ReidsviUe Times. p.tflibeJ tnrjTiiiijbj ; PAISLEY &. LEWIS, Editorf and proprietora. Oflce in reir of the Book Store. iCBicBrmow, foitao paid: .; J.0 a year, Always In advance TIMES. Times, HJLTES OP ADVERTWW O. s moa. 3 uoa C Mos. 13 vet. 8. t II 13 1 to z : TO ItS 1 Iscb 0 3 2 inches 6 3 inrhew 8 4 inches 10 ! column 14 column 23 tftlomn 3 8 12 U IS 13 Facts Alone Can Influence the Ttfinds and Actions of Men. VOL: IX BEIDSVILLE, N. O, OCTOBER 17, 1884. NO. 29. firat Inarrtioa, asl S resit for each ahse qtKnt insert mo. j i . -;-r : - : ' OYER'S :;.;! v' aw torn ,a, f sded or fraj hair to a natural, t icb , U eeior. W deea Waek, at ouj be desired. and fresbaes eff. BTiU OH llxat or red balr way be darkened. i. kUr tkUkad, Oliea, U aot always, eared. . It eH m of Us ltalr, and itua 1 Uu a waak Md ilekly jrowtb to vigor. It prevents uJ caret sesrf and dandraff, and heali aearly nr diieue petullar to thi i- 4. LMUMMZal Dswaalveaag Xioo'u to uqu!M ; It contains neither oil , dye, renders die hair soft, glouj, and uses 'i appearance, and Impart a delicate, t artal4e, aud lasting perfuiie. ,, y C. F. Batcara writes from JTtrijr, 0. JUm x l2 : iMt fall niy hair comiiineed .Uf , and la short time T beeatue bald.- t ased part of a bottle of Iris's Haia Viooa. which stopped the ta.ll lac ef the hair, and tartd a new growth. I now a fall head of faalr fTowinp; rigot. ly. aaa enT eon rineed that bat for thr m of yoor preparation l should hare been witrtly bald." J Vf. bowrx, proprietor of the Mc Arthur jtlUo) Knq uirtr. mji : M AVEK'a H AIM VlOOB U s moat eicelleut preparation for the hair. 1 tpeak of It f roia niy own experience. J u ua rMotee tlie growth of new hair, and , ukevlt C'omT toft. Tlie Viook ii also iur ears for dandruff. Not within my !'' hat tlie preparation erea failed U f.rt tutirv MtUfat-tiou." Ma. A sore rAianatBX, leader of the mbratad Fa.lrhirn Family " of SeottUh TocalitU. writes from Jtmton, Mat$., Feb. a, pl: MKrer tiace my hair began to (Ire atl rr; riJue of the change which neeting time pr'ttaretb, I hare uset AnciTa Haih wt, aad aa hare beea able to maintain utptaraace of youtUfulnew a matter of mtHJrable eoneequcnee to uilnicters, ora on, Mturi. and In fact erery one who lives tUe eye of the public. Mi. A. Pbesoott, writing from la Kim it.(k.Ulnc, Aiai$ April 14, lft rays: "TYragoaioai iwo-iutrus or my ualr unuir. It thinned Tory rapidly, and I wai (Mt fTowlug hald. On using Ay hit's lUn: Vi)i the falling stopped mid a uew growth mnuteuceJ, and in aboat a month my beaA wu cMupluly corerel with abort hair. It at centinaed to grow, and is now as good as 7 Mora It falL , I regularly uned but one bottle -tt lU Viki, bat now use it occasionally as irKilng." W hare handreb of similar testimonials tt the efleaey of AVER'S Haiti ViOOK. It mit bat a trial to courlnce the most ikepti aleMUTslae. r RXPAKBD BT Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Iruggiats. EEID HOUSE, Went worth, N. C i'Ul Hotel hx hcon recently relitte.i (JOOn ACCOMMODATIONS Dr.Jno. W. Smith, DRUGGIST, REIDSVILLE.'N- C. June 6 ly i Dr.H.W.ranada. HENtlST4.! 3 a v t7 Ihatf opened a deqtAVoffico over for- U t store and offer my 'frofesWal. Z ITJJr thfl lof Ilcsyillo' and "ajlpjr country btf thb molt reason: wa'ilk 'fHctoryterms, JVU , work I tri alU be in ReitUvillelhestTwft " in srery month - and remain Mbnr ' : May 22 1y A. B0?d7 T W.-llEJD BOYDcfeREID, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW KNTWOllTll. NIC, Notice in the State and Federal Courts. Mr . noyd xtiu u at Went worth """I", and nn .1 on o ti! W f.UIV.1 at the of tkfirm in Wentwurth . . Reidsvillo Femaln ; SEMINAR Y. REIDSVILTjE, N. c. ' Fill Terra Will aodtke ou ihe 19th of Dcceu . - . . iiu i fircu!au addrew, MISS A. L. HUGHES. ruciDil w-R.tool; - - J t AH Vlni.v.fv" I n-i ofbrick Avprk.,t Hair 3 . wttt toe oes TOR TIIE NEW DAY; i: THZ. ; BSOADEST BASE TET X.ATD jIS The State 'Chronicle (weeklrV .which closed 1 Its' first year September 15,- lias been the nxbst.snocasaful newspaper en terpriae in ,the State., It, goes into 85 pounties and has'the largest homer adrer tising'patronage; enjoyed 'b' any J State newspaper. -in- jn ''' nl The Daily Chronicle will .begin its (ca reer on September 15. It' has coma to stay. The Chronicle. publishing Com pany, which now owns both papers, has as authorized capital of $25,000 and is composed of 27 f the most progress! Te men in North Carolina ftonv AsheTille i to Wilmington. It will be conducted as tne neeaa of tne new aajc meruLuare lina demand lively, progressive, clean Daily-r$5 a year; $2.50 for C months. AVeekly (again to be enlarged) $2 a year; $1 for 6 months. . v ' Paid ' Correspondents and Canvassers wanted .everywhere. (References from strangers.) ' Address. - - -, TnK CHRONICLE P. O. Drawer 5. ' Raleigh, N. C STEER FOR For the sale of Leaf Tobacco, Union St rtset, Danville, Va- NED PACE TOM LEE, Oct 3 3m , ; Proprietors. , CHISM BROS, Mattresses, Crockery, GLASSWARE, : FRUIT JARS, CLOCKS, New American Bntton Hole Sewing Machine No. 7. Post Office Box 48, 48 Union Street DANVILLE VA. THE Reidsyille Times, FOR, 1884. - THE IMIESIDENTIAL YEAR IS ONLY $1,50 VIso offers a gooi medium for ADVERTISERS , :ia .' . . . s t' x - at . the eheajest t rates.. , ; PR1HTIWG . OF ALL KIND , Done with NEATNESS CHEAPNESS ; AXI) TO ORDER. TRY US FOR A. gKxl dweliin-liouVc with five ro-ms convenient! locuted. with one acre of ground. Prices low and lerinau5y. Ad dress or call on i -; -i W. S. ALLE. . Htidaville, Nt C. Sept. 5th 18SI tf. ... s AVER'S Ague Cxire eon tains an amtldota for all malarial dis orders which, so far as known, Is naed taTS Ctaer remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious snbetanea wkas erer, and consequently prodnces no Injmrioaa ffect cpoa tlie constltatlon, hot leaves th system as healthy as it was before the attack. tjb "tfABaurr ATES'S AGUE CD2S to eore erery ease of Ferer and Aza, Inter . l<teat r Chill FeTr, Remittent Ferer, pomb Aftet Billons Fever, and liter Com plaint caosed by malaria. - la case of failure. after doe trial, dealers are auUiorixd, by oor eirealar dated July 1st, 1SSS, to refand thm Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. - wbyaai)rW. : - . if mm, JOB P.OETItY WOMAN; . BT VMW. C. TAT LOt, -: ; - i ; i , Dear woman .Strange it 1s that she" iSactippposite involrjss; jf j 5 .And verr deen s, man most be r Whp that enigma totfetlf"1- ;::'i:-.- lost viewner assne,isniiungsuias;v . A paradox is there; , t , r, Look' at her soft and dimpled hands Yet she bangs her hair! :' How woman studies to unite -. Economy with taste: Bat spite of that, you 11 find I'm right. nc lores v little waist. In such - soft arms there seemA to be ' Just strength to wield a fan ; 1 Bat still you 11 find how thoroughly . ' , She shakes a poor young man. -. Her unassuming modesty The mind with wonder fills; t " But then just see how easily v She puts on lots of frills. . . , But woman's heart is kind and warm Her faults are trivial, small; Her beauty lends to all a charm- Her love atones for all. . MR. WISEMAN'S CONFES SION. I always thought my wife a very careless little woman, and I used to tell her so. She was very good humored, and did not mind; and on that day when we went to Rutherford to receive the. little legacy her uncle left her, and had it paid over in crisp bank-notes, which she put in her pocket-book, I said to her, as we went out: "Now, Anna Maria, my dear, .you'll put that in your pocket, and have it picked, or you 11 carry it In your hand and get it snatched away: So let me take charge of it; three thousand dollars is too big a sum to us, too valuable, to run any risks with.?? - "Well, yes that's true, Solo mon,' V said she. "So it is, but I've got the pocket-book in my bag, and my oag on my arm, andsI think it is very safe." "So safe that some one may cut the-strings," said I. $5o Anna Maria stopped and undid the bag and took out the pocket-book, which . I put in the bottom of the I inside pocket of my overcoat; and we walked out together arnvin arm, and talked about the things we'd do with that mon ey, until we got hungry, and I proposed having lunch . at Stuffem's before we took the cars for home. Anna Maria liked the idea, and we proceed ed to carry it out. That was a very good lunch, and well spread. Anna Maris took 65 her cloakv and . I my oVercoa and we did justice to it. I paid1 of course, out of my own purse for -it, itand put on my overcoat with acomf oh able sigh". ; I helped Anna Ma ria on jvith hers, andlwe left the restaurant; ' but just ; outside, Anna Maria cried, "Oh!' ' and dropped my arm and ran .back. She came out again: in a iiio ment smiling. "What was the matterTf; I asked "Did you leave any thingf! : : , ,:,'-:'-;,V!J She held up her handkerchief which she had in her hand, and 'answered: "Tve found it." J And I laughed. . You see what a carele? s lit tle soul you are," I said. ., "Xot to be trusted at all." She nodded. ' ? i Solomon," she saicL "Ot course of course," I J said. 4IA man ha so many things to think of he's obliged s to be more business-like. I I don't blame you, little woman. Don't think that." .. And she giggled, she was so pleased. That brought us to the sta tion, where we took , the cars, and I think I dozed i little on and cheerlul -after .tue, jpnS iournev A Oil OI - supper , 1 ne iiauuiiui ueauiiiw:rauA. ovc mj iwaitd" us,- and all looked I the American Political Alliance I never Iiard of such a thing; bright. .Children in bed, and at Philadelpliiahasbeen closed And did you win? - ou betj servant anxious to go. So-wefor non-myment of rent. Mr.j'How much did you winr U I sent heraway and sat down. , I Ells worth is making a bad start, won the hosiy stn? i . V. just threw back my overcoat. 4 'Before we do any thirig else ril put themoneyin the safe," I i said-Vyour : money. ; Now don' t take airs because you are wealthy.".-. - . 4 : With t this jest I dived into my -. right hand inner pocket. i never snail forget the dreadful cold chill that ran through me as I. found it empty. . . j- "Psha!Jr I said to myself. "AVhat folly! It's the left pock ety of course." . I dipped . into that. , There was nothing there either. f Trembling and in a cold' per spiration, I began to rummage e ver v pocket in my coat. . I tore it off. I shook it. I felt it. I felt my other pockets. Iseiz ed the lamp and rushed about the room, searching the floor; then with a groan, sank into a chair. v My wife ran towards me. "What is the matter?" she cried. ''Do tell me, Solomon!" "I can't!" 1 moaned. "You never will forgive me. it is not possible. Yon' d be more than human. . Anna Maria, P ve been robbed The money is gone!" "What nonsense!" cried my wife. "I tell you it can't be. You put it so "safely in yot r pocket." ; "That thief must have cv.t the cloth," said I. I seized the jcoat again. But no; there was no cut, no rent anywhere not a sign of one. j "I don't think it could have been stolen, my dear," said my wife, calmly very calmly,-con- siderinc: that her little fortune was gone "But, perhaps, when you hung your overcoat upside down over the chair in the restaurant, it dropped out." - "Good gaacious!" I roared. "Is it possible? Yes, it may be. I must fro back to New York at once. I must offer a reward. I "What would you nsked my wife, saucily give ' - "See "Anna Maria?" I cried! here, you .you " I had no more words. "Yes, you dear old-goose," cried Anna Maria. ' ' did. After we left the restaurant, I remembered that your coat hung up-side down over a chair. I remempered how you lost your, cigar case last winter, and 1 felt. prompted to run back at once. I did. My love, there lay the pocket-book under the chair. As yet no one had seen it. Here it is." i I was too thankful to scold her. At the same time, I rather felt that I .had not been well used, f I was glad of the relief, but I felt that I should never call myrwife a "careless little woman again. . I never have- r Some professional baseball players command higher sala ries than many:"" leading divines and educators; ' in fact, there are in every college men of tine attainments who are paid fifty per cent.-less for their scholarly services than some ' 'pitchers" and "catchers" receive for work of the most ordinary sort Just now good pitchers bring all the way from; $2,000' to H(0, catchers are scarce at ; $3,000, intielders command as much, if not more, while very poor out fielders will bring $2,000. The Prohibitionists of . Guil ford held a county convention last Saturday. The nomina tion of a ticket met with some strong opposition; but finally Dr. Nereus Mendenhall was nominated for the Senate, and J. S. Ragsdale and Dr. W. A. Coble for the House. v ... Tom Keogh, of North Carolina, was at the Republican Head quarters in New York on Sat urday, alter money, ne was -- . 1' If the king is indeed near kin to us, royal likeness will be irex)gnizable. Havergal. ; , Watch your own speech and notice how it is guided bvyour less conscious purpose.- George 1 It is a sinilar xntradict ion that when the mosquito; visits you he stays to hum. " Twenty-four postage stamps to each person was the average sale throughout tlie whole coun try .'daring the last year. V Belva Lock wood propose a meeting of the Presidential candidates for the purpose of eliminating scandal from .the campaign. . . "Dear me!" said a lady the other evening, 'how the . china crave is 'growing! f Here's a New York club that is paving $3,000for apitcher." " 1 If you would j have appetite, flesh, color, strength and vig or, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which will confer them upon you in rapid succession "They used to tell me that the ladies dressed to death in the city," remarked Homespun at an evening party, "but dang mo if they've got much on to night, any of 'em." One of the i most brilliant events that has marked the so cial affairs of Norristown was the celebration of the silver wedding of Mr. George N. Cor son and wife on Monday, even ing. ; ':?f.J;.--:;,- u''A Why go about with that ach ing head? Try Ayer's Pills, They, will relieve the stomach, restore the digestive organs to healthy action, remove the ob-r structions that depress nerves and brain, and thus cure your headache permanently. . . " " 'When we two jKirted,' af ter lingering late at the garden gate, I felt that I had taken cold," said Thomas Takein time, "and next morning I was hoarse indeed. But a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup fixed me up, and there's enough left for next time." Some one has declared con ceit worse than j consumption, and the comparison - is a true one. Many are the "conceited" who cry down legitimate reme dies, -and who delude suffering humanity, whose only, salva tion is the immediate use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. : The New York Herald, New York Times and Harper's Weekly have opened a dollar subscription fund for the Dem ocratic campaign. They pro pose to raise $250,000, and from the way responses are coming in it lopksas if they would do it without much trouble. 5 "Can you give' me a I little money on that account of yonrs this morning?" "No, I don' t believe J I can this Vmorniri." ' Well, will you appoint a 1 time when you can? 1 ou have tra ded with ine a good deal, arid have never paid me a cent." "I know it. 1 am a free trader." An; Eastern man received a telegram . from the. , West an nouncing the sudden demise of a , relative, and I replied; 'Send on the remains at once. No telegram wa received in an swer, but a few days later a let ter came, saying simply: 'There ain't no remains He was kick ed by a mule." I T !Yaas,f said an old settler; 'we ran , bosses in eras.' Then you take an interest in the noble sportf 4 asked the stranger. ?t was engaged in a hoss race some years ago in which I took a right smart In - wrest 'Running racer 'Hit war. '.Mile, or a half FASHION NOTES r.Sashea and lielta an fx3niir!'? largely intoihioh, -i -xfJ ; AUsldrt fall fiat fnfronV and arpuHcd rUim?p" 11 Tleaay-tnaS : rvfiitu z : rV cieaperia prico t!:-a: . r be fbre. '' XiiUiwt,r "n The Frvnch fesliiort S weari ng blackgloxmith ullijvcnln. . dress is kqpt inppgue, by.the' great attractiveness of olack toilets TOmj)bsed ot , lace, bead ed tulle, grenadine, eriibroidcd ' surah, etc. - Afternoon dresses are of black lace over light linings of startl ed batiste, flowered surah, line red pecales,! with white and blue designs, plain and fancy satinetles and embroidered tulle in iiianyshaaes,j,1 4;, , New Parisian waterproof cloaks are of a material, which looks very much like mouse colored Velvet; it is inside like -plain, smooth India robber al ways used fur garmevts of this kind; and makes a very hand some garment Silks withaa satin finish take the lead again ; this fall, and blocks of satin and velvet are exceedingly fashionable for redingotes and basques, with skirt iinels bf the blocks upon plain satin. f lionnets composed entirely of maral)out are to be fashionable, 1 esjxicially iri light colors. j , Velvet leaves veined and edged with gold will be used for bonnet trimmings " and dress mot if. i A novelty, is a hand-bag or , satchel made of elephant's hide, rough and unjollshftd not handsome' but odd. . Oriental piece lace is now plaited in accordion plaits, and worn o ver a plain whi te or cremo silk or satin skirt In spite of considerable op position, buntles are becoming larger everyjday, and liave be come more like crinoline than, like 'tournures.' They consist of a skirt which falls flat in f lont and has springs all the way down the back. Around the skirt is a flounce. 11: . A waist of timeAn old maid's. Noah was the arkitect of his own fortune. . i . . - - Mr. Moody, known as 'the evangelist,' Is preaching to the, students of the various colle ges U New England. A Teutonic friend ran a foot race and lost it but ran again and won. j Henaids Mrta, first at last if I was behind before ; - When a girl lyginjf to take an interest in the condition of a youmr man's wardrobe, it is a . . - sign tney are engaged. v When: she loses all interest in It it isav sign that they -have : parted, or I' are,married.iil 'j i v . ; 'I wishl althe said. 'Whyr she asked. Then I " could always; be aroand e you 1 I wish you h were an anchoTfV -she remarkeel, ulWhyr ? he ask- ed. Then iyood go weigh . ' she answered.' 1 ;- . A new and magnificent enter- ' ' : prise in the shape bf a , school " of science, art and 'industries;' i for the ednration of the young ; men of the State and the South,? will be , inauguratcfl ia Char- lotte next fyear !TTie scheme was originated by Mr. O. Beatty. It will cost $100,000. , . G. It Wiallington, ln?iht -brakemanon thb N. O. IL ll., - died suddenly Saturday morn- ' ing en route to Greensboro. He leftCliarlottein apiirint good :i health in the morning.- At - Lexington he attended to lU.i : dutie3 as brakeraan. At Thom- asville, next station, he was found lying on the centreboard of a box car,' dead. A'post mortem by Dm. Greogory and, 1 G lean showed that deal h xvsuK" : ted from ; TMilmonaryatxiJexy -yivfiat., . . .. , ... i i I i !