r .i Pit 1 tf. 4 It .:V filb 1 II r t ' 21 VI: '1 ! (' f f ,4 ill. n- i I ! f i J if : i f f - i 1 i hi if i -! r'! il r W eekly Ansonian'. P O L 7v,... Vdito r tS.TUc fcl"tgnii fr the caniraifin "Lrr K0 CC11.TV MAN USCAPt. L". CHANT. Delegates to Uic State Convention Rooms or Democratic CoKsravATivcl ExtCUTIVE COMMUTE!', f : Kuleigb, iN. C. May 2 , 1370- J In Y"r?uanco tf the call of th; fttalo Democratic Execu:ivo Com - mUlce, delegates to tlic Stt3 Coavcn .Jiuii will meet ia Metropolitan Hall. in -lis city ou the 11 111 tf Juno at ly arrangement with llu various -Railroad .Companies in tho Slate, . wi.ti tbd cxcjplioa of tbc W - & W 1 ! R Co , which declines any redaction, delegates wi;l bo peiniitttd to return. ireo upon proelu.;ing a certificate from . ibo Serct iry of tbc Convention that they p lid fall first-class faro in com v to tbc Eiinc. W. K. COX, C bn. "CAUGHT JZ" AT LAST! Hard as wo have liborcl in onr dimple way aV a a Editor, to mer it tlic consent and approving smile oj Cousiu Ed.ud, he now has tho heart-"" , Jofs cru; lty to diag us out bcfor.o tho pubhc, to udm'mster tho follow ing nr.ccromoiiicus and unfeeling reprimand, in hisia;crof the 31st lilt: - "Our Rood fiicnd Polk has raifed n ttrriblo aplutlor' by h:a tcloram otic conepondenco viihVaucoaud lecl; and many folks who never bo foie heard of ihc Anson Volktonian low Lnow thtro is such a paper." Kow that bit of infoimati n tickled our anity," Consin Edward, but tho "Aujou VoiUoniair fuJy approciat Ibg the iuc3?imablo aJxantngc of hav ii g il communicated to tho public, by the far faimdVcQ Die Lilcsmllian, luslcns, to render i's graUfnl nc- Icnowicd- cmruts. Cut tho li.ilo "Polklomaif" fctlsthat it was a cruel . - . . thiust, Ciiusin Edvar.l, cspccial'j' coming as it docs, from a paper huv ingpuch fame, as the Pee Dci Liles 'villian. . . "Yun are.rlht, cciv"n Lconidr.s; male 'cm "come ta taw," ai.d knnck le do-wn tno,rfnneccs ary. Iut here, U tV not offend 1 ho friends of any , goi-t'eman by . insinuating nnpist charges again f-t him." Righ. cousin Bdwar l,ond we know von dunt nvan to . 4ininnatoM that Wo have dono anything cf tho kit d. "Some folks good ones too don't liko the spirit manifested in your ar ticle lib ml the OongT&sional tiomi natipii" . 'Jost to think wo have done somc thing that "torac fo'LV don't like! Ct nin F.dward, why didn't -yon toll in that wo th- u'd alwaj's sfiapo our nri-bs so a to plaso everjbody even if it required uvto run two .or Ihrco me n for the sime ofilec, nt tho dame tim? Int j is t between us, that ht le indiscreet vcMurc tby the. 'Poll-Ionia it" mny- be pariially a?-, ra-ibod to tho influence of t remarjr, that wo board n man once maLc n regaid to tho IVc Dec Liles vidian. Ho Haid. he had heard a mm say, thai ho bad seen spni( thu'g in th.tt pap r, that he diJ net exactly cidosc. "THE HERALD IS ViWl aSHE, AND HAS JiEKN EVEll SINCE HE ANNOUNCED HIMSELF A CANDIDATE" Well! Wc'dH Wei!!! . Dot wly go p-nr.cing nrour d to cast slurs and inucmoes en those vli (as Piii!ii S. Whito used to say)Jtocm of nil extensive acquaintance . heern different? Vo won't 'pr ncc" a- y more we won't cast any more ' s ura' or inu cmhIocs. And now cousin Edward, lo h harmonize 'IjOt us no morccontcml. nor bla-.n llikcli other, blatuM enough clscwLere, but sJrivo, In rflicc-s of lrv. how wc may lighten lli h others burdens." 1. S.- - But cousin Edward, wcic 3'ou cot vtaJAaxl week, anylwxi? OUR COXCRESSIONA L VEXTJON. COX- This bedy mcc's in Wndesboro' to-day and wo h pc aud believe that wisdom and haimonv will character izn its actions iulho sclcctit-n of men who a o to rcpnscnt our District. ' The iinlicTitions are- that Mr. Ad c. will, without eloubt, bo rcnomii a'ed. as the counties of lb be on, .Mont gomery, Stanl3 Ui lou .and Ai son, are far bira ou tho liul, ballot, an i probably otb-r We will vi cav-r to 'vc it .ead crs the ful! procedi nit uck. A TTORNEY GENERAL. - ' That b.il iant and gift d lawyer, Piatt D. Walker, who carries an ol der head on yonng shoulders th m any man we've lately found, is f'uv irably. spoken of in connection with the Attortcrncy General's bffico at our nest election. Ho would acceptably, woithij and honorably fill it ; and it would Afford the Edror of this japar much plcasuro to support his you- g friend for that or any other position ; bi.t "Durgan from tho River coun try" the' Iferald mint "stand to" first." Pec Dec Herald. Glad to Fto'our n igl.bor s cslnnute of the qual.fiealions of Walker, and we believe the pclc would willing ly have cmbiaced any opp rtunily siuco ho cam.c nraorg us, to hive manifested tluir appreciation of his wtrt'i, and It U now probable that th y tnny have that opjorlu-.ity. ! Yoa remember, Cousin Edward, that his namo was before the Cornea lion at Roikinghom two years ago, for Solicitor, I ut as tho old dacy said "thar wt;s tomo ' succumlocitiion ab-ut the thing that tarred it bot tom up," aud wo never could under stand it. for wo have always thought he was dcscrftdly popular, and could 'fih that or any. otLcr position, "ac ceptably, worthily and hoi6raUy." Tho ternblo fct.to qf affaTJ in Soiith Carolina, as depic ed in an ar ticle published by us, clsowhcr., is but ono of the 1 uks in the 1 jng chain of ciimc, which aro tho legitimate fruits tf Radical ruij and tjrany iu that State. Htr Troasury plar.dcred, her tal ent diiv.n f om her couueil c'. am bers, her virtuo aud pride trampled under the do ipolic-. hcrl c f besotted ignorance, her sacred rights vi ljnt ly torn from her, at the point of tho bayonet, with an nniutC;rnpUd icin of tyrai.y raying upo;i her for these long yea s, no wcudcr Lcr peo ple aro grot i; g in tho dark a ales of tovcity while starvation aiaro them in tho f.ice. . Ttic white people of tho South have all the while sought by ovcry honor--alio means, to bn press theso igLor ant n;grocs with the truth that the i o!:cy of the men whom' they have so willingly but s blindly followed, inwkably and "of necessity bring thtm f.;Cj to faoj with this question olireaUanu m at. Jut tiio scales will some day., f.tli from thcii- eyes au l then itulcd, w.ll it re q die id the prudenc, sagacity and wisd.nx of tho Ic iding n:in .!s of the South, to conlroWho lago for rctr'rbutii, with this outraged and deluded class. THE STAXL V EARNER. Cur C ilcrpi i'ing j'oung friend WT. J. Boy In cf the Conco rd Jlc 'jislcr, Las cstah.isbcd i.ho above named pa per at AlbrrmVrlo, St .ny coun'3r, the first nomber of which is before us His purpose, as ho says, is to devoid tho paper to the development of the material ics urcos of that count,' and ibis of itself should commend it !o thodibcral patronage of that peo ple, and sceujc for it the hearty wish os of trnd Carolinians. Succ ss to yon, friend C yl'n, t , - The namo of. itov. N. R. Ci-bb will bo presented iu the Stato Convention for the cfliee of Supt. of Public In- stiuctiou. Ho craduatod at our Uni versity, practiced law two 3 ears, tnd then dbVwUd himself to tho ministry Having a fiao education, a spotks3 character, as a christian gCLtlemeui and enjoying th 3 confi Icaco andc throughout tho wholo State, and hav ing a knowledge of tho cdueatioual wants and necessities of our people, Ciodlcd ly few, if any, in tho S'atc, his name would uijeloublcdly give p material strength to our ti kct. Tho Co-icrcsslona1. Con vent ion for the Tlrrd Dis'rict met iu Fayette1- villo on the 31st uHMj&nd nominated lion. A. M. -Waddill, the present able licprcscnlativo fr m that Dis trict, for Cong'CS3. J. D. Sandfcrd of Duplin was cho sen Ebc'pr, and J. II., Myrovcr of Faycltcvi le. a: d F. W. Kerchncr.of Wilmington, Delegates ta the Si. Louii Convention. The S natc, af cr n prolonged do bale has decided that it has the lb'ht to impcarb Fclknap. If tint bedv could asciitain th t President Giant knew bef ro ho aeep'ed tlic resi 111- iron of this man, that Congress had determined to prefer tlurgcs agains' rim, ;imple ja:tico rcuiics ILat h , o, fdi.uU be iy perch :d. P 1 Wre see that Gen. l. H. Hid; Capt C. B Deuson, C II. Wiley, and Rev. N. R. Cobb, are all spoken of promi nently for Sur erintendent of Pub.ic Instruction, by their 1 respective friends. Either of them wda!d fill tho position nbiy '-and honorably. The Democratic SL.te Convention meets in Raleigh - next Wednc's lay, the llth, and wo hope our .'.county will be fully represented. By refer ence to tho notice issued by Gen W R. Cox, Chairman- of the State Democratic Executive Committee, it till bo seen that the Delegates wik be passed over aT Ike Roads in the State, except the W. '& W. Road, and return for one firt,t-class faro. Let each township in our coun'y pec tint they have at last two Delegates in the Siato Convention. Our Washington Letter. Wasiiixgton, t. C, June 2, 187C.' Washington must henceforth wear tho pahn for Eilial Obedience. A few days ago, a. young man, under 20 j-'cais of age, wheso mother had brought him up more in tho fear of her cowhide, than tho Lord, or his fellow men, went off and got married withour her knowledge or consent. After' the marriage, ho went homo to tho bride's house to live, and sent Ins mother word ot wnat no nau none. The ol 1 lady danod around for a few minutes liko a hen on a hot grid- dlo, and then, takiog. the cowhide, which 'she had so often, more in sor.- row than in anger, lovingly twined around him she s'artcd off to pay her respc. ts to tho newly , married pair, Arriving at the bride's house, she did not send in her card, turned over at ono corner, or rush cogcrly in, and fold the young couple to her loving heart and givo them her b!c?sing, but sho pWkcd.up a brick und threw it arr iitist the door with a crash that a crasn unit uivu.iw j i...... v,.v,. a door.or windowsto sco what was the matter. Among those who jftucU their heads out of the "window was . - , . , , . iuu u.ijj soon as. wo lonu moiner uoneiu. ucr, 1 " XI I- .l 1 1 1 . . olTspung, the fierce determined look vanished from her face, and smiles and dimples took its place, like gleams of sunshine after a storm, and she had, the cowhide, that he know' on'y to) well in tho ioiusot her arcss. Tome uown, , " j atctr-nes, and he, n vnd in band with I 1 t - .1 J.' nrs oriuc. came uown vu iuo uuo., a- pcctiiig to receive her blessing, and lie got it, but not in the way he wanted. Scarcely had he reached the door, when his mother, who had fiuietly od-d un to t he Stops, gavo one bound lorwatd taught him b the left car, and then sli iaincd such a shower of blows up". mm, as oniv' an outrage i parent can iyc. 'Sotyou went off and got mar i iod di 1 j'ou ?' sho lnsso J. Weil, I will show 3'ou that 3ou arc not 'going to get out of my clutches before you aro. twenty one,- anyhow. iNovv come IT homo with me, Sir,' and sno rameu blow alter mow upon mm, wmio no .1 f. II 1- bore it like a little lamb, or as a dull- IUr SOU SUOUIU. -UJX UCr ears IOr llCr. and come into the house,' tho bride saia ; but ho was made of sterner stuff- than that. 'No, Mary,' ; he replied, 'Mother sa3 s I must go homo with her, and I must.' and the old lady led him off, while tho bride went in and closed the door. Ihc voung hu-band is again living witii ms motlier; and running her errands as a dutiful son ought. And to judgo from the hasto witu wmcn nc aiwaj-s returns alter being sent outj it is to be inferred that there is something kept in pickle' for rim, in case hcstays too long. The decorations of tho Soldiers Grave at Arlington, on the 30th, was ou a larger and finer scalo than ever before known. The weather was dc liirhtfullv cool, and the attend anco vci r- large- Io'th!. CYmetcry there are e i " r. vor Ul.""vm j " . . . muaiuu uousj is some nine aiSLancetrom tno cemetery, an 1 the roiel -between the two was spanned by eight avehes, each ono of which decorated in the ni)st beautiful manner with Hags and evergreens, caeh one- bearing the names of s)mc of our distincuished men during the late war, among whom were. liincoln, Thomas, Stan ton, Farragut, Sumner and Ellsworth The tcmb of the ,Unknoavri was ve ry prettily ornamented with a la'g fl;ig so f-hapc 1 a to form a lent frd'hi the core e f : w deb were s ispended while the base of the tt mO waa com pletely hidden from view 03' wreaths of beautiful flowers. Th,e poem by Rcnj. F. Taplor, beginning with 'Hail, fair Potomac ; Mountain child set free ; Rounder of Slates, an i sweetheart of the sea ; being unusually fino. Stewart I AVooelfprj-, of New Yrk, wastho Ora tor 'of day?. At other Cernetarics the decorations were also very fine. Sp?akirig of Ellsworth, yho was shot at Alexandria, at the verp outsut of the war, both the wife and -daughter of the man. who shot him aro now in Government emplap. .-.Much bitter, ncss has been fe't at. this, and many efforts made to have them dismissed, but without avail. The cl arges agniaj-t Mjsjw.VKerr and Bluino havo kept our city on the qui vive eluring the greater part of tho week. Tho charge against Mj Kcrr,;bricfly stated, is. this;A man by tho uftine cf A. P. Grcoae, who was Lrmeilj' aa officer in the Volunteers was appointed as a 2d Lieutenant in tho regular army, Jaly 20, 183G."' He sa s he saw Kerr several times, and that Kerr recommended him f r'lhe the position, and ho . was appointed without usual examination. Green was introduced to Kerr by a then Assisiaut 'Doorkooper named Har- iiCy, and ijrrteae aflorwards paid Harney $450. Harney snys that he ai(1 thia moucy to KcrT wuo was dissatisfied 'that it was not $500. Kerr denie3 tho charge in toto. Green does tt l)G eve ti1lt Kerr-ever got a penBy Gf this money. Jlakey had malo Bom,3i great: blunder in his cross-examination and contradicted gf . 0 vera! t mes He said that ho ka0WiK. rr ihtimat'y, that his memo' L.y W(S excellent : and that ho had UCvor applied to any othor member of Cor grers to, g4 Green's- appoint- meiiL Qo cross cx iminati m it turns riif 4l'iof lite' ln'tiinnnw-iv'S 0ut that his intimacy with Korr con- i .isiea in nociainc: 10 mm: no couui 1JOt remember either tbc slice t, or tho nnmbcr of tho . boaso whero lie lived in t!.e Citv : and. finally. Mr. i - . " " btronse, a member of (Joucresa m I '- , ar hKfio. t.h.t.- TTo-nnv n rl to Lim for big- assistance, and raid .that Wlla.ney) cidd make four cr i .."'-'-' , - w s w . - - - t . -- d iItmdicd dollars if ho eot Green tho appointment.. Ko man1 stands higher, in this City at i0;isf, than Speaker K. rr, for j iinicun v or cuaracter ana nuriLv oi.i life, and if ho is found gui ty then wc may wtll! fcol that this h.s bean one - - . . . .1 of liatler's 'bad y ar. f -r (Jurrstiaus From our SpcchxT Correspondent flic Republican Meelin at Mul cahy. .Tho meeting.-, was organized ly calling J. C. Carraway to the Chair; ;m 1 A. M. Boggan to act qs Secreta ry, f Chairman ex, luined the object of tho meetin'r. and expressed bis crra'i tiealiun and bride in boini? honored as Chairman- Went h. avy- for .the Jno . Prc'slar, P . C. Ifoine, Ben Pratt, G D Sinclair and Wrn . Nappicr.- A TU Trrrron mo,ln n o'lr'- 'In which he warned the n.-sroo not to V0 - LC for the Constital'unal Amsud- ments, if thevTWanto'l to preserve thcii frecdom. Guva "Z jbM one or two hard thumps, but said ho would say no more about him at present, a3 bo ,Foa ni nnnri; fU,inu you better tell lho eldloffates to the gtato. Convention not to nominate 'Zcbj for if gandy gets after him, ho's 'Vono up"") J.-'C. Cairawav and W. Nappier were appointed delegates tp the Stato Convention, whereupon bidncy Bioadaway, col., made decidcjly tho ' l I best speech of the occasion, irt defence of the rights of the colored Bepub- ...... . iicans 01 tue county, lie gave tnem to nnderfttnnd in nlain torms that 1 - p . I f T . , - I hU race wou!d no longer snffer "tbe i poi:e4 over their eye," by the atew white men of the party in the fOauty. Sandy. Little also mado a noech and coincided with Bro. Boo-. trn n Pratt, colored, mado a speech in which bo told the negroes that I v,u; "wv r- .w ' s-ick to things that elid not belong to i . i l m l . . ..' ' , ' them, and that it was ruiuaig the party. It seat too mmy of their vo- , . t:i.4- it i j tors to -lho Penitentiary. He had fhow vervn nmilfi In let 1 imp -hrwrnro I - -. - I i read in a paper- not ion - smco that 2G of their nnmberhad b;en sent to "Sbcnck's rbiritation' and only ine iinn to the the public of a tension device in wh3e man, and that those 2G votes c,ihle is absolutely no need for regula . , . , ' - -, , . . tion. The machine is a marvelous advance migm. nac mi eu an cieciioa in inia implex these '.ruths on their wives and .children. Boan said if the Cocstif utional Amendments wvere adopled; tho county government vvonld be abolished, as alP county officers would be appointed. V They want Do kery for Governor , and W. A. Smi h for Lt. Gov-! ernor, aDd Rufus Barringer far Con gesi. Tho meeting adjouri.cd 'with 'i?thej general impression that Sid. Rroada-s way was deservedly tho leading s;ir-j it of the body.- 11 MTjLCAHY. The Coming Canvass, in . Wilmington Star. ' Let our speakers do their duty man- 1 1 full', wisely, powerfully, and let our quiet 'workers scoto it that the organ izttion of the party all through the State is thorough and cffjctivc. ! The campaign will be no mere holiday pa rado. Solid and earnest work must be done in every county. Thero will be doubt'ess a grand show of enthusi asm, but ze'al must bo tempered! with judgment, and if the tire shall bo kept up the flames must constantly fed with the best sort of fuel. The leader is a host in himse lf if he be. a hero and a gencfalbut a commander must have lieutenants and soldiers to carry out hi instructions; The State Convention will do only a part of its duty when it nominatoiHlle" strorgest man iri tho State for Governor. Neither Vance nor any other man can fight the " battle alone. Tho Convention mut- nomi- i ii . - nato a ticket every man of " whom ought to be able to. add digi.ity, a.lil4 ity and popular strength to 'the whole; Thctime has passed for rewarding any favorites except tho favorites of the poojilo, men who have the nreesf: sary fitness for the positions for wlrch they are taiilry el in:u nominated, and who can be cer fy electedj- The whole ticket should ho hnilf-. nf 1 bn sfnnfrsf. 1 ind)rr in North' i vr,a ina, every p'ank and beam a power : ;f0.if Wo ftfC, a!dcop interest, an inter. ost lo0i altogether freo from personal v.in...hf .w.w...u i"-- - - - t- ; , iu tho choice t f tho gentlcmcnvho are I t i .i.i k. LJ. i rii iii ftii i n ni n:ti ii nrnir! n ill i in: iicjvl fifrlt Wo wouia haVQ the people left rnir,av fivft 1o mako their own un LU'i"niwl mmn nhni Thnv ai'o wisei in then- day ad generat ioa -than man v noli: iciann think they arc xhey know to a f whom they desim . n ., nt ir-ncf -im nut mr. Thov nrc su noosed to wish that lho ablosti mircsl and most available t I i; tnnn M h, nominaUd. Thov know: either intuitively or by experience, ex- what porsens will fiji this biiiv Greensboro rat'riot. The nominations made, r tho work rwill boiin in earnest. And work in downright earnest it will be. i No walkinir over the courso with looting Danas ana empty paraae. no ; y mauo up vueu wuma y OLMi "vy ;vyuik uu uap..-u .u wur I a . i . i ii i: every loot o: grounu irom -mo imu they ciitcr tho field until the final tallot closes the struggle.: There is everything to contend for, inoro than any ono election ever presented bo fore tho possession of the State, tho electoral vote, and tho constitutional amendments, any one of which, under ordinary circumstances, would nvako vigorous fight; but all threo combin cd will raako it tcrrfblo. He who looks for a serene and lo vol vt time?!. where tho altitudm al goose will han it m fraternal amity, will be very much mistaken- cut Tins out It May Snyc Yonr Iifo. fers more or less with Lung Diseases, Gonshs, Colds or Consumption, yet some TOMiia rlio r;ithor than ' nftV 7;i Cents n bottle of medicine that would cure theuii. PE - A.' Isoteb's Geuman Synup has lately Wn itifrnilncpd in this fionntrv from ejCr- many, and its wonderous cures astonusnes every ono that tries it. If you donbt what 1 . - , gSlXEtiSl S&T-JS SSSSS SSi&W cents .-iy The 'New 1ctomvtic S2.wrao JUchixe hf sewin is tho'.New Antomatic' Sewing Machine of the Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co. , i J i-T ,- -u i .1 : rect our readers. mis macnine is con- structed upon the principle of leaving nolh. ing to the gndgmeut of tha operator; - The juages aUho host American Institute Fair in New York prnonnced i as fulfilling, in their opinion, the -conditions of a good fam4 iiy machine 'far better than any other sew . . . trr. mg machine m the market; and the sub committee of the Eranklin Institute of Phil i institnie or i nn- I the first introduc- adelphia state that Hhis is u:xm all oUjer theories an I be ineverrfam- A DECIDHD ADVANCE." I judge KMrtAmr. . tatr. 251 EW SILENT SOWING MACHINE. Awanlwl the ani " Gold MUl of PrnT',0f the American InMiitjnttr." Nov., l?Cl, mid the MScoj Legacy Medal," of! tUo Frsuikliu Inntitate, Oct.f 187). No other Sowing Machine In tho World has on MAUTOMATIO TEN SION or ahy other of tho charac teristic features of this macfiino. : n.X L I .l u I I . -.! v AVilleox AtGiblmS. M Co.. (Cor. Bond Stjj I '033 Broadway, Now York- B. W. DORSE Y &.1SROTU Kit. 5 V V . . PK.VLKBS Groceries , Notions, Fruils Gijars Tobacco,' i -Pipes, Confectioneries, etc.. A full lino of Qrojciiort iMnsintinj; in part of, liacOu, Flour, Slolaia, Coffvi! KiiRfcr, Stnla, IVandy FoacLcs, Crackors, OvwUt.-, Cuiulv. .? i . -. . x icuicu, aim vanoui oiucr aniuini loo uuiucr- out to mention! Xa- Frcsli Sj)iar! kling Cider on Land at til times. !.. ',- ' 1 tf Dee Henild ee Publir -AT WADESp O R O aV . C. BY JOHN T. ATIIICK, Prpririr. AT $1 0 PER ANxXUM. J us T lcllc : wai y. ME RC lis Solicit d on' UDXSE UROKEE, !cr for CTcy descriptiou of ME RCHANDISE a scut fwi r.cox, inR&to.'i I aivo, wiiuiiult n, N.V. Nov. 27 33tf W1TJI Palmer & Co., . Wilson,! Wlxoloalol Crrooora, Vo, 191 XVl lionibnrJ.Mireel, 3VZX. Br em Brown & Co. ' -j; C'llAjieroTTli IV. MFOUTEIiS AND DEALKltS IX C1ENKKAL r HARDWAR. and C 1IT rJ? JU CAIUIIAOK AND SADLEItT H A R D W A R & J AND ! T Strict 'Att0 tion Given 'to Ordo 7tf 1 Jam B Bnton. . i Artist , Tokton, N.-C. Informs tl puilic that bo i$ prcpaml to tni riiotographs, ficturtfi, vc, ftthu eiairrj in Tolkton. liargea mode-rat.. Call o ' . mo and I will laranteo atifactiou. : i Boot Suoe Snor, kton, N. C, ' ! Will keep bn band for sale cheap for cash or in exejhange for. country pro- ducc. Kaw II,i cs, a goenl assortment 01 all crades of Leather, rcady-mauc, Uridlcsi HanicMt &c tsr tiive.him a call. Ui All iif rfionH uwldbted to mo ro ' re-qiu-ntol to i ll 1 . . 1 ? - 4 ... como forward kt Id mako iiniiudiaU; paytne-ut. fell his AH persons ivrshinc to buy can bo supplred by calling eitber at Pegu 5 s or the Grassy Islands. E. N.INGBAU. Mar 29-2mos A ;D- LIPPITT. OF N- C. 4WITH ;W llJ.IH A- Co.-,' a c T.y n e k MA N U F . i : . Ii and VT1 olesale 'Dealer? fa Japanned afyd Plain Tin 11 are, rp:nnr, nVifnminfrc I1 JTimmingB, ic V M m Fish Hollow Ware, d Hbathig Slow. i. V - : J ;!l lii Cook ngai cf roses and ever greens D:st-ict. TV Id them t - era licme and liv.

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