Reidsville -Times. Published every Friday by PAISLEY & LEWIS . FMort and rroprittort. -.UCice in rear of the Bookstare. of Men. 3 a bet 3 12 ' 1 a 1 SI. " f J t. i-"f-4 cn .1 1 I SL'BSCBIPTIOXS, POSTAGE PAID? ; 5 1.5 3 a year, Always in advance A FEW HINTS TDK THZ USI OJT. Dose. To mere the bow . t OtnUy, 2 to 4 Villi t ' ! tloroZpVy, 4 to f rUU, Experience trill deeide tJu prujxr doe in each ease. : THE NAME. , iwi V4VH UU8H; Tor ConatJptioQ( or CoiUtmm, no rimfcJr i o rffeetlrc m Atm'i PLU;, Tly .Mure reyular dUjr tioo, and .rr tore tbi bowelj to healtliy condition. Fot lndlgtU4tutor Ppif ins'i . Pilu are UulniUi, MmI ft ture cur, " . llrt-banif Loi of Apptte, Foal.7 omwli, ntaljrj-f DlziJncg, Ursd the, lS'timbneM, 'ue, ar All reared od cured by Aru't Pl.I4 la XJrcr Complaint, Dillons Disorders led Jaandlce, Aviu'f Pills sbonld ,k firen In doses largo enough to i iwr and hovels, snd remore constipation. y Ai s clMiisiiig itieJlcltia In lbs Spring, IbCM ' j ru.1 8 era tincqtutllotl. Worms, caused by a jnorbM condition of the bowels, are expelled bjr then Pill. Eruption, Skin Dlecngo, nd pie," tli reeult of Indigestion or Constiptlon, ftr enred by tbc use of Avrji'e Pills. For Colds, tike Ayf.b's PilU to open the poref, reuiove iu(aiumtorjr secretions, d.1 sl.'y tti f-rer. For Dlarrhwa and Dysontovy, caused by puiaen colds, indigestible fuod, etc., VVtcr'I TiLu are the true remedy, . , . Bhei;matUmt Gout,' Nenrls;sj, Mnd 0ciatlca,ofteii result from digestifs derange, pent, or colds, and disappear on remoTing the catus by tbe usa of ArsVrPiUJ(- Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney CowpUInle, nd ctber disorder esuaod by JetHHy or cbttruction, are cured by ATxaa pitts, p , toppresslon, and PJnfnl MemrnM lon, bare a sfe n4 readj remedy in -A-Spfoj witi wltl roc in!m; " - w i yffiflSrs placed ienV AndT I after Ljfe end sliall be- - fWetTiBS tbtV web; Eirniij. J 1 1 .PMf W&tf feWtfrrf tlie iear -To xwk Me u to mUR Ma Thd coiijsiellatfons rise 'ami 'net UUH CHATTERBOX." 1 ' V:'r.-..;-.t - FRONTISBATIN MISSOU- J i j qucrt insenioa t- - i ui. ruau;. r, IMtaKft Mfwtiliatf! Ran :jjff h .WJP1 "P face. "But. we. we bdiold Tbea not. Are torches, lighted at Thy fl-me; "tor lo! our ehjU are let tew in 1 Imj iodrntjBuuicable Name! ' ' ; uroci nns tint, noir j;iti ti tti.?;ui Successful, but faithflU.- Kanaasaty tUWj . If you wish tV keep sin, don't lurk around : The Shah of Persia smoW pipe wnich cost S400.000 oomeuoay else JKiio; Tor mc: talked to death fnf f; 'bgooot Kanaaa and Arthur shaves himself hnr. V.a tR?" :!re J!IntTole? the don't cut his own hair. f ; H.-- PT0SPf?5 M splendid T ,t A cw -1 OTK are s now near j ha?estetl anrl n trrt rlniioa k .t n- 1 - - , . i ?. rcaie,s -ana ten V BUY A 1I0ME loanff mtn. Ann ? m t . , I are bi;tpoeRoii the r V Vwt,8I,,J. Fitn uto,,Uionirht "4P.:,.&ptni,h and J HU. .rww-j, "-.'., ,' I In lk 1.1... .! t I '.--, I H - - . , . viuwwa. Missouri" come s to IUfl llrB , uo t( tUe?coan, 1 uQTernnenii batculT4 Raton's foerf rw .tHraiL- aa n., . . I hnm f i-'. ? IfiA ,a li.-lti-iL VLv . u t.iJ If. ii vilt Ula-JorlVaUisft1 It'i..V -M f PCe of land aaduoWrv Jr the xuttin ef. imfn.i. Imt ?af o rtW W!iitVon; tUt irreat M t0nJS " Ioa "ff "lwtJtjb .w,n roate betireen Par. t"y!rr?V? W while the other will iprmcipisj 'tboold ot tr.iUr. except tnar too ean Tourwlf .i-t irraace pt4I6r-Ucf? tn JttW? . op: The rwhea? two dollars ' each-one :1ollArr .U 3"J.. : '?a "" for the peach and oti ,irtli, .'"SrL.v,"' .-nrr wui the doctor. , T.r t-n flS . OONT "i DEPEND ON FATIIIfK devk 1" uT 'jSS:"fr , r v , , i i uuiim; r- t, r wf.vr91 w tvuu atiOD. in oiana un Here vnnn ..jr""" viatus 01 ner nefliiYr v cao . .. . --"fe .-ii aiKI C1,A i . . 7 I ? i f paoas!yvaTe ndji, ailde a, paP3!H W Ea'tf Spabwbf net l! oogo to pa fbr a piece iand.1rcIlef 10 r iu joar character; It -will increase 10 xtnt tblt he'tsl1?. , oor teh-iespect; t oar confidence 2fc?fMri' 1 ?ul w Kew York for a oa; hate a i f nbtUntlalhoit'rAn WTic'of a tlrrtIsii T6ne?ff5wt? let us trusted ti 0.vbttj You hare She calls it her court docket I inS alone vour father t purse, i0r hia fair bicyclists are making a tour of Zt tamfor jour influence or success the Valley of Vtnnnia. Ther 7, . i'usiucsq . 4Ujk,vou that "fa rr.'t'yHj" earto wnioU .'yOIT M&i fu.fro Sores, JErysIr t prore andbeaunfr 'WtlthJt tet Rtn, becumejientifi.edbuearaf io hB4 iWici "Sr lure it. it lg, ike jinf hncnanffini- i ? ItT. "7 mar wood t&s4 W friend T BMS-j ! Ao a lalsf IjTt AYER'S PILLS. Full directions, la Tftrlonj lajtgea, si- company each paoVngo, rncTAaxti at DrJ.CAyerAOo, Lowell,MiM. I SoUbyallDfugglstS. mat titcuitv reau la trr u . - : F"Ml'-f-c occasiona lv.- Ai anmi v f t .. " T w-w. a tun M. . v u a "V . 1 ' " m' - " j- F w W S1 I 1 I a . - iOtiai to- nn..inflsnku.f; . r ru .r one aoea not nrsv vt isautiaetion. reiaiumg oreubtsn ortbeee. ii Sup. hi"?Ji?uuY?1181 deyotedN"? PTpjr no h e r.tirShe D8e falL,fcl',.-. hcf f'li. ..l,n L wimseil to active DOlltlcs nrnh:. 18 ftfwayd stakLgabstantial. PJW : Ifi rSii never ear ad cnlkVh fncreating ech Wtb ,r; hitoi, yua haf no ihSS h?S htt hiln f oAakr 3, Pie?7,:.prv8PerttT.- wealth more rHne.a with 5thoae mofc- lnS Stump ;. j, and happiness. , Always Demo-, I .1... " t . I . . . ..... I ei-nttA oha .11 d'. . 1 V?J Mo ntfM,wiUi avlortoise! -.oince.rne Uis riot the inoirY V7;y';B"r "".V po nappy : " aui untamn f --ueo Arasfst.n.AsuriLa w al?f t.aUowjro to meddle nati people Kave becomVr' 8WI,f1f ; W?e L!iTi fu,4 m ' mt it I, tli mn .....:t .. . ..I nmnl k.i xi -is mm L I. . . - . . I oasni aataoclueS as tbo tnst twM- , v iiiuustty,' nej i cv vuiciio man. ' , ; r . ! -- ry- aien 1 a1 nr.HW. Canada; DEriT.; ! I l.nro f,pcne,i n deljta! fifBce over i'irv Co . 8tore an.: oftVrmv pro frM.on:.) arrvicc, t the people of eMl. nie aud ' .furrtniiulin? country' on the w;t reasonable and -arVfaclory term. All work warranted. 3Tl;wM bein itrid.vmo the Ut . lw-day in every month and remain four Al ly ly - . ' v , . - j"- fT..: . vy yonr to go and give it awav , Me ... Wentworth, K C . TIU Hot pi lias been recently refitted tm'shttt ami ofTcrs - OQD ACCOMMODATIONS Di Jnov W. Smith, REIDSVILLE. N C. J'ltieC ly- run away cite, oi aomei o corrup inter jou your owrr resou an in.h- , r f io recentl v I . in a iiissieni -r;ii i UillWargei- hfiUih ; imii mV w UIK- 1 3 If,. XUQl 5 f,?1 h icwoner or i A. lhnt nh may be scaled mneh easier by . dmpink. iuto boilir.rr ter about a minute. ; :-in?5 H8M ray as well be seal t;d. if desired, before prfckingdowr Jgb in that case log suddenly take fire and the 3.-Salt fish Ve quickest a f which is (not -theirs: t beggars, fcatU , ng that whcbltbe have not eariU j ed tlronetastiai ih fruit "of and WO I H foul Immort tmrlrf.e. men With nn hn,in. ! -.v; I a4 siresLaieens the kUH .t . " Uo. are .b.olutolj pe, io ,ocfe '.iSStlSSSaiSSlKa -,.V . 'v.w, oteanug rmat Cure of acrofaloaa aorcs. ... , J '1" inlawed, Jiml 'ofeiir.rrtrrtiti tuu?t .leain to relv on 1 "rV, ure ana me ' Cait Uin nre qi t?uMiue, or rod will nm I xi niuuiiu-; ncsiiuiicu i'v ao&Einff in enr i. -. . . , ,.. . ----- -- i Tiio .oniv th.L ri; .i v v" i . . . ... r oeanTDoajr." - ; .. ;. IV VTulsuoverea milk which is tame mtwii i g0n ana on n1 be: sweetened l1 ?le ? caunonball rendered fit for use aain by wua iuhuu uuneu m the heart the ttwtheploWhttfidle.Vthe svetbe the axe, 'the pickaxe, the spade Hnytbingthotwill en able) you to etir jour-blolf 'Flyaroiina and tear jour shir t, r ther than1 be the passive eleroent of the) old gentle- LH-riV. V K ?k Sun. uiro Tonrsrir out to do net r,'" . r wecuM.'sacltliic 5 3Ti;TT5 "J""""'.,. r.d best ""f ' fpUI'W milk. " VMK npireif eating : iJnmmxt ,nr. iWi ii, svn;,.. . I UUL OI IhK'lifa Ar'iV.'.i Il . : 'iil'J lILIHUiu li Hi. . ...Z T: ii nr i mo commnniiiri : .r-T"r",wwii.Jsui ri of our most Uoreetd aro favlied ,u O'B-i also am ia?"? THE SCIENCE OP PHREN OLOGY. i or 1 luo ,,w oi the commanity 1 J nd Many of our most interesii 1 Tnnt do . .. ; . . . ; J t 4 s st r- "r"". w-c ret . portion of I Tlw7."" 7 u jtr!,.:,;, ; rin in a little ' I r tme in fraitles end-U. ; 5. That ,:ir :7n ....n-. nothinir. Thev h. tn U: hence, in oreDarine-milk nheJ Passion, no object before tham?f imw! h,k. r 4 etc , the ssbould "otbln6 l 9' Jet hay .a great i . nor W-J.laA L-.ti.-L desire to do nmolK. UI.l. ; 1 v'"-.wrfLss,3aa( . a .1 vn paref. The development ;a the hi 1- '! GThHi(ffesh meat after, begin- a t t-w, BOYD &REID, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, EkTWOIrTll v r. i Notice in the State and Federal Courts. .... Mr. TL....1 ... . , . ' t grouritt, get yoalrtir cfitiMed to a inrli w V coo over hicht restirigpell U 9a bve Sno1 -ection 7v tiLat! clear boiling water wili means of naviiiii futf of your own, ?Voii pS" ffif 'TOMUins and anpfrin buy with your enfngu 4TonflihS r?! "Oftour the water tbroogh bat rtlf;d put jnuKbeid ihto n S "tint h UJ the ?ii.aHbas prevent S andhalU.c. mtot and mil J?"P. afe .brer the fabL ! IUartae nCera.l asvt ifl ssrrely,SaftsoTOs yftry hill :'ilniT,tlf.rc x r; v iT T i l"us, "Wearing tmit uiii, uoii 1 tor niy a sake. 110 lnvoe ,rwl .. J1 i.r town make cror ease Again, we pay waice'up--get up in the iiornrn?- turn "smmJ M. gewfeJiA ffu,.h To an unusual decree" ft jihiujj. ,ua yo,iiw t,our not so-mvladV? T" - least twice before breaefas--help the old manivo bitunoV and fhea a generous iff iQ .buaines learn hpftd taktbe' lekoV and not depend . foreVet"" biin U l and 70a haverjibV tdea how the dia. cplinwfirenefirVoiir. 1) 1 and our word tor ir. you will aeem SAS SISTER JESSIK tc breathe w ntwcimhl.r ;-ji"n rrsusuco CalU it.- "-a-'-ova " t Whafs that? Yon do not lore your parentsr?f v 4 , .i 11,- iuc uuy repnea very fond of de nujlast night id aTbas'Bali; t r'p'itctjatoes will re w.wj ... a,ivt iviiicr .fciamM rrnm m - "W a -wnite4clotb al8o:froffl tbe hands. ; y. 1 ihatf tablespoooful of tur- penune? Doilcil witb. vour whit- - . J - . w ctotbef will aid the whit-hinir pio CCS. if -1 hitU "Ml'"' r"lU l" kl NVntwortl, nt, every At i m!njr Vlher y.bende f'M-t.r'nkof Keldsrille. Mr. nu Pnn : i,. " '"srth. times ia the office of tie 6068 a no :iamsv tread new earth. waKe a new deftiny, and then yob maJ bfgi toOaspire to' tnanbood, on, iincntliat rlnij frotu your u"cr, ureas: your cane; wipe y nor nosr. and by all ineana, do not de pend on father, i 1 . Lt N KECESS A"ill LY ALARMED. Chcecijyxclaimed an old far- don't tell me4hatbU?Vocnfryjs: wiiu cnoiera affirm xes, U' cot into KranrA en, I without prayer precaution-may reach America." v.. S . .! rb' " : : - ke , loaned, 'Why. lastiyear I lost four of the finest hogs you aver leewirh tr, -cholem.d sV4 -2 n- f . ASiartin cholerafv. ?"av;j - much rclieveliriVa!il"'it Sa, iHll III. C L II (III Tl1 a uaavaa.- TJl . ,w V ui . .U4 eT : bi ? 'he KVri 7 ma vaniti.i. rT'P"! - There is ia young maninOak land who has a young; sister bv the name of Jessie, who was sent to a fashionable scIicki! for young ladies. He saidJ whVh she left home he wondered if sue wouici acquire the airi arid affechona that certain Vouftff ladies he knew had hv ntf mg theatfashionablft After beins there a vear h 11 gan to flatter himself thnf h? tbreu-l slster proof against such J uuusense, wnen fte receiveti a leiier signea "Jessica," instead or Jessie as heretofore. In an swering he wrote somethiiu: like.this: 4Dear sistet Jessica? lour welcome letter receifetL Mammaica and papaica are wll v Aund SIaryica; antT Un cle Georsrica startf! fnr ruz 31onntains vvfrin Hare lotight a new horse; h is etc, ; Your aJKectionato brother; bamjca.?The next' letter vJ signed Jessie. 71 1. iTftat $ beeswax mi aalt wil! mateyDtxrirastfla irons as clean andsnxooth kslissvTir a lump ofirax ina rag and keep it fot that purpose. When the irons are hot rub them first with the wax riir ucu acourwiiQ a paper or - cloth fpnnkted with aalt. That blue intment and ker- a - w'mrirri. mm w i s oaiar it Al i . HltM rewedi for -aU, . rt n rsapanlla i IsWiiii'ki'illi -aaaiaslaMfev. Orgnm f tjl; themselves. Tiievt trwfftUUVfll'r i . . ...... .r " au iue omertter; themselves t do any thing and t very ihfritarM yet know how 4a d nothing. themsslwa they J'&Vaik-far' 1 they know net what1 ikW ahotiM 1 do'itfW. T! energies and little eamiaffVin end-. .a-a-a-IWiasi, lets changes atv) VanderinMTheV tr.Msrii,f ii ? have not .tu niotaof l1 nliKi ia f.,i.. .L.!L :.i ik-st , -,Tj. . ;U,M,, aomiriraskIaw -j v. w wim iueir atienuaa aouJ " ntww impom:!! ala thing, .botbiM iww.y lo ttiof -r.wi-W.V.ZrS ti miire io M uitlaVSotJure .rrT utile menns fer btiag ' to-T.Tbev ;: V..,' fc.ow; :b!M;esi,;Wirf sT Poaw ore ilieAA . raBTraata ay er&Cb lit t 1 ! l t t t J - ::tbiii.k!fiiir'J?t . , . ; -T-7-trti .sfa it fa stop to execute and rialiia: theto rogr crearumf AH 1 hat kT tlm I8, l' ""! "W . inej look t ja hundred. RnVRHAW'Q htWM.. and see nothing Tf XkIiJ MDlMUn f O 1 IfiTt-'Hf look steadily at one- theV lwolS see if distioctly. u They irp at .i'"iwill4" IIIIU!'!, 311(11 T I ' F I'MilZ, mw sioot: catch nothing.: It i Isk mg a sc.trered flock' of pigebnsUI V vs ht chances are donbtfulr TaiS months for OCc. l&G(m Ittmnt Jtilr U . Vista vmv sauci m equal proportions .-" T ancees. i-r Catalogue, l r tl . and applied to -'Mtte.i u!l "ub.Uty and fa.ppines, .ri ' ' J '! , AjTf1 failiog.btd fctltf frVmelljaDd that foa.U .,M "permanent basia." An V vScMp?'1 f3 a coat of whitewash is ditto for J r",ce wl ,0taa business; de ; . ; . . the walla of a log h'. use. I L l PPrti6n "jTur it; 'ddSVillo Fomalo feeV Some time . hfi them as pfUnt a new;:, WM QrS "hit lemployedo ' - Satu-1 teaVettles as bright as new. mtn courteously but firml ncd 1 to do it. lVrVof .ul y . &aa 1U la S9 rate a woolen rac and mh with it i nca . Itill also remove sufna from cPIoJ's MJd not the Lonll him- vii aay mat Hoe Sibhaih Ti.ves C months 50 ct. c.e.a. varnished furniture. rty?! That coo!; raia water and eotla will ;retnove machine grease froai yashabft fabrics;, . ;-Ery one of theabore recipes is ynfi Cut'out this alip and a ibook .far;feieBcew t-i ........ .. 4To the pure-iid ibe mi? man ns he sold a qnart of milk to ao innocent lutle jirL all thinir arc pare." Trrol aa feerrWa-e? " 1 ' A 3 V , for circciars aaJrcs 1 5 i 1 1111 aril 929 ujc tor isac Yea. air ;. W.t:il-i lti v t.K liirck i. rmia . oftbelworkaan; roaarerigai-lUt di atcW v I a-tf SS Iaa ij: 1i f ilia; tij2 man - '- J yMr los .4; 'i tt tii-aai r.;i a.'vr - Hl. W wd ef, Annff iTai'l 75 .uVs. "yarPill kooarn. never UiL Tbe Knvices f a te4cUrr of coni lerA. t with the most - - i t. r.. V . ,Uit wr4 DIOSI rjrmtll Ma t llil n.r!uui ; t . . !t,!Uirir-cmtpJ. tte Lirta-nw. I s! slant. Fur ptrtrftilan. s,Mre d gnp Us or uaplewint eJTti. Vm gtsu tell !3ai-.l3 eta. GEO. R-McN-EUJa, Piiaci?.

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