Tl" ilin'rEST VA7 &.OHI0 EIvECxpectedly wakened -irom a REPOT tmNS EFUDIA HOldSVliiei lineS; JIOKS.. , f jnight' repose in soroeforeignj . TINODIl AORk. rRtn i v nrroBER - - 1 17 isst yRIDAlCTQDEg 7 17. XS ST 3r.-aar TVatlonnl TlcKet. ! ... FOll PRESIDENT;? GROVER CEVLANIr 0 Xew York. ; " VoR VICE PRKSTDENTr tfUOMAS A. HKNPRlCKg, . !1 : FOR JtLKCTORB: , ' v j ;Vi II--. KITCHEN;! ; sjqr n. staples. .. .. 6T ATK T'lCiCET. , ' . , , .. . i ;'h !.?) - , FOll aOYEUJJOR: ; ALFRED M. SCALES, : - -m. Qf ftuilford. f 0U LIECTENANT-nOVERNQj;: CHARLES M. PTEADMAN, ' ' i Of Nt"vy llahover.1 -i" , . . 'li : - ' FOR BECKETARY OF 8TATK: WILLIAM M. SAUNDeRS, . a I i; J ;ii -' Of -Oraiige. imwui - , for auditor: WILLIAM 1. ROBERTS, Of Gates. ' ' ' , FOR TREASURER: . r . ' ' DONALD W. ' RAIX,V Of Wake, fOH BUITufclNTEISDENT, ,OK FUBIC IX- x- BTRrtrrioSy ,' ' s; m: finuer, m ' j i s Of: Catawba. FOR ATTORSfcYGENERAI.: i - , THEppOHK F. DAY1DSON, Of lJuncpmue. fOR ASStXJIATE JIDGE 81PREMKCWRT; AUUySTUy S. .MERRJMQN. rot foxfiRKs 5tii miCT: ' JAMES W".. BE1D, , Of Rockingbaui. , JCOTJJNT Vi 'riCICJETi ro tiik exnate: 'JOHN S.JOHNSTON; ,JA'S.',I).'GLENV, J j' 70HN Mi (iAL&AWAY;-" , kor iirtRKr: 'A, H. CALLAWAY. , i ' TOR TRLSLRIR! . li pi.SKNEY B. JOHNSTON tor svbvetor: I - WILLIAM L WH TV. 'tor coroxer: J. J. MITCH EL.- ro Kius'rVk Or r'Ecnst R. J. LEWELLYX.' - Mini Ivoclcwb(i(( is av widow - ,! o is Ben Butler: ; ?r " Hundreds , of negroes' were imported into' Ohio tu vote, CbUDave Settle has bought Sheriff IfalF s handsptne resi dence in Wetwprth, , and will Jiave a ' house , SV jirinirig about (Jhrtmns.-ft(rft : Tamnrjny has noninated Mr, Joseph Pulitteri editor of the WoudJ fox Congreas.7 Mr. P. is strongly for Cleveland.iso this is a oken f iitivo.on the Tick- i 4J .dT- " J-J-r-V VJ The railroad fare !to the Ex position has beeqi reduced ltb pne Icent per mile.' tinci the time for closing thel imposition has been extended two weeks. i'a- 'Father, ilook j there goes a lady-walkinglmher sleep1 re marked a tStokes r youths who is justitooc green lor anythingj 4tVby( son;i that lady is wear ing anMother1 Hubbard dress,. jShe b all' right.' V lu itmnc The ratrQt i are iioW ' being taxed to their, utmost .to haul -the , otlpn northwardi.Six freight iU-auiSj u of tKehtyive cars. tQ each u train) all . loaded with cottQu, left Qnsithe'orth artnna.joaa,,1.yeseraay en j-oute JSortl). ,r; u & i tit . i ' - '"- : Mr,:u:0icird Weatherly jha been iibmihated by f the county ReiTublicaS !Elxeciltive Comiait- tee for the - -Seriate1 :t1c6 5MrV Starinef 1Ue:!was. in town .vesterdav .htintincr for u-copV 6i : York's South Caro--. . una V4loi Mf Thegreat ejectton 0UW0. a dis3ppointment in AVUin victors. i ' we- iiope A '1 omo Ric Repablicau jorny -concede 10;00X. r Thegreat eJ&tiQnotPiao.lisk I fdiallever regret having not been d disappointment totrafted tkeTKd NortkS ftie u emocraric Tjari , it wa-sisctriuti uuij mti" hhhcijv vti3iij Tj.Mwimw-w-Bww- v.: .MM,nn W(,0 ovTpt.i' - PiMKpvnTrn!' ! 1 "I am satisned from mv posing d from onr view of it. The! " L l; - . - -long fadmritmtnisul-mtinc . iw. fn,iriif ?MR. BEECHER MAKES KL lirroiirsa that neither .the char- .in Wall ' P. M:-It is; conceded:? by botliLls IgerJ "DetrditJulehi parties that -the-feUr second,! -third, fourthleightli, ninth andyoarletter of October eort-'n, 7tentl distriSt have electedlmg me "public Reoublican Coherressmen. This defeats FrariHMurd,, ;V r t T?trn- Vx' not' isih n WEST VIRGINIA. p r -" 1- MinT; fn ' tJip'Rihti. retary.of State of West Virgin ia says that the Democratic ma jority in that State is ten thous and, a Democratic gain of sev en thousand over 'the combined vote for Governor four years ago.T Patriot lo.v , - . ; ! kortji cilQiiiiSrX; " " A 3TATE RIVALS CALIFORNIA pHUNKS OF PURE GOLD V AL T'' UARLEi N'EW GEMS, THAT : 1 - SELL i: FOR PRI0E3 ' 1 ": v EQUAL: 'TO THE - : 1 DIAMONDS THAT ' 1 ARU REAL AS - OFF10AL. ' , ; f Messrs. Ed tors: -As I am in the City of Raleigh, North Caroli na, wiere the State Exposition is in progress an4 wiU cQitifiue until the. 28th of the present month; I hope: you will 'allow me to give your readers a faint idea of. the immense exhibit. Really, I am as greatly surpris ed and Carried ayay in amaze ment, that ' I : am afu a loss f to know where to begin. The first thing that strikes' me most for pibly is that any one State pro duces so many varied resour ces and in such 1 unexhaustable ?uantities. Being far removed rom this State pur ideas of her have alvavs been very closely associated wjth those of "tar pitch and turpentine." jiBut not so now. .( This, exhibit, tears away the glass, throiigh Vwhich we had seen here buty dimly, ; and we beholdjan empire, yastv rich and virgin. ; , : Energy and enterprise have penetrated the deep recesses of the earth and brought up rich tind sparkling gems and ores which form one of " the most glittering constellations that adorns the diadem of any State in the Union. On tables and shelves arranged for thepur Iose are large nuggets of pure or almost ''pure-1 -gold, Crys tals, silver, copper ' iron, mica, eoal of several varieties,- ta col mitSj ixr uexible sand, stones; amethysts, sapiilures, efq.v etc. Last, but not least, we see beau tiful specimens qt the pew and!"ui:AC. "'Pf ;; ; valuable gem known 4 as the Hiddmitc This mineral is,l said to be more, valuable , than the diamond and is found onlyL1 iefuJ uuonf1l a" ume in this. StateJThe disnlavthat it was tlie best:of the can- in this: State, The display, duces every manner of fruit or grain tnac can De grown in any Statp and as lin.e in quality as The, disblay of ' machinery, .art and handiwork show that the people of K6rth Carolina are nqt wanting in TnentaVabil- lty, . r W ' - r v A most wonderful curiosity was point ea oul iq me in tne Alpermarjo' exliibit being the trunk of a mammotn cvpress treej inside of which canbe clua tei-ed one company of the State QUard,'thirtythree in number. Time and search may yet com pel California and the Yellow stone National -i'ark. to iiand the banner for large trees down to iNortn Carolina. . fi . , Tne, ieppie; see m to heir lethargy awakened from th and appear to have all the en- ergv ol giants., refreshed with new, wine, i ney inv 1 ust uis- Covered that they are, surround ed by. untold jfnillioris'of uiide yeloped wealth' and .they will sopn.tcpniniahd a position as a State commensurable with their resources, wealth, axd ability. U certainly Surpasses any Sta,te exhibit fchat Ihave seeii and mv surjirise nf nil tliTa ". orrritf " tt wealth could .'.not 'have been greater had I suddenly and -1 .r. 4 V. . raocnnis i iTIIEKE MAY BE, HE SAYS, two jd i ,4 r y f 1 1 . 1 a it - h... i ::jBeecher authorizes the public! tet-;15tU,8;rtion Dear Sin: I have, inst read nominee vspread fthem befofe tU9 wnoie -country.-; ; nen of this canvass has snnh Innn-imire bordered - too near upon 1 insult to be either just or wise. r ' I beg you to un-1 dei-stand that 1 have nothing to uJr1UD "6 1'."" do with the truth or otherwise " ilcan and an honorable man, re of Mr. Joys' Statements to me ses to support Tl ork for the respecting 'Mr.-' Blaine - The foUowmg reasons: i orily 'qtteiohTdid is not ht for the high mnlp fliKsi atn.fmPTits'1? t Office. make those statements -Did lZ If he did not, I have Tfi.VJi7i.'niT;viiociio(T. Them f K ; no-middle erbundi rpv,A w T7tM i heard it; or invented it. Mr: Joy' s second telegram to you makes a' languid and fool ish denial which I attribute to his not having seen or under - stood mv statement But if Mr. Joy-has seen my statement and denied it, or if, when he lands in New York, he shall de clare that no such conversation was had in my preseitce,' then I have bhhvi to say that, whereas I did not imagine that there could be more than ' one cbnti-: ental liar I am compelled to think tliat there are two. ; t . , i Please accept'this letter as the only retraction L; and apology that I am prepared t make to you, to Mr. Joy to Mr. Blaine and to the Republican- party. Henry Ward Beeciiek ; 1 1 senator'ra som. 1 i J The largest crowd that has yet greeted a x)alitical speaker at Reidsville during the pres ent campaign assembled in the Opera House last Tuesday night to hear the ' -peerless Ransom.'" ,' They were well repaid for 'coming! The Senator 'k o p t theni interested to ; the; close, despite the ; Election dispatches from Ohio antV West Virginia that kept. tlying over tne wires and of intense v interest to all. His language was chaste, his diction pure,8 his thoughts ele vated; t and all felt better for having listened x to his words of wisdom and sound political ad vice j Would that all our pub lic speakers would emulate his I noble example. We will not 4J' m.uruy. 1 . ... VC1 Y LV" SUQ- cessoy;, ..,,; luiu.ruiM BULL DOZING IN OHIO. ! A Cihcinati ' despatch - states that at'tneNHft lren Jind Steel WdrkstliefollQwin bulldozing threat has been issued:;'" ;: These, mills will be closed to night, to remain shutdown un til after the Ohio election. If the? result is .fayorable to the Republican ' work will be reV sumed Wednesday next, the day following the election. I If it s favorable to the JDemocrat3 the miu will remain closed un til after the Nqveniher election. If Blaine is chosen T?resident work; wUI thenllie resumed. If Clevetand is elected . the . sus- imH ni 'ntiti ddinitely: ': T - -V v , r : : JSS ' Tlie indispensable f necessit v. of our times is a change of' ad ihinistrdtioh in'the great f exec utive; offices ? of I he country. This, in my judgment, can on ly be accomj)lislied by theelec-. tion cif 4he Democratic iicandi- date for President and Vice President.. SamuixJ, Tiluex. Tire Sun nAS spok at rUsTt Onr 'nriAf iii i Rntltm 'iirf -' Blaine second; .and1 Cleveland never! Sun, Oct. 10, ' ' r. rissoifas to-snp- --; j itable nor educational interests j )(oftbetatevanjaiMsafa:.: der such policy as has always ttons for the highc othce that ner cnanuiDieanawu. ;man oi ins anreceaeutsw...,. r vv.""-. - , qnalifacations or Ws antecedents support, even oi me itepumi i M -1 1 1 1.1: can 0 V. r. iUU jti jwrauu, 2. 'Of all abusive and xf oul .most, so. , i cio nocDeiieve ne is honest in advocatirig 1 Republic can principles and: as a self- respectins Republican, I will not vote for hinL'! : . ; 4. ' 'I believe that the defeat of Blaine and Yqrk will be not only 1 for 'the ; interest r of the country, -but will eventuate in good to the Republican party. , , o. No one can know the gen uine pain at. gives ,me to place myself outside the ; pale of the party organization, whose can didates have ;heretof ore been upright and able men, and whom I i have supported - with earnestness and zeal. ; i John T. Schenck, a leading and influential colored pqli ti cianl of Charlotte refuses to support him i for the following reasons;, . : ,:-f::;.. . 1. "Dr. York was put up as the candidate ar Qovernor, as the ''stool-pigeon" of DrMott,; whenke knew he could not be elected;" r f, , f; r 2. ' 'York s.candidacy jeopar-, dizes our chances to - . carry the State for Blaine and Logan.'.' : 3. -No'true R epub 1 ican cares a cent - whether the riarty is successful; or not, because success, if it comes, is not Re publican .& uccess. and will turn to ashes on our lips even with victory. Liberals! ; ?W h a t a pusilanimous party.have we be- COmel .Vr'-nff'! ;-;; ; ;j PROHIBITION DAY - OF FASTING, IIPMILIATION, By telegraph tlie Dispatch. J Chicago, Oct. 7. The fol lowing will ' be! issued 1 to-mor-7 row: ;p yr: -;j Prohibition Heddqudrte Ci icdf6, III. . Oct. 7, J 884.' j To TirE Peoi'LK of the; U, S.: " j In yiew of the misery - and crime resulting, f rom J alcohol ism, and of the guilt fastened upon the people oy the govern ments municipal,- State,, and national, by permitting ; aud a even licensing ine tnimc m poisonous drinks, the Execu tive Committee of the Prohibi tion party call upon the iople of j this country to observe Wednesday, October 20th, as a: day of fasting, humiliation, and confession; and in view of, tlie fact that many. all. over the land are arousei nd i-eali?e th enormity of liquor cTime, and are willing to be at cost and pains to put' it away, we Call upon all Christian believers fcif" npite tin:;praVer to Vlmihty God .tuat Ills aid. may be given tohfemeasurwhi&i; will Re sult in the 'speeily putting awav of jthis' guilt and . the, suppress sion of thi traffic in alcoholic drinks ' Joiix B. FiNcir, r I , Chairman; ' VISITORS TO THE EXPOSI- : - tion; - ! j - Comfortable arter are pro vided for all visitors to the city. Full information can be had on application to A, -Mf; 3IcPheet en, chief of Bureau "of informa tion,f -Np. 103 vFayetterilfe street, - - : 1 : - BUSINESS -MEN FOR CLEVE. ; r t. -la six s ; T r ; World, Oct. 10th.l N ew - York- has-nWer i urri; iiH6 xiisxprwjtnes ana momentus as that which was held street vestnliv Twenty thousand people filled the great financial thor- oughfare. Busine'ssT Won Tnarcnea m compact columns toK? Jiwe is also extlnAvx t x vi. t iivAu vv a. jed. fix In.,the"w nya n not one could be seen who .entirely burned unWMI. vt notareprentative maninight.rv ,,-as truly a great meeting. 4.1 gave eviaence tnat1 the vast business interests of the citv of N ew York are at last thorough-v lv aroused to the neril nf i. ; trusting the Government in the uuuuaui u uisnoiiest ana ms - honored man. It proved that the entire V nation is eager to vote for a change that will give us honest, clean handed gov- ernment and true rTt?fornt: for pulse, pf the metropolis..:, ' lsutl.ji;k'js fkienDS; , . - ' .Read what ' ther National View, the . greenback oi-cran. .- "W m -V- . wm . . ... says of i ta own Presidential i".in irii!iiu .. i i i up f 1 1 .it irr h canumaie, alter . airecti v ac ciising him of liaviug sold out to the Republican party and of running - in the interest of Blaine.1? A crfT r 7 'l r That political nomad, . .the wandering Jew of parties, the Ins vpte for Jefferson Dais at incipient' secessionist wh6 cast Charleston, "t h e Federal commander f Wrtfi-pSSS aT Rb f oi?v eUfCy' - Repnbhnxandidate. for- gov KdfuT"3' the Greenback candidate for srover- nor of Massachusetts, the Democi'a'io nominee for gover nor of Massachusetts, is once waging his buccaneer . warfare against the people of his native Sta e and of all other States. MORE LAWYERS. The following 'persons were this week 'granted" licenses to practice law, having snccessf al ly passed the examination by the Supreme Court: A Ms W. Allen oi Graiiville 5 county; Ethan A. Allen, Sampson; Jo seph R. Blair, Union John FJ Bruton, Wilson; Momson II. H. ' Caldwell;. Mecklenburg; William T. D'ortch Jr., Wayne; Enoch A, : Griffith, Forsyth; , Thomas J). Isoell, Caldwell; Thomas J, erbiuh Union; Tiios. A. Jones, Buncombe; Clark L Jordan, I Polk; Mcln tvre Kenned v, Moore: Geore e tioKihgPttt; RoBt U htiif erwood iCherokee ; Roi ert ?li i LehmacCraveh; "John C. Lew- is, Wake; Herbert MqClammy, Pender; lid win Hi lorris,1 Da vie; JameaD. Murphy. Per.der; Jordan B. N ew-sonf, lavhhon; Robert Ransom, Norihxunptijn; Thomas J. Shaw,, Moore: Sam- uol C Smith, Wayh IIeilwrt G.;Tnll, Craven; Tliomas r Wilder, Franklin;: John W Hood. Halilaxr Byron- U o kI son, Pitt, . . AN EPITAPH. The lion. CliarlesJL Win- iield spoke humorously of tlie dLsappearancaof Uie aressive campaign that the Republicans proposed to iighf; - but which had disapiered hen Bbine isai)ieurea uen juiu ,v i - 1. i 'a j OHio.Hntheaiime homeJo great good humor .wit n some'of his funny stori-, that vere told in much the saa:e way, that AJriemus Ward , used Uo talk. He proposeV a? an in--scriotion for" the tombstone of the Refmblioari party the 'fol lowing: ;-"' Hrrf ; : . - (and It ftlw lied) TLe llr pn ttle&a P.rt r. , . 1 "Bora Jt V&lSil'l " 0f 'Ant-ni4Jrtta ptttfeiceace. Dajnntl by the wLol A?rtcx FenP-e X r.Jfer. the interesrsof ndl the" States frnor of this State by, the faith North, South, East and West' f"1 Performance of; his duties he are telt4n.the.beating of the..K.11.. heldr:lli The mTt. Lj ."wW. V e i ho wonr ""i'lf1 Elaine. v 1 to-thel Ernntt?; ? i &ave still further i . ,ypn can . now. T-.Tt?2 , "-'aij inlcp rnnn. eek. A with cotton .UJVnaS - r"MVWO hw,mh! ? ; HKead'l)rr ation pf York-rr I - WIT HE T III N K S OF . v'j,h' jiiu ,? 1 ' !" -": V- --.t, Gov- ClevehhdtheDehid Jtic candidate, Hs anable, lirm and thoughtful man who uas n?e11 10 Uie position of Gov tfmlinching courage , in carrv- vjut ma uuais: anu ins un I . . -l w "s- . - k- qnestionea integrity give him a ! strong hold Upon th conhdence i the public. ; The excitment4 of the Presidential contests has not drawn him away his; duties ; -ill. i .1 iiiiiiiiii i iiih rnro . at thecapitol of this State. llOUATId Skvmour, ANOTHER;. VI i ue naieign upsener says: Captain WinhtriDrhm- mi ti 1 1 i -w . i S?LW.2fi fn" sptof teetu.! A few, hours aftfer birth-itsat in it, crib, and j . a vo ,,t i-aia in five years.' Then it coolly turned over and diu. r f- NextH:n 1 1 f!H t ; Medical College" OF VIRGINIA. ' ' RICHMOND, f hi V - 4 Sefftion The' Fortv-Scventh begins aloi'ue, OcU)ber: Jstj yror cat-. address, j A 15. . ' i V EewaMr1 Wilds1. EXPERIENCE. Thm lUr. X. T. Wild. wU-kawa ttf t . . . f.jariu. IV. ti, t Tl K. Uth St-. V Tori, Jfr II, Utt. MMM. J.CATIBACdOealifiMsr a. - ni m mmm nor iciaj mi UmU, wkkk lubmi IT. Ua iWl CArlt wJ tf W lruili "ffwjw , Mrer eftUrrb axl etrrhl tjf MwtiU ru poor, a4 f rt r AYSMS 9A f Af tLA. Vf f?-? prof! aifot from tM tr5?..JZl' ft la kaaU i'Kii ASS Md. la All, Iaa JLrw uS r Tvt rvelfAWr iaWt turner va1o1 rstAlity. ! &4vcr wM- . . k MMmaitUi Curri, T9t AYEITS it r ; paxc ' ' ' preuajoiy t, t -tr, panllQ III 1 c