! - .4.'.,,.:, -i . ' - . t . - - J .-- L - S - - I -? - - . v-j'". - -t SATES OP. ADTXimsuta -.. J 8 IS 13, 8 IS 18 r- r 13 4 10 4 14 3 CS . Omos Ur Btaxxs or Bvuhiiq fin Facts Alone Can Infliierice the Minds and Actions of Meni it 14 IS tO Z3 SO S3 40 73 SC 40 73 I 14a. Door ABOYB Jo. Bijarxs & 8os' Stosz. (JS, POSTAGE PAID I I ? r 1 ' 9 YQL.;5. , REIDSVILLE, N. O. THCTRSpAYi NOV- 4, 1S80. JSrO. 44. s iioau noticcft id emu a llso for cm iasertioa, tod 6 etc I for eac& rcUeaoeat iaseraoa. 1 78 in 'advance. LLUlUUUJJin I Hlini. I -UIIXlll I I M ll I , ll I , l n . v hO.HIf 1X1 1 1 H j . , . . - . ; . .... i . : 11 lllilD ; iltllDillq v HiilllD .11 Mitt . v r , 8UBSCEIPTI ' ' ill;,' 1 t't a. i .004 year A i i liVTiolesale "1 9. CLOTHING- CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING- . X V... V,.-. Retail J I" Reidsville Times, THURSDAY. NOV. 4, 1880.' wn FLYN1TS LOVER, SUWESSITLLT COMBKlSa COIJRTINO 2 THB STUDT OP IfEDI LIFE'S CROSSES. bt Vandyke bbown. CLOTHING-CLOTHING- CLOTHINa GrEJfTS.FJJRJflSEING- GOODS, GEJfTS FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS FURMISmMG GOOD& at JOIEO IW". SMITH, v Oi tiOCKINGUAM i. 1 S WITH THIS HOUSE, AtfD WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE HIS FRIENDS GALh ON 'HIM HATS and CAPS, hats ! a pjgr. J HATS ftiid CAPS, fc.--, BOOTS and SHOES, '60T8iia-SHOES; BOOTS and SHOES Hjb was . old .and weali and! shabbily time-beaten wreck of a;xnani! ? JYbosa itory th tpasscr-bj might have O f the iac6.be bad stopped to-scan For Fate, bad .dealt him many-'a blow, Now tqaarclj and uowftom behind, IHth elcknesa and poverty laying him l0W. ...... " H Then cruelly making him blind! As T dropped a pittance' into hb bat H I Haid: 'Your lotfa hard;': - . , 4.J: , But be chee rily answered: Yes, it is .1. tnat, '.'.. ; i i: . For I'm blind and poor, and barred From all that gives to life its joy, . I . ; Yet perhaps It is only my share; ! For the lean, was never ,yet born, my Who hadn't biff cross to bearl I walked through a iambus uptown '"square; V'.,;;. v ' And I envied the rich man's ease; : But lo! on the silyer doorbell there ! A crape fluttered out on the breeze. Ah, this, I reflected, id gold's alloy, And I muttered to empty air, The man was never yet bom, my boy, Who hadn't bis cress to bear!' I heard the plaudits and laughter rife, In a theatre packed to the walls, Where the star was a famous comedy kins, Who smiled in response to the calls, Yet I knew he bad buried that day the Joy Fro: eTroy (N. YO Times.! ! . . " . Misfir, i ry Flynn was studying medicine 1 biinsr courted; at th game tir attend : : -: ..2. : , THE WAY IT GOES. I She read til the books of science, Her flness were covered with Ink; She hooted at marrtige alliance, i She Uiked of the missing link. 1 1'. ,:' . ' . , ' She quoted sarins and preachers . Of greater and leas rcnowa v. Platonic in all her features, -, T.' " 7 ArMADMAN'5 RIDE. A Tbrbjui Fkat Which MtaKT fa'uEB Death to a Mas Who : Had a Livtl Hcad. : T - Depotmaster 2 horns Boone of Heading, Pa., relates the details" of &r most diBgeroM ride; of raadaaa - T 'H Hiilroad,- la Pert, The largest and mosi reliable Honse in Danville. "Goods warranted au represented." OctU t(. 1 Cor. Main and Union Streeta, r--. DANVILLE, VA. New Firm! c " j " ... ' New HousS t I New Goods none Reid House, Wentworth, N. O This Hotel has been recently refitted rnished and oilers 7r GOOD 'ACCOMMODATION LUMBER! - a resDectfuilv announce to the p that thev are now receiving as Ibeir - j ... - New BricK Ston s large stock of . GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS, bought directly from leading Jobbers and Importers with cash. . Ajl of which will be sold at the very lawes possible , utes consistent with jhon -Aat-jHilintf. We oronose to conduo basiness on strictly. legitimate vnm piples and pledgeourseltes to gire to all thei money's worth; A share ot public patronage is respectfully oli LINDEY, HARRIS & CO. s Rkilsvillb, N. C Feb. 26. 1880. SASfl. DOORS, AND BLIMDS. Dem iy S? Smith Give notice to their friends and the public generally that they ha?e on hand a full as sortment ox ... , Rough and Dressed Lumber . -' - ' Including Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard ingr &cr awo a run sioct-or tusn, jjoors, and Blind, Laths, tjhinglea, Ac.. Window Framea of, all sixes kept in stoca and maue to order. .; r! r-v. - -' CiTWe will sell JAiuduie i material as cheap aa it can be got in Reidsville. Yard and in opposite iiAgie arenoose. Give us a Call. ' DENNY 3s SJTOfe 1 , Reidsville N.CJ The man was never yet born, my boy, Who hadn't his cross to bearr I thought of a Judge who was honored of men , j ; r For the ;nwer and the place ho had r won . j' Yet the felon, one day, in the prisoner's pen. " , fTas the Judge's only son, 4nd the iron law the Jude-could em- piyV " While the father was crushed in des- pair j .' . .. . ; " -' 'The man was never yet born, my boy, Who hadn't his cross to bearl' And thinking of this how wealth and : fame And honor and power all May have its grief lo hide, or it shame, I could not choose but recall The words which the beggar blind could employ In this chetry philosophy rare; 'The man was never yet born, my boy, Who hadn-t his cross to bear. TWO ECCENTRIC MEN. David 8. Reid, 1- Wcnlworib, i . Thomas 8.J Reid ReidsviUe. REID & REED, Attorneys at Iatt, Whtwoith iin Riii)virx. rlt C. ILL attesdto U bulnM aatnuted tbtai Dr. H, W. COLE, Successor to Co us & Fusrx, 42tf 9. DAKYILLE, VA Ghedrge Q-ibson, Jr, Jl (. tHrOBTXB A2TD JOBBXR OF ; ri vm JiAJHSTBEBT,V. i HIDES EIDES GBEEN and DRY HIDES, twill py the highest market price for tbem deliv- ered to me In ReiiUville, - J.J. MAUTIS. Oct74m. . A BB B O U d H IIO US E Jit rill raleigh, jr. y ' G. W BLACKNALI 'Proprietor. - ; Detroit Free lVess, One day last week as a Griswold street lawyer had just finished tacl ing up a sign of "shut the door" where he thought it would do the most good an oldish man, having a sour expression on his face, came up stairs. The instant he saw the sign1 he said: "All bosh, sir all bosh. I never pay any attention to puch signs." 'But other people do,' replied the awyer.. v . - :''T. 'Let 'cm do so, then. I am just ec centric enough to leave your door open when I go out ! iind so he did. He walked once or twice around the room, made a few Inquiries, and left the door wide oien as he walked out. When he bad reached the street a boy overtook him and asked him to return to the room on important business. He climbed; back up stairs, and the lawyer asked him: Did you leave your gold-headed cane here? ; No, sir here it is," replied the caller as he held it up i 'AhJ so it is. I was just eccentric enough to think that this stove pok er wax your gold-headed cace All rights-no harm done good-bye!" jYhen the stranger went down stairs he left the print of his heel on eTerj.ftep...- One'eveningrwhild thejiWere sit ting together in the parlor! Mr. Budd was thinking how he should manage to proposed Miss Flynn was explain ing certain physiological facts ; to Do you know she saicL ;that thousands of persons are actually ignorant that they smell with their olfactory peduncle!' 'Millions . of . em, replied Mr. Budd. . V 'And Aunt Mary would't believe me wlien I told her she couldn't wink without a sphincter muscle!' - 'How unreasonable! , - Why a person cannot Visa with out a sphincter!' . 'Indeed!' ' 'I knowTiVlilio ' ' "May'L tr if I can!' 'Oh, Mr. Budd; it is too bad for you to mako light of such a subject Then he tried, and while he held her hand, she explained to him about the muscles of that portion of the hu man body. ' Ti f it t 7U is remarxaoie now muco you know about these things said Sir. Bud 'really fronderfuL Now, for example, what is the bone at the back of the head called!' 'Why, the occipital bone, of course.' 'And what are the names of the muscles of the arm?" 'The spiralis and the infra-spiralis, among, othtr.---' mean, nen x put my mira-spirans around your waist so, is it your oc cipital bone that rests upon my shoul der blade in this way?' 'My back hair, primarily, but the occipital bene, of ccurse, afterward. But, oh, Mr. liudd, soppose pa should come in and see us!' 'Let him come! Who cares?' said Mr, Budd, boldly. I think I'll exer cise a sphincter and take a kiss.' 'But Mr. Budd, bow can you! said Miss Flynn, after.he had - performed the feat. . "Don't call me Mr. Budd; call me Willie,' be sid, drawing her closer. You accept me, don t you" I know you do, aarling.' WJ11J rViiannrA1 ATica lvnn It ...... iim.vv.w. -A.w A mjmmmmf very faictly. 'What,' darling?' J can hear you heart beat.' 'It betts only for you, my angel.' 'And it sonnds out of order. The ventneuar contraction is not uniform 'Small wonder for that when its bursting for joy.' 'Youjnust put yourself under treatmeit for it. I will give you some medicine.' It's tour own property, darling; do what you like with it. But some how the sphincter operation is one that strikes me "most favorably, Let os agaii see bow it works. But thy proceed? The old, old - r fUttU.2tock Gazette: or of oan extended oa -u,". . . . 1 a , frnt .trnct I, Hu was of mcdmo it A rcry cotaelT woman passed a tnP .nnarfentiv w.n iir Knt party of men standing on a street ucVinir a hat. His hair stood on corner. 'Look at that nose, will you?' end from the force of the: Kind, cans remarked one of the men,: and he ej b. the rapid journey in the open laughed heartily, r , , tir, Hi. aC6 aB j head-in fact his That woman IS my Wife,' said One Untlr nron-LwFaialAd trith of the party. V dust. .:v'--' -7S I take it all back, then said the -On r,n inbirrr'tKa1 nM sportsman; 'I'm sotry that I laugh not traTei cn th6rtraln- thy kneer L. , i.5' f .. v without a ticket,the',rHshfd into tho 'You laughed at her ugliness, aad depot and bought one tc rttts?ille. that is a direct thrust at my taste. Shortly after tho train Ud started : There may be better-looking women the conductor fowid tha trwap atan. in Little Rock,but that does not re- ding on the rear platform, move any of the Eting. I will be You must get on tho iwide' the avenged. It rung in the family. A conductor said: J ' man once laughed at my mother it is dangerous to " ride on the when she had a boil on her cose.and pUtform 1 The mad mih started at my father caught him and sliced his tha conductor and said; ears till they looked like the leather No, sir, I don't want to get In. I fringe on a Texas saddle. To further wont got in, ' If you touih ue Hi trace back the avenging spirit, an jQtnpoff" Id revolutionary general sneezed at The train was going at a high rate my grandmother, and my grandfath- 0f speed. The conductor , buccceded er threw him down, pulled off his in getting the man. inside the car, boou and drove his heels so full of however, but a few moments later he brass-head tacks Uiat he nevtr walk- jumpcd for the door, reached the, edanv more. I don t kaow whether platform, descended the jtips and to make you take poison or cut your acted if hQ intended to jump Uto tonguo in two with a knife." eternity. The passengers w?e aJsrti. "Afy friend," replied the sports- The madman leaned over for, the man," I am inexpressibly sorry, and wr etep? and catching . hold of .the I hope yu will not injure me, I am lron oarB 0f the nearest window, not well, and cannot fight." twunrr himself out into snace. V Xrkr9 to62ht,Whett iljyy5ngjhe tra?P 8winM doesn't invite thefdog to bite him. 1 1 fnrn .i. ;v. h..A , Ka mfinM believe 1 11 jofit cut lou in two," and hastened inside the var and pulled the the man drew a long knife, i . hell rope. He had no sooner doje -my inena, i am a married man, this than the tramn made Morinff to - K .r. - -f- and if you'll come down to my house I'll bring my wife out into the yard and let you laugh at her ' Is she ugly enough to serve as a stand-off to my wife 'asked the aven ger. - ' ii 'Beats her all hollow." fHow's her nose?" "Turned up like a gourd handle "Hump -shouldered? ")Tes, and nearly bald-headed." 'Pigeon-toed?" "Yes and the worst knock-kneed human you ever saw. 'Well, that'll sorter do. Til ac cept your proposition, Uome on & let s get through with this business and, shutting his knife, he accom panied the man who laughed at his wife. t-WHTDOirT WE!" the next window, Ho swr.n.iim self from window to window a VU be reached the middle of the car, , eer ing into each window a he p .-ul, and yelling at the top of his voke, "I'll beat you into Pottsville, yet," Tie paasengera - were terrified. Just at Landingville appeared in sight the tramp appeared, running up the hill at full speed, still .shout ing pet names to the conductor and "I'll beat you to Pottville yet." The man is supposed to have run to the bills'. As yet he is not known. THE ANCIENT CAMPAIGN SPEECH' AN UNECPECTED BILL. gpit 'er out! Go ft, old beeswax! Hit Tm cain! roll down yorr vwU Bock it to 'em Dockerty! Turn "eta loose! "TV WORDS OF INTEREST. , lltrshaUtown (Iowa) rkatesman."! f v -v f 07 don t you ouy a power press? inquired several enthusisstic Democrats, as we were taking our lo'rkcdcp pages cf type through the streets on a wheelbarrow to a steam printirg press owned by a rich prin ting fi-m, Why don't we boy the Bard a an House, Woodbury block, k the pthlic square? Why5 don't we raise I 1 on $4 50 It is easy to do all'these things provided you have the cdlateral, but at this writing we confetj we have not enough money to bul a cheete press. Printing Dem ocratic papers in Iowa is like peddling peanuts in a gtaveyard." Hi . shouldn't have used "bd r i. i. words though about it, that's calcu lated to ruin any editor! luck and talents, they must sweat it through ealsi and silent and appear to the Public that "there's millions in it. fBrooklyn Eagle. . And while the great J man was speaking words of wisdom upon the multitude, saying unto them that uules it ihould come to oaf that their party should belt the itojOng A few days since a well-dressed lout of the other party Ue day which ia couple in the prime of- life, stopped I election, the land around about and aB the at a notei in a neignooring vown,ana ieiic iucraa wwuu m wu wiw sending for a justice, wished to be rain, Porthos did drw back bis arm and married. 21ie jbstice said 'All right,' throw with excecdmg great force an onion, and inquired their names. . After be- WIUcn ocux' lM 5 ing told, it struck him . that he had d paralyze him even unto suenca, imtne performed the same service for the natdtitude wot not what bad bappened him, uoj ..m. ...m kirA. n wunwi wiMfuiuwic, tauy oouic jcia iiui , vu ing if such was not the case, the lady said that she had been married pre viously. Have you a bill from your former huabandl" asked Mr. Jus tice. v uV.. r.nl; 1 kftVA & flill ' nn,:. ..tJof.tnr thm .rL Never wait over fiftitcxitnlouteslbr mony was performed, and the couple tardy guest. i , were declared "man ana wite. A ! Upon introduction enUr at OOCfl they wera about departing, the jus- int0 conversation. - tice, whs had never seen a bul of di vorce, thought it an excellent oppor- A note require ea prompt eaan- tunity to satisfy his curiosity, lie swer as a spoacn qucawuo therefore said (o the lady: Hare you the bill with youT Ob. ves he replied. Have vou any objections to allow ing me to see ill' sad our friend, f I freindji by card er by their presence Regrets in reply to invitatioai should conuin a reason therefor. Strangers arriving should notify V.a .(r' mh rnltftcL and MVUl mamwm - -r w , I . . " atenoinff to the door, and caUing to At a tabU .yon are require w .. . . li l. .i. Ka wait am wnrt. liule boy tome tbrve or xoar yeara ivnaua. vw "7 4 ' " of ai?e. she taidr: MI .. . , i it! -,ru -Here, Bill, come quick; nere f L Jrr'7rr.!l?li. ,t,. tn gentleman who wishes to see ton." ?nuiu ww...r--6 -The gentleman wilted-Monxjts joar hoosrr, j .' V s : ' " Ajlgo. ";" - ' To return a pctsonal . cair with OnUasttera to unmanUd ladies anKare addmsed with their fiea that ttsittng tetweca th.;.pa: wTI.:.i ! tons ts enoea. .