? - - THE TITO lEntered at tha Post Office ini Reiis at second class maii mattef . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2SL 1R87. Yesterday the corner-stone for a rionnment to General Robert E. Lee the "greatest capfain of his day," was laid in Richmond, with approiate ceremonies. Th President and Mrs.Cleve land express themselves highly gratified with their recent trip west and boutIi.t At Castle Garden, New York, on Thursday 2355 immigrants rom Europe landed; Saturday, .784 . . We learn from the Register hat the stock necesscry to the legalization of the Danville & Seaboard railroad has been sub scribed and that an organization will 30on be effected. . A large sharL was lately cap tured close to the harbor of Flume. The stomach contained a pair of human feet with boois on them, And also a spur. The N. Y Herald pays the ooam . of the North Carolina coast a compliment on their sea manship. The Herald believes our seamen are the best to be found. The President,it is said,found no trace of Randall- or Randal ism in Atlanta. lie had taken the back track foi home before the President reached there. "The fair at Raleigh was spoil ed by incessant rains last week. The Agricultural Department made a good exhibit, under the circumstances, of the resources , ' of the f.'tate. By the wreck on the Air Line road last week several (persons were killed, including engineers and firemen. Engines and roll incr Rtnr.k were comnletelv f r - x molished. Randall bulged like a' balloon in his address at the opening of the Atlanta Exposition with the high oiesuure int'ationof South ern speculation. Indeed he did The cry of monopoly and ilj organs against the "tariff tink ers" has become quite feeble since so many prominent Repub lican newspapers have demand ed a substantial reform .ot the existing protective tysx .i. - Phil. Rec. ; We see it staled that a Dako ta mar was struck by lightning while returning home ! with a borrowed newspaper. It is bet ter to subscribe yourself. Just hand 1 to your pastor, or tend by mail to us. Ex, j Although the Republicans c'aim neg. oes as their property, su far as national elections .re concerned the negro is already livided and will ever be. Teas people are a proud set. They oast that 'It is a cold day when a ,orpLe or two is not found about the city cf iaa Antonio." Well, it Don look like some people would rather die than live in Texas, There is no b'Her investment that the people uf any live town can make than to secuie first class, live papers by heartily en couraging their publishers with business ' A town is judged by papers, md few outsiders wiil vr b drawn to a town where the local papers show, by the lack of well filled advertising columns, the want of energy of the people of that place. Bal timore Manufacturers' Record. r Mr. Wade Hicks 16st a barn of tobacco by fire a few days ago, and his dog with it. We presume the loss of the dog com , pensaLed in part for the loss of the barn and its contents. From our general knowledge of dogs we guess it woulttbe well for the country if four hundred and. fif ty, thousand in the State would share a similar fate. (Danbury Reporter. An exchange paper remarks that the repeal of the internal revenue taxes would deprive the public treasury of $120,0C . 000 a year. So it would. But how does that amount get into the treasury ? It is wrung from the people by the most oppress ivesyt temof taxation that was ever endured in this country, and the people aregetringmrgh ty tired of it. It will be well for Democratic statesmen n-t tofqr get this. Spirit of the South". The trains have been loaded for a. weuk xast with people re toning from the Attend Expo sition. 'Ihey report that the town was not able to accora mo da e the crowds, and that on Monday night many people slept in gutters and on the sidewalks, and all through a oteadily fall ing ra: l. The hotels were rilled irom cellar to attic and people -were even content to sleep in chairs. The sale or itonics"' wss quite b.'isk and contributed to the general weariness of the orcasion. THE PROTECTION FKENZY The "Democrat" calk 'us a fre Irader because, we concur :n its own expressed belie! that 'there are soie articles on the tariff-list that ought to be low ered" in other words, because wc think the Oil -7 r ! If lice, for every dollar not neucd for the expenses of the Govern mei S is i a the pockets of those who earn it. Don't you think so, too? Agreed. Then what' to be doae about the $100,000,000 notneefiedby the Government which is raised under the exist J ing tariff i "W ould the editor ol the "Democrat" wish the tariff lowered, as .ho confesses oe aoes, in order to get rid of the huge amount of unnecessary and there fore unjust taxation i Well, that's our ticket precisely ; but we area "free trader," white he, forsooth, agreeing with us m this one essential respect at least, claims to be athoiough "protec- tior.ist "alio samee v uac.ii the "phenomenal growth of the country l r. population ana wealth dm ng tne past twenty vears" isdue to the "protective feature of the present tariff," (we usehia owa words again;, wiry go beck on it in this style and admit that it is too high to an swer its own ends by desiring any reduction at all? There's logic fc you ! Differing in toto froai the conclusion our neigh bor draws from his own premis es, we admit that the country has prosn-red in the last twesuy years, from natural causes, but in nothing like the same pro portion that the tariff monopo lists have in the same length of lime; but in despite of them and the protective shield thrown around them by Kepublican pol- mv at the txnense of all c:Ler paramount interests. We sot our neighbor in a rath er close corner, when we asked hirri- the sense of aiding up un profitable industry by protection and why a profitable lone needed anv protection? He answers this quesaon in genuiae ynKee fashion, by asking another, to the effect that whether the Times prefers tariff reduction, or a re- . i peal oi tiie liuernal -revenue laws? We-'-answer dir.;ctlv: wt 'prefer ' both, greatly, ."snppo s:ng that both (not cnljT one or the other) could be accomplished a5 the; same time." Can't see .why nol, since millions of sur plus tax money is novv: collected irom both sources. Can you, i bi other ir e iraf'e pvcieeioi: see why not, with tariff opl-cs keen? 7by dodge the issue ? We simply inquired that if the great "barbed wire" tariff system was such a blessing,; why it was that there wsre sacli lamentations of commercial distress all over the country, owirg to the stringency in the liionej market," fromCap'e Cod. to Corpus Christie, irom centre to circumference? But mum's the word in answer. In stead of taking the bull boldly by the horns, our neighbor equi vocates in characteristic tariff! style ana replies to the aforesaid proposition by asking us wheth er we favor abolition of internal revenue or a reduction of the tariff I just as though both couldn't be done. Such artful dodging and hedging around is mighty apt always to be trap ped and the game safely bagged in the end. This bort "of tariff legerdemain and sophistry is equalled only, if not excelled, by the sample idea he advances of a tariff measure in any sort multiplying and increasing the "wealth and population of the country," -which c -rtainly caps me enmax ot nil absurdity yet advanced. According to veracious tariff ipse dixit this th natural ordr of things had noth iug whatever to do with the mul tiplyingof people in the land xiie lunu is ootn aaddv anq m.unmy all in one of the cener aiions that have come on ihh stage oi action since the memol abl ilood, lire and fury of ISC Tdl goody-goody this But thf grand conception is p r se exqu site in me extremea dazzlu daisy a' perfect parasol : green, gaudy and uniquely pit .uiTOuuc attire as ever in ti' 'primrose path of dalliance w wont to tread" in most gorgeoiA rainbow array. Without e: j -! . .1 pecung mm to lace the musil but iust to keep up the fun, w. now ask oar deiectt.bh; neighbo:- diTwhether taxation whic a it net intended for the good cf ths tajr-payer is not worse tha.i ordi-: oon rno cnt surplus rariif tax this v year, for instance. That's theUho tovrl. each assisti.ur -h quesiiou for yoa to aus'.vo.v yea or nay, my dear friendand pitch-' fir. wirnniir nsnnfffinw wv a niv. f rs5i r i r-o i o . r . leva it oues. What say you ? enter me, is like the farmer Come, don't dodge the Issue hat raises but one crop- its again. We think it w-s jallyjmouey goes to earich others demonstrated by the "effective I Sever d .small industries are logic of facts-find figures" in a worth an great deal more to a former article! that the present town thitn one larsre one nUhn' systeu is a robber tarbl Heec- Uevseam to think so. clerners ing lifty. millions for the -.sole'' villa Ifevvs. benefit of ab.o it five millions of j V favored monopolists. j Bairett's great circas shows in Come on, brave Roderick Dhn! 'Charge,Chester,charger As car part of the show has . ust com minced, we can aowromise a "Rowland for ?n Olive-" ererv time warranted he fc -?st in oar shop and thor- j a pngh bred at that. So c. 1 again som. liv. 4 ; Democrat.'7 We keep at the same old stand. Charges moderate. Lit: ney, poor fellow, he want ed ofUce to bad be began to taste it, and jiried the niggers. We sped, his1 wife will oiie for a vorce ment; ours would, we know. Poor Price, he lined the niggers yean ago, and hain't got his part yit. in fact my son Oliver has been wid 'urn all de time, and hain t never been axed to the lit si table ; and Charlie Cooke, he too, went over and iined the ebony band. They gin him a cup of hot tea flavored with many berne3, and promis ed to make him attorney gener al. bat W ran so slow and sot so far beluna he never cotch up. j But Chailie says he'll come it t yit. He has been on probation ! several years, and may pass full j membership, but suppose he does, what reward can the coi-j much, we ve been workm' cao ored brethren ive worth hav i base and 'taters nearly all sum- But poor Linney, how we; pity hi ni, to have to wait four years as a probalionist, as bad as he wan ts to serve his country, is too bad. He started over to the nigger party some year or so ago, and got ashamed of himself and returned and not beig treat ed as the pro. Ural son spoken of in sacred history, has departed tL j second time. Well, good bye Linney, uncle Ephriam's got the coon and gone. Come, Linney, did you knowrf the cooa was 'c night' and ate up before you went hunting ? Lord, you ought to iaxed na, we could told yon dat 'fore you went. But ;great Jupiter, Linney, how you will be pealed from head to foot in tha next cam paign. Scotland Neck Dem ocrat. . REMXRABLE OCCURRENCE Wilson Mirror. Maggie Sims, a negro girl of this place, was bora deaf and dumb about seventeen years ago.' At! an early age she was sent !:o an'inscitiuion for the deaf and In mo where 'she learned to m.d and; write, where she aiso le;in ed d faith in the efficacy of Irayv ; She prayed -'lay and f "kt h'-r tongue might be : i ironi its lon banish- me;i and that her ears might be oper id to the music of human voicv and song. On Friday the chai; nelsj of her eai-iS were open ed a id tne fe te;-;if silence fell frorc the( captiye tongue. Yes, it is i labt that Maggie Sims was giv-3;t tlie loower to speak and neat for the first tirno in her life, and! she declares that it is but i he long deferred answer oi God to her ceaseless stream of wordless! prayer. REBUKING A JURY. A,L the Superior Court list week, a i man was indicted for selling whiskey to minors. The evidence against him was unbro ken, and wim? from thrse quar ters. Judge Merrirxion instruct ed the jury that the evidence from either quarter was suffici ent to convict. ; The jury retired and eleven of them decided to acquit, evidence or no evidence! Was there evei. such disregard of law and order? But Judge Merrimon was equal to the emer gency. Forthwith he dismissed those eleven wretched men, with instruction to the Sheriff of the county to enter their names as men disqualified, henceforth, to se'lVe as 3 uror.. Biblical Rec. 'i. v. C tpWll can Succeed Ir.r.n- : i uey ara essential to zh': Iif ,,f ' :"Au:t aL u giving vitality to ! the' p'ace. Tiu -own that shuts y"16 b and Greensboro The Danbury Reporter ex-j In ii:y of the voters in the South J would know rehatit was, if they were to meet the bluest kind of Tariff in the road on a bright j sunshiny day; bat the last little towuead, hardly knee mgn, knows the Internal Revenue sys tem the darkest night that Jack with his lantern, went prowling around and none are too old or two young, if they can just say daddy, to cuiae its infernal! workings. That paper, while wishing the tariff at the bottom of the ocean, wonld assign the j internal revenue law to a still j lower place where there is no water to be had on draught, and says; ; We are mighty good Democrats and believe the re peal of this obnoxious law (i.r.) in keeping witji Democratic principles, and in our opinion, the onlv safe plan is to look the j danger square in the face, and if we cannot meet it in a sqnare fight dodge, it there is anyaoag ltg ground; and the papers that say keep up tne Kevenue m place of the Tariff, will please tell us where to dodge. W e don' t know mer, but that's the way it looks , to us. A SETTING HEN. The following is from a poul try publication;: "Evtr hear abouc our little red hen' Well, sir, she was on the set for keeps. Conldn' t keep her off . Old 'door Knobs, soaa bottles, lamp chim neys, match safes, anything was good enough for her. Finally we put heron tnree mnd turtles, end I hope to die if she didn't hatch out alligatbrs ! One of them eat her np, and when we opened him, there was the hen settin' on his back teeth, ; and they'd swelled np so they'd choked Mm to death 1" COST OF THE WREC. The recent wreck on the Air Line road was a costly one to the Richmond & Danville Com ps.iy. Part;es who are in a po sition to know, cay that .if the company ges out with a loss ol not less than $50,000 it will be fortunate. The passenger en gine destroyed vas of the large new engines built es pecially for passenger service on the Richmond and Dahvil'e, and eost $7,000. The freight en gine was an old one and valued at $5,000. No attempt will be made to repair the engines, for there is not a sound piece of ma chinery left in the jvhole wreck age. The engines were as com pletely destroyed as if workmen had taken sledgehammers and broken them to pieces. Char lotte Chronicle. MORAL LESSONS TAUGHT IN THE LANGUAGE OF TEE FROG. Wesley an Advocate, Speaking of travelling on Sun day, I am reminded of & good thing I heard on Judge Colquitt, the father of Senator Colquitt. He was a methodist preacher and a good one, too. He used to start to the court on Sunday, and to ease his conscience, he always stopped . if he came across a church on his way, and sometimes preached. On one occasion he stopped at a Hard shell Baptist church. When he went in the preacher wasbela boring the different denomina tions other than hie own. He at length got to the Methodists (of course he didn't know Judge Colquitt). He said they remind ed mm of a tree frosr. Tney cot one limb and thev said hio-h- r and then got on another limb Cove.and then thev said higher md thus they co on till thev ;n to the top, and down they ome ker flop ; and, brethren, om giac?. When he was done if there was anybody esent who wanted to sneak 'd be glad to hear from them. dge Colquitt arose and thank- mm tor tae privilege oifp10:- ' said the brother s iHustra- on of the tree frcg reminded hm of auothe- sort of a frog in :nthern Georgia. You might alk along beside a oreek id shake a bush and vou'd ffur something go ker-dip as it irtick the w tiy us it wee r.v?hila ruck the water, and seemed to ent under, safe. Then you d see tho same iro the middle of the stream, and, changing his voice, he would say, "Giin me the jng gim me the jug!" The Baptist brother admitted that the Judge got him on the frog story. Should Fred Grant, the uson of his father," be elected Secre tary of State of Kew York at a salary of $3,000 per year and conclude to devote the amount to the payment of the debts of Iiis firm, Grant, Ward & Co., it would take one thousand years for him to liquidate the amount lin full, not 'including interest. HE WAS GREATLY MISTAKEN. afarjiMMi CluUt Rec"kon4 TfllUoa. Ui BmU i I live in the midst of the malarial dis tricts of Maryland, near the city of Washington, and amcvp.sed to all the dangerous influences of ihe impure air and water of that region. Being raturally of a strong consti tution, I had frequently boasted that no chills and fever or olnr malarious complaint would ever troi:b!e mc This was try experience and the con dition in which I found myself six months ago. I first noticed that I did not feel so sprightly and vigorous as was my wont to do. I felt tired and enervated. Soon I noticed a distinct and distressing back ache would make its appearance in the afternoon, in creasing in severity if the exercise was more than usually violent Then a stretchy feeling witlj profuse gaping made its appearance. Then my heal, always clear as a bell, would feel heavy and I began to have headaches. The cold stage was marked with chat tering of the teeth, severe rigors passed over me, and no amount of clothing could keep me warm. The chill was succeeded in turn by the fever, in which I seemed to be burning up, the con gestion in my head produced a. violent pain in the frontal portion and a heat ed sensation of the eyelids, with an in describable aching of the lower limbs. Nausea and vomiting occurred with severe retchings, a,td when the parox ysms passed off I a as thoroughly pros trated by a weakness that was felt in every part of me. I drugged rny.seli" with quinine, and I obtained some reiu. xjui my respite was of brief duration. I was now so much reduced that I could hardly walk or stand uprishc. My disease soon culminated in a continued malarial fe ver which kept me clobcly connned for about a week. I became exceedingly depressed and melancholy, so much so that I lost interest in my work, and, indeed, scarcely cared what happened to me. During all this time, it .nust be un derstood that I did nol ne0lect medical treatment All the moit powerful remedies were tried, such as quid ar senate of potash, valeriante of iron, mercury, bromide of potassium, chlo ride of bismuth, chinoidihe, chinchoni dia, quinine and several others. All thi I did under the advice of eminent physicians. It was while I was in his deplorable condition that the ims"' made" for vi-.sk-'uSje new quir.-'ne. as.aspeciric for malaria, were first brought to my Attention. I knew nothing of its value to justify my having an c onfidence in it, but as everything else ad failed T deemed it my duty to trj i ., so I. began its use, and its prompt a 1 radical ef fects were of the nature o; a revelation to me. Many people rc.y think the statement scarcely credible, but it is a fact that after only a few days' use of Kaskine all the leading symptoms in my case were decidedly abated or ceased altogether; and in a few weeks from the time I took the first dose" I was cured. j 1 his was about the first of Janua- y, and since then I have experienced 10 recurrence of the malarial symptoms in any form. A remedy of such ex ceptional virtue for the cure of malaria ought to be commended and univer sally made known. I have therefore urged it upon the attention of my friends, several of whom have used it with like good results in every case, and it is with the greatest pleasure and sincerity that I commend Kaskine to sufferers from malaria everywhere. Respectfully yours, J. D. Bird, B.A., P. S. Should ar.y o.ie v ish to ad dress me as to t' e enui!i.-neHs cf the above letter, I will cheerfully respond. Other letters of a '.-hv.ihir charactei from prominent individuals, v.hhiv stamp Kaskine as a" remedy cf un doubted merit, will be sent on appli cation. Price $1.00, or six bottles, $5.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St., New York, and 35 Farringdon Road, London. r . J. Collins, HOUSE, SIGX, AXD DECORATIVE I APEB dANGEXG. at d KALSOM'IMNG. tSGive lilm a trial. , July S if ilets mm. DANVILLE, VA. OVER WADD ILL'S BOOK feTOR?, garxnts al! picieren rt-t'sraclorr MaVe a specialty of fin work. Call ia when In town and examine pictures and prices. Sjlstczl Scott, Manager. 0i Mil)jtrlW FALL GOODS Afftgj We have new Dry Goods, Notions, al ways on hand. ' Patapsco and esc ax s acotcn ijnurr, specialties highest market prices for goods Duym l rr Of a -;' Late of Mathews rn the Corner' Store i'rN fifr S'r'rik S7v si -- rr - Openinq JL U U D I return my many thanks for the liberal patronage which had been extended tha cia lain ot r.iatuevs & miamsson in the d turn ot Mathews fc N uliamson in the to receive a liberal share of patronnee for turi?ed from the Northern Markets with GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, hoots, ghoes, Ac i shall endecor to give my customers every possible advantage, and will 'ell gwus as iow as xney can De oought anywhere. Uive me a call. Count i' -v- 1 . iaKen m exenange ior goous. H P. H -WILLIAMSON, A. MAYNARD. Salesman. i VI N IE 0,SUCGESSQRSeTOBALSLEY & IRVIN, " 1 1 . POST OFFIOEBLbpK D.E:A:L:E:ll.S I;N ' DiiUGS and Druggist Sundries, Soda and MIXEKAL ATJ2KS ou draught CIGAKS, CHEWlGaud SMOKING TOBACCO. - ' ! . I carefully compounded day and night from Drills guaranteed Fres'a and Paie. Phys'cia ns' and Coimtry Merchants' orders Holicited. ! aura im JM m wm m Mm.mim.. Manufacturers and Contractors of all kinds of Irlck and Brick Work, and tirick. jiave 'ione but tne best 01 lieidsville. 1 W A. EZ1 "011 J3, :cshl&20 Sash MANUFACTURERS OF flATC o a err T; rxr-nc! Amu Balti.. In'-All-Kinds wehae a first-class 6a. lill in Greensboro, and can fill all bills at short notic Urt entboro, ; N. C, tbj 19 6m 1 U mM 01&e& fmvf The L i0Jiunain; "DOMESTIC" copy irg h and style ar nearly as p -s- sible, thereby tacitly acknowledging it aa tl.e standard - of excellence in aewinff i ! iJO 3. i AM1LY, No matter wLat dealers may gay of other uiuchiues; see the-" j "DOMESTIC." before purchasing; ieiaxaiae its eiraple, -yr-t fiendid mdcfeanlKra. observe ifa v. oud.-rfully giniplcj j-.et of attachments, and notice the wide rane of work, from ihe fcinipk-si and ruost practical kind txe. xe. cutea to tne nnt st embro'dery, sunoc 1 ' . rruaciiine can do r-JLent wan a unoccupied territory. Address, Domestic Sewing I cr reuers aE oaaasr of daase. Tha isfarnatxa arauni .aah b i. or-s t. 7':.T?T bcxcfpuli. Tiadoat abort thea, . d 70a wi2alTra,il)6- aai faL Caa pin . lais. Parse as 'FUls e 03 tola catling hirsf-J tig tuj to taie, and eaaio ao inecrrra- tteiairTtloaj poro of thejt pdi, they wovli aiioat. Satb7maafor25eeEU la8ta3rP. : -- ' - ... -, K:' :'fS m - j fMiioic . 0. duajdUJi ti COZ2 Custom EoaM Street. SOST0X. UXaa. nnn mm Boots and Shoes! A full stock of - m Horsfords Bakin k Powders, and Gail All kinds of dried! fruit wanted at the Call and see us and get prices before Lamberth & Williams, New StDrE I LUAG9S llVlp & Williamson, of the Peay Block past and in the fiiture I hoje (o c cast 1e to continue hkve iusl re- myself at my new ftaml. new and earelullyjselected stocl k of , Country produce S.30...3m. . 1 1 BEOS., - 1. 1 ,i 1 IE YIN BROS., Reidsville N. C can also furnish any one with fire proof woricmen. N. O. R. MENDENHALL IvT. MCNAIR1T" and Blind' Cpmpany,, TifnTTT.mxTna iTtDAntrrTa of Tine Lumber. - . J p.-'? i", f '- " i. Ch- airjg:-.. Machine Company, niCHMOXJJ VA a ersaai box is koria tea Haiti t&j cott f ft pr - V'r?V lea'' 0c bx riH tlcodaaicaw ekpojv UUlhM'tataailf worth oi iMj etfctf reaeJy )t dUm ered. Ifptojlieoiua walk 100 mfl ta tt t box If they eoali ot U ti Illaitrated uathl.i fV -M.tt.iLL Send for It J . 2 ' 5 ! lie ti) 08 -- i - -- -