L .,"1 in ffAbTEK r -ud proprietor. - Two Doll13 pcr"u ,-.. TEnM3. ";-. . r moaths. . of $1.00 -pT,,B T twelve lines ":h succeeling insora4. P's -C1 35 cents for each sjh the ijjmJ; Lertw?.. - mcnts tfcwU TU will iC desired; Ted aWdingly-; BBl til orders -r 1 ..ntriCts wui OP NEWSPAPERS ? Till?. l.AtV notic tO Ui contrary are considered wfcbiog to contin wb P If the wWber. order tie rfkcofitlnTiw of thdr r.nMI.Hr. Vnn mniintlft tO Bead tnem Uii all casn cnargea ariiu. .1 n . win American toliy. for aJiAmS6fiople client i held responsible unll tbey have setUed their biU, and rdered their paper aiscuutuiitcu. , . 4; If subscribert remove to other places withoot in l' i -i ! i-:Uer Onlers a they 1 act 'rnaTeth yearly ndrer- .. ' o will be ... 1 -JiromSCIUCma 1 Ju.nu - -eoing rates. lii'rllCI 1 vol. r.. ?r.tvi TTiW?Rrier- and the wiper is sent fiiv ota held resTxmfiiTjle. VX1 ;amAia th.t reftiBinir to take Q H VUUIU v.W 1 V f . . A ,1 1 4U1 fmm thfl OtUCB. OT TemOTlTlK WiU N . KirZMteh W vidence of , leavbiff ii t mtional iraua. cent no for- tiU he bu- -T nf timc to enaDia Twacuise. fnincuB. k ?ta 01 uu v , .mhAA With RT' THK ! ... ' CRUISiKO I.V TUE AST WABj c.hii acqu- hlstitutioiis, "test bter- ; "JiW-v , - - ,.r- tta spirit of onr .-j wlth the greatest mux - ;S f-nft Arrow after becoine thoroa strinsrent :tJ?Sw from the port of ; for happening .rfiviGtMiiKteof fill m with 4ar.L.0 r Jrca to prevout the andto Smyth resdltwl to arn and send. her lorth to law v .,1 either paupers y. v - hpr own account- JL. lon 'Xl back to tb3 coV- may, in violaUonm Tom Wd3 r:u-.acrsoiuTT and to nmun . Kiv, hareait-7 . , to demana irom -veu oar f l'"fc,r; which may sena mrr iAT for me north, whilowe were , t- .)Vrau"k .. fM amme stuiy.w"- j 1 consort, - , " - . 1 -r-:.., n tta who has never tiicrwi- ?;.rii7 mintvl on a Divot amidships, SffiSTorSa inland the command 2?tD dor second liJutenaut, with myseH for.suh.or- l eauippod, wa parted company irom our ctition the election or appoin.; TWlrd. We sna v. n fo &ny oBlce ot txusu TTnr several davs wa met with.no adventnre. .nrtnT. 1 ;nor.oolir onltrV; He WbO HOS "it" . weatner w luu-'""v - . . . 1 i..,. . 1 i.: j .wi.r. mi t Trnnicai ski. uui witiiessca a pT". .,"LIr. ,nv Tllft mm - 11 nfHm.V HOOT. Ill K 1 1 1 . 1 1 U Dl bUUIUViM- day sum The bre-:1:tlA!tt;pt!t--rigg!w1tt a yoyooa sound, singarly pleasing rafter theealeQce andmoootoay of thaday; and the-waes thai; parked beneath, oar wtwaterTolled glrttenngasiern alongpur sides, whUVever anffnon some billowrrthan 1 fellowsrBroko ovef the bow, sending itiloam crmg back to thef oremast. Aroand thedeck oar nfewese gauged, ifccb,, one beside bia aUotted twaiting thi' moment X attack, Te cntiass tod been'served othe boarfinke3 and xnasketg wae ii -..5i??f frr risfl theliaJls had aweadv Been station on the part el thefoeto open enr'magazme commence the corneal m earnest JJUf, when we were rapidly closing; w im, thenjny vawed, and directly a shot whistlcdlngh bverua. . i'ivn iniTV-BT tar. uiu rduiuiuauca, cam nn lonrr Tom. to we'H neDTjer tot after a different rhcn it. nnmps to onr turn to. serve Out the iron potatoes. Ah I the skipper's tired of hihg silent," he ;r,r.o no Mr. Vinton ordered 'the old veteran to disehaTge hia fstvorte-pfec, " well soonlee wto can nlav at Ijhack-fartMnir the best, nrf hearty. Kowso iW hova. with that Tarhmefnow we-feare her in a tear ; main- pcrsous sin as nvat of JS oder the Federal or Sfa- g-j n0 idea ot -" ia stirring! Vlcr.juSt trtflemoat it-ftere h,Miororeia t or enlistment of sachJ hke mol match thflam ttfe heaveus hlng'ovif all their canopy 01 mria nre.10 Se vSy ctre It which barnswith intense fiercenes, JSS-Snmn. The deda, the cabin, and the tops 1UC aW IIUIS UKfcJ AlAUi-VA Wvax .nfs.or uimij- t:m. nt cnunv-, or iuvy . ...... .. , , uiu -::-, that the ncuive-oui t he opinion . Mmrn t:iininjr, as u.ve the ngui tu b" izcia ot tne . , all immigrau - andj taf f possession: Accordingly, with a ere ;o 1 arjoat w-uozen meu, x puduuu uu iioui uuc uu battereraf -JHT--,1 As wdrew out or the smoKe or xne Datuewe v& jranto se6 the-rjeal eCSat of the damagawoAad jione. Ml StGlItflWIL Tiirs oi cbop. 65 12 bushels ofoT pounds, ( 3 1-4 tons ot Straw, . :-1940 xne smp o i-oe IPXi'' 9 JTEZTZ the 'Water, her foremast and: rmzen mast,jiayanotp fallf n over KeTviside: whiTS her hull was ,Dieiced in continaoos laic, just aoove wauf -mciiiv, wyjuui w 11 ere ana vnerejier ouiw arm nauuwu wivw a: From "The Plowlhe Lbbm, and ihe Anvil."3 v? ' PT?mrrrs OF AEMJNfl. " ' " .' . . - -.- 1 -:ir rMTiana. xms is a very truiuui wii'v " her .wjftojappeoe betokejieil- e,accraoj par e ferm' crabs and debating societies. Facts ajnv.; I turned ta look at the scW. KZ7Cvt ence.on the snbfect, and of these, seofceiy m a Better conaixion,ior tne , - matted otrpiment undertakes, wifhr specific this time ffiren way, and her whole larboard side was .W,,, tha ii tw-Prallv be w . . . . . . . - m . l riiiwniiii'i ij i.i irr V2uuc .ua. win v- viji . w - : w Lridaled-wp the enemy's Aarfc redstream as Sworm of Mtention, sfice such are Ploughing and sowing, 3 bushels of rye, ' TTarvtstin? and housing, Threshing and cleajnng, Interest and taxes, - 4 $96 13 $3 00 2 25 ' B 00 6.00 15 00 831 25 $C4 83 pourmg.out from; her scuppers, f:. fo fmm-' Z . mast.-AlasilweUlmewhowjterrfle TlSiipsMr Oomrty Agriltural Sodety, in1 sjauglter to that partcujar ;spot IJnrned mm wfflSeBte the- foilowin? the from the melancholy spectacle, and looked upward to. 7Vr."fTl rnte . moonfeailing irT-the-clear azure sicy lar oyer- '1!: that , on his farm of eighty- Vins; the iana 01 . f w;th the enjoyiuw are anse sumug. lzL.A should be content witn ii J J without Bi1PJter.fr seeking i u JSoni wTthW Snhclterom'tle "verticil rays' of the sun, but ,1mTt.ration. ?rlrLa h wooed 'down ; the eager wmdsail ; Scwhee LUC bUl lfwuvauw " KrrrA ran De WOOOQ UJWU wb a in ils f such an amenaeajy1 v , to ajnunis- to the tread as Ctowfairf oj "rror appointed to any omce n.. oil arsons electea or w,vl.-ral or .: nf onr laws, -- . . iv. j,.nfinn : f-unriiM the turn shall advocate - naTthe planks bome as intoW " . " ,Al farm, ot an u , xf ... - , .fnlav, WoS beneath them, il 4b t ui .' - ' lto all persons oecw-rr- Fcdcral or rrtrnrf. honor or emoiuuivu Je from " i. vi i'ucv.wi"j . It was on one or tne notiest uj , about a fortnight after we parted tromtheow, that we lav thus becalmed, me nuur . .tm.'.m .. - nic7v recoguiso "'V P "I" 1 ?ttes. as paramouni inokinff oat across tne oceaa w uiom, - n-ALM-um of the Uuitcd ntT flir. 10?6 : ,nA ti.r Pvi.ltiiicea of an approachin .Vr. nf adhesion or allegiance misy or. v - r r- ".There wis no ri to an ouug,v, . np onthority, wui"-"- 1 breeze, juy waw" " - ir. .: nower. potentate, or autuor j , uree j monotonous unduktoon I -w anv and au c'"--- . no 0ne foreipn tne - - 1 nrvn him. . , liirth, wbo na uw ,a nniform rule visions of the Uonstituuou. - SixL'i. We shall oppose, teiSnabit-BichnmoiL , !st3 simii m!l:ntAin the resred We shau ma..uu ? ;-r- mit to L yJtotfW! Of thlS UIU"" O , I) Sstatea Ol I"" n Mrson of aioyment of jne wjj ft citizen of of nn.. hereafter, any no miuier reiiirionista shall : such vested rights. arainst a control, at any time, in a sail Gr not, pple lieavcd ??J1ZZZrrZ ?T which elitterod far ;and near Cr m is reflected vertically, ? Hsin the iraze. . The schooner notionl on the ocean, the shadow, or her boom Sng iiSie Wave, as the veU unddatod .along "I . - rfoolw:'- To a spectator at a distance, w&o could have beheld our nionless shadow nH hvp BBemedafrnchanted ship, hanging midway betwixt the acaj-sky.- . ooC passed, and the aitemoodrew heavily along, vet still do breeze arose to gladdWpur hsUess,Ep.rite, rn ki nrl thon three, but the same mo- notonycoutinued. Wearicut at tel was abo torning from the weather qSkrter to go below when I tancied I saw a sa'd fardowii ou the horizon I paused in theflirection wnere tne welcome .aiKlA For moment tne giars 01 tKl enn a vl thfl water DievenJed me irom uwu uus r;Thtfnllv : .k no oMf whatflfer what 1 saw waige&ny rprnmcutor 0tHCr UUiaa.. - o " "T-r.'iJk h.aH exercise any supervision or by which tne -'-J; Tv wcmn. by rrf,g- hltCU. or Utsrvaau, - . : tomsfs, or by the adherents or uhh bv any other class 01 persons. . 1 r. 1 11 m iinfinl ! doctrines, vio- j rf;g- of dthcr, or und defend the Const ih- : as it stands, the LVo as it exists and the rg i;mTnntion as sraanuiiwi wtn.- fm ... ... f oivasoiMi .1 vt,.nt of our bv owosin" at ail times,uu iu ..v. " " iiitTSd iuilaence, off who may assail them, or, ei- flS. And lastlv, we shall use our utmost excr tioS Sbuild up an "ca party," whose maxim AiERIC VXS SH.VU. rLte THEIR CoCSTKTI ; iVoa 'Ae .Iweri Beacon POLITICAL TENDED U 1 UJ . It is a hUtorical fact, aa.1 one I promise that none of the fcirned American Advocates of Roman Cath olicism wi'l attempt to controvert, that kings for cen tur r-eivc-1 uikI held their crowns at the sovereign nk-'sire of the Popes. .This is as obviously an h.s- I . yr,Ta nt oil. SOTn"- fact, as nat wiero ,-av, j. y.o ; the kins foiurbt aSamst tiicae assumpugiia, uuu tr:(j u.. !if i(J'mT iinnDU was reiuuvuu U UUl 17- c"-1 , .. " by the" cry of the look-OAO f tu half an hJnr it becami evjnt that tne vessel to the windward was a squaj tr craibut ot what size or cnaracter it. was in Iq to djterm n "They must have puff of wind up yonder, remarked the second! tenant to me, - or ww . they could not have come irithm sight so wp- -. , Hf. . But the breeze if left them ere this,' L said,' for Laey have not movetffor the last quarter of an hour. irT..wi know nothing more ot them i.-kf..?i ftilifl wind will ttau'ceiy make. er guage. Untfl Jnow something more of him, 1 would rather chan f positions." t. ,o H m some fll merchantman," I replied ; " we will lighten his plethoric pocket belbre morning-nnrin- tiie attetiioQu the caTm continued, bur craf and the stray sail occupying their relative Potions. Meantime innumerable were: the conjectural hich .u . oc tA tha rbaractcr of our neighbor ; and ainand again were our glasses put ia TCuoisitioii to c ' i.i .lfwrwl to decide our con- o . ., -i t onarwlv siiiv clua as tMnff 3ivor ner is visiuic, v -- i-v5Vrw-frnrrtrite Tnotrth tjTthfe . sxta, a sharp, quiek, report followed, and the-smoke; clinging a 95 around tne piece -m a mve mt ---j? ments and eddie avay to rleewari oil WgJ while the old veteran, stepping hastrfy aside, pkced his hand .v;s-i,ofTa unit irazfifl alter me snow wiumu pression of intense cuyiOsity smropeoori-everjr 11 of nis tacet uiretuy u t-juiw "i"', , . . ,T countenance aa the fdre-topail-of thesaip lellrthe tinvinrr hit. tlW Varfl. - " -J . "- By the holy and thoic cross,", sam a mercurial Irishman of the old veteran's crew, "But nenaa w mere turrahl Give it to him cateiyTagaini s vne euiijr i,.noV tu'ot Antrhnfhe earf? wona.i ..t; .1 Home with?the ball there,.my hearties.; sung put. it. - lt nan alif 19 YftWingT to. Jet QTlVe at US ii. CIWp Tinr-as rood as she send3. , tiltiv: ix ' o .. . -i-.. jis- f H. horwevef. at too srreaxra ai- tance Id rentier, her fire daagerou, and fm& tbird it iri innhancreibetwixtus-for the stranger appeared to have, like' ourselves, but a single long gnn J lw;vSio dishmt and uncertain firing ceas- -j, uu ur"AT( RtWlilv toward each other, r fibt. thfi combat, aaa jrallant combat UvbCI Illiliu w 0- ' to vard arm. ThP wind had now freshened considerably, , QW we tbr water at the rate ot six rnaue out ivaj u - r . wo rtf i k:iots an hour. This soon Droagm, us u ""V : thefoe. rr.gnns.nieanwhile,! fn m the starboard, to tne larooaru ce, whole armament cOnld be brought to bear at Qnce on toward the enemy a proiouna silendeWlmed on our deck-ach:man, as hestood at I his .mn, witching her with curious interest, w e couia ""v"! rV ,t! . nll fillpd w th defenders, and see mat uer uocivo uv, . , . . . St marksmen hadTbepn posted in the tops to piok off the crew .But no eye waited, no "" we looked di.this formidable array We. felt that there was nothing left for us but to fight, since flight t-i an A lmnossible. - was aiiKe uisuuuuiou'v v.. - . . , . . i , r5tliin nlstol shot of the ioe, d dSSJ 3o to Ws bSw, The critical mc SSttaJSne. mtindefinablelingwhichjeven , - - -ti in.oKont.-ftnra?ini in a urave man m o comhat, shot through our n lc tilla fthont fiftv acres in nine yearn: nmJa -nf cattle in winter: iattens ana eeuu uuo- third of them injne spring. - xie aeu mo uanj .Is ExrEst.. yt,:jiurhesprescn1 Ploughmg, harrowiiig, and sowing, acres'nrconi and potatoes, aua iuur " Harvesting and tnresomg, - mowea twentjscres. Tne laDornas oeen wuoujr pci- tht rflm moftnRaihn? head. -The plaeid couHtenanee- of the '"piaiKt seemeq to speak a reproof on the angry passions 01 man mnmnnt afterward we reached the .catured ship. Aa i stermed on aecK i noticea tnai uoi uuv feaividual wasx to be seen ; but in the shattertdguh- beh"feld the evidences f the laW combat.:The whole aehdpj)arentiy retreat low. tinsnt ggjj bVmvs. except for sixteen days in the hay bem-?! meL n. when'l'nirei a man to assist me. , . instntfv vanished, l was not long m aouwi, ua w, - - - . . ri" in.:ii t7olAat 4nffrftsfli, . , . - PRODUCT meaning i una -sutiuo .-- n -'qi1ra; i , - -.. .(.l..nr .!,kal im'thn tlfttAnWST; a!w)ns Ol lliVV, an l " . . . - i 1 1 a.,i Unrirm rv nrrn u . - .,-.- . saw at .once-.the. dishonQrAbie '8ttatagHn.- B,pig w - , r T i o " . H.,. -i'&rkj'--w Jr7r'o. l fin " , of oats, at 62 1-2 cents, - !lnr Pdsturage of 13 horned cattle, 26 weeks, at . . . .. K - h, w.f 1tt t-m no 33;l-2 cents. : Net profit, - - flw. Kor0.7tber, 1864. ' 4 On two oc Mif..bowlMstlmatei a crop of Jjo as follows:' I ! - value or ckop. ' 50 bushels, at $1 25, - f ".:'. Straw, by estimate, ? j -.-! $62 50 15 48 77 98 $2 3 12 25 50 00 $375 57 250 93 00 50 00 75 S25 75 -.652 23 mole na.,T bfid ever seen. , . J Ktnn inr. mv iirsive luus, a uicu. si"-" ?ot, rt-thKv.nwn-f-iHv and Tjerndious vilharis." innr iown. ana sweeD xnenriruiir uulivo. cried the leader of the v6m, stung ttbj piickhy-the taunt of cojrarcUc.WiT". "A brawny desperado at the worl made, a blow at me with h& Cutlass, but hastily 1JPS snatched jT piste rrom my belt atMec? at Ajm&gc nist, who fell dead to the deck. The ext instent the combat becameeneraL. SLantoman, and foot to foot, we foifght, desperately conteting every inch of deck, eacE party beln conscious that the "struggle was one dfSife or death. The clashing' of cutlasses, the crack of-firearms, the oatns.iheiit.TOd'Je oi.:.,i-0 r,f Lo wnnndfld. nd the dultheuyy fall ot the dead on the deckwere, tho onlj pds of WW, we came to Pur ears hot in their usuax aisunciue, uui mingled intoone fearful- Mid indesicrfferable nprear. mlf SRcarcrtV hffd .tne TOSluiw mv twiuic K.,irr rr,0 nfiiTiirtl in defcndinsr myself against a Her- lLV.AS MUW . W . -a i - O - , J U mnivloH YVlrt mit. culean ruman who seemeu w mivc Bs,-j!st frotri- my crew; afid whom it reqnired al my fata? 20 of apples, at ou cents, &23pounds of cheese, at 10 cents, 250 pounds of butter, at 20 cents, 10 tons of corn fodder, at $5, - tons of oat straw, atr$5, . 250 loads of compost manure, - mortal FTnA n we saw that our . 1 1 . . :. i -.rr t nf nnr enemv, anu bowsprit wa8ovwiiuS '-baTis be that Uanother minute some of , rd. JraS hVanother world. Bat .there was f1 .. m, tirn vpwels. each going on a renections now. --v- - ' . n?mit raw, rau. -""-;v jjr ir-w-n-AjMe time than I have taken to oescr f to broadside, with oirr bows on tne w . .1 W fommaat. Until and our tanerei opiuai r Vzsiuar cun. hnt the a word had been spoken on board either sh bui r the moment the command to fire was P m. a sheel of. flame .mstantaneously roUed alongr side makin" onr li?bt cralt quiver -"V, sirios, mawm-, , h of slJard and th( Tho rpndmrr oi hiuir-i, , .ui ipcren-iiii i,MHi nvw even the battle. sis w""lKw Rned home; bearing told ns that tne ij H-J&r muse ensued, destruction witn im. - '"""VV;"' Wn into if the crsw f the enemy n r ; ; -- " m' rto dolav was only that of AS temporary disorar-uu. -v brpaaslde ,112 12 10 52 50 50 T 10 250 C6 50 00 70 00 00 00 00 Nct profit, - Albert Montague, of Sunderland, makes the follow. ing estimate 'of an oat crop: - -. , '..! VAIXE OP CROP. 60 1-2 bushels of oats, - -1 i-2 tons of straw, '. $30 9 25 00 $1,324 11 EXPENDITCRES. . Mv own" labor, 225 days, - - - - . , i Hired man.J.&raays m nay-Time, - -Grass-seed, - .- - " Seedorn, 1 bushel, - - - - -Rfiftd-oata. 10 bushels, at 62 1-2 cents, Seed-potatoes, 2 bushels, at 50 cents, 1,006 pounds ot piaster, ' " " 75 bushels of oyster-6neu. lime, -. - -250 loads of compost manure, - ... -. -Interest on 69 acres, tillage and mowing, at -50, - - .. Taxes, - . - ; t - ' ."; .'. - $225 00 - 20 00 6 1 6 1 4 12 250 00 00 25 00 50 00 00 07 00 27-Q0 $759 75 i t-nre t!icv AquIesctHl, but tiie reauy suuoruiua toi of Uie Stile to the Church evinced in the magis trates executing the anathemas of the church, in put- tin -r to death those denoted as neretics Dy me cuuiu, hows in what a state of subserviency and phancj 'political princes were held by the Popes. That is just the very terror of Church and State the vtry sunrcniacv which we fear, and which is so antipodal fo & ch& aceordiftgiy hour alter hour pass- tl an,l then came in return t Drpaase to her cuar. u-i , litoirether Urnorant re- VL tw tbis momentary disorder had injured cd away, and wf 'were stUl altogetuer .HPT""" -.. J, ii j .i ot-a.wrtlt nf our neisrhoor. lO- spectmguie nasr-rX?ir"-ft - . - wards ' ..l- l,m.vpr. sicriis oi a comms "2to Appear da the seaboard and when the lumm giutw xnn the western line o. the ary wnW fu - - nercentiblv tut- ine sea io iuc nmu. - x i rJnn,?v$k -t. bav. I I saw nothing bat the anVmv Brlversarv,i -I heard only the quick rP An, Wndps. T base said once before that my - :. - v,.i TocQrvl intn a. nroverb Dronciency at my wcupuu u u-v. - -ncamifla nnd bad I not been such a master .r t c,r.irl on tbi nresent occasion, have Ol HIV l", DWiVi . . ,n - xrintim to mv antagonist. As itwas,l recciv- i 0i,rr wonnd in the arm, and was so hotly press- ' r . - ,i . . T ..... 'wrwT rriirn WflTJ. ed bv my vigorous ioe mat a -i.iuiu- 6"v. "" . -r. .. x iV. : A tt trinmnb nroved the destruction Ot mv antafronist. Flushed with success, he torgot his warmed and made a lunge at me which left him un- Tmrvv1 onifKlV aSlQe. aiM SCUilulI ui, i- aiiaduried my steel .b heart before I own sword naa iosi mejpius g - As I drew out the reeking blade I became aware, lor the first time, of the wild tumult of sounds around me. A hasty glance assured me that we barely maintained our goiod, while several of my brave fellows lay n Z dVk wouuded or dying ; but befor 1 . conld see whether the ranks of the foe had been equally thinned, and while yet scarcely an jnst had passed ancetbj m -'.mot. a loud, dear hazza, . swelnng ZSSLm; to at myide, dturn-tn7qclm- to my joy .that fJ& prc4cded from a dozen of our tars, who had reached pryctweu " f i schooner Iu us at inai momcui u , - .. ... i-.. Wiaravipr n:ui miuiuu i . . . i. :.tinaTit mpssmar na luti of tb foe Tint this momenuujr the deck, snouteu our uaupa. - j-j OT.menie. i , -.not of bis balls pas-1 v".- , , :i, .iTtnttnctAnemv did not wait it. .ri uicriinnmnii. mm . .. i iiochui on Tne asaouauu. . . TnfHHII fll IMC . ' .. - ... V.n 1 XifcJ-" $564 30 $39 25 EXPEXSES. Ploughing and sowing Seed,- , i - .: Harvesting and threshing. Interest on land, " " j Net profit, Sunderland, Nov. 1; 1854. $2 2 4 4 00 00 50 50 $13 00. . $20 25 Ket profit, Hadtey, Oct. A, 1854." ' In a report oh their wheat crop, Messrs. t. D; & J. mittemote-Jr., say, "Our crop of wheat was Sunderland on one acre ana wry-v In 1851, the piece was sown wilb urn ivy. raised in of cTOund and seeded with clover, WHAT FOOD WILL PRODUCE TIIE MOST WOOL. Peas, beans, vetches, etc., arc useful for purpose of Enriching the blood, by fuming it with largo supplies of albumen,-which is itspnncipal coMUtaent It will be remembered that in the analysis of flesh and blood the relative proportions of their constituents aro nearly identical consequently, whatevet food contomj nitrogen, and the greatest amount of albumen, is best , adapted to the development of flesh or muscle, and is therefore the most nutritious. Wlicat, rye, barley, and buckwheat, contain large quantities : especially, the first two ; while oats, it will have been seen, contains ten and a half per cent, of its orgamo; elements of albumen, and peons and beans no Ic ss than twenty-mneper cent. What conclusion, then, is tobe, drawn from this? , The chemical composition of horr. V,o!W onZ and CVCU leaineTH, W buubui; a Kf tb I2tb of Sentem- n.1B' T"i..rLZ:- ior,t conmlated albu. Soughed in the second crop of cW,a Der' , . T. t:, f vf7 bald and bearded mc"ttr:..i ' ,n,i oxides of iron and sow.t two totkuoi t ;' - i.if ana pnospim v. f.vl , ... knchci ot ruA.TirsL. anu uiro nuu i ; nanoo it. win reaanv uuikiu wm wnite uiut uuo"v' . ' , i, i mausraucao.: . , . , S U nl TT I 1 I U spring, bushels sneii nme, yurnu. rfrr--- w bnt ww. most nw, r1":::" ' :.... n .w. and from the drOugnt in summer. c j-j-- ,(066 combination me inorguni,, - v - ?ortyV cent was winter killed We harvested in . tt aasimiate mostly fore forma- Ju?,and for want otbarn room, had it hedmv fl .. may be cxemphffcd thus : a ifoWbvWdrconseauentlywe Walarge per 1 mQV hft bihlv productive of corn, as well as a ceht by ite'beWleft inthe straw. The quantity V3, yet for the Paction or Tl i5 was estimated at from ttree to five bushels gJ -t Iack opcr proportion of the phos- A at isSels of the last, nd narroweu-wcu. ven to the sheep wnicn win euppy Wo6..--r.. IB oi , . f H twft a3 a balf Blv .rTti. . w dariM ratio Will increase tho we soweu uii i e,.r. potion oi aioumcu, . , - f? nf of plaster, and nve Darreis "ni, wool- secretions, and, consequent, r "i-tAo mWWirpnTrf the severe winter , L.tMt hmmer. then also hold tn Of the bearded, we had nineteen bushels, and of the bald six bushels, or twenty-five bushels of wheat, per fectly free from rye and all foul seeds. - i ; 5 VALUE OP CROP- 25 bushels of wheat sold for Value of straw, - ' ' - - - wneai ii mav rntt r s; : ivA phate and carbonate ot lime, anu CW.""('VV; Kerry wiU not only 'bo deficient in quantity but in quality; horizon, lied." . .. . , . ,, ; l it,, onnnnrl 1? T1- Ah ! there it comes at last, suu uc riwfing. . Our men discharge, OTlTT . . tbroforp. his broansioe invial I - au I uiat h wu. . . nninuvrm vui - ;ii. remcywmcn.e 10 we him uu o v. x t rr r.. Now. U he wuJ only keep in ni """" nn authentic disclaimer oi me aiiriuu.? v. . - - - . - .,r nr t m. 1 am no otneer . - - i:i Ln!1 "rTTnTtel Colonies if I do not give him some well whip hrni yet, my r.f h'.r tmnriica.!. OlTOreSSire auu in.r.-runuii ru..i. v- - u mon hnvf hart SO lllr 1 :. . . lnTnm! "siTe ll w " - ' ' ' A A .. - T. . t . 1 - I 1 i . KIT .SI Wt'AJi U. Uib " ' tio tr. Ho of iitte. anu Uie iouS w oj . " T V".. k. tn tb4 oasneu ou . . . - ;t, . tnfign , -i nmau urn n e id in j nv, v. w 1 . . OT iu. j,,, At tne coniui , ucm - : naa iaia iwi y i rjamc. tney : board;1ut i hatchwaySw ne hnrtnn w Wptp. ;umWof our woumled was ff jessed, the report of the nrc nun Clmrch. and of those acts and her tyrannical, oppressive ana pcrsecuun, which have been repeatedly Oetaiieu. Tlmnk Gnd ! the first broads.de over, 1 i , U' --i: .r1 we have the best or it. and wink 1 do it m a manner iuuicuu i . " iha; i would venture to attacK almost ffpT an oainst the worm i - , which the present rK,litical state of our conn- tPfohVrCavendish 1 You have had WA men sprang up from -to feta. .rydemaab.rte i,m "leremoriZtf rfnanrf d. We EfSSh with the bucanies lately tliat .Jf,S Xv? arms hiffh, rave VCTtfoM kn-.w what individual priests and bishops have said su ch l0,-mJ is worth a WSSrethev- wnnrnenced reJoadmg their aeainst Popes and councils, and their proceedings, I suppose you thmk no common y thnsjaBthoere th ; ft cb?eff bt it jras and aaainst other parts of that system, but these are thought. . " said I " but I think we shall twSat of onr owtf men, little time, r..r rPTx-t: ad mvtandum vulzus, and will be nn- " ot altogether, said J ou a less hearty than tnax or p. bravadoes ; i i, wr xmaii frratmeu. iw""" r : .. i v.Mxrevtr. was lost uu nu . . , au.l bv thfi same individuals, or by others, when oc casion" requires. The disavowal, or the disclaiming of anv priest or bishop in the Roman Catholic Church, is not worth more, and has no more authori ty than mine. It is, therefore, of no value to any American prelate to say that he does not approve this or that, or agree to this or that They must all submit to, and they will all inculcate on all suitable occasions, every degree of the council of Trent Thus have the Jesuites done, and are still doing not onlv in Eurone. but in the land of freedom. They first explain away everything, but finally explain it back a?ain they. nave our wiou 6-- fla aa tnnnt.ilv twice our size, and he carr.es m j v Xthlyou're right, Harry ""said my old nro matl The shut the glass with a jerk, after barm m cOnltuence of my last remark, taken atooj at the strange sail, that's no sleepy "" windward. But weU WJ2J2 less ; one doesn't like to run away from the first ship 1 ufnoT hdp smiling when Ighlex- i i. kq iionTonftTiL was ciiuwii"'" cuses witn m-U 4. . nn -zrApb otf?n All directions; a few jumping over- 1 I'.i I 111.. A.11I AAVVB T 4. 1 '.l . iA wnirarVR afforded scarcely rTriy.: At'of tbpm trnnblissr headlong down uie nessod the report of the fin- r.i s had Deen nearu uu WTCS bpn Sn;oectin2 foul play, a boat mvol-1 rrT. , ii c,i,l off to our rescue. SSrby Jove r .aid. my messmate the rascals." - - " 5 . .li.;j t few . "Your arrival was most ?PPrt -v minutes later and it would nave peeu y AndSen as'lnmmy Zt Ul i eantic foe, I could not restrain the remark, lt; is a wonder to me now wc "H" - 99 oVrTltcwi a so lit-1 , ' tTrtm rive it to mm wim bowever wa i - - bnn? alike. conscious uuw - f.ir all WftS tremblinsr in the scales. as yet, : oKrtrifiafl ,ZVZTm that." lanirhingly aitn, u ,uu T 5 -;t - something fo ;talk of mm ..J " ol rUrm.'' arae coarsely back in nt miyBamate J"" - " 4u ,Vntr bn.n't come Slandn atourc "without the marks of Sh&SvSlfc-' ' But I had forgot to ask who or what this rascal is. . The prize proved to oe . - EXPENSES.V Ploughing, sowing, and harrowing, Seed-wheat, - - Lime, plaster, salt , ; ; " " Harvesting and threshing, -Interest on land, - . ' - . f ; . r SLiti- bU Prliibits the results of the ex- $62 50 pcriments bf the distinguished agriculturist, Dj . Rau- - 7 00 Ser, on the effcets produced by an eaual quantity of seveVal substances in increasing the flesh, tallow, ami $69 50 wool of sheep: , i . - : - I Pr'd'ed Pr-dVd livinor animal. wooL -c Ullow. $3 3 5 .8 5 75 37 35 00 00 lba. lba. lba. rawy $25 47 $44 03 off," he She, had re-! Net prtfit, i Sunderland, Fov. S, ' , .a ' I a report on 'co-K, AM JOJ 1 Z 5S com was hoed twice. The hSta were not nd. oni .prp three feet apart each way. The sou was a sToJSa. fh of Septembcr.the crop was harvested . :. . ' VALUE Or tKur. tk inoViola of comrat $1. - 5 ' ' " 4,895 pounds of fodder, at $6 per ton, 4 1-2 bushels of soft corn, - " " 46 44 38 155 146 136 134 133 90 129 : 120 1-2; 1-2 6 6 5 14 10 11 14 14 12 13 10 1-2 12 1-2 11 1-4 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 C 59 42 60 41 35 43 17 33 1-2 1-2. 1-2 1-2 1-2 1,000 lbs.! potatoes, ' with salt - 4 do. do; do., without salt, ! do. do., piangel wurtzel, raw, r - - do do., wheat, - - - do. do., pats, - ' do. do., barley, - ' do. dopeas, - do. do., rye, with sanv do. do;, rye, Without salt, do. do., meal, wet, - do. do..buckwheat - These Results are said to agree with ttoaj. of Do. DonS, wd with those of a number of other agri- CQ?trwin'be perceived by the above table that' - J2S JSt increase in the flesh of thesbcep. CIu ter than oats; that peas, vneai tuuuftu q . . . . nf irooi ! ana 1-2 -$75 00 If 47 1 12 every lumg. uuw uuai.j - . . .nirA attack on a Have saddiea tne i ope auu uie juatnj rr x. council of Trent noon manv of the fairest kinjrdoms of -the earth, and ere long, and unless the American e"ward off the blow, thev too will be encircled ft - . -i ..i- i a n i in ncr iatai con, a vici-un w a not only more than twice onr size, bat appa- mat was noi omjr mu - - - , r -ntlv an armed cruzier, ior a kikw wo '. W7bSn sanS Ttf this had been the hundredth. v rru: I ij r v vosqpI ne nau uicv - o lUClUUCca im i omu wa 1- " . , , i reply, as the roar ot tne Cuu nTlRtrlkin7 ta o manv shot in her hull, and was aireaaj words, a btvH whizzed over mj - n r-' ri rWit we concluded to more tne prisoners a poor fellow behind me on the - VfalheTno.-; Her crew were accordingly orderea at to""-. its blood, as' one by one on ite flisrht lentne.neM..- , , t lirned v. Then if from the fet of an enm over - SIWa Before .1 rtl mh T.n Hin-. " i . ;kcik "" . EXPENSES 18 loads manure, -. 8 bushels leached asnes, $90 59 $18 fafhandcuffed, and transferred to the hin harrowing, and hauhng enliaidatmin,1igh.ted itandputoff JJ,, , Ireachedour crait-rwmcn tTopIh-t and ashing, - c . . 1 manure, away sics itea aanger. i ci . v -e jwi to u i. t ii vi nvo timt ne wuuiu, u. racier, a ' v. , -,.j i Dnnth lT.QPlT. ILI1U UKU nave run lULu Auiuaiiii ' r- n i . . t ...... t AMnnr nuva. nuu neet at ancnor. au uui ---- . , ften been fellow officers on board tne rruw, differed on this trait in his dim. he felt called on, from a conscious to make some, excuse to me ior 010 "n 'tbe dence in approaching toWST i i hovt ciOHMiautcu ' ana, aunng ine cuu.c. -- , , dashing rapidly up W" drew nearer 'iIZ- km 2!S:JS3." coupes loomed. upJarge rZa dfrectlv her hammock nett ?p- craft was aUU UllAiuivuo, . mr . wH AW . ii ain Kaon , . . .i-i . j An rrv manm tjvi Tvtw is not the offspring of the imagination the past nis- separate commauu, rr with whicn he in tory of the pPal .Church justifies the eclatiom- more n6tonous g-Thefealt of his.cha- Ireland, by Jesuitical rnetonc, was ens avw ropes of Rome. In England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, there were Christian churches, ages before the Popes of Rome were born. Bat by this cha raelloa attribute of becoming all things to all man, for a wbile, she has made all men become what she nleasea. Thna bv d&rrees undar this system, the hu man spirit is broken, degraded, and debas:d, night e-Nasa. and. finafrr. arross darkness covers tue people. I'n-n in Canada, siirse the papacy has gained the as c.'ii.k;ncy laws have boon passed in the provincial as r -lahlies. pivins to school commissioners and grand j-.r r3 the privilege of "makins their marks instead of tcr ting their names." Nothing no. preserve our re publican institutions but a system ot intellectual and moral culture, accessible to. every chM born upon nnr ar.il or bron7nt to OUT Shores. UBltej we thUS benevolently co-operate in this great cause ot human itv. thk last and best hope of the oppreesed f ll nations, will vanish from the. earth, and a new aj ghostly despotism will arise, and extend its iron scep tre over this our beloved land. Nothing but lntelli- liv difFnsfid. can save us U:tl MIU V II. fclXVr Al , from tbi dtvad catistronlie. The recent success . tbo TYm.-vratic nartv of Virirmia,in iJ their candidit.s, may alone be attributed to tne Lm .rjuic-i of f ir m isses. Educate the popie, auu wj at tltna t.io arartloss aoJ siameless dema gizar tiiat is now unb.us lingiy pandermg to tic fore ver ir oiiioo; faese userabie miscreants, taat would uouL-sitatiajiy sV tu dear bought ngylsol our fathers Tor pubiie mp. would not tien dare to breatae thi ataispUfirem National liberty. In Protestant t? n .tiioli.. minority, they uu- - dcrstand go well tiie importance and utdity ot cd ucatuin, and U power to dissipate tha darkness ot Ruprst;tion, always tyrannical, thai. law compelled to bj educated, ana well as iataliectuallv. i the aiffhT. i e '"- - -LT rpmoved -to some., distance me i ?j iiTir mpv !5im uu- i ttiia Time uau r--.-. murdered man saw the noma - . w rr ; ; X . i. . t . j : ioaion : tor as r nharitwton. wnere ire icu --r -. , , . . ni feJfn- Wen did their pan uu j. rf v"rAT"' totion, and while we reinamed ia port - j. j x n nimw rrnm uie n" no umt icuui . i Voovt'o content -:.. ; ..... we were uw-:-. Vooor however, to couwdub wo w "v o- - Imager, nowever, lorurer than was ab-J ship blew up, We rifTR Charleston, where mi ieeiinsjs. " ftWv from the decKsoi lv believe that he wotlld, it ap.'. 1 w. deadly shot scattered tne xgei, nwwn tio lorurer than month itself, and fired the iJnpa nmu theWTlinr shrieks wmcn 10 now- begun We ,w r na.- Inless than V r.r davs. when we nao wiia.y u;r --- ed the accuienx wi . a fortnight we left tne narnor, auu snfinrreri "rrt ntv lads," said the the south. n f S!TiS'8 our own." - v more sncn suuta - - Cutting and stacking, Carting and husking, Interest on landr Netda, : si,Mjund. Oct. : 25, I80. 6 1 3 2 6 5 00 80 00 25 50 00 00 00 and rye, produce Bivu. a increafle of that &r4 .L. rSr do when in equal weight ; wd M twice as much wool as b of roots, ana several r"m the forerroinff is. The legitimate conclusion fronvtne ioregouifj , tbat tiie rSk master, whose object is wool only must that the npcKBw , gtraW whose consUt- SklionMSK tata.oneorM of fat mutton. This be turnea over w mo r TTAVtr TO JUUUHi Ai AlWAWOXi.- . . 9uTc2vCo reportslns Wfollo 0fthe Prairie Farmer, contrary i&SSJhSS three unu - N SSmSertakes'to i. - T " i I Discovery. ExJiummg afr -DMnA Stat.-Yesterday ffman oay m -, a 110 0n ?om fodder, estimal Extraordinary Sown arm, nor did the stent nine M ,M termined to win w . ,,r - .--aon. Our whichattarsom The hair is cut very short. quantity of land bdng three . : -xa - ;f ; VAtet OP. crop-. ISO bushels, at $100, ' " " 8 baskets of soircorn, , - rn fodder, estimated t t mo- state oi petrau. ,i'Mnches i , j hf Mottn oPTiriii. a iaap -vvw iv""" rf- jt... 77 r.. oat tbftt threarenea m- su"? ..--- . vrtrit fiv feet seven-incneo shot in xne ;nbar?e of the human race is a mme --;-y6 KXPESSE3. 45 loads of manure; 3- , Mannre and spreading - Planting and seed, se, a run m u"ut - disclosed the cross of .St. of elect- very There was now no escape. Iher gauge, and was mTgTt have SSZ dismou &w!f P"!?1 L rnanVreason for the that his fire slackened, exercise 6f ution. It would be impossible for jus now to aw a combat or to get to windward by any manoeuvre; tut to have attempted to escape Dy g0iu at. bi TlOSt wikiiiuuu . I . fm.. nnT fioi T.np. weii- i i Avirtonr. mai wo un 1 lie euciu; . in CT.mvu- . . - thin closing iio"Y Aireaay nis mw" 7- Z,-,, two of his twice that one or more of our little crew ieu, n leugv flCTeral as its; fonnauon lnatting am . . mrMvri oo severely i nave "ecu - . u . 'rtva laaonartimr ana nusiauK ktit it wk nuAK.iA.w. i nitiTT nnimnnii v iii riit- - i . i perfect and apparency um- -; , seemsito I Hodag ahd cultivating, The, face Interest pnTand,, ZIZ6 00' .Aesotfof doseobseiTation ana ion? 18 OOl f the color flight sorrd or cnesmu, m. . " T .. . iiz --s. oi-L-a or tnnaness. r . mfSs fa horse or good sense, and capable of bejng A lmost anv thinir. , r A: "rpects such horsesTthe mors .kindly you trea, i W tetter you will be treated in return. Nor fed. " -V ..: i.l-.'"-oM' mva that is dish wfflhave Wmuch gonahead in him to. PL 00 . 'Jt 4'CO , -V23 00 s'-v.n oo iTl5 oo oo - Kl Vl U1W every child is by that morality, as off before the fcwiuid liave been mar tness, s nce r :t.' .i mnrot for OUT little craft. Gloomy, thereferas tiie prospect appeared tor i , VnnKa;, -hnt Piwh man. as weunuu ,u.s luuic uu. " r. T4 limT1.h of that called us to quart irs,nurryo ma ."Wnr rfacken , roew about to eniraie an tnlenor sackcu .u-ni-jf . " r-..Y. .3va- , -or-.- bad uaen so uw"y. , itw force, instead of one of the etierny ; trere v TKr mn b'i,1 bv thlS ume eu auu nJ.v-; i:?-- . nl ft OlCe naucu ".U'ri-y ... --j - ,v. .:i fka iiiyn iwn t a.ici"-'- - ...nnimpiir, was mc- e tnai nw m . onj bniM? amoice -nn - observing witn any Frdarge we had done to the enemy. For some rmnutcalonQcer cft. but at the end nnnbnted vteor of that penoa r:r -. - that our success 'ed., i . ; rr?;vi few jninutes longer, tne had baen so decisi' " ther 8iIcncefl, and di- its pans, every m-r-, -. ht aqa developed- to the white m fSkabSand strange: emttonT tbe .-ae and hrtrewed i notbm or aaenmw: v"''"-. , ernoon, but notnmuf what length, of at rdative to the use ' time it had lain tnere, o- - - buried.- ed at Harvest -" fediea -deep, and alvearsmust nave , . f-' Htgaiii gP-Tbof"wm . Net gain,- $71 le.norse, -;r'i,t be i fypii want a .fDOi,oaL- ;. ft"t him: if Vis 00 J sailinsr on, far up m i ii : WIU uer eiiiK: J n niCA V ' . . I il. n 'TOTO' I I I 1 n T the bine etner, snvermg tne g .nrrenderecU The annouum.- - . radiance, and snowermma noou "Vcbr from our brave mrs,am.rvt ride such a ' face is a htUe ousnea, --- - - . ridinrthey horse. woo o,.-r r ... .rr. . . 1, sparkles on every bUlowy cres rediu hefli'ht &vciyr, I. Cincinnati Inquirer - .Vj ... -i,- - . .j . iAr.4A(-i i in im hi iii in i nrini -a r. fbH ceicKenson tricky ana ;Jr ffive'0ut never buy r: o. i - Tf mi sam one vuav " " r - - .1 i 1 33 ot manure 1.1 . Corn was 1. 'The corn er, and yield e ground was es deep, sad . . , Lia. V.tn Wa tot ttTfi. .X- bnffhelaDda nan oi: . :7 If ,m want on. . - ,:X v. n t rtand .w": tn.tte-.v51r W.wblt. ahont H rro"0fini. rtma-u r was were appuea. dayafterrrt)on,butnoms length f then planted SSa'anagr H uuoi "ul- ... .a.. fxiisn ia n. that roii -d up and a load cneer crable distance aparv v " , -....5 -,r,t, ot bad now fallen a consiuyw. wvot-m board ue cros . woman not a woman ? , Whel. she k lit- sown w.tu - vnBhpi , The crop was har- nt sevTV-nve ceuu v" """tt " . '' less white aoouv i.x SsStioM thus made are on account ipcest doci-i .

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