-4 if? V j r, , a I t : tin : i-l Ga axg e I eimmm't. CEMOI.LTION F AWOX COpjTV fieotcciU That the Axsosias be ad dled a tlie Organ of. our Order "for this OWiity, uikI that wc heartily rc- encaait to tij r?troo?ge and sup- :U1! , tjg faimer to farm aft gre.t!y re lational Grange qF the Patrons of I daccd coa. - . jfiiBbandry- Um ter-John T. v, Cf Tton, Ark. Secretary - O. II- KT, Louiavtlk, K p.WjTlAliiCi.kcLury,S,C. II. li. Siusk njia-l njJL-ttfuic, Ifwa lvi i . I. Cvi--C,.av iiort. N. H, North t'rwiii. "ilAft'T -Coh-mi i XTiM-S Cari.vinl, N. C. 1.Y. IjlWRKit-JS, Fayette ilk, N, C. r.'a. J". C Drut-S, PUtcjJviUfc,.K, C. Tr. O. . FCii, Azitua GttAvti S. R. Alex- ! 1 - ' A- T. Mi u- -RsU tyb, N. O. BouJ-.l20.OuO. , Count tf (Mug. I JJai-tcr -It, VST. Lajnrrri:uWdvJbon.,N.C. Keo. II. W. EaWo- J adueLoro. :t. U I JLf of .Sfae JVjJuSt or AiwYJt torofinx. I&t Watrtrl V. C SttAW, IadiiuTowp, Cur- 2utlJuiijf A. Davis, Tirboru. Fdg-conibe 3r.l 15. r. ITH)K.snMbcro, Wayne cmnty 4th Hat E. Kixa, Stanip Kuna, Onslyw .unty; Zlh L. I- TVi.Kt ruiltrn, Anson onntr. tll Kuaxk rirr. UaUnie, Warrtu co; 7th D -V MoTuic:knv, Company SLop 41maucc coor.ty. " - A. B. CwacoN-iy. Jeruf ulcw, Daua oo. Sth T. II. Kor.i sox. Oncnnl, Cabann co lOUi 7. T. nn.BUT, ry. Catawba cuutr. , llth -Nwt yet mpplltJ-! ; 12th M M ' r&ra ai Grasgs-- : A -Compost for Cotton and Corn- i correspondent of the Scientific icmr any s ho is hceiog tip from une to two inchts of tho top' cf the ground, soif w t!i t,h8 Icatss "od straw, and wants to compest it Jn some way to make it available on - Uj cropa ntx. Spring, and atfes tho , e litor advice In reply, lis sj s i $ A cheep and tEective way wouM be to mix, io a largo heap, wi h sta-r hie msnnre. or btfer, ;to nso in tie u ablo and barnyard acd' ht g penp, h levMing and clsorbents tf the liquid?, thns Ihe m&terialwcuM gfct veil mixed with the manure; saving Ihe latter, and by Just eo tmuch im j.roviog tic former. If theq a com 1 cut heap is made of thns combined mattrhds aud forked over a. few limes, tho coarse leaves, ADd straw will become decomposed, and fittel for Juee on the crop. " Another j;Ood method is to pile the materials together, incorpcrctirg from two to five boihela of slacked limo per cord, ' end shovel it over once or twice to mix thoTonghly and to forward tnd eonttol the heatiog -The limewill act to decompose tie orgauio mat ter tftb ma.s, wliila tloJ earthly ptirtious wi 1 retain the vola!i!e4pal ters thrown cil dariog tbc heating The ccmpost should . 6-and -before u-icdn'o cr two montbp, till tbo roais matters become j thoroughly !.' mpcattl." Farraliis Without Fcnclngv ITjdfr Ibis beadiajr, we od: the - fd 'owing from the Union, a n.wjpa I er publuhed al Juuctiou City, Kiu (located at ihe point where the 'Kansas lc'fi aud; Missomi," Kan sas Ze Texas Railroads intei-sect), Wjich, a) it relates it a sjbjeet that ii cow receiving much attention;! from this section, will bi of interest ; H innny tTionr readers : VchaTe a law in Kansas. which has bcfeii sa'ained by the Supreme lourf, whih euables" cJuutycom tuissioners, tipon a certain -petition tr vote of tun reoj la, to d&suo an or dor restraining t-tJck frorn running " a respective counties. ItiscailedthellJrdLiw.jtndisdo- Bignei vof enaoio larww lo raise tueir crop wiinoit tlie expense of fencing It 13 the most remarlcablv tincce3sful reform of this 'decade Toore ip, nndtr thi law. 117 tiesnns3 by flock.' because tfo:kis; bitter cre l far '. by it owners. tTheie is liti 'a'ion about trcfiiia thin io f alwers leljaWi. Th.H idea of tho herd law ie-.tje embodiment oi justice and. conimonj eense, - It pro tects the growjjjg crop3, whlc'a j dis tcrb.no one, from Ihe roaniiGg,!ma Hcious steer, which is a constant dis tarbanco to 'ever.) bod j. tu ether words, it requires every man to take care of his own property, and to re strain it froru disturbing others. It improves tie stock, decrcasis 'i: iationj deto'opa the caaritry, ena- Davis countv i as acoptea tins law, and set!ers are .thus enabltd to bein work without tha expensive preliuuinny . of i .'acing.'-- Cb'nr Ob- sm'cr.. Fruit Eaisln Ir. 3. J. Sloan, of B rry Hib to wr ship, MeckleLbnrg ccnoty, tella us that five yeaa ago ho rfaclved to gojnto frQit-ra:sing, and set out a youug orchard with Bomanita acd hockley shrubs. He hr.s found no difficulty in se'licg; his app'.es at home at $1 per bu hel, ti.d fijd3 it more profitable than cotton p'autiog. Mr. J. A, Frazier, cf this county, is protaby the most sacccs3ful appla raiser in the county. He brought into Charlotte last week a wagon load of de icious apples, for which he readily got. 1.25 per bushtl. Other sections excel ODrs in cotton ; others ogain in corn or- wheat or to tacco; bat the; country between the Yadkin -and Catawba, with their tributaiiis, has no" equal in the TJiii tednSiatts fur the variety of its pro ducts, flll ofwhich wi l amply, pay the cul ivator. Our farmeis ought to be the mo&t prosperous' in thy word, and would be if they did noi confine thtir culture to ihe eveilasb icg cotton. Southern Jlome. Cocs:d6iabe iaterest is manifes ted by numbers of the Grangers iu tie establhhmuit of a dtpartmoot oi Agiicol ure. 3Iyny promiceal members cf that oi dar are in 'tlw city exerting their influence to je cure the passage of a bill establish ing a dtpartment of that o' aracitw This order iepresfceiit a memberthip of 12.000 citizens cf tho Sla'e ou t numbers 510 orgnn zad aud working Granges. i'af Observer. :. The Executive Mansion is to be advertised for eale, the proceeds of the tale to be appropii.ited to the builuiug of a letidence for tha Gov ernor on one of the 'nacre central sqaiues owned by tho Stute. Por- hapi on tho Lovejoy Bquare. Hal Observer. One number cf the JL'euit ntiary Bourd hns ia his possession fifty three patitions for 'positions iu that iustitu'.iju -Should all lie others have a HI e number, they will fiave two hundred and sixty-five of these dvcumeats to consider. Wjo would bo a public officer? Hal Observer. Modest Kt quest. Thry write to Gov. Yucca about everything under tha sou, and ma ny of his admirers are possessed ot uo idea that hecoLtroIs al the mon yand owns all the cAttle upon a thousand hills. Dciiug the cam paign one of the Gfovernor admir ers .vanted him to bny 250 acres of land foi him and make Llm a pres ent of it, and n dny or two ago Le received a letter fromla cdnfidtruto ci-izen who set forth that the height of his ambition was to be a lawyer, aod if Ilia Excel'ency oald give Lioi ouoagh money to educate him aull enable htm to slu ly law, .ne would just be healed, and never usk him for a cent after he , got his license.--fa. Xews. Gen. Lonps!rect's Position. fTho following dl .patch was on Tin s lay last sent . to Presideul (i runt by General Loigstreet : iw Orleans, Jan. S" To, rrczi de,,t Grant, ' Washinglcni D. C. ; Gen. Nicholls was to-day inaugura lod Governor of this State amid enr tliati isiic.deiTion8liation3 of patriot ism that should be gratifuji;.to. ov- 0ry American citizen. II b iieve bimLi ly elected to II12 office to which he has been inductoJ, and that he v.ill rnaiutiin poace and jood crdtr throoghoat t'to St ite. beg, therefore, that you will ma tart ly considir tho premises not withstandiiij r.lvcrsa' eensitionul , dispaichc -tVit tn y reach you. ; , i -i'j!iiv liespeciitii .y, From the Atuinlu CoHstUulioa.'l Politics and CoUeciloii Plates Kecent'y a Iladioftl - who ist a preacher, tackled Uncle Eemu3 on the subject of politics. I understand, 'old man' said, he ,?t!iat you are a Democrat." ( .'I dqnno bout dat, boss 'Well, it come3 pretty straight. ' I know dey -got two -sides, one what d-y call Dem-my crat' an' de ulder what dey ca'.l Jfci.1i kel, bat I don't boddar wid 'em w'eu de wed d:r gits dis "tiff. " Bat, I hear yo : vo!e lha Demc crtic ticket every time.' . 'I wte wid my young marctcr, what I nusstd w'en he want no bio ger dan a buck rabbit 'Now doa'c ycu know this is go iug back on your clor V 'Bat hit ain't gwine back on my belly, an ef I don't tend to dat, de fus cole rain dit coma 'long mout wash" de color right outa m3, j niu't ta'riii no chances in diz bizness, boss. I I'm gefctin clo, ou de oi'er I gits do hongrier I gits I docs for a fac.' t Look at mo. I vo!e th Repabli can ticket, aud I'm Lot josing any flesh-' ' ' 1 'You sorter preaches "round like don't yoa boss?' - 'Sometimes. Yes.. Why?' 'Caze dat's wbar do fuu c0me3 in. I don'tgit no chancj fcr ter feed cu'ea no beaver hat, an 1 don't, cat lmQ no p'atts what dey takes up chaich klecks'juns in. . I'ui a mighty lonesome ole . nijser, an has ter scuflle loDg the bes I kin widout enny cprigergation at my back The preacher looked at bis watch, and said he would talk come more at another time, while Ucc'e Ke. mus with a serene smilo upon his venerable face, went dowu tho street singing : ?' Oh I whar shill wo go. wca de great day comes, . Wid de blonia 'uv de trumpets an' f de Langin 'uv de drums? -How many p a' sineia will be catciu out late, ' An line no Jttch to de goldin ate? Duplin!;. The- recent duel le'.wecn. James Gordon Ijennct, of the Now York H 'rald, and Fredrick May, .broth, r of Mr. B's late betroth'.d, in winch the latter, is said to be dangerously wjounJed in' the thigh suggests to a thoughtful people Xhe propriety of en acting more stringent laws against the barbarous practice, which ought by this time, to have been numbered among. tbo relics of much less civilized age. - - ' ' . Look at it any whatsoever light wo may, dueling has cot one merit to re commend it. It settles nothing as to the wrong done by. either or jboth of the parties to it. It docs not appeal to one's understanding as a civilized means cf adjusting difficulties, nor docs it-comport with the principles of Christianity, wherein shedding blood is strictly forbid len. We regard the ; toleration of the dueling code a9 on a par with licensing gambling or horse-racing; both aro wrong, if it be wro'rg to murder and pamble.-rJIrartVr. Ltgen Tho Carolina AgriculturalWorliS W. F, COOK, Proprietor. Charlo t te , 0 . -o o- : i , ! i ' GOOD IIiOV Arc essential to sncccssful' planting, there fore I would like to call your attention to my four hhses of Tuii Cuakix)tte Tlow. Tho one-horse is susceptible of four changes, making a Tnrn-Plow, Shovel, &wep aud Sera-iK-r with only the cost of the extra Jlouidsas the same stock anpwers all' the "different de mands, for .cue-horse-work, in t lie course of the year. - I only ask one fair (rial that my Plows may have t!ie coiiCdcnce' of ev trv plautc-v in ilie onih. ' - " ltespectlully. W. F. CWOK .- Jharlotter, N.- C 26-ly ' 1 D- LIPPITT, OF N- C , ';' , witu - - : " . ONICI.IIY, WlLUS Jk.O,, M X X U FA C TU U E U S j and Wholesale Dealers Tn " Japanned and 'Plain Tin iraie, TinIiers, Tnaimmgs, Hollow Ware, . r Cook in tr and Heating Stoves WANTED! 100 FAMILIES AND ABOUND E3 fjfl , 39 Builiing Lots, admirablj located 109x200. j 9 Splendid Basines Lots, on the principlo Streets, - Ore Lot, 112x200 feet with. House 1Gx30, one of the haudsomest Lots in the town. One Lot some size, with a beautiful and Ftylish Cottage, just fiuished, with five large rooms very Valuable prop erty. ' ?aEucouragcd- by tho experiment of dividing out, an J '-SELLING'" CHEAPa I will SELL or EENT ii 1 nv thing in thd shape of HOUSES, from the i ; I) 0 UJJL E GAB IS' To,a. LARGE HOTEL and land, to : ACTUAL SETTLERS From ONE ACHE to TWENTY-FIVE. WE HAVE 12 STORES OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ONE DRUG STOU. A FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY - t HOTEL, A GOOD SCHOOL 2 CIURCE5 BLACK SMITH AND SHOE SHOPS, TY5. - ' - ' BRICK-YARDS, 2 STEAM SAW MILLS UMBER ABUNDANr, 1 i And evcrj faeilltfir BTJ LDIXG CHEAPLY A 2tX) EXPEDITIOUSLY, Water very fiue and abundant. : ' Two yeara ago wo M ere in 'the WOOD3, now we have ONE of the NEATEST and MOST ' A TEIiritlSIXG VILLAGES' to bo found la the Stat.' J For, RAPIDITY of GROWTH it has ao EQUAL n the State. . IT IS IMPROVING DAILY. I WILL GIVE HARI'l INDUCEMENTS IN PJilCES s TERMS, TO THOSE WISHING TO S ETTLE IN THIS SECTION OF OUR STATE. Oar rOPUIiAiTOX is HlGHTONED, 5I0CAL, ENTEEPEISIG ANDWE WANT NO OTHERS, -ffi. ...... '- For parUciilars call a or addreaa, and Mr e wi n ff Unrivaled for the Uange and Kxcelienrn OFFICIAL SEWIXi 3LVCHISK S ILFj? TOTi 1S74. Mat hiaf s S1(1. Tlje Singf-r JTaimfaehirins C. ,. . . .. . . .'iil.TO Wheeler- Wilson Manufacturing Co. , .v Iowe Hewing ilachin'y CJt (estimaU j. 35,KX lXiueatic St'wnng Maeliine Co. ....... . :J 22,700 GroverA Uaker Se ring Machine eo. . , .. ?0t(X) F'oronco aowin Mrliino ru , . . ,"i..17 Secor sewing 21acLiiiu co. .4,511 Tho .siiig'eK5ranufictHrihf ro.j. .2.12,444 '.Yhteh-r-iV Wi'ou laimfarluriugco. . . .U'.'.lfU l)o:ncstk" se wing Machine co. .......... . 40.114 Gi-ovor & Baker sewing Maeliiue o 36,117 I-Knve sewhg Slaehiuc co. ....... ..no returiia F!orf-ne gcwiii llHi-hine aj. . . ; . S,!X3 Seeur sewing Slachiiie eo. . . ... ., 1.430 Madiine Twist, Xeodlcs, . : . : :-' The following is a correct roport of tliewJe of winsm.ichms rnado hy tho MOIn ,U;; d",lg 'Hr1'1 fnr .ye- A vwtnl tymiimU of the Courts t nftlXTaK 13 sliovvn in the sale reiH,rU-l I.y all tho oIIkt r,.uink-ji. This in a hr'hb" Mtiirartirv rlU f t . us aud in only another proof that "Trut- nurit al w vw ita MarU-" n-fctory rwIt tv Branch Place Tyrou Street, betweeu 4th and Trade. OnAitLOTTE, N. C v ' GKORGK l 1UDOE11, Agent. 26i1y isT Agents Wanted. . - .-. ink mM - m'm. I L T. S -JJUi rn rt m r rt mjy t ... . v t iijja lib THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. With our printed directions, 4io instruction or raechtnical skill is require? to orerr.te It. The construction of the machine is based Upon a principle of unique' anft' uiir.jtwlli-J im oiit itv. cdraprlsing 's:mpi: levers working vpon centres The. bcaruift -are li-.:', nl- tlujr are hardened ahd.pplkhetL r ' ; , - - . - Thi niachincs are made at our new vorksJa'the city of Ncw ar', N. J v kit' act tbl (patented) tuacJiinery and tools, instructed expressly to accoiajish avlt; we' otter, -' ' Every machine fully warranted. . , ! "DOrESf 8CW SSWINC MACHINE CO.r Noav York -and dilc-ai. i . r Mi FASHIONS tcn! highest talent and tlie best facilities in all lejartiiitnts, and the best Heas ot the ti-it fk lltul modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results far above the reuli the average dress-maker. Onr styles are alwavs the latest arid best. Our eIegantlyUIutraU:4. Catalogue maJed to any lady sending five cciits with hrr address. Agents wanted every w here. 4 DOMESTIC " -OF TUE- AXSOX COUNTY mRDICAL HOC IC I A rv v ' - r . . -, Visit and Medicine in town, $1 .SO After 9 o'clock P.. al., - I 3.00 And extra charges for costly prescript Visit more than i mile 50cts per mil ' . And prescription iu every case I l.JO Each additional in family 50-1.00 Visit at night 1 per mile, -.. ! Night's attention 510.00 Night detehtiou 5 5,00 Gall visit and Medicine ett50 to $2.00 OBSTETRICS. ( ; Natural labors 10; mileage 50 eta.. per mile 1 . , , ; Difficult and Iiistruraehtal Labors V . $20 to $25 ' ' Removing Placenta -T : r ; 5.00 rTxtracting Teeth $1.0050 cts. for ' each additional tooth at "saine sottin-z ko-c 1 et no Opening abscess. ) VUlUCUSlll - JiW IO Administering .Chlorofoi-m or ; r " Eether - 32.0O Using speculum $1.00 to 6.00 Consultation 1.0.00 and in ileage. Detention in all c-sses 1 j er hour. " Allowiug 5 hours for eases of Labor and two hours for ordinary yieit Brem Browii & Go 211:5 trtra -xr MroRTKRS AND DEALERS CTENEr.Al. HARDWARE and CUTLER YV CAERIAGK AND SADLERV - H A R D W A R ? : AND ' Strict ' ; t ttittcn Gi ven to On1: M ach ines oi their Work and Extent of their Sa IlEPOHT. sr.wt NAcuixta, luara 1872.1 .- Tlje Su,St r Mannfactnrinff 0 !a!9,751 JlK-kr and UiVui Uuufa-iarinK'Coa71,fy ivLea or.l71. The fciogcr Manafaotorin co. .."...lMi.a AVhcckr V Wilbou 3Inurnclturiug co. . . .125,5J Grover A Ilakt r ewing MmIiiik- ci 50.51 rioromv jgcwiog 3lMrhiiie co. . . .V. . . . Domestic iwiii ilAt liiue tO. . 1V0T Linen TJircacl, cotton, c. A ' Doubic-. Thread Lcck-Stitch y, 1'"c (j. tuntl 14..O0a lomeSriCcwU,K5Uti,iue eV 4j, tloitruco g;wiug SLtcliitic co . . . U ,7 S 3 ' fesf 5AVIN'Gi Dy uslnrr the Dnnirntlc Pa--1er FihioUM the most stvlitb ni p. rlect-f ttincf costumes fau be prodrtccct, st a 'nrc-e sirluff i M()NEV tf those who choose' to ir.cke.or yi:iciin- the luakiirr.of. tlicir own uarkients. S nh l!,e SEWING fvlACHINC CO., ,cvr-';YorU; ttitd ClaU'iicro . - -1, r ,. MER On A XMS Rn QKEK, Solicits ordej'd for ever deacription of MH R C HA NO I SEE - I Acn rr jtVlICO.VIBB7rO. mCUrVIX mm n.ViFAll.ATID it! iOOKi AND JOB PRINTIXi 00k Biridin WL 1 SODS mUTACIDSlS! "f!cMited-la the very best ord la?c?t lm- Jrovedtrlj-VVc hare TU oniy euinuinwJ OB OFf'lJL'E AND BCXJK-UlS'DtHY JM '-THE CITr OF RAf.KJ'l and lb LUEST ESTA IJLISIIM KN T o kli-d -IN THE STATE. Our Printin, ii.cludiur PainpLP U uiiJ bifa'fvs, has been - cxteIvtly 5" rai-ed N? J'ass North and South. 8:11a . B. iiiirwl, A. M., Teocc InMitutc. K- Jelijh: 'I u:ijvc never had dealing! wilb anf Trintcrs wuq 00 Dctrcr worn." r. r. Ibi- f . jrood, Prlaoipal Raleigh Ternak' bcruin:.r: l)ohc all iby Printing 'for the la,t tUa tennn as oni Publihlif Iloue N"rth Ho-.tlh." Mai: Jlobt. Uiuzham. Sup i hv: hrua School :j " We Know, of in N-Mrr hoir o In Ihelr linei." President aud Cablr CU Zens' N ationUl Bank, Ct Ralelfrn : J"c kno-r f no EitablUhmcnt tnrning out lwaf rr -t -more itiffaflory jcb3. Irraci of.lhe!r j ij- t ; InjS and bindln'dcnc TorttMft Bunk ho Ukf prTniurn? at ditfercnt'Fair." . Our J;L.V'K4 for CIerl.,StJCrJirsTff. ''ten, i!al.-trat-4. At tortiCiv. .Vc. i-roiw""". . d Ihe best In the market. . enJ fur catal.i..-. zwi? yon want irofKi w'"V..VT..l; TrT, for j.rlniiM- I5(K)KS, PA) t r feCHOOL C A T A I 0 U E.S. l ' ft. JvEtTER ANP NOTE- HKAUi--J1LU jmn, CAKD3. ENVELOPES, .A or PBINTIKa OF iiHY KIKD. rIfvon,antLEfKEnS,DAT-Ii((r.- KEcor.r) ioirs, scip dooks.'c:. BOOKS REWOUND, Of . . SGOS-BtNDIliG OF AHY SHIP, . vSn(! j ourordPr to EDWARDS, DROi'dllTOX ft CO. riUNTEIW AND BlNDCRi, JCtAl.EIGn,N. C. BIBLICAL TlVilcOnEU, : t :.)xu ht .'N. u B-f.tf, i.TjvrM.'V ercr ir-rU aj ier annum .neof " ld'j"-t Reibfiptij P.-vix r Ih the&uil;. A- i'l 'drertiiiiftiliuut uu-.ir""d I J'V r'iat.-. Addn-. EUVARD5. Kl:OtU.y- ton .x. iuu:itfh. ' u fence conn' ry, b c uhs- f iL fes - art I" I: U POLK rOLKTN, K C. J. "Long tu u :t. I . . . - . .

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