v; pRWEKSBOBO EFMALE COLLEQ THE NOW IS, THE. TIME Kv : " 11 -1 W ti;eSst pmR JR)f it. mU!VtkWiiVArican now mtti SOft . 1 m f MLOTTE OBS 01 Auguo. rjTn'' TERMS REDUCED. WAS: .- ., D.mlH.Hn the vuntors, Mwwfaaiin Cliirts, Lover of chlille American aCut to, tuem. It should have place In every 'Fmlly, Library, rminliiitEooiu : In every IVmg.jilU.oni, Xoileg. Acemy; or A year' nnmWrs eonUlnW 1 rpi and fiolnnl.nafo prW4te4Wfrr .. - ni .-...tint. nu.i ntM am well worth t ime tb nbortiptioa jkriceTfirtns S3-.19 ' year by inail,- Includina postage. DiseorfMto Clubic-HpwiHl l.Chritbwi and ubmmmi AftK''.'Jimr'be Iw.w All Scientific Amcricaiv Messrs.? MUM t. u..i;.ritif nf Anterir-JLii and for- (dim Patent, and hsvo the largest establish- " . . ' 11 it.... nftu, tlx.ii- meut in me worn. , imnd applications hare b(n made1 fuf pat cnunnronga men-ucm. . . Patent are obtained on the bout terms. Model of New Invention and sketches ex amined and advice fre. , A special notice Js ntade ta the Mentlno Jtmerican of all Inventions Patented tlirbtrgh this Agency with tlw namo and retldenoe of the Paten ab; Patent! areoften Hold in part of whole, to -pemoni attracted to the invention by uch notice. Bond for Pamphlet, f 10 pages, con. taining law andJuU .uirection for j obtain ln9 Patenta; ' ' . ' ' ' AddreH fr he Ppr or concen)lng Pat--. enW, Mt?SN t C0 3T Park How, H.Y. Jlranch Uftioo, . 'eorner P, and 8th Streets, JVanhipgton, D. C. , ' . Office ot -J-; Wittkowsky' & Rintels, ' Wholesale 'house. ' A yew rtemibt 'wmrkt tojtjhinh A Is well known the times ahead are to (ho men engaged in Mercantile pursuits 'anything but r-urfng. ..Jfc, therefore behooves all right-thinking men who feel they can weather the storm, to stop and consider what it their true policy this Season ( and the answer will sooq su ggest itself 1 ' lKttp clou 16-' tht Adr ilU Spring!" Don't go-North,' whore you aro necessarily compelled to over buy yourself in order to make up your assortment, out buvat home buy a half stock, arid replenish as you peed it, , . ' ' Vbia mo presume, will bo the conclu s'on of not only our regular customers, but a good many others who heretofore went North ; and to all those as well as to out rvgular customers we come greet' ing, and with a poll to Bow invite them to the irorpeetion of our Stock, (which will be complete by the 1st of March), and we guarantee them prices and inducements to, buy iikrb; and more especially to but orca. :.' - v 4u ; . ... 1 To exut nuYBiu aniljiartios of undoubt cd credisi 'we will ollur Ipoolal induce- moit-y-;i6.- iVery respectfully, -mi'TKO WSJCX& HINTELS. . SOUTH CAUOLINA ' Pbooatb Count BiohmbMClounty V Villium Bos tick, Plaintiff, . - ,tU' v,-' ' ' Jamea T Bostlok, (Srah Bostick, Willy - Hoper.'ierohdanU.f " ' ' 1 . Petition for Sale of Land for Partition. . - It appearing to the" court that Sar'al) Bostiok, one of the ' Dofcndnnta in the above u titled proceediGg, is a non resi dent of this State, and 4Uat the hot an tn'erest in the rubject matte of. said proceed iug,; which is realty j it ia ..: U. " Ordered by the court that publication be made once a week for six uonseoutive weeks In the Pbe D Couaisa, a news paper published ft Rookingliam, Irf the county of Itiohmond and State of North Carolina, notllyirg the said Sarah Dos-' tick to appear before the tlerk Of the Superior Court fqr eaid county, at his offloe in the Town of Rockingham, on or before the 5tb d'y of June, A. D.; 1879, and show oaiwe if Any she iiaa, why the relief ftrked for by tlie PlalutflT herein shall not be granted. , ' .. . . . - . ? D. STEWAUT, j V. S. V., It Judge ol rrobata. bTKKLE WALKEH, i ' Uintm s Attorney'a. Al-ril 14th,. 1976. JJI-Ct AlillMOXD A ATLANTA Al It-UN' E RAILWAY.' ' ' ooms-r . Leayaa CharloUsj tX..C.Xs.43 p m. rrim AtlaaU, JO-'D xxf. . GOINUKAST S, 4aveaAUnU.....M,.v .4 i0 m 7 t liarlotte.. fi.SuS it Make, connection, with both the day d uight trains 00 ti (3. a JIhUw,. - . 0OUSB.'PBCK, ' . ... . supt Interesting; imonniKioi, r ; ful Eoftmvtnff, of 'New Invention Kew I.wiuatrtasofall kimUr Uiietal Note tie. for Wkp.en .ndKmplo in ioU original onmvtnn. n We7 and oov3 InrenUont." - J-r-'-v . ENGRAVINGS,' : lUerfrated lZ? menu, PUcovvrta and , Important .wotkj, rtlnii toClrU ! Mechanical Engi. KctowU y? the Progree in the PIMc- . Bulldinir, NavlHtion, TU'gmi.', Tele, graph Engineering, Electricity. Mafnetis, in Light and Heat, ".i .', " t . a nv-t4 uknnlfl ' F.ntrlnecrs. In- fJOl SUIJSCUIKE ; tllfe a PBI3 DEri COlilUM Only 81.50 For a 24 Column Paper. Koery Conservative in the 'of Richmond County SHOULD "BE A SUBSCRIBER. It furninhc8 tin County news In full, and advocates the prin principles of the Dcm- , otracy and Hon- -city in a bold . . manner. - IT HAS NOV TUE , Xargest Circulation. In Riclimond and Montgomery counties or niiji' fapcr in the State ; and is thereforo tlie : Bost Advertising Medium FOR TITISSECTIOX. ': i. ,.!. ...; j -'-. " . i ) 1 t - ! ! ' ' IT IS THE CKLY DEMOCRATIC ; ' Papsr Poblisbdm RICHMOND COUNTY S UBSC1UBE FOR TIIH PEE DEE COURIER ADVERTISE IN THE PEE DEE COURIER. JOHN DUCKETT, KDITOR, UOCKI? CHAM, N. C Mi.. H if vrwv'y J- ILL UOOWJ WlilMSTKB PCBtf, freierif tiou Carefully Preja?edat all hwtra.aaj adltglit THE SOUTEEEU HOTEK c IlOCKtNGlIAM, N. C. J. G. Smith L C. H. Carr, Proprietors. .. . :o:- lluving taken charge of the Southern Hotel, we are prepared to accommodate the traveling public on good terms. Uhe table wih be supplied with choiia food. Tbe-esms are lurgecomfortabro and well furnished. 1 ' Portera will' meet both night -nd day train.- 1,11 :,,f'' ' ' " ' Tornia lionsonfiblo. Stablos in connection with the Hotel. Slll1!! & C ARK, Proprietors. " CALL ON ' CHARLOTTE, N C; v . v: 5,; 1 . Tii have youv watches 'repahed or to got FISH tfWKi.PY. . December 25,' 104-3m. Sew E:lcrjrlc. C 0 M ERE 1 4 U"B ST i E R AM1. Under Smith Forbes 8hocSun ,.Tmd; St. C U A 'RL0TT,E:V.N : f Wheii'you vibit'C'harlotte, be sure and call. It is tho place where you can get a good, ' .,' ' . SQUARE MEAL. Fresh Fish and Oysters served in every stvle. A Fine Bar and Billiard Parlor i North Carolina "Rye- W lnskey always.on haml. wld Fasdnon Peach nnd Honey." 1 Moj.ils at RlLlLOMsJ.mgIit or day. Jan 22d. tl. M. O. TEASDALE. TIUEMLEIGIOEW, . ElJtlly and Weekly. pcni.t.v.iio by-'-' ' THE news ruBLi.siiixa COMPAN V,' Dovotod to the best interests oftlie State of NorthCarolma, .ty the success of the Conservative party, development- of tho hidden wealth of the State, tho cause of immigration intq.our midst, aiidadvance moot of the welfare of our "peopla in vnrvt.liiiis that aerves to mako a Stato prosperous mi 1 indepe ndent. Its (.ALYV'EIU'ISLNU COLUMNS-. . will bo found of great advaiitnge, as the D.ui.t enj.v torgtut cirouiution 01 any Daily in the' State, arid is double that of any Daily publisted in Kaleigli, nnd tho AVeeki.y circulates in every aiunly in tho State, ltatcn Moderate. r- Daily one year, .....:....;'....:........$ 5.(K). " (5 months; .......r;...... 3.00. Weekly -one yoar, ,. ...i... 1.00 . John D. Camros, Editor. JonnAV Stox, Associate Ddltnr, E. C. Woonsov, Local Editoi. June 19. 1 ";'. Smith and : Carriage Shop, TKOY, X. C. . We are ; pleased, ,to aniiouiice' to t ,..1.1.,, ti..-. ..'. ' 1 t .1.. Linda of Black fcmitli work, make and pair buggies nnd wagons." We warrail to do good work ut "low prices' for tl - -H '. . 3m. CV H. & VV. L. tlURNADA Jit' BJBSEJS MIOSIS & C3. WULOESXLEmid RETAIL DEALEr.! IX 7 Furniture ueddintf At, . West Trade Street, Cfl AELOTTEN. 0 , A full assortment ol Metalk P-urinl Casi constantly on hand. Joliti W. Cole, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in the Court Hou 11 r nfol. r the right. , Will give prompt attcnticL iu an nuimeas entrustca w ins care. I 14 ti . TUBTAtEtt IS 0?t FII.B tVITU tYLre Ad .vrtbdofc CB!nct eats b maacV on Street, , , vw ; Street, CUARL01TE "i-VST TUTE FOB YOUNG tADJE. Rev. K T, uravtia, Principal. Charlotte, N. ('. The Bprins Term will commence Feb 1 4th and close Juno 30. Experienced and efficient TcacheM in all the Departments Charffo for board and Tuition in Engl nh reduced to $100, per Term, For other in formation send for circular. m nr ! Address KEV. 8. T. MA IfTIN, . I -"TIN SHOP, 1 Tain pleased to announce to the ipublio that 1 have openeu a . u s Stove and Tin Sliop n Mm . )ld Brick- Htore" in Hocking t ham, where I am prepared to ; . ; ; .Wholesale and RetaiTv Tin ivnrA nn.l do all kinds of repairing. 'roofing, guttering &e. I have also cook 'ing stoves, stove pipes Ac, which I will sen low tor casu. uan. ii5-3m. F.A.mycs i Kl'IU ENGINES. 8TMK BOILER! MILL 1 GEARING MADE SwSHAFTING , PUllEYS AND HflNGERa I TheUMEQUALIEDJAaiEFFEL AddresCpOOLiE & HUNT, I W. 8. FOWIJKES. ,i.CG W it toll -'SI i I- . . -A,s"D JEWELER, LOCK; GUAM. N. C. .April 1. .U STEELE Surgeon I3cntit, : Offers to tho people" 6f Stanly. Mont gomery nnd Richmond countie--, his pre t';.s.-.ional services. Any one desiiing dental work 'will please notify him by letter or post.d card at Wadesboro1 and vill receive prompt attention. January 2Jth,l 11.1 1m iCOUNTER.PLATFORM. WAGON StTRACK qa AGENTS WANTEDo . SEND TOR PI1CE LIST MARVIN SAFE 85SCALECO. 265 BROADWAY V.Y, 72 CHESTNUT ST. PHLA. PA, 108 BANK ST. CL EVE. FreshFisL All persons desiring to buy fish can be supplied at Peguesor Grassy Islands. 117-2m. E. fiffTNGBAK ' W Cavlactoa Drag Btosw, HAM, , JS ' ' i ST jryv J Wt AJl r D011list . -. -. . u u one - ..:idk v ""-r , , . a nrpi Edition . .. One'cWyone ; ,... ,wx-m6ntht ? .f;- TWee'copies,fpe.oBeyear . Four copies, for one year . ;K ,-. ; r Five copies, for one year , a.flK Ten oopies, for one year . ; J '- Twenty oopieft, for.one year ft' To very getter-up of a olutof twenty one copy will be sent free for one year. r Wp? CHARLES K:; JONES, ; ; Editor & Prop. W. F. Avbry, Associate Editor, ) ' 1 ' " J: p. Caldwbll, City Editor- ,: ) . w R.T. LONG'S PRIOTIi BfllRBIC ETA3BlIsililJll i- fTiHIS well known house ia'stilf the traif -1 eler'a fovorite and the iiM-mer home. " . " ' ;( Tfcc Acccmnipdatrton are cemplete and not to biirpas8ed by , anv houso on,tne,ime o wj?. vv.-r-The rooms are Veil kept, and.vfellurn, 0,i- - Ttoe Tabic-' 1 is wi'thoutV(ioul?ik tlie best belweChar. lotte and Wilmington, The CMlimary department is presided over by Mrs. Long, whose extensive experience en ables her to have everything prepared in the most elegant style. jr No pains will be spared to render guests comfortable. , i Charges" moderate. ' . - 62-tf- H. T. L0V3, Proprietor. . '.; IHllllJITTi: II0TI5L. KfrorrrrUY kl'nr.t!,la IV; lrrut rrt l.tk nlj. rri - ' 1 H18 Route has fine rooms, wv.ll furnitli-i bi.u" lately. iititkd ilj the )M style. att i:mti y a : . s: K T A ts . Bjyri.'n table dully (.uppd ilh"tfi hf ttiis urid other inark ts atftad. Kates v.-rv uiocVrate. ' HCI.1.IS' SON, -t Proprretors . ' - tt.w ----- TII lu it 1 .11. rrliLISUCD DAILY 'AND WEEKLY AT WILMINGTON, X. C. Subscript ioii Rate--In A deance : Daily Journal, one year... rrr: $8 00 "; jjj six months 4 00 " " one month. 75 Weekly Journal, one year $2 00 " " - six monlns. ...... 1 00 " " three in mths 50 ENC.ELIIARD & S-iUNDEIiS, , 1-21 pdc tf ' ' EdUors, J . M . V IMG II T, brioi, imowlv'i; CO.r . WholcaJlo Jobbsrs nndImpOrtersof.- ' '"ni Mil hi IIAUDWARH l.D NOTIONS,' ' lit; 1 ttaw 1 i .. fKADE STKEET. , CHJliLjQTTE, -K.' G :'; v'in October 30, 1875. ' ' 'M- 96-Cni. . J. P. REYNOLDS,- ' Manufacturer . cf Fuhiittire Hancock Street, between WosTTngton; -and Franklin, neaf theXounty Jail, J Furniture constantly in stor? ; 8. I have the best chairs ever offered for sale in this place. . J ' - Kepoiring done neatly j work guaran teed. . - IPor Sale.- -.1- - 4 , A good buggy and harness used only ahort time, can be bought low for the money. For. further information apply to LLbnky Stkwart at A. Stewart's store H. L. KOEUSCH, 1, i DBAI EK IX- 3 t:r. .Flat, "VTriting, j36ok & Wrapping .l...-' PAPiTwS... r:-:. . - Schooj and Miscellaneous books Wall Paper and Shade, -Stationery, etc. - - ' Trade Street,';' '' ' 'l;- 'f. 9HAR0TTE,N.'a;; f !.. . : " ; V'LLSQ, r ! :" :; j Books Bound in moroefco CallVKoaiii1 Sheep, etc Blank Books made to orde.v Paper : Ruled to ajy .i Patterui ' BiH ?l?' - 5 ' fleatls, ,- Hot .Lfea) da. . Kuled And Printed to order., WoiV guaranteed; AolU It V-l b:.-. Hi .iii V.'" -JfSl'rt 1. T'Xk'. M' Id "l tj4-t'!-1 IH-'S" Sara 4" wfj.B y enui rO'i ! Tuition vLW;i esuJar, Enl, For Catalogues cctmfTiRfiln, apply SS 80 2m, PresiUen toarclTruateea. 111 raiiiiJi. jb4ums4ii , 1.1. ,,.,., t W. (Stenhouse, maAvuij vimuuisj v Corner TiodeiCQllbfe JStfl8r ? v cttAntoTTC'.rl' Will keep on hand a large supllyc-j groceries, and all prdertlcoiti. the.eount ry will bo filled at , tejoweat market Consignments solicited' and Td'mpt return guaranteed. a! , 80-to . ,;. THE BOWTEN'-'- HOUSH .1' 'i opposite the'ost of&sv.! a WilininfVtoAv.' 1 announce to my ; old 'customef Und " fj iends, that I am now preparftd M o wmmodate both Traiiaiei.t enilular boaiilera on ronsonabltf .terms, ly house Is situated In n 'fqtiHre 'of the busines portion of. the citiyl.iar:t2 per day. Come and see me. CAKOLINA-CSNTRAL. (iKN-eit.lt. SL'rERtNTENPBT'8 OKKlCg. ,j Wiljiisotox, N. C.t July. 18, 1875. . CHANGE CF St;llEtUtE v U Trains will Vun over thiii fialhtaby ' the following Schedule : ",.-.," - ! '- I'assenger anl Mail Trains Daily. jf v Leave Wiluftrijflhn .'A . V' (lli " A Arrive in Chariot ta..;. w.-'..M P.'W.-. Leave 'holotto at.. OaWb A.3Po ; Arrive at Wilmington.., 7 00 P. Fast Freight and' Passenger .Jniin.s ocracy and Ilotu J ; ty in a bold Arrive .t : - - - 1 : r CUN.N I5 Tit iNS;T T.7.t 7r Connect with tho A . A 'K. Air Line 1 ; Charlotte ; t 7: J. AI. .jmi-I 6.30 A. JL.'f ' Connects at Wilmington with.'Wil.? ; mingtrni f Wcldon L'ailroad at "7:00 A and 7KJ0 P Al nnd W ilmington, ColrniLi & Augita Kiiilroud! BL,l'ape:s publishing tin- C.' ln'4-:t way Mchcilule will please notice clumgcs. Tims from N ilmington to- Atlanta 24 ' hours. Close connection, b'bili ways, an on to the North. - i .: : .:!:' ;j diief Engineer and Superintendent, Decembet 17. r ," p . , . , ' tl ' . U t NOTICE - TO TAX PAYERS i .Nntipe i jbereby given lo'alXWK'ptry-- ers in tlie t9unty tcitvndAttOJt aiw.i ting' of the Comxmsiiiouera of said J mee County will bebjd;oittlie iliirU AIeUdy in May Jo .0, at therourt (ume.m Hoet IngfiaiiV. frfr tlie piirposeVf'reiin th"u tax lit-t. arid hearirts'ail comr!!frinS'liicfi may., be made by - the-' taxpayer-" of sakP-l county iiLj-efereflOft- e. fchu yaluaUbn oj, their property,', bothealatipejfpifd, ! ComilainW td fie' made in writing, olid.;; they hatl be' heai-d.' 'Any 'cimplhSit m ule after that tinif wlll Ahthi heard.ntfI ", Ly order of Board. .wmsit) ';Ul . .... JOIIiJv-WAT.SON; . :'-,; r.ClevkjIivxl C'QBHiy.Cbm'al . PKOPBll f ttBi s.K r--' TABLE.SL'PrLncrj.WlTlICHWCEFC'OD 4 c n p . . j;tf ' tvwiua ivr 1 m VfHH - .-IllPSIIltril, ; Professional and Bainesa Men,.r' aiiJ - -"" 70; i .t t, l-4 Tlu- Hotel is situated convenient to, A the business pa:t of town and offers great inducements Jo thoaVrtierWiio wishes1' to be well pipvided for with'good roomtf'1 )e excellent fare, jjolite servants fie ie.-,-.' ; Aly newcoach meets ajj the trains Jjoth clay and nfght, io you may sjtkWdes borc at any time with the assurance of being met at the depot. - V" TThe choicest Philadelphia tagef Beer, Impoited Ales and fineIi,'igara1B keytUn convenient to the-dming roopj, : .,r.i,f ui,9 Terms as low' as consiste'nt wft good fare, -oj .njl-' .: t;eit rfi'lKte-':' Special arrangements made with ami lies and .xcuraioBisU.r.: . -,r ,i . soilw Ury the new house and I will cuaran- 116-ly.; 'Pronnetor..,,., i Person desiring, to Jake out Patent or desiring - information tLe U.lA Patent 0fflce;8hbUld consult F. A. teh,,0 maun, "Solicitor of Americin ttml FcnNstJrt v Eatenta,' WaaiMMtoaulXiKjfilLifawn'1'' 'fe. oi lIIo ix i j-' . '. Bf' ,ri--

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