought and flood and worm, but the presence f Republican of ficials has been more dapiaging to her than thei? all combined, But f can go no far ' therfin the' discussion of these terrible de .." tails! Time and space v ould fail me.- I subqiit. the following coiWensed table of figures, and I defy their successful contradiction on this flocr r anywhere .." clsei " ; Alabama. Debts and UaUilitics at the close of the war fVJWJ " ; debts and liabilities .Jinuarytl, 172, e:i8,3Sl.J)6737. - Arkansas. I ebU and liaj.ilitis at the close " of wir $ ta'J';,ft"2 87 ; debts and liabilities", Jan- Florida. Debts and liabilities at theclosa of tlie war. t! 1.000 ; debt and 1, 172, 13,7a.7.. I'.L.r I).hts ami liabil labilities January ities at the close of tlk war, nominal; debts aitl liabilities. June, - i?r iil.l.17.!ax). fSec Ktalcsnient of. Mr. A iiiser, .treasurer of Georgia. 9 IxuLiana. lK.-bts and liabilities at the close of tlie war. $10.0yo.073l; tt-bts' ami Jiabili ties June I, 1371, ineluiling die excess of c.x - pemhtues over receipts. 3.V),."iM0.20i 91 . North -Carolinia. Debts- ind liabilities at the close of the war, $.).!!).(); lebts and liabilities Januay 1, 1S72-, i?:W..SS7,4;7 S.l. South I'arolinia. lebt ajul liabilities at the close of the war, $-,0J0.000 ; debts and liabili ties January 1 , 1 872, 1 s') 14 47. Mississippi. Debts ami liahlities at the close of war, nominal ; debts and liabilities Jan - -uary 1, 1S72, about ,OtK.OUO. Tl-nriessec. Debt and liabif ities at the close of ifie war, -20,10.".Ct GO; dfbU ami li.tl.ili tiesIJanuary 1, 1872, 6sst23 4. . Tv.a.s. Debts anl Iiabiiito4 at the close of the -'war. nominal ; debti ami liabilities J atui ary 1,1S72, 20.il,s. j . Virginia. Debt an I liabilities at the close of dve xvar, 631,U:S.l4l 3'J; ltbLs ami liabili tW January 1, K72, $ fi.412 21. t . Tfe present assessed value of the tax - able property of Uie Suites on whom this vast fountain of debt Jxs been s fraiKl ukjntry and so frightfully accumulated is considerably less than ona-1 alf what it wr.s . in i HpO, It was not merely the liberation of (their sbvc3 tliat wroujh: this great cliinge. -Their systOiii uf labor was broken up. great battles we re fought in all their'lordcrs, their railroad were destroy , edi tfit'ir lowivs and cities an d cotton burn- i etlj and every . description of property "j hatiJcd over to tlie destruction of a fierce ami implacable war. They emerged from th desolating conflict fit objects for the wlLlom and care of a benevolent statcs manship, .-ather than as the proper prey ofljiungry jackab, who ma igle andeed nplii the f ounded after the battle. Their fate, however, in many respects, surpasses in infamy and in misery the worst 'that cvpr befell a conqurrcd people. ir, what single benefit, what solitary ' Massing hxs been bestowctl on that de vastated region iii return for the hundred oTjinilUons of taxatioi whioh kivc been wrung 'from. it. and tlib yet gi cafler bur dehs which still impend over its struggling ( a:al impoverLshed inhabitants? When is tlie great public work that tells of the otit- Lij of these imnmicnse sums What " Kleed of benevolence or honest fame has .been achievedjgOther lands have been nbrndorett bv diM oppressor, but none was "ever left so o naked anu aestitute oi every " advantage drisin . riMitnhutions- from its own" mighty . - The geat Nepolcon wasted the sub stance of France, and consumed her vitals in the remorseless rage of ambition j he h'.irlcd the rising generations of his empire one after another into the flaming vortax of jwar ; he gave them to the edge of the swbrd, and to tlie unconquerable fury of elements; he palsied all-the indiistries, , and blightefl every field and fierside ; tlie shadow oC the tax-gatherer and the con script odiccr fell on every foot of Erench soil ; any yet convulsive ' sobs of grief shook the breasts of his subjects when he v feH ; and tlie whole empire stood uncov ered at lus bier when his dead body was brought back from tropical seas to sleep in?her bosom. Though he had oppressed France he had given her glory in return. Though he had taken with an unlicensed . hand, he had adorned her as a lover does the mistress of his heart. Stately build ings reared their heads on high ; solid tho " "rough fares were opened for the people ; waste lands were drained and reclaimed ; " education was fostered ; the arts arid sci ences .were nfunificehtly patronized ; and a ipode of laws was passed and promulgated wjiich established and enforced domestic :.V)!.iinl tu& SVio Vnrl tbo Ivnofits JLCil.V UUU I - o( which to boast when reminded, of her . awful sacrifices. j And when Caesar the armed conqueror and spoliator of his. own. and other coun - tries, lay in bloody funeral state in, the market place, ; it was said pf him with truth: '' i " . iHTeluithbrQiight rmany captives home to ji iiome- i Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill." . jKnd 14 if hen that the poor have cried, Ca.W hath fi wept." . And again the orator of his good deeds exclaimed . uIIerois the will and under Ciesar's scaL i To every Koman citizen be gives, j To every several man, seventy-five draeh I 1 mas." . , ; I sMorevTT. he hath left you all his walks, if is priva'e arbors, and new-planted orchards Ki this side Tiber ; he hath left them you, . Ami to your heirs forever ; common pleasures fljj walk abroad, and recreate yourselves." 1" If he had plundered the Roman treas ury! he had often filled it. again; if his vaulting ambition brought sorrow to this poor, he sympathized with them J if he career was stained with extortion, he ex- pended his gains in beautifying the eter nal city; if he had robbed , the people of their substances in his life-time, he provid ed that much of it should -return to them .at his death. And if we turn from the far-off regions of antiquity to the inunedi- ate present, still we find no parallel to the evil administrations of the South." With what a clamor tlie c6mipt.practices of four or. five men in. the city of 2s ew lork have been hailed for many months past.' The air has been vocal; the press has resound ed ; the telegraph has been made weary of its daily burden, and the accusing Voioe of self-righteous, mdignation has been univcr sal and unceasing. The Democratic par ty, it is true, crushed these men in an in stant ; butstul ihe stofy of their ofienses salutes us cveryw! And. yet tlieir work of cxtorlidn, compared to that in the touth, is t:is mole to 'J:e beam, the mole hill to the mountain. Via ij;eck in the sky to the cloud that overspreads and dsrkens the whole heavens. Their crimes, "too, have a still forthe inUgstlon in compaii son. If they enriched thehiselves, tliey at least did not taka 'all. They made New 1irk thewonder and the glory of modem Civilization. If they robbed the people, they bestowed 4ipon them in return a city more magnificently adorned with public works than Home or ParLjia their days of pride, of ponip a:id of power. Iter glorU ons p?rks, her vast avenues, her newly opened, soil d, and far-reaching streets will testify to iuVr ages that her officials . be queathed to her some compensation for the wrongs they inflicted upon ; her good name. No such conduce illuminates a single pac of the present epoch in the Soutli. S'ou look in vaia from Hampton Roads to the Bay of Galveston for a single monument erected to the public -good by tliat party which has so sternly 'and so cor ruptly governed in all that wide-spread re gion. No colleges, seminaries or schools founded and endoVed with t!i3 treasures tizztl )zve been stolen ; no lofty etUCccs or durable' roads constructed; no piassive bridges tlirown across wide rivers, no parch ed pla'ms irrigated ' and liiade produc tive ; no, rice swamps ditched and. redeem ed for cultivation ; no canals cut in 'order to connect the natural .channels of trade ' , 1 1 ana commerce ; no rivers improvca or nur bors made more spacious and secure ; none of these-works of utility and patriotism re lieve the monotonous desolation which un holy avarice and unrestrained oppression has stamped upon the South. She has nothing to mitigate her degradation. She has been stripped and robbed and left by- tlie way-side.L "Her effects, moneys, and credits have been transported to other climes, to return to her no more for ever. Her well-favored and fat-flcshed kinc, feeding in her "meadows, have been 'devoured. The frojrs, "the darkness,-' the lice, and the locusts left more blessings be hind them in Egypt tlian this portion of the Republic has received from its modern rulers.. ; - I challenge the" darkest annals of the human race for a parallel to the rob beries ; which have been perpetrated on eleven American States. Ireland lias been made to enrich many a lawless lord lieut enant sent over bv England to govern tliat beautiful out unliappy land. Thetories of her wrongs and pillage have been said and sung in every hamlet in the civilized world ; yet her contributions to the cause of a wicked Government liave been mere pittances compared to what tlie South has been compelled to make. Seventy years before the birth of Christ Sicily was ravaged and despoiled Ly a ton sul of Rome Though more than nine teen centuries have come and gone since then, yet the name of Yerres retains all its freshnesS of immortal infamy. He was prosecuted by the authority of the Roman senate, and lied for an asylum to strange and foreign lands. He died miserably in exile, and his dishonored dust was not per- A nutted to mingle with the soil of the Io man republic We find, however, in Mid dle tons Life of Cicero, thai all the peenla tiiins, extortions,- bribes; and , larcenies charged upoiv Ven es during his entire ad niinistration of the affairs ol Sicily did not exceed ' $?, 000,000; equal ta only one third of the amount for which the Tribune, of New York, says Governor Scott fraud ulently issued thebon Is of South Carolina in a single-transaction.. The basest Roman consul whose name is 'preserved on the pages of the historian "becomes respectable by the side of a sou'iiern G ovenior under the present policy of this Government. The crimes of Warren" Hastings., as the ruler of -distant and conquered colonies, have long been the theme of swelling pe riods anil lofty .declamation. -There was much in his situation to extenuate his of fences. He was charged by Ms Govern ment to hold it valuable possessions on the opposite" side of t!c globe. I Ic was in the midst f fierce, revengeful, r.nd undy ing hostilities." He was surrounded by a race-with which he had no bond cr lie of blood cY of laniruace. It was .perfidious and cruel, and mocked at the faith of treaties. Rut even admitting that his guilt. was 'as great as it was painted by the flam ing invagination ofRurke dr the impassion ed "rhetoric of Sheridan, yet all the burdens he imposed upon all tlie East Indies do not equal those which have I been fastened upon the two States of Georgia and Loui siana alone, since' the disastrous dawn of reconstruction. ( Sir, on the fact which I have stated I in voke the judgement of the country. What right liave you to expect peace and or der in a land whose rulers arc lawless fel ons? When did a had Government ever fail to produce wickedness and crime? Do you expect the peopl to, obey tlie laws when their officials do not? ' Do you, expect them to" love and revereuce a Government whoscpolicy has made them bankrupt and miserable ? Do you won der that they become restless, desperate, and disobedient as they daily beholdthe fruits of their toil stolen in "the name of their Government? "Arc you amazed at scenes of violence, outrage, bloodshed, and cruel vengeance, when the Executive of the. State sets aside the entire adminis tration of justice? Rather should yoti be filled with astonishment at die forbearance and moderation you ' have witnessed. If tlie foremost agents in the work of south ern ruin and destruction since the close .of thf war had becu : driven . from .that country by its plundered citizens, who now would rise up hcre"and condemn the act? In the disorders which afflict the South the philosophic mind beholds the inevita ble results of well known causes.! "Had you sown the seed of kindness and good will, they would long ere this have blos somed into prosperity and peace. " Had you sown the seeds of honor, you would have reaped a golden harvest of content ment and obedience. Had ycru extended your charities and your justice to a distres-s ed people, you wouhi have " awakened a grateftd affection in return. Bu,as you have Alanted in hate and nurtured m cor ruption, so have been the fruits which you have gathered. A geutlenian visited a graveyard in California, and found eleven- graves Nine tnonths after, he visited it again and found .fourteen hundred. Then he clear ed having seen the. elephant. A New Cktmb Importance of a Com ma. In a return, received from thq chief constable of Denbigh, England, by the parish authorities, which contains the chV missal of 1 one'of their police officers, the crime is stated to be "For attempting to marry his wife, being alive. - Success in Life. "My success is owing to my Kberality-in advertising." Bonner. "Advertising has furnished me with a competence.' Amos Lawrence. I advertised my productions . and made money." Nicholas Longworth. fCon-", stant and persistent advertising is a sure prelude, to wealth." Stephen - Girard. , ne who invests one dollar in .business should invest' one dollar in advertising that business." A. T Stewart COURT NOTICES. GIIOWAN COUNTr X j SfpERIOE COptiT. W. A. Moore, adm'r orj - Dt2i; right, acainst Petition toK&kc real estateasseti. A. M.Woddcil and wifo-Pt-nclone M.. et als. ' I This cause coming on to be heard, and it. ap pearing to the satisfaction of the Court., that the defendants, 'A. M. Wcddcll and wife Pen elope M. Henry Talbot and wife Elizabeth, Joshua 0. Wright, Wm. A. .Wright and )oa. J. Wright are non-residents of this State; it is ordered that publication bfc made for six weeks in the Ecoxomist, a newspaper published in Elizabeth City, notifying. thtm to appear. at my ofiice in Edenton on Monday 11th day of April next, and show cause why tlie prayer of ihe petition hall not be granted.' .' Given under mv hand aad official seal at of fice in Edenton this 2 1th February. 1872. -- J TOI. R. SvlXNElt, Clerk. - Chowxui iktperivr Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTYr-lNTIlESUrERlOIl COURT. i E. (. Macy, public Aurainistrator, as. adminL-trat4)r of-Job Carver, deed, -. r " -;" Plaintiff. ! t against " : Illias A'. Carver and wifvi, Coruuia ; Miles E. Carver and Octavia, his wife; Jolm M. Carver Alphens C. Dunn and Mary J Dunn, his wife,- and'Elizj abcta P. Carver, Defendants. Cv virtue of an order of the SuDorior Court of Wake County, maAo" in tlie . above entitled special proceeding, it being a petition to make the real estate of the said decedent assets to pay lebts, the undersigned will expose to pub lic sale, r.t the Court House door, in Elizabeth Cily, on Tucs(by,.th3 14 th of May next, the following Tracts cf Law J, situated Tin Pasquor tank County, t-wit ; . ' 1..A Jract containing about one hundred and Ecventy-five (170 acres, boumled by the lauds of D. A.USawyer,-John Robertson, the heira of J arnes Taylor, deceased, .and lying on tlie Southwest Hide, of Pascuotank River. " . H. A Tract of "Swamp Land, containinir about seventy-five (75) acra lying between the tract first boVe described arid Uie Pasrinoi tank River. I f desired thec two tracts will be sold together. . i HI. A Tract know as the Jambs Carver farm. containing about sixty (00) acres, and bounded by tlie lan:ls of Samuel Wniiams, Joe Whitney and others. j ! - i , 1 EKMS One-third cash : tlie residue in two equal instalment?, to be paid in one and two yeai-3. respectively, with . interest from day, of .sale, utie witaneld until payment af pur-t chase money, i s 1 -, 5v " i i j Persons desmng more particular information l -r i -t i o - . . . sitmed i leigh. Ei O. MACV. AdniinLtrator an2-tds Of Job Carver, dee'd. C TATE OF XORTli CAROLINA. BERTIE O COUNT Y S Ul'Eli 1 Oil COURT FAtlT TERM 1S72. Wm.A . Mebanc and wiD, .M. M. JMebaoe - . rs. .j Lewis T. Ik)nd.nnd Williamson Bond. Attachment Levied on Land. It apiHjaring to the Court tliat one of the de fendants. Lewis T. Bond, has diotl since the by. of the attachment, it Is wdered that due paolicaiion be mailc' in the EeoNOHlST, a news paper published, in r.iizaixta t ;ty, lor Oeorgo C. Iorter and w ife, Jlolliei Porter, . anil Frank P. Bond,' heir s-at-Iaw of .Lewis T. Bond, and residents of the ,S tc of Tennes.see, fortliemj to attend at the next ttnn (of thus Court,- to be held at the Court House in Windsor, on thq first Monday of Octolcr, 1S72, and plead, an swer or demur to the plaintiffs' complaint. W31. 1. UUKLEY, Clerk . j Superior Court. n;2-tf STATE OF; NORTH CAROLINA, PAS QUOTANK COCNTV IN THE. SUPE RIOR COURT. I" - John RossiTEit, Plaintiff, 1 i i - ' ayuuust Eli as A. Cower, ' Clay Ligo, Dcfts. It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court tliat Clay Ligon, one or trie -uefendants above narnl w a iiini-roident of Ihis 5tate, it is. or- iL'red that publication be lr.ailo in the Ecxxxo- MIST, a newspaper publislril m Euzabeth City. N. C, notifying Niid Litron to make lus perinal oppcarancc at the next teriu of said Court, to bo hel l lor Kant county on tlie luth iMonuay after the 1st Monday in March,. then anft there to iriea'J, answer or cicniTlr, or juilgmcnt rro confesso will )o taken finst m favor of the plaintiff. t " WM.vK TA UG HAN, ' I EST : ; Clerk upenor uouit, ! i Pasquotank County: I). D. FEREBEE.' 1 1 i Plaintiir's Att'y. " ap2-tf- ' OTATE OF NORTIL CAROLINA, PAS- O ()UOTAXK COUNTf IX THE SUPE- RIOR COURT Margaret T. Hardv Ti'tilf, ' jDii araamt Wm. H. Hardy, Ddt, iorcc. " If npjearing to the patiHfaction of the Court that Uie uerenlant; m. 11. Hardy is a non resident of this State, it is rtlercd by the Court that publication be niaUe lr six weeks in 1HE ik;'.tMlST, a newspaper published in the town of hi-.7.Ueth City, N . C, hotining saui Wm. II Hardy, tht? defendant in this cause, ta make his personal nppearanco before said Court on the l'.itti Mon;lay after Jt Monday in JIarch, 1872, and plead, answer, cjr demur to the cejn pl.tint filed in the cause,. or judgment expartc will be" taken 'as -to him and in favor of the Plaintlif. I ; WM. E. VAUGIIAN,. . TtST : Clerk Superior Court, . Pasquotank Comity. W. F. MARTIN. Plaintiif's Att'y. f j . ma2G-tf . inSCEIXANEOUS. I EUBEN MADlUN & SON, it- .,:!,. i r CABINETMAKERS And CNDERTAIvERS , "I '! - 1 i . ' ' arc proixiriHi .to execute any business in their line m the bJst manner, upon cheap ana-rea sonable term and at short, notice. They can be found at all times at their shop, at the head of Old Edehton road and Road street, ready W serve their friends and customers.- ' Elizabeth City fc-20-ly. li. S. DASH I ELL, GENERAL : J: FIRE LIFE AND INSURANCE AGENT, Eliza r.ETii Clty, N, C. ' " Cjjtftj nnxseuty? .".J ..'....$10,000,000 ' " I ' 1 - '' - " 1 ma2(-tf ' WM. f LOVER. AgsLstant. rjIIE RED, FLAG ! jTHE RED FL.VG J Ah! wlu-.t does tliat RED FLAG mean on Leather Hill r It imeans that is the place to get all your old Tinware repaired, such as Coffee pots, Teapot, Oil-Caas, etc., etc. ' ? Come one, comi all, aid get your Tinware raonded t tlie rfiortest notice. Conducted by " 'II. O. HILL. Elizaljeth t'itv, N. C kna20-tf - R BERT A. SAWYER . HARNESS i AKER, i i ! Main Si-reet, EuzAiETii City, .N. C, " i ' i " . - Having had many year3 eKpcrience in the Har ness business,, respectfully goliciti a liberal sliare of patronage. t ! , He makes; a tipecialityj of COLLARS, and warrants everyone made to 6uit. ma26-ly Y7.M. WOO LLC OTT - T WATER ST. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Will pay the highest cash price for Eggs, Hides, Chickens, Ducks, Jfeirkeytj. Geese, pelts. Furs, Beeswax, Wool, fckmes. Cotton and Woolen ftgs, Canvas, Rope, Bagging, Waste Paper, Books, Jron, Copper, "Brass, Pewter, Znic, Lead, Seines, Nets, Old Clothing, Furniture. All kinds of empty barreLr. Elizabeth City, N. C ly. i JO ll"S C EHRINGHAUS ; t 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocer, Comer of Water and Fearing Stree'ts. I respectfully solicit a ctll from all, perfect satisfaction guaranteed. , - ' 1 can now be found at the above named dace and will be pleased to see all my. old riends. I ' . " -"- ' " !. !.,,! ' TOOS. SHANNON. ; Elizabeth City, N. C. ly. : . - J01LN Q. ETIEERIDGE & BRO . ! ' . - : i DEALERS IN FURE Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, GTass, ramifies Perfumery and . ' Fancy Articles. All staples connected with a first class Drug Business will always be found on hand. Irescnpuons accurately eompounaca. We respectfully invite our friends and the nublic to come and see us. We will be pleas ed to see you whether you wish to purchase or not. i :-. - ' Elizabeth City, N. C ly. win appiy 10 .jonn uauirig, isq., attomey-at law, 'lialeigh, N. C; Jto Miles E. Carver,. Esq. J Forestil!e, N. C, to the undersitmed at Ra ii . 1 i MISCELLANEOUS. DA W-MJNS : - - PHQTOQKAPH OAIXEBT. Ocef Dr. Bute 8 Old Drug Store, Rood St. . I take pleasure in announcing to myn&iends and the public that I have resumed the Pho tograph, business in all its departments. Hav ing halpyer a dozen years .experience I flatter myself ttJ be able to give perfect, satisfaction. Myjastruments, and material are all of the very best. - My sky-light is of the latest im proved, enabling me to take pictures in cloudy weather as well as clear.: All work guaran teed to suit or the picture taken over or the money refunded, j i I ' Wil. C. DAWSON. I Elizabeth City, N. C ly. - r THE ELIZA 13 ETIIITY AND NORFOLK RArr; road. . . GARDEN SEED I GARDEN SEED 1 I The largest quantity of '- '...," FRESH SEED ever brought to this City, ' SEEtt POTATOES J SED POTATOES ! ! Early Rose warranted Genuine. v CLOVEREED ! I ! A. smaiTiquajBtity to arrive. . To tlie Ladies whp waitit to buy Genuine ." - FLOWER SEED. ..; We would -say that we have a small quantity on hand of the most choice variety. : Call real soon or they will be gone, . - I DR,!JAS. N. BUTT. EKzabcth City, N- C.-yJan. 30-tf. - 1 PERUVIAN. GUANO. AJLMONIATED DISSOLVED BONES, DISSOLVED J3QNES, AND . , LAND PLASTER For sale, at lowest market rates, by WALTER SCOTT, f Elizabeth City, N. C. "W. M S H :A-N N O N. GENERAL - COJDIISION MERCHANT, OfKrs his services for the purpose of buying and selling Corn, j Vessels chartered out at the lowest rates. " " Office Comer Main and Water streets. Elizabeth City,N. C.j - left-ly : IOR SALE.4-TWO SMALL SUMMER . residences at Nag'a Head, on the seaside, one of which has five plastered rooms, kitchen, pantry and room, for servant ; also, a stable and cart-house ; in-this house are chairs, tables, -buffat-washstands and bedsteads ofn ordinary class, also a small cook-stove, all of which will be included in the sale. - The other " house has heretofore been occupied by Mrs. Emily XJobb, ,and has pantry, cook-house, room for servant, stable and cart-hOuse. I iithcr or both ot which will be sold cheap, for cash; and if not Bold by 1st June, will be, rented. ALsoi a light. and pretty Spring Cart, made expressly for Nag's Head use. I i X- W. GRIFFIN.' Elizabeth CitvJ N. C. - . feG-tf M RS. SARAH LaBOYATEAUX, i THE ' 1 EASHIONABLE MILLINER OF TIH3 CITY. - I am still at my old stand, at the Corner of Road and .Main Streets, where I am always glad to meet my old friends and cus- rtoniers. 1 I ' . Give me a call, and in the future; as in the past, I promise satisfaction. . ' ' Elizabeth City, N. C ly ' - '. ' JjiR.A N K M. COOK, - MATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, West Side Road Street, , ) ELLZABETH CITY, N. C. Oeals in fine Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy Gools, Pictures;-4id eveiy- tlung tliat can bo found in a fu-st-class jewelry establishment. ! ; - - - v., . Agent for the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Just call in. j. I , JaJO-lv S WEISEL DEALER IN LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Dry Goods," Gent's and Boya' Clotliing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Slides, &c., Wator Street Eliza beth City. N. CI i ; TTENTION THE PEOPLE.! Tlursty or hungry, you must not go away, l. Remember, the door is ever open, night and day. ! ' - . I beg leave tg call the attention of the public to my well selected Stock of Wines,' liquors, and Ale. Having been in the business a long time, I am prepared to give satisfaction to ,my customers. Also the best Norfolk Oysters by the Bushel, Gallon or plate, for man's internal requirements, and tlie best quality of Segars aiid Tobacco, to fit him to enjoy in delicious' sensations, the two former necessaries. ' W. C. DAVIS, Proprietor. Elizabeth City, N. C ly. T. A L L E N -4- ".U T - BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Dealer in Fruits and Toys, Colin'g old Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. stand, - WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER J 31, M A T H E W S , LIFE AND FIRE .INSURANCE AGENT. . Office1 F. M. Cook's Jewelry ja30-ly ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. established 1839. -ROSSET & CO., D E COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ', f ; - t . -, " .Wilmington. -N. C. Particular attention given to consignments of G rain and Bacon. Our facilities for attend ing fo the business and our long experience, and personal attention to sales and deliveries justify us in promising j entire satisfaction in its man agement. Prompt returns made direct to ship pers. Liberal advances with Produce or Bills of Laden in hand. mal9-2m R. J0SEPII COMMANDER, Dealer in Confectioneries, Fruits, Tobacco, Segars, &c, Road Street. Elizabeth City, N. Cly. G UIRKIN & CO.-r ..' bankers and brokers, Cribs Brick Building, '.Road Street Elizabeth City, N C. I Do a general 'Ranking business; Buy and Sell, Gold and Sih, Domestic, and. Foreign Ex change. If ' - .;'- Deal in' State, County and Corporation Bonds and Stocks. . Interest cMcweed on Deposits. . Also Agents for First Class life,' Fire and Marine Insurance Companies. Policies effeo-. ted at lowest rates and m best Companies in the world. f ' " . ly- n.Vc L A R K.' S" ' -; I agriccxturai depot. Agricultural implements of every kind con stantly on hand. Office North-west corner of his building, Water Street.' ' j ' Elizabeth City, N. C-ly. , IME 1 LIME I I 2,000 bbls. Kockland, jThomaston, Rock- Port, . Washington, and Extra White mishing Limes in store and constantly , receiving. " j ' : - . 50,000 bushels of Agricultural Shell lime re-cci-ing and biu-ning (slacked with salt . water.) ! 300 bbls. 'of best Hydraulic Rosendale ... "Cement, "t . " 800 bbls, and tierces of pure Nova Scotia Land Plaster. " -' 1,000 bushels of Cattle and Goat Hair. ' 500,000 Sawed Laths. -: 300 bbls. Calcine Plaster )Plaster Paris). 150,000 Pressed Building Bricks, f- . Tor sal by i JXO. O. OAMAGE, mhia-tf 100 and 108 Water St." N-foUCVa: C. . GREEN: r - dealer rsr hardware, and a general assortment of Goods, Northwest corner, of Road and Church Streets. .'.- Elizabeth City, N. C ly.- ' - J-EW EATING, SALOON! Ox Water Street4 Between Main ajtd " FEABixa I ''-. , - .- - Meals at all hours of the day and evening. Special accommodation for ladies. , - ' ' CoXFECTIONEBXES AND NUTS of ftllkinds always on hand. J ' -4 S. ' JOHN D. FCLMER, ' 1 E. CSty, N. C ly ProprietoT. .; MISCELLANEOUS. F O W L E R ! : FO W L E R 1 FOWLER . ; FOWLER j I'. ..'"'. FOWLER 1 I WILL SELL tOU ' ' WILL SELL YOU J WILL; SFXL YOU : - I ' : DRY GOODS! '- - '-- ' . i" DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! ' ' NOTIONS I I -v.- ". NOTIONS ! NOTIONS! ; SHOES, &c, . SHOES, ib., ' .: SHOES, ifcc, - '. . v - . v:t .':.': '. AT BOTTOM PRICES ! . : AT BOTTOM PRICES! AT BOTTOM PRICES! ' WATER, STREET WATER STREET, WATITv STREET, ' Five Doors South of Maes, ; ' ''-:" - '. 'j -..:,' - ' Five- Doors Sourit pE Main, Five Doors Soutii; of Main, ELIZABETH CITY, i ELIZABETH CITY, ELIZABETH CITY, Ja30-ly , ' N.C. N. C. N. C. M A. .CULPEPPER & CO . ' DEALERS IN MILINERY, CLOAKS, '...'' NOTIONS, &C, AC. Old State Bank Building. ' As the Season has already advahc ed, we will Sell pur Stock cheaper than before in or der to prepare for a Spring Stock, i Cloaks and Notions sold unreasonably low. , j Call and see us and be satisfied.! H ' - M. A. CULPEPPER & CO. ' Elizabeth' City, N. C ly. j XIT i L . W A L K E R V T jDE)VLER JN LIQUORS & GROCERIES. Water Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. His Bar will be found open ai all liours', and with accommodating Clerks to despense to the wants of his friends and customers. His Grocery department will be found com plete and of the best that can "be purchased in the Northern markets. . , ! : Those in need of Wood, Lumber or Juniper Posts-will find it to their interest to .call at his 'Bar,' or Grocery before purchasing. JUizaoetn City, j. C. ly. TIT H.i P E R C E L L ' T T FASHIONABLE CITY TAILOR. Suits made to order at the shortest notice, and in every instance perfect satisfaction given. Cutting of every kind done in th!; latest styles and on the most reasonable terink. Call and see him at his place of business nearly opposite the old State Bank, Road Street, i Elizabeth City, N. C ly. ! jH - J. E. F E N W I C K-k'- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions &c. City and country orders respectfully solicited and satis faction warranted. Fresh goods constantly re ceived arid of the best quality. I . ! ; EBzabeth Cit, N. C ly. ! .'! BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES ! ' i .:,..' , FROMiQNE OF THE BEST Manufactories in the UnitedMaies, (McLear and Kendell, Wilmington, Deb) 1 I have and will continue to receivo a 'full; assortment ofJ BUGGIES, with aud. without j tops, which I will . sell - very cheap. Harness, - Saddles, Bridles, Whips, &c, also oh hand. As I deal direct from the Manufacturers! I can sell at prices to 'defy competition. Orders respectful ly solicited. Road Street, near Main Elizabeth City; N. c. . . - i 1 : ' ' . ' MILES COMMANDER. Elizabeth City", N. C ly. i H ENRY C. .GODFREY .'..'. ! '"!: ' - On Leather Hill i'-i . . Is ready to supply all -. . . ! AVTio wjll give him a call . ' ' In Spring, Winter or Fall, i" Whether medium, low or tall, With the finest and best assortment of Buggy, Cart or Carriage Fixtures tliat hfivc ever been offered in this market. I keep Leather, also, from the finest Calf Skin to the commdnest sole. Step in I am always anxious to wait on cus tomers. . ' i j - ' II. C. GODFREY. Also, the highest cash prices paid for Green and Dry Hides, Furs,Rags, and Old lead, Brass and Wool, at the old stand on Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. . ' i ' Elizabeth City, N. C ly. L i JO II N J. OR A N D Y r- h GENERAL CORN AND . COMMISSION ." i "' -- 'J:' MERCHANT. -' : ' j ' J ." '. Office : Wclsels' wharf. Prompt and care ful attention given to all business intrusted to his care. P. O. Box. ' I J ' ' Elizabeth City, N. C ly. i . NOTICE! -. -' i ! G. M. JENN I N G S Dealer in Dry Goods and -choice Family Gro-; ccries which he will sell for cash or barter cheaper than they can be found in this market. ; I respectfully ask my white, and colored friends to give me a call. - All goods will be as I rep resent them or money refunded. Also, the; highest cash price paid for Eggs, Rags and IronJ ; ' . "' -' ' ; Store opposite the old Tan Yard, near the; canal bridge. v .' -j f. . .. - Elizabeth City, N. C ly. ! - -v : f A GOOD TAILOR WANTED ! ' '- -!:' ; ; To locate hi HARRELLSVTTJiE, N. C! -- ' -'--For particulars address nokman L. Shaw, mal9-2m -. i. - JlarreUsvUlc, N. G.-i H. L. PELOUZE & CO. -TYPE FOUNDRY : '" AND ' v-.: - -.':' PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, ; ' 1200 120S FRANKLIN STREET, ; 'RICHMOND, VA." ,. CORNER . SEVENTH AND D STREETS, . WASHINGTON, D, C. ja30-tf X ITERY STABLES - XJ i AT ELIZABETH. CITY, N. C The subscriber takes this method of inform ing his old friends and the public generally that he is still at the "old stand" and continues' to keep horses, buggies, carriages, ic., for hire. Persons accommodated at all tunes and oh rea sonable terms. Remember the place on Road Street near the canal bridge. I i '. ! i 1 P. B. BROTHERS,. Elizabeth City, N. C ly. j :v ; ! 1 r C. HORTON & CO., J. ! -. ' - '.''. ! -i J ' ' !-' ' Southeast Corner Road and . LAw- -' j rence Streets, . I ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, '- :' - --' f'li J ' -.'4- .'3..- ' - . . j . DEALERS nt ' . ! BEST FAMILY GROCERIESl Tobacco, Snuff, Hardware, Notions, Crockery, Glass and Tinware, Patent Medicines, Ac, Ac, all of which we will sell as cheap as the cheap est, for cash or barter. Give us a calL j -. City,-N. C. : i ja30-tf "TIT EDDLNG AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS YY MADE' TO-ORDER AT ' F. M. COOK'S JEWELRY sVoRE, ! ' . Road Street. i l Elizabeth City, N. C ly ! i i , MISCELLANEOUS. jjcfcs k. speed;m. D., ; A! -' GENERAL - - ' LIFE i AND FIRE INSURACE AGENT ! Main Street, Elizabeti City, N. C. ' ' ' - j ' ; -. - '.' J . .. . ; Capital Represented - - $38,000,000 North American life Insurance Company,' , '- " - - ' ' ''..-. " . New York. National Life Insurance Company of the United States,! V: : Washingtoii City, D. C. 'Will fesue every desirable kind of life .and Endowment Policy, Mutual or Stock. Every desirable kind of Insurance Policy, j .. ' 1." - j - - j : ' Liverpool and London and Globe, ' ' ' f - I - ! London arid New York. North Carolina Home, Raleigh, N. C, Triumph Fire Insurance Company, i - '"'.' j , " ( '-- Cincinnati, Ohio. Evefy policy of insuraiice issued by tlie North American Mutual Life Insurance Company bears wpon its face a certificate of the ''Insur ance Commissioner of the State of NewiYork that it is "secured by pledge of pubhc stock and bonds iand mortgages, and is regLstered 'in that department, which certificate, is signed by the Insurance Cpniaiissioiier, and attested by the sea of his ollice. i . ; 4 Fire cannot burn tliieves cannot steal nor Officers manipulate jt. , j ap2-tf SHANNON"! . - t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocer and Prosiori Dealer, Corner of Main and Water Streets. Vessels stores carefully put up aiid prompt attention' guarasitcetL ''-' All, Captain$ will find it to their! advantage to call and see I me. Family supplies aro re spectfully solicited.' j -. , 'Country: produce of every kind taken ui ex phange for goods. ' , ' Elizabeth Citv. N. O. lx. ' H OUSi! , S I G N A N I) j t V ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Thd' undersigned has resumed the business of House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTER, and respectfully tenders his services to the pub lic in that fine! of business. Hii rcpufcitlon as a painter is well lpiow-n in this, tUKHhe surrounding counties; and the promptness with which he has heretofore acted, and tfie faithfulness with which all work en trustM to hins has always been done, .he hopes will again insure him a. liberal patronage, j I THOMAS R. BLAND. Elizabeth City, N. C. ly i . THOMAS A. COMMANDER iiiousE Carpenter and contractor. Those wishing building of any kind done will ind it.tct their advantage to let us hear from them.' fWe have an experience of more than twenty vears and . ur every instance we guarantee satisCiction. - ' i Elizabeth City, N. C 'ly. TO .S P O II T S M E N ' Cp3E AND SEE YOUR OLD FRIEND. The subscriber would announce to diis friends and the public that -lie continues- on Road Street and keeps on hand a, good assortment of Guiis, liitlesi Pistols,' Sporting apparatus and also) a fine selection of cuttleryJ He is con stantly receiving the latest improvements of e'verythihg in his line and will always be found pin his store willing to repair or sell any article in his line, i " " Gi.O. V . Jiii,L,L. Elizabeth City, N. C ly. ' . Ti0K OVER ON THE HILLSIDE ! I J . ; ' ' AT THE OLD STAND OF p. C. ALLEN j Cor. Road and Lawrence Sts.," Iay be found always on hand a large stock ;'-.'"' -. -' I' . of staple ; ...'.. :' DRY , d OODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, DATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE;, i -TINWARE, WOODEN-' j J . WARE, Ac, A-c. ." , IIls experience in the mercantile business for several years assures the;public of his ability In purchasing mercliandue to suit the Wants of the people if this cbmniimity. f , I Gools regeived cjTnstantly, and of tha very best tliat can be p'urchased in tlie Northern cities. ' ' - . I Barter of every kind taken in. exchange for goods. i Remember that a. complete reversal of .the old order of things, has taKen place at the old stand ot AJ.LEN, nna tliat lie will be pleased at anjr time to acconiriiodate lus old frienls and customers of tne past. , j Let us have a trial. . C. C. ALLEN. .Elizabeth City, N. C. , ja30-ly. W G. B U R G E S S first class' ,; PROVISION VND GROCERY STORE ! CORNER OF MAIN AND ROAD STREETS, I Elizabeth' City, N.. C. . V ' ! ' ' . ' ", ' t i Prompt attention given to customers, and satisfaction guaranteed. - Produce ot every kind bought and casn paid for it if desired. '"': j Would be pleased to" have everybody call and see him. . ' I ia30-ly J"' D. LIST E R & C 0 . , ROAD STREET, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, 1 " ;- it Take this method of returning their thanks to their friends arid the public generally for their liberal patronage, and solicit the continuance of the same. , :' S ' - . . The3r keep constantly on liarid. a general as- sortneiit of " : . j : : GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, v . HATS, CAPS, Ac, ' Which they will sell on very reasonable terms. Give them'a call and examine then- stock.' ; January 24th, 1872. ' ly EN AS F E A Rjl N G , " COR. OF ROAD AND EHRINGHAUS STS., ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, . -J .' DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES. hats, caps, dry goods, Groceries, hardware, ac.; r would respectfully inform my ; old friends and patrons that I am still at my old stand and am alwaystnore than glad to see them. It is my desire to give satisfaction! to, all who may favor me with their patrdnage. Produce of every kind taken in exchange for goods. -y . ' . " Mr. Seth Morgan is with us and would ho pleased to see his friends. . . ' ja30-ly rpHE SEASON I CAME HOME. All my friends seem to be very! anxious to know why I came here to live. ; I don't hesi tate to tell any one. I came here to sell goods at Norfolk prices ; and I do bind myself to seH as low as anybody in the country. I buy alf my goods for cash,! which will enable me : .po sell ten per cent, less 'than if I had boilght thcio On credit. .With my experience in thc inercah- tile business.: I feel confident I :an "buy eroods as low as any merchfuit in tho laindl I have complete stock of every thing 3rou generally find in a first class retail establishment, namely-- DY GOODS, NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, WOOD WARE, HOLLO WWARE, 4 AND A (LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY . GROCERIES! always on hand. Every boat brings me a fresh supply .- Ask an3-body you see for the "LEADER OF LOW PRICES !" and they will send you to No. 44, "down at the canal bridge, just ociow cnas. Drotner s nvjry and exchange stables.' - ; 1 Returning my sincere thanks to I my friends and the. public generally for their kind and very liberal patronage since I opened my stor, and hopingifor. aEontinuance bf the same, I sub scribe myself, very truly,, yours. Ac, " V J..1'. UKAUI, 1: "Leader of Low Prices." Elizabeth City, N.C , ' Ija30-ly QJL I MUSTARDJ SAUCE ! Y r SEX CASES BEST OLIVE OIL ! " in Quarts and Pints'. FIVE CASES COLJIAN'S MUSTABD1 . in Pounds, Halves and Quarters' : -' SEVEN DOZEN L. & P. SAUCE. ' iii Pints and Half-Pints . . "- Twenty-Fiye Cases Imported Liquors. BRANDY! GIN I ' - CLARET! WHISKY! Fifteen Dozen COOKING EXTRACTS ! J For sale low to the Trade by J. U..SP11U1LL, -136 Main Street, ap2-ly "u Norfolk, Va. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TXr H F. MA RT IN T T ATTORNEY AND OOtJNSELOBat LAW. Practices in the Superior, Supremo hxtH Feder al Courts or riortn Carolina. . Elizabeth.City, N. C ly. : . - - W. II. SMITH .. J. II. SHAW. SM I T II V A N D S H A W; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS at 1 LAW. Will attend to all matters instrusted to us in the'Superior, Supreme and Feilcral Courts of. i.xonn carouna. voiiecuons prompuy niaue Elizabeth City, N. aly: '. . TT F M. EJLR1NGHAUS T ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at UV. Practices in the Courts of Gates," Chowan, Perquimaniy Pasquotank, Camden, Ciuritlick, Iare," anu in tlie Supreme and Federal Courts of North Carolina. ' Elizabeth City. N. d .ly. TAMES P. W1IEIBEE - i 1 . 1 1 r" ! attorney and counselor at law. Practices in the Courts fef Perquimans, PA qudtank, Camden Currituck aiwl Dare. Vi IN O; Elizabeth City, N C ly. 1 H. A. OIIXIAM. W. D. PRIDEN. WILLIAM PRtmEVl VT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, : ' . ' EDENTON, 'NC. , ' ;; :! ' : Give strict personal attentiori to professional biwiness in the Superior Courts of Bertie, Washington, TjTrell, Gates, Chwan,J Perouiin- ann and l'asquotank counties': tlie Siureine Court of tlie State at Raleigh, and the I". S. DLstrict Court of North Carolina jaOO-ly milOS. II. GIIIJAM.; J-l ATTORNEYAT LAW, BERT FORD, PERQUIMANS C., NC, Pictices in th Superior Courts of .Gatex; Elizabeth "City ; and-'will mrtke collections, in any part of North Carolina. ' iail0-l y S K I N N E R , : : ATTORNEY AT "LAW; Xn.o S. G. HERTFORD, PERQUIMMANS CO., N. Cf AVul promptly execute any professional Wit ness intrusted to his careui tlie SuiKTior Courts of fates, Chowan, Perquimmans ahddasuto- counties : m the tederal Court. at Eliza-? City, and.the Supreme Court of tho State at Raleiirh1; and will make collections in anv part of me State. jaa-ly -V M ILLS II . E U R E , ; ' ATTORNEY AT IVW, GATESVILLE, GATES COlTNTY, N. C, Will attend with promptness and fidelity to aiiy. professioiial business confideil tojhim in the SujKTior Courts of Gatfs, Chowiri, Perquim mansSml Pasquotank counties ; in; the District Court at Elizabeth city and the Supreme Court of , the State at Raleigh. .Collections made in any "part of the Suite and "promptly ''returned. jaO-ly ; - - TirjLLIAM J.; LUMSDEN, M. D. V " TENDERS IflS PROFESSIONAL Sen-lees to Jhe people of Elizalieth Vity arid surrounding country. . 1 EBzabeth' Cit3-, Ny.C.ly. JQ D . F E II R EB E EU ' - ATTORNEY' and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SOUTH. MI LLS N. C. "Practices ih -the Superior, Supreme and Fed eral Courts of North Carolina. Collections in any portion, of .the State promptly attended to. - ja30-ly AS. MORGAN, M. I)., TENDERS HIS professional services to the citizens of Pasqiidtaiik and surrounding counties 'I Orders leftit J. lj. Ethendgcj& Beq's Drug Store, will receive immediate attention. Elizabeth Cjty, N. C ly OCT .' v COKE " :-;":. ' attokne' and counskior at LAW, A 'Edentcrii, JV C. Practices in tlie S'upenor, Supreme and Feder al Cofirts of North Carolina, ' - . 1 , Collections made in any part of the State. 4 15NER S. H ILiJaMsT ' AtTOltNEY AND COUNSELOR XT LAW, Williamston, Martin County, N. C, w'ill promptly- attend to any business entrustetl to luni. " . ' fe2()-'lv ' M. B. MARTIN, ' . . ' " . ATTORNEY AT LAW, - "7 NORFOLK, VA. : ... -1 i ; Practices in the Courts of Norfolk and Ports mouth, Va.,Tind will attend promptly to any business confided to. hkn. ; , vommissioner of Deeds for North Carolina. fe(ily r II OMAS E. J E 11 N I GmA N, ATTOHNKK - AT -LAW, : . . ILarrellvinc, Hertford County, N 0. ! Will practice in tlie C ircuit aiid District courts of the Vhited States, the Supreme court of North Carolina, and in the Superior and Probate courts' bf Hertford, Bertie, Gates-and I'erquj mans counties. Collections promptly made' in any p.'itt of North Carolina. i ma!9-ly TTTJfTON, GOODE'A ClfAPLAIN, , 11 . ATTORNEYS. AT LAW, NORFOLK, VA.1 " '-. - " Will attend faithfully, to any professional busiijbss in Norfolk and Portsmoutfitaiid in the Stafe Courts at Richmond. y uotiections prompuy maue. iw-y Lv I) . S T A R K E , . ' . ' ATTORNEY AT LAW,. 'Hi!;.-'' NORFOLK, VA. ' Will attend promptly to any' professional business in Norfolk and Portsmouth Va., and! hi Camden and Currituck.count.ies, N. C- WALTER CLARK J. M. MULLEX. M JJ. L L E N , C L A R K ATTORNEYS- AT -LAW Halifax, N: 0. Practices in all the courts of Halifax, Nortli ampton, Edgecomb ,and Martin counties. In the Supreme court 'of North Carolina and in the Federal courts. Collections made in any part of North Carolina. -; s v ' N. B. One of the firm will attend' at office in Scotland Neck on Saturday of every week. malO-Iy. ' ; ', QIL11EUT E' L L I O T T , . ATT ORNERY-AT-LAW;. Citizens' Bank Building, Norfolk, Virginia. .. :; ' : 1 ' 1 Attends to the investment of money upon real estate security at the highest current rate 12 per .cent beujg allowed by the laws of yirginia. ' ' fel3-ly L. JC SAUNDERS, M. D., Respectfidly tenders his professional, services to citizens of Elizaleth City and surrounding Counties. ' Residence' comer of Road and Church Streets, " - 1 , . ' Elizabeth City, N. 1 ly. ' D E N T I S T; R Y ! i The unucrsisrned nas oocned an oniee m Elizabeth City, N. C.for the purpose of prac- j- T . - i . Tl 1 1 Office m the North Carolinian building, isecond story, corner Main and Road streets. 1 I. T. ANDREWS. I j Elizabeth aty,NC. . ja30-Iyl E . O.V E K B Yr, ! j ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROAD STREET, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. K - ': . .-' ' i ' ! ! Practices in the Courts of Perquimans, Pas quotank, Camden, Currituck and Dare. B" Special attention paid to Collection of Claims, r . . A ja30lv. rj It. McLNTOSH, M. D. - ' OFFICE : ROAD STREET, -. - i ' ' Elizabeth City, N. C. : " -..' ' section, he claims to know the diseases peculiar to this climate. ; ' if, - Residence on Road, one door. from Gnffin HtrecL ! ja30-ly . JESSE J. YATES, -f , ATTORNEY AT LAW, MURFREESB0RO, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Hertford, Gates, Bertie, Northampton, hxthe Superior Court of the State at isaieign, ana m uie r eucnu h of North Carolina. Collections made in any part of the State. - fc0-ly etipwan, 1'erOjUimns and lastuotaiik coun ties ; hi the Supreme- Court of tho. State; at Raloigh, and in the. U. S. District Court at LAND AND LUMBER CP'S COIPMNj H W TO MAKE' MONEY t rfTUY i.t:V A DOLLAR SAVED IS DOLLAR ' :W " I m mt m , M AOri ! . G It EAT 1.1 A it (i A I N S . ':.' - V" '" ;' ."-;, ;X ' ' . ,. AT Tni;- i .- - ' ' . v- L-VND AND LUIBElt COMKVNYS STORK, ON WATER STRf ELIZABETH CITY -' -C' '" 't ' -- '.i They are co!ta.itly ntiiving ' ; : LARGE AlHUTIOXS TO Tl j El K St' H 'K ! , ' Selected with carv FROM THE N0HT1IFJ;N MARKETS! ' r ; 4 - I J . . . , viiu ctmiiinsiiiK iiip '"' -. ' .. . ... - - BEST STYLES AND til-ALlTIKS 1 i - Yhy liave al.-io ju-t nveiv;d A .SCHOONER LOAD OK. C(HHSi i That hae Uvnl ' 'DAMAGED RY W.VTEK ! And are now olU ring thee giids"at. PRICES V ASTON IS I II N( J LY : LOW It would make an Irish Pn ' --. see the '. CALICO FJUKAI "c. I'KIS YAJ COTTONS FHOr 7c:. U ;H)FFKK FIIO.VI i.2 LADIES SHOES FROM 1.2 --:''' "' - -j '; . ". ' ; . i - -. - ' . HATS, ; i . ' ' ! BLANKETS, . - i .'.'.. - . ';' SHAW x nottonH. :-V- V-Vr HARDWARE, GROC R.Iir.KS,;.V.'i r- " " " I :iich lirk'es Jh.-U one :-T .' . ' N:, ' At CANNOT REFRAIN FR(1M MCVlNf"; ! - Wo. niak. SPECIALTIES of':. Furniture,.': i-;;.4-X FURNITURE, : . .1 ': ! FURNITURE, FUuxiTUin:, i FURNITIJilH, FURNITURE, ... FURNITURE, FUHNiTURL. FURNITURE. FUllNITlJBE. CARPETS, ''CARPETS, CARPETS, MATTIN(1S; MA'h'lNC. ' MATTINGS; t CARPETS; iMA'lTLVfJS, MATTINGS, I ' ' ')) MATTINGS, MATTINGS, - , ' OIL CL CAHPKTS, CARPETS .1 I 1 a til ii.Wr'Li (j.llU lt I i OUl CLOTHS l OIL CLOTHS. OIL CLOTHS, STOVES," STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. STOVES, STOVES. LIME, LIME, LIME, LLME, CEMENT, CEMENT, CEMENT, i ' - cement; AND SHINGLES- . SUING Ll', ' ', :: ' U . SUING Ll, -,.' s .i SHINGLES," BUILDING MATERIAL . BUILDING MATERIA! BUILDING MATERIA OF ALMOST EVERY. D 1SCRIPTI0N!: INCLVIJXW DRESSED AND UNimESSE!) LUMBER!: " - . , "of. EVERY KIND AND QUA LIT Y DOORS, -. SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS,! BRACKETS, PLASTERING; . ' . ' . LATHS 1ULUSTERS. ' ? ' &c, - Wluch are conptantly KEIT ON HANp AT T Li:ni3iHJsi A' : EXAMINE AND, -j ' -, . "KNOW; IiOW IT IS YOURSELF V Elizabeth City, N. C., jan.jaO, 1872. 5- ' 4. 1- - 1. i'l A: xi 1