t4" .imes; fir", i ?-nPTTFT -"Pr-Q n J-sMe- .Ones . c .. i v"' -"TV .la ltATS CiADVKUTibLSQ. --i . -f V - 4 3Ir.cLes6 IS 5 LtiT : Facts sAIoiio;Ganljifliinctlie Minds '.ancC (Acti6iis ol Uen;s j nt -ell - If '4 iucUci l3'A8nLs O 23 A fn rear of uie y tt;i j i . ;i .li . . r m yy v e?5"" - !l.cft:aftii2.Vt-)Il Mn 123 1 ' . .. ...-. ...... first inscrtJon, and 3 cent for cacn nbsc- Reids iV JLilii-JliiiUJ i ii 1 1 1 1 i m I I bare opaed -MD ofijce over my pro ... v I t.fi TMrT f l?uirf ti. .i . -...i .itrroundinir couulrv on- toe most reasonable, atul sarshctory rm. AU work warranted. .n Mf-j i 7 I will-be ht KeWUIe .tW'Ht ti; T.iday In evcrv woatn arm remain aour aIay-22 ly Dr. Jno. W. SinithJ -- . ...... . : . M REIDS VILLE' -NC. ft- Juoe 6 ly , f. A. . BOYD, J. W.RED -BOYD & ?REID,v ATTdRNEAT-LATST,' V E N T V 0 JVT 11 1 N. C.,' Practice iurthe.State' and Federal Couris. -f 9 Mr. lioyil Ul bo at Wentworth ou every Ji)iif.y, linden why other day wbch desir ed. At other timeRo will bqju hta law lllco in tlw Hanlc of fie'klsville;- Mr.- Reid rn Ihj fuod at wl tifnejj In be office of tbe firm in Wcntwortli. " I v ill i Wentworthj 1ST 0 V Thifl Hotel bas been recently refitted ?rnlshl and oners . UOOD ACCOMMODATIONS But SHU inttye THE OLD RELIABLE J.M.TESH, aifZ Oldest Jeweler- cuarters tar ClocksSVaf cHes: M usi cal I nst ruin Ou t?r Cart ridges of nil 'kincT8?aiul)Z2s,- Shells and Wads foriTreeMmtdiftjr shot uus, a lull line ot best' ..Kir by ent Fish Hooks, Lines, Ac. All good apfl ie Watches, Clucks, fce repaired with work:' man like skill and a'rai cd; but tio old 3v0rnput or trashy jobs vantediJ A practi cal experience of i years as a repairer iits me tor jhiybusi ness. guaran tccd (is revrcsen ted Thankful. for tbq past liberal vatronagc'ot the , public, I noi)6td?mcrzY"Ja.cqntinuaiico of the same.11'' Your FellonCit;zeii,' Unilsoy .'KuJcVi old stand.! coon truirv ike um smba w t roe. f 111 I Little Biprel Jewel ryPlhteu Wart ,Fine S pec tac.'es, dewing LiacVuife Needl Oil, Violin Inijd ano Strings, t, rW S tXZPy t KVCOR ATQR (Vi2I!l0l1.100 $' theLivvr; uch aaiUlwasal KMPt2?Vr?a,?c- iilvhtaUe Fanv SLl?u,fc folfTafocBiatioa mead roux ad. j T7J , rf1 or lu r book on the "STTTTTT - " 1 vy ctur 1 no Dealers in Procisions' arid' Mann faciurefr Tobacco, ' l vr -1 o -n Vt v o7 l No. 18 Pearl (or Fuurteentb) btrect . - v r 4 . 7 i I f r riticnmono, v a. Teb21-tf " : f The Old Reliable! THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. S. A. A SHE, Editoe, J I 3El.. TiSIG-3E3:lIT,C ! The l irgest and best paper pubh&hcd in the state. , y We give full report9 of religious, educa tional, and political meetings, all the news, acumte market reports, serial stories, &c. We will give as a premium . A WATERBUR Y WATCH 5 free to. any person sending us a club of 6 annual paid up subscribers to the weeuly. ? wTake your local paper and then subscribe-) for the weekly News ixn Observer. i ) Weekly one year $2.00. - Vuicey -hi :J:i ' hruv. ) Daily one year $7.00. r -tf.-. SSend. your name for sample copy,; DANIEL DUGGER & Co (LATE OF DAN VILLE, Vl) 11 EKCHANT Special Alien tioiv : Paid to Sales of Country Produces Leaf Tobacco, Cotton, Ground Peas and ' 1 x f Graini Specialties -will occupy- No. 102 Shockoe Slip, . " -By First oj: May.-r We rciRseot the MILLER TOBACCO FLUE, aftd one of the best) PUMPS i albo, tie best'FEBTILlZSiJsek1 Pay prompt attention to me pUrcha of any goods ordered , , piU 2f " tf ' f 7 Pi ; T iltiiiilyl lima Hi i . Mi Jl acd all orofalou ditoaseii, Sores, Erjaii- , las, Ecmou, Blotch, Klnsrvrorm, Tu mors, Crkandei, BoIU, and Eruption of 9kiBf are tlio direct result of au hnpnr tftftte of ths blood. , ,t f, X sr tksss dlssases the blood must be pmrtled.ftod restored to a healthy and na tml eondlUen. ATli'i Sausapariixa ltM i o ore forty jears been recognized by emU. a eel medleal ' aatkoritici as the niotit possj ' erfml bleod imrller in existence. It frees jfthe ytt from all tf ouF httmors,; enriches 1 aod seresvjtkens the blood, removes all traces e sere vial ireatment, and proves itsetf a , , tesaxTils master of all scrofalous diseases. ,' A Bwat Car of Scrofulous Sores, M Bohm months ago I vm trouMed with seroAUoma seres (nlcrs on my legs. The" liana ware badly swollen and inflamed, and ae sores diaeharged Urge quantities ef 'mIt matter. Every remedy 1 tried faiied. watU 1 Med AVER'S Sabsat ARiCl.A, vt vhtek 1 have now taken ihree boMle, ; vtfa tke MMlt that the sores are healed, ao4 (ay geaeral health greatly Inim-eved. " very rratef al for - the good your nedieioo has done ue. , Toara teepeetf ally, IIrs. Avx O Bar ax." 144 SaiUvaa St. ew Tork, June 24, sensai interested are tavitrd ie aJl oa Mra O'Brtsa; also wpon the leev.X. r. VTUds oT 7S Kaat 54th Street. -: frew Tork City who will take pUasurw. a Matfriar to the wonderful tOlrsr; of Ayews Sax par 11 la, aot only in the euro " j or Otis tady. bat ta Ule own case and, J oUkore wiUkia sua kaowHstigti, ' on the jyfon Rcrmld B. V. Ball, W Am vafr, K.H writes, Jojte r,iz v-..; " Uavteg wfeevd aererely for eorue years vtxh Xaata, aad having failed to fiud relqfi $ from ota rataedies, 1 have autde uk, during T the pass three months, of Atkk's Saaa- ' SULLA, wkteh kaa effeetod a cmpiett tmrt. , 1 aoneUer U a snagBiaeeat remedy for H - blood Ayer's SarsapariHaj ttixBftUctaa aa4 rtgaiatat the action of the Agostlva aad aytmtlatlr organs, rtutmT . a4 sefgthne the vital forees, and speedily ; 1 ! am Bheaaaatlsn. XearalrU. Itbeaaia- tle Ooat, Caaarrh, Qaera4 Debility, aad all dlaeeaea arising frewa yaa in:poverUhcd or " ooeruted eoadlUon of the blood, and a wk- It Is tttocauparahTy the ektapot blood icdK. . y ia-elhoooajJt af Jt cor.trated ttreisglh, and areat dowot over dsaeaae.' - vf I and great power over disease. Dr. J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. I J fJlJprstsreeJlAaix aol 1 - Wf 1 SCftOFULA ; ITTLE ilApIY!B LETTER. 1 - 3. A postman EtodJ trith ouzzled' bfow. -1 iIk! in his Ootids turnadVerand o'er , Aiktter nitb; addreeo rango h : As he liaV never eo lefore, .' The writing cramped, the lettcrH'giBill, ; Abd by a biy rough kaodet grayed,, . The .ords roa ibqs;To Jeus Chriit, ' n And UDderjieatUiugcribe4, Id ileareo.' The postman naasedl for vcfAVhk knew !kT 2t 1 A 1 A . A 1 V ind vet iy as ,wraeniu cMKRalf faith f' -Aud posted for tbe dear Dord'aaaiw q'Wlth tiarful liarid Tie btokOIieeaL Aod,rtrverenUyihe letter read; : r 'Twas ahort and very sirnpfe too, ' For this is all the writer said:' !. ill 5 . ixrt.S, t tMy Lord and Savior., Jesus C)uist, I've lately, lost my father dear; ' ' 3Iy mother is very very poor;"" ; And life to Ueri&6au and drear;. IJut thou has promised lu tbyword That none can ever ask,in vaib, For what 'they ufedf eaithiy store If only asked in Jesa' jiame; 3 i y 1. 1 , . And so I write you" in his name "J 1 " To ask that you wlH kindly send J Some money !idown,twhat you can spare And what right for, us to spend. I want so mucVth go to school- While father lived 1 always went, . T But' he had little juordUo.leave,' r Aail what hej left is almost Bpellt,, .., t . V4L : :t? . -: .,. , :, - The tidiugs reached that fan off. lano, Although the letter did not go, 1 And straightf tL'e Kiug" an angel sent , s T6 lielp the little boy below. ' . . Yet to'his motberlie would say. , 4kX knew the Lord J would answer make Wlieirhe read my Jeitef throcgli S. Wliich I sent for, Jestls' sake, -i ! I 7 1 J-a -i J ;! j Oh, happy lx)y!: could yon but teach T -' - Our hearts td trust3 rur Father's love, And to believe whemaught'a denied, 3 11 i3ouly"dcne our faith to prove.' DEMOCRATIC CONNENTION jFrom-.Mie News and 'Observer, T.he.'oonycnuon met in Metropol- ltan iiall, attlz:io tne crowir wa 1 .t ."n"' tv - r . ii' so great tnat Mr. iv. ti. liatue, uhairinau.of the Democratic "State Executive Committee anununced to the audience that room mast be ajatle; for the vdelegatea or ttie con vention would have to adjourn 4 Mr. J. W Reicl, chairman of the committee on credentials made his report. Then soma .irregularities in refeience to tho votef of Clay, Tr a n sy I van ia a n ti f Montgomery countiearfere taetiid after a good Jea) of Tdi8CU8sioni This took1 up al)out an liwuu rrl t The next business. was the serious business of the convention, ,the selection of a Candida t c fo r G ore r - iior 4 Th e " 'Pr esid.cn c declared, nom inations in order.,, ; J presented tQe:naine.lof Uen. Alfred M Scale!, of Guilford. The scene was a wild one, the house burst in. to hcef3 Mr. Bryan said his name and fame werof not confined to the Statei -he'was .the ; pride and the glFyof hii native laud. lie need not recount the services of Gen. Scales jo ;his people and to his co u n trj Taa s old i e r, , as tn t e s m a n , as North Carolinian, he haoTadorn-ed-alLpositionvand he would ably and.fhly fill thej office held by a Caswell and a grand line of liover nors. North' CafoUna had no sou tnore'wor thy tf hon ofs than All red M oo r o Sea I e stw a rid let ? u s f e rect h is 8tartdnrd to the breexe, and on the efond day cf Novemberfhe'wllI be Governor of NortbCafolina. The report wa received Jwith tumuItU" Ous cheers: MrHG -Corinorof W ilson, in a speech of marsed ?ig: or andPgrace seconded Geu. Scales nomination, in toe course oi ui spee'eh, lie - said euch- a etandaid bearcrTi8 Scales was needed how to assart Democratic' succest, nan who irt rery-walk of life bad wfn the1 grand old 'name of "gen- 3.. MJ, Ioois -C Litham, of Pitt, reviewed the progresi of - Democra c m tho state since the - last Coo fcnticri, Drew a beaQtiful picture of Western .North Carolifla and the Eistnow 1iukcd , together fimiy; Iraid! (jot. Ji vis - high compli ment which way sr.placdfd Then proposed 'the - nsiiLO of Octaviou tr h ich wu reCeiTdwitli 'thWli the operi ift&arie of sac CisfrS fid la id tstrarl on , w oall beiartdirto everj Kotth Carolu an. Mr. W. II; SoWer; of Watauga, in seconding the nosination of Capt. Coke, pVd. htros, the most gracsfal compliment, Sid jbe was thtt choice. of tue peoplofltis ec .Mr. Z?noej, cf Alexander made a, mpstrapycaeech in fapportiae Geri. Scales. JIe38aid Gen. Scaler was . possessed tn a tch tn a r k abl e degree;of th o se, n o1 c t v i r p .twptit'jjy ap.d -p a tri 6 1 Wco a 1 1 love film and all unite inj thes belief ihat he. is the maj for Governoi. I 5 t BetqreaVeHTe ballot jralanrnnced laptCole who had. been" sent. for, entered th e h all amid great applaose. lie made one o hja ficeat peeches. He' said hia greatest .comfort as a soil ier in'los in; hia buckler rras, that such a no ble soldier, and .chivalroos, gentle man as Alfred Ipore alss, had found it. lie moyod to make tl e nomination unanimous. . It was adopted ?with? a 7 fegalar roar "of voices ." jx,. v.s 133 i - CoU Paul. B... Means seconded Capt. Uoke s motion to make the nomination unanimous. . The sec retary read, the result Tof ' the ballot as follows: Scalerv55 .Coke, 242, uoit, .aae- loe cnairmn men put the motion to make the nomination unanimous- It was adopted with a regular? roar of voices, : Vs Then thete was a second call for Cok e "l for ; Lieu tejan t Go fernbr, Ca'pt. Coke again? appeared; Said he was not dnhearteped or discom' fited by defeat, v:That; he was solid and unanimous for Scales, and that a Democrat who-was not with him (Scales) intfhej campaign-Was not worthy of- the name; he bore nor of the par tyfhlle tberi-, re viewed the hi story I of th e Republ ica.ri f pa r ty , and poaredyouti Snvective Jaga'nst Bjaine andL6gaD,twhoJwere seek ing to forcetheiri:t)ul-ide&8 upon the peopie.rHe said the Democrats of th re state wooldi utterly ! repudi ate and crush Republicanism. It seemed ;as if the. convention wopld nominate Capt. Coke inVpite of himself , Mr. Chailes M Bus bee aid that .Capt. Coke would not be a candidate. t - ; , r : Major Charles M. Sledmah was then placed in nomination by Capt; P, B. Davis,i of CatawbiJ There was loud and long cheers at this. ; Mr. D. II. McLean spoke in aH vocacy i)f LlSlnj. iatedmau's claims, and eulogized hirp- ; The vote being taken, Stcdrnan was declared the nominev. v v? Maj. G. McClanneyi placed in nomination Col. WiUia m L. Saund ers for Secretary ptt5tat8i whom, he e u 1 0 g i z ed a . t h a t -f p a t r i c t i c i v b i g hearted and' big "headed Democrat; Col. Saunders received every1 vofe of every county, and .the conFen t ion cheered until i xtfii hoarse, nev.er was there such . a roll call or mere enthusiasm SJ y At 6 o'clockrthe. convention ad journei till 8 ' o'clock;- to allow the delegates' time to get a good square meal. - T ,:, ;; .; . ' EVENIKQ SESSlOtT. . At 8.30 President Ruffin again called , the" "Convention to ' order. Jlbn- J.JJ;tfivi1 faid he bad re ceired a'difpatch from Gen. Scales, which he read as follows. 1 Wakhington, Du C. Juue 25 '84. nonJ:;J;Javis:-:;-V' My gratitude is profound. If possible Phhall deierve success. If s uc cess f til the bet ft rvices 5 o f my head and hearPshaU' be elevated to the welftre of my State i . . ,! jJ'A.Ii '.Scales. ' ' The first business was the nomi. nation of'a candidate for Auditor. ceverai nominations were made.! jj ana toe nominees cemmendei ap't on. - A vote was then taken' resulting in the election of Roberta,, on mo tion! the uorination Vf Gen Roberta wAs-tnaile unanimous. f iSominationr for State jTreasar erjwere next In order, after agreat minjy nommations nal $tin made, a ballot .wns taken VeauJfing in no nomination; so a second ballot was at once began. Worth'a name wis withdraw"" in' favor of lisin Great Chers.;; The esa!t r theaecond l.sllot wj' tie nrninationof Mr; Btin. On riotioMr'D W. din's 1 gemination was made utubimooj. s iXominations Jor t Attorney ueo cral were ntxi; in order, . Many nants were presented and six baU lots tt ere required for'the4 nomina tion,; the aixtb ballot' was" in ' excit ing one, the result'WajDitidsonT 420, Walker, 39L -Thus ended! tha moyCexcljtn contes? of the fa ropfls; .cpa?enTonj.pa icitioo of Co!t,WaTer.lV$tew1 tioti of DatidscQ.was jpade 12 nam; ' At"2 cdocaT3tberjeM"a. tootioa to adjourn "till 1Q oTcIock"cn Thurs" uay. tf . . i;f TnrjEsPAT... at 10.5. Chairmaul,Bul4ni called the eonTcotion tVorTer ! .mt'" t '' lr j.oe nrstusuiess wa iBeifti:i?iv r."r " .it!iri -. -fJ"C ' " ing 01 tnc piiuorm, - wdicu. navmg f thcIt1fo'fmwnich,: "having been seUlcd satiffactortly, they pro ceeded to the next business in or der. .... , ? i v n ? This was the choice of a Saprins tendent of .Public 'Iristruction. There were no less than twelve men voted for :thi3office.a Mr. fPingpr; was elected on ihe second ballot. On motion " 1 his .nomination was made unanimous. - - 4 Hon. A. S. Merriraon was unan imously 'elected Associate. -Justice of the Supreme Court : by iicclama- tion. Toe following were chosen mem bers of the 'State Executive Com mittee. ;: SR., HJ' Battle, 2 chairman; Oct Cokei CharlcsMii Basbee, jGeorge H rArow,' JrJ; Litchfdrd, R. G. Dunn-E. CJ Fleming SA.;Aabe; .j W; J. xates, rot Mecklenqarg; U. B Glenn, of StokesriJame S. Bat tle, of NashFJohnt Hughes,; of Cra ven; ! Joo ?Cadtjweli,lxO Iredell; Thomas Mi Masoir,af KorihkmplDQ; James Yit Wilson, 'of Bulke; Pul f B. Mea n 9$ &l Oabar us; J J.; Li t ch -ford, SpcretaryigJast ai Js Te4eHowitg-were elected del egatestothe Chicago Conirejition: Thos. 'RuffioJ1 ifulean ,Carr W. T. DortchV Geo.'' Il.'-Brvsvn' Jr and v the follow ini ? were e ectd al ternates: Richmond Pearson, Cbas, 4 M.ciCoke iRufusaiYf .McAdeo, Walter L.-Dteele. ?r j-ii Next business, was tho election of two Presidential Electors, ;WII Kitchen ani John N Staples were; elected. v? u I - .iA WORD TO JQUNG MEN.' There is' iust one thine that vou f can take out of this world witb you Vat of this world1 witb ybd and leave behind for you? f fietifls; andhat is a good name.?And there is just one way pn which ygu car. be sure of wioning and1 holding tbisnelhi of mpensbaplo worth, JandJ.thatjia ty ?cujtivatfng with ceaaple8 diligence rtbe art of self-master Tlxdlip!edTJwih that fitinGodfarid ffutf.'rwhiclr 8elf masterytdnolyps. lYbatever toe occupation jqu lowovr, you can not escape tLo conitant assault of temptations to do tbostr weakv Irifl A ing, ! self-indulgent Lthipgs . that seem so inaigniGoiut wben viewed singly, bill which in tbo end break the gnp of youri!willr up h .your self. To resist these requires .self denial, resolution and true grit but what of it; j thesei arastho ljaalities that distingolslitb man from tne noodle afid jtfeTtn a' remand no true mariltness ever.e5i&4' witliou them. If jou havs '4a'esrti foot4 living (ind most youtrg men not 90 ci rc u ms t a heed are to be piti ed Jy on may as well make uplyour mind to start with thaijou cannot enjoy every soft, pleasant I i thingtbat comes along. Il ii not altogether innate depravity Jt ha t v is ' sending your com pan tons to the .devil, but t h i s ,contcmplible4 inexcufable 1 .L-.l.il-- v - r . - L - , - . m i . , . self-denial. Then 3 brace 1 upp do . . - . - s. . ,r . vourlwortr faithfully, hare. the for titode atd the 'cwigp ttvliva with in your income, whaieveril.il; and you can at least ' enjoj theebnfit dence of your friend j anil' jeave be hind yea the, name'of aoi honest, resolute nan. And that, is better tbaa rubier nr anything the.- x , Ten ne 'Dim jciZjl 'c J Seat e conventioi Ust week renemfnated Gov. Bato by acclamation plitfora-endoriei the JatHUtra tirnl Gov. Bate re2ardi? tClid- juan final anew fora favors a tar.ff only for the ex acnin ueoi oiaeaqeiieews, 1 and clfiif a a faithful catufeh J of lla coudiUUviua, nlov p'ali 1 Atf t PlS6bE A BOARD THi: g &n to ra a -rs Ilfls .sx' rAs the traia ifrta.G?laaba was running into tne city yesterday af- toraooBf i(Joa5 5th) Capw T. 5. CU ksonr tha conduc tor; in pasairi5 nr5ughUhVfirilrer found a Jp soieetn.gums ana an, CfJjjgQihat tome individual bad pulled out .and Uiddifo on the car seat tu rest, and then, as nsua), for cettinz tbem in ajiurry of making PfWgtWJ gathered their but. IHIaa vara etrii?!nfv tin in tSa a,sIe? W'S Rrt lho lrm l.P Anxious to save the owner the mor tiicatioa gof haying t- do without beefs tea If and oiher.,sich subsUn- tJillperhipi (mam$Mj. txalii another set. of teeth would grow out, the conaidcratei-canductor en deavored to spot the, indijidual who had lost tLem; as titestore tho asked whoso , tiey ' were, a middle agedjady. wU& VHly of the valley bloom btPner cheeks, threwher bands lo her "mduthiiud with a Voice jhat sounded, like it came up from the bottom of a pot of-musbt. exclaimed 0h', mercy! ' The hor rid, heartless thicj.f Au old ga tleman who was belb'cghis wife and six pt m?3 banaboxea oat of the car st lown paVto(I'iIio..,load9 turnedi round and opened hii mouth solhat lrcotildget"-1 good look into its interior. He showed two rowa of rlolarjihltjopfd like har rowrrteetb, aa4 ,aX,er satUfying tvc.rybody that heiiad ajl the teeth ne wantedlieifosdd His hash chop peVs with' the Temaikr Theta thar things ain?t mine, and I just want you "una all' tltfWowX that if they wuz, I wou'du't sneak" "xj-f without ijittingcllonto-'erir All the pasae'ngers. looked Ufiaca other in a suspicious way, but. mtbody raised a hand to claim the? ivories, which tlje conductoY'naflyJ chunked into his pocket and went about clearing his train. . The tee to were left with tuo t -?. tii llT'J. t!f? ?tictetfient alt ilkUQ lKUU SU66k depot;1 or,- where tho owner can get then.; 1 Tb ey 1 are1 filck lgrinders, aad'arelevldaMjriPtefal things for tho offaeejohjyo ? abpat at meal f 's f 'Thcro is snipideaidof cholera in Toulon, ; France. &it. The htest counterfeit is a glus dime that rings liko,ilver. Moody;, tpp evangensr; reports that hfs mission iu ' Eojgland haa been very successful, The manarers -ottho U jwc Scalo Company cdcfrt hi" repLed faiU ufe of the compalyi1 qrnehus uarjsoa, New York; hsi failed,' with liabilities of S.OOO.OOOndtpVeferences for Queen Victoria hasboueht tho princcti lOOOliecklica. That ought. t catch,! beau f- Jititty threefoHrjhs Jp tha scv enty-Heat fiadiaj DcDor atic e Ih tor of Missouri favor the nomine tion of Clevefandf fea 'faror Bay ard: for Vice PresrdenP one half faor McDonald V ' f ciThowgreai BJoklyaCpreacher, Dr Talmacein f hiicraoa on Bossiira in Politfcsf ays la speak ing of thw jaoraTibf taao suitable for President nf tficie Uoftd Stata is?ml aWglid thalnowlbe ques tionr Bloralt cornel iad political diacussion. I care-not now much talcut a man has if bt is 6iif. Gen. imii rtban 3iupidtltf if it moves ja tho rpngjIireUoa. A nation hi Joaek ijjedii fover it man whhaarrdjorf saocity ofs ihs cnMh Almuih jit joqoz men looking op for exaraple needs over ; it'o'tatnf bdegrily, A maa whi canffot gifert aicticlf caa cos govern fi fiy tainfo dJ. -O ar cburch eicofi nnriaraibet, eul schools and borteiiea'b tnuji. Vvtfor ootl morclsH - ' ml . . tuns! cihttifVdz:stZtiztivi cr-tho fccopl.' Cc:ihilr hearts ? IiaBUIaV thr tqciHilcatitiii niMHtj foVk -godl Prcsideat DffCiyKatt 0 yoa ml 'frienWal -ariiccfor all pc ftticeT inOUTVeCa.Vwf all na ' figBtanttlhey-wrill t(ftr tight. pens ca oi. vue gqTcr&cica:, w )'