Wj)7iljr -Ainataav t . - A I O L 2ST t'.. E $ 1 1 o rv -. Vis TQ CAXBT UT1ICI-" tf LI. - -- Vftp.A. II. Stephens is hop.eleaslj 14 Ta,hingtan.; . - - cloa4 of - cotton waa bttrn(id Jonday evening at Cbarlo.tte Col. K. K. JLiks 0$ -a h,ort ran iioue. - "" J I .v Hop. $en Hill is. elected ta the U. S. Sen ale from Georgia. ; Thalifo of Col. S. li.Yfallcnp was injured, re learn from the. Monroe &iqutio tot 5.Q0y and b is family received tLo money last week, ScuAor Lilos has iutroduq bill to:aid the completion cf the Salisbury & Uieraw Kail President Grant has signed , tbe Electoral BJU, and se wds in to Con cress,, a- congratulatory! message, whicU iiby far the-best State-piper that ever, came froniliis pen- -And now,hank Godl wo hare prospect ota satisfactory and peace loV f settlement of the Presidential question, vhich was pregnant "with inch perils to the iostitations of oar coantiy.- The breakers are past, and. eo;v with prosperous gales, Vi ay oox old ship steer tranquilly and nuerinrrlv to the haven of pros pcxity and greatness ! ' KoUTWELL AND. LOGAN.- "Soon, the place that knows them now,' will know them no more forever" and ho;.v grate- - fill, the Amerioan people should be that these two ibmcuters of strife, arc consigned, to . that privacy, so richly . merited by by their traitorous conduct., -. , NORTH CAROLINA'S DEBTS 1 4 Tho position of tho Star has been often stated in regard to Hit indebt- edncss of North Carolina. - We believe it 13 necessary to make some settlo mcnt, tho very best that can be obtained under, ihe circumstances. We bclicvo that delay will only ag gravate ;the- disease increase the difficulties. That part of Hbe State dclt that is unquestionably jast .can not be avoided honorably, ? and some comDromiao should be effected if jutVibltl"'?.'! p' ' :i And this is not only the po sition of the Star, and which the readers of that able Jour- :lial'hayc well koown, forhe past several years, but-iv is.the position of nine tenths : of . the tax. pavers of the State- TheH jnst ami iionest ueuis oi-iorui Carolina uo one wishes to avoid . tho v want to pay all - that "they am able but there is: a certain class of State bonds held airainst us. that wo are not legally nor morally, bound for. andwc are, and have cvqi been opposed to pavmc: one dime of :it. North :Carblina, irinst and. will pay her honest 'debts, so far as sue may be 'hble the claims held against Us; that are based in fraud, hould iibtf. be4; paid, .nor - any Tpart of theni.' And we believe ;that"this posiliori as held by the Star, arid advocated by the Vnsqnijvn sipce its estabhsh jxjcriL iiiE'rosifiox 0 the rEoi'LE. : But by all means let -the question Jjoanet, and set - itetl nx.fedme.manrjer.i for ni its present shape, it is a cioc to .progress in qIJ branches" of in j 4ustry, : 1 TUMENOW! Dbubllefr . ilorton "T5!aine, Di U Co.i ar 'greltly strengthened i tteir 'antagonism-to the !!ectoraU "Pillas passed by Cungress, fepecil illv eo'in ro fifil In their flrrnmenf at " . . O r- -i-o -r- " c .' .." tii 1 as 10 us comiuuuonaiuy, -woen th y'se that in the debate o teto " lotions ito oor legislature endorsing lipt I!itl. the CMt negfo'inriiit. ' W 'J' - O J J rr r . , .. because fie doubted cbnstitutionahty Conk'ing, pjyardlniir a'ud Trnm bull, atapd aside.. Webster and Gilboun were sometimes alow in riio'Jiug dtti5ioas Q3 questions of t -1 1 1 4 -" i : . . J of'-pr05ress an( inUl ectml devel opment," we can go to anyjittie rij lagfi in the JSoath and find negroes by tte score, who. 'are perfectly at honre-in discussing these-little mat ters. Moora was iebt ha didn't laok at Jit as a peace xneasure--ha liked it in many respects,, bat - then its unconstitutionality hQ couldn't stand thafi t " THE rilO POSED. AGRICVL.TL JtALp 'DEPARTMENT AND '-' YY. STATION: In view of tjie vast irapor tance of these' ' subjects and which is sufliciently apprecia ted by His Excellency Gov. Ivance, to nave ueeii jiveu u -cry prominent place mj his 'te message to the Legislature, l.fcto -uSj a matter of profound regret, if not surprise that 1 it should receive so little atten by the Press of the State. No question of greater moment on magnit'idc, to our peoplp, or of more lasting importance to our posterity, could employ the' time and serious attention of our Legislators ahd; public! Journalists, than the great, overshadowing; question : How SIIALL WE BEST PROMOTE, AND ADVANCE" THE MATERIAL INTER ESTS op our State ? And the action of our Leg islature in organizing vand es tablishing the Pcpartmcnt of Agriculture,, will i n d i c a t e somewhat' the interest and sentiment of our people, in regard to it, aud that action will be more or less shaped and governed, iy the weight of that interest as r Ifrjught to bear on that bodyy through the medium "of the Press.) pan we not for a week or twd, at least allow Congress, to take care 0 our interests in the Presiden tial contest, and devote some little thought and space to the consideration to this ": pressing and yitplly important JNorth u aroiinaur-nnme nuere TMENT dAQRI - THE &TA TE " It was at tho instance of the State Granges that the clause adopted, asan Amendment- to the Constitution, making J t obligatory on the Legislature to establish a Department of Agriculture, was incorporated by the ; Convention. It was the deep and pervading feeling. tor the necessity 01 sucn an institution, among tne. masses pi tho people, - that prompted the recommendation of the Grange. . ' ; And lest its importance might net be recognized, by its adoption, as a requirement of the fundamental law, the Grance. at its last session, in Greensboro, inaugurated steps, lookinc: to its establisliment and management, by that Or der, and which will be brought before the meeting. nexV week in Goldsboro, for further, con sideration.. Active, intelligent, prominent members of the Or der, have become deeply ana favorably interested in a planl tho outlines 'of -'Avhirdi vft4 laid before them- at the last meeting, and which will doubt-i ies3 be adopted, unless tiie one adopted f by1 the Legislature, should supercede tho necessity for action. The1 plan proposed, contemplates the establishment of j?rmahent" Head Quarters for the" State Grange, at some tcentral and accessible point and (nf connection therewith, a " Pat ron?s State Museum, for the cpl Jection and Exhibition of specie mens of the-. Agricultural and geological wealth of the State r a . land agency an orran . .The thinkiug, enterprising, progressive men. of that order believe - that ; the. time has arrived when our highest inter ests demand, an earnest, prac tical movement, . founded on comprehensive, - enterprisingi statesmanlike, practical com- TU&DZ&AIl OVLTUK rnonense views for the devel opment of. our resources, and the general advancement of all our . material interests. Wx jnust have a better labor syptema more elevated stan dard in agricultural pursuits an influx of capital and immi gration; and acting oh these convictions, Jthat bpdy, will doubtless, givetho matter careful and earnest thought, in its ' deliberations," next week. And it is to be greatly hoped, that bhould : the ' Legislature, prior to the adjournment of the Grange, mature a plan fur the organization of the department, that it will at least give us the benefit of seeing it. to the end that whatever action may be 1 a ken will be m harmony with theirs. , Of one thing , we feel assured, and that is. that r the proposition to ""' connect the State Geological Survey, with the State University, will not meet t .h e a "p proval, . or sanction of Uie people, for the simple reason, that the connection of ithat office with the Department of Agriculture, is positively indispensille to a successful prosecution of the wnica it must do, ? it be 0 any viaiej rial advantage to tlte State. GONE, TO HIS REWARQf Capt. Thos. Settle an obscure-d individual, has gone down to Florida, to rusticate in . the land of flowers. Ah! Captain, Gov. Yah ce, told you, when you resigned your scat on the Supreme Court bench, that there wa3 'walking ahead of yon." ' Our consistent, and appreciative President, saw how hard the Captain larbored, to show up Gov. Vance through he garbled letters, and now he has rewarded him with appoint ment, as District Judge, forlhorida.' r Geokqia and Aqricultuiie. The Empire State of the South is Aide awake where her agricultural inter ests aro concerned. She has an ac tive, efficient working State G range; a chartered "company engaged in Direct Trade ; a;Ueo'ogical depart ment employing one chief and six assistants at an annual cost of Slo, OOQ; an , Entomological Department wi'h a a annual appropriation, of $13,00,0. Some of our picayune economists would go into convul sion over uch extravagance. But the Georgia State bonds are at par and ours are at the price of wrap ping paper, tier rail stock is from 115 to 120. Ctars at 10 cents and upwards or aown wards as tne case may be. a The State. that fostets its agricultural interest will be rich; The S'.ate that neglects its will be come poor and pourer. Southern Home. We heartily commend the above, to the prayerful consid eration f our law makers in Raleigh. When wxll North Carolina realize her great ne cessities ? r - - Sad Acciden r : In Greenville . ... . . county, "S.'C., on Thursday morning, the 2nd inst., while a parly of young men were oat hunting," Mr Y. O. Hampton commenced loadincr his double-barreled gunone barrel be ing loaded when the gun went off, the load entering his temple, and taking, off" half his skull killing him instantly. Tbq deceased was a son of Mr. S. 11. and Mrs Abigail Hampton of Jamestown, and broth er to.Ttf r. J. M.'.. Hampton who is known by a great many of our read ers. Hickory Press. i ' ' : : . Good. lBeecher lectpred in Kich- mond and only five or six females attended; .But, we ! regret to say, there were five or six hundred men whose prurient . curiosity and 'un healthy taste led them to patronize he leashorous old fellow. Wil Star, On the 19th, in the House, . the resolution to remove the - bolitical disabilities of Wm. W. Holden;was aketi rip. 'Mr. Rose moved to lay the resolution on the table in accor dance with the unfavorable report of he Judiciary Committee. The yeas and nays were called and the mt- ion to table prevailed by a vote of yeas 57, 'nays'26. A- strict party vote, with the exception of -Mr Aus tin of Union, who voted no. . J. LcbiJl co incorporate the town of Griffin&ville, Union county," pass- lie. - I i; cm tvs s; erttrcaiiujgs. w 1 1 nifiui; Jlal Observer. The Governoi'a Private Secretary yesterday issued the commission fojr the new?y ap pointed members of the Penitentiary Board Directors. We may now look for a cleaning out of that itsti- tution. Ral Observer, A f colored woman cooking lor a family living near the old cemetery on Uargett street had a terrible time yesterday raoruing. While at work her clothes caught fire, and Killed with the thoughts of a death by fire she ran blazing to a hogshead of water in the yar,d, and climbed to the top and plunged head-foremost info the water. The fire was extinguished, but a worse death stared the poor woman in the facewhen ghe found herself unable to turn in the tank. Had not assis tance been at hand she would have escaped being burned only by a death frjm drowning. . Money. Some people in his sec tion of country have plenty of monk ey. By the published statements of jthe four National Banks of Charloit e, Hthis week, we learn that there are one million vtie hundred and twelve thousand three himdred and ttpenty- '. 'jTf J .- - ': il. 1 . . I one aouars ana iwo cents on aeDOSit bound to follow capital and capital will control trade, although there may be and will be. seasons of de pression and dullness. Charlotte is the money-centre and will be the trading centre of the South. Char Democrat.- - . f Ral Observer. The great change which presents itself upon entering the Superior Court roemjs remarka ble. When Sara Watt9 was playing Judge, there was no dignity, no or der or intelligence on the bench, and confusion pervaded everything. Now the strictest order and deco rum reign, and that dignity and in-1 telligence which should, always fill the exalted position of a just Judge, is found in the person of Judge David Schenck, who is presiding' over the special term of our Superior Court. 1 be officers of the Court and the attornevs at the bar aire well pleased with Judge Schenck. Pee Dee Manufacturino Compa ny We were shown a number of samples of checked and strippd cot ton goods just from the Pee Dee Manufacturing Company at Roc ingham, Richmond countyi which for elegance of finish and strength of fabric, cannot be excelled by any similar goods of the kind that we have seen. The factory has k only been in operation for a few months, and is under the management of Mr. Ri" L. Steele. It deserves , success, and with a continuance of such work as was sh own us, we have no 'doubt but that it will prove remunerative to i's stockholders. Such institu tions are beneficial tp our people, and are a credit to our State, and we wish them .all the most abundant aucct ss .-rChar Observer . v. fA Cowardly Morder.Oq . Fri day sight a dastardly and cowardly murder was committed in the edge of Union connty near Providence township in tbis : connty. ! Mr. Jeff Dann, a well known citizen, was bnt in his barn lot aUenaing' td the feed ing of his stock, when 6o;me one ap- proicbed and calling : him asked if that was J eff Dann. Upon being informed that it was he made some inquiry about the distance - of some ppint'.in the neighborhood. Mr. Dann, with the viewi of giving bim tbe information desired, climbed over the fence, and tho individual. - As walked towards hq approached he discovered a man dtegoised by having a piece of cloth tied about his face and head and pointing a gan towards him. He made a sndden leap aside, but the vidnal tired, and the unknown indi. entire load of shot entered his body near the waist and passed throagb. As soon as he fe!l the man left. Mr. Dann lived long enough ; to relate the above facts.;. In reply ' to qaestions, he said that he had not IthY slightest - , - - y idea wbo the individual was, and could not tell whether be was white or black, and that he was not aware that he had an enemy in the neighs borhood. ' The community are ut terly at a loss to know who the gail ty party is, and thus far no traces of the individual answering the descrip tion have been heard ot Char Ob server; . , . , .;" ' .. ' Wm ENOUGH ! , . My creditors say they have wailed long enough. ' I say Co my debtors, that I have waited' Irvnnr onrnnrli A large amount of the mon ey now due me, is for G OODS BOUGHT on TulTY DAY'S TIME, and they were therefore obtained at GASH PRIG ES. I have beenvery indulgent, but I owe money and it must be paid, and necessity,, "therefore, pompels me to say Xo those who ewe me, either by note or ac- oount that on the 10th day of,j covember, I will be compelled to turn them over to an Attor ney for collection. - If (they would save costs and trouble, they will call on jne before! that time and settle. ' ' mean all that I say, it is intenden for, every man who owes me. Show me the same kindness that I have jjhown you. -'::.;: i ' L. L. POLK, - -y ,- i i - SPECIAL NOIICES. Lote for silo, from on-fourth of an acre,' td ch ton acres, to suit purchasers. Will be . sol tdoao. Apply to L. L. POLE. THE SUN 1877, l HEW YORK, 1877. Tie diflferent editions of Thb Surf during the next year will be the same as daring the year that has jast passed. The - daily edition will on week days bo a sheet of four ages, and on Sundaya a sheet of eight" pages, or 66 broad columns; while the week ly edition wtfl be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends. ; ! las ou win continne to. be th6 strenu Otis advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution .of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence, mbecility, and fraud in the administration of public aSairs. it will' contcna ior, tne . CHEKAW 5:." SaUsIVLV lUILUCAli; The Wadeatoro' Herald, of Vlaes-. day says: MAt a meeting of ihe citiz ns of Wadesbord and snrround ing country, held at the Court House yesterday, a . committee was appointed to visit Charleston, S. C A for the purpose of 'stirring the busi ness men of that citj to a practical interest and aid of this road and securing their co-operation and aid. A resolution wa? alio adopted in 8tructing our repreeeutativea in the Lerislatnre to introduce a resolution during the present term, asking aid from the State in the employmejnt of seventy'five convicts to woik on. the road. ' ' .. ' :'Ji ' ' ':: . ", govornment of the peopletby the people and patent la granted. o re Tor mawng pre-fo- h rrwi An nnnmuui tn o.Ternmant liminarv examlnatkJna. No additional fees bv frauds in the ballot-box and in the .w. wj-.., r i o . . 7. counting of votes, enforoad by military vio lence. It will endeavor to supply its read ersa body now not far,from a million of Bonis with the most oareful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current, events, and will employ for this purpose numerou and carefully seleoted staff of reporters nd correspondents Its reports from Washing ton, especially, will be full, accurate, and fearless ; and it will doubtless continue t deserve and enjoy the hatred of those wh thrive by plundering the 'Iceaptiry or b usurping what the law does cot give thexa while it will endeavor to merit the co n dence'Of the public by defending the rig h of the people against, the encroachme n of unjustified power. The price of the daily ; Suk H1 be 55 cents a month or $6.50 a year, post. paid, or with the Sunday edition $7,70. a year.' ; The- BvKDir edition alone, wgnt pages 1.20 a year, post paid- L . Tbe WeekT Sun, eight pages of 56 broad columns,; will bo furnished during 1877 at the rate o: $1 a year, post paid. The benefit ot this large Reduction from the previous rate for The Weekly can be enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubsv t the same time, if any of our friends choose tl aid in : extending our circulation, we Bhal be grateful to them, and every such person who sends us ten or more subscribers from one place will b entitled to one cbje Whe paper for himself without charge; one dollar a year, postage paid, . tne expe ' ses of paper and printing are barely repai and considering the size of the sheet an the quality of its contents, "we are confiden the people will consider The Weekly. Suit the cheapest newspaper published in the world, and we trust also one of the very best.'' ' 1 ' -' Address, Tks Sun, New York City, N. Y. . no.37-6t :- - :..'t,r ' A- D LIPPITT. OF N. a, WITH c; Wl wm.mjm.if -mm m m mm,m w M A N U FA O T UR E B S and Wholesale Dealers In Japanned and Plain Jin Ware, TinDers'v Trimrhing8y - y Hollow Ware; , Cooking and Heating ! Btoyk I olkton Brick V aid IS. BBICKS of Superior quality, and in t Q UA NT IT X WHAT: PAYS 6 v :q-o:- y: T. I'AYS EVERY MANUrACTUKKU J-pLMercLant, MechaiMC. IuTeuter, Farmer or rofRsional naii. to kep iiifonnd i.a all the iinproTemeat aod LcoTeri tL g. . . IT TATS THE HEAD OF EVERY FAWI ly to introdare into his honnhoU newspaper that i iDntraotiTe, one tU toi era a taste. for inTestigaticn, and pro?not thought and encourages disettMion. amoo the members. PAYS EVERY - .. :, . " Tn ScirHttnc . Acbic .vhlcr ; Ui been published weeklysfor the UmI -thirty one yeara, dpelhis . to an eitenL LeyoA that of ny other pnblicalion ; in Tuet it i tho only weekly paper pnWiahrrl in thv United States, deroted, to MnnnfitctHrra,. MecbanicA, Inrentions and New Diacoteri n the Arta and Sciences, n . EvM-y number is profimely illustrated and a contents embrace the latest und moat uteresting information ; "pertaining to Uo industrial, Mechanical, and Scientiiic rrp 'ess of the World, Descriptions, with ten iful Engrafinga of New Iuveutrien of all in,ds, Useful Noted, Recipes, Suggestions ml Advice by Practical Wi iters, for Work en and Employers, aJt. tho various arts, rming a complete repertory of near inveu ntions and Discorerie, cpntirtniu Tecekly record, not only ot the progre!i of who fndustral Arte iu our own country, but tEn.'ineeringi Mechanics, and abroad." Tl e practical Itecipea are well worth tan times the subscription 'price, and for the shop and house will sate many times the cost of subscription. ' : . Merchants,! Farmers, Mechanics Engin eers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Loters of Science, an.d People of alt Pro fessions, will find tha SctEHTtrio America useful tp them. ""It should haro a pluco in etery amilyL Library,; Study, Offlco aud Counting Room in lerynReadingHtoom, College and School. A new 'volume com mences January 1st, 1877. ' A yoar's numbers contain 832 pspes aud several hunded engraviugs. Thousand- of ivplumes are preserved for biudinj and ref erence. Terms. $3.20 a year by mail, inclu ding discount to Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rates, acnt free. Single copion maiieu ou rccuipw ui iu ccqis. suaj urn ua of all Ne.W Dealers. , : ' . Iq connection with the Scientific Araeri canrMetsra. Mann A Co. are Solicitors or American ami foreign l'atents, ana .tiav the largest 'establishment in the world . More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency; A- ' -LA' , -.1. 1... . . Models of new inventions and sketches ex amined and advice free. A spociul; notice h made in tho Scientific American of all In ventions Patented through this ageney.wit'h the name and residence of the Fatnntee. persons attracted to the invention, br such notice. A Pamphlet, containing fall direc tions for obtaining Patents sent free The Scientific American Reference Book, a vol ume bound in cloth and guilt, containing' the Patent Iws, of Jhe Uniffd Ktates, and 115 T.nffrftrinfq of mrhfinirl mnvnmAnlii. Price 25 bents. , Address for the paper, or - concerning patents, Muns A CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Offioe, Cor. F i7th8ts., Washiug ton, D. O. I Established 18t5 I T V ORE & CO.. AttflrnflVfl at Law i - J. . 029 F 3trat' Washington, D, C A WmtSff A WTk A.tVfl.SJBl' T S TtUft ..V,.. Patents probured in all countries. No ties 15 AUVANCt, Moxcnarge . unless tne 1 m .ii.: for obtaining and. conducting a rebearioc: Special attention given to Interference Gases before the Patent Office, Extension before Congress, Infringement Suita in dif ferent States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp loa Pamphlet of sixty pages. " '' .. J-.. i :v usmo sTiTEs courts jdtd di? m i r j Claims prosecuted in the 'Supreme Court l of the United States Court of Claim 1 Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. L Southern Claims Commission, and all oIam- es of war claims before tho Executire De partments. . , ,; 07 PJLT XVV XWUXTV. ( u umccrs, aoiuiers, ana oaiiors ot tne late war or their heirs, are in many cases enti tied to money from . Jhe Government, of which they have no knowledge. Write fall nlstory of service,, and state amount of pay and bounty rec&ivoa Enclose st&mp, and a full reply, aftef examination, will be given youiree. . - ' y ,' .r All officerSf'soldlers, and sailors wounded ruptured, or injured in the late war, how ever slightly, jean obtain a pension, iT CNIXEU STATES OENEB1I, HWD Jrrit. V Contested Land Cases,8 Private Land Claims, Mining Pre-emption and Homestead1 Cases, prosecuted before the General Land Office and .Department of the Interior. r OLD BOUNTY LAND WABBIXTS. The last Report of the 'Commissioner of i i t a r j i. - n Dit r tut me uenerai xjvua umca. bquwh ,ovi,wv acres ot Bounty -Land Warrant outstand ing. These wore issuod under act of 18S5 and prior aeWC We pay cash for. them. Send by registered letter. Where assign ments are imperfect we give Instructions to perfect them. J . v iliic departmeat of ouritusineM ji . con ducted in a separate barenu. under the charge of the same experienced pftrtie esi ployed by to,e ol4 firm. J'rorot attention to all business entrusted to us i thus se cured. - ' 1 '" : ' : ddrag :., OILilOEE. .k.CO;t ,t P. O. Box 44 . V WbinttoCD Br em Brown & Co CUilt ovtu .X. MP0UTER3 AKD DEALERS IX GENERAL i HARDWARE ; and; C TJ T tl E R YV CARRIAGE AND SApLERY . ' HA ROW A R & AND. . i. Strict Atttrhticu lit Gtvot to Or J'.