it: t jfcUMKtttouj dimtf,.rt. Erjslpe!! ' . Ua, JUwr?n. hCmimIm, Boll, and ErwpUooA Ik Salavar the- direct of iwu r u blood.- .!.; 1 T ' i - 11 " 1 . V 0 j ar Casta diaa ta ioo4, nwt U ad Matored lo k l,;itl. ...1 r- r. , , . . : - Im ffr otf yaara baMiIraaogaJzeA tr mi- j atl mU1 aaiboritit aa t p6v ' arfaiUaoa purilar In Uti...H free! tjstm from alt foul fiuwor,.nrJcls . Mii)MHis Um Mx.l, rernoYej ulf trf ri ( af arawrlal irtatmeut, an prre itaeif a etnplata mMUr of all aorofulou diaeaa. " A BmmI Cara of Aorof ulana torra. 1 1 1 torn isoRtUa ago iu trtMibio-l whh trvraioiM worm (ulcers) ou mt leg, s H,ei - HmWi vr badly twolUu. and lfl.ijrl, hjk! orw dJliarx4 Urga qtfanth-lea of I wiattrr. Every . rMejr. 4, trietl fail!, aittH I aI AYrn'l SAJiSAj'AkllXA.l vaiea I karo nnr (a kert jthre.' feult.ea, ! vita tat resalt that th aore ra l)allt I Hi tnf poml nltU ftty ltnioreO.,t I Ml rerjr cratrful : for. .tka .rood, yottr pvfelitliu Uai dona ma,1 -a'l ' n.i . ; Tar rtpMtfulr, MRaayxfBaUK.' 1 . lliTa ac, Nw York, Jupq 24. ; , y Ail pwMii iatartet f lavlt4 t , m mil Mr. O'Urhin ; mU wyoii tlio i ftnr.Z. r. Wild, of 78 Kt 04th fctretf H Jfw Tork City Whtt itlU tak pluaaur j tttlrlaf U the wonderful efiltacy of 1 '' . Afr nrpwui, not amy ia trio curA oi blt Uuly, bnt In wwn cna auti puM7 atacr witfitit till" kaoKl4iro, 1 1 i i Tin wA Ukmrw terlltr out the hdatm tierald, f . W. Ball, of RatJuMer, X.W, riUJauo - " HtIi tCer4 arf rlr or aniua ye'!Y ilh eMtu,auilurl()t fnd tolfuri relif . Ifowotiier ranidis. I We made uno, iJuriij IktfMt three mouthy of Av'h AttArA I KWMder It a bi&gultieent-rncdy for aM 'f ktood AieeaMe.M . ; i u t lira I f-''-i . I J Ayer'sSansaparillal Miatkilea an4 rtfaiatoi tlie ' action 'oi the itrengtaeiii tiie vlul forert . a4 aeedi It f 0t, Caiarrk, Ooaorml iTebtllly; ami, 4 ." Utmost kriiing from an imporerliiUod or f wrmptcd ootiditiou of the blood, aud a weak 4i .meJ vitality. r- ", ..' j 1 liUiiMeiii)ahibly tbcVcipeit.lrtliiet!U i ,ea4H:oaiiofuooiicatnitil ttruTCth, J w4 grot power .orrr dieeaM. .t;;; 1 . rnKFAarn jtv; . . , , ., - 'r l' Dr.i.C.Ayer&Col, Lowelf , Mfiss,' J WeVyall Oruinta; rice $Jr six bottle ' ; :' for ' - I REID .HOlJSEi Wentworthl N!"Cf' Tlili Iotel bas been recently, retttte ' frntibed and offers ' TJ ' GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS Dr.Jno.-.W.Smith; ''a8ui&ii"::: retosvilMn-6. June 6 ly Dr.H.WXanada; DENTI8T, rr rT Pned denUl offlee over Ter 7 Cos store and offer my professional ficstothe people of llidaville andl wroandLog country on the most reaaon tnd tatisfactory terms. All work vrmted. tFI will be in Reidsville the UtTues "7 la svery month and remain four il May 22 ly . VBOYD. U-Jiiw'i REfD BQYD & REID, ; 4 - i . W E NT WO R T 11, N. C, ftraotida invtife State and : r Federal Courts. -r- j Hr. "Boyd will: b at;f Want worth on f "trj Monday and. on. any other day i a deaired. ' ' At other times he will h 1 "lU law oBce In the Bank of Reidville. , f Rsid can be found at all times in the of the firm ior Weutworth. I KeidaYilla Pemalo Ths'rall Term will ooen oq the 4th of Ausittt and close 6u iLt lftth of Dectm . ber. . Terms ss heretofore, , For circulars address, I MISS A, L- HUGHES, Principal W. R. POOL, ReidsviHo, N. C. All SOEOEUEA ATTORNEYSrAn "saWtwjk11 ;ieiAiv, fu 1 musvllj,"! shon .. 0 ua csca cr yoa OF irfii!l &hvtifiiiri2Zfrri-: ri fcaI4-r to -tznm-j ; viilLHd xarself teUer looking get your haad in.'Tatvcs tha. ra kmda affcriftV wnrl- 1 :i&s7 niiArxia t&rnbf Iaihto ' the , criminal with the tind el bnei work. hrhieh fciMtothOTO heretofore. ; 4feuetBonhis wris. FOB THE SEW DAT - F 7 V OX TIE BBOADEST IUSB.TXf LAIt 13 , ' 2TOB.TJI C-A.ROL.LSA t ! i The State Chronicle (weekly) Which closed its first year September ;i5,fcfcs bean the roost saocessfiil newstaper en I terpnse in the btate. ; it -goes; into. A Z K.. a. BAM -A 1 wUBie ou urgCTiwiuewy I tialng patronage eh joyed nj' any ; Stati i.ilM liailT ChfOniCW Will .heclll 1U CA 1 o v nt t t ; stay. The ChronlcIeimblUJiiiitt Cam tCCI VU CCUlCUilTi A , vuie pany, -which riovr own both papery, haa an authorized capital of $25,PQ0 ami la compoaed 01 27 w the most progressive to Wilmington; It will "he eond acted as tM need 01 the new day in JNoith Caro. una aemand-lively, progressive, clean. ' ' Daily $5 a rear; $2.50 for- ft months. Weekly (again to be enlarged) j $2 ' a rear; fl lor q months. ; . Paid Correspondents and Canvassers wanted everywhere. ; (Jteferencea ifron; Address, . THE CHRONICLE P. 0, Prswer 5. r f . . , lUleigh. N. C "T' J H I "Ml i til Hi . f ''FOR l f di- th'e-'saleom'al-.Tp&co, i.'.iv-' ih.U-WION-SiBEETi'i' i X, i 11 J ! "!. J- X JL PACE & TOM LEBJ OctB 3m!?H, ; Proprietors, j 1o CfflSM BROSi 1111 -M .tlresseStCrockerj!, , (LIASSWlAHE.1 FRTtlT JABS, CLOCXS, ; j - : ' i l u ...f&C.i s-4 i " '.1 :..;'! j Otiii iv Kew Americah'' Button' ' Hole Sowing Machine No, 7. I Post Office liax 48, 48 TTnipn. Street DANVILLE YAl t i . i i : 1 if.:!! '.;t:rsoii6Qc?i il tt ,' i I t - - Alb .offere a good medium for i Aly ERTISE RS j. , j8 1 r ,tli'e ; chapestT , rteS ? j 1 1 IT PP. ALL :'KI1H; il'v S Dono iwith NEATNESS T;M CHEAPNESS ; I i AND TO ORDER. TRV TJS FOR SALE.! ' A. gorxl dwelling hoWe with fire moms cooyntently located, wilh one aerei grouod. Trices lowland tcrma easy., Ad Uttes or call on lT' ' i W. S. ALLILl. ' "tr'-ff -: Rtklsviile. N. C . AVER'S for alt saalarlal 2s l vatea, ao far as kaowa. is oad la aa m eWlWsaUt.ubanc feaasfcfaioj aaa was before ths attseX vimsx ions era : Salttast c CMli r.rr. nutrT! 7 loaJ rtrw. sad Urer Coal 4 t tlafcaaaed by nalarla. la . - if 3 ReidMle Times I ...A Cure f HEART-LONGTKQ.,- i - u awaaaa a : it' ? I v;"' M i ai i ,When aadaeaaeomes, ! tar to-theemy j Angel of in y pathway,' itndT edmfori'of ;, Fdr. .thou canst hid i ftil tbe ' thorn of 'And mingle radient flawers with the cy-1 . . . p cm vi unpau. - Thon, canst , five to; trUls a, .sure and Andlranh air raging stofms in the calm -of blessed peace, . i i i i s Thou eanst ease the tb robbings of , my ' brain. 'And soothe the sting of every earthly -. pain; i;-;'i t. ; Thou canst all my doubts and fears de '- k-stroy, i And arch, across mj cloudy sky the rosy , tints oi joy. , . , ,' i i Thou canst make the darkest shadows start; ' ;: 1 ' , And fill with golden unahine the-4 eham- rDers of my heart.; , . , , Thou canst change i December's "Wintry ; . -Weather,. (-; .' -'t;-! . "' tnto beniajl May, , when we are, near to- Thou canst sprinkle - life, with April's j ; fraffrant abowera s 1 f -1 1 1 ! 'r' & w v a a And make, the passing cloudlets nursi- 'l " rt lot lier flowers, j " -i'.tJii;V''iJi: -n.i j !i . Milt , ' Thon canst make oi earth k sweet and , . blessed Eden., r-. ' . ... . ; f Thou canst jive me a precious glimpco V)f Heaven. ' ' 4' ' " : . Tho canst give to life a typo of bliss ... . .horA m, ... . . .. . .... i. I .. ' ' :.- T And to every, thought a photograph of , A.J& p 'J.t CEKTAI li iyv . KliSW ' ; ; wnERE to qo , wjiEjsr jie : , Some years ago the students of a'crtem college , iii.the 3tate of Tew Xprli ? wei'e iix,tlie habit of; fojtiBg in if hef Jqwnaa i r they hdsa, rigit to do, )l instead of at ttieir Jionieja: '.JBjilonp year! the, political .party f -.ansti r.wriich th)a students Tiad, usually rioted curpd" control, appointed two,o tlire of their adherents guardians of the.baUpttj(px, , As onei student after. .another pre sented his voteJ .one of !these of Scials, : a ' pornns, strutting man:phalengeamin. ' Several jtMen.fXlfJ: ther thaH, enter into a , .con (est with the;, .ldud't Jmaii. :f But at last there came up. a r homely, awk- Stop!y cried the-,pompous man, imperaUvejr5rJ'as,tJie stuTi V Where do you Uy0 ;; demani dea thU nan, thinking ' to make short1 work oithis gren youth. m I medn(, wtiere ' 'Yott are a student thereT ; . sir. ' tYdu; are -inerelj; a student, . and yet claim td reside heref i tYea, sir, till reside here.. Where else should I - live 1 and; attendthisrjoUeer- 'Yea iaiow Tarhat I riiean well enough,' said the pompous man, impotientlyi r 'Don't you evergbawayr 2 r. ' . ; : . Or course J: do. sometimes. The safety of the town ddesn't require mycoristant presence, drawled out. the student : f J ! A laugh ran through "the crowd, and the pompous'rrian grew I red in the face, but lie gathered himself up : for a final . t Young man iid he solemn ly,- these : evasions ; ar; '6t no avail. r- Answe'r - me this one question: r If j lyou were ' sick. where would you go tor' : n 1 ! 5,1 wiaao omiucuv ucpiuucu, zvsu he Old nOt lllie tO saT HOeue, .v ,T i. . w V.TT t AA ..J . - - " - ' - :t iI issst on an answerlr per sisted the official, r with the tri nmpliant air of a man hothas aenr, was. apour . oMyo , , .jAre driven ins opponent into a cox nerj ; Where would "you 'go i f M , hall, the pompous man stepped aade,finditlie8tadfeiit' handed in his ballot, ; i WORTH KNOWING, r---. - - t , . r ' a . x ; . . Salt fisharft 'anicktflYtrl tiMti fresleiii3d t iy soaking in sour inilkiff. ?,r:;is : . -( : : ' Coldriwafeanasoap will remove machine t grease from -washable fabrics.; Fish may be. sea led much ea- sief by first dipping them into boiling water for a minute. isJL i. -- vu"-- ! a- -Fresh meat beginning tosour. will sweeten if placed J out of doors in the;coolairoternlght. A .tnhlftSivoTifiil';nf trirnn - : . i: i : 7ix ..--lir- k y; uue uonea wnn ,your wnire 1 - lit 1t -t . . . . iijwuuigsiarcn is: muca im- proved by the addition of sperm or salt, or both, or a little gum arable' dissolved.; . sr is ttiu wiiiaisoKeep.iuenj irumi eatinc corn stacks'. ' rr -o. . . -f ?i - the disagreeable consequences! of tainted breathof onions: t ' A1 DREADFUL THREAT. - ' An Austin colored man. with protruding eyes, rushed into Justice legend s officeand ex claimod: lr 'I wants Tom Jones, who libs si&&&xii cW.. s , ( -Wild mint will keep rats and o i Nothing strikes oil so etTect mic out of vour hpus ' lias he threatened your ww fe1 UA wubr ifer,"'1 . . .. ' . ti , : Ought not Delaware to be a Hehas dohedat berry diner, great stal for im-pecEc-mehtel He saidhe rynelterlill del uexc uigtau ue luuuu4, uneritnemseives better i than the dark, in nis ' hen house, plum I truth. : fall oWuot.? V.f. . aUt TT.x-TT-rV-c'TT . TjTTTAM A SPLE1S DIDXHlBITION. W. Pagein Raleigh chronicle. : : , It has been my pleasant duty ermine critically and to describe important expositions tffeti!NpTi : :Car6lina State Exposition: ' Tlie t "Ctennial Expo1iHon,fof scourse;::the'Af lanta Exposition, and many raoreve1 Md much creater displays of iiachinery; but not one of the" m,' nor any one bf the grcaL auveriismg iiurs luui mei Westernnd ' Norths Western 5a-feS?fuJLtft2 tv VUCiUUUOlllUUO. PViatnft? Korrfno nf WrW n I W 4wjk 4 J VWQ..A42 v AAtAUl, A4A r ve remarried that sortie . folks I in every part oi ine v moniu i oung calves are very patri -iViassachusetts, .inJKeW York, otic. Notice their' display of in Illinois,' in Kansas, .in Peflri- butting."-!'- V JZ ! : Mmm Li&w s BffiSS Sfevfi.AnTPFJPe? .leisure and'aheaimtt one anv.mirtnawasrcomparaDie intna 3 ' - . r: never let it go 'eny further. The comiKiny in which, you ive reinato the take a cold. It'a forced on to least xpensive to jou, V us whether we like it or no. . ! Every base occupation makes rrr - 1 one sharp in its practicel and , ow areTou ptting alongf ddll in everr othef. : " ' . asked an old judge- of a young' - . - .j lawyer. . Very well,' thank A wgwas neTer,knownto you;', was the reply. I gotmy h, but a rt niany people first .case to-day.' 'Indeed! aave seen the pig iron, and what was it!' A book- The moment a man is satis case. : : ' fied , with, himself everybody ' TvA;rJjlir slse is dissatisfied with him. Do not use paint or powder if - - , r?. theweathei'iswarm,for it is Oldage: has deformities almost suretb be observed.; A fn,hof rlt3 own; do not add Ughf Uicationof rioe powder the dejormltv of rice, several times a day. will keep j.1 Happiness rows at our own the face from becoming glossy, firesides and is not to be picked and will also cool the skin, up in Hranger' a gardens. Powder the hands andtteck al- T The man who most feelingly so. a:? o -:i ' recognizes that all tlesh is grass, A goArasia tt apto the thre ? y face for freckles. ox tan ia made Z : t -4 . , : , - i V of cucmhbersand milk. The ."pfiaid that, the peculiar cucumrjeris'sliced thinlv-and sunsets aro .caused by thewn crushedin thonilk: Ruboajwx1 w ccidj uia csv.ctacd- RAKINQS. A great flirtFan. 8 ;t Ji A hi Jgh tohed xxiaiiteaort ard 'job to tacTdefeatr;V A hard tocTfish - - . .. r ... sr- I Humor is the liannoriy of the heart. . " , ' . J0?11 uP.ontho Mle TT , - Consider well, then decide f1!!!" , . A1 "" iZ32B y is the roar of It? , ; , : . , The lawyer's' motto Deeds. notwords. ' - wa vi rbod g - 6 commodlt3r- a a 1 1 mm 1 - t . : aune muuierenc to cen- flionri k Poor breodmakers-avera! I tiough-mestics. , i f. AM;nKi;n. -ZZtt."- J. . . , Pjfe ' who araaMLBMkJ ill tj a. lllil 1 11 ; A ' ii j H, . new way to spell , wonder- iiuuv laerfui r . . . " . "- ' A W known b the com- pany ub tt.eeps out OI. : How to raise beets take hold of the tops and pull; '! A1 waterinir-Dlace A horse trough by the roadside. The boss girl to marry in the winter U me Flora Day. tm, 'a n itft , saw "k IaT, .,a 1. V. . . & Those whornever retract, love ; Adversity borroWVltsiilp. 8tillo om our impatience Reversible cuffs-&king one ear and turning the other also. !, -lae. indulgent father spares the rod and lets his son go fnsnmg. ; r ". rJl sh5'hfe 5? 5? mmerl iusa it makes mow., u . ; A end who owns a nanny goat is bragging about lieiift a hnan-rtee-er. ' - Masters a little blind and ser- tmw utile ueui get uiOuir TO gether admirably. I? n L, MaDJ Prid0 themselves on N lyoing men who are When a man boards a wrong ain of thought he is liable . to train 1 " at - t 7T u off the track. , qottt Insert iaa. FASHION irOTES. I ti : Oualine shot jrfllrn triiDlo, r . moliero waklicat still " i a a i . i - -Z.-1 ... . llound and1 pointed waists are equally fnhfonzbla. A new English gladiolus has been named Hary, Anderson. 4 The Louis XVlcasaquIn is one of the dressy fall wraps. , Children's garments, are now. made mostly of plaids,1 Gordon blue and Little Duke green come among a host of now colors, via r '.:-:nr , Some of the new cheviot tta. Ven in birrl,aurTnr aITaa it . T -V W U 44 I.., 4, III 11 .MI. . For f urnitnre coverings an- "que coiors are mnth In favor, especially blues, nold end brown, - . Long redingotes ia plain princess shape with, petted hood that has a gay:linlnj, cro very stylish, j Iron rust red velvet: is combl- ned effectively with1 live-col-ored wool in some beautiful fall SUltS. .j f Some new: gloves lafoly intro duced in London have the handsoMud and the rest of fancy woven silk. ; All sorts of sleeve are flrlmf. sible for ladies, dressesbut l"w coat sieeve round the waist . ' - ' 4 A I' . . - W remains tne lavorite. The dssiesti.morninir cos tumes are made of einbmTd ah cashmere of the! new shade, nf gray blue and terra cotta. The Boston eirl is conaidnvl quite accomplished when she can sneeze without dropping off Hatsin Parisare.verv hfiyri ahd are trimmed with tufts of flowers, large ribbon bowa, irold lace and red popples. Fine broadcloths in dark salmon Hhnd ! in Egyptian browns, in. soft plum colors, and are much used for long wraps. - IMiss Lanara FIxen. th iw hibito-Dueen, of has givep atnewi name to whis ky. .;Sho calls it i?-mif juice." Pink ben brown bpnnets, white on black rr Pf611 P?PPy tred on the lieht neutral tints 'n l?i"cKed skirts, withTCfat Jpen ln,ront 1110 hown for lit tle children' dresses.! These frocks are' strapped m and loolvvery Travelim? of brown ' twn-M trft JifJ:! A new device of f he Paitan dreniakeni is the toccrtlraS tiny , satchets of , delloto p-r-fume about the w3vc?n mg it to cxlialefninr JiFl3 quLsite fragrance. ; TfVi" ' elat:: a. chair bock iscallrd thl?.??? . A9 ' 1th0 nIldl3 "la broad ribbon and tliiS strongly totbo topoftLal? the ends After aD th tea tg? female clothing,, iiJndfn! lbfiSfs1 h ixniDitioa that tha mt scarf-shaped, about , oao raM ia length and fiftmlr..J?ta f-at2:crcivin:ch is- rif,' prevalent h-ii I Tai- than iHa naw, Mam 'aav .1 nr r p"a r tA